October 2020 Passive Income $4,033 - My Road to Wealth and Freedom (2024)

October 2020 Passive Income $4,033 - My Road to Wealth and Freedom (1)

Welcome to my October 2020 Passive Income report. This is where I track my investment income from dividend stocks, index funds and exchange-traded funds (ETFs). We finally broke the $4k level in passive income!

October has been another horrible month for just about every asset class, but it’s been one of the best for my passive income. There is lots of uncertainty right now with the virus resurgence, the outcome of the US election and the fate of the stimulus package. If we get another meltdown like we saw in March, I’ll definitely be deploying more cash.

My goal is to one day be able to live off this passive income or at least have a significant portion of my living expenses covered by it.

Why Do I Publish My Passive Income?

First off, I’d like to say that I’m not trying to brag about my passive income in any way by publishing these reports. Trust me, there are some financial bloggers out there that do a lot better than I do and are absolutely killing it. I’m not some financial guru either. I’m just a regular guy with a day job that’s trying to get ahead and escape the daily grind like everyone else.

My main reason for producing these reports is to motivate myself and hopefully others to do better financially. Over the years, I’ve found that when I track my dividend income, it tends to grow.

Maybe its because I’m focused on growing those dividends that I’m constantly scheming up ways to make more money (or save more money), so that it can be put to good use by investing it in great dividend paying companies. This approach has served me well and this year my family is on track to earning $21k in passive dividend income.

Think about it. That’s $23k that we don’t have to get up in the morning to work for. We just go on living our lives and all the while, each and every month, we receive cold hard cash in the form of dividends from our investments.

Right now we re-invest these dividends to buy more shares in our favorite companies so that the dividend income continues to grow over time. But one day, we will be using that dividend income to finance an early retirement.

Net Worth Recovered

After dropping by about $90k in March, our net worth has fully recovered due to the stock market recovery. We are now at $1.346 Million! Our net worth goal for this year is 1.5 million so we have a long ways to go yet! And it looks like the market won’t be cooperating with me.

I’m still buying a bit, especially energy stocks and ETFs, and when the market fully makes a comeback, my net worth will surge ahead like it did after all the other crashes.

Financial Assets Holding On

The recent stock market correction has hit the value of our financial assets. That said, we keep investing and our financial assets are just under $769k!

Related: Use My Link to Sign Up For Questrade and Get $50 in Free Trades

Building Up Real Assets

I’ve also been adding to my Gold and Silver holdings to hedge some of the risks to financial markets.

I purchase my gold and silver from: Silver Gold Bull – Your Trusted Bullion Dealer

Killing Debt + Building Assets = Wealth

While it’s always nice to see our investments grow, I’m also happy to see some real progress by paying off our line of credit debt. We finally got the mortgage paid to down to below $259k this month!

The more I think about being completely debt free, the more I look forward to what life will be like when I don’t need to worry about debt. In the meantime, once the mortgage goes below $200k I’ll feel a lot better.

Paying down our debt is key to building our net worth and strengthening our financial position.

Net Worth vs Investment Income

Having a million dollar plus net worth is an important milestone on the road to financial freedom. But unless it’s backed up with some serious cash flow, it doesn’t really mean all that much.

After all, as you can see from these reports, my net worth rises and falls primarily due to fluctuations in the stock and real estate markets. For me, what’s really important is that my investments keep paying me cold hard cash each and every month.

That’s where my sense of financial security comes from, not whether I can sell something for more than I paid for it last week, or a month ago.

Streams of Passive Income are Key to Financial Independence

The one major thing I learned during the last recession was that, while my net worth may fall, the bulk of my dividend income remains the same. That’s why I think building streams of alternative forms of income, whether it’s from a rental property, dividend stocks or even an online source like starting a blog, is key to achieving financial freedom.

Once you start hitting $1k/month, you basically have about half of your monthly expenses paid for by passive investment income. What’s even better is that I’ve found that after a few years, the income really starts to take off.

Benefits of Passive Income

I once read somewhere that millionaires have about 7 different sources of income, which is a big reason why they’re rich. If they lose 1 source it’s not the end of the world for them because the other 6 still provide financial security. On the other hand, the rest of us are almost completely dependent on 1 source: our Jobs!

This is something that I’m working hard to change for my family and is why I invest as much as I can. In these income reports I try to be as transparent as possible to show you where my investment income comes from.

These reports simply show my investing approach and what has worked (and sometimes not worked) for me. I’m by no means a financial expert but I am very pleased with my results to date.

I hope these reports inspire all of you to start saving and investing your money for a healthier financial future. Now you may think that you need a lot of money to start investing, but the reality is that you can get started with as little as $25 a month! So what are you waiting for?

How You Can Build Passive Sources of Income

Some of you may be wondering how YOU can start investing and building up streams of passive income. First, just let me say that investing is NOT rocket science, but I DO recommend reading as much as you possibly can. Check out my MUST READ page for some useful articles. You can also see my Favorite Personal Finance Books List.

