PCGS Banknote Grading Standards (2024)

PCGS Banknote uses a 70-point numerical scale universally accepted by collectors.

Below is a brief description to show how a note is evaluated and assigned a grade by PCGS Banknote. Please note that all banknotes graded 65 and higher must also meet the criteria for Premium Paper Quality (PPQ).

Please Note:

Given the nature of the various printing processes and papers used over the centuries, some issues are given more leniency in some grading aspects than more modern types that are relatively uniform in quality.

PCGS Banknote Grading:
Written Grading Standards

70 PPQSupreme Gem UncirculatedFor a banknote to grade 70, it must be perfectly centered to the unaided eye with full margins for the issue; the registration must also be aligned perfectly. There cannot be any handling marks or imperfections in the print quality of the entirety of the banknote. It should be noted that the crimp present at the end on banknotes where a security strip is inserted in the creation process is considered as-made up to a point and typically does not preclude a 70 grade.
69 PPQSuperb Gem UncirculatedThe grade of 69 will be applied to banknotes that are visibly the slightest bit misaligned that they just miss perfection for a 70. The margins must be full for the issue; the registration may be the slightest bit off as well. A 69 could also be assigned to an otherwise perfectly centered banknote with the slightest handling or other minor printing imperfection.
68 PPQSuperb Gem UncirculatedA 68 will be assigned to a banknote that has full margins for the issue and is slightly off center; slight shift of the registration is also allowed. However a major shift in registration could preclude a 68. Slight handling will be allowed at this grade level, although any handling considered more than slight could result in a lower grade.
67 PPQSuperb Gem UncirculatedFor a banknote to grade 67 it must have pleasing centering that is not too far out of alignment and boast full margins. A 67 may have some light handling, but anything too distracting for this level will garner a lower grade.
66 PPQGem UncirculatedA Gem 66 will have pleasing centering that is slightly more out of alignment than a 67, but the margins must still be full for the issue. More light handling is allowed here, but nothing immediately distracting unless the note would otherwise grade a 68 or higher based on margins and centering.
65 PPQGem UncirculatedA grade of 65 requires a banknote to have full margins for the issue and reasonable centering. It will be visibly off but not to such a distracting level that the edge of one margin comes too close to the frame of the design. More light handling is allowed here, but anything too excessive will result in 64 or lower; sometimes a Superb Gem will have a level of handling that drops it to a 65 grade. Where applicable, a Gem will require reasonable amounts of embossing to be present on an intaglio printed banknote; seemingly light embossing (for the issue) could result in a lower grade.
64Choice UncirculatedA 64 will have out-of-alignment margins and they may not be full for the issue. More handling is allowed here – for example, a corner could be lightly bent, or there could be a heavier crinkle that is distracting to the eye. For non-PPQ notes this is the highest grade they can attain.
63Choice UncirculatedA banknote will be graded 63 when the margins are considerably out of alignment and they need not be full for the issue. Yet more handling is allowed here, a corner tip fold well outside the design, or a slightly heavier bend are also allowed. An otherwise-Gem note that has two small pinholes or a tiny margin tear or any other minor issues that do not warrant a comment on the label could end up as a 63 (or lower).
62UncirculatedThe typical 62 will be a strictly uncirculated banknote that has poor centering where there is no margin on one side and the design is interrupted. A corner tip fold or two not extending into the design, or slightly more serious minor issues such as foxing, a couple tiny margin tears, etc. could also garner this grade. Heavy handling could also arrive at a 62.
61UncirculatedA 61 grade is not often encountered. However, when this grade is earned it will usually be found on a strictly uncirculated banknote with more serious issues that don’t quite warrant a comment on the label. The centering may be interrupting the design considerably or there will be minor issues present, such as more serious foxing/light staining, small margin tears, multiple corner tip folds not into the design, etc. Typically, banknotes at this level will have negative eye appeal because of the minor issues present.
60UncirculatedThe grade of 60 is not often encountered; while strictly uncirculated from a fold(s) standpoint, a banknote will have a considerable amount of minor issues shy of needing to be mentioned on the label, and the eye appeal will be quite negative.
58Choice About UncirculatedGrades in the circulated range take into account the severity of folds/bends, ink loss, overall eye appeal, etc. The typical 58 will have a vertical fold or a single corner fold into the design of the banknote.

