Perks (Skyrim) (2024)

Perks (Skyrim) (1)
For other uses, see Perks.

Perks are a feature introduced in The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim.

Every time a level is gained, a point is granted to spend on a perk. However, points do not need to be used immediately; they can be saved for use later if the Dragonborn does not have the Skill Level required to have that perk.

Most perks will have certain requirements before they can be chosen—for instance, perks after the first point in Shield Wall require a Block level of 20 or higher. High-end perks, such as Shield Charge, require a Block level of 100.

Skill prerequisites aside, most perks for a given skill depend upon a previously obtained perk. The exception being the starting perk, that must be obtained first in order to obtain any other perks for that skill. The skills of Destruction, Restoration, Alteration, Heavy Armor, Sneak, Lockpicking, Pickpocket, and Speech all have a perk dependency structure that is similar to a rooted tree. Hence the term, perk tree.

Some perks in a tree cannot be obtained by looping around another path, after reaching the end of the tree. An example of this is on the Smithing tree. The Daedric Smithing perk, which comes before the Dragon Armor perk, cannot be obtained from the left side of the tree, despite the Dragon Armor perk being visibly joined to the Glass Armor perk.

Perks are detailed on the individual skill pages, along with their requirements.


  • 1 Perk limit
  • 2 Perk points refund
  • 3 Perks
    • 3.1 The Mage
      • 3.1.1 Illusion
      • 3.1.2 Conjuration
      • 3.1.3 Destruction
      • 3.1.4 Restoration
      • 3.1.5 Alteration
      • 3.1.6 Enchanting
    • 3.2 The Warrior
      • 3.2.1 Smithing
      • 3.2.2 Heavy Armor
      • 3.2.3 Block
      • 3.2.4 Two-Handed
      • 3.2.5 One-Handed
      • 3.2.6 Archery
    • 3.3 The Thief
      • 3.3.1 Light Armor
      • 3.3.2 Sneak
      • 3.3.3 Lockpicking
      • 3.3.4 Pickpocket
      • 3.3.5 Speech
      • 3.3.6 Alchemy
  • 4 Gallery

Perk limit[]

There are 251 perks in the game. Originally, there was a level cap of 81, which meant a maximum of 80 perks could be acquired. As of patch 1.9, this limit has been lifted with the addition of Legendary Skills. This addition grants the ability to level up past 81 by resetting skills trees back to level 15. Doing this gives back perk points spent on the skill to use on other locked perks while also letting the Dragonborn level up and upgrade their health, magicka, or stamina indefinitely. One can have all two-hundred and fifty-one perks by level 252.

Perk points refund[]

Perks (Skyrim) (2)

With the addition of Dragonborn add-on, and after completing the quest "At the Summit of Apocrypha"the player is granted the option to refund all the perks points in anySkilltree at the cost of one Dragon Soul. The perks are returned and can be spent elsewhere. This can be done to each skill tree as many times as liked so long as the player has Dragon Souls to spend. The player can return to the area any time they want by reading the Black Book: Waking Dreams anywhere onSolstheim.


The following are the perks that become available to select as the skills are leveled up:

The Mage[]


Novice IllusionNoneCast Novice level Illusion spells for half magicka.000F2CA9
Illusion Dual CastingIllusion 20, Novice IllusionDual casting an Illusion spell overcharges the effects into an even more powerful version.000153D0
AnimageIllusion 20, Novice IllusionIllusion spells now work on higher level animals (+8 levels).000581E1
Apprentice IllusionIllusion 25, Novice IllusionCast Apprentice level Illusion spells for half magicka.000C44C3
Hypnotic GazeIllusion 30, Novice IllusionCalm spells now work on higher level opponents (+8 levels).00059B77
Kindred MageIllusion 40, AnimageAll Illusion spells work on higher level people (+10 levels).000581E2
Adept IllusionIllusion 50, Apprentice IllusionCast Adept level Illusion spells for half magicka.000C44C4
Aspect of TerrorIllusion 50, Hypnotic GazeFear spells work on higher level opponents (+10 levels).00059B78
Quiet CastingIllusion 50, Kindred MageAll spells cast from any school of magic are silent to others.000581FD
RageIllusion 70, Aspect of TerrorFrenzy spells work on higher level opponents (+12 levels).000C44B5
Expert IllusionIllusion 75, Adept IllusionCast Expert level Illusion spells for half magicka.000C44C5
Master of the MindIllusion 90, Rage, Quiet CastingIllusion spells work on undead, daedra and automatons.00059B76
Master IllusionIllusion 100, Expert IllusionCast Master level Illusion spells for half magicka.000C44C6


