Path of Exile - All Classes & Ascendancies - What to Play (2024)

Path of Exile features 7 classes and 19 ascendancy paths they can evolve to later in the game. They revolve around the 3 main attributes of Strength, Dexterity and Intelligence, with each class excelling in 1, 2 or even 3 of these attributes at the same time.

There’s an unending number of possibilities and unique builds you can create in Path of Exile, so choosing a class can be quite daunting to a newcomer. This guide aims to help you identify the main characteristics of each class / ascendancy, and provide an overview you can easily reference back to.

Table of Contents

Path of Exile - All Classes & Ascendancies - What to Play (1)Templar

Main Attribute: Strength / Intelligence

You swore, sinew and soul, to serve God and the Order of the Templar. For years you built a life upon faith, only to smite it asunder with one sinful blow.

And is that not the greatest folly of all? To lose Faith when it’s all you have left?

You were once the Chosen of God. A Templar. You are now the chosen of Wraeclast. An exile.

Templar Base Stats

Templar fits the “Battlemage” archetype perfectly – a powerful spellcaster with high survivability, that is also adept with melee weapons and shields. Templar is a STR / INT hybrid class, however most builds will focus on wielding powerful spells or Totems.

Path of Exile - All Classes & Ascendancies - What to Play (3)Guardian

The Guardian resembles a Paladin, having strong tanking & support skills, as well as powerful defensive auras. Definitely a great choice when you are playing with a party, but an arguably slow (but highly survivable) choice for a single player.

Path of Exile - All Classes & Ascendancies - What to Play (5)Hierophant

The Hierophant is an ascendancy path that focuses on spellcasting, and especially totems and brands. With a huge mana pool & mana regeneration, you can run a truly hybrid and multi-purpose build, that will let you enjoy all parts of the game.

Path of Exile - All Classes & Ascendancies - What to Play (7)Inquisitor

The Inquisitor takes advantage of both spell and physical power, with the main focus being his elemental damage. Employing big critical strikes and elemental ailment immunity AoE, they can perform great in either single or multiplayer scenarios.

Path of Exile - All Classes & Ascendancies - What to Play (9)Shadow

Main Attribute: Dexterity / Intelligence

You were born with quickness of body and sharpness of mind. How have you paid for these gifts? With innocent blood.

Yours is a predatory profession. The business of butchery. You have stolen many a life to fill your purse.

Now you will earn your redemption in Wraeclast.

Shadow Base Stats

Shadow – more commonly known as Rogue in most RPGs – will use both his blades and his poisonous spells in order to dominate the battlefield. Positioning plays an important role in his survival, and lets him deal lethal critical damage. An advanced classed aimed towards veterans, so skip ahead if you are just starting out!

Path of Exile - All Classes & Ascendancies - What to Play (11)Assassin

The Assassin is the deadliest path of the Shadow, employing huge critical strikes that synergize with his poison skills. He’s the best choice if you’re just getting into Shadow’s playstyle, and far more forgiving than the other 2 ascendancies.

Path of Exile - All Classes & Ascendancies - What to Play (13)Saboteur

The Saboteur is a technical killer, relying on traps, mines, and elegant positioning in order to take down his foes. A challenging class that’s aimed towards PoE veterans, and those keen into getting deeper into the mechanics of the game.

Path of Exile - All Classes & Ascendancies - What to Play (15)Trickster

The Trickster focuses on damage over time skills, paired with hit-and-run tactics. If you enjoy kiting enemies and taking advantage of your position at all times, then he definitely won’t disappoint you.

Path of Exile - All Classes & Ascendancies - What to Play (17)Marauder

Main Attribute: Strength

Do you think you are savage enough to face the land of the damned, Marauder?

We offered you truth yet still you clasped your superstitious lies. We offered you service, yet you wasted your strength in defiance.

Wraeclast offers you something else: an education in true savagery.

Marauder Base Stats

Marauder is a pure Strength class, so expect him to survive a lot of damage, and deal even more in return! Melee fans will appreciate his wide array of skull-smashing abilities, as well as his flexibility to adapt in different combat scenarios.