Another way for an otherwise-uncirculated note to achieve 58 is by having handling all over that is just too excessive and gives the appearance of About UNC overall; this can also be the result of corners that are normally sharp being round, or edges being roughed up while the banknote itself does not have a single fold into the design.

55About UncirculatedA typical 55 will either be a banknote with a horizontal fold (which is longer than a vertical fold because it spans across the length of the note) or a harder vertical fold. Two lighter folds or one normal fold with additional excessive handling can arrive at a 55 as well. A banknote otherwise graded 58 that has poor centering to the point of the design being off of the paper (except in cases of hand-cut banknotes) could be graded 55.
53About UncirculatedThe grade of 53 is often the result of two hard vertical folds; there are severalways a banknote could reach 53 based on the severity of the present folds, handling, wear, and eye appeal.
50About UncirculatedThe most common way to arrive at a 50 is a Choice XF banknote where the folds present are light, and the wear is minimal, making the eye appeal that of an About Uncirculated banknote. A less-common way is an otherwise higher About Uncirculated banknote with negative eye appeal overall.
45Choice Extremely FineA typical 45 will have three moderate vertical folds, often referred to as “storage folds,” as banknotes at this level circulated very briefly. A moderate horizontal fold plus a moderate vertical fold could also arrive at this level. The presence of two very hard vertical folds is another way to achieve a 45. Keep in mind that wear beyond that typical for Choice XF could affect eye appeal and lower the grade.
40Extremely FineMost 40s will be notes with “VF folds,” but these folds will be rather light in nature. Wear will be minimal and eye appeal will be excellent; an otherwise-45 could also get to 40 by way of harder folds or something else affecting eye appeal negatively.
35Choice Very FineThe typical Very Fine will have a horizontal fold and three or more vertical folds, however multiple vertical folds will arrive at VF as well. It is the severity of the folds that matters here, as the eye appeal will usually be excellent. For a 35, the folds will be moderate and not too distracting to the eye.
30Very FineThe folds and wear on a 30 will be more noticeable than as seen on a 35 though not hard and “breaking the paper” as typically seen on a 25. A 30 could also be the final grade on a banknote otherwise graded 35 with something overly distracting to the eye appeal warranting a drop in the grade.
25Very FineA 25 will have typical VF-level folds, but they will be harder and distract the eye. Yet, there will still be plenty of “snap” left to the body of the paper; a 25 with minor issues could end up as a 20.
20Very FineAn in-between grade, 20 indicates a note that is nicer than a Choice Fine 15 but not quite offering enough to make a mid-grade Very Fine 25. The typical 20 will retain decent body and have VF folds but may also be moderately crumpled throughout the entire note. A 20 cannot have too much wear in the focal points (or around the edges), otherwise it might be a 15.
15Choice FineThe typical banknote graded 15 will have moderate snap left to the paper, but the wear will be too much for Very Fine; often this is the result of a banknote with typical VF level of folds but the centerfold may be extreme, where most rigidity is lost within the fold itself. A fold of such harshness will also usually be distracting to the eye in the key focal points (such as a central vignette or portrait). An overly worn Very Fine note could also arrive at 15.
12FineA 12 will often be an otherwise Choice Fine banknote that has too much edge fraying or is overall just too worn. There must be moderate body remaining to achieve a Fine 12.
10Very GoodBanknotes graded 10 Very Good will have quite a bit of wear overall and minimal body remaining. At this level, minor issues that might warrant a comment on a higher-graded circulated banknote will be commonplace without mention. While the banknote will have weak body, it must still be relatively bright in design. Heavier soiling will also be commonplace on banknotes at this level. Typically notes that arrive at a bank in this condition or lower are destroyed.
8Very GoodAn 8 will be a banknote that is just a little more pleasing than the typical Good. Body will be virtually absent; but the design must not be as worn as a banknote graded Good.
6GoodThe typical banknote graded 6 will be soft, with all body lost to circulation. The design elements will have considerable wear throughout; small splits, tears, and holes will be commonplace. A 6 may also be an otherwise-Very Good banknote that is missing small pieces, causing the eye appeal to be that of a Good.
4GoodBanknotes at this level will show a lot of wear to the design throughout and small missing pieces will be the norm. Larger pieces missing will likely result in a grade of 3.
3About GoodAn About Good will typically have pieces missing and the wear to the design elements will be heavy; banknotes at this level and lower will often be delicate to the touch.
2FairA Fair banknote will have the majority of the paper present, but larger pieces missing will be commonplace. Wear to the design will be extreme and eye appeal will be very negative.
1PoorPoor banknotes must be identifiable by catalog number. It is unusual for a banknote to circulate to the point of becoming Poor from a wear standpoint. These banknotes will be extremely worn with the paper virtually falling apart. Most banknotes acquire repairs before this point. An unrepaired Poor is an extreme rarity.

