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7 Winning Strategies for Trading ForexMany traders go around searching for that one perfect trading strategy that works all thetime in the global FOREX (foreign exchange/currency) market. Frequently, they will complainthat a strategy doesn’t work. Few people understand that successful trading of the FOREXmarket entails the application of the right strategy for the right market condition.

7 Winning Strategies For Forex Trading covers:

• Why people should be paying attention to the FOREX market, which is the world’slargest and most liquid financial market

• How understanding the structure of this market can be beneficial to the independenttrader

• How to overcome the odds and become a successful trader• How you can select high-probability trades with good entries and exits.

Grace Cheng highlights seven trading strategies, each of which is to be applied in a uniqueway and is designed for differing market conditions. She shows how traders can use thevarious market conditions to their advantage by tailoring the strategy to suit each one.

This revealing book also sheds light on how the FOREX market works, how you canincorporate sentiment analysis into your trading, and how trading in the direction ofinstitutional activity can give you a competitive edge in the trading arena.

This invaluable book is ideal for new and current traders wanting to improve their tradingperformance.

Filled with practical advice, this book is a must-read for traders who want to know exactlyhow they can make money in the FOREX market.

About the authorGrace Cheng is a seasoned full-time FOREX trader who is well-versed in technical,fundamental and sentiment analysis, which she utilizes in her trading. Grace is also thecreator of the PowerFX Trading Course (www.gracecheng.com) which is designed for bothnew and intermediate traders through which she has mentored hundreds of independenttraders.

She occasionally writes for trading and investment magazines such as Technical Analysis ofStocks & Commodities, The Trader’s Journal, and Smart Investor, as well as for online financialportals like Investopedia. She has also been featured in newspapers, magazines, newslettersand on TV for her trading expertise. Visit her popular forex blog/websitewwwwww..ggrraacceecchheenngg..ccoomm..

HHhh Harriman House Publishing£19.99

ISBN 9781905641192wwwwww..hhaarrrriimmaann--hhoouussee..ccoomm//ffoorreexx

HHhh Harriman Trading

Real and actionable techniques for profiting from the currency markets

Grace Cheng

WinningStrategies forTrading Forex

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WinningStrategies forTrading Forex

Real and actionable techniquesfor profiting from the currency markets

Grace Cheng

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First published in Great Britain in 2007 by Harriman House.

Copyright © Harriman House Ltd

The right of Grace Cheng to be identified as the author has been assertedin accordance with the Copyright, Design and Patents Act 1988.

ISBN 1-905-461-19-2


British Library Cataloguing in Publication DataA CIP catalogue record for this book can be obtained from the British Library.

All rights reserved; no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrievalsystem, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical,

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DedicationI dedicate this book to my husband, Pedro.

Thank you for your constant encouragement, support and love.

This book is also dedicated to my loving parents who have always believed in me.

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ContentsAbout the Author 7

Preface 9

Introduction 13

Part I: Trading Forex

1: Getting Started 17

2: Spot Forex Market Structure 45

3: How To Overcome The Odds Of Trading Forex 57

4: The Ten Rules For Forex Trading 73

Part II: Strategies

5: Strategy 1 – Market Sentiment 77

6: Strategy 2 – Trend Riding 99

7: Strategy 3 – Breakout Fading 125

8: Strategy 4 – Breakout Trading 147

9: Strategy 5 – Decreased Volatility Breakout 169

10: Strategy 6 – Carry Trade 191

11: Strategy 7 – News Straddling 205


Forex Glossary 227

Currency Codes 241

Major Regulatory Agencies 248


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About The AuthorGrace Cheng is an experienced, full-time forex trader who is well-versed intechnical, fundamental and sentiment analysis, which she utilises in her trading.She occasionally writes for trading and investment publications such as TechnicalAnalysis of Stocks & Commodities, The Trader’s Journal and Smart Investor, aswell as for online financial portals such as Investopedia. She has also been featuredin newspapers, magazines, newsletters and on TV.

Grace is the creator of the PowerFX Course which is designed for both new andintermediate traders to jump-start their trading performance. Grace has mentoredhundreds of independent traders through her PowerFX Course.

Her web site is at: www.GraceCheng.com


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PrefaceThe global forex market, being the world’s most liquid financial market, offersmany exciting opportunities for traders to profit from exchange rate fluctuations.And the development of sophisticated online foreign exchange trading platforms inrecent years has attracted many traders to the market – traders who seek an incomein addition to their day job or those who wish to trade a new market besides stocksand futures.

Who this book is for

This book is primarily for those who are new to the world of currency trading andare curious about how they can make money from the forex market. Existingtraders who are trading on demo or live accounts should also find some usefuladvice in this book.

Some knowledge of candlestick charting is assumed as I will be using candlesticksto display the high, low, opening and closing prices in the charts throughout thebook.

Contrary to popular belief, you don’t have to be rich in order to trade forex today.All you need to start is a computer with fast and stable internet access and arelatively small account with a broker.

About this book

This book describes seven fundamental and technical trading strategies for tradingthe foreign exchange markets. The purpose of this book is to show you how youcan trade forex with these winning strategies. I will share with you some new ideas,interesting concepts, and the nuts and bolts of how you can implement eachstrategy more effectively.

This book is quite different from traditional technical analysis books because, whilethose books may document the reliability of certain technical patterns, I willexplain in this book why certain technical patterns do not work as well in the forexmarket and therefore need adapting. For example, I have increasingly noticed thatin recent times the first attempt of a price breakout more often than not results in afailure.

The strategies that I am going to share with you are suitable for trading the forexmarket in any time frame – ranging from minutes to weeks. Throughout the book Ialso explain certain aspects of the forex market so that you can gain an insight intohow the market behaves.


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Even though each strategy has its own general guidelines, do note that all thesestrategies are open to individual customisation – flexibility is one of the keyingredients of becoming a successful trader. Flexibility is required for the trader toadapt his or her strategies to different market conditions, as well as for the trader tocustomise trading strategies to suit his or her own trading style and personality.Therefore, feel free to tweak or modify any of the parameters of these strategies tosuit your own preferences.

In my years of trading the forex market, I have found that consistent success camefrom basing my trading philosophy on three M’s:

• Mind

• Money

• Method

While this book focuses primarily on the Method portion, I wish to emphasise thatfor any strategy to be profitable, mind mastery and money management must alsobe incorporated as part of a holistic approach in enhancing one’s overall tradingperformance – as performance is not assessed based on just a few trades, but on aseries of trades made over a specific period of time.

The 7 strategies in this book must be applied with discipline and a huge dose ofcommon sense. Their rules and guidelines are not set in stone. What I provide is aguide to implementing these strategies so that you can tilt the odds of success toyour side.

How this book is structured

The book contains the following chapters.

Getting Started

Find out why the forex market is constantly growing, and why an increasingnumber of people are turning to trade this particular asset class in their quest toaccumulate wealth. For those who are new to trading, take a look at the differencesbetween investing and trading, and the various choices of trading time frames.

Spot Forex Market Structure

The forex market has long been the exclusive playground of the big players,namely banks, institutional investors and hedge funds. But the playground is nolonger restricted to just them; individuals can also participate in this speculativegame. However, independent forex traders can be disadvantaged in some ways due


7 Winning Strategies For Trading Forex

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to how the spot forex market is structured. It is essential to know where you, thetrader, stand in the overall big picture.

How To Overcome The Odds Of Trading Forex

How are you going to tackle the odds that are stacked against you from the start inthe forex trading business? In this chapter, I will highlight the three Ms that havebrought me success in this field: Mind, Money and Method. Many traders,especially the inexperienced ones, are too fixated on finding the perfect trade setup,the perfect trading system or the strategy that never fails, thus neglecting the othermore important aspects that are crucial to good trading performance.

Strategy 1 – Market Sentiment

The forex market is heavily driven by market sentiment, and it is market sentimentthat influences traders’ decisions by triggering certain emotions and thoughts. Findout what defines the current market sentiment, and how you can incorporate marketsentiment analysis into your trading.

Strategy 2 – Trend Riding

There is so much more to riding trends than simply closing your eyes and buyingat any point during an uptrend or short-selling at any point during a downtrend.This chapter shows you how you can jump on a trend when the trend is the mostrobust, rather than when it is about to end. This way you can ride a trend with ahigher chance of success.

Strategy 3 – Breakout Fading

Many false breakouts occur in forex price charts, and the occurrence of thesefakeouts provides the perfect opportunity for fading breakouts, that is, tradingagainst those breakouts. In this chapter, I explain why most breakouts fail, and howyou can identify high-probability fading opportunities.

Strategy 4 – Breakout Trading

When currency prices break out of certain price levels, a large sustained move inthe direction of the breakout may occur, giving rise to a situation whereby bigprofits could potentially be captured in the least amount of time. The main problemwith trading breakouts is that many of these breakout attempts fail. In this chapterI walk you through several guidelines of how you can better identify potentialbreakout opportunities for this strategy.



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Strategy 5 – Decreased Volatility Breakout

This strategy is conceptually similar to the strategy of breakout trading, because inboth cases the trader will be hoping for a successful price breakout. This particularstrategy, however, requires that the forex market registers a period of relative calmand low volatility before the strategy is to be implemented.

Strategy 6 – Carry Trade

This is a fundamental trading strategy that is highly favoured by institutionalinvestors. In this chapter, I explain how a carry trade works, and highlight somepoints which you should keep in mind when adopting this strategy in the forexmarket.

Strategy 7 – News Straddling

The forex market is extremely sensitive to economic and geopolitical news fromaround the world, especially those which relate to the industrialised countries. Theunderlying reason why news is so important to forex trading is that each new pieceof information can potentially change the trader’s perceptions of the current and/orfuture situation relating to the outlook of certain currency pairs. Find out how youcan trade news releases with a higher probability of success.

Risk disclosure

Trading forex involves substantial risk, and there is always the potential for loss.Your trading results may vary. No representation is made that any information inthis book will guarantee profits or prevent losses from trading forex. You should beaware that no trading strategy can guarantee profits.

Further information

For more information about my trading strategies, the proprietary PowerFX Courseand other forex market information, please visit the following website where I alsohost a daily forex blog – www.GraceCheng.com


7 Winning Strategies For Trading Forex

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IntroductionThere are many different ways of trading forex, such as spot forex, futures, optionsor spread-betting. This book, however, shall focus on the trading of spot forex. Themost significant difference between spot forex and futures is that spot forexcontracts are traded over-the-counter at no central location, while forex futures aretraded on an exchange. This gives rise to another unique aspect of spot forex – the24-hour non-stop action; this is one major reason why I enjoy trading spot forex.With round-the-clock trading a person in any time-zone can trade spot forex at anytime – whether during the day or night.

The best career decision I have made was to trade forex full-time. Forex trading hasbrought me both financial and emotional satisfaction, even though my initiallearning journey was long and arduous.

When I started in forex, I could only find one book on forex trading. Forex was notas popular as stocks or options trading, so there were very few articles in magazinesthat focused on this field. I spent the first one and a half years learning how to tradeforex and honing my skills on a demo account, before progressing to a real account,when I became consistently profitable. The breakthrough came when I incorporatedfundamental and sentiment analysis into my predominantly technical-basedanalysis.

Even though I was able to dedicate myself to full-time trading, I found the initiallearning curve to be extremely steep, as I had no mentor and had to learn all theways of losing in the market before I learnt how to profit from it. I hope thatthrough this book, aspiring and current traders are able to fast-track their learning,and greatly improve their trading performance.

The forex markets have the promise of fast action and huge profits, but the risks arealso great. It is estimated that over 90% of forex traders end up losing their tradingcapital. The good news is that most of these losses can be prevented by taking thetime to learn how to trade the forex markets and by implementing careful moneymanagement.


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7 W i n n i n g S t r a t e g i e s f o r T r a d i n g F o r e x

P a r t I

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1 :G e t t i n gS t a r t e d

7 W i n n i n g S t r a t e g i e s f o r T r a d i n g F o r e x

P a r t 1

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1: Getting StartedForex (or FX) refers to the foreign exchange markets, where currencies are traded.It is the biggest and fastest growing financial market in the world, with an averagedaily turnover of almost $2 trillion – many times the total traded volume of the USstock exchanges.

The forex market consists of a worldwide wired network of buyers and sellers ofcurrencies, with trading all done over-the-counter (OTC), which means that thereis no central exchange and clearinghouse where orders are matched. If you arelooking for 24-hour action, you can find it in this global trading system, where nophysical barriers exist and activity moves seamlessly from one major financialcentre to another.

A reason why there is a veil of mystery over forex is that the market was once theexclusive playground of banks, hedge funds, corporations and financial institutions,where money changed hands for commercial and speculative purposes. However,forex has now expanded and is easily accessible to all traders with the rapidemergence of online currency trading platforms. Many of these platforms are well-equipped with free charting software, real-time news-feeds and easy-to-use orderplacing systems.

The wide availability of sophisticated technology has spawned a whole new levelof foreign exchange, where self-directed (so-called “retail”) traders can easily buyand sell currencies through an internet connection with a click of the mouse,dealing with invisible counter-parties on the other side of the transaction. Thisgroup of people (also known as speculative traders) engage in trading forex for thesole purpose of making profits.

Welcome to the new world of online forex trading.

The rapid fluctuations of currency exchange rates are what attract speculators to theforex market as currencies are highly sensitive, and thus react very fast to changingeconomic conditions of countries or regions, changing interest rates and politicalhappenings around the world. Sometimes central banks of countries attempt tointervene in the forex market if the policy-makers feel that their country’s currencyis too strong or too weak for their own good. All these factors lead to high volatilityof currency prices, which can be taken advantage of by traders who speculate onthe direction and magnitude of the current and future price move.

I would like to point out that while movements in certain currency pairs can bequite volatile in nature, most major currencies generally move less than 1% daily,which is much lower than that of active stocks, which can easily move between 5-10% per day. For a rough guide of currency pairs and their relative volatility, referto Figure 1.1 under “Warming Up” in the later part of this chapter.

Forex has increasingly become an extremely attractive alternative asset group forspeculators to trade, in addition to the usual staple of stocks and futures.


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Anyone can trade forex, but not every one can be profitable. That’s the rule of anygame – not every one can win.


7 Winning Strategies For Trading Forex

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Unique Characteristics of theForex Market

There are many opportunities for you to profit from the forex market. For example,if you have an opinion that the Euro is going to rise in value against the US dollar,you can “long” the EUR/USD, which means to buy the pair in the hope that theexchange rate will go higher. You would then make a profit if EUR/USDappreciates, as you would be able to sell at a higher price than you have bought itat before. But if you think that the Euro will weaken against the US dollar (i.e.,EUR/USD will go down), you can initiate a trade by selling EUR/USD (known asgoing “short”), so that if EUR/USD later does go down in value, you would be ableto make a profit by buying back at a lower price.

When you hear someone talking about the “forex market”, the chances are that heor she is referring to the spot forex market. The spot forex market is where a traderbuys or sells a currency at the current price on the date of the contract for deliverywithin two business days. Of course, for most speculators, there is no real deliveryof actual cash, and the way this is done is through rolling over of positions [moreof this will be explained under “Warming Up” later in this chapter].

This and many other peculiarities give the spot forex market its own uniquecharacteristics which make it an interesting market to trade.

I explain below some of the main characteristics of the spot forex market.

A global 24-hour market

The forex market operates worldwide and non-stop for five and a half days a week.Every day it moves along with the sun: beginning in Sydney, to Tokyo and thenSingapore, through the late Asian afternoon when London and other Europeancentres open just as Asian markets are preparing to close. The European openinitiates the heaviest trading volume of the day and by afternoon in Europe, NewYork opens, followed by Chicago, then Los Angeles. Just as sunset signals theclosing of the US market, sunrise in Sydney starts a brand new trading cycle allover again.

By contrast, with the stock and futures markets, one would need access toelectronic communication networks (ECN) for pre-market trading, or would haveto wait till the markets open – and open sometimes with a gap if there has beennews while the markets are closed. Since the Asian session is usually quiet forcurrencies like the Euro or Swiss Franc, I use this time to do market research,calculate and set up my trades for the afternoon when the European markets open.This gives me ample time to digest the news of the night before and the morningitself, which allows me to anticipate the movements of currency pairs later on inthe day.


Getting Started

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Unparalleled liquidity

The forex market is the planet’s most liquid market. With more than $2 trillionchanging hands every day, traders have no worries about liquidity when it comes totrading any of the big-economy currencies: USD, GBP, EUR, CHF, JPY, CAD,AUD and NZD. This is especially the case when they are paired up with the USdollar – at least 80 percent of foreign exchange transactions have a dollar leg.

The London market accounts for almost one-third of the global total daily forexturnover, and thus tends to be the most volatile session of the day, with the majorityof forex transactions completed during the London hours due to the market’sliquidity and efficiency.

The unparalleled liquidity of forex translates into very little or almost no slippagewhen you trade during normal market conditions (not during news); there is rarelyany discrepancy between the displayed price and the execution price.

Ability to go long or short anytime

Since currencies are always traded in pairs, when you are bullish on one currency,you are bearish on the other – and vice versa.

For example, if you are bullish on GBP/USD, you go long of it by buying Poundsand selling US dollars; but if you are bearish, you can short it by selling Pounds andbuying US dollars. You can short a currency pair anytime you want, without anyrestrictions. This is different from some stock markets whereby short-selling is onlyallowed on an uptick, so it can be quite tedious and time-consuming for stocktraders to have to wait and see the stocks going down while looking out for anuptick before they can short.

Being able to go long or short on currency pairs anytime is a tremendous advantageas forex traders are able to profit from both up and down trends anytime, and thistranslates to a more efficient and instant order execution. This is especially valuablein the financial markets where time equals money, and even a second’s delay couldcost you money.

Choice of high leverage

Who doesn’t like trading on other people’s money? With possible leverage of up to400 times, the forex market indisputably offers the highest amount of leveragecompared to other markets. This high end of leverage is usually offered to minitrading accounts, due to the smaller lot sizes and lower minimum account depositrequirements. With a 100 times margin-based leverage, that is typically offered forstandard-sized accounts, forex traders are allowed to execute trades of up to$100,000 with an initial margin of only $1000.

It is important to note that while a high degree of leverage allows traders tomaximise their profit potential, especially on a small price move, the potential for


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loss is equally large. Many people mistakenly shy away from trading forex afterhearing that it is a highly leveraged trading instrument, but these people do notrealise that leverage is and can be customised to the individual trader’s ownpreference. If you tend to be more conservative with risk-taking, you may chooseto use no more than 10 times leverage, or none at all. For those of you with moreaggressive risk appetite, you can choose a higher amount of leverage in your trades.The choice of leverage lies with you.

Lower costs

Since forex transactions are done the OTC way, with traders dealing directly withthe market maker or other parties, exchange and clearing fees are not applicable toforex trading. Market makers typically do not charge commissions on trades thatare executed through them, while Electronic Network Communications (ECN) docharge a small commission on top of the bid-and-ask spread.

Due to the high level of liquidity in the market, currency pairs usually have verytight spreads especially during normal market conditions when no news isscheduled for release.


Getting Started

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Investing vs Trading

There are some important differences between investing and trading, even thoughsome people may use these terms interchangeably without giving it much thoughtof what each entails. Advantages can be found in both ways of growing yourmoney, neither is better than the other – they have different roles.

But when it comes to growing your wealth in the forex market, trading is usuallythe way to go due to the unique aspects of this market.

Value ownership

Investors are concerned with acquiring the ownership of the financial instrument;they have the confidence that the instrument will continue to rise in value. Theytend to “buy low and sell high”. For example, when they see that the stock price isgoing down, they may see it as a good opportunity to buy and own the stock‘cheaply’ so that they may profit when the stock goes back higher in the future.

Traders, on the other hand, do not have much concern with the buying and owningof the instrument. They exhibit the same ease with either longing (buying) or short-selling the instrument. Unlike investors, traders are more willing to buy ‘high’ inthe hope of being able to sell even ‘higher’, or short-sell ‘low’ in the hope of beingable to buy back later at an even ‘lower’ price.

Time frame

Investing usually entails the “buy and hold” concept, whereby an investor’s goal isto acquire a financial instrument and to hold it for medium to long term, in the hopethat the instrument will rise in significant value after a certain period of time.Trading couldn’t be any more different. In trading, a trader’s main goal is to profitwhichever way the market goes, whether upward or downward, within a shortertime frame. While there is short and long term trading, the holding period rarelyextends beyond more than a few months, or longer than a year.

Getting in

Serious investors tend to buy an instrument based on the underlying fundamentalreasons. For instance, savvy stock investors will analyze the background of acompany, pour over its quarterly earnings report, assess the company’s reputationand strength in the particular industry sector, and assess the potential of its productsand the track record of the management team. Traders, however, tend to look forhigh-probability trade setups using technical analysis as their favourite tool, andmany of them also incorporate market sentiment into their trading decisions. Short-


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term traders are quick to recognise changing market trends, and take advantage ofprice swings in the market, whether in range-bound or trending environments.

Getting out

The “buy and hold” mentality of investors tends not to deviate far from “buy andforget”, as many investors almost have zilch idea of when to get out of theirinvestment when things do not go well. Many stock investors are left withworthless stocks as they do not have stop-loss boundaries or know when to cut theirlosses. While there are also many traders out there who do not have riskmanagement rules in place, traders overall are generally more aware of proper riskmanagement than most investors. Whether or not they translate these rules intopractice is another thing altogether.


Getting Started

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Trading Time Frames

Before you enter into a position, you need to know – beforehand – when you aregoing to exit the market. A trader is not going to hold onto a position indefinitely,that’s for sure. Knowing the time frame of how long you wish to hold onto youropen position will determine your exit points and prices. If you choose to hold aposition for, say, a week, your profit objective would naturally be higher than if youwere to hold it for a few hours because you would expect the price to move further,given the longer period of time.

This is a personal decision which has to be made by the trader, depending on his orher risk tolerance level, lifestyle desired, and the amount of time to be dedicated toanalyzing the market.

There are mainly four different types of trading time frames:

1. scalping

2. day trading

3. swing trading

4. position trading

These are explained below.

1. Scalping

This is the shortest time frame in trading; it exploits small changes in currencyprices. It describes the ultra-rapid action of opening and closing of a position withina few seconds or minutes, with the aim of stealing a few pips from each trade. Theprofit of the winning trade is small, while the number of such winning trades shouldbe big enough so that these small profits can add up to a decent amount.

Scalpers usually need to have access to the tightest spreads and fastest connectionspeeds possible, in order to carry out this bullet-speed trading with the tiny profits.They tend to do this many times a day so as to accumulate the little profits that areharvested.

Losses must be limited such that one large loss does not wipe out the profits gainedfrom many winning trades.

Many forex market makers discourage this type of trading as they find it difficultto cover the opposite side of the transactions, given the fast speed and numerousorders entered into their systems.


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2. Day trading

Day trading is one of the more popular types of trading, whereby traders open andclose positions within a day. They also do not hold their positions overnightbecause of the added risk of not knowing if prices would change dramatically whilethey sleep. The holding period of their trades may range from minutes to hours.

Day trading relies heavily on intraday momentum to bring the current price to thedesired price level in one direction. Day traders are looking out for signs that acurrency pair has a high probability of moving in a particular direction, going frompoint X to point Y, within a day regardless of whether the price is moving in a trendor range.

Day traders tend to wait for good trading opportunities, instead of tradingfrantically like scalpers tend to do. This style of trading involves intenseconcentration from the trader as positions must be closely monitored on the pricecharts.

3. Swing trading

Swing traders hold their positions for a few days, but seldom more than a week.Identifying and riding on trends early is the central objective of this trading style,and the profit objective tends to be set higher than that of day trading since theswing trader is expecting that by holding out for a few days, there is a better chanceof capturing a larger price move. Unlike the day trader, the swing trader has toendure overnight risk.

As swing trading requires much less minute-to-minute monitoring of the market,this type of trading is generally preferred by people who hold day jobs.

My opinion is that swing traders must still keep up-to-date with the latestfundamental and technical changes in the market, even when they are notmonitoring the market all the time.

4. Position trading

Position trading spans the longest period of time, and refers to traders holding theirposition for weeks or even months. Position traders seek to identify and tradecurrency pairs that signal that a medium to long term trend is playing out – but willtake more than a few days to play out. Their positions are usually closed before thetrend runs out of power. This trading time frame is the least time-consuming oneamong all the different ones, as there is not much need for intensive monitoring.Many position traders place a trailing stop which automatically closes their positionif the price retraces past a particular point.


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Choosing a time-frame

As a general rule of thumb: the smaller the time frame you trade then the more timeis needed to be devoted to monitoring the markets.

Someone who day trades tends to be more in touch with the price swings andgoings-on of the market as positions are opened and closed during the same day.Whereas at the end of the spectrum, a position trader does not have to monitor themarket so intensively.

Risk-wise, I would say that the longer the time frame used in trading, the more riskhas to be assumed by the trader. This is simply because the market has more timeto move against them, and can move much further against them than it can in asmaller time frame.

Many of the strategies mentioned in this book are meant for short-term trading.However, you may decide on the length of your holding period to suit your personalpreference by adjusting the profit target and stop-loss accordingly. Of course, thesize of profit objective and stop-loss will be proportional to the length of yourholding period – the shorter your time frame, the smaller your profit target andstop-loss should be; the longer the trading time frame, the wider your profit targetand stop-loss can be.


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Warming Up

Opening an account

How do I set up an account?

Before you set up a trading account to trade forex, you first need to choose which forexbroker best suits your needs and trading style. There are mainly two types of brokers:

1. ECN (Electronic Communication Network) and

2. Market-Maker

[These will be explained further in Chapter 2.]

It is very important to make sure that the broker is situated in a country wheretheir activities can be monitored by a regulatory agency.

Experiment first with virtual money

The best way to learn how to trade forex and to see if it is suitable for you is to tradeit real-time, but with a demo account initially. Demo accounts can be opened forfree with certain brokers; no real money is deposited in this type of account. Youcan experiment real-time trading with different currency pairs using various tradingstrategies without losing any real money – it is a good way to build up someconfidence. You can get a sense of how it feels to have a profit or a loss, eventhough the intensity of these emotions will be of a different level when trading withreal money. It is the best way for new traders to dip their toes in the water.

How much money is needed to start?

The amount of trading capital needed is relative. After getting a feel with a demoaccount, you can start with real money. The first type of account you can open is amini account which requires a minimum of just a few hundred US dollars (somebrokers even allow you to open a mini account with just US$100). However, don’texpect to grow rich on such a small amount. For standard-sized accounts, thegeneral minimum is around a few thousand US dollars.

Thinking of putting your life savings into a trading account?

Don’t. Only trade with money you can afford to lose. Make sure that even if youlose all of your trading capital, your lifestyle won’t be affected.

If you lose a large amount, you may never want to trade again. Whereas if you losevirtual money in a demo account, or a small amount in a mini account, it may beeasier to pick yourself back up after losses – both emotionally and financially.


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Currency codes

Each currency is represented by a three-letter currency code according to theInternational Organisation for Standardisation (ISO). The ISO 4217 code list definesdifferent currencies, and is the standard used in the banking industry and in businessesall around the world. See below for some of the more common currency codes.

The first two letters of the currency code are based on the two letters of the countrycode according to the ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 (they are also often used to denote acountry’s domain on the Internet) and the third letter is usually the initial of thecurrency itself. For example, Canada’s currency code is CAD – CA for Canada andD for dollar.

Currencies are traded in pairs

When a currency is bought, another currency must be sold in exchange, and,conversely, when a currency is sold, another currency must be bought in exchange.This act of simultaneous buying and selling is the most important aspect of forex:a currency is always traded against another currency. Thus currencies are alwaystraded in pairs – for example, the US dollar and the Japanese Yen (USD/JPY) or theEuro and the US dollar (EUR/USD). The first currency in the pair is known as thebase currency, and the second currency is the counter or terms currency.

Table 1.1: Common ISO currency codes

Some Common ISO Currency Codes

US Dollar USD

British Pound GBP

Euro EUR

Japanese Yen JPY

Swiss Franc CHF

Canadian Dollar CAD

Australian Dollar AUD

New Zealand Dollar NZD

[A more comprehensive list of currency codes can be found in the appendix.]


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Trade size

In some forex trading platforms, trades are executed in standard sizes of 10,000base currency per one lot, but in other platforms, trades are executed in standardsizes of 100,000 base currency per one lot. Therefore, there is no universaldefinition of what a “standard-sized” lot is, even though a “standard lot” typicallyrefers to a trade size of 100,000 base currency units in the realm of retail currencytrading. There is usually no maximum trading size, but some brokers require thatyou request for a quote over the telephone for trading sizes bigger than 10,000,000base currency units.


What are pips?

“Pips” will be one of the most common words that you will use when you tradeforex. The term pip stands for percentage in point. It represents the smallestincremental move an exchange rate can make. For example, 1 pip is 0.0001 forUSD/CHF, or 0.01 for USD/JPY.

How to calculate pip values

In currency pairs where the counter currency (the second symbol in a pair) is theUS dollar, for example, EUR/USD, GBP/USD or AUD/USD, one pip alwaysequals US$10, for every 100,000 currency units. For other currency pairs, wherethe USD is the base currency (the first symbol in a pair), one pip will usually beworth less than US$10 for every 100,000 currency units, and it varies slightly dueto fluctuating exchange rates.

Here is the formula that is used to calculate pip value:

Value of a pip = (one pip, with the appropriate decimalplacement/currency exchange rate) x (trade amount)

Note that the two variables are the exchange rate and the trade amount.

Variable Pip Value

Let’s say you want to calculate how much one pip is worth for US$100,000 ofUSD/CHF at the time when the USD/CHF exchange rate is around 1.2200.

Pip value = (0.0001/1.2200) x US$100,000= US$8.19


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Therefore, if you have made 30 pips on US$100,000 worth of USD/CHF trade,your profit would be 30 x US$8.19 = US$245.70.

Here is another example.

Let’s say you want to calculate how much one pip is worth for US$100,000 ofUSD/JPY at the time when the USD/JPY exchange rate is around 119.20.

Pip value = (0.01/119.20) x US$100,000= US$8.38

Notice that:

• one pip in USD/JPY is expressed as 0.01 because the exchange rate of USD/JPYhas two decimal places, but

• one pip in USD/CHF is expressed as 0.0001 because the exchange rate ofUSD/CHF has four decimal places.

Fixed Pip Value

Now, let us calculate how much one pip is worth for 100,000 Euros of EUR/USDat the time when the EUR/USD exchange rate is around 1.3000.

Pip value = (0.0001/1.3000) x EUR100,000= EUR7.69

As you have noticed, the value is in Euros. So to convert the pip value from Eurosto US dollars, you multiply EUR7.69 by the current EUR/USD exchange rate,which is 1.3000 in this example.

Pip value = EUR7.69 x 1.3000= US$10.00

This two-step calculation explains why the pip value is always US$10 per 100,000currency units for currency pairs that quote the USD as the counter currency.

So if you have traded £100,000 worth of GBP/USD, and you have a 20 pip profit,you would get 20 x US$10, which is US$200 profit.


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Reading forex rates

A market maker will usually quote a two-way market price – “two-way” meaninga bid and an ask price–

• a bid is a price at which a market maker is willing to buy a currency (and atwhich the trader is willing to sell), while

• an ask is a price at which a market maker is willing to sell a currency (and atwhich the trader is willing to buy).

Here are some examples of currency quotes:

EUR/USD 1.3000 / 1.3003USD/CHF 1.2236 / 1.2240GBP/USD 1.9500 / 1.9504

The quote on the left-hand side is the bid, whereas the one on the right-hand side isthe ask. As you can see, the ask is always higher than the bid, and the difference(which is called the spread) is where the market maker makes its money from. Inthe example of the EUR/USD quote above, the spread is 3 pips.

Based on the GBP/USD quote above, you can sell £1 for US$1.9500 according tothe bid price, or you can buy £1 for US$1.9504 according to the ask price.

Understanding rollover

Forex transactions in the spot market are always due for settlement two businessdays later. So if a trader sells a certain quantity of a currency on, say, Monday, heor she is obligated to deliver that quantity of the currency on Wednesday. However,in practice, when you buy and sell currencies in the spot market as a retail traderyou don’t really take delivery of the actual currency. This is because you are likelyto be trading on a leveraged trading account, which means you can get a loan fromyour forex broker for the amount that you are trading.

For example, if you want to buy or sell $100,000 worth of a currency, you may onlyneed to pay $1000 for the deal if your broker allows a 1% margin. So to avoidtaking actual delivery of the currency that you have bought or sold, most forexbrokers will automatically roll over your positions to the next business day byclosing your position and opening an identical one with a delivery date within thenext two days.

Rollover is usually done on a daily basis at 5:00 pm New York time, and onlyaffects those who hold their positions overnight.


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During rollover, the broker pays or charges you whatever the interest ratedifferential is between the two currencies in the pair. So if you have bought (long)a particular currency, and that currency has a higher overnight interest rate than thecounter currency, you will gain the difference. If you have sold (short) the currencywith a higher overnight interest rate, then you will be charged the difference. Thebroker also keeps a percentage of this rollover for itself, which is why the amountyou receive will always be less than what you must pay for a given currency pair.

Most brokers also have a slightly strange way of dealing with the weekend rollover.Rather than charging you the 2 non-trading days of Saturday and Sunday on thenight of Friday, they usually charge it on a Wednesday. This can be somewhatconfusing for new traders who wonder why their rollover is so much higher on aWednesday than on other days of the week.

Some brokers may also call the rollover payout or charge the “swap”, as a swap isthe term used for an interest rate differential between two currencies over a givenperiod of time.

What sort of leverage can I get?

Leverage involves borrowing a certain amount of the money needed to invest insomething. In the case of forex, that money is usually borrowed from a broker.Forex trading does offer high leverage in the sense that for an initial marginrequirement, you can build up and control a huge trading position.

Margin is the minimum required balance to place a trade. Forex brokers set their ownmargin requirements, which typically range from 1-2% of the value of the position.

For example, if you want to trade $100,000 of USD/CHF and the margin requiredis 1%, or $1000, your margin-based leverage will be 100 times, which is derivedby dividing the total transaction value by the margin required.

Many retail forex brokers offer a sizeable amount of leverage to their customers.Some offer 50 times leverage, while an increasing number of them even allow upto 400 times leverage for standard-sized or mini-sized accounts. It is very importantto know that leverage magnifies both your profits and losses. The good thing is thatyou, the customer, are often given the flexibility to select your leverage amount.



Slippage occurs when your order gets executed at a price different from what youwere expecting (or hoping). This can easily occur in fast-moving markets, usuallyduring or after some news release, for any non-limit orders.


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Even though forex has the greatest liquidity in the financial markets, it does notmean that all currency pairs have the same liquidity. The table below shows therelative liquidity of some important currency pairs.


Some currency pairs are more volatile than others. While some pairs can easilymove at least 130 pips in a day, other pairs only manage to move less than 70 pipsa day.

The figure over the page shows the average daily volatility in some importantcurrency pairs. In this case volatility is measured in terms of pips moved in a day.This is not the conventional way of measuring volatility, which is usually done bymeasuring the percentage move of a pair in a given time frame. However, sincemost traders look at the pip move, I am showing volatility in terms of what is mosteasily measured by traders.

