Norway’s Massive Sovereign Wealth Fund to Exit Russian Holdings (2024)

The world’s largest sovereign-wealth fund is divesting its Russian holdings.

Norges Bank Investment Management, the arm of the Norwegian central bank that operates the $1.3 trillion fund, is freezing investments in Russia, a spokesperson for the fund said Sunday. The fund will neither buy nor sell shares right away, the spokesperson said, and will work with the Ministry of Finance to prepare a plan to divest from the Russian market.

The Norwegian government on Sunday outlined a raft of measures it is taking to support Ukraine, including allocating funds for humanitarian aid, joining European Union sanctions and withdrawing the oil fund from Russian investments. Norway, a member of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, will also provide military equipment to Ukraine.

At the end of last year, the fund had 27 billion Norwegian kroner, equivalent to $3 billion, invested in Russian stocks, the spokesperson said, amounting to 0.2% of the fund’s overall investments.

Its largest stock investments in Russia included holdings in Russian lender Sberbank, gas producer Gazprom PJSC and oil major Lukoil.

The fund, which used to hold around $750 million in Russian government bonds, sold the position in the past year.

As the world’s largest single shareholder, the fund owns on average 1.4% of the world’s listed companies, making it a large investor in companies like Apple Inc. and Alibaba Group Holding Ltd. Its moves are closely watched by other sovereign-wealth funds and large pools of capital.

Norway’s Massive Sovereign Wealth Fund to Exit Russian Holdings (2024)


What are the results of the Norwegian Sovereign Wealth Fund? ›

The fund has generated an annual return of 5.70 percent between 1 January 1998 and the end of 2022. The net annual real return on the fund is 3.50 percent.

Why does Norway have such a large sovereign wealth fund? ›

The $1.3 trillion fund was established in the 1990s to invest the surplus revenues of Norway's oil and gas sector. To date, the fund has invested in more than 9,300 companies in 70 countries around the world. Norway's vast North Sea oil and gas reserves are the bedrock of the fund's wealth.

What is Norway's sovereign wealth fund invested in? ›

The fund pools the Norwegian state's revenues from oil and gas production and invests them abroad in stocks, bonds, property and renewable energy projects. Managed by a unit of the central bank, it is invested in more than 9,200 companies globally and owns on average 1.5% of all the world's listed stocks.

Does the US have a sovereign wealth fund? ›

Some countries may have more than one SWF. Also, while the United States does not have a federal sovereign wealth fund, several of its states have their own SWFs.

How much is Norway sovereign wealth fund in USD? ›

It has over US$1.19 trillion in assets, and holds 1.4% of all of the world's listed companies, making it among the world's largest sovereign wealth funds. In December 2021, it was worth about $250,000 per Norwegian citizen.

How much do Norwegians get from oil? ›

OSLO, Jan 26 (Reuters) - Norway's estimated tax revenue from the oil and gas industry rose by 200% last year to a record 884 billion Norwegian crowns ($89.3 billion), almost three times the previous record, the Norwegian Tax Administration said on Thursday.

Why is Norway in so much debt? ›

Norway had a government debt before oil was discovered in the North Sea. Some of that debt is still live because government issue some bonds with very long maturity periods. The Kingdom of Norway still had debts left over from fighting the Second World War when oil revenues started to flow in the 1970s.

Is Norway wealthier than the United States? ›

Many people would probably be surprised to find that many of the planet's wealthiest nations are also among the tiniest.
(GDP per capita, constant prices)
RankCountry/TerritoryGDP-PPP per capita ($)
9United States80,035
10San Marino78,926
99 more rows

What makes Norway the richest country in the world? ›

There are many countries with large oil exports, but little or no money saved up. So how come Norway has been able to save up such a large amount? And how come we found all this oil in the first place? Now many would say that the number one reason for Norway's wealth is the Oil.

Is every Norwegian a millionaire? ›

The good news: everyone in Norway became a theoretical millionaire in a milestone for the world's biggest sovereign wealth fund that has ballooned thanks to high oil and gas prices.