Path of Exile - All Classes & Ascendancies - What to Play (19)Berserker

The Berserker follows the classic archetype of the same name – he gets more powerful while his Life is depleted. He’s the most offensive variant of the Marauder, and will definitely please any blood-lusting RPG addicts.

Path of Exile - All Classes & Ascendancies - What to Play (21)Chieftain

The Chieftain employs a “Shamanistic” gameplay, focused around fire damage and the use of life-leeching Totems. A solid hybrid that blends Juggernaut’s tankiness with Berserker’s damage capabilities.

Path of Exile - All Classes & Ascendancies - What to Play (23)Juggernaut

The Juggernaut is a concrete tank with high damage mitigation and CC resistance. A solid path to take if you find yourself dying too much as a new player, or you get high from face-tanking hordes of enemies!

Path of Exile - All Classes & Ascendancies - What to Play (25)Scion

Main Attribute: Strength / Dexterity / Intelligence

A scion is perfection in mind, body, and grace. The crowning glory of our civilization, offering us hope, offering us light.

But you gave us only murder and darkness.

May Wraeciast embrace you as we cannot, for your very presence has become too painful to bear.

Scion Base Stats

Scion is equally strong in all 3 attributes, and the most hybrid of all the classes. She’s not available to new accounts, as you will unlock her during Act 3. Starting in the middle of the passive skill tree, you will have the most freedom into creating your own build – so make sure you know what you’re doing!

Path of Exile - All Classes & Ascendancies - What to Play (27)Ascendant

The Ascendant is the only path Scion can ascend to, but that doesn’t diminish its power. It’s as hybrid as it gets in PoE, as you will be able to choose powerful Passives from other Ascendant Classes, and create a truly specific build, that’s unique to your taste.

I would highly recommend against picking up this class if you are a newcomer, since having some prior knowledge will help you understand the Scion’s capabilities much more effectively. That’s not to say she’s the hardest class you can play, so by all means try her early on if you so desire – I know I did!

Path of Exile - All Classes & Ascendancies - What to Play (29)Ranger

Main Attribute: Dexterity

Swift and silent you stole the bounty of others.

A crow that plunders our crops. A stray dog that slaughters our sheep.

Oriath is a land of men, not animals. Think on that, ranger, when Wraeclast shows you how to truly live like an animal.

Ranger Base Stats

Ranger is extremely mobile, and an expert at avoiding damage – since receiving it puts her in a very tough position. Bow-lovers will have a blast with her, but beware – she’s a high maintenance partner, so don’t expect a peaceful ride!

Path of Exile - All Classes & Ascendancies - What to Play (31)Deadeye

The Deadeye is the true master of the bow, providing a deeply engaging experience to projectile fans. You don’t want to get caught between enemies with this one, but don’t worry – you certainly have more than enough skills to obliterate them from a distance.

Path of Exile - All Classes & Ascendancies - What to Play (33)Pathfinder

The Pathfinder is a flexible and advanced ascendancy path, that is proficient with both spells and physical attacks. Through the extensive use of Flasks, they can provide multiple buffs and even immunity to elemental ailments.

Path of Exile - All Classes & Ascendancies - What to Play (35)Raider

The Raider can safely equip melee weapons, and is focused more on high evasion / high attack speed builds. With constant Phasing and insane mobility, it’s an ascendancy that advanced players can have a lot of fun with.

Path of Exile - All Classes & Ascendancies - What to Play (37)Duelist

Main Attribute: Strength / Dexterity

You were born to be swift and strong. What did you do with your gifts, Duelist? You squandered them on self-indulgence.

Sin has led you here, your path inked in the blood of gratuitous murder.

You have betrayed the grand arena. Now Wraeclast shall be your audience… And your foe.

Duelist Base Stats

Duelist can deal and avoid damage very effectively, while swapping effortlessly between offensive and defensive gameplay. He’s not as brutal as Marauder, or as technical as Shadow, but a balanced version of the two classes, making him great for new players.