The more a currency pair moves in a day, the greater the chance that profits can bemade within a day. Currency pairs which tend to move more than 100 pips a day(for example, GBP/USD and USD/CHF) usually catch the fancy of day tradersbecause they offer the best opportunities for capturing decent-sized profits in ashorter period of time.

The broad spectrum of volatility ensures that there is something to suit everyone,ranging from the aggressive to the conservative trader. The currency pair that youchoose to concentrate your trading on will depend on how aggressive orconservative you are.

Table 1.2: liquidity of major currency pairs

Currency Pair Liquidity




USD/CHF Medium

GBP/USD Medium

USD/CAD Medium




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Common types of order

There is a great range of orders that traders can give to precisely control theexecution of their order. Not all brokers will accept the same range of order types,but I list below the most common types of orders that most brokers should accept.

Market Order

An order to buy or sell at the current market price.

Limit Order

An order to buy or sell at a specified price or better.

Stop-Loss Order

An order to close a position if the market price hits a certain level. Note however,that this type of order means that after the stop price is hit the order becomes amarket order and you may suffer slippage.


7 Winning Strategies For Trading Forex

Figure 1.1: Relative volatility of some currency pairs


>130 Pips


60 Pips









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Limit Entry Order

An order to buy below the market or sell above the market at a specified price. Youuse this type of entry order if you feel that the currency pair will reverse directionfrom that price.

Stop-Entry Order

An order to buy above the market or sell below the market at a specified price. Youuse this type of entry order if you feel that the currency pair will continue in thesame direction. Just like with a stop order, you may suffer slippage when using thistype of order.

Stop-Limit Order

An order to buy above the market or sell below the market at a specified price only.When your price is hit your order becomes a limit order which prevents slippage.However, there is a chance that in a fast-moving market your order won’t be filledat all.

One Triggers Other (OTO)/ Parent and Contingent

A set of orders whereby when the parent order is filled, the contingent order isplaced. This is commonly used to make sure a stop and/or limit order is placed assoon as an entry order is filled.

One Cancels Other (OCO)

A set of orders whereby when one order is filled, the other order is cancelled. Thisis commonly used to set both a profit-taking limit order and a stop-loss order assoon as an entry order is filled.


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How to Choose a Broker

The forex broker that you use can significantly affect your trading success.

There are two types of forex brokers: market makers and ECNs. But in practicethings are not so clear-cut – there are market makers out there who falsely marketthemselves as not having dealing desks, while there are also some brokers whoclaim to be true ECNs when they are not.

The choice of broker must be an individual decision, because everyone hasdifferent needs and preferences. Both new and existing traders should carefullyexamine the practices and policy contracts of brokers, and be up-to-date with newinformation on brokers.

Below are some points that you might want to consider when selecting a broker.You can use it as a rough guide to narrow down some candidates that match yourown needs.

Broker type

• Do you prefer to trade with a market maker or an ECN?


• How safe are your funds with them?

Broker location

• Is the broker regulated by any regulatory authority in that country? [Refer to theappendix for a list of main regulatory organisations.] Note that even if the brokeris regulated, no entity can completely guarantee the safety of client funds.

• Are the client funds insured against fraud, theft, or embezzlement?

• Are the funds maintained separately from the broker’s operating funds? Even ifthe broker says that the funds are kept separate, it does not mean that they aresegregated as defined according to certain agencies’ regulations.

Trial account

• Does the broker provide a trial demo account?


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Trading platform

• How many different currency pairs can you trade?

• Does it come with any charting interface? Can you trade from the charts?

• Are you comfortable with the order placing system?

• Do they have one-click trading? This will be useful when scalping.

• Is order execution instant and efficient? This will be especially crucial if youare scalping.

• Does it freeze during times of news releases or when the market is movingvery fast?

• If you want to implement your own automated trading system, does it offer anApplication Programming Interface (API)?

• Will you need to trade while on the move? If so, check if it has a mobile or web-based version that you can use for trading.

Account and trade size

• What is the minimum amount that is required for opening an account?

• What is the minimum trade size? 10,000 or 100,000 currency units?

• Can you make adjustments to the lot size traded?

• What is the maximum size you can trade without having to call for a quote?

• What is the maximum size they will guarantee your orders be filled at? Or, if itis an ECN, how easy is it to fill big orders?

Order types and handling

• What order types are supported? Do they support Stop, Limit, Stop-Limit, One-Triggers-Other (OTO) and One-Cancels-Other (OCO) orders?

• How much slippage do you get when trading during news releases?

• Find out the broker’s policy on stop-loss and limit orders. Depending on thepolicy, it is possible to end up with closing prices that are worse than expected.


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Commissions and spreads

• ECNs generally charge a commission when you open and close your positions.Are you willing to accept that?

• Are spreads fixed or variable?

If spreads are variable, how wide do they get during important news releases?


• What is the margin percentage? The lower the margin required, the greater theamount of leverage.

• Is the margin requirement identical for mini and standard accounts?

Once you have narrowed the broker list down to a few candidates, be sure to readthe terms and conditions of the respective contracts, and understand what you arein for before you sign anything. Later on when you have graduated to anintermediate or advanced phase in trading forex, you may then choose to spreadyour money among a few brokers so as to reduce exposure to a single broker.


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Forex Trading Is A Serious Business

Forex trading must be seen as a serious business, not just a casual roll of the diceor a leisurely pursuit. If you approach trading as a means of getting your dose ofadrenaline, do yourself a favour by staying away from it – you will do less harm toyour pockets by going to the latest Louis Vuitton sale or by bidding on that vintagecar on eBay for the adrenaline shot.

Serious money demands serious work. Winners from the trading arena take a no-nonsense approach to trading – they take care of their P&L (profits and losses),enter only into high probability trades and keep meticulous record of all theirtrades.

Both serious and casual traders, of course, dream of making it big in the forexmarket, but it is not the goal that counts, it is the preparation and dedication that isimportant. Forex trading should be considered and treated as a serious business, justlike other types of businesses. Approaching trading from the perspective of ashrewd business person can greatly tilt your chances of success to your side.


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A Day in the Life of a Full-TimeForex Trader

Middle of the night

An alarm from my computer rings. Jolted from sleep, I drag my feet – with eyeshalf-open – into my trading room. I turn on the LCD monitors and lookimmediately at the screen showing the 5-minute chart of GBP/USD. The time is2:10am and the FOMC minutes have just been released. GBP/USD has fallen byaround 40 pips so far to 1.9730 – an intraday low.

I click on the headline which summarises what the minutes say. It seems that theFed’s main concern is that inflation will fail to moderate as expected, and thatfuture policy adjustments will depend on incoming economic data. This statementis very similar to the previous one; hence there is not much reaction in the forexmarket. Both EUR/USD and USD/CHF barely move more than 20 pips. I wait afew more minutes to see how the price action in GBP/USD will unfold, but whenI see that the currency pair is losing momentum, I switch off the monitors and goback to bed. The price is not where I want to buy GBP/USD.


Too soon, morning comes. I start off the day by having breakfast in front of one ofmy computers, looking at screens that show the 5-minute charts USD/CHF,EUR/USD, USD/JPY and GBP/USD. These four currency pairs (also known as“majors”) are what I usually check out the first thing in the morning, unless I’vegot a position open in other currency pairs. I quickly scroll through the newsheadlines that are displayed in the news feeds, and select those which relate directlyto forex. Sometimes there are tons of press reports to read, other times there isn’tmuch, and today there is a sprinkle of reports written by financial news journalistswho are all trying to dissect what the Fed is up to.

The analysis that I had done yesterday threw up some significant support andresistance levels in USD/CHF, and since I’m not expecting any big price breakoutsin the meantime, I place some limit orders near them. As much as I am eager forsome fast-moving actions in the market, most currency pairs still haven’t movedmuch during the time I was asleep, since the release of FOMC minutes severalhours ago. The market seems pretty boring at this time.

The lull in market activity gives me some time to write a bit more of this book, andto work on some trading articles.


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Later on, just as I am getting ready to go out for lunch with a friend, I see thatUSD/CHF is moving up toward a specific resistance level, and my short position(to sell-short instead of buying) could be open very soon. To make sure the trade isstill sound, I quickly check the news feeds to see if any news or rumours might havetriggered this move.

As it moves closer to my price point, I decide to leave the short order in place asthe move doesn’t seem to be triggered by any news. The market is moving up andcloser to my position; it is now only one pip away. I make sure all my charts are up,and I prepare to monitor this trade. Suddenly, USD/CHF seems to move down. Iwonder if I’ve missed the opportunity. It is now 12 pips away from my openingprice, a bit too late for me to get in.

And just as suddenly as the price has gone down, it is now moving up again andmy order is now filled. It seems I haven’t missed out on the move after all. Nowmy only fear is that USD/CHF could break out successfully from that resistancepoint. The pair keeps moving up, 5 pips then 10. I am now in loss, but I’m not tooworried since the actual resistance point hasn’t been reached yet as it is still 5pips away.


The up move on USD/CHF seems to be slowing down a bit. I guess others must begoing short too. After what seems like an eternity, but is probably no more than fiveminutes, my position is back at break-even, which means I have neither made norlost money at this point. This bounce trade seems to be taking a while, so I call myfriend to let her know we will have to postpone our lunch meeting. Lunch will haveto arrive in the form of junk food from my favorite food delivery outlet. SometimesI watch my open trade like a hawk; other times, I simply continue with otheractivities.

I set some price alarms and get back to writing my book while waiting for mylunch. After all, it is usually better to do something else while waiting on themarket. That way, a trader won’t feel as bored and it prevents him or her fromtrading out of boredom.

After lunch, the alarms ring. I look at the charts and see that USD/CHF is movingdown sharply. Looks like I am close to reaching my profit target. Institutionaltraders must be back from lunch and are taking profits on their long positions.Finally, to my delight, within the next half hour, my short USD/CHF trade reachesthe profit objective.

End of the day

With this trade out of the way, I look for upcoming trading opportunities. They areall quite far from the current price, so I embark on the regular routine of blogging


Getting Started

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on my website about the latest developments in the market and their implications,and capture some chart screenshots to include in the post. Trading blogs, especiallythose that have fresh and relevant material, can be a valuable source of useful andtargeted information for busy traders who hold day jobs. This blogging habit, whichconstitutes part of my market homework, has helped me in my own trading. I alsotake the time to interact with the online community of traders by participating inforums such as that as ForexVibes (www.forexvibes.com).

Trading is unlike a 9-to-5 job; there isn’t a fixed time for the start or the end of mydaily trading activities. This means that sometimes I will end past midnight, andother times I will be done well before lunch time.


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2 :Spo t Fo rexMarke t S t ruc tu re

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2: Spot Forex Market StructureThe spot forex market has always been a decentralised global network of buyersand sellers – meaning there is no physical central exchange that acts as a centralclearing party. This is unlike, say, stocks or futures which traded through theexchanges such the London Stock Exchange or Chicago Mercantile Exchange.

Trading of currencies is done OTC (over-the-counter), in the sense that currencybuyers and sellers from all over the world make a binding contract with each otherafter agreeing on a price – and this is not carried out through an exchange. Thisaspect of spot forex trading is different from forex futures trading which is carriedout through an exchange. Forex traders carry out their activities by dealing directlywith one another or through brokers via telephone and internet connections.


In early 2007, the Chicago Mercantile Exchange (CME) and Reuters launched theworld’s first centrally cleared global forex market place called FXMarketSpace.

There are several benefits of a central exchange, for example:

• counterparty risk for trades is reduced, and

• there is trading anonymity – something very much coveted, especially forbig players.

In this centrally cleared system, the CME will act as the central counterparty andguarantee the performance of all contracts for both buyers and sellers.Unfortunately, FXMarketSpace is an institutional trading platform and is not opento retail market players. According to the website (www.fxmarketspace.com),market participants would have to meet the FSA (Financial Services Authority isbased in the United Kingdom) definition of a “Market Counterparty”, andindividuals would have to be sophisticated investors, typically with a net worthover $20 million. Therefore, as a central exchange for forex retail players is still nota reality, I shall focus on the OTC structure of the forex market in this chapter.


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Market Players

The OTC nature of the forex market means that currency transactions do notconverge at one single place, but instead are conducted all over the globe. Playersof the forex market range from those who trade billions of dollars a day, to thosewho trade just tens of thousands of dollars.

A player’s access to the forex market depends on their quantity of transactions oflarge amounts of money. The world’s big banks are the main market players, andthey form the exclusive club where most trading activities take place. This club isknown as the interbank market. The more money you have, or are able to get acredit for, the more likely you are able to access this big boys’ club.

Down the hierarchy are the smaller banks, big multinational companies, hedgefunds and other institutional investors or speculators, and retail forex brokers.These large speculators may also conduct currency transactions directly in theinterbank market, if they deal in large amounts and have credit standings with thelarge banks.

Next in line are the independent retail traders who lie at the bottom of the marketstructure. These individual traders mainly trade through forex brokers as theygenerally trade in much smaller lot sizes.

Central banks of countries are also market players, although they are not alwaysinvolved in the market.

See Figure 2.1 for a basic illustration of the forex market structure.

Figure 2.1: forex market structure








Retail Traders


7 Winning Strategies For Trading Forex

A basic illustration of the forexmarket structure. Hedge fundsand companies are not included inthis illustration as the retail traderwill usually not deal directly withany of them.

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Who makes the currency prices in the market?

Without a central exchange, currency exchange rates are made, or set, by marketmakers – they make the bid and the ask prices based on the currency movementsthat they anticipate will take place. The largest banks are the major market makers,and they handle very large forex transactions – often in the billions of dollars – onbehalf of their clients, such as other institutions or companies, and also forthemselves. Many banks have traders dedicated to trading speculatively for thebank.

The resulting massive flows of money handled by these large banks are whatprimarily drive currency prices. This big money-laden network forms the interbankmarket where large banks deal with one another, and is where most of the tradingactivity takes place.

The transactions carried out by these major banks amount to the greatest bulk of thetotal daily forex volume. These big banks include Citigroup, Barclays Capital, UBSand Deutsche Bank.

Brokering platforms

The banks deal with one another directly, or through electronic brokering platformslike the Electronic Brokering Services (EBS) or Reuters Dealing 3000 Matching.These brokering systems get the best available exchange rates for the variouscurrency pairs, and match buying and selling requests from bank dealers. Betweenthese two competitors, they connect at least 1000 banks together.

In order to deal with each other, banks must have specific credit lines with eachother since there is no exchange to serve as each bank’s counterparty.

As main market makers, they constantly quote a bid and an ask price to one another,thereby “making” the market. Smaller banks that trade smaller amounts also getaccess to these brokering platforms.

Large companies

Companies and businesses are involved in the forex market because of their needto pay for products and services which are denominated in other currencies. Sincethese commercial entities deal in smaller quantities, compared to that of largebanks, they usually trade through banks instead of directly accessing the interbankmarket themselves.

Large overall trade flows can have a significant impact on the forex market, as theyplay a role in the supply and demand of currencies.


Spot Forex Market Structure

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Besides paying for goods and services in the normal course of doing business,many large multinational companies are also players in the forex market due totheir hedging activities.

Sometimes companies may also be involved in currency speculation for thepurpose of generating additional revenue.

Cross-border mergers and acquisitions (M&A) of companies can also have animpact, albeit a very short-term one, on currency prices. M&As tend to involve ahuge amount of money, often in the billions. Currency conversions must take placeif the M&A deal relates to companies from different countries, and involves cashtransactions. Major cross-border M&A deals can influence the trading decisions ofinstitutional speculators as they anticipate a temporary shift in supply and demandof the currencies involved.

Central banks

Central banks hold the key to controlling the supply and demand of nationalcurrencies; hence they play a very important role in the forex markets.

Examples of some prominent central banks include the US Federal Reserve Bank(the Fed), the European Central Bank (ECB), the Bank of England (BOE) and theBank of Japan (BOJ) – with the Fed undoubtedly being the most influential amongall the other central banks in the world.

Issues that are of most concern to central banks are those relating to: inflation (pricestability), economic growth and the unemployment rate. One of the ways thatcentral banks control these factors is through the setting and adjustment of interestrates, which will affect the valuation of many currencies.

Sometimes central banks intervene directly in the forex market when they are notsatisfied with the current exchange rates of their currencies. That is, they may findthat the current exchange rate is either too high or too low for the overall benefit ofthe economy.

The Bank of Japan is well-known for its intervention in the market. As Japan’seconomic backbone lies in its exporting activities, a weaker Yen is more beneficialin stimulating exports. Hence, when the BOJ deems that the Yen is getting muchstronger against, say, the US dollar or the Euro, it may step into the open market todeliberately depress its currency by selling Yen against US dollars and Euros. Thisact of central bank intervention may cause other institutional players to follow suit,and further drive the currency exchange rate towards the rate that is favoured by theintervening central bank.

Besides direct intervention, policymakers from central banks may also occasionallyuse verbal comments about the desired state of their currency exchange rate when


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they are worried about the currency’s excessive strength and volatility so that theexchange rate may be in line with the monetary policy of the central bank.

Institutional investors/speculators

Institutional investors/speculators include hedge funds and investmentmanagement companies. Most of these institutional speculators have internationalportfolios that consist of both domestic and international assets like stock or bondsto diversify their holdings. They tend to be very aggressive participants of the spotforex market as they often facilitate currency transactions when purchasing orselling foreign assets. For example, an investment manager who is in charge of aninternational stock portfolio will be required to buy and sell foreign currencies soas to pay for any purchase of overseas stocks.

Hedge funds, being largely unregulated, often practise very different styles ofwealth generation from investment management companies; they tend to adoptmore aggressive forms of trading with the aim of generating a high return oninvestment. Sometimes, a portion of their assets under management may beallocated specifically for currency speculations, with the objective of maximisingtheir overall profits.

Large hedge funds and investment management companies are capable of movingthe forex market in their transactions. The most unforgettable example of a hedgefund leaving its legacy in history is when George Soros’s Quantum Fund made anestimated $1 billion in profit by betting that the British Pound would be forced outof the European Exchange Rate Mechanism. Subsequently, Soros became knownas “the man who broke the Bank of England”.

Forex brokers

The emergence of sophisticated online forex brokers made forex trading feasiblefor private individuals. In the past, only wealthy individuals could speculate in theforex market, but now things are very different. Anyone can simply open a tradingaccount with a retail forex broker and trade currencies online with little moneyupfront, as forex brokers tend to offer highly leveraged margin accounts forindividuals. There are basically two types of forex brokers:

1. market makers: who set the bid and the ask prices themselves, and

2. Electronic Communication Networks (ECNs): consolidate various bid and askprices from market makers and other participants connected to their platform,and display the best available prices.

These are explained in some detail below.


Spot Forex Market Structure

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1. Market Makers

Market-making is a lucrative business for banks and brokers, and forms thebackbone of market liquidity. By quoting the bid and the ask prices on the screensof electronic brokering platforms, or through telephone calls, they are essentiallyproviding liquidity and inviting other qualified parties (other banks, hedge funds,corporations or retail customers like individual traders) to deal with them. In doingso, market makers must be prepared to buy or sell from other market participants.

For example, if someone wants to buy a specified amount of EUR/USD from themat the agreed rate, the market maker must sell the requested amount to them at theask price, thus making them the counterparty to the transaction.

Some market makers may have established credit links with banks that trade on theinterbank market, or they access electronic brokering platforms like EBS or Reutersfor pricing.

Bid/ask spread

Through market-making, market makers profit from the bid/ask spread, which isthe difference between:

1. the price at which the market maker will buy (bid price), and the

2. price at which it will sell at (ask price) from a customer.

For example, if the bid price for EUR/USD is 1.2700 and the ask price is 1.2702,then the spread based on these prices will be 0.0002 or 2 pips.

During periods of high liquidity in which there is a great deal of trading activity,spreads of the actively traded currency pairs are usually kept quite narrow, between1-4 pips. When the market is very quiet with little trading action going on for aparticular currency pair, for example just prior to the New York close on Fridays orduring news releases, dealing spreads tend to widen, sometimes by a huge margin,as a way for market makers to protect themselves when they feel that they mayhave to carry additional risks.

In addition to their primary role of supplying liquidity, traders from these banksalso undertake intraday or short-term speculative trades based on opportunitiescreated by their clients’ transactions. Market makers usually operate a dealing desk,which refers to the market maker trading with the customer, and the presence ofdealing desks means that the market maker may potentially trade against thecustomer. It is possible for market makers to manipulate currency prices so as torun their customers’ stops or not let customers’ trades reach their profit targetlevels. They may move their currency quotes 10-15 pips away from the interbankrates. Independent traders should always be sceptical of claims by some marketmakers when they say they do not operate a dealing desk.


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2. Electronic Communication Networks (ECNs)

ECNs are electronic trading platforms that match buy and sell orders automaticallyat the specified prices. Traders tend to be more aware of their existence in stocks orfutures markets.

An ECN broker gets its currency pricing from several liquidity providers such asbanks, market makers or other traders who are connected to the system. When anorder is placed, it is routed to the best available bid or ask price in its system.

Unlike the case of some market makers, spreads on ECNs are variable rather thanfixed. Although ECN-type brokers typically charge a small commission, you canusually get tighter spreads on many currency pairs due to the large liquidity poolavailable. Risks of trade manipulation are also minimised when using genuine ECNbrokers as compared to brokers that operate dealing desks.


Spot Forex Market Structure

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How the OTC Structure AffectsSelf-Directed Traders

Limited access to interbank market

Individual retail traders, most of whom trade in much smaller size compared tothose of banks, generally trade through forex brokers instead of directly accessingthe interbank market. This aspect of OTC shifts the odds of success againstindividual traders, especially if the forex broker acts as a market maker. Sincetraders have to deal directly with their brokers, the latter will usually hold theopposite side of the transactions. If a trader is bullish on say, the USD/JPY, he orshe will go long by buying a specific quantity of USD/JPY from the market maker,who will then effectively be short USD/JPY by selling to the trader. Because of theinherent conflict of interest that exists, this arrangement does not sit well with manyindividual traders as they fear that the market maker will trade against them, andthat is not an uncommon practice in the market making industry.

No information on volume

Since buy and sell transactions are not cleared by a central system, there is no wayof knowing the total volume of trade. Lack of volume data can pose a challenge tostocks or futures traders who have made the switch to currencies as they may havebecome used to checking volume.

No singular exchange rate at any one time

Exchange rates do differ from place to place, screen to screen, depending on whichparties are offering what. Cash transactions take place between countless parties atany one time, and there is no exchange which records all these transactions.

For example, while the exchange rate of EUR/USD may show 1.2500/1.2503 onBroker X, the EUR/USD exchange rate on Broker Y may be 1.2505/1.2508 at thesame time. There isn’t a universal absolute exchange rate of any currency pair atany given time.

Some independent traders are not even aware of this peculiar aspect of OTCdealings. Since there can be a few different prices for a currency pair at any onetime, you may not be able to see what is the best available price if you trade throughonly one market maker. Generally, though, the rates provided by market makers toretail traders are quite close to the pricing quoted in the interbank market.


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Varying spreads

Spreads on currency pairs vary from broker to broker, with some market makerssetting fixed spreads, while ECNs will have varying (usually tighter) spreads ineach currency pair, depending on market liquidity. Spreads and/or commissionsshould preferably be calculated in advance before each trade so that you can decidewhere your breakeven price will be after taking into account all thesebusiness costs.

No standard data

Exchange rates differ from one market maker to another because there is noconsensus specified by a centralised market. Different market makers havedifferent rates at the same time although usually not differing by more than a fewpips. A trader would have to accept what is being quoted by his broker unless hecompares prices with other brokers. Price charts from different price feed vendorswill also look slightly different as they each have their own data source. Although,in general, the currency prices are quite similar.

The forex trading day

Also, being a 24-hour market, boundaries of a trading day are blurred. Traders fromaround the world are in various time zones. Traders from, say, Singapore woulddisplay a different timing from their US counterparts – who tend to display EST(Eastern Standard Timing) on their price charts. As a result, many traders displayGMT (Greenwich Mean Time) on their charts, so that a trading “day” commencesand ends according to GMT.


Spot Forex Market Structure

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The OTC nature of the forex market can be a bane to serious forex traders, wholong for price and execution transparency – something which is standard for stockand futures markets. While the trading arena has had a boost from the CME-Reutersjoint venture of a central forex exchange, it remains to be seen if that can benefitindependent traders. Trade manipulation by some market-making brokers issomething that is difficult for traders to prove, and something that is easy for theculprits to dismiss.

However, despite the limitations that come with the OTC territory, spot forextrading can be extremely financially rewarding for those who are aware of thelimitations and know how to deal with them.


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3:How To OvercomeThe Odds OfTrading Forex

7 W i n n i n g S t r a t e g i e s f o r T r a d i n g F o r e x

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3: How To Overcome The OddsOf Trading ForexIt is one of the hardest jobs in the world to make big money. And trading forex isnot one of the easiest ways – despite what many new traders believe. Many tradersfail, and they empty their trading accounts before they learn how to exploit theforex market to their advantage. Although there are also traders who are successfulin forex trading, their numbers are small compared to the majority of losers. Manytimes, traders are not aware that they have the power and might to shift the odds totheir favour, that they can dramatically increase their chances of success if theywant to. The main reason why many traders get defeated by the market can beattributed to their lack of knowledge.

In this 21st century, where the buzzword is knowledge, it is not just a matter ofworking hard, but also a matter of working smart. Knowledge is the key that canopen many doors – if you have an intimate knowledge of how something works,you can then come up with ways to exploit what you know to your advantage. Thisapplies to forex trading as well. Not only must you know and understand how theforex market works, you also need to understand your own emotions and otherpeople’s emotions. You need to know how to identify high probability trade setupsand how to manage your money wisely.

For every transaction in the forex market, there are winners and losers. Your goalis to make more overall profits than losses over a period of time, and to emerge anoverall winner. My approach to consistent trading success lies in three main pillars,or the 3Ms: Mind, Money and Method.


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Out of the three Ms, I find the Mind component to be the most crucial to tradingsuccess.

It is often said that we are our own worst enemy. In forex trading, I couldn’t agreemore with that saying. Human beings are emotional creatures, and most of ourdecisions are guided more by emotions than logical thinking. Our mind is capableof playing tricks on us; we can get seduced into unfavourable situations by ouremotions. Emotions can work for us or against us. Sometimes they can save usfrom landing in a pile of sticky mess, but sometimes they can land us in it. We canalso turn the tables around by playing tricks on our mind, making it believewhatever we want it to believe. Both internal and external battles can be fought andwon through the optimal harnessing of the Mind’s power.

Do you have the mental strength?

A trader’s mindset is the most important ingredient of success. Whether you arenew to trading currencies or a forex trader who has some experience, here are somequestions to ask yourself:

Do you really have a strong desire to succeed in forex trading?

Sure, every one wants to succeed in something, but do you have the desire to wantto succeed in forex trading? First of all, this field is not for every one, for you musthave the passion for it. If you just want to try your luck, or dabble, in trading, youwill just end up among the majority who lose their money. You must have the deepdesire to want to accomplish your goals, because without this desire, your thoughtswill not materialise into action, and it is action that could transform your goals toreality. To be a successful trader, you must be highly self-motivated, have aconcrete plan of action, and not be afraid of failure.

Are you prepared to devote a lot of time and effort into picking up tradingskills and knowledge?

To be really good at anything, you need skills and knowledge in that field. A hugeamount of time, effort and money is required for a trader to attain consistent successin forex trading. Despite the availability of forex trading-related resources on theinternet, and in the bookstores, traders can find it quite daunting to learn abouttrading on their own as they do not know what there is to be known. If you do notwish to pay large tuition fees to the market, or if you wish to shorten your learningtime, you may want to consider online trading courses or physical seminars on


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forex trading. I recommend that you check out those which are offered by skilledand practising instructors.

Note: Be wary of signing up for courses or seminars that are full of hype, for theycan be very misleading.Avoid those that give you the impression that you can attainconsistent profits after two days of intensive learning, or those that require you topurchase expensive software. While there are some shortcuts to gaining knowledgevia courses or seminars, there is no substitute for honing your trading skills in themarket.

Are you willing to accept losses as part of trading?

Every one makes mistakes, and mistakes are inevitable. Got a trading loss? Thenwhip out your trading log to record what your mistakes are and what you havelearnt from that losing trade. Always have something positive to take away fromyour losses, and treat it as a learning experience. Don’t dwell on your losses. Knowthat there will be other trades coming your way.

Are you willing to take sole responsibility for your trading decisions?

You read some market analysis, and then trade according to what the analyst issaying. That trade turns out to be a loser, and you turn around to blame it on thatmarket report. It is too easy to shuffle blame on others, and say “It wasn’t me/myfault.” It is fine to read about other people’s opinions about the market, but makesure that you do your own analysis of the market, which you will gradually learn todo so with confidence if you are still relatively new to forex trading. It is dangerousto blame losses on other people, the forex market, or the stars, for you are the onlyperson responsible for pulling the trigger. And if you blame others you will neverbe able to find out how you can improve.

Fear and greed

Fear and greed are the two dominant emotions that affect not just the state of ourmind, but also the currency market. In fact, the fluctuations of these two emotionsare the main drivers of the currency market. There are, of course, other emotionsthat exist in the market such as disappointment, regret and so on, but fear and greedare the principal forces that tilt the scales of supply and demand of currencies.When traders feel overly optimistic about a country or its currency, they becomeconsumed by the great hope that the currency would appreciate in value againstanother currency. They are then guided by this hope and greed to buy the currencypair now so that they could hopefully sell it at a higher price in the future. Greedthen grows into euphoria, as traders continue to buy and buy, thus taking currencyprices to newer highs. However, since currencies always move in pairs (when onecurrency in a pair goes up, the other goes down), fear is also an equally strong


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emotion that guides the currency movements. When people are buying a currencywith great hope, they are also selling the other currency in the pair with great fear.On the other hand, when currency prices go down, fear and greed are also the maindrivers of the move. All in all, fear and greed are behind the steering wheel of thecurrency market.

So, while you must learn to recognise these emotions in the market, the problemcomes when you allow them to distort your logic when it comes to making tradingdecisions, as most of these decisions will turn out bad, and are likely to cause youto regret your actions later.

Every trader has emotions of fear and greed; there is no way you can avoid feelingthese emotions, unless you want to adopt the drastic measure of removing youramygdala – which just happens to be a very important part of a human’s brain.Since there is no way of banishing these emotions for good, the best thing to do isto control these emotions, instead of letting them control the way you think and act.

Face and control your fears

Since greed can be categorised as a kind of fear, which is the fear of missing out, Iwill discuss the primary types of fears relating to trading, and how they can beovercome.

The first step to preventing fears from ruining your trading performance is torecognise the various forms of fear that is connected to trading. And once yourecognise the type of fear you are experiencing, the easier it is for you to handle thatemotional obstacle so that you can trade better. That is the key to emotion-freetrading. It is not about pretending that those fears do not exist, but how you handlethem that matters. Here are some common trading-related fears.

Fear of missing out

Why do so many people rush to departmental store sales, or rushed to buytechnology stocks during the dot-com boom?Any kind of buying mania stems froma very strong emotion that is commonly invoked in people, and that is the fear ofmissing out. This particular fear is also a form of greed because it makes peoplesalivate at the prospect of a seemingly good opportunity that is “too good to passup”.

In trading, this fear manifests itself especially during a sharp rally or decline of acurrency pair. For example, you may see on your screen that EUR/USD is makingnew highs, as it keeps going up and up. Your heart begins to pound really fast, andyou have a million thoughts zipping through your brain, with most of the thoughtsurging you to buy now, now, now. You feel the acute pain of not being in the marketas EUR/USD continues to move higher. You think, “Everyone else is buying, and I


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haven’t. I am losing out!” This fear of losing out is so strong that it then hypnotisesyou into frantically placing buy orders, despite your having some doubts at the farback of your mind.

The “How can I not be buying (selling) when every one else is buying (selling)”mindset is extremely dangerous, because your logical thinking faculty becomesreplaced by fear, and when you trade haphazardly, it can result in huge tradinglosses. It has even been suggested that the fear of losing out is much stronger thanthe fear of losing one’s entire trading account. Traders suffering from this type offear are usually the ones who get onto a trend too late.

Be disciplined and hold off that mouse whenever you sense that this type of fear iscreeping up on you. Think instead of all those traders who are pouring dumb moneyinto the market, and be glad that you know better than them not to join in the craze.

Fear of losses

Trading is a game – there will be winners, and there will be losers. Sometimes youwin some, sometimes you lose some. Losses are bound to happen, no matter howaccurate a trading system may be. Losses can even occur consecutively, especiallyunder changing market conditions or when you don’t keep your monster emotionsat bay.

The fear of losing is most prominent in new traders as they do not yet haveadequate trading skills and knowledge to help assess and evaluate tradingopportunities with a high level of confidence. This can lead to trading paralysis,whereby traders become afraid of pulling the trigger when it comes to entering orexiting trades as they fear losing money or a big portion of their trading capital.

However, if you have a reasonable stop-loss order in place, that is in accordance toyour money management rules, you should have no reason of being fearful ofdamaging the trading account based on just one trade. That is what stop-loss ordersare for – to guard against huge losses.

When you do encounter hesitancy in pulling the trigger, evaluate if you have validreasons for doing so or if you are simply held back by fear. To overcome the fearof losing, remember that you have a reasonable stop-loss in place, and that even ifthat trade turns out to be an unfortunate loss, you won’t suffer financially orpsychologically. Traders just have to get used to the reality that losses areinevitable. The trick is to ensure that your losses are kept small so that you do notharm both your trading account and your state of mind.

Fear of making wrong decisions

Rest assured that “being able to predict the market” is not one of the prerequisitesfor being a successful forex trader. No one, and no computer system, can predictfuture currency moves with 100% accuracy. Trading is based on probability, not


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certainty. If you think that it is highly likely for USD/CHF to go up, you go long,and if you think there is a high chance for USD/JPY to go down, you short. A traderdoes not have to be right. It does not matter at all whether he or she is right orwrong; what counts is whether he or she is profitable in the long run.

Traders should not be hung up on the outcome of single trades, or even a few trades,as trading performance has to be assessed over a period of time. What matters isthat you end up profitable over a period of time. Once you place less emphasis onbeing correct on a current trade, your fear of making wrong decisions should abate,thus enabling you to make better trading decisions without feeling burdened by theoverwhelming pressure to be correct in that trade. Remember that there will betimes of losses and times of profits, which is why it is so important to enter onlytrades that have a high probability of success.

Focus on the big picture

Do not get caught up in feeling invincible or pessimistic after a win or a loss. Astrading is a very highly charged and emotional activity, it is very easy for traders tooscillate between emotional highs and lows. The outcome of just one trade shouldnot affect your overall performance, unless you have violated proper riskmanagement guidelines by betting the farm on a single trade or by over-leveraging.

A trade is just one of many trades. When you are wrong on one trade or severaltrades, try not to beat yourself up or feel regret. Instead, analyze to see where andhow you could have done better in those trades or what mistakes you may havemade, and record what you have learnt from them. If there was really nothing thatcould have been preventable, just accept that the market is unpredictable. Theoutcome of one or a few winning or losing trades should not be magnified. Othertrades will surely come.