PCGS Banknote Designations

Beyond using the 70-point grading scale, PCGS Banknote also uses PPQ and DETAILS designations to qualify certain notes.

PPQBanknotes must have premium paper quality (PPQ) to be graded Gem (65 through 70). Therefore, banknotes in Gem grade ranges will always receive PPQ designation. If a banknote would otherwise grade Gem based on full margins and pleasing centering but has a minor issue that does not warrant a comment on the label such as “pinhole,” “slight margin tear,” “ink mark,” “foxing,” “intaglio print that is flat,” etc., it cannot grade as Gem and the maximum grade possible is 64.

A banknote without minor issues is not PPQ by default. It must retain enoughoriginality expected at that grade. Intaglio-printed banknotes must havea fair amount of design and/or overprint embossing remaining; lithographed and other banknotes must retain enough strength in the inks expected for that grade level. PPQ designation is a separate designation to the grade and can be attained for notes graded Very Good through Gem.

Banknotes graded Good or lower do not qualify for PPQ due to wear, tears, holes, etc., that are typically found in the state of preservation for notes in this grade range.

“DETAILS” GradingIn some instances, a banknote is impaired enough that a standard numerical grade does not accurately describe the condition of the note. A “DETAILS” grade is assigned if the note exhibits damage or problems exceeding what is expected for any particular grade. Generally speaking, the lower the grade of the note the more impairments will be allowed without using a “DETAILS” designation. If the graders determine a “DETAILS” grade is necessary, the note will be assigned a numerical grade based on its attributes independent of the designated problem, and the reasons for the “DETAILS” grade will be clearly noted on the label. The PCGS Banknote Guarantee does not cover the notes given “DETAILS” grades. Notes with “DETAILS” grades are guaranteed genuine only.

PCGS Pack Grading:
Written Grading Standards

Using the same 70-point banknote grading standards, PCGS will certify full and half packs of banknotes and encapsulate them in our hard plastic pack holder. Each pack graded is confirmed to be complete and containing notes of consecutive serial numbers (when applicable) by our grading staff.

Often the first few and last few notes in a pack may receive more contact wear and tear while the internal notes generally retain higher quality and condition. While grading the packs, our graders account for the overall condition of all the notes to arrive at a single grade for the entire unit, factoring in the higher-condition notes found throughout the pack.

Additionally, any straps or bands that surround a pack of banknotes are not considered part of the grade and do not affect the final grade of the pack.

PCGS Banknote Guarantee>

PCGS Banknote Grading Standards (2024)


What is the best banknote grading company? ›

With an unparalleled commitment to accuracy, consistency and integrity, PMG is the world's largest third-party paper money grading service with more than 10,000,000 notes certified.

Does PCGS grade currency? ›

PCGS became the industry standard for coin grading and authentication by providing maximum value, security, and liquidity for collectible coins. We are excited to extend this to our banknote grading service. An added benefit of PCGS grading is the peace of mind provided by our PCGS Guarantee of Grade & Authenticity.

