NRS 171.1254 - Arrest by agent of Federal Bureau of Investigation (2024)

Vegas Defense Lawyers Analyze Arrests By FBI or Secret Service Agents in Nevada NRS 171.1254

In the state of Nevada, there are rules specifying who can be arrested, who can conduct an arrest, and the conduct of law enforcement agents who conduct an arrest. Defendants whose rights are violated have many options for legal recourse, depending upon the situation. Defendants must know their rights and must explore all possible opportunities to avoid the consequences of an arrest and any resulting criminal charges.

At LV Criminal Defense, our legal team is ready to help you as soon as you have been subject to arrest, or when you are under investigation and fear you may be taken into police custody. Give us a call as soon as you are concerned about legal problems you face so we can help you throughout every interaction with police, prosecutors, and other officials within the criminal justice system. Our Las Vegas defense attorneys will stand up for your rights and fight for a favorable outcome at every phase of your case.

Rules for Arrest by an FBI Agent or by the Secret Service

Secret Service Agents and FBI agents are among the individuals who have the authority to arrest suspected criminals within the state of Nevada. However, agents of these federal agencies may arrest you only under a specific set of circ*mstances.

Nevada Revised Statutes 171.1245 provide information on when an FBI or Secret Service agent can conduct a lawful arrest. An agent of the Federal Bureau of Investigation or the Secret Service can arrest you:

  • For a public offense that is committed in the presence of the agent, or that is attempted in the presence of the agent.
  • If you have committed either a gross misdemeanor or felony offense, even if outside of the presence of the agent at the time of the alleged crime.
  • If there is reasonable cause to believe you have committed a felony or a gross misdemeanor offense.
  • If there is a charge against you alleging you committed a felony or a gross misdemeanor.
  • In situations when a warrant has been issued for your arrest in the state of Nevada and when the FBI or Secret Service Agent has reasonable cause to believe that you are the person with the outstanding warrant.

You may not be arrested by an FBI or Secret Service agent except in these limited circ*mstances. If you are arrested without a warrant or without probable cause to believe you committed a felony or a gross misdemeanor, then your civil rights have been violated and you need prompt legal advice.

What Should You Do If You Are Arrested?

If you have been arrested by a Secret Service Agent or an FBI agent, you should remain silent. Decline to answer questions and ask for a lawyer- it is your right. Federal agents often do not become involved in an arrest unless you are facing serious charges, so you need to be very careful about the decisions that you make if you are being arrested. LV Criminal Defense represents clients facing both federal and state charges and our attorneys can help you to fight against being charged or convicted.

Top Rated Criminal Lawyer

Nick Wooldridge has a long track record of representing clients accused of serious federal and state crimes in Nevada.

  • NRS 171.1254 - Arrest by agent of Federal Bureau of Investigation (1)
  • NRS 171.1254 - Arrest by agent of Federal Bureau of Investigation (2)
  • NRS 171.1254 - Arrest by agent of Federal Bureau of Investigation (3)


How Can a Las Vegas Criminal Lawyer Help

At LV Criminal Defense, our firm is committed to representing clients accused of serious criminal activity. Our goal is to help you negotiate a deal to stay out of jail, or to get charges dropped before your case goes to trial. We also put together strong defenses for clients to present in trial with the goal of securing a not guilty verdict.

Give us a call as soon as possible if you are arrested by the FBI or Secret Service so we can get started fighting to help protect you.

NRS 171.1254 - Arrest by agent of Federal Bureau of Investigation (2024)


Can the FBI arrest you without a warrant? ›

In the U.S. and its territories, FBI special agents may make arrests for any federal offense committed in their presence or when they have reasonable grounds to believe that the person to be arrested has committed, or is committing, a felony violation of U.S. laws.

How do I verify an FBI agent? ›

If you or your references have any questions about an Agent's/Investigator's identity or status, contact DCSA Security via email or call the hotline. The hotline is open Monday to Friday between 7 a.m. and 4 p.m. Eastern Time.

Does the FBI investigate civil rights violations? ›

The FBI, the lead agency for enforcing civil rights law, aggressively investigates hate crime, color of law abuses by public officials, human trafficking and involuntary servitude, and freedom of access to clinic entrances violations.

