(PDF) Introduction of Working Capital Management - PDFSLIDE.NET (2024)

  • 7/25/2019 Introduction of Working Capital Management


    Introduction of Working capital management

    Working capital refers to that part of the rms capital whichisrequired for nancing short- term or current assets such ascash,marketable securities, debtors & inventories.

    Funds, thus, invested in current assts keep revolving fast andarebeing constantl converted in to cash and this cash !ows outagainin e"change for other current assets. #ence, it is alsoknown asrevolving or circulating capital or short term capital.

    Working capital management is concerned with the problemsarisein attempting to manage the current assets, the currentliabilitiesand the inter relationship that e"ist between them.

    $he term current assets refers to those assets which inordinarcourse of business can be, or, will be, turned in to cashwithin oneear without undergoing a diminution in value andwithoutdisrupting the operation of the rm.

    $he ma%or current assets are cash, marketable securities,account

    receivable and inventor.

    urrent liabilities ware those liabilities which intended atthereinception to be paid in ordinar course of business, within aear,out of the current assets or earnings of the concern.

    $he basic current liabilities are account paable, billpaable,bank over-draft, and outstanding e"penses.

    $he goal of working capital management is to manage thermscurrent assets and current liabilities in such wa thatthesatisfactor level of working capital is mentioned.

  • 7/25/2019 Introduction of Working Capital Management


    Meaning of Working Capital

    apital required for a business can be classied under twomain

    categories via,

    '( Fi"ed apital

    )( Working apital

    *ver business needs funds for two purposes for itsestablishment

    and to carr out its da- to-da operations.

    +ong terms funds are required to create productionfacilities

    through purchase of "ed assets such as p&m, land,building,

    furniture, etc.

    nvestments in these assets represent that part of rmscapital

    which is blocked on permanent or "ed basis and is called "ed


    Funds are also needed for short-term purposes for the purchaseof

    raw material, pament of wages and other da to- da e"penses


    $hese funds are known as working capital. n simple words,

    working capital refers to that part of the rms capital whichis

    required for nancing short- term or current assets such ascash,

    marketable securities, debtors & inventories.

    Funds, thus, invested in current assts keep revolving fast andare

    being constantl converted in to cash and this cash !ows out

    again in e"change for other current assets. #ence, it isalso

    known as revolving or circulating capital or short termcapital.

  • 7/25/2019 Introduction of Working Capital Management


    Concept of working capital

    $here are two concepts of working capital

    '. /ross working capital

    ). 0et working capital

    $he gross working capital is the capital invested in thetotal

    current assets of the enterprises current assets are those

    1ssets which can convert in to cash within a short period

    normall one accounting ear.


    '( ash in hand and cash at bank

    )( 2ills receivables

    3( 4undr debtors

    5( 4hort term loans and advances.

    6( nventories of stock as

    a. 7aw material

    b. Work in process

    c. 4tores and spares

  • 7/25/2019 Introduction of Working Capital Management


    d. Finished goods

    8( $emporar investment of surplus funds.

    9( :repaid e"penses

    ;( 1ccrued incomes.

    ividends paable.

    5. 2ank overdraft.

    6. :rovision for ta"ation , if it does not amt. to app. ?fprot.

  • 7/25/2019 Introduction of Working Capital Management


    8. 2ills paable.

    9. 4undr creditors.

    $he gross working capital concept is nancial or goingconcernconcept whereas net working capital is an accounting conceptof

    working capital. 2oth the concepts have their own merits.

    T'e gro(( concept i( (ometime( preferred to t'e conceptofworking capital for t'e following rea(on()

    '. t enables the enterprise to provide correct amount of

    working capital at correct time.

    ). *ver management is more interested in total currentassets

    with which it has to operate then the source from where itis

    made available.

    3. t take into consideration of the fact ever increase inthe

    funds of the enterprise would increase its working capital.

    5. $his concept is also useful in determining the rate ofreturn

    on investments in working capital. $he net working capital

    concept, however, is also important for following rea(on(

    t is qualitative concept, which indicates the rmsabilit to meetto its operating e"penses and short-term


    $ indicates the margin of protection available to the

    short term creditors.

  • 7/25/2019 Introduction of Working Capital Management


    t is an indicator of the nancial soundness of


    t suggests the need of nancing a part of workingcapitalrequirement out of the permanent sources of


    Cla((i*cation of working capital

    Working capital ma be classied in to was

    ?n the basis of concept.

    ?n the basis of time.

    ?n the basis of concept working capital can be classied asgross

    working capital and net working capital.

    ?n the basis of time, working capital ma be classied as

    :ermanent or "ed working capital.

    $emporar or variable working capital

  • 7/25/2019 Introduction of Working Capital Management


    "ermanent or *+ed working capital

    :ermanent or "ed working capital is minimum amount which is

    required to ensure e@ective utiliAation of "ed facilities andfor

    maintaining the circulation of current assets.