If you’re hell bent and determined to start investing your money in dividend stocks and exchange-traded funds (ETFs)right now, check out my step by step guide on How to Open a Questrade Account.

If you’re a bit hesitant to start buying stocks or ETFs through an online discount broker like Questrade, then you may want to try an online bank like Tangerine. They offer a range of accounts (RRSP, TFSA) and a whole menu ofTangerine Investment Funds at reasonable prices.

Now on to my monthly cash flow from investments.

Monthly Investing Activity

Right now I’ve been buying some energy stocks and waiting for other bargains to appear. I have a little cash on the sidelines in my investing accounts that I intend to use on any big pullback.

Saving and investing automatically is a proven strategy for building long term wealth so I keep making extra cash purchases in my DRiP account to buy more shares of great dividend-paying companies. In addition to the stock purchases, I’m also investing in low-cost index funds in our retirement accounts. These purchases amounted to about $1.6k in total.

As I said before, one of thegreat things about being a dividend investor is that all of my dividend income is automatically re-invested. Every month this income buys more shares in my favorite companies that will, in turn, produce even more monthly income for me. This is how compounding works and is why it’s such a powerful force…what Einstein called the “Eighth Wonder of the World”!

This month, reinvested dividend income bought more shares in Telus (T), TransCanada Corp (TRP), Bank of Nova Scotia (BNS), TD Bank (TD), Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce (CM) and Bell Canada (BCE).

I’ve also sent money to my DRIP accounts to buy my favorite Canadian dividend stocks: Telus (T), TransCanada Corp (TRP), Bank of Nova Scotia (BNS), Bank of Montreal (BMO) and Bell Canada (BCE).

Dividend Raises


October 2020 Passive Income Report

October 2020 Passive Income $4,033 - My Road to Wealth and Freedom (2)

Monthly Passive Dividend Income

October was a great month for dividend income coming in at $3,127.73! This month’s dividend income has decreased by 20.73% from October 2019 ($2,590.78).

Here is the breakdown of the numbers for my October 2020 Passive Income:

Dividend Stocks

Bell Canada Enterprises (BCE) – $636.16

Telus (T) – $152.14

RioCan REIT (REI) – $4.70

TransCanada Corporation (TRP) – $57.66

Bank of Nova Scotia (BNS) – $1249.64

Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce (CM) – $369.98

Nutrien (NTR) – $24.71

TransAlta (TA) – $0.79

TD Bank – $533.25

ETFs and Mutual Funds

iShares S&P TSX Canadian Preferred Share Index ETF (CPD) – $58.80

iShares S&P TSX Capped REIT Index ETF (XRE) – $39.90

Total Dividend Income: $3,127.73

It’s great to see that our investments are producing over $3.1k last month! That’s not too shabby at all for a completely passive source of income. After years of saving and investing, I’m starting to see the fruits of my effort and I’m happy to finally have my money working for me.

Blog Income: $905.66

I’ve included my blog income as I’ve had a number of readers ask about its profitability. Blog income is never a sure thing. In fact, it’s all over the place. This month’s income was pretty good and is a combination of Adsense and affiliate sales.

Starting a website and earning online income has never been easier and I highly recommend starting your own website. It cost about $200 a year and the sky is the limit as to how much you can possibly earn.

If you’re looking for a side hustle consider earning online income. I’m not gonna lie and say that it’s easy to make tons of cash, but if you spend a little bit of time and write some quality content you should do just fine. Check out my step by step guide below for more info:

How to Start a Blog

While I’m not living off of my blog income, it does help my cash flow for buying dividend stocks. For those of you interested in building solid long term wealth, it’s crucial to find ways to make more money so you can use it to make investments.

I’ve been investing thousands each month in high quality dividend stocks. Without my blog income I wouldn’t be able to invest as much. I think you guys get the idea here. Generate more income to invest and you’ll really kick-start the power of compounded returns. If you want to achieve financial freedom, you gotta do some side hustling to get there.

My family’s annual passive income goal is $23,000 and we have so far received $18,808 in purely passive dividend income. So far, we’re at 81.77% of our annual goal.

Thanks for reading my October 2020 Passive Income Report and remember that if you Invest Early and Stay With It for the long haul, then you’ll see these kinds of results too!

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Please note: this post contains affiliate links. As an affiliate, this blog may receive a small commission for sign ups to Bluehost, Silver Gold Bull, Borrowell, Tangerine and Questrade.