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Why is it that many profitable positions turn into losses, and winning strategiesresult in losses instead of profits?

I strongly believe that once a trader has honed his or her trading skills, the ultimatefactor that will affect his or her overall profitability is money management skills.

Money management is all about managing the possible risks, and it is the definingfactor that separates winners and losers in forex trading. Novice traders think ofhow much they can harvest from the market; experienced traders think of howmuch they can lose to the market. Many traders are so eager to trade to make bigmoney that they completely overlook money management. Poor moneymanagement also explains why so many traders get wiped out by the market. Thefirst goal of money management must be to ensure long-term survival in themarket, because if you don’t survive to trade another day, you can forget aboutprofits altogether.

Money management is about fully optimising your trading capital. It allows you tobe proactive in managing risks, and to cope with trading losses – which are part andparcel of the game. It is an essential tool to ensure that you will have more thanenough to last another day in the trading game. It is possible to have a tradingsystem that yields 90% accuracy but still end up losing if the trader does not handlehis or her money and portfolio properly. No matter how good a trading system maybe, there will be times when you will experience a series of losses. Success comesto those who have set down rules for money management, and have the disciplineto follow them through their trading.

Preserve your capital

The shining light that attracts all traders to the forex market is the prospect of beingable to grow their money by tapping into the online trading platform as their ownin-house money tree. In almost any field, it is true that most people are drawn toshort-term benefits, but are myopic when it comes to long-term planning. Tradingis no exception.

When risk capital is put aside for trading, you are hoping that this amount of moneycould be transformed into a much bigger amount; otherwise, what would be thepoint of risking it? But if this capital runs out, what can you bank on to make yourdesired profits?After all, money begets money. Hence, preservation of capital is thekey to ensuring a trader’s long-term survival in the market, for, without survival,there can be no wealth generation.

To drive home the importance of capital preservation, I will discuss the concept ofdrawdown, and how that is relevant to money management.


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Drawdown refers to the decline in account equity from a trade or series of trades.In other words, it is the amount of money that you lose – it is usually expressed asa percentage of your total trading equity at any given time. Drawdown is not anindication of your overall trading performance, as it is calculated when you have alosing trade against your new equity high or your original equity, depending onwhich is higher.

For example, you start with a trading account of $10,000, and lose $2000. Yourdrawdown would be 20%. Now you are left with $8000. If you subsequently gain$1000 and then lose $3000, you now have a drawdown of 40% ($8000 + $1000 -$3000 = $6000, which is 40% loss on your original equity amount of $10,000).

But let’s say you do not have a losing trade, and have made $3000 on your $10,000trading capital, so that increases your trading equity to $13,000. However, you thenlose $2000 out of $13,000 on your next trade. Your drawdown would be 15%($13,000 - $2000 = $11,000, which is a 15% decrease from the new equity high of$13,000).

An important thing to note is that a 100% drawdown will wipe out your tradingaccount, regardless of whatever percentage you are up in your trading account.

Recovering from drawdown

As drawdown gets bigger and bigger, it becomes increasingly difficult to recoverthe equity. Many people are not aware that in order to recoup the percentage ofequity that they lose, they will need to gain a bigger percentage just to break even.If you have lost 10% of your capital, do you think you can break even with a gainof 10%? The answer is no. It will require an 11.11% return on your new accountbalance for you to recoup that 10% loss. Let me show you with numbers.

Let’s say, you start with an initial trading capital of $10,000 and lose $1000, whichis 10% of your capital. In order to recoup that $1000 loss, you will need to make$1000 out of your $9000 remaining balance, which is equivalent to 11.11%($1000/$9000 x 100).

OK, that is not scary yet, but if you start losing more and more of your capital(bigger and bigger drawdowns), the faster you will go down the rabbit hole. Referto the table opposite:


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As you can see, while losses increase arithmetically, the gains that are needed torecoup them increase geometrically.

For an 80% drawdown, can you imagine quadrupling your account just tobreak even?

While many traders hope for that One Big Win that will magically transform theminto millionaires overnight, they are more likely to be confronted with the One BigLoss that will threaten their survival in the forex market if they do not exercisecareful money management. If a trader has a big loss, he or she will have to spendmore time to get back to where he or she was before, instead of using the time tomake profits. Traders who burn out quickly in the market are those who do notshow respect for risk. On the other hand, traders who have flourished are those whofully understand the importance of stringent money management and incorporatethat into their trading approach. There is no way around to recouping slowly, unlessyou want to drive yourself to total destruction by risking more and more of yourequity to try to make back your losses. Holding on to a losing trade for too long isthe biggest cause of a big drawdown.

Be well-capitalised

Most new traders run out of money even before they see any profits in their tradingaccount. Indeed, those who are new to trading most likely do not have a goodunderstanding of the risks and dangers that are lurking in the market, and few evenknow what drawdown means or have even heard of this word. Many of them doknow that trading can be very risky if they do not know what they are doing or howthings work in the currency market and, to them, one of the obvious but incorrectways to limit this risk is by allocating just a small amount of money to their tradingaccount. They think that they should not be investing too much money into a

% Loss of Equity % Profit to Recoup Loss

10% 11.11%

20% 25%

30% 42.85%

40% 66.66%

50% 100%

60% 150%

70% 233%

80% 400%

90% 900%

100% Wiped Out


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business start-up before it starts to generate profits. There are also many newtraders who begin their trading business with little initial capital as they simply donot have enough money. Whatever their reasons may be, being under-capitalisedwill be more than just a mistake; it is often the prelude to trading failure.

Forex traders who want to set themselves up for success must be well-capitalised.Never mind that some retail brokers are offering a minimum account deposit of justa few hundred dollars – a paltry amount that almost every one can afford. Sufficientinitial capital must be available to cushion the impact of a string of consecutivelosses, so that you do not wipe out your trading account. A series of losses is reallynot that uncommon in trading, and all traders must be financially prepared for it.

Those with insufficient trading capital tend to set really tight stops, which willnaturally then lead to a higher probability of being stopped out. They also tend tohave a good chunk of their account eaten away by unreasonably large losses inrelation to their trading account, if they do not set tight stops. So it seems thatwhichever way they turn, they are setting themselves up for failure, unless they arewilling to trade smaller lot sizes.

Looking outside of trading, many other businesses fail because the owners often donot have enough capital to tide them over the initial starting phase. For example, anew restaurant owner must set aside enough money to pay the rent of the restaurantfor at least a few months to a few years, assuming that the restaurant would notmake any net profits in that period of time. If the owner only has enough to pay fortwo months rent from his or her own pocket, and the restaurant is still not makingenough to cover the rent and other expenses in the third month, how do you thinkthe business is going to sustain itself? The entire business could fail, not because ofthe business model, but because of the lack of sufficient capital to keep the businessrunning while the customer base builds up. Trading, as I have mentioned before,must be treated just like any other business, not a frivolous casual pursuit.

The point is this: by starting off sufficiently capitalised, you are more likely toadhere to your money management rules and, by doing so, you are really givingyourself a good fighting chance in the market. Don’t cut yourself short.

Cap your losses and get your profits

Before you execute any trades, you should know where your threshold of pain is –yes, I’m referring to the pain of losses. Losses are really just part of the tradinggame. If trading losses are kept manageable and reasonable, they should not dentyour trading account too much, provided that you are well-capitalised. Knowingwhen to get out of a losing position in the currency market is a very important toolof risk management. Stop-loss orders allow traders to set an exit point for a losingtrade, and are the best weapon against emotional trading. While I recommend thattraders place a stop-loss order at the time of placing their entry order, mental stopsmay also be used – but preferably by traders who are more disciplined.


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Stop-loss orders should not be so tight that normal market volatility triggers theorder. From experience, it is much wiser to have a wider but reasonable stop thanto have an unreasonably tight stop. Generally, a stop-loss order should not beshifted in the losing direction while a position is opened.

A good trader should know beforehand when to cut his or her losses, and also whento get out of the market with profits. Profit limit orders should reflect a realisticexpectation of gains based on the currency pair’s trading activity and the length oftime you want to hold the position for.


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Every one is eager to get hold of the Holy Grail, whether it truly exists or not. It isindeed the elusive factor that courts the relentless determination of its seekers. A lotof traders – both new and not so new – seek the perfect formula that is capable ofpredicting with 100% accuracy the future price movements. Want to know where itlies? It only exists in the creative part of the mind – together with fairies and gnomes.

There is no perfect formula or strategy that can achieve that unrealistic goalbecause people who are involved in the financial markets evolve with changingmarket circ*mstances, even though certain old habits die hard. Despite the non-existence of the magic formula, there are certainly high probability ways of tradingthe forex market. While the bulk of this book is focused on the Method part, youneed to combine Method with both Money and Mind in order to attain success inthe trading business.

The old question: technicals or fundamentals?

There are generally three broad categories of forex traders pertaining to what theybase their trading decisions on:

1. the technical trader,

2. the fundamental trader,

3. the trader who combines both technicals and fundamentals.

Each type of trader has a distinctively different way of interpreting the currencymarket based on his or her own opinions.

Technical trading

A technical trader believes that historical data has a big role in the forecasting offuture price action, and is thus devoted to currency price chart analysis, making useof various charting tools such as support and resistance levels, trendlines and amyriad of chart indicators to understand past price behaviour so as to predict whatthe market will do next.

Most forex traders employ some kind of technical analysis to help them maketrading decisions. In fact, technical analysis of the forex market is so prevalentamong market players that self-fulfilling prophecies often occur at price levelswhere people’s responses become quite predictable; that is, you will know if mostplayers will buy or sell at those levels due to their historical significance. Technicaltraders assume that everything that is to be known about the market has alreadybeen factored into the current price.


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Fundamentals trading

The second category is the fundamental trader who weighs and analyzes the variouseconomic news and information relating to the country of a particular currency inorder to come up with a fair evaluation of the value of that currency relative toanother. Fundamental traders believe that the exchange rate of currencies arelargely driven by economic and geopolitical conditions, aside from central bankinterventions, and will keep track of economic data such as trade balances,inflation, Gross Domestic Product (GDP), unemployment rates, interest rates andso on. They are also concerned about what policymakers have to say regarding themonetary policy of the country, and will keep on top of these when speechesare scheduled.

Combing technicals and fundamentals

Since there are advantages of analyzing the forex market from these two differentfields, it would be too restrictive to just side with one area and ignore the other. Themost effective traders tend to make trading decisions based on a combination ofboth technical and fundamental factors in order to get a feel of the overall marketsentiment, and then decide to either trade that sentiment or to trade against it takinga contrarian approach.

The strategies taught in this book must always be combined with the prevailingmarket sentiment, which is influenced mainly by fundamentals.

Method is malleable

I believe that an important factor of trading success lies in the matching of Methodwith the trader’s own personality and trading style. Some strategies may work wellfor some traders, but may not have the same results for others over a period of time.This may seem puzzling for some people who are wondering that if somethingworks for someone, then it should work for other people as well. In trading, thereare so many other factors specific to each trader that can influence the overalltrading performance – his or her emotions, psychology, trading time frame, moneymanagement rules, lifestyle, trading capital and so on.

The strategies included in this book are open to customisation according to yourown personal preference. While most of the strategies are meant for day or swingtrading, you have the freedom to adjust certain parameters to suit your own tradingtime frame and/or other preferences.


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If you build your trading foundation on the 3Ms of Mind, Money and Method, yourodds of achieving consistent success in the forex market will be higher than if youwere to focus on just the Method. Many traders do not give themselves the fightingchance and time to stay in the game as they are prone to getting wiped outvery quickly.


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4:The Ten RulesFor Forex Trading

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4. The Ten Rules For ForexTradingI list here ten rules that I think are important for trading forex. I have split the listinto five Dos and five Don’ts.


1. When trying out a new trading strategy, always test it in a demo account, or witha small amount of money, before you commit more money to it.

2. Always keep a record of each of your trades, with details of: why you got in,how you got out and why it turned out the way it did.

3. Have a personalised trading plan and update it as you learn from the market.

4. If you are unsure of a trade, stay out. It is better to miss an opportunity than tohave a loss.

5. When trading, keep up-to-date with both the fundamentals and technicalsaffecting the market. A trader in the dark is a trader in the red.


1. Don’t trade with money you can’t afford to lose! It will affect you emotionally,and you will most likely lose it to irrational trading.

2. Don’t follow someone else’s trading advice blindly. Always know why you aregetting into a trade, and how you are going to get out of it.

3. Don’t be concerned about being right. Just be concerned about being profitable.

4. Don’t over-leverage. Chances are that your account will be decimated beforeyou can recoup your losses and go into profit.

5. Don’t revenge-trade the market. Vent your frustrations elsewhere after a loss.


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5:Strategy 1 –Market Sentiment

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Strategy 1 – Market SentimentHow do you view the forex market?

Do you see it as a big mechanical matrix which is devoid of emotions? Or do youthink of it in mathematical and probability terms? Perhaps, you may even view itas just a vast network of computers which are designed to cheat the trader sitting infront of his or her computer and trading electronically. Most traders I know have alove-hate relationship with the forex market, thinking that the market is, in turn,either against them or for them.

To me, the forex market is nothing more than the compressed display of emotionsat any one time emanating from currency speculators around the world. It is similarto a big living organism, like a human being, which is made up of numerous cells,with each cell carrying out its own function and interacting with other cells of thebody, working to keep the body alive with round-the-clock chemical and biologicalprocesses.

The forex market is alive as a macro living organism, which comprises a vastnumber of market participants acting out their perceptions and emotions, thusdriving the blood around the invisible entity. The participation of each player,whether the player is an institutional dealer or an independent trader, is akin to theindividual functioning of a cell, which collectively will constitute the wholeorganism – the forex market in this case. Knowing what the market thinks and howit thinks is crucial to trading success because, ultimately, the trader is dealing withother traders out there, and needs to know what they are thinking. Even if you seethe market as an enemy, what could be better than knowing the weak points andbeing able to read the mind of your adversary?

In this chapter, I shall focus on how you can better understand the market, and usethat knowledge as one of your trading weapons.

Strategy 1 – Market Sentiment

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What Is Market Sentiment?

Market sentiment is simply what the majority of the market is perceived to bethinking or feeling about the market – it is the most important factor that drives thecurrency market.

This is so because traders tend to act based on what they feel and think of certaincurrencies, regarding their strength or weakness relative to other currencies. I willassume that when you trade currencies, you don’t blindfold yourself to simply pickany pair to buy or sell, leaving it to randomness to determine your profit/lossstatement at the end of the day or month.

Market sentiment sums up the overall dominating emotion of the majority of themarket participants, and explains the current actions of the market, as well as thefuture course of actions of the market. The trend adopted by the forex market isactually a reflection of the current market sentiment, which in turn guides thetrading decisions of other traders, whether they should long or short a currency pair.In the process of making educated trading decisions, traders have to weigh amultitude of factors which could influence the bias of a currency, before making uptheir minds about the current and future state of certain currencies. One thing tonote is that market sentiment is not logical; it is primarily based on traders’emotions, which is really one of the greatest, if not the greatest, factor in thedetermination of a currency exchange rate.

There are three main types of sentiment when it comes to forming opinions in theforex market:

1. bullish,

2. bearish or

3. just plain confused.

If the majority of the market wants to sell that currency, the market sentiment isdeemed to be bearish; if the majority wants to buy that currency, the marketsentiment is bullish; and when most market participants are unsure of what to do atthe moment, the sentiment ends up being mixed. Since the US dollar is the currencyon the opposite side of 80% of all foreign exchange transactions, most traders willbe concerned with what the market thinks about the US dollar. Currency pricessimply embody the market’s perceptions of reality and the sum total oftraders’ emotions.

Market sentiment acts like a fickle lover, capable of changing its mind based oncertain incoming new information which can upset the existing sentiment. Onemoment everyone could be buying the US dollar in anticipation of a stronger dollar;the next second they could all be dumping it as they fear the dollar would start toweaken due to the impact of some new piece of information, which is almostalways some fundamental news.


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Understanding the current market sentiment and exploiting it appropriately with theother strategies discussed in this book can help maximise your trading profits,because if you can guess what the other market players are thinking about, andunderstand why the market is doing what it is doing, you will be in a better positionto plan your entry and exit points and timing.


Strategy 1 – Market Sentiment

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What Factors Influence MarketSentiment?

Interest rates

Trends in interest rates are one of the most significant factors influencing marketsentiment, as interest rates play a huge role affecting the supply and demandof currencies.

Every currency in the world has interest rates attached to them, and these rates aredecided by central banks. For example, the Fed in the US determines the country’sinterest rates; the Bank of Japan (BOJ) sets Japan’s interest rates; the Reserve Bankof New Zealand (RBNZ) decides on New Zealand’s interest rates and so on. Somecurrencies have higher interest rates than others, and these are usually thecurrencies that attract the most attention from savvy international investors who arealways looking across the global landscape in the continual search for a betterinterest rate yield on fixed-income investments. This, of course, also depends on thegeopolitical or economic risks of that particular currency. Just like when a banklends money to a higher-risk borrower, high-risk currencies require a significantlyhigher interest rate for investors to consider keeping money in those currencies.

What causes fluctuations in interest rates?

The value of money can and does decrease when there is an upward revision ofprices of most goods and services in a country. Generally, when a country’seconomy expands or when energy costs go up, goods ranging from clothing, foodto computers, and services ranging from public transport to spa treatments get moreexpensive, thus eroding the value of money. The nice word for this erosion in valueis, of course, inflation.

Controlling inflation

Central banks are responsible for ensuring price stability in their own country, andone of the ways they employ to fight inflationary pressures is through the setting ofinterest rates. If inflation risks are seen to be edging upward in, say, the US, the Fedwould raise the federal funds rate, which is the rate at which banks charge eachother for overnight loans. When the overnight rate is changed, retail banks willchange their prime lending rates accordingly, hence affecting businesses andindividuals. An increase in interest rates is an attempt to make money moreexpensive to borrow so that there will be a gradual decrease in demand for thatcurrency, thus slowing down an overheated economy. The opposite scenario is truetoo: when a country faces deflation, or even decreased inflation, which is often the


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result of decreased spending, whether by the government, consumers or investors,it prompts the central bank to lower interest rates so as to stimulate spending.

Interest rates and currencies

The most important way in which interest rates can influence currency prices isthrough the widespread practice of the carry trade.

A carry trade involves the borrowing and subsequent selling of a certain currencywith a relatively low interest rate, then using the funds to buy a currency whichgives a higher interest rate, in an attempt to gain the difference between these tworates – which is known as the interest rate differential. The trader is paid intereston the currency he or she is long in, and must pay interest on the currency he or sheis shorting. This difference is the cost of carry. Therefore, a currency with a higherinterest rate tends to be highly sought after by investors looking for a higher returnon their investments.

Rising interest rates in a country tends to strengthen that country’s currency relativeto other currencies as investors exchange other currencies to buy the currency ofthat country when they transfer their assets into the country with the higher interestrates. The increased demand for that particular currency will thus push up thecurrency price against other currencies.

For instance, in 2005 there was a strong interest among Japanese investors to investin New Zealand dollar-denominated assets due to rising interest rates in NewZealand. The then near-zero interest rates in Japan forced a lot of Japaneseinvestors to look outside of their country for better yields on cash deposits or fixed-income instruments. (See Figure 5.1)


Strategy 1 – Market Sentiment

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Figure 5.1: New Zealand Dollar/Japanese Yen (Nov 2004 – Dec 2005)

When forex traders anticipate this kind of situation, they become more inclined tobuy that high-interest-rate currency as well, knowing that there is likely to bemassive buying interest for that currency.

For example, if the Fed announces a series of interest rate hikes in the US, whereasthe Bank of Japan has no intention to raise rates in Japan, there is bound to be morebuying interest for USD/JPY, thus pushing up the US dollar against the Japaneseyen, and even possibly against other currencies as well. This situation occurred in2005, which caused USD/JPY to rally around 1900 pips from the start of the yearto December 2005, as you can see from Figure 5.2. This divergence in monetarypolicy between the US and Japan had created a very bullish US dollar sentiment inthe market, attracting more and more traders to long USD/JPY.


7 Winning Strategies For Trading Forex

The New Zealand dollar rose in value against the Japanese yen in 2005 asa result of massive cross-border shifting of assets.

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Figure 5.2: US Dollar/Japanese Yen (Nov 2004 – Dec 2005)

So, in general, rising interest rates in a country should boost the market sentimentregarding the currency of that country.

The opposite is true too: when interest rates are cut in a country, that would resultin quite a bearish sentiment regarding the currency of that country, and traderswould be more willing to sell than buy that particular currency.

Economic growth

Besides interest rates, economic growth of countries can also have a big impact onthe overall currency market sentiment.

Since the United States has the largest economy in the world, the US economy is akey factor in determining the overall market sentiment, especially of currency pairsthat have the USD component. A robust economic expansion, coupled with ahealthy labour market, tends to boost consumer spending in that country, and thishelps companies and businesses to flourish. A country with a strong economy is ina better position to attract more overseas investments into the country, as investorsgenerally prefer to invest in a solid economy that is growing at a steady pace.


Strategy 1 – Market Sentiment

The US dollar strengthened against the Japanese yen in 2005 as a result ofa divergence in the monetary policies of the US and Japan.

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Investments pouring into a country requires the currency of that country to bebought in exchange of other currencies; this increased demand for that country’scurrency should cause that currency to strengthen against other currencies. Forextraders, expecting this consequence, will put on their bullish cap to buy thatcurrency before the investors do.

Some of the most important indicators of a country’s economic growth include:

1. Gross Domestic Product (GDP),

2. the unemployment rate, and

3. trade balance data.

These are explained below.

1. GDP

The GDPmeasures the total value of all goods and services that are originated fromthe country; the GDP figure indicates the rate of the country’s expansion orcontraction based on output and growth. A healthy GDP figure usually adds bullishsentiment to the currency of that country, especially if it exceeds the market’sexpectations.

2. Unemployment rate

The unemployment data reports the state of the labour market of a country. Thelower the unemployment rate, the more positive it is for the country’s economy, andhence its currency, as consumers would feel more confident about spending if theyhave jobs, and that would eventually impact on companies and businesses in thecountry, generating more output.

3. Trade balance data

Another widely watched economic indicator is the trade balance data. Tradebalance measures the difference between the value of imports and exports of goodsand services of a country. If a country exports more than it imports, it has a tradesurplus. If imports exceed exports, then the country will end up with a trade deficit,which does not bode well for that country’s currency because that currency has tobe sold to buy other foreign currencies in order to pay for those imported goods andservices.

For example, if the US imports an increased amount of goods and services fromEurope, US dollars will have to be sold in exchange to buy euros to pay for thoseimports. The resulting outflow of US dollars from the United States couldpotentially cause a depreciation of the US dollar against the euro or othercurrencies, and that can affect market sentiment surrounding the USD. Theopposite scenario is true for a country that is experiencing a trade surplus. However,market sentiment of a currency can still be bullish despite that country having a


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trade deficit, as the net amount of trade deficit could be covered by an equivalentor greater amount of capital investment pouring into that country, and thus wouldnot be a cause for concern.

Geopolitical risks

Geopolitical risk refers to the risk of a country’s foreign or domestic policyaffecting domestic social and political stability in another country or regional zone.

Global geopolitical uncertainties such as terrorism, transitional change ofgovernment or nuclear threats can cause investors to lose faith in some particularcurrencies, and they may prefer to shift their assets into a safe haven currency whenthese circ*mstances arise. Market sentiment is very sensitive to such geopoliticaldevelopments, and can cause a strong bias towards a particular currency.

For example, during periods of high tension in the Middle East in 2006, the marketformed a very bullish sentiment towards the US dollar, which became the preferredcurrency to hold in such turbulent times, replacing the traditional status of theSwiss franc as the safe haven currency. Forex traders should be keenly aware of thecurrent geopolitical environment in order to keep track of any potential change inmarket sentiment, which could impact currency prices.


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Ways of Measuring Market Sentiment

The mood of the market depends mainly on what the majority of traders think aboutthe current market situation. But how can you get an idea of the overall sentimentof the market? You can do so by reading reports by analysts and financialjournalists in news wires or by visiting online trading forums to see what othertraders are discussing. However, these ways of getting a feel of the current marketsentiment are not too accurate; you may think that other traders are in a buying orselling mood, but that may not be what is really happening in reality. Here are someof the more effective ways of gauging market sentiment:

1. The Commitment of Traders (COT) report

2. The market’s reactions to news releases

These are explained in more details below.

1. Commitment Of Traders (COT) report

What is the COT?

The COT report provides traders with detailed positioning information about thefutures market, and is, in my opinion, one of the most underrated tools that forextraders can make use of to enhance their trading performance.

The report is compiled and released weekly by the Commodity Futures TradingCommission (CFTC) in the United States every Friday at 15:30 Eastern Time, andrecords open interest information about the futures market based on the previousTuesday. Anyone can access the COT report for free on the CFTC website(www.cftc.gov/cftc/cftccotreports.htm).

There are basically two types of reports available: the futures-only COT report andthe futures-and-options-combined COT report. I usually just access the futures-only report for a glimpse of what has happened in the futures dimension of theforex market. In order to get through to the currency futures data, you have to wadepast other commodities like milk, feeder cattle and so on, so a little patience isrequired.

Even though the data arrives three days late, the information nonetheless can behelpful since many traders spend their weekend analyzing the COT report. The timelag between reporting and release is the main handicap of the COT data, but despitethis limitation, you can still use it as a sentiment tool.

Figure 5.3 shows a page from the December 19, 2006, COT report (short format),displaying data for the Chicago Mercantile Exchange’s Euro FX futures contract.You can see the long and short positions held by traders in each of the three maincategories defined by the CFTC, as explained below.


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Figure 5.3: sample COT report

Some notes to the figure above.

• CommercialThis group consists of market participants who use the futures contracts forhedging purposes, and these commercial participants are generally exporters andimporters who are hedging against currency fluctuations. For example, a Germancar-maker, who exports to the US, expects to receive 10 million euros worth ofsales within the next quarter. To hedge against the possibility of a US dollardecline which would affect the amount of euros it would receive once converted,the German car-maker would short 10 million in Euro FX futures. On the otherhand, if a US car manufacturer exports 10 million US dollars worth of cars withinthe next quarter, it would long the equivalent in Euro FX futures contracts.

• Non-commercialThis group consists of large speculators such as hedge funds, banks and so onwho use currency futures just for speculation.

• Non-reportableThis group consists of small speculators like retail traders.

The COT report tells you the long and short positions undertaken by participants fromeach category. When it comes to analyzing information pertaining to currency futuresin the COT report, it is generally more relevant for traders to focus on the non-commercial participants rather than on the commercial participants. The reasonbehind this is that these large speculators trade the futures contracts mainly for profits,and do not have the intention to take delivery of the underlying asset, which in thiscase would be cash. On the other hand, commercial participants tend to maintain androll over the same amount of contracts from month to month for hedging purposes


Strategy 1 – Market Sentiment

COT data showing Euro FX futures positions as of December 19, 2006.

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even though these positions could be in losses. Large speculators, however, willusually close their losing positions instead of rolling them over to the next month.

Why use The COT?

The COT report allows you to gauge market sentiment in the currency futuresmarket, which also influences the spot forex market. Currency futures are basicallyspot prices which are adjusted by the forwards (derived by interest ratedifferentials) to arrive at a future delivery price. Unlike spot forex which does nothave a centralised exchange at the time of writing, currency futures are cleared atthe Chicago Mercantile Exchange.

Price quotation

One of the many differences between spot forex and currency futures lies in theirquoting convention. In the currency futures market, currency futures are mostlyquoted as the foreign currency directly against the US dollar. For example, Swissfrancs are quoted versus the US dollar in futures, unlike the USD/CHF notation inthe spot forex market. So if the Swiss franc falls in value against the US dollar,USD/CHF will rise, and the Swiss franc futures will fall. On the other hand,EUR/USD in spot forex is quoted in the same way as Euro futures, so if the Euroappreciates in value, Euro futures will rise just like EUR/USD will go up.

That said, spot forex and currency futures do have one similarity: the spot andfutures prices of a currency tend to move in tandem. When either the spot or futuresprice of a currency rises, the other also tends to rise, and when either falls, the otheralso tends to fall. For example, if the GBP futures price goes up, spot GBP/USDgoes up (because GBP gains in strength). However, if the CHF futures price goesup, spot USD/CHF goes down (because CHF gains in strength), as both the spotand futures prices of CHF move in tandem.

Using extreme positioning

In the COT report, under each type of currency futures, you can see that the totalcontract volume in each category is split up between “long”, “short” and “spreads”,of which the first two are relevant to our analysis. What is of concern to us iswhether the non-commercials are net long or short in that currency futures.

In order to determine the volume of contracts that these large speculators areholding net long or short positions of for that particular currency futures, you justneed to calculate the difference between the longs and shorts, that is, subtract thenumber of short contracts from the number of long contracts. A positive figureshows the number of net long contracts, while a negative figure shows the numberof net short contracts.

As you can see in Figure 5.4, the open interest for GBP futures on Tuesday December19, 2006, was 149,800 contracts which was a decrease of 31,780 contracts from the


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previous week. The non-commercials are long 98,434 contracts and short 12,836contracts. Therefore, they are overall net long 85,598 contracts (98434 - 12836).

Figure 5.4: sample COT report

Usually, when a particular currency is trending up against the US dollar, the non-commercials tend to register a net long position since these large speculators tendto ride on the existing trend. The opposite situation is true too: the non-commercialstend to register a net short position when a particular currency is trending downagainst the US dollar. Knowing whether this category has been net long or short afew days ago only indicates to us the positioning in retrospect; this information isonly useful if you compare the latest net positioning with the positioning figuresfrom the past few weeks or months.

By comparing the latest net positioning with that of the past few weeks or months,you can tell if the latest net long or net short positioning is skewing towards anextreme reading. My observation of the financial markets is that dramatic pricemoves, usually at major turning points, tend to occur when the majority of the marketis positioned incorrectly. And since the large speculators are more inclined to closetheir losing positions than the commercial hedgers, it is beneficial for us to keep aneye on their net directional positioning as well as their net contract volume in thecurrency futures market. If these large non-commercials are positioned on the wrongside of the market, you can expect liquidation of these positions, with the extent ofliquidation depending on the total volume of contracts traded in the wrong direction.

For example, if these large funds are holding large (extreme) net long GBPpositions, but GBP is declining against the US dollar due to some external catalystslike news, they will eventually have to close their longs when their stops are


Strategy 1 – Market Sentiment

COT data showing British Pound futures positions as of December 19, 2006.

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triggered, or decide to close their longs before getting stopped out and switch toshorting GBP on the way down. Such mass unwinding of positions tends to bringabout a powerful price move in the opposite direction which could last for a fewdays, and it is this turning point that you could detect with the COT data before thereversal scene actually plays out.

Figure 5.5: COT report for GBP/USD

Example: COT – using extreme positionAn example of this was played out in the week through November 13-17, 2006. The COT report that was released on November 10showed that, as of the previous Tuesday on November 7, largespeculative funds upped their net GBP longs to a multi-year high of+84,280 contracts, a figure which clearly shows up as an extremepositioning on the chart as shown in Figure 5.5.

In this case, all those who had the intention to go long on GBP hadalready done so. As a result of this extreme net speculativepositioning of GBP longs on the CME, GBP/USD in the spot marketproceeded to decline by more than 300 pips in the following weekthrough November 13-17, 2006 (Figure 5.6).


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Figure 5.6: extreme position leading to a fall in GBP/USD

The presence of an extreme reading allows you to be prepared for a possible trendreversal which could occur when large speculators liquidate their positions. Amereincrease or decrease of contracts for a particular currency futures does not indicateanything which could be of predictive value, as it simply shows you what hashappened, but not what could possibly happen in a high-probability scenario.

COT data is a diamond in the rough

What deters many traders from using the COT report is its raw organisation of data,but that is not good enough an excuse to completely neglect this little treasure trove.The information from the COT report can be transferred into a spreadsheet so thatfurther analysis can be conducted in a more suitable format.


Strategy 1 – Market Sentiment

This chart shows the net speculative (non-commercial) positions in GBPfutures on the CME. X-axis displays the dates for every three weeks eventhough the data for every week is shown on the chart. Y-axis displays the netnumber of speculative contracts. Positive numbers indicate net longpositioning, while negative numbers indicate net short positioning.

In the week following the extreme net long speculative positioning, reflectedby the COT data, GBP/USD fell by 310 pips as seen on this 60-min chart.

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The COT data itself is not sufficient to generate entry or exit signals, as the reportdoes not consist of currency price data, but it can generate warning signals of apossible turn ahead in the spot forex market, and can be used to optimise othertrading strategies you may have so that maximum profits can be reaped from themarket. Analysis of the COT report does not always throw up trading opportunitiesin the spot forex market, but when it does, you will be better prepared for apotential turn of tide, and be more confident in your trades. Even though entries andexits cannot be timed solely based on the COT data, it can be an extremely usefultool to have in your toolbox to gauge the overall market sentiment.

2. Market’s reactions to news

Another way for traders to gauge the market sentiment is by analyzing how themarket responds to unanticipated news.

The forex market is very efficient at discounting future expectations byincorporating them into current prices. Very often, when news comes out betterthan is expected by economists and analysts, the currency of that country is morelikely to soar against another currency. When the news is worse than expected, thatcurrency is more likely to fall against another currency.

However, if the news or data turn out to be worse than expected and still thecurrency price soars, that is, the market reacts in a very bullish way to worse thanexpected data, a bright red flag should be waving at you. The opposite situation alsoapplies: if price action remains very bearish to much better than expected news, itsignals a highly suspect price move.

In short, you should look out for a contrarian market reaction to better or worse thanexpected news. Under these circ*mstances, it is better to assume that the pricemove is hardly supported by substance, and could reverse sometime soon. A bullishprice move that is not accompanied by evidence will soon be due for a realitycheck, just like a bearish price move that is not accompanied by evidence is verylikely to be corrected very soon. If you day trade the forex market, you may judgethe market’s reaction based on one piece of news, but if you position trade, monitorthe market’s reactions to several news to see if the responses are still contrary.

For example, if a piece of news turns out to be worse than expected, and assumingthat there are no pre-release rumours or leaks of the news, and the currency pairrallies to break above a significant resistance level, you have reasons to suspect thatthe breakout move is likely to be false and unsustainable. Even if the currency pairmanages to make new highs later on, you should be prepared for a possible trendreversal very soon. Monitoring the market’s reactions to news can enable traders toidentify corrective moves in the forex market.


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Not all news items get the same amount of attention from big market players; newsrelating to the job or housing market usually get more attention. The relativesignificance of news will vary from time to time.


As you have seen, market sentiment can be used, and should be used, to time yourtrade and identify profitable trading conditions. The Market Sentiment Strategy hasto be applied in conjunction with other strategies as it does not have precise entryand exit signals. By making use of information on the net speculative positioningof currency futures and by observing the market’s reactions to news, you will bebetter equipped to gauge the market sentiment and will be able to use that extraedge to help you see what is actually happening or is going to happen in the spotforex market. Once you get a sense of the current market sentiment, you can thendecide whether it is best to trade with or against the sentiment, taking into accountall other factors.