Perk (Ranks)RequirementsDescriptionID
Novice ConjurationNoneCast Novice level Conjuration spells for half magicka000F2CA7
Conjuration Dual CastingConjuration 20, Novice ConjurationDual casting a Conjuration spell overcharges the effects into a longer lasting version000153CE
Mystic BindingConjuration 20, Novice ConjurationBound weapons do more damage000640B3
Apprentice ConjurationConjuration 25, Novice ConjurationCast Apprentice level Conjuration spells for half magicka000C44BB
Summoner (2)Conjuration 30/70, Novice ConjurationCan summon Atronachs, raise undead or Dremora Lords twice as far away (three times as far for the second rank at Conjuration 70)00105F30
Soul StealerConjuration 30, Mystic BindingBound weapons cast Soul Trap on targets000D799E
NecromancyConjuration 40, Novice ConjurationGreater duration for reanimated undead000581DD
AtromancyConjuration 40, SummonerDouble duration for conjured Atronachs and Dremora Lords000CB419
Oblivion BindingConjuration 50, Soul StealerBound weapons will banish summoned creatures and turn raised ones000D799C
Adept ConjurationConjuration 50, Apprentice ConjurationCast Adept level Conjuration spells for half magicka000C44BC
Dark SoulsConjuration 70, NecromancyReanimated undead have 100 points more health000581DE
Expert ConjurationConjuration 75, Adept ConjurationCast Expert level Conjuration spells for half magicka000C44BD
Elemental PotencyConjuration 80, AtromancyConjured Atronachs are 50% more powerful000CB41A
Twin SoulsConjuration 100, Elemental Potency OR Dark SoulsThe player can have two conjured creatures000D5F1C
Master Conjuration*Conjuration 100, Expert ConjurationCast Master level Conjuration spells for half magicka000C44BE


Perk (Ranks)RequirementsDescription
Novice DestructionNoneCast Novice level Destruction spells for half magicka
Destruction Dual CastingDestruction 20, Novice DestructionDual casting a Destruction spell overcharges the effects into an even more powerful version
Apprentice DestructionDestruction 25, Novice DestructionCast Apprentice level Destruction spells for half magicka
Augmented Flames (2)Destruction 30/60, Novice DestructionFire spells do 25% more damage (50% for second rank) (Affects all fire weapon enchantments, not just self-enchanted ones.)
Augmented Frost (2)Destruction 30/60, Novice DestructionFrost spells do 25% more damage (50% for second rank) (Affects all frost weapon enchantments, not just self-enchanted ones.)
Augmented Shock (2)Destruction 30/60, Novice DestructionShock spells do 25% more damage (50% for second rank) (Affects all shock weapon enchantments, not just self-enchanted ones.)
ImpactDestruction 40, Destruction Dual CastingMost destruction spells will stagger an opponent when dual cast
Rune MasterDestruction 40, Apprentice DestructionCan place runes five times farther away
Adept DestructionDestruction 50, Apprentice DestructionCast Adept level Destruction spells for half magicka
Intense FlamesDestruction 50, Augmented FlamesFire damage causes targets to flee if their health is low
Deep FreezeDestruction 60, Augmented FrostFrost damage paralyzes targets if their health is low
DisintegrateDestruction 70, Augmented ShockShock damage disintegrates targets if their health is low
Expert DestructionDestruction 75, Adept DestructionCast Expert level Destruction spells for half magicka
Master DestructionDestruction 100, Expert DestructionCast Master level Destruction spells for half magicka


Perk (Ranks)RequirementsDescription
Novice RestorationNoneCast Novice level Restoration spells for half magicka
Restoration Dual CastingRestoration 20, Novice RestorationDual casting a Restoration spell overcharges the effects into an even more powerful version
RegenerationRestoration 20, Novice RestorationHealing spells cure 50% more
Apprentice RestorationRestoration 25, Novice RestorationCast Apprentice level Restoration spells for half magicka
Recovery (2)Restoration 30/60, Novice RestorationMagicka regenerates 25% faster (50% for second rank)

(Counteracts the -50% magicka regeneration of the Atronach Stone.)

RespiteRestoration 40, Novice RestorationHealing spells also restore stamina
Adept RestorationRestoration 50, Apprentice RestorationCast Adept level Restoration spells for half magicka
Ward AbsorbRestoration 60, Novice RestorationWards that are cast absorb 25% of magicka that hits them.