Why would the FBI come to your house? ›

One of the most frequent reasons FBI agents come to your residence is to interview you as part of an ongoing investigation. This could be because: You are a witness who may have useful information. You are associated with someone under investigation.

Can you sue the FBI for false arrest? ›

One of the first questions victims of false arrest ask is whether they can sue the police officer who wrongfully arrested them. The good news is, yes, you can sue for false arrest. If you have a valid false arrest lawsuit on your hands, you may be able to claim the following damages: Medical bills.

What happens when FBI arrests you? ›

A person arrested by the FBI is taken into custody, photographed, and fingerprinted. In addition, an attempt often is made to obtain a voluntary statement from the arrestee. The arrestee remains in FBI custody until the initial court appearance, which must take place without unnecessary delay.

Can you check if the FBI has a file on you? ›

Your right to inspect your own FBI file is guaranteed under the Freedom of Information Act and the Privacy Act. Information about organizations, historical events, investigations, and government policies can be obtained under the Freedom of Information Act, 5 U.S.C.

Will an FBI agent text you? ›

The FBI generally does not initiate contact with individuals by text message. Any text claiming to be from an FBI agent is likely a fraudulent attempt to obtain money or information.

Are FBI agents public record? ›

With the exception of records that have been reviewed and released to the public, all access to Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) records is gained by requesting specific case files through the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA).

What triggers an FBI investigation? ›

If a possible violation of federal law under the jurisdiction of the FBI has occurred, the Bureau will conduct an investigation.

What makes the FBI investigate you? ›

In general, the FBI will become involved in a local law enforcement investigation or prosecution when an alleged offense falls under federal jurisdiction, when a crime is committed on federal property, when local law enforcement agencies request assistance, or when multiple jurisdictions are involved.

Can I sue the FBI for violating my rights? ›

You can sue any federal agency for violation of your federal rights.

How do you know if the FBI is building a case on you? ›

Receiving a Target Letter

The U.S. Attorney's Office typically sends a target letter to inform someone that they are being investigated and may face future criminal charges. It will include information on potential penalties and other legal matters related to the investigation.

Does the FBI monitor your phone? ›

No, the FBI doesn't monitor your computer or phone—though they do have the technical capabilities to do so. Legally, they must adhere to strict privacy laws pertaining to citizens—especially in regards to investigations, searches, and seizures.

How do you know if the feds are investigating you? ›

Signs of Being Under Federal Investigation
  • Unusual Financial Activities. ...
  • Increased Surveillance. ...
  • Legal Documents. ...
  • Interviews and Interrogations. ...
  • Target Letter. ...
  • Grand Jury Subpoenas. ...
  • Professional and Social Changes. ...
  • Public Records and Reporting.
Nov 10, 2023

Can an FBI agent arrest you? ›

In the U.S. and its territories, FBI special agents may make arrests for any federal offense committed in their presence or when they have reasonable grounds to believe that the person to be arrested has committed, or is committing, a felony violation of U.S. laws.

Can the FBI arrest local police? ›

Absolutely, and an FBI agent can arrest a cop. They are separate agencies and have arrested each others operatives before.

Can the FBI track your phone without a warrant? ›

For instance, an FBI agent who overhears a suspect sharing incriminating information while talking on their cellphone in public can use that information as evidence. The FBI cannot, however, wiretap that person's phone without a valid warrant.

Will the FBI call you about a warrant? ›

Please remember, law enforcement will never call you if you have an arrest warrant, nor will they ask you to send money or gift cards to clear a warrant. Lastly, they will never ask you to send pictures or videos of yourself for any reason.

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Name: Patricia Veum II

Birthday: 1994-12-16

Address: 2064 Little Summit, Goldieton, MS 97651-0862

Phone: +6873952696715

Job: Principal Officer

Hobby: Rafting, Cabaret, Candle making, Jigsaw puzzles, Inline skating, Magic, Graffiti

Introduction: My name is Patricia Veum II, I am a vast, combative, smiling, famous, inexpensive, zealous, sparkling person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.