What is the biggest fund in the world? ›

Norway Government Pension Fund Global

Who runs the sovereign wealth fund? ›

What Is a Sovereign Wealth Fund (SWF)? A sovereign wealth fund is a state-owned investment fund comprised of money generated by the government, often derived from a country's surplus reserves. SWFs provide a benefit for a country's economy and its citizens. The funding for a SWF can come from a variety of sources.

Does China have a sovereign wealth fund? ›

China Investment Corporation (CIC; Chinese: 中国投资有限责任公司; pinyin: zhōngguó tóuzī yǒuxiàn zérèn gōngsī) is a sovereign wealth fund that manages part of the People's Republic of China's foreign exchange reserves.

What is the richest investment fund in the world? ›

Here's a look into the largest sovereign wealth funds by assets under management.
  1. Government Pension Fund Global—Norway. ...
  2. Abu Dhabi Investment Authority. ...
  3. China Investment Corporation—China. ...
  4. Kuwait Investment Authority—Kuwait. ...
  5. SAMA Foreign Holdings—Saudi Arabia.

What is the richest sovereign wealth fund in the world? ›

The world's largest sovereign wealth fund (SWF) as of December 2022 was China Investment Corporation (CIC), managing assets reaching around 1.35 trillion U.S. dollars. The CIC is used to manage a portion of China's foreign currency reserves and established in 2007.

How many dollars is Norway in debt? ›

In the latest reports, Norway National Government Debt reached 203.1 USD bn in Dec 2021. The country's Nominal GDP reached 133.7 USD bn in Dec 2022.
Buy Selected Data.
Total Debt: % of GDP (%)509.3 Dec 2022
Forecast: Current Account Balance (USD bn)32.931 2027
40 more rows

How much debt is Norway in dollars? ›

Key information about Norway External Debt

The data reached an all-time high of 767.3 USD bn in Dec 2022 and a record low of 204.9 USD bn in Mar 2003.

How many dollar millionaires are there in Norway? ›

Countries by number and percentage of millionaires
Country or subnational areaNumber of millionairesShare of global millionaires (%)
Singapore *298,6500.4
Austria *271,0000.4
Norway *236,0000.3
43 more rows

How much oil does Norway get from Russia? ›

Norway Imports from Russia of Crude Oil was US$26.38 Million during 2021, according to the United Nations COMTRADE database on international trade. Norway Imports from Russia of Crude Oil - data, historical chart and statistics - was last updated on May of 2023.

Is Norway's oil running out? ›

Oil Reserves in Norway

Norway has proven reserves equivalent to 69.0 times its annual consumption. This means that, without Net Exports, there would be about 69 years of oil left (at current consumption levels and excluding unproven reserves).

Who buys Norway's oil? ›

Norwegian oil deliveries in 2022, by first delivery point
First delivery point/country% of totalVolume (Mill. Sm³)
10 more rows

Which is the most debt free country world? ›

These are called debt-free countries.
Countries with the Lowest National Debt.
S.NoCountriesDebt to GDP ratio
4.Democratic Republic of Congo15.2%
4 more rows

Which country owes the most debt in the world? ›

Country/RegionExternal debt US dollarsDate
United States31 trillionJanuary 2023
United Kingdom8.73 trillionJune 2022
France7.04 trillionJune 2022
Germany6.46 trillionJune 2022
91 more rows

Which country is richest by debt? ›

United States. The United States boasts both the world's biggest national debt in terms of dollar amount and its largest economy, which resolves to a debt-to GDP ratio of approximately 128.13%. The United States' government's spending exceeds its income most years, and the US has not had a budget surplus since 2001.

Are taxes higher in Norway or USA? ›

In fact, the United States' top personal income tax rate is higher than Norway's top rate, at 43.7 percent (federal and state combined).

Who pays more in taxes the US or Norway? ›

Norway's top marginal tax rate of 39 percent applies to all income over 1.6 times the average Norwegian income. Compare this to The United States. The top marginal tax rate of 46.8 percent (state average and federal combined rates) kicks in at 8.5 times the average U.S. income (around $400,000).

Why is Norway's life expectancy so high? ›

Norway has a great life expectancy (82 years on average), thanks to the active Norwegian lifestyle, the diet that's full of Omega−3 fatty acids (all that salmon is definitely good for you) and of course, a robust healthcare system that's funded by the public.