While it may be sensible to trade in the direction of the current sentiment,sometimes, trading against the sentiment can also be a profitable strategy, providedthat you have valid reasons to do so. For example, when the COT report indicatesextreme positioning of the market, or when the market seems to be feeding off falseeuphoria on worse than expected news, it may be better to trade against the overallsentiment. You should, however, wait for a more precise signal that the currentsentiment is wearing off before going against it, as sometimes false euphoria canlast for quite some time before resulting in a reversal. This signal could be a failedbreakout of some sort or some other pattern failure.

Always keep in mind that currency prices are, after all, the expressed perceptionsof traders and market sentiment is really the blood that drives the market on thewhole. Using the Market Sentiment Strategy can help you identify the “what”(whether to go long or short of a currency); while technical analysis shows you the“when” by helping to pinpoint the price you should enter or exit your positions.


Strategy 1 – Market Sentiment

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6:Strategy 2 –Trend Riding

7 W i n n i n g S t r a t e g i e s f o r T r a d i n g F o r e x

P a r t I I

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Strategy 2 – Trend RidingWho doesn’t like a trend?

Many traders live by the often-repeated “the trend is your friend until the end” rule;they are comforted with the knowledge that they are with the majority of themarket. Being able to ride on a trend is akin to making full use of the wind directionto steer your ship towards your destination. For a ship to go against the windrequires a tremendous amount of effort – one has to fight the stubborn resistancefrom the opposing wind. Indeed, for most of the time, it pays more to be on the sideof the current trend than to go against it. In the forex market, trend riders cancapture any trend regardless of whether it is rising or falling in an attempt togenerate trading profits.

Forex tends to have quite trending markets, regardless of which time frame you arelooking at – trends are often formed on hourly, daily or weekly charts. This is dueto the fact that currency price movements are very much influenced by theunderlying macroeconomic factors which in turn shape the market players’ viewsof where currency prices should be heading. With trends possibly having a longlifespan stretching to months, or even years, it is no wonder that many traders andfund managers exalt the strategy of hitching onto trends, with the glorious aim ofcapturing enormous profits from start to finish.

Trend riding is one of my favourite trading approaches, and I often ride the uptrendor downtrend after the trend has been established, rather than anticipating the movebefore it happens. I would say that even though the trend is your friend most of thetimes, one has to use a variety of methods to distinguish between a continuation ofthe trend and a possible trend reversal. But before you can ride on trends, you firstneed to identify what the current trend is, and to determine the time frame ofthe trend.


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Time Frames of Trends

Sometimes, people ask me for my opinion on the current trend for certain currencypairs, I reply with another question in return, “According to the past 5 mins, 5hours, 5 days or 5 weeks?” Some traders are not aware that different trends exist indifferent time frames. The question of what kind of trend is in place cannot beseparated from the time frame that a trend is in. Trends are, after all, used todetermine the relative direction of prices in a market over different time periods.

There are mainly three types of trends in terms of time measurement:

1. primary (long-term),

2. intermediate (medium-term), and

3. short-term.

These are discussed in further detail below.

1. Primary trend

Aprimary trend lasts the longest period of time, and its lifespan may range betweeneight months and two years. This is the major trend that can be spotted easily onlonger term charts such as the daily, weekly or monthly charts. Long-term traderswho trade according to the primary trend are the most concerned about thefundamental picture of the currency pairs that they are trading, since fundamentalfactors will provide these traders with an idea of supply and demand on a biggerscale.

2. Intermediate trend

Within a primary trend, there will be counter-cyclical trends, and such pricemovements form the intermediate trend. This type of trend could last from a monthto as long as eight months. Knowing what the intermediate trend is of greatimportance to the position trader who tends to hold positions for several weeks ormonths at one go.

3. Short-term trend

A short-term trend can last for a few days to as long as a month. It appears duringthe course of the intermediate trend due to global capital flows reacting to dailyeconomic news and political situations. Day traders are concerned with spottingand identifying short-term trends and as such short-term price movements areaplenty in the currency market, and can provide significant profit opportunitieswithin a very short period of time.


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No matter which time frame you may trade, it is vital to monitor and identify theprimary trend, the intermediate trend, and the short-term trend for a better overallpicture of the trend.


Strategy 2 – Trend Riding

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Trend Directions

In order to adopt the Trend Riding Strategy, you must first identify a trenddirection.

You can easily gauge the direction of a trend by looking at the price chart of acurrency pair. A trend can be defined as a series of higher lows and higher highs inan uptrend, and a series of lower highs and lower lows in a downtrend. In reality,prices do not always go higher in an uptrend, but still tend to bounce off areas ofsupport, just like prices do not always make lower lows in a downtrend, but stilltend to bounce off areas of resistance.

There are three trend directions a currency pair could take:

1. uptrend,

2. downtrend or

3. sideways.

1. Uptrend

In an uptrend, the base currency (which is the first currency symbol in a pair)appreciates in value. For example, if EUR/USD is in an uptrend, it means that EURis rising higher against the USD. An uptrend is characterised by a series of higherhighs and higher lows. However in real life, sometimes the currency does not makehigher highs, but still makes higher lows. Base currency bulls (henceforth referredto simply as “bulls”) take charge during an uptrend, taking the opportunities to bidup the base currency whenever it goes a bit lower, believing that there will be morebuyers at every step, hence pushing up the prices.

2. Downtrend

On the other hand, in a downtrend, the base currency depreciates in value. Forexample, if EUR/USD is in a downtrend, it means that EUR is declining against theUSD. A downtrend is characterised by a series of lower highs and lower lows, butsimilarly, the currency does not always make lower lows, but still tends to makelower highs. The downward slope of lower highs is formed by the base currencybears (will simply be known now as just “bears”) who take control during adowntrend, taking every opportunity to sell because they believe that the basecurrency would go down even more.

3. Sideways trend

If a currency pair does not go much higher or much lower, we can say that it isgoing sideways. When this happens the prices are moving within a narrow range,and are neither appreciating nor depreciating much in value. If you want to ride on


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a trend, this directionless mode is one that you do not wish to be stuck in, for it isvery likely to have a net loss position in a sideways market especially if the tradehas not made enough pips to cover the spread commission costs.

For the Trend Riding Strategy, I shall focus only on the uptrend and the downtrend.


Strategy 2 – Trend Riding

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Stages of a Trend

A trend has a start point and an end point; in between these two points, the trendcan exhibit different behaviours. As a trend rider, it is important to note the variousstages of a trend so that you don’t get on the trend train at the last stage, just whensmart people are starting to disembark from it. The stages of a trend are not clear-cut, and that includes the starting and ending stages; and each stage can vary inlength of time.

Let’s take a look at the different stages of a trend (See Figure 6.1).

1. Nascent trend

2. Fully charged trend

3. Aging trend

4. End of trend

Figure 6.1: stages of a trend


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Stage 1: Nascent trend

Right after a reversal, the embryonic trend emerges into the new territory with thegreatest amount of uncertainty, as traders have the least amount of confidence in thedirection of the nascent trend. Price moves are often sharp, and may even retest theprice levels seen before the entry into the new territory as bulls and bears wrestle forpower. This characterises Stage 1 of a trend, and it is where aggressive traders getinto the currency market, hoping to be right about the new direction of the trend andreap potentially the most profits by getting in early. Since this stage of the trend hasthe greatest level of uncertainty, it is also where the risk of trend failure is greatest.

Stage 2: Fully charged trend

By the time the trend reaches Stage 2, it is fully charged. Either the bulls or thebears have won the battle over the other by now, and are persistently pushing thecurrency prices higher during an uptrend, or lower during a downtrend. The highlyconfident behaviour of the bulls in the uptrend and of the bears in the downtrendgives little room for uncertainty about the trend direction. This stage is ideally thebest time for the risk-averse trader to join in the prevailing trend, after gettingconfirmation from the technical picture and market sentiment.

Stage 3: Aging trend

As with human beings, a trend gets old and tired eventually. Aging of a trendtypically occurs in Stage 3, and it is at this stage that you can witness the fallaciesof man. Overly eager traders, especially those who have missed out on the initialstages of the trend, are now realising their tardiness, and are hopping onto the trendbandwagon, hoping to still be able to get a piece of the action. The more experiencedtraders are more than happy to pass on the closing legs of their transactions over tothese inexperienced traders as they try to take their profits while the trend is near thepeak of an uptrend, or near the bottom of a downtrend. Seasoned traders begin tolose their confidence in the strength of the trend, whereas inexperienced traders whoare still hoping to gain more profits remain optimistic about the trend. So there is amix of waning confidence and overconfidence in the trend at this stage. More price


Strategy 2 – Trend Riding

The four stages of a trend are depicted on this daily chart of NZD/USD. Asyou can see, Stage 1 of the uptrend started when the currency pair firstemerged from the down trendline. The uptrend was confirmed at Stage 2,when NZD/USD began making higher highs and higher lows – typicallycharacteristic of an uptrend. Later, a double top formation hinted that theuptrend was at Stage 3 when the trend was beginning to show signs ofweariness. NZD/USD then made one last attempt to make a new high whichfailed to attract any sustained buying interest, thus paving the way for Stage4, which signalled the end of the uptrend.

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consolidation periods could be seen at this stage, and chart patterns like head-and-shoulders or double top/bottom are commonly found here.

Stage 4: End of trend

The last stage is when the trend begins to crumble and lose its staying power. In anuptrend, shortage of bullish newcomers halts the advance of higher prices, andsome begin to take their profits, pushing the prices lower and lower. In adowntrend, a lack of new bears coming into the market stops the currency pricesfrom going lower, and when they start to take profits, prices start going up. Thecrumbling and ending of a trend can come fast and furiously, without much warningto traders, or it can be a more prolonged process as power changes hands betweenthe bulls and bears. Usually a trend reversal is brought about by a major change inthe underlying sentiment about a currency. Jumping onto this stage of a trend inorder to ride the underlying trend can be very risky as the trend is close to ending,and there is a high chance of the trade getting stopped out.

The most profitable entry points into a trend are at Stages 1 and 2, where thepotential for the trend to grow and continue is great. Profit potential at Stage 3 maybe limited as the trend has matured, and it is where most profit-taking takes place.When it comes to riding a trend, potential for loss becomes huge when getting in atStage 4.


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Using Currency Price Charts

One of the first steps to riding a trend requires the trader to identify the direction ofthe trend in the time frame that he or she is trading, and in another one or two biggertime frames as they will provide a wider perspective. Tagging along on the coattailsof a trend is only fun if you are able to join in near the beginning or in the middleof it, not when the trend is starting to melt away. This ensures that you are able tocapture the maximum profit possible from the trending movement of the currencypair, and not the meagre scraps or even possible losses found near the end of thetrend.

Identifying the trend of a currency pair is achieved through the use of price charts.By using the information that you can gather from the chart alone, you can gain abetter understanding of what is happening in the market.

For this strategy, I will show you how to make use of several technical tools thatcan help you identify which trend is in place, and to help maximise your tradingprofits. I shall start with the basic drawing tool of trendlines.


Trendline analysis is one of the most simple, yet effective, ways for forex tradersto establish the direction of a trend, and to establish support and resistance levelson currency price charts. It is my number one favourite and fuss-free way of tellingthe trend direction of any currency pair. What a trendline does is to show you theprice movements of the past, where people have bought or sold, and to give you anindication of where the market action could go next.

While some may dismiss or underestimate the power of trendline analysis as beingretrospective and overly subjective in nature, trendlines can be very useful inhelping you gauge the crowd in action, and which price levels were of concern totraders, and could be of concern in the future. Most important of all, it representsthe underlying trend, and cuts out the noise of the market. Other than telling youthe direction of the current trend, the trendlines also serve as areas where you couldbuy during an uptrend, or sell during a downtrend. It can even indicate points whereyou could buy and sell when prices oscillate in a trendline channel, where onetrendline connects the highs of market action on one side, and another connects thelows on the other side.

A trendline is a dynamic line of support during an uptrend and a dynamic line ofresistance during a downtrend. It slopes with the passing of time as buyers andsellers transact currencies at different prices. By using a trendline, you can tellwhich direction the currency prices are heading. If it is sloping upward, then thetrend is up. If it is sloping downward, then a downtrend is in place.


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As the market moves in a series of waves, with periods of expansion andcontraction, tops and bottoms will form, and along these points, trendlines aredrawn. Trendlines can be horizontal in a trading range, or ascending in an uptrend,or descending in a downtrend. (See Figure 6.2)

Figure 6.2: examples of trendlines

Drawing trendlines

Trendlines do not just appear out of nowhere; you actually have to draw them intoexistence. For an up trendline, you draw a line connecting a series of lows, whichget gradually higher. Your line need not necessarily connect all the bottoms of theuptrend, as long as it connects a minimum of two (preferably three) bottom points.This becomes your up trendline, with the trendline acting as support. (See Figure6.3)


7 Winning Strategies For Trading Forex

It is easy to find trendlines of any type on any time frame. On this 60-minchart of EUR/USD, you can see a downtrend defined by a down trendline,then a trading range marked by horizontal trendlines, followed by an uptrenddefined by an up trendline. ‘TLs’ stand for trendlines on the chart.

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Figure 6.3: drawing an up trendline

When drawing a down trendline, you draw a line connecting a series of highs,which get lower with time and, again, your line may not necessarily touch all thetops of the downtrend, as long as it connects a minimum of two (preferably three)rally points. This forms your down trendline, with the trendline acting as resistance.

You should track the low points of an uptrend, and the high points of a downtrendas these are areas where a predictable price response has taken place.

One thing about trendlines is that they tend to start from either an extreme low foran uptrend, or an extreme high for a downtrend and you can only determine thesepoints in retrospect. While there is no doubt that applying trendlines to price chartscan be quite subjective, it does not render them useless, in fact they are verypractical technical tools.

To use high, low, or close?

When it comes to drawing trendlines, you may find yourself pondering whether toconnect highs, lows or closing prices. Based on my own experience, I find it moreuseful to connect the highs or lows, rather than to construct trendlines using closingprices. Besides that, there are also other reasons to support why connecting highsor lows is better. Since the global currency market operates for 24 hours a day, for


Strategy 2 – Trend Riding

The up trendline shown here connects a few bottom points to form a straight-edge line that slopes upward, forming a support line.

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five and a half days a week, it can be quite inaccurate to track the opening andclosing currency prices of the day as the day begins and ends at different timesaccording to each time-zone.

For example, the Asian session opens and closes before the US market is open, soif you are to track the closing price, which closing price are you going to use? TheAsian close or the US close? Some traders use GMT (Greenwich Mean Time),some American traders use EST (Eastern Standard Time), whereas others mayprefer to use their local times on the price charts. Another reason why it is better touse high or low prices is due to the fact that these are extreme price points of a day,and these points are where there is the most resistance or support of the day, hencereflecting the market psychology better.

Measuring trend strength

As mentioned earlier, there are generally four stages of a trend: starting with theuncertainty of a new trend, then progressing into a fully charged trend, then slowingdown its speed as it matures and, finally, the crumbling and ending of a trend.Adopting a high probability Trend Riding Strategy requires you to enter a trend atan appropriate timing, which will usually occur during a pull-back or a temporarypause in the trend before it resumes again. Preferably, you will want to join thetrend somewhere between Stages 2 and 3, where there is still room for more pricemovement in the prevailing trend direction for your profit capture. Your entry intoa trend must not be near its end as that will lower the probability of success of thetrade.

Before you jump hastily onto a trend, it is best to first assess its strength at the giventime. There are several ways of measuring the strength of a trend, and they arethrough the study of price action and through signals given by various indicatorsand oscillators.

Price action

There are some ways to gauge the strength of a trend according to the price chart:

1. trendline gradient;

2. correction or consolidation before the resumption of the main trend.

These are examined in more detail below.

1. Trendline gradient

One obvious tell-tale visual sign of the strength of a trend lies in the gradient of atrendline. A rule of thumb is that the steeper a trendline, the higher the chances of


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a trendline break, which will result in either a slower pace of price movement in thedirection of the underlying trend or a trend reversal.

A steep trendline in an uptrend, for example, indicates the extreme enthusiasm ofbuyers as they bid up prices in a big magnitude move, and there are often no clearsupport levels on the charts. Such buying sprees tend to run out of steam quickly asall those who want to buy have already bought, and there is not enough influx ofnew buyers (see Figure 6.4). The reverse is true of a steep trendline in a downtrend,which indicates the extreme enthusiasm of sellers as they take every opportunityto sell.

Figure 6.4: example of steep trendline breaking

For the Trend Riding Strategy, it is best not to join in the trend when the trendlinelooks too steep as steep trendlines tend to give way to a less steep trendline or couldend with a sharp reversal, and that may cause your trades to get stopped out unlessyou are willing to risk a lot for potentially very little, since the trend strength seemsto be waning.


Strategy 2 – Trend Riding

The steep up trendline on this daily chart of USD/CAD would not have beena good place to ride the uptrend as it would be difficult to sustain thatenthusiastic level of buying interest for a long time. The lack of new USD/CADbulls near the end of the trendline prevented the uptrend from continuing.

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2. Correction or consolidation before the resumption of the main trend

The second way you can measure the strength of a trend is by examining thecorrection or consolidation period before the main trend continues. A trend cannotgo on forever, without traders closing part or all of their positions for profit-taking.Hence, a trend is bound to experience a price pull-back of some sort even if it is inthe midst of a strong uptrend or downtrend. A trend is assumed to be robust ifcorrections are short and consolidation periods are narrow.

Short corrections occur when prices do not retrace too much, and bounce off abovea previous support in an uptrend or below a previous resistance level in adowntrend (see Figure 6.5). A short correction in an uptrend indicates that buyersof a currency pair have overwhelmed sellers or it could simply be that sellers aredisinterested. In a downtrend, a short correction could indicate that bulls are nomatch for the aggressive bears. Whatever the reason is, this is a positive sign for theunderlying trend.

Narrow consolidation periods are another strong continuation sign for the maintrend. These consolidation periods may look like rectangles or flags (smallrectangles) on currency price charts, and the magnitude of the corrective move isgenerally small (see Figure 6.5 again).

Figure 6.5: example of corrections


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In an uptrend, such narrow rectangles represent a slight battle between bulls andbears of a currency pair, buying pressure is typically sufficient to prevent a deepercorrection of prices. Narrow rectangles in a downtrend, on the other hand, showthat selling pressure at resistance is adequate in preventing prices from retracing toomuch. Although prices could break out of the rectangles in an opposite direction tothe underlying trend, signalling a possible trend reversal in formation, theprevailing trend should be assumed to exist unless there is a sudden change inmarket sentiment or there are signs of trend reversal through technical indications.

When applying the Trend Riding Strategy, I suggest that you do not trade trendsthat seem likely to be in stage 4 as the probability of capturing profits can bequite low.

Technical signals

Before you evaluate the strength of a trend, you should already know the directionof the prevailing trend according to trendlines or moving averages. The main aimof evaluating the strength of a trend is to maximise your entry timing into anexisting trend with the objective of a high-probability trade success. Other thanlooking at the currency price actions on the charts, you can make use of sometechnical tools to measure trend strength as well as to confirm the trend direction.

The Average Directional Index (ADX)

The Average Directional Index (ADX) is a popular indicator which many tradersuse to detect direction of trend and the trend strength. However, I find it to beextremely lagging and thus not so useful when it comes to applying it to pricecharts (See Figure 6.6).

The ADX is used to determine whether a market is trending, with values above 30signifying a strong trend, and values below 20 indicating no trend or a tradingrange. As a measure of trend strength, the higher the ADX reading, the stronger thetrend. This indicator does not distinguish between a bullish or bearish trend. Aslong as the reading is above 30, it means that either a strong uptrend or a strongdowntrend could be in place.


Strategy 2 – Trend Riding

The downtrend seen on this daily chart of NZD/USD is an example of astrong trend, based on the observations that a corrective move bounced agood distance away from a previous resistance level, and that consolidationmoves during the downtrend were quite small in magnitude.

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Figure 6.6: Average Directional Index

As I find theADX to be extremely slow in reacting, and unable to indicate anythingabout the trend direction, I prefer to look at two other indicators, which are knownas oscillators, to gauge trend strength as well as to confirm the trend direction.


The Stochastic is a very popular oscillator which was developed by George Lanein the late 1950s. The Stochastic is a momentum indicator that compares closingprices relative to high-low range over a specific time period. Stochastics aremeasured and represented by two different lines, %K and %D, and are plotted on ascale ranging from 0 to 100. Readings above 80 represent strong upwardmovement, while readings below 20 represent strong downward movements.

Once you have determined the direction of the trend using trendlines or movingaverages, you should confirm it with the slope of the Slow Stochastic whichindicates the momentum. In an uptrend, you should be looking for the Stochastic toslope strongly upward, whereas in a downtrend, the Stochastic should be slopingstrongly downward, in accordance to the direction of the trend (see Figure 6.7).


7 Winning Strategies For Trading Forex

This daily chart of USD/JPY illustrates that the strong uptrend that formedbetween July and October 2006 was not reflected at all on the ADX indicator(which lies in a separate window below the price chart) as the reading for thisperiod was below 20, indicating the absence of a trend.

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In order to gauge the strength of a trend, when prices are making new highs or lows,the Stochastics should be making new highs or lows as well, and if it does so, youare relatively certain that the prevailing trend will continue. If the Stochastics arenot doing the same, then that may signal a possible trend reversal.

Figure 6.7: Stochastic

The Moving Average Convergence/Divergence (MACD) histogram

An alternative to using the Stochastics is the moving averageconvergence/divergence (MACD) histogram. The MACD histogram is useful foranticipating changes in trend. Similarly, you should be looking for MACDhistogram to slope upward during an uptrend, and for it to slope downward duringa downtrend. When prices are moving higher or moving lower, the histogramshould become bigger as the speed of the price movement accelerates, and thehistogram should contract as price movement decelerates. That is, if a currency pairis rallying with strength, the histogram should be positive and growing larger (seeFigure 6.8). If a currency pair is declining strongly, the histogram should benegative and growing larger. That is how traders can make use of MACD histogramto gauge the strength of a price move.


Strategy 2 – Trend Riding

As AUD/USD rallied in an uptrend, Slow Stochastic sloped upwardaccordingly, and as AUD/USD declined in a downtrend, Slow Stochasticsloped downward accordingly as well.

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Figure 6.8: MACD

Now that you have become acquainted with the tools of identifying the trenddirection and measuring of trend strength, I will show you some of the basiceffective steps to riding the trend.


7 Winning Strategies For Trading Forex

The initial phase of EUR/USD decline caused the MACD histogram toenlarge in size, illustrating that the speed of decline was fast and furious. Butin the later phase of downtrend, the histogram became smaller, reflecting theslow speed of price decline. The histogram enlarged again when EUR/USDrallied with gusto, but when the bullish momentum slowed down, thehistogram decreased in size too.

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Technical Execution Of The Strategy

To ride a trend successfully, you should get confirmation from the price action ortechnical signals that a trend is in place, and should avoid getting into trends whichare already near the ending stage. There is no need for you to predict what themarket is going to do, because you can never know that for sure, but the next bestthing is perhaps to just go along with what the market is doing, and trend ridingallows you to achieve that.

Trading a trendline bounce can be a very profitable, yet simple, strategy for joiningan existing trend as it provides a relatively low-risk entry point for traders. Here arethe steps of this strategy:

1. First determine how long you wish to ride the trend for because that willinfluence the time frame of the trend you will ride on.

2. Make sure that the current market sentiment agrees with the technicals. If not,

3. Note the gradient of the trendline in both time frames and the number of timesit has been tested.

4. Confirm trend direction and trend strength with oscillators.

5. Enter a limit entry or market entry order based on the hourly or daily trendline,depending on your preferred time horizon.

6. Place stop-loss orders at least 20 pips on the other side of the trendline.

I will now go through these steps with you with a more detailed explanation of whatto look out for when adopting this strategy.

1. Determine your holding period

Since many people like to day trade the forex market, I will highlight two suitabletime frames for this trading horizon: the daily and hourly time frames. Even if youtrade intraday, it is necessary for you to use at least the hourly chart to plan yourtrade even though you may be using the 5-minute or 15-minute chart to monitor yourtrade. In my opinion, it is essential for day traders to know the trend direction on thedaily chart as this enables them to trade knowing the overall technical picture.

2. Make sure that the current market sentiment agrees with the technicals

The forex market is mainly driven by the players’ perceptions of fundamental news,and technicals usually follow the market sentiment. Hence, you should look for themarket sentiment to be supportive of the trade, in the direction of the prevailingtrend. If the market sentiment appears to be shifting, and the prevailing trend seemsto be threatened, you should give the trendline bounce a miss. However, if thesentiment agrees, you can proceed with the rest of the strategy as outlined.


Strategy 2 – Trend Riding

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3. Note the gradient of the trendline on both time frames and the numberof times it has been tested

As mentioned earlier, for the Trend Riding Strategy I prefer to stay out of joining atrend that is on a very steep trendline (See Figure 6.9), but that really is up to you,depending on your own risk appetite and trading style.

Figure 6.9: avoid trends with steep gradients

4. Confirm trend direction and trend strength with oscillators

Ideally, either Stochastics or MACD histogram should be sloping upward whentrading an upside bounce (off an up trendline), or sloping downward when tradinga downside bounce (off a down trendline). However, this condition is not aprerequisite as these oscillators may lag if the momentum is not accelerating, but ifyou can get additional confirmation from the oscillators then the probability ofsuccess will be higher.


7 Winning Strategies For Trading Forex

The up trendlines drawn on this daily chart of EUR/CHF were not suitable fortrading trendline bounces due to their steep gradient.

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5. Enter a limit entry or market entry order on the hourly or daily trendline,depending on your preferred time horizon

The problem with placing a limit entry order is that sometimes the price may notreach your limit to open your position, and you could end up with an “either myprice or none” situation, missing out on the opportunity to trade a trendline bounce.One way of securing your place on the trend bounce is to initiate your trade a fewpips before the price-trendline touch (see the following chart).

Figure 6.10: trendline bounce

6. Place stop-loss orders at least 20 pips on the other side of the trendline

Having tight stops is the worst enemy of this strategy. It is very common forcurrency prices to exceed and pierce the trendline, even a daily one, by 10-15 pipsor more in a very fast-paced move, and then just as quickly retreat back into themain price territory on the action side of the trendline. This move is oftenorchestrated by institutional players to hit the accumulation of stops beyond thetrendline so as to sweep money off weak hands into their own pockets. Of course,


Strategy 2 – Trend Riding

The letters A and C on this 60-min chart of EUR/JPY indicate where the pricedid not touch the trendline exactly, while B indicates where the price hadmoved slightly beyond the trendline. All these three instances are examplesof successful trendline bounces.

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sometimes the prices may pierce 20 plus pips through the trendline, and then makea U-turn back into the old territory, resuming the underlying trend.

Note: There is no one-size-fits-all stop loss level that is the “best”, as that willdepend on how long you intend to hold your position for and your lot size.


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The idea of riding a trend is age-old, and there is nothing sexy about it. However,timing your entry into an existing trend can be the trickiest part of this strategy. Oneeffective way of riding the trend is to sneak in during a trend pull-back, which youcan do by trading trendline bounces, in the direction of the underlying trend. Thenature of the forex market makes trading bounces during an uptrend or downtrenda breeze as there are no uptick rules or restrictions on shorting a currency pair.Always keep in mind that when you trade, the direction should be in line with thecurrent market sentiment, and if not, it is better to pass up the bounce.


Strategy 2 – Trend Riding

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7:Strategy 3 –Breakout Fading

7 W i n n i n g S t r a t e g i e s f o r T r a d i n g F o r e x

P a r t I I

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Strategy 3 – Breakout Fading

Strategy 3 – Breakout FadingSupport and resistance levels, whether they are found amidst chart patterns,indicators or along trendlines, are an indication of where a predictable priceresponse can be expected. A support level is where buying pressure overwhelmsselling pressure enough to interrupt or reverse a downtrend. A sturdy support levelis more likely to hold up even if prices slightly pierce through the support, and thatpresents traders with an excellent buying opportunity.

Conversely, a resistance level is where selling pressure is strong enough toovercome buying pressure such that an uptrend can be stopped temporarily orreversed. A strong resistance level is more likely to block further advance even ifprices slightly pierce through the resistance, and such a situation presents traderswith an excellent shorting opportunity.

You can take advantage of such opportunities by fading breakouts.

Fading breakouts refers to trading against breakouts, when you believe that thecurrency prices will not be able to sustain a follow-through action in the directionof the breakout. We fade breakouts when we expect breakouts from support andresistance levels to be false and unsustainable, especially when those support andresistance levels are of great significance. Many breakouts tend to fail at the firstfew attempts, and that makes fading breakouts an excellent short-term strategy forforex traders. Fading breakouts tends to be more effective as a short-term strategy,and is not meant for the long-term. False breakouts, also known as fakeouts, are abane for breakout traders, but boon for breakout faders.

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The Crowd Likes to Trade Breakouts

The idea of trading breakouts appeals to many independent traders, especiallynewcomers to the currency market. Support and resistance levels are seen as pricefloor and price ceiling respectively. A support level attracts buyers’ enthusiasm forhigher bids, and prevents the price from going lower, while a resistance levelattracts sellers’ enthusiasm for shorting, and prevents the price from advancinghigher. Thus, it is perfectly logical for the crowd to think that if the support level ispenetrated, then the general price move should be downward, and hence they aremore likely to sell than to buy. The opposite is true for a price break above aresistance level. When that happens, the crowd will usually come to the conclusionthat if the resistance level is penetrated, then prices are more likely to advancehigher in a rally, and hence they are more likely to buy than to sell.

Knowing this, it is very easy to see why there tends to be a big cluster of entry stoporders placed just above a resistance level and also placed just below asupport level.

However, the cluster of stop orders there does not just comprise entry orders, butalso stop-loss orders placed by traders who have bought near the support level, orhave sold near the resistance level. So if the currency price crosses above theresistance level, short positions will be stopped out. In an opposite fashion, longpositions will be stopped out when the currency price crosses below thesupport level.


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Why Most Breakouts Fail

One of the most compelling reasons why most breakouts tend to fail is due to thefact that winners need to take money from losers, and it does not always pay to havethe same mentality as the crowd, as the majority will crash out of the trading gamebroke. Money has to be made from the majority, not from the minority who get itright. The crowd holds the dumb money with weak hands, whereas the smartmoney tends to belong to the domain of big players who can afford to reach intotheir deep pockets for a couple of tricks to sabotage the crowd. The most money ismade when the crowd turns out to be wrong, because then these players willscramble to get out of their losing positions, causing vertical rallies or declines.

If almost everyone, ranging from people hanging out in online forums to yourneighbours, see the same great opportunity to buy above a resistance level or sellbelow a support level, who will be the sellers on the other side of the transaction?

For someone to buy something, there must be a seller, and vice versa. Granted,there are not too many traders who are indeed unaware of such a level, so how canthe majority make money from the minority? If there is so much market demand tobuy above a resistance or sell below a support, the market maker has to absorb allthose one-sided orders and take the other side of the equation. However, we mustbe aware that the market maker is certainly no fool.

Trading against the crowd

I have increasingly noticed that obvious support and resistance levels on thecurrency price charts tend to provide the best opportunities for fading breakouts,although it is not always the case. This is not surprising, given the fact that the mostwell-recognised price levels or chart patterns will be detected by the majority oftraders. Almost everyone is taught the same aspects of technical analysis frombooks or other sources, and new traders are the ones who tend to most eagerlyfollow trade recommendations stemming from the formation of certain chartpatterns on the currency price charts.

Retail traders like to trade breakouts, but institutional, or the more seasoned traders,prefer to fade breakouts, doing exactly the opposite of what the majority isexpected to do. That is one of the main reasons why most breakouts fail – theinstitutional or seasoned traders taking advantage of the crowd psychology of theretail or inexperienced traders, and winning at their expense. Our strategy is to tradein the direction of institutional activity, by fading breakouts.


Strategy 3 – Breakout Fading

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Tricks of Institutional Dealers andTraders

Before I talk about the Breakout Fading Strategy, let’s understand a bit more aboutthe kind of tricks that are played by institutional dealers and traders.

Many market makers, banks, and hedge funds – mainly big players with deeppockets – are known to fade breakouts, which are traded by many retail traders.Their game plan is to make money from the majority of the crowd who thinks thatthe price will rally merrily after an upside breakout or decline dangerously after adownside breakout. Since market makers are the pricing counterparties to theirretail customers, they have to take the opposite end of your trade, whether you likeit or not.

First of all, let’s see things from their point of view. For example, if there is anexpected crowd demand to buy at a certain price above a resistance level, thesefirms know that they will have to sell to their customers, so how will they positionthemselves in an advantageous position? What they routinely do is that they reachinto their pockets, spend a bit of money buying up the currency pair to the levelwhere stop entry (and stop-loss) orders have been placed by their customers, so thatthey can now sell to those people who are desperate to buy, thus making somedecent profits from this trick.

The next stage of this trick comes when customers’ stop (both entry and exit) ordersare triggered and the retail crowd goes long. This gives the market makers and otherbig players a chance to close the previous longs they entered by selling to thecrowd. However, the big players know they can make money in both directions, sonow they begin shorting to overwhelm the buying pressure from the crowd, thuspushing the currency prices down, back below the breakout level, where manystop-loss orders have been placed by the buyers who trade the upside breakout.These stop-loss orders then become executed, and the big players can gleefullyoffload all or some of their shorts by buying from those who are selling to closetheir losing breakout trades (See Figure 7.1).


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Figure 7.1: market makers and breakouts

This is the story behind the false breakout – beautiful in the eyes of big institutionalplayers; hideous and greatly undesirable in the eyes of the crowd. Hedge funds,with their immense capital, can play these tricks on the unsuspecting crowd as well,even though they trade only for themselves.

Market makers have the information of where their customers’ orders are from theirorder book. Even if these big players have good intentions, they could stillpotentially trade against you so as to cover imbalanced trades or to supply liquidityto the market. Of course, trading to maximise profits of their internal accountscannot be ruled out. A potential conflict of interest can thus exist, and retail tradersmust know that in order to know how to protect themselves. After all, marketmakers exist to give profit to their share-holders, not to their customers.

When big players go on a stop hunting spree, false breakouts are likely to be theconsequence of that. The crowd may think that the false breakout is due to thesudden turning of the market, but it is most likely the direct result of the games thatbig players play. Taking out stops placed by the crowd at predictable levels servetheir monetary interests. Retail traders must know what these big players are doing


Strategy 3 – Breakout Fading

This 5-min chart of GBP/USD on 11 December 2006 shows how marketmakers (denoted as “MMs”) pushed the currency pair up above theresistance level (1.9560) to trigger stops, and after taking their profits, theythen pushed prices back down for further gains.

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or are thinking of doing in order to join in their game of scooping up money fromthe majority of the crowd.

False breakouts also arise when market makers execute stops before the interbankmarket has reached those prices or execute stops that lie just outside the actualtrading area. Sometimes you may see that prices have pierced slightly through thebreakout level in intraday charts, or even longer-term charts like the daily charts,and then make a quick U-turn back into the pre-breakout price zone.