    *ver rm has to maintain a minimum level of raw material,work-

    in-process, nished goods and cash balance.

    $his minimum level of current assts is called permanent or"ed

    working capital as this part of working is permanentl blockedin

    current assets.

    1s the business grow the requirements of working capitalalsoincreases due to increase in current assets.

    Temporar, or -aria.le working capital

    $emporar or variable working capital is the amount ofworking

    capital which is required to meet the seasonal demands andsome

    special e"igencies.

    Bariable working capital can further be classied as seasonal

    working capital and special working capital.

  • 7/25/2019 Introduction of Working Capital Management


    $he capital required to meet the seasonal need of theenterprise

    is called seasonal working capital.

    4pecial working capital is that part of working capital whichis

    required to meet special e"igencies such as launchingofe"tensive marketing for conducting research, etc.

    $emporar working capital di@ers from permanent workingcapital

    in the sense that is required for short periods and cannotbe

    permanentl emploed gainfull in the business.

    Importance or ad-antage of ade/uateworking capital

    Sol-enc, of t'e .u(ine(()

  • 7/25/2019 Introduction of Working Capital Management


  • 7/25/2019 Introduction of Working Capital Management


    1 concern can face the situation during the depression.

    1uick and regular return on in-e(tment()

    4uCcient working capital enables a concern to pa quickandregular of dividends to its investors and gains condence of

    the investors and can raise more funds in future.

    2ig' morale)

    1dequate working capital brings an environment of

    securities, condence, high morale which results in overall

    eCcienc in a business.

  • 7/25/2019 Introduction of Working Capital Management


    E+ce(( or inade/uate working capital*ver business concern shouldhave adequate amount of

    working capital to run its business operations. t shouldhave

    neither redundant or e"cess working capital nor inadequatenor

    shortages of working capital.

    2oth e"cess as well as short working capital positions arebad

    for an business. #owever, it is the inadequate workingcapital

    which is more dangerous from the point of view of the rm.

    3i(ad-antage( of redundant or e+ce((i-eworking capital

    *"cessive working capital means ideal funds which earn no

    prot for the rm and business cannot earn the required rate

    of return on its investments.

    7edundant working capital leads to unnecessar purchasing

    and accumulation of inventories.

    *"cessive working capital implies e"cessive debtors and

    defective credit polic which causes higher incidence of bad


    t ma reduce the overall eCcienc of the business.

    f a rm is having e"cessive working capital then the

    relations with banks and other nancial institution ma not

    be maintained.

  • 7/25/2019 Introduction of Working Capital Management


    >ue to lower rate of return n investments, the values of

    shares ma also fall.

    $he redundant working capital gives rise to speculative


    3i(ad-antage( of inade/uate working capital

    *ver business needs some amounts of working capital. $heneed

    for working capital arises due to the time gap betweenproduction

    and realiAation of cash from sales.

    $here is an operating ccle involved in sales and realiAationof

    cash. $here are time gaps in purchase of raw material and

    productionD production and salesD and realiAation of cash.

    T'u( working capital i( needed for t'e following purpo(e()

    For the purpose of raw material, components and spares.

    $o pa wages and salaries

    $o incur da-to-da e"penses and overload costs such as

    oCce e"penses.

    $o meet the selling costs as packing, advertising, etc.

  • 7/25/2019 Introduction of Working Capital Management


    $o provide credit facilities to the customer.

    $o maintain the inventories of the raw material, work-in-

    progress, stores and spares and nished stock.

    For studing the need of working capital in a business, one hasto

    stud the business under varing circ*mstances such as a new

    concern requires a lot of funds to meet its initialrequirements

    such as promotion and formation etc. $hese e"penses arecalled

    preliminar e"penses and are capitaliAed.

    $he amount needed for working capital depends upon the siAeof

    the compan and ambitions of its promoters.

    /reater the siAe of the business unit, generall larger will bethe

    requirements of the working capital.

    $he requirement of the working capital goes on increasingwith

    the growth and e"pensing of the business till it gainsmaturit.

    1t maturit the amount of working capital required iscallednormal working capital.

    $here are others factors also in!uence the need of workingcapital

    in a business.

  • 7/25/2019 Introduction of Working Capital Management


    Factor( determining t'e working capital


    4 Nature of .u(ine(()$he requirements of working is ver limitedin public utilit

    undertakings such as electricit, water suppl and railwas

    because the o@er cash sale onl and suppl services not

    products, and no funds are tied up in inventories and


    ?n the other hand the trading and nancial rms requires

    less investment in "ed assets but have to invest large amt.

    of working capital along with "ed investments.

    5 Si6e of t'e .u(ine(()

  • 7/25/2019 Introduction of Working Capital Management


    /reater the siAe of the business, greater is the requirement

    of working capital.

    3 "roduction polic,

    f the polic is to keep production stead baccumulatinginventories it will require higher working capital.