What is the average salary in Norway? ›

What is average wage in Norway? Average Wages in Norway decreased to 50550 NOK/Month (4643.668 USD/Month) in the third quarter of 2022. The maximum rate of average wage for employees was 49920 NOK/Month and minimum was 20126 NOK/Month.

What is minimum wage in Norway? ›

Because Norway does not have a minimum wage, there is no mandatory minimum rate of pay for workers in Norway.

Is Norway more developed than USA? ›

The United States has a lower per capita GDP than Norway with a GDP of 51,749 compared to 99,558, respectively, and is also home to one of the most pressing income distribution gaps in any industrialized nation, surpassed in income inequality by only Russia and Mexico.

Where do rich Norwegians live? ›

The west is where established Norwegian families, the wealthy and most expats live, especially diplomats. Neighbourhoods in the west include Marienlyst, Majorstuen, Frogner, Bygdøy, Torshov, Ullevål-Hageby, Sankt Hanshaugen, Vinderen and Kjelsås.

How rich is a household in Norway? ›

Median household income after tax in Norway in 2021, by type of household (in NOK)
CharacteristicIncome in NOK
Couples without children, oldest person 65 years and older635,600
Single mother/father with children 18 years and older623,200
Single mother/father with children 0-17 years464,500
Singles 45-64 years368,500
7 more rows
Apr 11, 2023

What percentage of the Norwegian population live in poverty? ›

As it stands, Norway has 11 percent of the population under low-income level. In comparison to the other European Union countries, the household poverty threshold is higher in Norway. In Norway, elderly people have a higher low-income risk than comparative age groups, compared to other European countries.

Does California have a sovereign wealth fund? ›

San Manuel Sovereign Fund (San Manuel) is a sovereign wealth fund based in Highland, California. Established in 1891, the fund is a federally recognized American Indian tribe.

What is the largest investment fund in the US? ›

Largest Hedge Funds Research Summary

The largest hedge fund in the U.S. is Bridgewater Associates, with an AUM of $126.4 billion. As of 2022, the U.S. hedge funds have a market size of $111.3 billion. There are at least 3,841 Hedge Funds in the U.S.

Does Germany have a sovereign wealth fund? ›

Germany already possesses a sovereign wealth fund, the Nuclear Waste Management Fund (KENFO) which is a US$22 billion fund created in 2017 to manage the funding of the interim and final storage of radioactive waste. KENFO ranks 43rd in Global SWF's ranking of sovereign wealth funds.

How many US states have sovereign wealth funds? ›

While there are twenty-one domestic sovereign wealth funds, only twenty states have a domestic sovereign wealth fund as Texas has two.

What are the problems with sovereign wealth funds? ›

Sovereign Wealth Funds (SWFs) are pools of assets owned and managed directly or indirectly by governments to achieve national objectives. These funds have raised concerns about: i) financial stability; ii) corporate governance and iii) political interference and protectionism.

What are the risks of sovereign wealth funds? ›

Compared to other government shareholding types, we also find that SWF ownerships present higher risk to bondholders and result in higher increase in the target firm's cost of debt. Furthermore, this SWF bond risk premium is larger during non-crisis periods and for SWFs originating from autarchic countries.

Which country owes China the most money? ›

At the end of 2021, of the 98 countries for whom data was available, Pakistan ($27.4 billion of external debt to China), Angola (22.0 billion), Ethiopia (7.4 billion), Kenya (7.4 billion) and Sri Lanka (7.2 billion) held the biggest debts to China.

Does the Chinese government own US debt? ›

Japan and China have been the largest foreign holders of US debt for the last two decades. Japan and China held almost 50% of all foreign-owned US debt between 2004 and 2006. However, this has declined over time, and as of 2022 they controlled approximately 25% of foreign-owned debt.

How much China owns US Treasury? ›

Overall, foreign countries each make up a relatively small proportion of U.S. debt-holders. Although China's holdings have represented just under 20 percent of foreign-owned U.S. debt in the past several years, this percentage only comprises between 5 and 7 percent of total U.S. debt.

What is the most aggressive American fund? ›

AFIFX is often the most aggressive of the American funds, yet it's still slightly less volatile than the S&P 500. The fund has topped the index by an average of 76 basis points (a basis point is one one-hundredth of a percent) per year over the past 15 years.