Lack of fresh blood

False breakouts do not just happen because of the tricks institutional players use;they could also be the result of the market running out of steam to reach higherhighs or lower lows in a sustained price break. This situation occurs when there arenot enough fresh buyers to sustain an upward price move or fresh sellers to sustaina downward price move. The lack of new blood into an already very long or shortmarket often heralds an unexpected turn of the market as the market movebecomes attenuated.


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Identifying The Opportunities

Since big players like to fade breakouts, individual traders have a higher chance ofsuccess if they fade breakouts as well. Fading breakouts is not an instinctive thingto do as a trader, because the prospect of reaping massive gains from a pricebreakout outweighs the prospect of a failed breakout, and of course, everyone isgreedy for big easy profits. Even though fading breakouts is counter-intuitive, it canbe a very profitable strategy for capturing short-term gains. In order to maximise theeffectiveness of this strategy, you need to go through some analysis steps which willguide you as to where and when you can fade a price breakout with a higherprobability of success. The key points to look out for are the location and the timing.

Where potential fakeouts occur

You can use false breakouts to your advantage instead of seeing them as yourenemies. The first question to ask is: where do false breakouts usually occur? Falsebreakouts can be found anywhere on the currency price chart at levels of supportand resistance, which may manifest in the form of trendlines, chart patterns orprevious daily highs or lows. I recommend that you look for opportunities on aminimum time frame of hourly or more. There are really no hard and fast rulesregarding the entry criteria, as there is absolutely no way of predicting with 100%accuracy the next price movement.


There are similarities between riding a trend through trading trendline bounceswhich I have covered in Chapter 6, and trading false breakouts of trendlines. Inboth cases, we are expecting the price to bounce off the trendline, whether the pricehas or has not touched, or has pierced slightly through the trendline.

I have observed that the probability of a false breakout is higher if the trendline hasa gentle gradient of slope, especially if it is angled at 45º or less. You don’t have togauge that with a protractor; just a visual analysis will do.

Such a gently sloping trendline can usually be drawn by connecting at least twoextreme points of highs or lows over a long period of time, depending on whetherit is a downtrend or an uptrend. There should ideally be some decent amount ofopen space between these two or three extreme points of contact, indicating thatprices have deviated away from the trendline in the direction of the current trend(See Figure 7.2).

Usually, the third or even fourth extreme point of contact on the gently slopingtrendline presents a good fading opportunity, especially if a moving average liesslightly below the ascending trendline or slightly above the descending trendline.


Strategy 3 – Breakout Fading

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The speed of price movement preceding the approach to the trendline must also beconsidered. If prices are approaching slowly and steadily towards the trendline,then a false breakout or a trendline bounce would most likely occur.

On the other hand, a fast and high amplitude move could very likely result in asuccessful price breakout of the trendline with a sustained follow-through in prices,aided by the boost of momentum. In that case, it is better to refrain from fading thebreakout (See Figure 7.3).

Figure 7.2: fading opportunities


7 Winning Strategies For Trading Forex

A gently sloping down trendline is drawn on a 60-min chart of USD/CHF. Notethat the gradient of the trendline is angled around 45º, and there is someamount of space between the extreme points of contact, which makes it agood opportunity to fade a potential breakout at the third and fourth extremepoint of contact.

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Figure 7.3: fading opportunity to avoid

Technical execution

Place a limit or market entry order a few pips below a down trendline or above anup trendline in order to catch the potential bounce. If you are a more aggressivetype of trader, you may choose to stagger your entry by placing another order a fewpips after the breakout. This is a form of dollar-cost averaging whereby the averagecost of entry becomes more favourable for either your long position (fading adownside breakout) or short position (fading an upside breakout). Staggering yourentry points can help to optimise your overall cost of entry, and it must be doneaccording to a proper money management plan. Stops should be placed at least 20-30 pips beyond the support or resistance, outside of the price zone.


Strategy 3 – Breakout Fading

Although the up trendline on this 60-min chart of USD/CHF is angled at lessthan 45º, it does not make a good candidate for fading breakouts due to thecurrency pair having just declined by about 60 pips in the hour preceding thebreakout attempt (a fast and high amplitude move). The pair was able to breakout successfully from the up trendline following the very bearish momentum.

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Chart patterns

The amazing power of technical analysis has been discovered by more and moretraders, especially those who are involved in trading forex. Nowadays, with themajority of forex traders utilising some form of technical analysis in their decision-making process, chart patterns have become easily recognisable by experiencedtraders, although not as easily and quickly by inexperienced traders.

In order to employ the Breakout Fading Strategy, you have to know where to lookfor these false breakouts to occur. Having just discussed trendline fakeouts, let mego through with you some common technical formations where false breakouts arelikely to occur in currency price charts. Keep in mind that consistent outcomescannot be expected of chart pattern formations, and that the Breakout FadingStrategy must be applied with a lot of common sense, like with all other tradingstrategies.


This chart pattern is one of the hardest for new traders to recognise at first, and cantake a while to pick up the visual recognition. Nonetheless, it is one of the mostwidely taught chart patterns in technical analysis.

The head-and-shoulders pattern consists of three points of rallies, with the secondrally (the head) being the highest, flanked by a smaller rally on the left and rightside (the shoulders). The pattern resembles the head and shoulders outline of ahuman being, and is thus named. A horizontal or sloping trendline, known as theneckline, can be drawn connecting the lows of the left and right shoulders linkingto the head (See Figure 7.4).


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Figure 7.4: head-and-shoulders pattern

The head-and-shoulders pattern is usually found at the end or middle of an uptrend.A similar, but inverted head-and-shoulders pattern can also be found at the end ormiddle of a downtrend. This inverse head-and-shoulders pattern consists of threepoints of declines, with the second decline (the head) having the lowest low,separated by two smaller declines (the left and right shoulders).

Head-and-shoulders can occur as reversal or continuation formations. If the patternis found at the end of an uptrend, it could signal a bearish reversal or consolidationperiod before the uptrend is continued. If it is found at the end of a downtrend, itcould signal a bullish reversal or consolidation period before resuming thedowntrend. Head-and-shoulders reversal patterns are notorious for precipitatingfalse breakouts, and hence are good places to fade a breakout.

Why are false breakouts so common with this pattern?

Many traders who have identified this formation have their stop-loss orders belowthe neckline if they are buying up the rallies from the support level. The reverse istrue for traders placing stop-loss orders above the neckline of an inverse head-and-


Strategy 3 – Breakout Fading

A head-and-shoulders pattern is spotted on a daily chart of AUD/USD. Thepattern consists of the head, which is the final rally of the pattern, separatedby two smaller rallies, known as shoulders, which need not be identical inheight (amplitude of price move) or width (duration of time).

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shoulders pattern if they are shorting the decline from the resistance level. Besidesstop-loss orders, there can also be numerous entry stop orders placed below theneckline or above the inverse neckline in anticipation of a price breakout, leadingthe way to a trend reversal.

When the head-and-shoulders pattern experiences a false breakout, prices willusually rebound, and may stage an explosive price movement off the neckline inthe pre-breakout zone. This is because traders who have shorted the downsidebreakout or who have longed the upside breakout will have their stops triggeredwhen currencies move in the opposite direction against their positions. Most of thetime, these fakeouts are triggered by big players who want to shake out positionsof small players.

Technical execution

It is best to assume that the first break of a head-and-shoulders pattern tends to befalse. Based on this assumption, you may fade the breakout with a limit or marketentry order a few pips above the neckline or below the inverse neckline, and mayeven choose to stagger your entry by placing another order a few pips beyond theneckline when the price breaks through it. The stop should be placed at least 20-30pips beyond the neckline outside of the price zone (See Figure 7.5).

As for profit objective, it depends on the time frame of holding your positions open.Technically, you may choose to place it slightly below the high of the secondshoulder, or slightly above the low of the second shoulder of the inverse head andshoulder formation. If the current market sentiment supports the case for a verystrong rebound or trend continuation, you may wish to set a higher objective bytaking profits nearer the head, and hold it for several days or weeks for the objectiveto be reached, depending on your own preference.


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Figure 7.5: fading breakout from a head-and-shoulders pattern

Double top and double bottom

Double tops and double bottoms are easily recognisable by most traders oncurrency price charts, and their appearance signals a potential trend reversal.

A double top formation consists of two rally peaks separated by a valley. The twopeaks need not be of the same height for the pattern to be considered a double top.When the price breaks below the neckline connecting the valley low and the baseof the peaks, it signals a possible downside breakout (See Figure 7.6). Hence, manytraders place their entry stop orders below the neckline of a double top inanticipation for a trend reversal to the downside.


Strategy 3 – Breakout Fading

A head-and-shoulders pattern on a daily chart of NZD/JPY provided a verygood opportunity to fade a potential breakout from the neckline. According tothe strategy, you can place a limit or market buy order a few pips above theneckline, and a stop 20-30 pips below the neckline. Profit limit orders can beplaced near the high of the second shoulder or near the top of the head. Inthis case, both profit targets would have been achieved.

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Figure 7.6: double top

A double bottom is simply an inverted image of a double top, and works theopposite way. It is made up of two bottom lows separated by a rally, and when theprice penetrates above the neckline joining the rally high and the base of thebottoms, it signals a possible upside breakout (See Figure 7.7). As you wouldexpect, many traders place their entry stop orders above the neckline of a doublebottom in anticipation for a trend reversal to the upside.


7 Winning Strategies For Trading Forex

EUR/USD broke out successfully to the downside from the neckline of adouble top formation present in this daily chart.

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Figure 7.7: double bottom

These chart formations face the same problem of being easily recognised by tradersin that every one does the same thing of placing orders at the same predictable pricelevel, making easy bait for institutional players to sweep money off the table again.Recall that our strategy is to trade in the direction of institutional activity, and wedo this by fading the first attempt of a price breakout.

Technical execution

Even if the price does not exceed the neckline of the double top or bottom, aposition may be opened with a limit or market entry order a few pips above theneckline of a double top or a few pips below the neckline of a double bottom inorder to catch the bounce. As with fading breakouts of other chart patterns, you caneven choose to stagger your entry by placing another order a few pips beyond theneckline when the price breaks through it (See Figure 7.8).


Strategy 3 – Breakout Fading

EUR/USD broke out successfully to the upside from the neckline of a doublebottom formation present in this daily chart.

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Figure 7.8: fading breakout from a double bottom

The stop should be placed at least 20-30 pips beyond the neckline outside of theprice zone. The profit objective may be set slightly below the previous peak of adouble top or slightly above the previous low of a double bottom. The rationale forplacing your profit target there is that there is a strong chance that prices mayrebound from the previous peak or bottom level, and form a triple top or bottom,even though such formations are less common than double tops or bottoms. Tripletops or bottoms represent a more extended fight between bulls and bears of acurrency pair.

Best market condition to fade breakouts

One persistent trading conundrum is for a trader to decide when is the best time totrade a breakout and when to trade against it. I know traders who only fadebreakouts, and also people from the camp that only trade breakouts. In the forextrading business, good traders cannot afford to be rigid in their mindset and follow


7 Winning Strategies For Trading Forex

This daily chart of USD/CAD shows a double bottom formation. According tothe strategy, you can place entry orders a few pips below the neckline orabove the neckline in order to fade the breakout. USD/CAD indeed brokeabove the neckline by 22 pips in a false breakout move before going downhillover the next few weeks.

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preconceived rules without much thoughts and analysis. The guidelines that I havelaid out for fading breakouts, should be just that – guidelines, not definite rulescarved in stone. Even though the general rule of thumb is to fade breakouts on thefirst attempt, you need to take into consideration the various circ*mstances thatpresent optimal or less than ideal fading opportunities.

Adopt the Breakout Fading Strategy only when you sense a high probability of themarket situation supporting it. Not only must you spot a good location to carry outthis strategy, perfect timing is also a key ingredient to spotting an ideal fadingopportunity. From my experience, the best market condition for fading breakouts isa range-bound market.

Range-bound markets

It is common knowledge that financial markets spend most of their time bouncingback and forth between a range of prices trapped between a support and resistancelevel, instead of always making fresh higher highs or lower lows in an uptrend ordowntrend. The forex market is no exception, and tends to stay range-bound mostof the time, in between trending phases.

Fading breakouts can be a very profitable trading strategy when the market isranging. A range is bound by a support level and a resistance level which are inclose proximity to each other, as buyers and sellers of a currency pair battle it outafter either side has established an extreme overbought or oversold price zone. Thisperiod of consolidation settles the currency prices within a range, and may bemanifested in the form of a rectangle (a horizontal channel) or a triangle, wherebyneither bulls nor bears of a currency pair are stronger than the other. At some point,either the bulls or the bears will wrestle control and overpower the other party,marking the start of a trending phase again.

A trading range should consist of at least two contact points at the support and atthe resistance levels drawn. It is preferable to fade breakouts at the third or evenfourth contact points at these levels on the hourly or daily charts as they tend to bemore reliable (See Figure 7.9). Fading breakouts in a rectangle or triangle involvesbuying at the support line and selling at the resistance line at the third or fourthcontact point on either side, unless there are overwhelming signs that the market isready to trend again.


Strategy 3 – Breakout Fading

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Figure 7.9: range-bound market

The Breakout Fading Strategy tends not to work as well for strong trending phasesof the market, and is more effective in range-bound market conditions. That said,you can still fade a breakout while in a strong trend, if you can contend with a verysmall profit objective of not more than 20-30 pips. So whether or not you fade abreakout during a trending phase really depends on your own preference, degree ofrisk appetite and experience in the market.


7 Winning Strategies For Trading Forex

A trading range in the form of a horizontal channel or a rectangle is seen onthis 60-min chart of EUR/CHF. This rectangle provided excellent fadingopportunities whereby you can sell at the resistance and buy at the supportat the third, fourth and even fifth contact points.

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There are times when it is better to follow the crowd, and there are times when weshould deviate from it. The Breakout Fading Strategy requires the trader to think ofwhat the crowd would do in the given situation based on the chart or price patternsand market conditions, and then act the opposite way of what the crowd would do.

For the independent trader to have success on his or her side, he or she must thinklike the big institutional players, and stick to what these players are likely to do.

From my experience trading the forex market, I think it is better to be skeptical ofany first breakout attempt from a significant level. While not every breakout fadingtrade will turn out profitable, knowing how to identify high probability entries canimprove your odds of success when trading this strategy.


Strategy 3 – Breakout Fading

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8:Strategy 4 –Breakout Trading

7 W i n n i n g S t r a t e g i e s f o r T r a d i n g F o r e x

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Strategy 4 – Breakout Trading

Strategy 4 – Breakout TradingWho hasn’t harboured the thought of reaping massive profits from a big price movein a short time?

Despite the notoriety associated with trading breakouts, it remains one of the mostbasic concepts in trading. A breakout typically occurs when the currency pricemoves beyond a period of consolidation or trading range, or when the pricepenetrates above or below an established price level, which can be a resistance orsupport level, resulting in a follow-through of prices past those levels, whethertemporarily or permanently. The price movement past a breakout point can eitherbe a short or a more sustained affair, and that may depend on the time frame ofprices that you are looking at.

Even though big market players tend to fade breakouts, and it is better for retailtraders to side with these players, it does not mean that trading breakouts is entirelya bad idea. Breakout trading does have merits, and a different set of rules ascompared to fading breakouts.

As mentioned in Chapter 7 on breakout fading, it is better to first assume that anybreakout from a significant level is false, as false breakouts are more common thansuccessful breakouts. However, there are times when trading breakouts can be veryprofitable, even though breakouts are known to be technically unstable. Hence, inorder to trade breakouts with a higher probability of success, you have toincorporate as many market factors as possible, including both technical andfundamental analysis, to get a better feel of the current overall market sentiment.

The problem of lack of volume data

While volume is critical to the trading of breakout in other asset classes like stocksor futures, in the forex market traders lack the knowledge of volume since there isno central exchange to monitor all the transactions that have gone through or aregoing through. Lack of forex volume data is a huge disadvantage to forex tradersas volume often reveals where the market is positioned or is positioning, and isoften an important criteria of any breakout trading strategies as successfulbreakouts are generally accompanied by a rise in volume. In view of that, you haveto rely on several guidelines so that you can position yourself for a potentiallygood breakout.

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Types of Breakouts

When a price attempts a breakout of a significant support or resistance level, itsignals a change in the balance of supply and demand, and such a change may betriggered by a change in market sentiment, or a renewed resolution of bulls or bearsof a currency pair, or the unfolding of certain fundamental events. Successfulbreakouts must be accompanied with a strong surge of momentum in the directionof the price breakout.

Price breakouts can be categorised into two main types:

1. continuation breakouts, and

2. reversal breakouts.

According to the basic tenet of technical analysis, one should always assume theunderlying trend to continue unless proved otherwise, and it is no exception inthis case.

Continuation breakout

In a continuation breakout, currency prices break out of established price levels toresume the underlying trend, by climbing higher in a continuation of an uptrend, orby falling lower in a downtrend. Usually, a breakout occurs after a period ofconsolidation in which when buyers and sellers of a currency pair regroup andcontemplate the next price move (See Figure 8.1).


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Figure 8.1: continuation breakout

Reversal breakout

Sometimes, a current trend may be near its last stage, and could be in the processof reversing as the hype fuelling the trend is extinguished. In such a situation, abreakout could lead to a trend reversal and the beginning of a new trend, hence itbeing a reversal breakout (See Figure 8.2).


Strategy 4 – Breakout Trading

A continuation breakout is seen on this 60-min chart of EUR/CHF as pricesbroke out from a short period of consolidation to resume the uptrend.

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Figure 8.2: reversal breakout

False breakouts

However, there are many times when prices do not move in a straightforwarddirection (whether continuation or reversal) in the real trading world. Tradersobserving a price breakout could be treated to a display of the infamous falsebreakout which all breakout traders fear and detest. A false breakout occurs whenthe price has pierced through the support or resistance level, but then retreats backinto the previous price zone, thus stopping out most breakout traders if their stopsare just below the support or above the resistance level. Institutional players areoften the culprits behind false breakouts as they manipulate the currency price pastcommon stop levels so as to deliberately clean out that side of the market.

The worst kind of breakout is the whipsaw type, whereby prices move out of theprice range, then back into the range, and then break out of the level again, stoppingboth breakout traders and faders at least once (See Figure 8.3). Awhipsaw breakoutusually occurs when there is lack of momentum behind the price move or when thebreakout is small and weak. What makes a breakout unsustainable is the lack ofsubsequent waves of buyers or sellers of a currency pair to generate more buyingor selling interest in an upside or downside breakout respectively after the first


7 Winning Strategies For Trading Forex

A reversal breakout is seen on this 60-min chart of GBP/JPY as prices brokeout from a period of consolidation to reverse the trend from a prior uptrendto a downtrend.

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wave of buyers or sellers has jumped in shortly after the breakout. Sometimes, theprice action can be so choppy that it is better to stay out of the market.

Figure 8.3: whipsaw-type breakout

With so many different outcomes of a breakout, all breakouts must be treated withsome degree of suspicion, even if you have iron-clad reasons not to doubt thedirection of your trade, they all carry some risk of failure. That is when reasonablyplaced stops can help preserve the rest of your capital when a price breakout doesnot go your way.


Strategy 4 – Breakout Trading

A whipsaw-type breakout is seen on this 60-min chart of GBP/USD as pricesfirst broke out by 30 pips from the resistance level, then went back into the pre-breakout zone, and then broke out of the resistance level again. Such whipsawaction tends to stop out both breakout traders and faders in the process.

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Measuring Reversal Breakouts

Trading a reversal breakout undoubtedly sounds very appetising to many traderswho are lured to it by the prospect of attaining easy big profits in little time. Whodoesn’t like to get a reserved seat at the turnaround of a trend as the ride getspropelled by a frenzied momentum? However, things are certainly not as simple asthey may seem on the surface.

First of all, how do you know if a breakout is going to reverse the current trend?

To get some clues as to whether a trend could be reversing, you should scrutinisethe currency price charts, and look out for certain reversal chart patterns that tendto serve as harbingers of a trend change. Examples of such patterns include thehead-and-shoulders, double top/bottom, triple top/bottom and so on. If you do spotthese formations in your charts especially in the daily or weekly chart, there is ahigh chance that a reversal may be in the works, and that you should get ready fortrading a breakout.

In addition to these chart patterns, you can also make use of momentum indicatorsto tell you if a trend is nearing its end.

Using momentum indicators

Momentum indicators, also known as oscillators, often lead price actions, and theyhelp to alert traders to turning points such as a trend reversal breakout.

Moving Average Convergence/Divergence (MACD)

MACD is one of the simplest yet most dependable indicators available in thetoolbox of a trader. MACD consists of three exponential moving averages, eventhough only two lines appear on the chart. The MACD line itself is the differencebetween a currency pair’s 12-period and 26-period exponential moving averages(EMA). Usually, a signal line made up of a 9-period EMA of the MACD line isplotted together with MACD. A bullish signal is given when the MACD linecrosses above its signal line, and a bearish signal occurs when the MACD linecrosses below its signal line.

A better visual representation of MACD was invented by Thomas Aspray in theform of a MACD histogram, which is made up of a series of vertical lines. Thehistogram simply represents the difference between the MACD line and its signalline, and is plotted around the zero line. The histogram is positive (above zero line)when the MACD line is above its signal line, and is negative (below zero line)when the MACD line is below its signal line (See Figure 8.4).


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Figure 8.4: MACD

The MACD histogram tracks the speed of the price movement, and reflects thespeed by the way it slopes. For example, if a price move accelerates with an upsidebreakout to a level higher as buyers are in a frenzy to buy the currency, then otherbuyers will be eager to join in as they anticipate a continuation of the rally at thesame time that many people who have shorted are being stopped out, pushing therally higher. Under such circ*mstances, the histogram should become bigger (eachline becoming longer than the previous line) as the speed of the price movementaccelerates in a quick rally. On the other hand, when the price movementdecelerates, the histogram should contract (each line becoming shorter than theprevious line) accordingly. The reverse is true for a downside breakout.

MACD divergence signals

If you want to detect a trend reversal breakout, there is a way you can exploit thismomentum feature of MACD, and that is through MACD divergence signals.

When a currency pair rallies to a new high, or moves sideways, but the MACDhistogram declines, then a bearish divergence is formed (see Figure 8.5). The bearish


Strategy 4 – Breakout Trading

Note the MACD indicator in the lower section of the chart window, directlybelow the price chart section. You can see that the histogram rises above thezero line when MACD line lies above the signal line, and goes below the zeroline when MACD line moves below the signal line.

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divergence in MACD mostly takes place above the zero line because prior upwardprice movement would have resulted in MACD moving into positive territory. Abullish divergence in MACD results when a currency pair declines to a new low ormoves sideways, but the MACD histogram slopes up higher instead of sloping lower.

Figure 8.5: MACD divergence signal

Hence, when you spot a potential breakout scenario on a currency price chart, youshould also take note of how the MACD histogram is performing. If the currencyhas been making new highs, has the MACD histogram been doing the same byforming higher peaks? If so, you can assume that the uptrend is still in place, andperhaps any breakout to the downside would be short-lived or probably false.However, if the MACD histogram shows a bearish divergence, then you will havea strong signal that a downside breakout is more likely to be sustained than false.The reverse applies to a bullish divergence. Although an MACD divergence signalseldom occurs, it is generally a very strong reliable signal when it does make anappearance.


7 Winning Strategies For Trading Forex

Although USD/CHF made new highs on the daily chart, the MACD histogramdid not and, instead, declined lower, shrinking the histogram in the process.This bearish divergence signalled that momentum was decreasing despiteUSD/CHF making new highs, and gave a strong clue that a price reversalcould be in place. In the following few days after the new high in USD/CHF,the pair declined by about 400 pips.

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Relative Strength Index (RSI)

Another momentum indicator that can help you anticipate rather than react to pricechanges especially when prices are at the verge of breaking out is the RSI. The RSImeasures the relative changes between higher and lower closing prices over a giventime period, and provides an indication of overbought and oversold conditions.

This is the formula for RSI:

RSI = 100 - 100 / (1 + RS)

whereRS = (total gains / n) / (total losses / n)n = number of RSI periods

Areading of 30 or below indicates that the currency pair is in an oversold condition,and a reading of 70 or above indicates that the currency pair is in an overboughtcondition. However, it is not so useful to use this overbought/oversold condition forgauging the outlook of a potential breakout on the currency price chart asmomentum indicators do not work as well during trending phases. An uptrendcould register a prolonged period of overbought conditions, whereas a downtrendcould register a prolonged period of oversold conditions (See Figure 8.6).

Figure 8.6: RSI


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RSI divergence signals

The most useful way of applying the RSI is through its divergence signals. Whendivergence starts to appear after a directional move, it strongly indicates that a turningpoint of the current trend is near, and can help you gauge reversal price breakouts. LikeMACD, bullish divergence occurs when a currency pair declines to a new low, but theRSI makes a higher low. Bearish divergence is simply the opposite – a currency pairrallies to a new high, but RSI makes a lower high instead (see Figure 8.7).

Figure 8.7: RSI divergence signals


7 Winning Strategies For Trading Forex

A period of downtrend on the daily chart of USD/JPY corresponds to a three-week oversold condition in RSI. Traders who bought USD/JPY seeing that itwas oversold possibly ended up with losses as USD/JPY stayed in theoversold territory for three weeks.

Examples of a bearish divergence and a bullish divergence are shown onthis daily chart of AUD/USD. As you can see, being able to identify RSIdivergence can help you prepare for a high probability trend reversal.

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How does this price-RSI divergence occur?

As you can tell from the RSI’s calculation, the average up closes for a period isdivided by the average down closes over the same period. This is how a bearishdivergence may take place: In an uptrend, a currency pair will advance to higherhighs, and result in more average up closes compared to the down closes. Both theprice and the RSI will then reach a peak reflecting this. Usually, after an advance,the currency pair tends to take a break and consolidate for a while before decidingthe next move. Currency prices may retrace slightly or move sideways during thistime. This decline or sideway move in prices will cause the RSI to slope downwardfrom its peak since the number of times the currency pair is up in price divided bythe number of times the currency pair is down in price decreases.

When the currency pair later tests or moves slightly higher than its previous high,the RSI will form a lower peak this time compared to its previous peak, since theRSI formula takes into consideration the period of decline and consolidation. Thislower peak may signal that the bulls are not as strong as they seem to be, and theycould be running out of buying power if no new bulls enter the market. This bearishdivergence warns of a potential trend reversal ahead, and if the currency pair isclose to touching a support level, a breakout to the downside is more likely to besustained and successful than short-lived and false. The opposite situation is truefor a bullish divergence.

For the Breakout Trading Strategy, using momentum indicators like MACD or theRSI can sometimes provide clues to internal trend weakness since momentumprecedes price change. While it may be impossible to predict with 100% accuracythe success of a breakout, as well as the length and duration of the subsequentbreakout move, you can make use of these momentum tools to alert you to thepossibility of a significant reaction or even a trend reversal breakout of thecurrency pair.


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Identifying the Opportunities

If a trader were to trade every time a currency pair attempts a breakout of a supportor resistance level, his or her account balance would look very sorry. Before youimplement a breakout trade, detailed analysis of the current technical and marketsituation must be carried out in order to tilt the odds of success to your side. Tradingbreakouts can be a very profitable strategy if it is employed sensibly and carefullyafter thorough analysis.

Where potential breakouts occur

Price breakouts do not just spontaneously take place at any time, although they maybe triggered under the influence of sudden forex-related news or comments orunexpected geopolitical events. Breakouts usually occur in zones whereby bullsand bears are engaged in a tumultuous conflict, with one side feeling anxious aboutdefending the zone, and the other group feeling eager to launch a deadly attack. Alot of force and momentum is required to push currency prices beyond theircomfort zone, but no one really has the information of how much buying pressureis available or is needed to launch an upside breakout or how much selling pressureis available or needed to start a downward cascade of prices. Such zones of conflictcan be found along trendlines, channels, and around price points and after thecompletion of chart patterns.

We’ll now look at trendline and channel breakouts in some more detail.

1. Trendlines

Breakouts frequently occur along trendlines. An up trendline represents points ofsupport, whereas a down trendline represents points of resistance. Hence, whenprices break out of these trendlines, it may show that the crowd could be changingthe way it thinks and acts. In an uptrend, bulls may become less and less bullishwith time, while in a downtrend, bears may become less and less bearish with time.

When currency prices violate the trendline, there are generally two implications forthe future course of prices. A trendline breakout could signal a reversal orcontinuation of trend. In the case of trend continuation, this break may indicate atemporary interruption in the prevailing trend or signal that the trend will continue,but at a slower pace. Since the basic premise of technical analysis is to assume acontinuation of a trend unless proved otherwise by technical signals, you shouldassume that an initial trendline breakout indicates a slower continuation of thecurrent trend.


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How can you tell whether it is signalling reversal or consolidation?

You can’t really tell from trendline breaks alone, but if you can combine the trendlinewith other chart patterns – like a head-and-shoulders pattern – you will have a betterchance of predicting the outcome of the breakout. If you think it is more likely aconsolidation breakout, then set a smaller profit objective. However, if you have othertechnical or fundamental factors to back up the possibility of a reversal breakout, alarger profit objective may be set, since prices usually tend to move more at the turnof a trend than during a trend continuation. You may even decide to trade multiplelots to stagger-exit your profits at different price levels, but you must adhere to yourmoney management plan, and be aware of the cumulative risks.

Technical execution

1. Is the currency pair approaching a trendline drawn on the hourly or daily chart?Depending on your holding time frame, you may trade a trendline breakoutbased on the hourly or daily chart.

2. Note the gradient of the trendline.

3. Confirm price momentum with the MACD or RSI. The oscillator shouldpreferably be sloping up strongly before the currency pair attempts an upsidebreakout, or sloping down strongly before the pair attempts a downside breakout.

4. Check for reversal chart pattern formations on the hourly and daily charts.

5. Wait for the price to close beyond the trendline on an hourly chart.

6. Enter a market or stop entry order once the price moves a few pips past thebreakout level.

7. Your stop should be placed according to how long you intend to hold theposition for. Those who prefer a tight stop may place it close to the breakoutlevel in the pre-breakout zone. Alternatively, you may place your stop on theother side of the previous intraday range.

8. Your profit target, depending on how long you wish to hold your position open for,could be the next barrier in the form of a trendline or price support or resistance.

2. Channels

A channel defines a technical range between support and resistance levels that acurrency pair has traded in, and can span over any period of time. A channelbasically consists of two parallel trendlines which can be drawn to encapsulate theprice action. A trend channel can be horizontal, looking like a rectangle, or it canbe sloping upward or downward.


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Prices cannot be trapped forever within the channel, and at some point there will bea trigger, usually fundamental, to set off a burst of price movement beyond thetrading range. When currency prices break out of the upper channel, they aregenerally assumed to continue to move in that upward direction, while a pricebreakout of the lower channel generally implies a continued price movement in thedownward direction.

Trading channel breakouts is a very popular trading technique among traders as thepattern is very easily recognisable; however, being so easily recognisable bringsabout the same problem of being very likely to be manipulated by strong hands.Since a price breakout of a channel is normally seen as a bullish sign upon anupside breakout, and a bearish sign upon a downside breakout, many traders areexpected to place their entry or exit stops just outside both sides of the channel, forthey perceive a change of status quo when either of the two boundaries is violated.

In order to maximise the success of the Breakout Trading Strategy, I only tradebreakouts that arise from the trendline that defines the underlying trend, that is, Ionly trade the upside breakout of a descending channel or the downside breakoutof an ascending channel. I usually ignore upside breakouts of an ascending channelor the downside breakouts of a descending channel (See Figures 8.8 and 8.9).

Figure 8.8: channel breakouts


7 Winning Strategies For Trading Forex

In this 60-min chart of GBP/USD, the downside breakout from an ascendingchannel proved to be more sustained than a prior upside breakout.

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Figure 8.9: channel breakouts

From my observations, sloping channel breakouts that occur in the same directionof the underlying trend based on the trendline, are very likely to suffer fromexhaustion moves, and hence are likely to be short-lived and unsustainable. If thesubsequent price moves resulting from the same-direction breakout later retracesback toward the channel boundary and bounces off it to close beyond it, then youmay join in the trend continuation at that point, but preferably not at the point ofbreakout.

Another thing to note when trading channel breakouts is the gradient of the channellines. If the channel lines are steep, then a downside (upside) breakout of anascending (descending) channel tends to give way to a gentler trendline or channel.When that happens, prices may not move much during the breakout move, as theyare more likely to move sideways in a period of consolidation. Personally, I wouldnot trade breakouts from steep channels because the profit objective can be quitesmall especially if they occur in intraday time frames.

When trading breakouts of a horizontal channel or a rectangle, take note of the piprange of the channel. The tighter the vertical range, the better the chances of asuccessful breakout. Also, it is more reliable to trade these breakouts if they occuron a minimum hourly time frame. For example, if you spot a channel on an hourly


Strategy 4 – Breakout Trading

In this 60-min chart of CAD/JPY, the upside breakout from a descendingchannel proved to be more sustained than a prior downside breakout.

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chart that measures 40-50 pips from top to bottom, then the likelihood of asustained breakout is quite high.

Technical execution

1. Identify a preferably narrow channel formation on an hourly or daily chart,depending on your holding time frame.

2. Confirm price momentum with the MACD or RSI. The oscillator shouldpreferably be sloping up strongly before the currency pair attempts an upsidebreakout, or sloping down strongly before the pair attempts a downsidebreakout.

3. If the channel is horizontal and resembles a rectangle, you may trade thebreakout on either side of the channel. Enter a market or stop entry order oncethe price moves a few pips past the breakout level.

4. If the channel is sloping, trade only the downside breakout of an ascendingchannel or only the upside breakout of a descending channel. Enter a market orstop entry order once the price moves a few pips past the breakout level.

5. Your stop should be placed according to how long you intend to hold theposition for. Those who prefer tight stops may place them close to the breakoutlevel in the pre-breakout zone. Alternatively, you may place your stop on theother side of the previous intraday range.

6. Your profit target, depending on how long you want to hold your position openfor, could be the projected width of the channel or be time-based.

Remember that you should always assume a trend continuation rather than a trendreversal from a breakout, unless you have evidence – whether from technicals orfundamentals – that point to a reversal outcome. The probability of a trendreversing sharply rather than slowing its pace of movement and then movingsideways is relatively low in the absence of news and/or divergence signals frommomentum indicators. Hence, the general rule of thumb is that breakouts fromsteep channels and trendlines tend to result in price consolidation rather than areversal. Keeping this tip in mind can save you lots of money and headaches whentrading breakouts.


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Chart patterns

The most interesting aspect of learning technical analysis must be the thrill ofdiscovering tried and tested chart patterns that purportedly are able to yieldpredictable price responses – just the sort of magic that technical traders need inorder to win in the forex market. Breakouts – whether true or false ones – occurvery frequently in chart patterns, as the current situation of supply and demand islikely to change with the completion of a pattern. Chart patterns can be formed overany period of time, ranging from intraday to weekly time frames, but the longer ittakes for the pattern to form, the greater the subsequent price movement is likelyto be.

Common chart patterns include the head-and-shoulders, double top/bottom,triangles, flags, pennants, diamonds and so on. Chart pattern breakouts refer tocurrency prices breaking outside of the current price range within the pattern intonew price territory, and these breakouts can either signal trend continuation or trendreversal. For example, an upright head-and-shoulders pattern usually alerts thetrader to a potential trend reversal if it is found near the end of a mature uptrend,but if the price fails to break out of the neckline, the uptrend may continuefrom there.