See also: The Atronach Stone or Dragonskin and Atronach perk, as they combine with this for easily reaching 100% spell absorption.

NecromageRestoration 70, RegenerationAll spells are more effective against undead
Expert RestorationRestoration 75, Adept RestorationCast Expert level Restoration spells for half magicka
Avoid DeathRestoration 90, RecoveryOnce a day, heals 250 points automatically if the caster falls below 10% health (possible to get 400 heath regenerated when stacked with Sailor's Repose and the Regeneration perk)
Master RestorationRestoration 100, Expert RestorationCast Master level Restoration spells for half magicka


Perk (Ranks)RequirementsDescription
Novice AlterationNoneCast Novice level Alteration spells for half magicka
Alteration Dual CastingAlteration 20, Novice AlterationDual casting an Alteration spell overcharges the effects into an even more powerful version
Apprentice AlterationAlteration 25, Novice AlterationCast Apprentice level Alteration spells for half magicka
Mage Armor (3)Alteration 30/50/70, Apprentice AlterationProtection spells like Stoneflesh are twice as strong if not wearing armor (+0.5 per additional rank)
Magic Resistance (3)Alteration 30/50/70, Apprentice AlterationBlocks 10%/20%/30% of a spells effect.

Magic resistance does not stop friendly spells from affecting the caster.See also: Breton, Agent of Mara and The Lord Stone for a method of achieving 85% resistance without requiring any gear.

Adept AlterationAlteration 50, Apprentice AlterationCast Adept level Alteration spells for half magicka
StabilityAlteration 70, Adept AlterationAlteration spells have greater duration (+50%)
Expert AlterationAlteration 75, Adept AlterationCast Expert level Alteration spells for half magicka
AtronachAlteration 100, Expert AlterationGrants 30% Spell Absorption

Spell absorption will block friendly spells as well as hostile ones.

Master AlterationAlteration 100, Expert AlterationCast Master level Alteration spells for half magicka


Perk (Ranks)RequirementsDescription
Enchanter (5)Enchanting 0/20/40/60/80New enchantments are 20/40/60/80/100% stronger (+20% per rank)
Soul SqueezerEnchanting 20
Soul gems provide extra magicka for recharging
Fire EnchanterEnchanting 30
Fire enchantments on weapons and armor are 25% stronger
Soul SiphonEnchanting 40
Soul Squeezer
Death blows to creatures, but not people, trap 5% of the victim's soul, recharging the weapon
Frost EnchanterEnchanting 40
Fire Enchanter
Frost enchantments on weapons and armor are 25% stronger
Insightful EnchanterEnchanting 50
Skill enchantments on armor are 25% stronger
Storm EnchanterEnchanting 50
Frost Enchanter
Shock enchantments on weapons and armor are 25% stronger
Corpus EnchanterEnchanting 70
Insightful Enchanter
Health, magicka and stamina enchantments on armor are 25% stronger
Extra EffectEnchanting 100
Storm Enchanter or Corpus Enchanter
Can put two enchantments on the same item

The Warrior[]


Perk (Ranks)RequirementsDescription
Steel Smithing**No requirementCan create steel armor and weapons at forges, and improve them twice as much.
Arcane BlacksmithSmithing 60,
Steel Smithing
Magical weapons and armor can now be improved.
Elven Smithing**Smithing 30,
Steel Smithing
Can create Elven armor and weapons at forges, and improve them twice as much.
Advanced Armors**Smithing 50,
Elven Smithing
Can create scaled and steel plate armor at forges, and improve them twice as much.
Glass SmithingSmithing 70,
Advanced Armors
Can create glass armor and weapons at forges, and improve them twice as much.
Dwarven SmithingSmithing 30,
Steel Smithing
Can create Dwarven armor and weapons at forges, and improve them twice as much.
Orcish SmithingSmithing 50,
Dwarven Smithing
Can create Orcish armor and weapons at forges, and improve them twice as much.
Ebony Smithing**Smithing 80,
Orcish Smithing
Can create ebony armor and weapons at forges, and improve them twice as much.
Daedric SmithingSmithing 90,
Ebony Smithing
Can create daedric armor and weapons at forges, and improve them twice as much.
Dragon ArmorSmithing 100,
Glass or Daedric Smithing
Can create dragon armor and weapons* at forges, and improve them twice as much.