Who is the richest man in the world? ›

Who is the richest man in the world? As of May 1, 2023, the richest man in the world is Bernard Arnault, the CEO and chairman of LVMH of France; he's worth nearly $237 billion. He moved into the number one spot after Elon Musk's fortune fell in late 2022 as shares of electric carmaker Tesla fell.

What is the greatest investment of all time? ›

The U.S. stock market has long been considered the source of the greatest returns for investors, outperforming all other types of investments including financial securities, real estate, commodities, and art collectibles over the past century.

Does USA have a sovereign wealth fund? ›

Some countries may have more than one SWF. Also, while the United States does not have a federal sovereign wealth fund, several of its states have their own SWFs.

Who owns the majority of money in the world? ›

top 10% of adults hold 85%, while the bottom 90% hold the remaining 15% of the world's total wealth, top 30% of adults hold 97% of the total wealth.

Who owns the most money ever? ›

The richest person ever is thought to have been an emperor with an accumulation of wealth often described as “unimaginable” or “incalculable.” The title goes to 14th-century African emperor Mansa Musa, and his wealth has been estimated to be the modern day equivalent of $400 billion.

What advantage does Norway's sovereign wealth fund offer to Norway's economy? ›

The fund was set up to shield the economy from ups and downs in oil revenue. It also serves as a financial reserve and as a long-term savings plan so that both current and future generations of Norway get to benefit from our oil wealth. In 1969, one of the world's largest offshore oilfields was discovered off Norway.

Which is the biggest investment fund in the world? ›

Norway's sovereign wealth fund, the world's single largest investor, has warned company directors it will vote against their re-election to the board if they do not up their game on tackling the climate crisis, human rights abuses and boardroom diversity.

What is the world's largest sovereign wealth fund? ›

The world's largest sovereign wealth fund (SWF) as of December 2022 was China Investment Corporation (CIC), managing assets reaching around 1.35 trillion U.S. dollars. The CIC is used to manage a portion of China's foreign currency reserves and established in 2007.

How much oil and gas does Norway produce? ›

In 2022, Norway produced 232 million Sm³ of marketable oil equivalents (Sm³ o.e.), which is a slight increase compared with the production of 230.9 million Sm³ in 2021. By comparison, total production in the record year of 2004 was 264.2 million Sm³ o.e. Oil production in 2022 was somewhat lower than in 2021.

Why do Norwegians have so much debt? ›

Norway had a government debt before oil was discovered in the North Sea. Some of that debt is still live because government issue some bonds with very long maturity periods. The Kingdom of Norway still had debts left over from fighting the Second World War when oil revenues started to flow in the 1970s.

Does Norway have a better economy than the US? ›

The United States has a lower per capita GDP than Norway with a GDP of 51,749 compared to 99,558, respectively, and is also home to one of the most pressing income distribution gaps in any industrialized nation, surpassed in income inequality by only Russia and Mexico.

Where does Norway get most of its money? ›

Oil, gas, seafood, and products from energy-intensive industry are among our main export commodities. Our sea areas are six times the size of our land area, and our ocean-based industries account for almost 40 % of our total value creation, and 70 % of our exports.

Who manages Norway's sovereign wealth fund? ›

Norges Bank Investment Management manages the Norwegian Government Pension Fund Global, often referred to as the Norwegian oil fund. We manage assets worth more than 13,000 billion kroner, or about 1,3 trillion dollars.

Where do sovereign wealth funds get their money? ›

SWF money can come from a few different places, including government payments; trade surpluses; exports of natural resources; foreign currency operations; or privatizations funds. SWFs tend to have a higher risk tolerance because they prefer returns over liquidity.

Can Norway replace Russian gas? ›

Norway has replaced Russia as the biggest gas supplier of Europe, said the EU Commissioner Kadri Simson, as she was addressing a committee meeting and a press conference in the European Parliament. “Since September 2022, Russian gas is about 8 percent of all pipeline gas imported in the EU.

Who buys Norwegian oil? ›

Norway is an important supplier of oil and gas to the global market, and almost all oil and gas produced on the Norwegian shelf is exported. About 95 per cent of Norwegian gas production is exported via pipelines directly to the EU and UK.

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