October 2020 Passive Income $4,033 - My Road to Wealth and Freedom (2024)


How to make $100,000 per year in passive income? ›

Ways to Make $100,000 Per Year in Passive Income
  1. Invest in Real Estate. Rental properties generate income through tenants who pay rent each month to live in a property you own. ...
  2. CD Laddering. ...
  3. Dividend Stocks. ...
  4. Fixed-Income Securities. ...
  5. Start a Side Hustle.
Jul 28, 2023

What does Robert Kiyosaki mean by passive income? ›

Kiyosaki often emphasizes the importance of business ownership in generating passive income. The idea is not just to start any business but to create one that can operate independently, without the owner's constant involvement. This requires a system and a team that can run the business efficiently.

What is the best quote about passive income? ›

#2 “You can only be financially free when your passive income exceeds your expenses.” #3 “If you don't find a way to make money while you sleep, you will work until you die.” #4 Compound interest is the 8th wonder of the world. He who understands it, earns it.

How can I make $10 000 a month in passive income? ›

private job at electronic
  1. The Top 11 Ways to Earn $10,000 in Passive Income Each Month : Make Money Online. ...
  2. Dropshipping: The Gateway to E-Commerce. ...
  3. Using Endorsem*nts to Earn Through Affiliate Marketing. ...
  4. Etsy Print on Demand: Innovation Meets Business. ...
  5. Real estate crowdfunding. ...
  6. Creating and selling digital products.
Feb 10, 2024

How to earn $1,000 a month passive? ›

Passive Income: 7 Ways To Make an Extra $1,000 a Month
  1. Buy US Treasuries. U.S. Treasuries are still paying attractive yields on short-term investments. ...
  2. Rent Out Your Yard. ...
  3. Rent Out Your Car. ...
  4. Rental Real Estate. ...
  5. Publish an E-Book. ...
  6. Become an Affiliate. ...
  7. Sell an Online Course. ...
  8. Bottom Line.
6 days ago

What passive income is not taxed? ›

By keeping assets in tax-deferred accounts like IRAs and 401(k) plans, you won't have to pay tax on your income and gains until you withdraw the money from the account. In the case of a Roth IRA, you may never have to pay tax on your distributions at all.

Who is the king of passive income? ›

Real estate is often lauded as the king of passive income.

How to make an extra $2,000 a month passive income? ›

Wrapping up ways to make $2,000/month in passive income
  1. Try out affiliate marketing.
  2. Sell an online course.
  3. Monetize a blog with Google Adsense.
  4. Become an influencer.
  5. Write and sell e-books.
  6. Freelance on websites like Upwork.
  7. Start an e-commerce store.
  8. Get paid to complete surveys.

What is reverse passive income? ›

Reverse passive income really isn't earning money. It's usually saving or spending strategically so you can save money. The benefit is that anyone can start doing this right away. Examples of a reverse passive income include using cash back apps and credit cards.

What are the best assets for cash flow? ›

Investors who prioritize cash flow, often referred to as income investors, make deliberate choices to include assets such as dividend-yielding stocks, bonds, and real estate. These selections are characterized by their ability to generate recurring cash, crucial for a stable investment approach.

What are the 4 ways of making money Robert Kiyosaki? ›

There are basically four ways to make money. You can get a job, be self employed, own a business or invest. This categorisation was made popular by a guy called Robert Kiyosaki in his book – Cashflow Quadrant.

How to live only on passive income? ›

Yes, you can live off of passive income. It's easiest to live off of passive income if you live in a low cost-of-living area. To live off of financial investment and cash-equivalent income, you'll need a larger amount of money. To earn $30,000 per year, you'll need $600,000 invested at 5% per year.

Is passive income good or bad? ›

Your job isn't the only way you can make money. The cash stream from sources of passive income requires some upfront work, but once established, takes little to no time to maintain. While it can take some time to see the fruits of your labor pay off with passive income, earning money without regular work is possible.

What is the beauty of passive income? ›

Potential for scalability and growth: The beauty of passive income streams is their ability to be scaled. Once a system is set up and proven to work, you can often expand it without much incremental effort or cost.

How much do you need to invest to make 100k a year? ›

To cut to the chase, if you want your interest to earn $50,000, $70,000 or $100,000 per year, you'll need to have approximately $1.25 million to $2.5 million in savings or retirement accounts. If you're aiming for somewhere in the middle, like $70,000, you'd want to have $1.75 million saved.

How much money do I need to make a day to make $100000 a year? ›

A $100,000 salary can yield a monthly income of $8,333.33, a biweekly paycheck of $3,846.15, a weekly income of $1,923.08, and a daily income of $384.62 based on 260 working days per year.

How much money do you have to make a month to make $100000 a year? ›

$100,000 a year is how much a month? If you make $100,000 a year, your monthly salary would be $8,333.87.

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Name: Amb. Frankie Simonis

Birthday: 1998-02-19

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Hobby: LARPing, Kitesurfing, Sewing, Digital arts, Sand art, Gardening, Dance

Introduction: My name is Amb. Frankie Simonis, I am a hilarious, enchanting, energetic, cooperative, innocent, cute, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.