Heavy Armor[]

Perk (Ranks)RequirementsDescriptionNotes
Perks (Skyrim) (3)
Juggernaut (5)Heavy Armor 00/ 20/ 40/ 60/ 80Increases armor rating for Heavy Armor by 20%/ 40%/ 60%/ 80%/ 100%.(+20% per additional rank)
Fists of SteelHeavy Armor 30, JuggernautUnarmed attacks with Heavy Armor gauntlets do their armor rating in extra damage.An extra damage only affects their base armor.
Other effects and enchantments that affect unarmed damage stack with this perk.
Well FittedHeavy Armor 30, Juggernaut25% Armor bonus if wearing all Heavy Armor: head, chest, hands, feet.
CushionedHeavy Armor 50, Fists of SteelHalf damage from falling if wearing all Heavy Armor: head, chest, hands, feet.Also reduces damage from environmental physics such as flying debris launched into the air by force shouts or other enemy attacks, and some traps.
Tower of StrengthHeavy Armor 50, Well Fitted50% less stagger when wearing only Heavy Armor.
ConditioningHeavy Armor 70, CushionedHeavy Armor weighs nothing and doesn't slow you down when worn.Wearing Heavy armor no longer affects how much stamina is used when sprinting.
Matching SetHeavy Armor 70, Tower of StrengthAdditional 25% Armor bonus if wearing a matched set of Heavy Armor.
Reflect BlowsHeavy Armor 100, Matching Set10% chance to reflect melee damage back to the enemy while wearing all Heavy Armor: head, chest, hands, feet.


Perk (Ranks)RequirementsDescriptionTwo-Handed Weapon Compatible
Shield Wall (5)Block 0/20/40/60/80Blocking is 20% more effective (+5% per additional rank)Yes
Deflect ArrowsBlock 30, Shield WallArrows that hit the shield do no damageNo
Quick ReflexesBlock 30, Shield WallTime slows down if you are blocking during an enemy's power attackYes
Power BashBlock 30, Shield WallAble to do a power bashYes
Elemental ProtectionBlock 50, Deflect ArrowsBlocking with a shield reduces incoming fire, frost and shock damage by 50%No
Deadly BashBlock 50, Power BashBashing does five times more damageYes
Block RunnerBlock 70, Elemental ProtectionAble to move faster with a shield or weapon raisedYes
Disarming BashBlock 70, Deadly BashChance to disarm when power bashing (50% chance)Yes
Shield ChargeBlock 100, Block RunnerSprinting with a shield raised knocks down most targetsNo

(But refer to bug section)


Perk (Ranks)RequirementsDescription
Barbarian (5)Two-Handed 20/40/60/80Two-Handed weapons do 20% more damage (+20% per additional rank)
Champion's StanceTwo-Handed 20, BarbarianPower attacks with two-handed weapons cost 25% less stamina
Limbsplitter (3)Two-Handed 30/60/90, BarbarianAttacks with battle axes cause extra bleeding damage (Additional ranks raise the bleeding damage)
Deep Wounds (3)Two-Handed 30/60/90, BarbarianAttacks with greatswords have a 10% chance of doing critical damage (+5% per additional rank)
Skull Crusher (3)Two-Handed 30/60/90, BarbarianAttacks with warhammers ignore 25% of armor (+25% per additional rank)
Devastating BlowTwo-Handed 50, Champion's StanceStanding power attacks do 25% bonus damage with a chance to decapitate your enemies
Great Critical ChargeTwo-Handed 50, Champion's StanceCan do a two-handed power attack while sprinting that does double critical damage
SweepTwo-Handed 70, Devastating Blow OR Great Critical ChargeSideways power attacks with two-handed weapons hit all targets in front of you
WarmasterTwo-Handed 100, SweepBackwards power attack has a 25% chance to paralyze the target