Path of Exile - All Classes & Ascendancies - What to Play (39)Champion

The Champion offers a great mix of offensive and defensive capabilities, and can prove a valuable party member through the use of taunts and Banners. A great all-around ascendancy path, that can perform well under any circ*mstances.

Path of Exile - All Classes & Ascendancies - What to Play (41)Gladiator

The Gladiator is effective with both dual-wielding and one-hand / shield combos, offering good blocking abilities with either. An ascendancy path balanced around defense, offense and mobility, which leaves a lot of room to explore builds.

Path of Exile - All Classes & Ascendancies - What to Play (43)Slayer

The Slayer is a powerful single-target fighter, that excels at physical attacks and boss fights. Your AoE damage isn’t lacking either, and with the more kills you get – the more ferocious you become!

Path of Exile - All Classes & Ascendancies - What to Play (45)Witch

Main Attribute: Intelligence

Why do the keen of mind seek to satiate their curiosity in darkness and depravity?

Innocence is our father, Oriath is our mother. When a daughter strays from the light, she makes herself an orphan.

Learn well the lessons that Wraeclast will teach you, witch. It is your only hope of finding your way home.

Witch Base Stats

Witch is the most popular PoE class – and for good reason. Her massive spell powers make for endless build customizations, and insane amounts of damage. If you can stay alive that is!

Path of Exile - All Classes & Ascendancies - What to Play (47)Elementalist

The Elementalist is the most powerful user of elemental damage in PoE, but requires real passion to overcome her defensive weaknesses. A true spellcaster that can result in extremely fun-to-play builds, and huge replayability.

Path of Exile - All Classes & Ascendancies - What to Play (49)Necromancer

The Necromancer is the strongest “summoner” in PoE, so if you enjoy running around with multiple pets that do the killing for you – look no further! Combine your undead minions with Necromancer’s powerful auras, and you can have a truly “hands-off” build.

Path of Exile - All Classes & Ascendancies - What to Play (51)Occultist

The Occultist excels in damage-over-time spells and curses, while holding a strong bond with her energy shield. An ascendancy with high survivability compared to the Witch’s overall “glass cannon” nature, that can provide a huge array of unique builds.

Path of Exile - All Classes & Ascendancies - What to Play (2024)


What class should I play in Path of Exile? ›

The Scion is a perfectly balanced class that is above average in every aspect but also lacks any particular strength. They can become an Ascendant. This is the most flexible class in the game and can take passives from any class. This is the best Path of Exile class if you like to do a bit of everything.

How to choose Ascendancy class PoE? ›

Choosing an Ascendancy class after completing the Labyrinth for the first time allows the player to gain access to a new Ascendancy skill tree specific for the class chosen. Each character class comes with three associated Ascendancy classes (except for Scion, who only has one) for a total of 19 Ascendancy classes.

Can you beat Path of Exile without paying? ›

Yes you can, all content doesn't lock behind paywall but only the stash , so if you're a hoarder then might wanna spend few cash on the stash stuff especially when they're on sales. But give the game a try 1st, if you really enjoying it then only decide wanna invest your money on the game or not.

What is the most beginner friendly class in PoE? ›

The Righteous Fire Inquisitor is one of the best league starters in the game. In fact, it is so good and easy to use that many pro players recommend this build to those who are still starting out.