    5 #engt' of production c,cle)$he longer the manufacturing timethe raw material and

    other supplies have to be carried for a longer in theprocess

    with progressive increment of labor and service costs before

    the nal product is obtained.

    4o working capital is directl proportional to the length ofthe

    manufacturing process.

    6 Sea(onal -ariation()/enerall, during the bus season, a rmrequires larger

    working capital than in slack season.

    8 Working capital c,cle)$he speed with which the working cclecompletes one ccle

    determines the requirements of working capital. +onger the

    ccle larger is the requirement of working capital.

  • 7/25/2019 Introduction of Working Capital Management




    Work inprogress


    >ebtors& 2ills


    7 Rate of (tock turno-er)$here is an inverse co-relationshipbetween the question of

    working capital and the velocit or speed with which the

    sales are a@ected. 1 rm having a high rate of stock

    turnover will needs lower amt. of working capital ascompared toa rm having a low rate of turnover.

    8 Credit polic,)1 concern that purchases its requirements oncredit and

    sales its product E services on cash requires lesser amt. of

    working capital and vice-versa.

    9 &u(ine(( c,cle)

  • 7/25/2019 Introduction of Working Capital Management


    n period of boom, when the business is prosperous, there is

    need for larger amt. of working capital due to rise insales,

    rise in prices, optimistic e"pansion of business, etc. ?nthe

    contrar in time of depression, the business contracts, sales

    decline, diCculties are faced in collection from debtor andtherm ma have a large amt. of working capital.

    4: Rate of growt' of .u(ine(()n faster growing concern, we shallrequire large amt. of

    working capital.

    44 Earning capacit, and di-idend polic,)

    4ome rms have more earning capacit than other due toqualit oftheir products, monopol conditions, etc. 4uch

    rms ma generate cash prots from operations and

    contribute to their working capital. $he dividend polic also

    a@ects the requirement of working capital.

    1 rm maintaining a stead high rate of cash dividend

    irrespective of its prots needs working capital than the rm

    that retains larger part of its prots and does not pa sohigh

    rate of cash dividend.

    45 "rice le-el c'ange()hanges in the price level also a@ect theworking capital

    requirements. /enerall rise in prices leads to increase in

    working capital.

    Ot'er Factor( are)

    ?perating eCcienc. =anagement abilit.

    rregularities of suppl.

    mport polic.

    1sset structure.

    mportance of labor.

  • 7/25/2019 Introduction of Working Capital Management


    2anking facilities, etc.

    Management of working capital

    =anagement of working capital is concerned with the

    problem that arises in attempting to manage the current

    assets, current liabilities.

    $he basic goal of working capital management is to manage

    the current assets and current liabilities of a rm in such a

    wa that a satisfactor level of working capital ismaintained,

    i.e. it is neither adequate nor e"cessive as both the

    situations are bad for an rm.

    $here should be no shortage of funds and also no working

    capital should be ideal.

    W?70/ 1:$1+ =101/*=*0$ :?+*4 of a rm has a

    great on its probabilit, liquidit and structural health ofthe


    4o working capital management is three dimensional in

    nature as

    ' t concerned with the formulation of policies with regardto

    protabilit, liquidit and risk.

    ) t is concerned with the decision about the composition

    and level of current assets.

    3 t is concerned with the decision about the composition

    and level of current liabilities.

  • 7/25/2019 Introduction of Working Capital Management


    Working capital anal,(i(

    1s we know working capital is the life blood and the centre ofabusiness.

    1dequate amount of working capital is ver much essential

    for the smooth running of the business.

    1nd the most important part is the eCcient management of

    working capital in right time.

    $he liquidit position of the rm is totall e@ected bthemanagement of working capital.

    4o, a stud of changes in the uses and sources of working

    capital is necessar to evaluate the eCcienc with which the

    working capital is emploed in a business.

    $his involves the need of working capital analsis.

    $he analsis of working capital can be conducted through anumberof devices, such as 7atio analsis, Fund !ow

    analsis, 2udgeting etc

  • 7/25/2019 Introduction of Working Capital Management



    1 ratio is a simple arithmetical e"pression one number to

    another. $he technique of ratio analsis can be emploed for

    measuring short-term liquidit or working capital position of

    a rm.

    $he following ratios can be calculated for these purposes

    '. urrent ratio.

    ). Guick ratio

    3. 1bsolute liquid ratio

    5. nventor turnover.

    6. 7eceivables turnover.

    8. :aable turnover ratio.

    9. Working capital turnover ratio.

    ;. Working capital leverage

  • 7/25/2019 Introduction of Working Capital Management


  • 7/25/2019 Introduction of Working Capital Management


    $he ob%ective working capital budget is to ensureavailabilit

    of funds as and needed, and to ensure e@ective utiliAationof

    these resources.

    $he successful implementation of working capital budgetinvolvesthe preparing of separate budget for each element

    of working capital, such as, cash, inventories andreceivables


(PDF) Introduction of Working Capital Management - PDFSLIDE.NET (2024)
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