Perk (Ranks)RequirementsDescriptionID
Armsman (5)One-Handed 0/20/40/60/80One-handed weapons do 20% more damage (+20% per additional rank)000BABE4
Fighting StanceOne-Handed 20, ArmsmanPower attacks with one-handed weapons cost 25% less stamina00052D50
Hack and Slash (3)One-Handed 30/60/90, ArmsmanAttacks with war axes cause extra bleeding damage (additional ranks raise the bleeding damage)0003FFFA
Bone Breaker (3)One-Handed 30/60/90, ArmsmanAttacks with maces ignore 25% of armor (+25% per additional rank), this includes the armor provided by flesh spells and wards.0005F592
Bladesman (3)One-Handed 30/60/90, ArmsmanAttacks with swords have a 10% chance of doing critical damage (+5% per additional rank, does not apply to daggers)0005F56F
Dual Flurry (2)One-Handed 30/50, ArmsmanDual wielding attacks are 20% faster (35% for second rank)00106256
Savage StrikeOne-Handed 50, Fighting StanceStanding power attacks do 25% bonus damage with a chance to decapitate your enemies0003AF81
Critical ChargeOne-Handed 50, Fighting StanceCan do a one-handed power attack while sprinting that does double critical damage000CB406
Dual SavageryOne-Handed 70, Dual FlurryDual wielding power attacks do 50% bonus damage00106258
Paralyzing StrikeOne-Handed 100, Savage Strike OR Critical ChargeBackwards power attack has a 25% chance to paralyze the target0003AFA6


Perk (Ranks)RequirementsDescriptionID
Overdraw (5)Archery Any/20/40/60/80Bows do 20% more damage (+20% per additional rank)000BABED
Eagle EyeArchery 30, OverdrawPressing Block while aiming will zoom in your view00058F61
Critical Shot (3)Archery 30/60/90, Overdraw10% chance of a critical hit that does extra damage (+5% chance and +25% critical damage per additional rank)00105F1C
Steady Hand (2)Archery 40/60, Eagle EyeZooming in with a bow slows time by 25% (50% for second rank)00103ADA
Power ShotArchery 50, Eagle EyeArrows stagger all but the largest opponents 50% of the time00058F62
Hunter's DisciplineArchery 50, Critical ShotRecover twice as many arrows from dead bodies00051B12
RangerArchery 60, Hunter's DisciplineAble to move faster with a drawn bow00058F63
Quick ShotArchery 70, Power ShotCan draw a bow 30% faster00105F19
BullseyeArchery 100, Quick Shot or Ranger15% chance of paralyzing the target for a few seconds00058F64

The Thief[]

Light Armor[]

Perk (Ranks)RequirementsDescription
Agile Defender (5)Light Armor 0/20/40/60/80Increase armor rating for Light Armor by 20% (+20% per additional rank)
Custom FitLight Armor 30, Agile Defender25% armor bonus if wearing all Light Armor: head, chest, hands, feet
UnhinderedLight Armor 50, Custom FitLight Armor weighs nothing and doesn't slow you down when worn
Wind WalkerLight Armor 60, UnhinderedStamina regenerates 50% faster in all Light Armor: head, chest, hands, feet
Matching SetLight Armor 70, Custom FitAdditional 25% Armor bonus if wearing a matched set of Light Armor.
Deft MovementLight Armor 100, Wind Walker, Matching Set10% chance of avoiding all damage from a melee attack while wearing all Light Armor: head, chest, hands, feet


Perk (Ranks)RequirementsDescriptionID
Stealth (5)Sneak 0/20/40/60/80You are 20% harder to detect when sneaking (+5% per additional rank, max 40% with 5/5)000BE126
Muffled MovementSneak 30, StealthNoise from armor is reduced by 50%00058213
BackstabSneak 30, StealthSneak attacks with one-handed weapons now do six times damage. This bonus stacks with the Shrouded Gloves enchantment, giving 12 times normal damage. It can also apply to the Berserker Rage power, offering 12 times normal damage, or 24 times normal damage with both Shrouded Gloves and the race power active.00058210
Light FootSneak 40, Muffled MovementYou won't trigger pressure plates0005820C
Deadly AimSneak 40, BackstabSneak attacks with bows now do three times damage. Can apply to the Berserker Rage power, offering 6 times normal damage.001036F0
Silent RollSneak 50, Light FootSprinting while sneaking executes a silent forward roll00105F23
Assassin's BladeSneak 50, Deadly AimSneak attacks with daggers now do a total of fifteen times normal damage. This bonus stacks with Shrouded Gloves enchantment, giving 30 times normal damage. It can also apply to the Berserker Rage power, offering 30 times normal damage, or 60 times normal damage with both Shrouded Gloves and the race power active.00058211
SilenceSneak 70, Silent RollWalking and running does not affect detection00105f24
Shadow WarriorSneak 100, SilenceCrouching stops combat for a moment and forces distant opponents to search for a target00058214