How much does it cost to grade a bank note? ›

2024 PCGS Collector Services & Fees - Banknotes
ECONOMY (pre-1960)$300$22
MODERN (1960 to date)$300$19
BULK CONSECUTIVE (min. of 25)$300$13
11 more rows
Jan 1, 2024

How do you know if a note is uncirculated? ›

UNCIRCULATED (UNC): A perfectly preserved note, never mishandled by the issuing authority, a bank teller, the public or a collector. Paper is clean and firm, without discoloration. Corners are sharp and square, without any evidence of rounding. (Rounded corners are often telltale sign of a cleaned or “doctored” note.)

Is PCGS a good grading company? ›

High grade coins are rarer than low grade coins. Collectors pay more for coins in higher grades. The two most trusted coin grading companies are NGC in Sarasota, FL and PCGS in Newport Beach, CA. Those are the only two companies Coinappraiser.com uses to grade coins.

Which coin grading is better NGC or PCGS? ›

Just as there are some collectors who simply prefer coins certified by NGC, there are some who are more partial towards PCGS. Today, PCGS is trusted as one of the world's most reliable coin grading services. This reflects their original mission to bring a level of consistency to grading that could be guaranteed.

Should I use PCGS or NGC? ›

While both services are highly respected and offer a guarantee of authenticity, PCGS is generally considered to be the industry standard for grading rare and valuable coins.

How do I verify my PCGS currency? ›

PCGS Cert Verification App: Before you buy any PCGS graded coin, quickly verify its authenticity and quality by scanning or entering the coin's 7 or 8 digit certification number.

How long does PCGS take? ›

Estimated Submission Turnaround Time
ServiceEstimated Turnaround Time
Express20 business days
Regular50 business days
Economy60 business days
Modern60 business days
1 more row

How do I submit a banknote to PCGS? ›

Package banknotes and submission form carefully. Name of service must be clearly marked on outside of package. This will help expedite the processing of your order. Ship via U.S. Mail (registered, insured) or USPS Express Mail to PCGS, P.O. Box 9458, Newport Beach, CA 92658.

Is my bank note worth anything? ›

Certain examples of our notes may be of interest to collectors. We cannot advise in this respect, since banknotes are only ever 'worth' their face value to us. If you want to find out whether certain banknotes have any additional worth, we suggest you approach a banknote dealer.

What makes a bank note rare? ›

Bank notes that have consecutive serial numbers are also ones to keep an eye on - especially if the numbers are low. If you can combine an early serial letter with a consecutive number you could be onto a winner. For instance, if you get one with AA1234567, it's likely to be popular.

How do you grade a banknote? ›

A banknotes grade is generally determined by crispness (Rigid, not limp paper), brightness, and depth of color. Other factors that are taken into consideration include centering of the printed area, artificially suppressed folds, repairs, and pinholes.

Are uncirculated notes worth anything? ›

Flawless uncirculated banknotes are usually worth more than their circulated counterparts. Well-centred notes also tend to be of greater value, due to their greater desirability among collectors.

Where can I get my banknotes graded? ›

For collectors of banknotes, PMG provides an accurate, consistent and impartial assessment of authenticity and grade, backed by the comprehensive PMG Guarantee, which protects buyers and sellers.

Is Beckett or PSA better? ›

Resale Value and Market Demand. The resale value and market demand for graded cards play a significant role in determining their worth. While BGS is recommended for collecting purposes, PSA cards tend to sell better and faster in the resale market.

What is the most respected coin grading service? ›

Best Coin Grading Services in the Market
  • Numismatic Guaranty Company (NGC) ...
  • Professional Coin Grading Service (PCGS) ...
  • American Numismatic Association Certification Service (ANACS) ...
  • Independent Coin Graders (ICG) ...
  • Numismatic Conservation Services (NCS) ...
  • Reputation and Reliability. ...
  • Expertise of Graders. ...
  • Authentication Process.
Feb 15, 2024

What are the most reputable coin grading companies? ›

American Numismatic Association Certification Service (ANACS) 1979, Professional Coin Grading Service (PCGS) 1986, Numismatic Guaranty Corporation (NGC) 1987, and Independent Coin Graders (ICG) 1998, are the most popular and well-known services. Together they have certified over 100 million coins.

What is the harshest card grading company? ›

PSA is known for their tough grading standards and their registry which allows collectors to register their PSA graded baseball cards along with the grade.

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