What is the most op class in Path of Exile? ›

  • S-TierDeadeyePathfinderChieftainInquisitor.
  • A-TierTricksterOccultistAscendantElementalist.
  • B-TierChampionSlayerJuggernautGuardian.
  • C-TierSaboteurRaiderAssassinHierophant.
  • D-TierBerserkerGladiator.
Mar 28, 2024

What is the strongest class in PoE? ›

What Are The Strongest Path Of Exile 3.23 Builds In 2024? - Top 7
  • #7. Oro's Flicker Strike Raider.
  • #6. Tectonic Slam Chieftain.
  • #5. Mage Skeleton Necromancer.
  • #4. Elemental Hit Slayer.
  • #3. Impervious Herald Of Agony Juggernaut.
  • #2. Lacerate Gladiator.
  • #1. Detonate Dead Necromancer.
Mar 8, 2024

Who should I pick in Path of Exile? ›

Choosing A Class
TemplarSTR/INTBest suited for Brands and Man-focused builds
WitchINTBest suited for spellcaster and minion builds
ShadowINT/DEXBest suited for damage-over-time, trap/mine, and triggered spell builds
RangerDEXBest suited for projectile builds
3 more rows
Apr 23, 2023

Do classes matter in PoE? ›

The choice of class is often regarded as extremely important, especially by new players who are custom to other action RPG titles. In PoE, this choice is a bit less important as skills are not class-specific and can be used by anyone (to a varying degree of success, of course).

Do you have to do trials of ascendancy on every character? ›

This is an essential step in leveling up a new character, especially on league start. While you will have to complete each Labyrinth on every individual character, you only have to complete the Trials of Ascendancy once per league.

Does Path of Exile ever get hard? ›

You won't run into any difficulty until around Merciless and even then, it isn't that bad. Generally you won't start hitting any major issues until Act 3 Merciless. That is around when a really poor build or awful gear won't cut it anymore. Even more so into maps.

Will POE 2 be free? ›

Grinding Gear Games isn't too interested in Diablo 4's MMO-lite ideas, either. Having played the first few hours, I'm still a little shocked that brooding gothic action RPG Path Of Exile 2 (due out later this year) is set to be free. Or at least, every bit as free as its predecessor.

Does Path of Exile have an endgame? ›

The Forbidden Sanctum is an alternate endgame where player ventures into a dungeon filled with enemies and traps while avoiding death and damage to their Resolve and dealing with various boons and afflictions in the way.

What level should I start doing 5 ways Poe? ›

-You just need to reach at least level 65 so you can acttualy gain exp when inside the map. -You need at least 3k5 Life and capped chaos res. Other layers of defense will be cover by the Aurabot with 87% max res, vaal discipline. -After you are in just pretty much stay at one spot and enjoy the EXP gain.

What is the best movement skill in Poe? ›

Path Of Exile: 10 Best Movement Skills In The Game, Ranked
  • 3 Blink Arrow.
  • 4 Smoke Mine. ...
  • 5 Charged Dash. ...
  • 6 Lightning Warp. ...
  • 7 Flicker Strike. ...
  • 8 Whirling Blades. ...
  • 9 Leap Slam. ...
  • 10 Flame Dash. Before Flame Dash arrived, there were only a few Intelligence-based movement skills that can match Leap Slam or Whirling Blades. ...
Apr 24, 2021

What is the best class in Poe 1 and 2? ›

Chanters and Paladins are Tanky melee brawlers that offer utility to the team.
  • Chanters are more focused on the utility side, as they have great options for CC, defensive buffs, healing and summons.
  • Paladins are more focused on the Tank side, and their utility is limited to healing and defensive bonusses.
Mar 27, 2023

Does your class matter in Path of Exile? ›

The choice of class is often regarded as extremely important, especially by new players who are custom to other action RPG titles. In PoE, this choice is a bit less important as skills are not class-specific and can be used by anyone (to a varying degree of success, of course).

What is the best class in PoE 1 and 2? ›

Chanters and Paladins are Tanky melee brawlers that offer utility to the team.
  • Chanters are more focused on the utility side, as they have great options for CC, defensive buffs, healing and summons.
  • Paladins are more focused on the Tank side, and their utility is limited to healing and defensive bonusses.
Mar 27, 2023

Is Path of Exile easy for beginners? ›

It's great to see you taking your first steps in Path of Exile (PoE). Path of Exile is not an easy game to pick up, being famous for its great depth and potential complexity, but we are here to help to make your journey easier and more fun from the start.

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Name: Horacio Brakus JD

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