The degree of technical analysis used in the forex market is much higher than thatused in other financial markets like stock markets, and hence many forex tradershave no problem identifying these common patterns on the currency price charts.Coffee talk among traders could revolve around the discussion of these chartpatterns without any difficulty. Chart patterns, especially those that are more easilyidentified by the majority of the market, hardly do any justice to those who tradetheir breakouts, since the majority usually can’t win from the minority. Just likecertain species of deep sea creatures inadvertently invite danger from predatorswhen they emit fluorescent light from the cells of their body against the pitch-blackocean, traders who trade the breakouts of very obvious chart patterns are settingthemselves up for possible game manipulation by stronger institutional hands.

Traditional technical analysis books may exalt the reliability of these patterns, butthey just do not work as well in the forex market. I have increasingly noticed thatin recent times, the first attempt of a price breakout usually results in a failure, themost notorious of all being the head-and-shoulders pattern. As such, I tend to stayaway from trading the first breakout attempt from chart patterns.


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Filtering False Breakouts

I usually do not trade a price breakout at the first attempt, unless there are otherreasons (technicals or market sentiment) to convince me to do so. While mostpeople are more afraid of losing out on a potentially great opportunity than losingtheir money in a bad trade, I prefer to let the price breakout play out the scene firstbefore deciding on the next move. One way of doing that is to check if the currencyprice will close beyond the breakout level on the hourly chart.

Focus on an hourly time frame that displays the price actions either in the candlestickor bar format. Language-wise, I will refer to either the candlestick or bar as thecandle. If the candle closes beyond the breakout level on the hourly chart, you maythen place a short order at least 10 pips below that candle’s low for a downsidebreakout. The opposite is true for an upside breakout – you may open a long positionwhen any subsequent candle exceeds more than 10 pips above that candle’s high (seeFigure 8.10). This filtering technique only works if there is still more room left forthe currency pair to move before it reaches its average daily range.

If the price does go back to the breakout level, you will need to monitor the priceaction even more attentively as its behaviour around that level could provide youwith important clues as to the next price movement. A false breakout is almostcertain if the price moves back into the pre-breakout range, but if it is repelled bythe breakout level, and does not penetrate past it, there is a higher chance of theprice moving in the direction of the breakout.

Figure 8.10: filtering breakouts


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Remember that the success of a breakout relies on the second and subsequentwaves of traders joining in the breakout, sustaining the breakout like a self-fulfilling prophecy. Let’s say in a downside breakout, the price soon returns to thebreakout level after penetrating the support. For the breakout not to fail there mustbe more selling interest from a second wave of traders who see that it is a goodopportunity to short at that breakout level in order to overcome the opposing buyinginterest. This second wave of traders are selling in anticipation of lower currencyprices after seeing the bearish technical picture, thus pushing down the currencyprice from the breakout level of support. The reverse applies to an upside breakout.

If you see that prices are bouncing off that breakout point on the rebound trip, youcould place your breakout trade with a limit or market entry order, with a stop placedat least 20 pips on the other side of the breakout level or outside of the day’s pricerange, depending on your risk tolerance. Once the price movement picks up speed inthe direction of the original breakout, and breaks below the low (high) of thedownside (upside) breakout candle, there is a high probability of the breakout beingsuccessful since this new low (high) is another confirmation of a successful breakout.

This way of filtering a fleeting short-lived breakout offers some protection againstlosses even though like all trading tactics it is not completely fail-proof.


Strategy 4 – Breakout Trading

Prices broke out of the down trendline on this 60-min chart of USD/JPY, butthe breakout was not traded at the first breakout attempt. In accordance tothe filtering technique, the long order (that was placed at least 10 pips abovethe high of the breakout candle) was only triggered many hours later, after ashort period of congestion. Subsequently, USD/JPY rallied by more than 70pips from the long entry point.

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There are many different outcomes that can be expected when prices attemptbreakouts of established levels of support or resistance. A breakout may result in asustained price move in the direction of the breakout, or may result in failure of theprice to sustain a move past the breakout level, or may even generate whipsawmoves that result in losses on both sides of the fence. Before employing theBreakout Trading Strategy, the trader has to closely examine the clues that arepresent in currency price charts. Compile as many clues as possible so as to filterout potential false breakouts.

Before setting an order to trade breakouts, it is best to make sure that the currentmarket sentiment is in line with the directional bias of your trade. False breakoutscan and do occur with little or no warning, even in the most seemingly perfect chartsetups, especially when the market is weak. Despite having certain safeguards inplace to lead the way towards trading a high probability breakout, there isabsolutely no way of ascertaining the definite outcome of a breakout before orwhen it happens, for a breakout could still fail despite having met some of thecriteria. That is why a sensible risk management plan must always be part of anytrading strategy.


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9:Strategy 5 –DecreasedVolati l i ty Breakout

7 W i n n i n g S t r a t e g i e s f o r T r a d i n g F o r e x

P a r t I I

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Strategy 5 – DecreasedVolatility BreakoutTrading breakouts is undeniably one of the most popular ways of profiting from theforex market, and an earlier chapter has been devoted to the Breakout TradingStrategy. In this chapter, I will discuss one of my favourite subsets of breakouttrading – the Decreased Volatility Breakout. While this strategy is similar to thestrategy of trading breakouts, it is specific to a certain condition in the forex market.

Pull up any currency price chart and you will notice that currency movements canbe quite volatile as they often fluctuate even in the midst of a trending phase,rallying at one moment and declining the next, or vice versa.

Volatility is a measure of the scale of price fluctuations over time. Volatility tendsto be high when prices change to a large extent within a short period of time. Thereverse is true – volatility tends to be low when prices oscillate more or less closeto a certain price level, without deviating much in a short period of time.

It is indeed the volatile nature of the forex market that draws risk-seeking tradersand investors to it in search of high profits, for prices have to move by a decentamount in order for profits to be reaped. However, entering the market when pricesare experiencing high volatility can be bad for your health – as you face the stressand worry of whether the trade will go your way as prices move up anddown sharply.

Instead of merely focusing on the high volatility element of the market, why notconcentrate on the periods of decreased volatility in the market?

Yes, it is possible to detect such quiet periods in the often noisy forex market-place.

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The Volatility Rollercoaster

There is a tendency for currency prices in the forex market to alternate betweenperiods of low volatility and high volatility, just like the volatility cycle seen inother financial markets. At one time, the market may experience low pricevolatility, and the next it may experience high volatility, and vice versa. Overlyactive movements of currency prices may then switch to not moving much at all,maintaining a more or less stable pricing. This recurring pattern has to do withcrowd psychology, which is the force behind changes in currency prices. I havementioned previously the four main stages of a trend:

1. Nascent trend

2. Fully charged trend

3. Aging trend

4. End of trend

At each stage of a trend, there is a different crowd psychology to influence it, andthese stages are closely linked to the cycle of volatility in the market.

Stage 1 – Nascent trend

When a currency pair is just starting to trend either on the upside or downside, mostmarket players are still skeptical and cautious about the possible new trenddirection during the nascent stage of the trend. Volatility is thus low as both bullsand bears tread carefully.

Stage 2 – Fully charged trend

When the trend progresses to Stage 2, it becomes fully charged and is ready formore action, as there is now new evidence from fundamental data or events thatsupports the trend direction. Traders who are on the opposite side of the market arecaught by surprise, and their vulnerability becomes exposed when the newlyintroduced information proves them wrong. During this period, a lot of changingpositions will take place, causing the price to move more dramatically within thattrend period. The new information provides the stamp of approval on the prevailingtrend. Traders are now more convinced of the trend direction, favouring a particularcurrency over another, bringing prices to higher highs in an uptrend or lower lowsin a downtrend. Traders who were initially on the wrong side of the market becomenew converts of the trend, while other traders who have been correct about the trenddirection may establish more positions in the direction of the trend. Hence,volatility tends to be high during this stage.


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Stage 3 – Aging trend

Stage 3 of the trend sees a period of consolidation as the trend comes close tomaturity. Volatility tends to decrease at this stage as the trend momentum becomesexhausted. This is the period where a lot of profit-taking will take place, andappetites of inexperienced traders are satisfied as the more experienced traders getrid of their wares. The trend takes a short break, with both bulls and bears hesitantto make daring moves. Usually such a period of consolidation takes place after thecurrency prices have moved by a huge amount in the previous period of highvolatility, and prices tend to stay relatively tame during this period.

Stage 4 – End of trend

Just like a wild beast cannot remain tamed for too long, the forex market cannotstay apprehensive forever. Sooner or later, some spark – usually derived fromeconomic data or geopolitical events – will trigger sudden reactions from theresting market. High volatility in the forex market will then return with a vengeanceas the prevailing trend ends and reverses after new incoming information isrevealed about a currency that changes the mass opinion, resulting in a rapidadjustment of prices within a short period of time as market players absorb the newinformation. Traders scramble desperately to get out of their positions if they havebeen on the wrong side; many stops get triggered, leading to a sharp follow-throughof prices in the reversed direction.

As you can see, even within a trend, currency prices can experience decreasedvolatility, followed by increased volatility, and vice versa, with an endless cycle ofthis rollercoaster motion – as crowd psychology tends to be quite predictable.

Decreased volatility can be found during trending or ranging phases, and isespecially visible on the price charts prior to the release of certain significanteconomic news. Traders with open positions in the market are the most vulnerableto unanticipated news during this period of low volatility. However, decreasedvolatility provides a great opportunity for traders to prepare and profit from animminent transition from low to high volatility, where gains can be made fromunsuspecting players, and that is the basis of the Decreased VolatilityBreakout Strategy.


Strategy 5 – Decreased Volatility Breakout

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Ways of Measuring Volatility

Even though currency prices seem to move in a very haphazard way, there areseveral technical indicators which can help you visualise the volatility of currencyprices. I will show you two indicators–

1. the moving average, and

2. Bollinger bands

which you can use to gauge the volatility of currency prices.

1. Moving average

A moving average is a simple but very handy indicator to add to your price chartsto indicate volatility as well as determining the underlying trend. Amoving averageattempts to smooth and minimise “noisy data”. There are several variations ofmoving averages: simple, exponential and weighted.

Simple moving average (SMA)

A simple moving average is calculated by adding together the closing prices of acurrency pair over certain period of time, and then dividing the total by the numberof data points involved. For example, a 20-period simple moving average of say,the EUR/USD, on a daily chart would be calculated by adding the closing prices ofthe past 20 days and dividing the sum total by 20.

What makes this average “move” is that as new data comes in, it is incorporatedinto the calculation of the sum total, while the oldest data, which is the first periodof the calculation, is dropped from it. In that way, the average changes and adaptsto each new period of data even though it is still calculated based on the samenumber of periods.


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Figure 9.1: simple moving averages

Exponential moving average (EMA)

An exponential moving average puts more emphasis on more recent data and lessweight on old data in the calculation of the moving average, and is thus perceivedby many traders to be more relevant to the current situation.

This is the formula for the exponential moving average:

EMA = EMAp + {K * (Price - EMAp)}

where,EMA = exponential moving averageEMAp = the previous period exponential moving averageK = smoothing constantPrice = current priceK, the smoothing constant, is derived from the time periodselected by the individual according to the formula below:K = 2/n+1, where n is the period selected.

The smoothing constant, K, refers to the percentage ofweighting on the current value to be used.


Strategy 5 – Decreased Volatility Breakout

There are two different simple moving averages on this daily chart ofEUR/USD. Notice how the 100-day SMA tends to be further away from thecurrent price compared to the 20-day SMA. This is because with the 100-daySMA, the closing prices of the last 100 periods are added up and thendivided by 100.

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Figure 9.2: comparing EMA and SMA

As the moving average is a lagging indicator, it will react only after prices havemoved. When it slopes up, it indicates that prices have been rising, and that thetrend is up. The reverse is true; when a moving average slopes downward, itindicates weakness of the currency pair, and that the trend is down. When a movingaverage is moving sideways, we can deduce that prices are also moving sidewaysin a period of consolidation (see Figure 9.3). Since prices tend to be more volatilewhile they are moving up or down, you will see that the moving average will movemore wildly when tracking highly volatile price actions.

Decreased volatility is detected when a moving average moves sideways, and lookslike a smooth horizontal line. This indicates that the currency pair has settled intoa consolidation phase, and the trend has been interrupted, whether temporarily orpermanently.


7 Winning Strategies For Trading Forex

As you can see in this daily chart of GBP/CHF, the exponential moving averagehas a faster reaction to price changes than the simple moving average, as theEMA places a higher weighting on recent data than on older data.

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Figure 9.3: exponential moving averages

Regardless of whether you use an exponential or simple moving average, you willfind it an interesting indicator of price volatility as it smoothes the numerous pricefluctuations into a more visibly pleasing format, which tells you at a quick glancethe volatility picture of the currency pair.

One thing to note is that as a lagging indicator, the moving average, however, maynot be a very timely volatility gauge, and may still be sloping upward or downwardeven when prices are already showing decreased volatility and are movingsideways.

2. Bollinger bands

Another technical tool that traders can use to measure volatility of a currency pairis the Bollinger bands. According to default settings found in most chartingsoftware, the Bollinger bands are two lines which are plotted two standard


Strategy 5 – Decreased Volatility Breakout

This 60-min chart of EUR/USD shows the 20-period exponential movingaverage (EMA) trailing the currency prices. As prices rallied in an uptrend,the EMA sloped upward till the point where it began to move sideways asEUR/USD shifted from high to low volatility into a period of consolidation.Later, as prices declined, the EMA sloped downward accordingly.

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deviations of a 20-period time horizon above and below a moving average. Theupper band represents +2 standard deviations, the lower band -2 standarddeviations, and the centre line is a 20-period simple moving average.

You may notice from Figure 9.4 that as USD/JPY becomes more volatile, the bandsincrease in width, and when the pair becomes less volatile, the band width becomesnarrower as both the upper and lower bands converge towards the centre line. Thisrelationship between the band width and price volatility stems from the fact thatstandard deviation measures volatility. Increased volatility is represented by awidening band width, whereas decreased volatility is represented by a narrowingband width.

Figure 9.4: Bollinger bands


7 Winning Strategies For Trading Forex

This 60-min chart of USD/JPY shows that as prices become more volatile,Bollinger bands become wider, and as prices become less volatile, the bandsshrink in width.

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Triangles are one of the best depictions of decreasing price volatility in the currencyprice charts, and are relatively common in charts. Through triangle formations, youcan take advantage of the decreasing price volatility in the forex market; they allowyou to bank in and ride on a potentially high momentum move that is likely to occurafter a period of decreasing volatility. All triangles show decreasing price volatilityin action, and when a particular type of triangle has been identified by the trader, ahigh-probability trade may be in sight when technicals are coupled with the currentmarket sentiment.

Keep in mind that the Decreased Volatility Breakout Strategy is based on theassumption that when a currency pair, which has been moving in tight ranges, isfinally ready for a transition to high volatility, it is likely to gain enough momentumto power a sustained move of prices in that direction of breakout.

Identifying the particular type of triangle

Triangles are generally continuation patterns although they can also be reversalpatterns, depending on the different types of triangles and whether they occur in anexisting uptrend or downtrend. There are basically three types of triangles:

1. ascending,

2. descending, and

3. symmetrical.

These triangles are also sometimes called wedges.

Decreased price volatility can be represented by all these three types of triangles,and it pays to know how to identify each one of them so that you can employ theDecreased Volatility Breakout Strategy when the opportunity arises.

1. Ascending triangles

When you see an ascending triangle on the chart, it is generally a bullish signal,even though it can either be a continuation or reversal pattern. An ascendingtriangle can be easily identified by its upward slope. This upward sloping trendline,which connects the higher price lows, creates the lower boundary of the triangle.The upper boundary, which is roughly horizontal, represents the resistance level,and should connect at least two price points.

The crowd psychology behind the ascending triangle is as follows: Every time thecurrency price goes up to a certain level (that forms the resistance), there are sellers


Strategy 5 – Decreased Volatility Breakout

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(of the currency pair) who are convinced about selling at that high, thus pushing theprice down each time that particular level is tested. On the other hand, when pricesretreat from the high on the way down, there are buyers (of the currency pair) whobelieve very strongly that the currency pair should rise based on their own reasons,and thus bid the price higher than the previous low, forming the upward slope ofthe triangle. The triangle is formed when these two lines converge at a point, whichforms the apex. Even though the bulls and bears show disagreement, theythemselves are not too eager to go long or short respectively, which explains whyvolatility is decreasing. Usually this hesitancy is a common reaction before therelease of new data.

The appearance of an ascending triangle should prepare you for an upside breakoutfrom the resistance level (see Figure 9.5). Although it is impossible to predict withrazor-sharp accuracy that that will be the true outcome of the eventual breakout, theprobability is quite high. Breakouts tend to occur in the middle or in the final one-third of the triangle formation, measuring from the start of the triangle to the tip.

Figure 9.5: ascending triangle


7 Winning Strategies For Trading Forex

USD/JPY successfully broke above the upper boundary of the ascendingtriangle on a daily chart in a classic fashion. In this case, since the ascendingtriangle appeared after a downtrend, the triangle served as a reversalpattern.

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This is what usually happens during an upside breakout: Once prices break out ofthe resistance level of an ascending triangle upon some trigger, sellers (of thecurrency pair) who have been shorting below that level are caught in the wrongdirection, and become desperate to close their shorts by buying, hence biddingprices higher, fuelling the upside price move even more.

The general guideline is that if the ascending triangle is formed during an existinguptrend, it is seen as an uptrend continuation pattern. But if it is formed during anexisting downtrend, it acts as a bullish reversal pattern.

That said, in the actual market, prices can move whichever way they want, withoutbeing bound by theories of how they should move. Sometimes, prices can alsobreak out from below the ascending triangle successfully, tricking the majority witha downside breakout, catching them unaware (See Figure 9.6).

Figure 9.6: ascending triangle with breakout on the downside


Strategy 5 – Decreased Volatility Breakout

An ascending triangle was formed in the midst of an uptrend on a daily chartof EUR/USD. But instead of breaking out from the top of the triangle,EUR/USD broke below the triangle in a 200-pip move over the next few days.

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2. Descending triangles

A descending triangle works the opposite way of an ascending triangle, and isgenerally viewed as a bearish formation even though it can either be a continuationor reversal pattern.

A descending triangle can be easily identified by its downward slope, which formsthe upper boundary of the triangle. This down trendline is drawn by connecting thelower price highs. The horizontal lower boundary of the triangle represents thesupport level, and should connect at least two price points.

The crowd psychology behind the descending triangle is as follows. Every time thecurrency price goes down to a certain level (that forms the support), there arebuyers (of the currency pair) who are stubborn about holding up that level with firmbidding, thus pushing the price up each time that particular level is tested. Bears,however, are quite anxious to sell as they feel that the currency price should fallover time. Thus, when prices bounce off the support level, bears take theopportunity to short again, with each offer getting lower and lower than theprevious offer. This is reflected by the downward sloping trendline. As withascending triangles, bulls and bears face a skirmish amidst decreasing volatility ofthe market, with both camps not feeling too confident of the next market move, thiscan easily occur prior to a significant news release.

Spotting a descending triangle allows you to be prepared for a possible downsidebreakout from the support level, especially when a currency pair is trendingdownward (see Figure 9.7).

Similarly, prices tend to break out in the middle or in the final third of the triangleformation, measuring from the start of the triangle to the tip. When the support lineis violated, many of those long positions which have been placed above that levelsoon get stopped when prices reach their stops which have been placed below thehorizontal support line. This domino effect causes prices to go down even lower,thus fulfilling a sustained downside breakout.


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Figure 9.7: descending triangle

If the descending triangle is formed during an existing downtrend, it tends to giveoff even more bearish vibes than if it is formed during an uptrend, because youshould always assume the continuation of the prevailing trend unless you havereversal signals in the form of technicals or a turnaround of market sentiment.Despite the general rule of thumb, prices can also sometimes break out from abovethe descending triangle successfully in a burst of bullish momentum.

3. Symmetrical triangles

Another variety of triangle is the symmetrical triangle, which has someresemblance to a wedge pattern. A symmetrical triangle consists of two convergingtrendlines that join a series of lower highs and higher lows; it is differentiated fromsloping triangles by the absence of a horizontal line (see Figure 9.8).

The lower highs reflect the mildly bearish conviction of sellers (of the currencypair) as they are willing to accept less and less over time, while the higher lows areformed when buyers (of the currency pair) are willing to pay a bit more to get apiece of the action. It is in this way that the volatility slowly shrinks such that prices


Strategy 5 – Decreased Volatility Breakout

In a classic move GBP/USD successfully broke below the lower boundary ofthe descending triangle on a daily chart. In this case, since the descendingtriangle appeared in the midst of a downtrend, the triangle served as acontinuation pattern.

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become gradually trapped within the narrow confines of the triangle prison.As withother sloping triangles, breakouts usually occur in the middle or final third of thetriangle.

Although you should assume that an eventual breakout of this pattern is resolved inthe underlying trend direction, either an upside or a downside breakout can happen(see Figure 9.8). There is no way to predict its future breakout direction until oneof the lines is penetrated. Hence, a symmetrical triangle tends to be less reliablecompared to an ascending or descending triangle.

Figure 9.8: symmetrical triangle

Technical execution of the strategy

Once you have identified the type of triangle on either the daily or weekly chart,the next thing to do is to prepare for a breakout in either direction, even though eachdifferent type of triangle has its own directional bias, with the exception of asymmetrical triangle. When trading triangle breakouts, it is preferable to ignore any


7 Winning Strategies For Trading Forex

This daily chart of NZD/USD shows a symmetrical triangle. Even though thebreakout could have occurred on either side of the triangle, NZD/USD brokeabove the triangle instead.

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first breakout attempt, regardless of whether the breakout is to the upside or thedownside. Scenarios A and B are applicable if you have identified ascending ordescending triangles, while Scenario C is meant for breakouts from symmetricaltriangles.

Scenario A

The second breakout attempt is in the direction that is highly expected of theparticular type of triangle. In other words, the second attempt is an upside breakoutof an ascending triangle, or a downside breakout of a descending triangle (seeFigure 9.9). This breakout could signal either continuation of the underlying trendor a trend reversal.

Figure 9.9: Scenario A

Long order for ascending triangle

1. Make sure that each side of the triangle has already been touched at least twice.

2. Ignore any first breakout attempt.

3. Place a stop-buy entry order at least 10 pips above the horizontal resistancelevel to capture a subsequent potential upside breakout.

4. Place a stop-loss order at least 10 pips beyond the opposite side of the triangleto guard against false breakouts. If the stop is too wide according to your money

Upside Breakout OfAn Ascending Triangle

Downside Breakout OfA Descending Triangle



Strategy 5 – Decreased Volatility Breakout

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management rules, the position size for the trade should be reduced. For thosewho prefer tighter stops, the stop-loss may also be placed at least 10 pips belowthe horizontal resistance level.

5. Profit target should be set according to your own trading time-frame.

Short order for descending triangle

1. Make sure that each side of the triangle has already been touched at least twice.

2. Ignore any first breakout attempt.

3. Place a stop-sell entry order at least 10 pips below the horizontal support levelto capture a subsequent potential downside breakout.

4. Place a stop-loss order at least 10 pips beyond the opposite side of the triangleto guard against false breakouts. If the stop is too wide according to your moneymanagement rules, the position size for the trade should be reduced. For thosewho prefer tighter stops, the stop-loss may also be placed at least 10 pips abovethe horizontal support level.

5. Set profit target according to your own trading time-frame.

Scenario B

The second breakout attempt is in the opposite direction that is to be expected ofthe particular type of triangle. In other words, the second attempt is a downsidebreakout of an ascending triangle, or an upside breakout of a descending triangle(see Figure 9.10). Position size for trades executed in this scenario should ideallybe halved so as to mitigate the risk of a false breakout since the breakout directionis contrary to the one that is more favoured by the particular triangle type.


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Figure 9.10: Scenario B

Short order for ascending triangle

1. Make sure that each side of the triangle has already been touched at least twice.

2. Ignore any first breakout attempt.

3. Place a stop-sell entry order at least 10 pips below the upward sloping line tocapture a subsequent potential downside breakout. Reduce position size by halffor this trade.

4. Place a stop-loss order at least 10 pips beyond the opposite side of the triangleto guard against false breakouts. If the stop is too wide according to your moneymanagement rules, the position size for the trade should be further reduced. Forthose who prefer tighter stops, the stop-loss may also be placed at least 10 pipsaway from the breakout point in the triangle zone.

5. Set profit target according to your own trading time-frame.

Long order for descending triangle

1. Make sure that each side of the triangle has already been touched at least twice.

2. Ignore any first breakout attempt.

3. Place a stop-buy entry order at least 10 pips above the downward sloping line

Downside Breakout OfAn Ascending Triangle

Upside Breakout OfA Descending Triangle



Strategy 5 – Decreased Volatility Breakout

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to capture a subsequent potential upside breakout. Reduce position size by halffor this trade.

4. Place a stop-loss order at least 10 pips beyond the opposite side of the triangleto guard against false breakouts. If the stop is too wide according to your moneymanagement rules, the position size for the trade should be further reduced. Forthose who prefer tighter stops, the stop-loss may also be placed at least 10 pipsaway from the breakout point in the triangle zone.

5. Set profit target according to your own trading time-frame.

Scenario C

This shall apply to breakouts from symmetrical triangles. Usually, there is an equalprobability of an upside or downside breakout occurring from a symmetricaltriangle, especially if both trendlines of the triangle start from similar points intime, thus making both trendlines equally valid.

Long entry

1. Make sure that each side of the triangle has already been touched at least twice.

2. Ignore any first breakout attempt.

3. Place a stop-buy entry order at least 10 pips above the downward sloping lineto capture a subsequent potential upside breakout.

4. Place a stop-loss order at least 10 pips beyond the opposite side of the triangleto guard against false breakouts. If the stop is too wide according to your moneymanagement rules, the position size for the trade should be reduced. For thosewho prefer tighter stops, the stop-loss may also be placed at least 10 pips awayfrom the breakout point in the triangle zone.

5. Set profit target according to your own trading time-frame.

Short entry

1. Make sure that each side of the triangle has already been touched at least twice.

2. Ignore any first breakout attempt.

3. Place a stop-sell entry order at least 10 pips below the upward sloping line tocapture a subsequent potential downside breakout.

4. Place a stop-loss order at least 10 pips beyond the opposite side of the triangleto guard against false breakouts. If the stop is too wide according to your money


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management rules, the position size for the trade should be reduced. For thosewho prefer tighter stops, the stop-loss may also be placed at least 10 pips awayfrom the breakout point in the triangle zone.

5. Set profit target according to your own trading time-frame.

Further strategy enhancement

When trading triangle breakouts, it is advantageous to consider other pieces ofinformation so that you can better pinpoint a high-probability trade setup. Besidesthe triangle formation, decreased volatility can also be detected with theexponential moving average (EMA) and the Bollinger band indicator. The EMAshould ideally be moving sideways, and the Bollinger band indicator should showa narrowing of band width. However, their inherent tardiness means that theirtechnical agreement is not a prerequisite for trading this strategy, even though anadditional confirmation from either of these tools should reinforce your judgmentof the current situation.


Strategy 5 – Decreased Volatility Breakout

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Currency prices experience a periodic cycle of varying volatility, from low to highvolatility, and vice versa. Such phases of decreased volatility are often restingbreaks for currency pairs particularly after a sharp volatile move, whereby bulls andbears hold a temporary truce and think about their next course of action. The longerthe amount of time a currency pair experiences decreased volatility, the morepowerful the subsequent breakout move tends to be. This is because when bulls andbears are jolted out of their sleep in the restful period, many will find themselves inthe wrong direction as prices break out, and will exit their existing positions,moving prices further and further away from the decreased volatility zone, whichcould be in the form of triangles.

The Decreased Volatility Breakout Strategy works better when it is implemented ondaily or weekly charts, rather than intraday charts even though periods of decreasedvolatility can also be found in shorter time frames. And as with trading breakoutsof any kind, put together as much evidence as you can to support a particularbreakout direction so as to minimise the risks of trading false breakouts.


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10:Strategy 6 –Carry Trade

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Strategy 6 – Carry TradeIs it possible to earn some passive income while you hold certain currency positionsover a period of time? The spot forex market offers just that opportunity. The CarryTrade Strategy is a popular way of trading the global forex market, and is a strategyhighly favoured by large financial institutions such as hedge funds, pension fundsand banks. What makes carry trades so desirable is the possibility of earninginterest, which is a unique aspect that traders – both big and small alike – can takeadvantage of.

All currencies in the world have interest rates attached to them, and these rates aredecided by each country’s central bank. For example, the Federal Reserve Bank inthe US determines the country’s interest rates while the Bank of England sets theUnited Kingdom’s interest rates. Since each country sets its own interest rate,countries – or, rather, their currencies – are bound to have varying interest rates.Some countries may have relatively higher interest rates while others may haverelatively lower rates. How can traders exploit the fact that some currencies havemuch higher interest rates than others? Let me introduce you to the concept of acarry trade.

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What Is A Carry Trade?

A carry trade is a long-term fundamental trading strategy that involves the sellingof a certain currency with a relatively low interest rate, and using the funds to buya currency which gives a higher interest rate, with the hope that the high-interest-rate currency will appreciate against the low-interest-rate-currency. When thesepositions are held overnight, carry traders are paid interest on the currency they arelong in, and must pay interest on the currency they are shorting. The interestingaspect of this strategy is that the investor or trader is able to gain the differencebetween these two interest rates, known as the interest rate differential or spread,which can be a hefty amount when leveraged.

A Basic Carry Trade Strategy

1. Buy a currency with a high interest rate, and

2. Sell a currency with a low interest rate

Currencies and interest rates

• Currencies with typically high interest rates: GBP, NZD, AUD, CAD

• Currencies with typically low interest rates: JPY, CHF

The Japanese yen and the Swiss franc tend to be on the selling side of the carrytrade due to their traditionally low interest rates. Such low-interest-rate currenciesare known as funding currencies since they are used to fund the purchase of highinterest rate currencies such as the British pound, the New Zealand dollar or theAustralian dollar which tend to have high interest rates.


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Example: carry tradeHere is an example of a carry trade. Let’s say the Japanese yen hasan interest rate of 0.25%, and the New Zealand dollar gives aninterest rate of 7.25%. Since the New Zealand dollar has a higherinterest rate than the Japanese yen, a trader who wishes to profitfrom a carry trade may buy the New Zealand dollar and sell theJapanese yen at the same time. An annualised profit of around 7%(7.25% - 0.25%) may be reaped from the carry trade if no leverage isused. This return is based on the assumption that the exchange ratebetween the New Zealand dollar and Japanese yen remainsunchanged throughout the holding period of one year. If that carrytrade is carried out with a 10 times leverage, it will increase theunleveraged 7% annualised return to a huge 70% annualised return.

The conventional notation of currency pairs is such that JPY andCHF tend to be the counter currency while GBP, NZD and AUD tendto be the base currency in a currency pair. Hence, traders who areinterested in carry trades will long currency pairs like GBP/JPY,AUD/JPY or NZD/CHF, effectively buying the first currency in eachpair (which also tends to be the higher-yielding currency) andsimultaneously selling the second currency in the pair (which tendsto be the lower-yielding currency). Since they are trading thesecurrency pairs in the long direction, they will want the base or high-yielding currencies to strengthen in value against the counter or low-yielding currencies.


Strategy 6 – Carry Trade

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More Money Will Follow The Money

Global institutional investors, such as hedge funds and banks, are constantly on thelookout for the highest rate of return on their funds, and have no qualms aboutshifting their money around, in the global sense. This act of shifting huge amountsof money into high-yielding assets lays the foundation of the carry trade, since acarry trade is all about borrowing money at low interest rates and then using thefunds to purchase higher yielding financial instruments from elsewhere, which caninclude bonds or even cash itself.

For quite some time, institutional or individual investors have been able to enjoyand exploit the large interest rate spread between US and Japan. Investors weredrawn to borrowing the Japanese yen at near zero percent interest rate and using themoney to buy US treasury bonds which gave them a much higher rate of return. Theconversion of Japanese yen into US dollars for the purchase of the US bonds hasresulted into a form of carry trade even though the asset may not be in cash becausethese assets are nonetheless denominated in the high-interest-rate currency. So itdoes not matter if investors are moving their money into bonds, currencies or otherinstruments, because it is ultimately cash that is changing hands.

This conversion from one currency to another is significant if it is done on a largescale as an increased demand for that high-interest-rate currency will cause thatcurrency to appreciate against the low-yielding currency. Usually, birds of the samefeather will flock together, with money attracting more money to the same place asother investors follow suit. Forex traders, sensing this snowballing effect, will thenexecute carry trades in the currency market, with the hope that there will be acontinued demand for the high-yielding currency as they can then profit from theinterest spread as well as from capital appreciation.


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Factors Supportive Of Carry Trades

Good economic and political conditions of the high-yielding currency

When it comes to deciding where to invest their money, investors will not onlyassess the rate of return, but also the economic conditions and political stability ofthe country which holds the assets. Generally speaking, developed countries thatoffer relatively high interest rates are those which tend to experience decenteconomic growth and expansion, which may in turn attract more foreigninvestment into their country. An economy that is doing reasonably well will morelikely be able to pay high interest rates to investors. However, it is not just the moredeveloped countries that may offer high interest rates; many emerging economiesmay do so as well, simply because they tend to experience higher inflation. Theseare generally not countries where most investors will park their money due to thehigh level of economic instability.

Political stability is also another aspect that investors are concerned with because apolitically stable country will provide a good framework for trade and investment.Adverse economic and/or political conditions could have a negative impact onforeign investment in the country, and may cause investors to move their assets outand convert the high-yielding currency into their local currencies, thus resulting indepreciation in exchange rates of the carry pair.

Widening interest rate gap

The wider the difference in interest rates between the two currencies in a pair, thehigher the interest that will be paid to traders who long the carry pair (with the high-yielding currency as the first currency in the pair) over a period of time. And thehigher the interest fees that will be paid, the more it will attract other traders orinvestors to enter carry trades, thereby potentially pushing up the value of the high-yielding currency further as demand for it increases.

On the other hand, a narrowing interest rate gap between the two currencies willcause traders and investors to lose interest in holding their carry trades anddiscourage more people from joining in the carry trades as the interest fees paid outwill decrease. Such a scenario can occur when interest rate hikes are expected totake place in the country of the low-yielding currency, thereby lifting the currencyfrom the current low interest rate, or when interest rates are expected to be cut inthe country of the high-yielding currency.

So as a rule of thumb, the wider the interest rate gap exists between the twocurrencies, the higher the likelihood of a profitable long-term carry trade.


Strategy 6 – Carry Trade

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Risks Involved In Carry Trade

The biggest risk in the Carry Trade Strategy is the uncertainty of future exchangerate fluctuations.

For a carry trade to work, the high-yielding currency must rise, or at the very leastremain steady, against the low-yielding one over a period of time. A depreciation ofthe high-yielding currency can cause carry traders to lose money, as they are bettingon an unchanged or a rising exchange rate of the currency pair, and this decline caneven erase any gains earned from the interest.