Perk (Ranks)RequirementsDescriptionAddPerk Code
Novice LocksNoneNovice locks are much easier to pickF392A
Apprentice LocksLockpicking 25, Novice LocksApprentice locks are much easier to pickBE125
Quick HandsLockpicking 40, Apprentice LocksAble to pick locks without being noticed106259
Wax KeyLockpicking 50, Quick HandsAutomatically gives you a copy of a picked lock's key if it has one107830
Adept LocksLockpicking 50, Apprentice LocksAdept locks are much easier to pickC3680
Golden TouchLockpicking 60, Adept LocksFind more gold in chests5820A
Treasure HunterLockpicking 70, Golden Touch50% greater chance of finding special treasure105F26
Expert LocksLockpicking 75, Adept LocksExpert locks are much easier to pickC3681
LocksmithLockpicking 80, Expert LocksPick starts close to the lock opening position58208
UnbreakableLockpicking 100, LocksmithLockpicks never break58209
Master LocksLockpicking 100, Expert LocksMaster locks are much easier to pickC3682


Perk (Ranks)RequirementsDescription
Light Fingers (5)None/20/40/60/80Pickpocketing bonus of 20%. Item weight and value reduce pickpocketing odds (+20% per additional rank)
Night ThiefPickpocket 30, Light Fingers+25% chance to pickpocket if the target is asleep
PoisonedPickpocket 40, Night ThiefSilently harm enemies by placing poisons in their pockets
CutpursePickpocket 40, Night ThiefPickpocketing gold becomes 50% easier
Extra PocketsPickpocket 50, Night ThiefCarrying capacity is increased by 100.
KeymasterPickpocket 60, CutpursePickpocketing keys almost always works
MisdirectionPickpocket 70, CutpurseCan pickpocket equipped weapons (when hidden)
Perfect TouchPickpocket 100, MisdirectionCan pickpocket equipped items, clothes and armor (when hidden)


Perk (Ranks)RequirementsDescription
Haggling (5)Buying and selling prices are 10% better (+5% per additional rank)
AllureSpeech 30, Haggling10% better prices with the opposite sex
BriberySpeech 30, HagglingCan bribe guards to ignore crimes
MerchantSpeech 50, AllureCan sell any type of item to any kind of merchant
PersuasionSpeech 50, BriberyPersuasion attempts are 30% easier
InvestorSpeech 70, MerchantCan invest 500 gold with a shopkeeper to increase their available gold permanently †
IntimidationSpeech 70, PersuasionIntimidation is twice as successful
FenceSpeech 90, InvestorCan barter stolen goods with any merchant the Dragonborn has invested in
Master TraderSpeech 100, FenceEvery merchant in the world gains 1000 gold for bartering


Perk (Ranks)RequirementsDescription
Alchemist (5)Alchemy 0/ 20/ 40/ 60/ 80Potions and poisons are 20% / 40% / 60% / 80% / 100% stronger.
PhysicianAlchemy 20, AlchemistPotions you mix that restore health or stamina are 25% more powerful.
PoisonerAlchemy 30, PhysicianPoisons you mix are 25% more effective.
BenefactorAlchemy 30, PhysicianPotions you mix with beneficial effects have an additional 25% greater magnitude.
Experimenter (3)Alchemy 50/ 70/ 90, BenefactorEating an ingredient reveals the first two / three / four effects.
Concentrated PoisonAlchemy 60, PoisonerPoisons applied to weapons last for twice as many hits.
Green ThumbAlchemy 70, Concentrated PoisonTwo ingredients are gathered from plants (description is misleading - two ingredients or food items are gathered from any static harvest-able object - be it plant, fungi, hanging fish or meat, egg clusters, etc.) Known exception: Nirnroot (has only 1 root).
SnakebloodAlchemy 80, Concentrated Poison, Experimenter50% resistance to all poisons.
PurityAlchemy 100, SnakebloodAll negative effects are removed from created potions while all positive effects are removed from created poisons.


Perks (Skyrim) (4)

A fully upgraded Conjuration tree.

Perks (Skyrim) (5)

A fully upgraded Destruction tree.

Perks (Skyrim) (2024)
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Name: Trent Wehner

Birthday: 1993-03-14

Address: 872 Kevin Squares, New Codyville, AK 01785-0416

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Job: Senior Farming Developer

Hobby: Paintball, Calligraphy, Hunting, Flying disc, Lapidary, Rafting, Inline skating

Introduction: My name is Trent Wehner, I am a talented, brainy, zealous, light, funny, gleaming, attractive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.