For example, if you go long on a currency pair like NZD/JPY as a carry trade, youexpect and want the New Zealand dollar to appreciate in value or at least remainunchanged versus the Japanese yen for however long you intend to hold yourposition for. If NZD/JPY goes up, you will stand to gain not just from the interestspread, but also from capital appreciation. The risk then is for the carry trade pairto decline more in percentage than what you would gain from the interest fees.

You must understand the fundamentals

If you are thinking of employing the Carry Trade Strategy, you must firstunderstand the fundamental factors that are supportive of carry trades, and beconfident that the high-yielding currency will continue to rise or stay unchangedagainst the low-yielding currency over a period of time. Should market sentimentreverse and change due to economic, monetary or political conditions, carry tradersmay decide to liquidate their long positions (by selling), perceiving that the high-yielding currency would drop in value, and thus harm their long trades. Thisunwinding can come about quickly and without much warning, and can usually lastfor quite some time (months or even years) especially if overall perception towardsthe currencies in the carry pair is changed drastically based on major fundamentalchanges. Another reason for the possible prolonged unwinding of carry trades isthat not all carry trades will unwind at the same time.

NZD/JPY cross

For example, in 2005, the NZD/JPY cross was one of the more popular currencypairs to carry trade as it offered a wide interest rate spread. At that time, with NewZealand’s interest rates standing at 7.25% and Japan’s interest rates remaining at0%, a trader buying the NZD/JPY could make 725 basis points from yield alone. Ifa 10 times leverage had been applied to this carry trade, it would have yielded a72.5% annual return from the rate gap alone, and that was in addition to capitalappreciation of the pair itself.

Anyway, NZD/JPY was in an overall uptrend in 2005, which was good news forcarry traders as they not only made on the substantial interest spread (if leveraged),they also gained from the rising strength of NZD/JPY. However, near the end of


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2005, things started to turn sour for carry traders. There were market rumblingsabout the possibility of Japan discarding the Zero Interest Rate Policy, andinvestors worldwide feared that the Japanese central bank was going to raiseinterest rates sometime in 2006. That resulted in a six-month decline of NZD/JPYas carry traders and investors closed their longs (see Figure 10.1).

Figure 10.1: NZD/JPY carry trade unwinding

NZD/JPY was not the only currency pair to suffer the consequences of carry tradeunwinding. USD/JPY, being another hugely popular carry trade pair, alsoexperienced a severe and sharp decline from December 2005 till May 2006, whenthe Bank of Japan hinted at raising interest rates in Japan (see Figure 10.2).


Strategy 6 – Carry Trade

This daily chart of NZD/JPY shows the steady uptrend of the currency pairfrom the start of 2005 till the end of 2005 during which the pair rallied 1600pips in all, and its rapid decline from December 2005 till May 2006, duringwhich the pair plunged by 1900 pips due to a major shift in market sentiment.

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Figure 10.2: USD/JPY carry trade unwinding


7 Winning Strategies For Trading Forex

This daily chart of USD/JPY shows the steady uptrend of the currency pairfrom the start of 2005 till the end of 2005, and the effect of carry tradeunwinding from December 2005 till May 2006.

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Points of Entry

Once you have evaluated the fundamental factors that are supportive of a profitablelong-term carry trade, the next thing to do is to look at the technical picture of thecarry pair that you are interested in (or you can check out the technical outlook firstbefore assessing the fundamental factors).

Open up the daily or weekly chart of the pair and see how it has been moving overthe intermediate and long-term time frame. Has it been moving in an uptrend,downtrend or sideways? If the overall fundamental picture looks supportive of acarry trade, you may position yourself for a possible uptrend by buying near priceor trendline support levels or by trading upside breakouts. Since carry pairs couldbe trending upward for quite a while, they make good candidates for tradingtrendline or price support bounces.

Exercise extra caution when you see that the currency pair has been trending southover the intermediate and long-term time frame because that clearly shows agradual liquidation of long positions by carry traders and investors. In that case, theCarry Trade Strategy is not recommended for that currency pair at that time.

Other Considerations

While the Carry Trade Strategy has the potential means to maximise your tradingprofits, there are a few things to keep in mind when planning a carry trade.

Holding time frame

Traders must be aware that this strategy is not meant for short-term trading, as timeis instrumental in the realisation of decent profits. I would advise a minimumholding time frame of at least three months for a carry trade, provided that themarket sentiment does not turn adversely against the preferred direction of the carrytrade. Reasonable (i.e. not tight) stops must be put in place if your carry trades areto endure short-term market fluctuations without being stopped out.


Institutional players tend to execute the Carry Trade Strategy with some amount ofleverage. Leverage has the power to transform single-digit returns into super-powered double-digit ones. Independent traders may also apply leverage(preferably not more than 10 times) for carry trades so as to potentially increasetheir rate of return.

But, of course, leverage works both ways. As much as it can be a highly desirabletool to increase your profits, it can also be a highly destructive weapon that iscapable of magnifying your losses. New traders can often get too carried away withthe prospect of being able to use high leverage that they overlook the importance


Strategy 6 – Carry Trade

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of money management. Use a moderate amount of leverage with caution asexcessive leverage has the capacity to diminish your trading capital in a short time.


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A carry trade is meant as a long-term strategy, and should only be considered bytraders who are comfortable leaving their positions open over a few months to ayear or so.

Both fundamental and technical factors must be taken into consideration in order toincrease the probability of success of this strategy.

While interest may be gained, a carry trade is subjected to the risk of depreciationof the currency which has the higher interest rate relative to the other currency inthe pair. Therefore, besides looking for currency pairs which offer a wide interestrate differential between the two currencies, you also need to assess the directionalbias (based on economic and political conditions) of the currency pair you areconsidering to carry trade, and to determine the potential for the higher-yieldingcurrency to appreciate against the low-yielding one. Thus, it is important for carrytraders to be aware of what central bank officials may say or hint about the outlookof their country’s economy and monetary policy.


Strategy 6 – Carry Trade

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11:Strategy 7 –News Straddling

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Strategy 7 – News StraddlingIn this era where information can be an extremely powerful and strategic asset,whether to individuals or corporations, and information equals money, especiallyfor a trader, shutting yourself off from news can be suicidal. The forex market isextremely sensitive to the flow of news that is related to it, and major short-termcurrency moves are almost always preceded by changes in fundamental viewsinfluenced by the news. Traders around the world make a living by processing andtranslating information into money. Financial news services providers know howimportant news is to the forex market players, and charge a premium for it. It is notuncommon to get hundreds of headlines of news that are potentially relevant toforex trading from any news service provider on an average trading day.

Traders, especially those who day trade the forex market, require the latest up-to-the-second news updates so as to facilitate their trading decisions which have to bemade at lightning speed. They mostly make use of online financial newswireservices such as Dow Jones Newswires, Bloomberg and Reuters, which display thelatest financial news on their computer monitors. Since the speed of newsdissemination is very important to traders, many opt for these online instant newsservices rather than depending on daily newspapers like the Wall Street Journal orthe Financial Times which carry stale news that is of little use to traders.

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The Importance of News

News that is of great importance to forex traders is generally related to a country’seconomic, monetary and political situations, and socio-political events that arehappening around the world, with special attention on the Middle-East and isolatedcountries in Asia like North Korea.

The underlying reason why news is so important to forex trading is that each newpiece of information can potentially alter the trader’s perceptions of the currentand/or future situation relating to the outlook of certain currency pairs. Whenpeople’s opinions or beliefs are changed, they tend to act on these changedperceptions through buying or selling actions in the forex market. Based on thenews, these traders will be preparing to cover their existing positions or to initiatenew positions. A trader’s action is based on the expectation that there will be afollow-through in prices when other traders see and interpret the same news in asimilar way that he or she has, and adopt the same directional bias as the trader asa result.

News is a very important catalyst of short-term price movements because of theexpected impact it has on other market players, and this is in a way an anticipatoryreaction on the part of the trader as he or she assumes that other traders will beaffected by the news as well.

If the news happens to be bullish, say for the US dollar, traders who react the fastestwill be among the first to buy the US dollar, followed soon by other traders whomay react slower to the news or are waiting for certain technical criteria to be metbefore jumping onto the bandwagon. And there will be those who join in the buyingfrenzy at a later stage when they get hold of the delayed news in the morningnewspapers or from their brokers. This progressive entry of US dollar bulls over aperiod of time is what sustains the upward move of the US dollar against anothercurrency, with the USD exchange rate going higher against other currencies. Thereverse is true for bearish news, traders will sell because they know that others willsoon be selling, thus pushing the USD exchange rate down. This is based on theassumption that since other traders will be getting the same pieces of news, theywill be also tend to be affected the same way.

Publicly released news is disseminated to the various newswires. Any trader withaccess to these wires can tap into the information given out, and react accordinglyin the forex market. However, institutional players do get information that retailtraders don’t, as they get privy access to order book information in their computersystems, and may also know something that others don’t through their personalcontacts in the industry.

In the world of forex trading, there are no rules or restrictions against insidertrading! Anyone who possesses information that is known only to a select few canand do trade that information in the forex market. Sometimes, such news may givean unfair advantage to these institutional players, but at other times, this isolated


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news access may not translate into real market action if other players do not havethat information.

Think of it this way: The forex market is dependent on news, for if there is no news,there would be little or negligible price movements in the market. Even ifcurrencies may move according to the technicals sometimes, the technicals havebeen established previously by news or expectations of future news, and so theinfluence of news on currency prices is inevitable and inescapable.


Strategy 7 – News Straddling

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Market’s Reaction to News

Market reaction to news is staggered

The market’s reaction to news is specific as it depends on both the type of mediumthat the news is transmitted on and the type of news that is being released. Mostactive traders get their market information from electronic market news services,all of which relay information to the traders’ computer screens at almost exactly thesame time as soon as market events occur, with very slight or no discernible delaybetween the actual time of release and the display of news. Other less active tradersmay rely on daily market commentaries written by analysts, and published onwebsites or in newspapers as they feel they have no need to for real-time news. Themarket’s reaction can thus be staggered, ranging from an immediate reaction(within the first second) from those who receive real-time news, to a more delayedreaction from those who obtain the same news hours or even days later.

It is not uncommon for the forex economic calendar to be packed with an averageof twenty economic news releases per trading day. The market reacts differently todifferent news; some news may produce little or no reaction at all.

Due to the overflowing amount of forex-related information invading thenewswires and other media, you have to be very selective of what news to focus onas the market reacts to a varying degree in relation to the type of news that isreleased. During times of scheduled news releases, currency prices adjust veryrapidly to the market’s perceptions of the released data or comments relating to thedata. Since prices react very fast to news, it does not really matter whether theinformation is accurate or not, as precious time cannot be spared to double-checkthe facts.

The market reacts to the “what” of the news, not the “why”. For example, currencyprices will move as the market reacts to the better than expected unemploymentfigure. The market will not have time to be concerned about why theunemployment rate is better this month compared to the previous month. If a traderwere to ponder why a particular piece of economic data is good or bad, instead oftaking advantage of the situation, he or she might as well be an analyst, not a trader,as traders do not usually need to concern themselves with the “why”.

The discounting effect

Very often, I get traders asking me why a particular currency has rallied despite thatcountry’s negative economic figures, or why the currency has declined despitepositive news (see the following chart). To a newcomer, that cause and effect mayseem a bit bewildering and confusing, but that is perfectly understandable. Whenthere is good economic news about a country, say, the United Kingdom,commonsense says that the British pound should go up accordingly as investors andtraders get bullish on the economy; if the country shows signs of economic


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weakness, the pound should go down accordingly to reflect the underlyingfundamentals of the country. The reason as to why a particular currency has goneup despite poor economic data from that country, (or has declined despite positiveeconomic data) can be attributed to the discounting mechanism of the forex market.

Figure 11.1: the British Pound drops despite positive economic data

The market’s in-built discounting mechanism is formed by the anticipatory reactionof traders as they take into consideration current expectations of the future in theirpresent trading decisions. If they think that Japan will suffer from rising oil pricesin the near or long term, they will be bearish on the Japanese yen and go short now,thus pushing down the currency. But if traders have a positive view about theJapanese economy, they will be bullish on the yen and go long now, hence pushingup the currency price. It is this manner of anticipating the future and incorporatingthose expectations into the present exchange rates that causes the market todiscount the implications of future possible developments. In this way, currencyprices integrate the market’s present expectations of the future. This is somewhatsimilar to the common market saying: “Buy on the rumour, sell on the news”.


Strategy 7 – News Straddling

GBP/USD fell after the release of positive UK labour data on 16 May 2007,which showed that unemployment, as measured by the claimant count, fellfor the seventh time in a row, to 2.8% in April from 2.9% in March, which wasthe lowest level of unemployment since November 2005.

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Are expectations being met?

Even before actual economic data is released, the market already has its ownestimate of what the figures could be based on the media’s interview of analysts andeconomists, as well as the internal work of analysts in the major trading institutionssuch as banks or funds. For example, the consensus for an upcoming US consumerconfidence survey is for the index to show a worse figure compared to the previousmonth. And way before that same survey result is released, the market has alreadypriced that expectation into the exchange rate of, say the EUR/USD, which hasbeen rallying due to the resulting weak USD sentiment. Now, what will really movethe EUR/USD at the point of that consumer confidence release is the amount ofdeviation between expectations and the actual news.

If the released figure comes out just as expected by the market, it is already oldnews to traders, as they have already factored that into the currency pricebeforehand. Such anticipated news or economic data does not cause any surprise inthe market as they merely confirm prior expectations. In fact, the release ofanticipated news or data often can cause the currency price to move in the oppositedirection of where the market has largely positioned itself before the news. So, forexample, if the US consumer confidence headline figure turns out to be almostidentical to the market’s expectations, EUR/USD may even end up declining, withUSD strengthening even in the face of a negative consumer confidence number.This contrarian market reaction is the result of traders who have gone long on theEUR/USD closing their positions and taking profits upon the news release. Thus,the lack of any deviation of expectations from the actual news or data can eithercause a currency pair to move sideways or to move in the opposite direction as thestatus quo remains, and there is no shift of expectations from the news itself.

The explosive market reaction

What will really move the market in a huge and dramatic way is when there is alarge deviation between expectations and the actual news or data release. Anunanticipated news or outcome of a data release that contradicts the prevailingmarket consensus will trigger a big move. Let’s say a certain figure is expected forthe US payrolls, and the actual number turns out to be less than the expected figure,the US dollar is likely to fall against another currency upon the news release (seethe following chart). This new and unexpected piece of information will cause a bigshift in traders’ mindsets, and prompt them to re-adjust their existing positions orto open new positions in line with the US fundamentals.


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Figure 11.2: reaction to data outcome

Since many forex players tend to pre-empt what might happen and adjust thecurrent prices to suit that mindset, the market will thus react more substantially tonews that contradicts the market’s expectations, giving rise to significant moves inthe market.

Now that you have a better idea of how important news is to the movement ofcurrency prices, and the various market reactions to news, the next step is to exploitthat knowledge with the News Straddling Strategy.


Strategy 7 – News Straddling

USD/CHF fell 70 pips in one hour following the release of weak US payrolls,which showed a gain of only 88,000 jobs compared to an expected 110,000gain.

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Identifying the Opportunities

Trading news can be a very profitable trading technique if you know when and howto enter the market.

Single out market-moving news

There can easily be at least 15 to 20 economic daily data releases relating to theeight major currencies in the world (which are namely, USD, EUR, GBP, JPY, CHF,CAD, AUD and NZD).

Indeed, the opportunities to trade news are plenty almost every day, but who hasthe time to trade every piece of news that comes out? The forex market actuallydoes its own filtering of news and is generally most influenced by US economicnews.

Although the forex market also reacts to economic news from other countries, thesenews releases usually take a backseat to those that are US-based. This is notsurprising given that the US has the world’s largest economy, and is the world’smajor trading partner. Therefore the possible changing state of the US economy isof utmost importance and relevance to other countries’ economies asAmerica’s fateis closely linked to that of many other countries. That is why US economic newsannouncements have the greatest potential to influence other countries’ economiesand their respective currencies. In fact, with at least 80% of all foreign exchangetrades being traded in terms of the US dollar, it would be to your advantage to focusmainly on US-based economic news.

Since economic news relating to the US tends to have the most impact on theoverall currency market, and have the biggest hand in deciding how currenciesshould close relative to the USD by the end of a 24-hour period, they are the mostwidely anticipated by the majority of the market.

An initial part of the News Straddling Strategy is to pick out the various market-moving news announcements that can have a big impact on the forex market.

Major economic data releases

Here is a general list of economic news that is of significance to the market,especially if they relate to large economies such as the US or the Euro zone (theyare not listed in the order of importance):

1. Unemployment

2. Interest rate decision


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3. Inflation

4. Consumer confidence

5. Trade balance

6. Home sales

7. Industrial production

8. Retail sales

9. Manufacturing

10. Business sentiment

Some news announcements are more important than others, depending on whichcountry the news is related to, the other economic news that is released at the sametime, as well as depending on the current hot theme that keeps most financialjournalists on their toes, and gets them talking. You can usually get a sense of thisby catching up on news reports or analysis distributed by electronic or traditionalnews media. The theme could change from week to week, or from month to month,or from year to year, depending on the state of the country’s economy. For example,trade balance data in the current month may be more important than theunemployment rate, and in the following year, interest rate decisions may becomemore important than the trade balance figure.

Note the schedule of news releases

Many economic reports are released once every month. If you want to trade thesenews releases, it is essential to note the dates of the release on your tradingcalendar.

Other than the dates, you should also take note of the time of release. These newsreleases are usually announced around 1200 or 1300 GMT, which is morning in theUS, and while the European markets are still open.

You can check the release schedule of these news items ahead of time by going tothe website of the department of the specific country that is responsible for it.

The following table shows a number of major economic releases relating to the US,and their respective departments in charge of it.


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Table 11.1: Major US economic releases

Which currency pair to trade for this strategy?

Before you trade news, you first need to decide which currency pair you are going totrade. Since the News Straddling Strategy is an intraday strategy that capitalises on therelatively high amount of volatility that is usually generated with news announcements,it may be more advantageous to focus on the more volatile currency pairs. Because themost market-moving news generally relate to the US, the strategy should be applied oncurrency pairs that involve the USD. Hence, some good candidates for this strategy arethe majors: EUR/USD, USD/JPY, GBP/USD and USD/CHF.

I have found that certain currency pairs among the majors tend to respond betterthan others when it comes to trading major news releases. Out of the four majors,EUR/USD, USD/CHF and GBP/USD tend to be better candidates than USD/JPYas the European markets are normally still open during the time of US newsreleases, whereas Asian markets which usually trade the yen are already closed.The following charts illustrate the responses of these four currency pairs within thefirst 30 minutes of the US trade balance report’s release. Of these four, GBP/USDmoved the most in terms of pips with a 60-pip move; USD/CHF and the EUR/USDmoved nearly the same amount with a move of 45 pips, and the USD/JPY movedthe least with a move of 30 pips.

Data Released by URL

Non-Farm PayrollsReleased by the USDepartment of Labour –Bureau of Labor Statistics



Released by the USDepartment of Commerce-Bureau of EconomicAnalysis

www.bea.gov(Under “Personal IncomeAnd Outlays”)

US Trade Balance

Jointly released by theBureau of the Census andBureau of EconomicAnalysis

www.bea.gov(Under “U.S. InternationalTrade in Goods andServices”)

TreasuryInternationalCapital Flow

Released by the USDepartment of the Treasury


FOMC RateDecision andMinutes of Meeting

Announced by the FederalReserve



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Figure 11.3: GBP/USD

Figure 11.4: USD/CHF


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Figure 11.5: EUR/USD

Figure 11.6: USD/JPY


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Technical considerations

The News Straddling Strategy is only employed upon the release of significantscheduled news. The assumption is that moderate to very high price volatility canbe expected during such news, and that we can profit from the resulting sharpmarket moves.

This strategy does not require you to interpret the released data before placing yourtrade, as the time taken to do so would be money gone in a very fast-movingmarket. The strategy requires very nimble and fast entry and exit execution becausecurrency prices usually respond very quickly in a knee-jerk reaction to a move inone direction, and may correct themselves very quickly.

For this strategy, I recommend that you concentrate mainly on the EUR/USD pair,based on its superior liquidity compared to the other currency majors, but if youhave had no major problems trading the other currency pairs during news, then byall means trade those.

My rule for the News Straddling Strategy is this:

Either we enter at the price we want or we stay out of the marketcompletely.

This strict condition is pivotal to the maximising of profits with this strategy, as youwill soon see.

Market-makers and slippage

When trading news, the risk of slippage can be very high, as currency prices tendto move very fast during such highly volatile market conditions. Slippage occurswhen the price at which you intend to enter or exit the market is different from youractual transacted price, and that is the biggest problem with placing stop or marketentry orders. These orders do get filled, but possibly at a completely different pricefrom the one that you have specified. Sometimes, these entry orders may even getfilled past your profit target or stop-loss, which means that when both your entryand profit limit or stop-loss orders are filled, you would be left with an immediatenet loss.

Many market makers will wait till after the big move before they fill your entryorder, and will many times fill your stop-loss or profit-limit first before filling yourentry order with wide slippage. It is a sly trick which many of them use in order tomake an immediate profit by filling your positions with a negative spread.

For example, you have set your long entry stop for USD/JPY at 117.00 and yourprofit-limit at 117.30. The market-maker may first fill your profit limit at 117.30,then fill your long entry stop at 117.40 with a 40-pip slippage, resulting in your


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position having a net realised loss – even though your trade would have beenprofitable if filled at the prices you wanted.

The market maker may also fill your stop-loss order first if the trade goes againstyou, and then fill your entry order with slippage after that so as to widen theirprofit. For example, you have set your long entry stop at 117.00 and your stop-lossat 116.80. The market-maker could first fill your stop-loss at 116.80, then fill yourlong entry stop at 117.30 with a 30-pip slippage, resulting in your position sufferinga 50-pip loss instead of the planned 20-pip loss due to slippage.

The bottom line is: the larger the slippage you experience, the more you stand tolose, and the more some market-makers stand to profit from your trades. As anindividual trader, it is necessary to know that during news some market-makersmay add slippage to any of your orders in order to increase their own profits. Theywill merely place your entry orders as pending, and often till you get stopped outor your profit limit is reached.

Many traders readily accept the risk of slippage as one of the realities of newstrading, without much concern that slippage can eat up a huge chunk of profits, andaffect their overall profit/loss. But it does not have to be this way. One way ofcircumventing this problem is through the use of the stop-limit entry order, whichI highly recommend for the News Straddling Strategy.

Type of entry order to be used

A stop-limit order is basically an order which becomes a limit order once thecurrency reaches the designated stop price. Only after the specified stop price hasbeen reached or exceeded will the stop-limit order instruct the broker to buy or sellat a specific price or better, which is essentially when the stop-limit order becomesa limit order.

The main advantage of using a stop-limit order with the News Straddling Strategy isthat the trader can decide ahead of time the price at which the trade will get executed,but the stop-limit order may not get filled at all in a fast-moving market. The pricemay not stay within the limit range long enough for the order to get executed, or theremay not be enough supply or demand at that price which it is to be filled. By using astop-limit order, we are instructing that the entry price is either filled at limit or better,or not executed at all. It is much preferable that the position is not opened at all if weare not able to trade at the entry price that we want, rather than to risk slippage withother types of orders, which is in line with the rule of the strategy.

However, some brokers do not accept stop-limit orders in their systems. If thebroker that you are currently using does not allow this function, you have basicallythree options: The first is to place just a simple stop entry order, and accept the riskof slippage; second is to stay out of the market during news; and the third is toswitch to another broker which allows the placing of stop-limit orders.

Let’s take a look at how you can apply the News Straddling Strategy.


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The Approach

The straddling approach is conceptually similar to a channel breakout strategy.

Very often, a horizontal price channel is formed prior to the release of importantnews, and may be identified on an intraday chart like the 5-minute or 60-minute chart.

First of all, draw a lower line connecting a minimum of two low points which formthe support base, and draw an upper parallel line connecting a minimum of twohigh points which form the resistance. These boundaries then form a channel onyour chart. The channel should be relatively narrow, spanning not more than 40pips in width preferably (see Figure 11.7). A channel basically encapsulates thedelicate balance of power between both the bulls and bears. This makes sense asneither bulls nor bears tend to be over-enthusiastic about their bias before animportant news release.

Thus, the presence of a narrow price channel prior to the news release will set thestage for the application of this strategy.

Figure 11.7: a price channel forming before news


Strategy 7 – News Straddling

A 35-pip channel has formed on a 5-min chart of EUR/USD on the day of theNon-Farm Payrolls (NFP) release on 6 October 2006. The narrower achannel is prior to a major news release, the more powerful the breakout islikely to be.

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Trade entry

Once you have identified and drawn a narrow horizontal channel on the 5-minutechart of a currency pair, say, the EUR/USD, monitor the price action for at least 20minutes prior to the important news release. The prices should ideally continue tomove within the channel boundaries. As you may have guessed, there are bound tobe many entry and stop-loss orders placed just past these support and resistancelevels, with many new traders anticipating prices to break out either to the upsideor downside with a lot of borrowed momentum from the news release.

In order to catch a potentially sharp breakout move, a stop-limit long entry order isplaced a few pips above the resistance line of the channel, and a stop-limit shortentry order is placed a few pips below the support line of the channel. Sometimes,prices may even pierce through either channel line by about 10-20 pips before thenews release. In that case, place your stop-limit entry orders a few pips below thatpierced low and a few pips above that pierced high (see Figure 11.8). Use stop-limitorders instead of just stop orders to enter your positions. Recall that the rule of thisstrategy is that we either enter at the price we want or we stay out completely. Placeyour entry orders not more than a few minutes before the news release.

Figure 11.8: entry levels


7 Winning Strategies For Trading Forex

This is the 5-min chart of EUR/USD on the day of the Non-Farm Payrolls(NFP) release on 6 October 2006. Note that in this case, the long entry wastriggered first upon the data release, but ended with a loss, while the shortentry was triggered soon after, and ended with a profit.

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There are some traders who prefer to place an entry order only in the direction ofthe underlying trend of the past few days. For example, they will only go long if itis an uptrend, and only go short if it is a downtrend. Actually, it is really up to youto modify the entry criteria based on your own preferences and risk tolerance. Youcan either place orders to capture either direction of a breakout move, or an orderto capture only one direction of the resulting move.

The price will, on most occasions, break out of the price channel, either above orbelow it upon the news release, and one of your positions will be opened. You couldkeep the other entry order open just in case the prices stage a failed breakout, andthen reverse to break out from the other channel boundary.

Trade exit

Each stop-limit entry order must be accompanied with a specified stop-loss andprofit-limit orders. For a long entry, a stop sell order is placed at least 20 pips belowthe resistance line, and for a short entry, a stop sell order is placed at least 20 pipsabove the support line. The assumption is that a successful price breakout shouldcontinue past the breakout level, without returning to the pre-breakout price zone.For those traders who have a greater risk appetite, stop-loss orders could also beplaced at the same price of the other entry order, such that when the first trade getsstopped out, a new reverse position will be opened to capture the potential breakoutfrom the opposite side of the channel.

The initial profit objective could be approximately equivalent to the width of thechannel. So if the channel is about 30 pips wide, aim for an initial objective ofaround 30 pips (see Figure 11.9). A staggered profit-taking can also be considered.You can set an initial profit objective for half of your total lot size, and set a widerprofit objective for the rest of the position, which could be calculated to be abouttwice the width of the channel. Thus, for a channel that is 30 pips wide, the widerobjective can be set around 60 pips. You can also experiment with trailing stops forpart of your order or other ways of staggering your profit targets.


Strategy 7 – News Straddling

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Figure 11.9: entry levels


7 Winning Strategies For Trading Forex

The initial profit objective of 30 pips, which was set based on the channelwidth, was achieved within a few minutes after the short entry was triggered.

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I have provided only some examples of news which you can trade using the NewsStraddling Strategy, but this strategy is not limited to only these news releases, itcan also apply to other news which does not concern the US. There is such a hugeselection of events that occur every month which you can take advantage of tomake some good profits. Thus, it is useful to keep track of what news and eventsare the most talked-about and anticipated in the forex market. If certain themeskeep rearing their heads in analysis or commentary reports, then you should beaware of any economic data or speeches relating to these themes for they are verylikely to have a significant impact on certain currency pairs. News which at themoment is seen as market-moving could have less impact over time, depending onthe economic condition of the country they relate to.

The News Straddling Strategy enables traders to take advantage of important eventsand to profit from them, without needing to rely on any in-house analysts oreconomists to say what will happen to currency prices if the actual number comesin how many points more or less than the consensus. Hence, time is not wasted indeciphering whether the news is bullish or bearish, as the core of this strategy is toget in and out of the market quickly without slippage. As with all the otherstrategies, there is always room for you to modify and customise this strategy to suityour personal trading style and preference.


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Forex Glossary

appreciationA currency is said to appreciate when it strengthens in price in response to marketdemand.

arbitrageTaking advantage of prices in different – but related – markets by the purchase orsale of an instrument and the simultaneous taking of an equal and opposite positionin a related market to profit from small price differentials.

ask (offer) priceThe price at which the market is prepared to sell a specific currency in a contract. Atthis price, the trader can buy the base currency. In the quotation, it is shown on theright side of the quotation. For example, if USD/CHF is quoted as 1.2400/04, the askprice is 1.2404, and this means you can buy one US dollar for 1.2404 Swiss francs.

bar chartA type of chart which consists of four significant points: the high and the lowprices, which form the vertical bar, the opening price, which is marked with a littlehorizontal line to the left of the bar, and the closing price, which is marked with alittle horizontal line to the right of the bar.

base currencyThe first currency in a currency pair. It shows how much the base currency is worthas measured against the second currency. For example, if the USD/JPY exchangerate is 118.00, then US$1 is worth ¥118.00. In the forex markets, the US Dollar isusually the base currency for quotes, meaning that quotes are expressed as a unit of$1 USD per the other currency quoted in the pair. The main exceptions to this ruleare the Euro, the British Pound, the Australian Dollar and the New Zealand Dollar.

basis pointOne hundredth of a percent.

bear marketAmarket distinguished by a prolonged period of declining prices accompaniedwith widespread pessimism.

bid priceThe bid is the price at which the market is prepared to buy a specific currency. Atthis price, the trader can sell the base currency. It is shown on the left side of thequotation. For example, in the quote EUR/USD 1.3000/03, the bid price is 1.3000.This means that you can sell one Euro for 1.3000 US dollars.


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bid/ask spreadThe difference between the bid and offer price. For example, if the EUR/USD priceis 1.3000/03 then the spread is 0.0003.

bookThe summary of currency positions held by a dealer, desk, or room. A total of theassets and liabilities.

brokerAn individual or firm that acts as an intermediary, putting together buyers andsellers for a fee or commission. In contrast, a dealer commits capital and takes oneside of a position, hoping to earn a spread (profit) by closing out the position in asubsequent trade with another party.

Bretton Woods Agreement of 1944An agreement that established fixed foreign exchange rates for major currencies,provided for central bank intervention in the currency markets, and pegged theprice of gold at US $35 per ounce. This agreement governed currency relationshipsuntil 1971, when President Nixon overturned the Bretton Woods agreement andestablished a floating exchange rate system for the major currencies. Before itsbreakdown, the agreement was useful in maintaining order and accomplishingcommon objectives among the states that created it.

bucket shopA brokerage enterprise which books (i.e., takes the opposite side of) a customer’sorder without actually having it executed on an exchange.

bull marketA market distinguished by a prolonged period of rising prices. Opposite of bearmarket.

CableTrader jargon for the British Pound Sterling, referring to the GBP/USD pair. Termbegan due to the fact that the rate was originally transmitted via a transatlantic cablestarting in the mid 1800s.

candlestick chartA chart that indicates the trading range for the day as well as the opening andclosing price. If the open price is higher than the close price, the rectangle betweenthe open and close price is shaded. If the close price is higher than the open price,that area of the chart is not shaded.

capital marketsMarkets for medium to long term investment (usually over 1 year). These tradableinstruments are more international than the money market (i.e. Government Bondsand Eurobonds).

central bankA government or quasi-governmental organisation that manages a country’smonetary policy and prints a nation’s currency. For example, the US central bankis the Federal Reserve, others include the ECB, BOE, BOJ.

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chartingThe use of graphs and charts in the technical analysis of markets to plot trends ofprice movements, average movements of price, volume of trading and openinterest.

chartistAn individual who uses charts to interpret historical data to find trends and predictfuture movements. Also known as a technical trader.

clearing houseAn adjunct to, or division of, a commodity exchange through which transactionsexecuted on the floor of the exchange are settled. Also charged with assuring theproper conduct of the exchange’s delivery procedures and the adequate financingof the trading.

closed positionExposures in forex that no longer exist. The process to close a position is to sell orbuy a certain amount of currency to offset an equal amount of the open position.This will square the position.

collateralSomething given to secure a loan or as a guarantee of performance.

commissionA transaction fee charged by a broker.

Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC)The federal agency created by Congress in 1975 to regulate futures trading andprotect participants against manipulation and fraud, through its administration ofthe Commodities Exchange Act.

contractThe standard unit of trading.

counter currencyThe second listed currency in a currency pair.

counterpartyOne of the participants in a financial transaction.

counter-trend tradingIn technical analysis, the method by which a trader takes a position contrary to thecurrent market direction in anticipation of a change in that direction.

country riskRisk associated with a cross-border transaction, including but not limited to legaland political conditions.

cross ratesRates between two currencies, neither of which is the US Dollar.

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currencyAny form of money issued by a government or central bank and used as legaltender and a basis for trade.

currency pairThe two currencies that make up a foreign exchange rate. For example, USD/CHF.

currency riskThe probability of an adverse change in exchange rates.

currency swapContract which commits two counter-parties to exchange streams of interestpayments in different currencies for an agreed period of time and to exchangeprincipal amounts in different currencies at a pre-agreed exchange rate at maturity.

day tradingOpening and closing positions within the same trading session.

dealerAn individual or firm that acts as a principal or counterpart to a transaction.Principals take one side of a position, hoping to earn a spread (profit) by closingout the position in a subsequent trade with another party. In contrast, a broker is anindividual or firm that acts as an intermediary, putting together buyers and sellersfor a fee or commission.

deficitA negative balance of trade or payments.

deliveryA forex trade where both sides make and take actual delivery of the currenciestraded.

depreciationA fall in the value of a currency due to market forces.

devaluationThe deliberate downward adjustment of a currency’s price, normally by officialannouncement.

drawdownThe magnitude of a decline in account value, either in percentage or dollar terms,as measured from peak to subsequent trough. For example, if a trader’s accountincreased in value from $10,000 to $20,000, then dropped to $15,000, thenincreased again to $25,000, that trader would have had a maximum drawdown of$5,000 (incurred when the account declined from $20,000 to $15,000) even thoughthat trader’s account was never in a loss position from inception.

economic indicatorA statistic that indicates current economic growth and stability issued by thegovernment or a non-government institution. Some examples include GrossDomestic Product (GDP), employment rates, trade deficits, industrial production,and business inventories.

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efficient marketA market in which all information is instantaneously assimilated and reflected inthe trading price.

EuroThe currency of the European Monetary Union (EMU). A replacement for theEuropean Currency Unit (ECU).

European Central Bank (ECB)The central bank for the new European Monetary Union.

European Monetary Union (EMU)EMU is the agreement among the participating member states of the EuropeanUnion to adopt a single hard currency and monetary system. The European Councilagreed to name this single European currency the Euro. On January 1, 1999, thecurrency exchange rates of the eleven participating member states becamepermanently fixed, marking the beginning of the third and final phase of the EMU.

exotic currencyA currency with little liquidity and limited dealing, which is neither a major orminor currency.

fast marketRapid movement in a market caused by strong interest by buyers and/or sellers.Under such circ*mstances, price levels may be omitted and bid and offer quotationsmay occur too rapidly to be fully reported.

Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC)The regulatory agency responsible for administering bank depository insurance inthe United States.

Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC)The committee that sets money supply targets in the United States, which tend tobe implemented through Fed Fund interest rates and so on.

Federal Reserve (Fed)The central bank for the United States.

fill or kill orderAn order which demands immediate execution or cancellation.

fixed exchange rateOfficial rate set by monetary authorities. Often the fixed exchange rate permitsfluctuation within a band.

flat/squareDealer jargon used to describe a position that has been completely reversed. Forexample, you bought $200,000 then sold $200,000, thus creating a neutral (flat)position.

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flexible exchange rateExchange rates with a fixed parity against one or more currencies with frequentrevaluation’s. A form of managed float.

floating exchange rateAn exchange rate where the value is determined by market forces. Even floatingcurrencies are subject to intervention by the monetary authorities; when suchactivity is frequent the float is known as a dirty float.

foreign exchange (forex or FX)The simultaneous buying of one currency and selling of another.

foreign exchange swapTransaction which involves the actual exchange of two currencies (principalamount only) on a specific date at a rate agreed at the time of the conclusion of thecontract (short leg), at a date further in the future at a rate agreed at the time of thecontract (the long leg).

forward outrightA foreign exchange deal with a maturity beyond the spot delivery date.

forward spreadRefers to the forward premium or discount that the forward price trades at. Theforward price is calculated with the spot price, interest rate differential, and days todelivery.

fundamental analysisAnalysis of economic and political information with the objective of determiningfuture movements in a financial market.

futures commission merchant (FCM)Individuals, associations, partnerships, corporations and trusts that solicit or acceptorders for the purchase or sale of any commodity for future delivery on or subjectto the rules of any contract market and that accept payment from or extend creditto those whose orders are accepted.

futures contractA standardised, transferable, exchange-traded contract that requires delivery of acommodity, bond, currency, or stock index, at a specified price, on a specifiedfuture date.

FXAbbreviation for foreign exchange.

G7The seven leading industrial countries: US, Germany, Japan, France, UK, Canada,Italy.

going longThe purchase of a stock, commodity, or currency for investment or speculation.

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going shortThe selling of a currency or instrument not owned by the seller.

good-till-cancelled (GTC)An order to buy or sell at a specified price. The GTC will remain in place untilexecuted or cancelled.

Gross Domestic ProductTotal value of a country’s output, income or expenditure produced within thecountry’s physical borders.

Gross National ProductGross domestic product plus income earned from investment or work abroad.

hedgeA position or combination of positions that reduces the risk of your primaryposition.

inflationAn economic condition whereby prices for consumer goods rise, erodingpurchasing power.

initial marginThe initial deposit of collateral required to enter into a position as a guarantee onfuture performance.

interbank ratesThe foreign exchange rates at which large international banks quote other largeinternational banks.

International Monetary Market (IMM)Part of the Chicago Mercantile Exchange that lists a number of currency andfinancial futures.

interventionAction by a central bank to effect the value of its currency by entering the market.Concerted intervention refers to action by a number of central banks to controlexchange rates.

leading indicatorsStatistics that are considered to predict future economic activity. Examples areUnemployment, Consumer Price Index, Producer Price Index, Retail Sales,Personal Income, Prime Rate, Discount Rate, and Federal Funds Rate.

leverage (also called margin)The ratio of the amount used in a transaction to the required security deposit.

limit orderAn order with restrictions on the maximum price to be paid or the minimum priceto be received.

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liquidityThe ability of a market to accept large transaction with minimal to no impact onprice stability.

London Inter-Bank Offered Rate (LIBOR)Banks use LIBOR when borrowing from another bank.

long positionA position that appreciates in value if market prices increase. When the basecurrency in the pair is bought, the position is said to be long.

lotA unit to measure the size of the deal.

managed floatWhen the monetary authorities intervene regularly in the market to stabilise therates or to aim the exchange rate in a required direction.

marginThe required equity that an investor must deposit to collateralise a position.

margin callA requirement from a broker or dealer for additional funds or other collateral tobring the margin up to a required level to guarantee performance on a position thathas moved against the customer.

market correctionIn technical analysis, a small reversal in prices following a significant trendingperiod.

market makerA dealer who supplies prices and is prepared to buy or sell at those stated bid andask prices. A market maker runs a trading book.

market riskExposure to changes in market prices.

mark-to-marketProcess of re-valuing all open positions with the current market prices. These newvalues then determine margin requirements.

momentumIn technical analysis, the relative change in price over a specific time interval.Often equated with speed or velocity and considered in terms of relative strength.

money marketsRefers to investments that are short-term (i.e. under one year) and whoseparticipants include banks and other financial institutions. Examples includeDeposits, Certificates of Deposit, Repurchase Agreements, Overnight Index Swapsand Commercial Paper. Short-term investments are generally considered safe andhighly liquid.

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offer (ask)The rate at which a dealer is willing to sell a currency.

one cancels other order (OCO)A contingent order where the execution of one part of the order automaticallycancels the other part.

online tradingThe increasingly popular activity of buying and selling currencies, stocks, options,futures, derivatives and so on through online (commonly internet) tradingplatforms, which are usually a broker’s proprietary software.

open positionAn active trade with corresponding unrealised profit or loss, which has not beenoffset by an equal and opposite deal.

over the counter (OTC)Used to describe any transaction that is not conducted over an exchange.

overnight positionA trade that remains open until the next business day.

pip (or points)The term used in currency market to represent the smallest incremental move anexchange rate can make. Normally one basis point (0.0001 in the case ofEUR/USD, GBD/USD, USD/CHF and .01 in the case of USD/JPY).

political riskExposure to changes in governmental policy which will have an adverse effect onan investor’s position.

positionA position is a trading view expressed by buying or selling. It can also refer to theamount of a currency either owned or owed by an investor.

price transparencyDescribes quotes to which every market participant has equal access.

profit /loss (or p/l, or gain/loss)The actual realised gain or loss resulting from trading activities on closed positions,plus the theoretical unrealised gain or loss on open positions that have been mark-to-market.

profit takingThe unwinding of a position to realise profits.

pyramidingThe use of profits on existing positions as margin to increase the size of theposition, normally in successively smaller increments.

RallyA recovery in price after a period of decline.

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rangeThe difference between the highest and lowest price of a currency recorded duringa given trading session.

rateThe price of one currency in terms of another currency.

resistanceA term used in technical analysis indicating a specific price level at which analysisconcludes people will sell.

retracementA reversal within a major price trend.

reversalA change of direction in prices.

riskExposure to uncertain change, most often used with a negative connotation ofadverse change.

risk capitalThe amount of money that one can afford to invest, which, if lost would not affectone’s standard of living.

risk managementThe employment of financial analysis and trading techniques to reduce and/orcontrol exposure to various types of risk.

risk/reward ratioThe relationship between the probability of loss and profit. This ratio is often usedas a basis for trade selection or comparison.

roll-overProcess whereby the settlement of a deal is rolled forward to another value date.The cost of this process is based on the interest rate differential of the twocurrencies.

round turn (or round trip)Buying and selling of a specified amount of currency, basically meaning onecompleted trade.

scalpingThe practice of trading in and out of the market on very small price fluctuations. Aperson who engages in this practice is known as a scalper.

settlement dateThe date upon which foreign exchange contracts settle.

short positionAn investment position that benefits from a decline in market price. When the basecurrency in the pair is sold, the position is said to be short.

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slippageThe difference in price between what the screen quote indicates and the actual pricethat gets executed on the trading platform. For example, if the quote shows a bidprice of 1.2400 and the trading platform actually executes the trade at 1.2402, therewould be 2 pips of slippage – the difference between the signal price and actualexecution price.

spreadThe difference between the bid and offer prices.

squarePurchase and sales are in balance and thus the dealer has no open position.

squeezeA market situation in which the lack of supply tends to force shorts to cover theirpositions by offset at higher prices.

stop loss orderAn order to automatically liquidate an open position when a particular price isreached, either above or below the price that prevailed when the order was given.Often used to minimise exposure to losses if the market moves against a trader’sposition.

support levelsA technique used in technical analysis that indicates a specific price ceiling andfloor at which a given exchange rate will automatically correct itself.

swissyMarket slang for Swiss Franc.

technical analysisAn effort to forecast prices by analyzing market data, for example throughhistorical price trends and averages, volumes, open interest, etc.

tickAminimum change in price, up or down.

tomorrow next (tom/next)Simultaneous buying and selling of a currency for delivery the following day.

traderA merchant involved in cash commodities or a professional speculator who tradesfor his own account.

transactionThe entry or liquidation of a trade.

trendThe general direction, either upward or downward, in which prices have beenmoving.

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trendlineIn charting, a line drawn across the bottom or top of a price chart indicating thedirection or trend of price movement. If up, the trendline is bullish; if down, it isbearish.

two-way quotationWhen a dealer quotes both buying and selling rates for foreign exchangetransactions.

unrealised gain/lossThe theoretical gain or loss on open positions valued at current market rates, asdetermined by the broker in its sole discretion. Unrealised Gains/Losses becomeProfits/Losses when position is closed.

uptick ruleIn the United States, a regulation which states that a security may not be sold shortunless the trade prior to the short sale was at a price lower than the price at whichthe short sale is executed.

value dateThe date that both parties of a transaction agree to exchange payments.

volatility (vol)A statistical measure of a market’s price fluctuations over time.

whipsawSlang for a condition of a highly volatile market where a sharp price movement isquickly followed by a sharp reversal.

yardSlang for a billion.


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Currency Codes

A table of standard currency codes.



Place Currency Code NumericAlphabetic



ALGERIA Algerian Dinar DZD 012



ANGOLA Kwanza AOA 973

ANGUILLA East Caribbean Dollar XCD 951

ANTARCTICA No universal currency

ANTIGUAAND BARBUDA East Caribbean Dollar XCD 951

ARGENTINA Argentine Peso ARS 032

ARMENIA Armenian Dram AMD 051

ARUBA Aruban Guilder AWG 533

AUSTRALIA Australian Dollar AUD 036


AZERBAIJAN Azerbaijanian Manat AZN 944

BAHAMAS Bahamian Dollar BSD 044

BAHRAIN Bahraini Dinar BHD 048


BARBADOS Barbados Dollar BBD 052

BELARUS Belarussian Ruble BYR 974


BELIZE Belize Dollar BZD 084

BHUTAN Indian Rupee INR 356Ngultrum BTN 064

BOLIVIA Boliviano BOB 068Mvdol BOV984

BOSNIA & HERZEGOVINA Convertible Marks BAM 977


BOUVET ISLAND Norwegian Krone NOK 578

BRAZIL Brazilian Real BRL 986



BULGARIA Bulgarian Lev BGN 975

BURUNDI Burundi Franc BIF 108


CANADA Canadian Dollar CAD 124

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CAPE VERDE Cape Verde Escudo CVE 132

CAYMAN ISLANDS Cayman Islands Dollar KYD 136

CHILE Chilean Peso CLP CLFUnidades de formento 152 990

CHINA Yuan Renminbi CNY 156

CHRISTMAS ISLAND Australian Dollar AUD 036

COCOS (KEELING) Australian Dollar AUD 036ISLANDS

COLOMBIA Colombian Peso COP COUUnidad de Valor Real 170 970

COMOROS Comoro Franc KMF 174


COOK ISLANDS New Zealand Dollar NZD 554

COSTA RICA Costa Rican Colon CRC 188

CROATIA Croatian Kuna HRK 191

CUBA Cuban Peso CUP 192

CYPRUS Cyprus Pound CYP 196


DENMARK Danish Krone DKK 208

DJIBOUTI Djibouti Franc DJF 262

DOMINICA East Caribbean Dollar XCD 951



EGYPT Egyptian Pound EGP 818

EL SALVADOR El Salvador Colon SVC USDUS Dollar 222 840



ETHIOPIA Ethiopian Birr ETB 230


FAROE ISLANDS Danish Krone DKK 208

FIJI Fiji Dollar FJD 242






GAMBIA Dalasi GMD 270



GHANA Cedi GHC 288

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GIBRALTAR Gibraltar Pound GIP 292


GREENLAND Danish Krone DKK 208

GRENADA East Caribbean Dollar XCD 951


GUAM US Dollar USD 840


GUINEA Guinea Franc GNF 324

GUYANA Guyana Dollar GYD 328

HAITI Gourde HTG USDUS Dollar 332 840



HONDURAS Lempira HNL 340

HONG KONG Hong Kong Dollar HKD 344

HUNGARY Forint HUF 348

ICELAND Iceland Krona ISK 352

INDIA Indian Rupee INR 356




IRAQ Iraqi Dinar IQD 368


ISRAEL New Israeli Sheqel ILS 376

ITALY Euro EUR 978

JAMAICA Jamaican Dollar JMD 388


JORDAN Jordanian Dinar JOD 400


KENYA Kenyan Shilling KES 404

KIRIBATI Australian Dollar AUD 036



KUWAIT Kuwaiti Dinar KWD 414



LATVIA Latvian Lats LVL 428

LEBANON Lebanese Pound LBP 422


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LIBERIA Liberian Dollar LRD 430



LITHUANIA Lithuanian Litas LTL 440


MACAO Pataca MOP 446


MADAGASCAR Malagascy Ariary MGA 969

MALAWI Kwacha MWK 454

MALAYSIA Malaysian Ringgit MYR 458

MALDIVES Rufiyaa MVR 462

MALTA Maltese Lira MTL 470




MAURITIUS Mauritius Rupee MUR 480


MEXICO Mexican Peso MXN 484Mexican Unidad MXV 979de Inversion (UID)






MONTSERRAT East Caribbean Dollar XCD 951

MOROCCO Moroccan Dirham MAD 504



NAMIBIA Rand ZAR 710Namibian Dollar NAD 516

NAURU Australian Dollar AUD 036

NEPAL Nepalese Rupee NPR 524


NETHERLANDS ANTILLES Netherlands Antillian Guilder ANG 532


NEW ZEALAND New Zealand Dollar NZD 554

NICARAGUA Cordoba Oro NIO 558


NIUE New Zealand Dollar NZD 554

NORFOLK ISLAND Australian Dollar AUD 036

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NORWAY Norwegian Krone NOK 578

OMAN Rial Omani OMR 512

PAKISTAN Pakistan Rupee PKR 586

PALAU US Dollar USD 840

PANAMA Balboa PAB 590US Dollar USD 840


PARAGUAY Guarani PYG 600

PERU Nuevo Sol PEN 604

PHILIPPINES Philippine Peso PHP 608

PITCAIRN New Zealand Dollar NZD 554

POLAND Zloty PLN 985



QATAR Qatari Rial QAR 634


ROMANIA Old Leu ROL 642New Leu RON 946


RWANDA Rwanda Franc RWF 646

SAINT HELENA Saint Helena Pound SHP 654

SAINT KITTS AND NEVIS East Caribbean Dollar XCD 951

SAINT LUCIA East Caribbean Dollar XCD 951



SAMOA Tala WST 882



SAUDI ARABIA Saudi Riyal SAR 682

SERBIA Serbian Dinar RSD 941

SEYCHELLES Seychelles Rupee SCR 690


SINGAPORE Singapore Dollar SGD 702

SLOVAKIA Slovak Koruna SKK 703


SOLOMON ISLANDS Solomon Islands Dollar SBD 090

SOMALIA Somali Shilling SOS 706


SPAIN Euro EUR 978

SRI LANKA Sri Lanka Rupee LKR 144

SUDAN Sudanese Dinar SDG 938

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SURINAME Surinam Dollar SRD 968


SWAZILAND Lilangeni SZL 748

SWEDEN Swedish Krona SEK 752

SWITZERLAND Swiss Franc CHF 756WIR Franc CHW 948WIR Euro CHE 947







TOKELAU New Zealand Dollar NZD 554

TONGA Pa’anga TOP 776

TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO Trinidad and Tobago Dollar TTD 780

TUNISIA Tunisian Dinar TND 788

TURKEY New Turkish Lira TRY 949



TUVALU Australian Dollar AUD 036

UGANDA Uganda Shilling UGX 800

UKRAINE Hryvnia UAH 980


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UNITED KINGDOM Pound Sterling GBP 826

UNITED STATES US Dollar USD 840998997


URUGUAY Peso Uruguayo UYU 858Uruguay Peso en UYI 940Unidades Indexadas

UZBEKISTAN Uzbekistan Sum UZS 860







WESTERN SAHARA Moroccan Dirham MAD 504

YEMEN Yemeni Rial YER 886

ZAMBIA Kwacha ZMK 894

ZIMBABWE Zimbabwe Dollar ZWD 716

Source: www.iso.org

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Major Regulatory Agencies


• Australian Securities and Investments Commission [www.asic.gov.au]


• Ontario Securities Commission [www.osc.gov.on.ca]

• British Columbia Securities Commission [www.bcsc.bc.ca]


• The Danish Financial Supervisory Authority [www.dfsa.dk]

Hong Kong

• Securities and Futures Commission [www.sfc.hk]


• Financial Services Agency [www.fsa.go.jp]


• Monetary Authority of Singapore [www.mas.gov.sg]


• Groupement Suisse des Conseils en Gestion Indépendants [www.gscgi.ch]

• Organisme d'autorégulation fondé par le GSCGI [www.oarg.ch]

• Association Romande des Intermediares Financiers [www.arif.ch]

• Swiss Federal Banking Commission [www.ebk.admin.ch]

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United Kingdom

• Financial Services Authority [www.fsa.gov.uk]

United States

• Securities and Exchange Commission [www.sec.gov]

• National Futures Association [www.nfa.futures.org]

• Commodities and Futures Trading Commission [www.cftc.gov]

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Aaccess to interbank markets 54accounts 9brokers 38, 39opening 29setting up 29

adrenaline seeking 41ADX (Average Directional Index)115–16agencies 248–9aging trends 106, 107–8, 173anonymity of trading 47arbitrage 229ascending channels 162ascending triangles 179–81downside breakout 181, 186–7long order 185–6short order 187upside breakout 180, 185

Aspray, Thomas 154Average Directional Index (ADX)115–16

BBank of Japan (BOJ) 50banks 48–51, 230interbank market 48, 54

bearish market sentiment 82bid/ask spread 52, 230the big picture 64BOJ see Bank of JapanBollinger band indicators 177–8, 189book, definition 230bounce 121breakout fading strategies 127–45chart patterns 136–42the crowd 128

fading opportunities 134–5failures 129fakeouts 133–5head and shoulders charts 136–9market conditions 142–4market makers 131opportunities 133–44range-bound markets 143–4technical executions 138trendlines 133–5

breakout trading strategies 149–68ascending channels 162breakout types 150–3channel breakouts 161–4chart patterns 165continuation breakouts 150–1descending channels 163false breakouts 152–3filtering false breakouts 166–7opportunities 160–5potential breakouts 160–4profits 149reversal breakouts 151–2technical executions 161, 164trade downside breakouts 162trade upside breakouts 163trendlines 160–1volume data 149

Bretton Woods Agreement (1944) 230British Pound see GBP...brokering platforms 49brokersaccounts 38, 39choosing 38–40commissions 40handling issues 39location 38margin 40online forex brokers 51–3


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order types 39security 38spreads 40trade size 39types 29, 38see also orex brokers

bucket shops 230bullish market sentiment 82businesses 49–50"buy and forget" mentality 25"buy and hold" concept 24, 25"buy on the rumour, sell on the news"211

CCabledefinition 230see also GBP...

calculation, pips 31–2candlestick charting 9, 230capitalbeing well-capitalised 67–8markets 230preservation 65–7

capping losses 68–9carry trade practice 85carry trade strategies 193–204carry trade definition 194–5economic/political conditions 197example 195fundamentals 194, 198high-yielding currency 197holding time frames 201interest rates 193, 194, 197leverage 201–2NZD/JPY cross 198–200points of entry 201–2risks 198–200supportive factors 197

carry trade unwinding 199, 200central banks 50–1, 230central exchanges 47CFTC see Commodity Futures TradingCommissionchannel breakouts 161–4


7 Winning Strategies For Trading Forex

charts 231breakout fading 136–42breakout trading 165candlestick 9, 230currency prices 109–12, 109–18GMT 55head and shoulders 136–9

Chicago Mercantile Exchange (CME)47Euro FX futures contract 90–1GBP positions 93–4

choosingbrokers 38–40time frames 28

clearing houses 231CME see Chicago MercantileExchangecodes, currencies 30, 241–7combined technical/fundamentalstrading 70, 71commercial notes 91commissions 40, 231Commitment of Traders (COT) report90–6data 95–6definition 90extreme positioning example 94notes 91price quotation 92samples 91, 93short format 90–1use 92

Commodity Futures TradingCommission (CFTC) 90companies 49–50computers 9confused market sentiment 82consolidation 114–15, 152contingent orders 37continuation breakouts 150–1control of fear 62–4controlling inflation 84–5correction, trends 114–15cost of carry, definition 85coststransactions 23

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COT see Commitment of Tradersreportcounterparty risk 47courses 60–1the crowdtrading against 129trading breakouts 128

currencies 232codes 30, 241–7high interest rates 194low interest rates 194pair trading 30price making 49

currency pairsdefinition 232news straddling strategies 216–18volatility 35–6

currency pricescharts 109–12interest rates 85trendlines 109–12

Ddatabreakout trading strategies 149COT report 95–6economic data releases 214–15labour data 211outcomes (reactions) 213standard data 55trade balance data 88–9volume 149

day in life of forex trader 42–4day trading 27, 232dealer, definition 232decisionsfear 63–4sole responsibility 61

decline with strength 118decreased volatility breakoutstrategies 171–90enhancement 189scenarios 185–9technical execution 184–9triangles 179–89

volatility measurement 174–8descending channels 163descending triangles 182–3downside breakout 185long order 187–8short order 186upside breakout 186–7

desire 60devotion, time and effort 60–1disclosure 12discount effect, news 210–11divergence signalsMACD histograms 155–6relative strength index 158–9

do's and don'ts of forex trading 75double bottom formations 139–42,141–2double top formations 139–42, 141–2downside breakoutascending triangles 181, 186–7descending triangles 185

downside breakouts 140downtrends 104, 110drawdown 65–7, 66–7, 232drawing trendlines 110–12

EEBS see Electronic Brokering ServiceECNs see electronic communicationnetworkseconomicscarry trade 197data releases 214–15, 216growth indicators 87–9market sentiment 87–9news 214–15

effort, devotion and time 60–1Electronic Brokering Service (EBS)49electronic communication networks(ECNs)brokers 29costs 23forex brokers 51, 53pre-market trading 21

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7 Winning Strategies For Trading Forex

EMAs see exponential movingaveragesemotions see fearEMU see European Monetary Unionend of day trading 43–4end of trends 106, 108, 173enhancement, decreased volatilitybreakouts 189entry levels 222, 224entry order 220Euro, definition 233Euro FX futures contract 90–1European Monetary Union (EMU) 233EUR/USDdecline/rally 118news straddling strategies 218

examplescarry trade 195extreme positioning 94steep trendline breaking 113trend correction 114trendlines 110see also scenarios

exchange rates, singular 54experiments, virtual money 29explosive markets 212–13exponential moving averages (EMAs)175–7SMA comparison 176volatility 189

extreme positioning 92–5examples 94

Ffacing fear 62–4factors influencing market sentiment84–9fades/fading breakouts see breakoutfading strategiesfailures, breakout fading strategies 129fakeouts 133–5false breakouts 131–2, 137–8, 152–3,166–7fear 61–4facing fear 62–4

of losses 63making wrong decisions 63–4of missing out 62–3

Federal Deposit InsuranceCorporation (FIDIC) 233Federal Open Market Committee(FOMC) 233Federal Reserve (Fed) 233FIDIC see Federal Deposit InsuranceCorporationfiltering false breakouts 166–7financial newswire services 207fixed pip value 32flexibility 10, 234floating exchange rate 234focussing on big picture 64FOMC see Federal Open MarketCommitteeforeign exchange markets see forexforeign exchange swap 234forex (FX)brokers 51–3history 19market characteristics 21–3market view 81reading rates 33

forex trading24-hour effect 55do's and don'ts 75ten rules 75

fully charged trends 106, 107, 172fundamentals trading 70, 71futures markets 13, 21, 234FX see forexFXMarketSpace 47

GG7, definition 234GBP positions 93–5GBP/USDfutures speculative positioning 94–

5news straddling strategies 217

GDP see Gross Domestic Productgeopolitical risk 89

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getting in 24–5getting out 25getting started see starting outglobal 24-hour markets 21glossary 229–40GMT (Greenwich Mean Time) charts55GNP see Gross National Productgoing long/short 21, 22, 234–5good-till-cancelled (GTC) 235gradients, trendlines 112–13, 120greed 61–2Greenwich Mean Time charts 55Gross Domestic Product (GDP) 88,235Gross National Product (GNP) 235GTC see good-till-cancelled

Hhandling by brokers 39head and shoulders chart patterns136–9hedge funds 51, 235higher highs 156high interest rate currencies 194high-yielding currency 197histogramsMACD 117–18see also charts

history of forex 19holding periods 119horizontal trendlines 110

IIMM see International MonetaryMarketindicators 88–9, 154–9, 235inflation 84–5, 235information volume 54institutional dealers 130–2institutional investors/speculators 51interbank market 48, 54interest rate differential 85interest rates

carry trade 193, 194, 197currency prices 85fluctuation causes 84–5market sentiment 84–7widening gap 197

intermediate trends 102International Monetary Market (IMM)235investmentvs trading 24–5see also leverage

investors, institutional 51ISO currency codes 30

Kknowledge 59, 60–1

Llabour data 211Lane, George 116large companies 49–50leverageavailable 34carry trade strategies 201–2choice 22–3

life savings 29limit entry orders 37, 121limit orders 36, 235liquidity 22, 35, 52, 235location, brokers 38"long" see going long/shortlong entry, symmetrical triangles 188long orderascending triangles 185–6descending triangles 187–8

lossesacceptance 61capping 68–9fear 63risks 13scalping 26see also profits and losses

lot, definition 235lower highs 156

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7 Winning Strategies For Trading Forex

low interest rate currencies 194lunch time trading 43

MM&A see mergers and acquisitionsMACD see Moving AverageConvergence/Divergence indicatorsmalleability of method 71management skills, money 65–8margin 40, 236market makers (MMs) 236bid/ask spread 52breakouts 131brokers 29forex brokers 51news straddling strategies 219–20slippage 219–20

market-moving news 214–15marketsbreakout fading 142–4capital markets 230characteristics 21–3diagram 48entry orders 121explosive 212–13market-moving news 214–15orders 36players 48–53range-bound markets 143–4reactions to news 210–13spot forex 47–56structure 47–56

market sentiment 81–97definition 82–3economic growth 87–9factors influencing 84–9interest rates 84–7measurement 90–7reactions to news 96–7technical execution 119types 82

measurementmarket sentiment 90–7reversal breakouts 154–9trend strength 112–18

volatility 174–8mental strength 60–1mergers and acquisitions (M&A) 50Method component (three M's) 70–1middle of night trading 42Mind component (three M's) 60–4missing out, fear of 62–3MMs see market makersmomentum indicators 154–9, 236

see also oscillatorsmoney, management skills 65–8Money component (three M's) 65–9money following money 196money for starting up 29morning trading 42Moving AverageConvergence/Divergence (MACD)indicators 117–18, 154–6divergence signals 155–6signal lines 155

moving averages, volatility 174–7

Nnascent trends 106, 107, 172necklines 140, 141, 142new blood 132news"buy on the rumour, sell on the

news" 211discount effect 210–11economic 214–15expectations 212importance 208–9market-moving news 214–15market reactions 210–13market sentiment reactions 96–7price channel before 221releases schedule 215–16singling out news 214–15

newspapers 207news straddling strategies 207–25approach 221–2currency pairs 216–18entry levels 222, 224entry order 220

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EUR/USD 218GBP/USD 217market-makers 219–20my rule 219opportunities 214–24slippage 219–20technical considerations 219–24trade entry/exits 222–4USD/CHF 217USD/JPY 218see also news

newswire services 207New Zealand Dollar/Japanese Yenchart 85–6non-commercial notes 91non-lunch trading 43NZD/JPY cross 198–200

OOCO (one cancels other) orders 37,237odds, overcoming 59–75one cancels other (OCO) orders 37,237one triggers other (OTO) orders 37online forex brokers 51–3online forex trading 19–20, 237opening accounts 29opportunitiesbreakout fading strategies 133–44breakout trading strategies 160–5head and shoulders patterns 136–9news straddling strategies 214–24

options 13ordersbrokers 39types 36–7, 39see also individual orders

oscillators 116–17, 120see also momentum indicators

OTC see over the counter tradingOTO (one triggers other orders) 37overcoming odds 59–75over the counter (OTC) trading 47, 48definition 237

self-directed traders 54–5singular exchange rates 54structure 54–5varying spreads 55volume information 54

PP&L see profits and lossespair trading, currencies 30

see also currency pairsparent and contingent orders 37patternsbreakout fading charts 136–42breakout trading charts 165

payrolls release 213pips (percentage in point) 31–2, 121–2definition 237trendlines 121

platformsbrokering 49trading 39

points see pipspoints of entry 201–2political conditions 197political risk 237position trading 27, 237potential breakouts 160–4PowerFx Course 12pre-market trading 21preservation, capital 65–7price action 112–15price quotation 92pricescurrencies 49relative strength index divergence

159price transparency 237primary trends 102profitsbreakout trading strategies 149capping losses 68–9trading breakouts 171

profits and losses (P&L) 41, 237see also losses

profit taking 237

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7 Winning Strategies For Trading Forex

QQuantum Fund 51

Rrally, EUR/USD 118range-bound markets 143–4, 237reading forex rates 33recovery from drawdown 66–7regulatory agencies 248–9relative strength index (RSI) 157–9divergence signals 158–9

relative volatility 36releases schedule, news 215–16retail traders 48Reuters 47, 48, 49, 207reversal breakouts 151–2, 237MACD histograms 154–6measurement 154–9momentum indicators 154–9

riskcarry trade strategies 198–200counterparty risk 47definitions 238disclosure 12geopolitical 89losses 13market risk 236

rollover 33–4, 238RSI see relative strength indexmy rule, news straddling strategies219

Ssamples, COT reports 91, 93scalping 26, 238scenariosdecreased volatility breakouts

185–9see also examples

security, brokers 38self-directed traders 54–5setting up accounts 29"short" see going long/short

short entry 188–9short order 186, 187short-term trends 102–3sideways trends 104–5signal lines, MACD histograms 155simple moving averages (SMAs) 174–5EMA comparison 176

singling out market-moving news214–15singular exchange rates 54size, trading 31skills and knowledge 60–1slippage 34, 219–20, 239SMAs see simple moving averagessole responsibility 61Soros, George 51speculators, institutional 51spot forex 13, 2124-hour effect 55banks 48–51brokers 51–3businesses 49–50futures difference 13market structure 47–56online brokers 51–3over the counter trading 54–5

spread-betting 13spreads 40, 55, 239staggering entry 141–2standard data 55starting out 19–44brokers 38–40costs 23day in life of forex trader 42–4ECNs 21, 23, 29getting in/out 24–5money needed 29order types 36–7, 39pips 31–2rollover 33–4virtual money 29volatility 35–6

Stochastic oscillators 116–17stock markets, ECNs 21stop-entry orders 37

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stop-limit orders 37stop-loss orders 36, 68–9, 121–2strategies 77–225breakout fading 127–45breakout trading 149–68carry trade concept 193–204decreased volatility breakout

171–90market sentiment 81–97news straddling 207–25trend riding 101–23

structureover the counter trading 54–5spot forex markets 47–56

swing trading 27swizzy, definition 239symmetrical triangles 183–4long entry 188short entry 188–9

Ttechnical executionbreakout fading strategies 135,

138, 141–2breakout trading strategies 161,

164decreased volatility breakouts

184–9market sentiment 119news straddling strategies 219–24trend riding strategies 119–22

technical patterns 9, 239technical signals, trend strength 115–18technical trading 9, 70technology 19

see also electroniccommunication networksten rules, forex trading 75three M's (Mind, Money and Method)10, 59–71time, effort and devotion 60–1time frames 9, 24carry trade strategies 201choosing 28

trading 26–8trendlines 120trends 102–3

trade balance 88–9, 217, 218trade entry/exits, news straddlingstrategies 222–3tradersdefinition 239tricks 130–2

trade size 31, 39tradinganonymity 47day in life of forex trader 42–4day trading 27liquidity 35pair trading 30position trading 27size 31slippage 34swing trading 27time frames 26–8vs investing 24–5

trading against the crowd 129trading breakouts, profit 171trading platforms 39transactions, costs 23trendlinesbounce 121breaking 113breakout fading strategies 133–5breakout trading strategies 160–1close/high/low use 111currency price charts 109–12definitions 239–40down 110drawing 110–12examples 110gradients 112–13, 120limit entry orders 121market entry orders 121pips 121stop-loss orders 121–2time frames 120up 110, 111

trend riding strategies 101–23currency price charts 109–18

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trade balance 217, 218useCOT reports 92currency price charts 109–12, 109–


Vvalue ownership 24variable pip value 31–2virtual money 29volatility (vol) 35–6Bollinger bands 177–8, 189currency pairs 35–6definition 171, 240EMAs 189measurement 174–8moving averages 174–7rollercoaster 172–3see also decreased volatility

breakout strategiesvolumedata 149information 54

Wwarming up 29–37websites 12, 47whipsaw-type breakouts 152–3, 240willingness to acceptloss/responsibility 61wrong decisions, fear 63–4

Yyard, definition 240


7 Winning Strategies For Trading Forex

technical execution 119–22time frames 102–3trend directions 104–5trend stages 106–8trend strength measurement 112–

18trendscorrection/consolidation 114–15directions 104–5, 120as 'friends' 101gradients 120intermediate 102primary 102resuming main 114–15short-term 102–3stages 106–8, 172–3see also trend riding strategies

trend strengthmeasurement 112–18oscillators 120price action 112–15technical signals 115–18

triangle breakouts 179–89ascending 179–81descending 182–3enhancement 189symmetrical 183–4type identification 179–84

tricks, institutional dealers/traders130–2"two-way" market prices 33, 240

Uunemployment rates 88upside breakoutsascending triangles 180, 185descending triangles 186–7necklines 141trade 163

uptrends 104, 110, 111ADX not showing 116

USDollar charts 87, 118, 200, 217,

218economic data releases 216

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