Non-working (Non-lucrative) residence visa (2024)


Visa to reside in Spain without carrying out any gainful (work or professional) activity, provided that the applicant has sufficient and guaranteed means to live on. This visa does not constitute a work permit.

The following family members may also obtain the visa:

  • The spouse or unmarried partner.
  • Dependent children and dependent relatives in the ascending line who form part of the family unit.

Required documents​​

1. National visa application form. Each applicant must complete and sign a visa application, filling in each of its sections.

2. Non-working residence visa application formNon-working (Non-lucrative) residence visa (2).​Each applicant must complete and sign a copy of the EX-01 form, filling in each of its sections. Follow the instructions.

3. Photograph. A recent, passport-size, colour photograph, taken against a light background, facing forward, without dark or reflective glasses, or any garments concealing the oval of the face.

4.Valid, unexpired passport. The original and a photocopy of the page or pages of the passport that contain biometric data must be submitted. The passport must have a minimum validity period of 1 year and contain two blank pages. Passports issued more than 10 years ago will not be accepted.

5. Proof of financial means. The applicant must submit the originals and a copy of the documents proving that they have sufficient financial means to cover the expenses of residing in Spain for the initial year of the residence permit, or accrediting that they have a regular source of income, for themselves and, where applicable, for the family members accompanying them. The minimum required amount is equivalent to 400% of Spain's Public Multiple Effects Income Indicator (IPREM). To this amount must be added 100% of the IPREM for each family member in the applicant's care.

Documentation in original form with an official stamp and seal of the issuing agency that verifies sufficient economic means for the period of residency in Spain or certifies the availability of a non-working monthly income (eg. pension) that satisfies the minimum financial requirements.

If you are of working age, you will need to prove receipt of a pension or provide a termination letter from your employer stating that you will no longer work for that company or, in case of self-employment, you will need to provide an affidavit before a Notary stating that you agree not to work while residing in Spain. In the case of retirees, the applicant must be a beneficiary of a State pension in convertible currency or be a beneficiary of a life annuity, not capitalizable, payable by a public or private institution in convertible currency and / or investment accounts. Attach bank statements from the last three months and a copy of the last tax return.

Residency applicants cannot have/leave loans or mortgages in the United States when applying for residency in Spain.

Foreign documents must be legalized or apostilled and, where applicable, must be submitted together with an official translation into Spanish.

6. Health insurance. Original and a copy of the certificate accrediting the public or private health insurancewith no co-pay (or deductible) contracted with an insurance entity authorized to operate in Spain. The insurance policy must be valid for 1 year and must cover all the beneficiaries of the visa for the risks insured by Spain's public health system. No travel insurances with medical assistance coverage will be accepted.

7.Criminal record check certificate. Applicants of legal agewho apply for a visa for a stay of more than 180 days must submit the original and a copy of the criminal record check certificate(s) issued by their country or countries of residence for the past 5 years.

Obtain a background check verified by fingerprint comparison. This document is valid for a maximum of 90 days after the issue date mentioned on it. It must be legalized with the "Apostille of The Hague" and then translated into Spanish in order to be accepted.

The background check can be issued by either:

(a) The U.S. Justice Department- FBI Federal Bureau of Investigation and must be legalized with the "Apostille of The Hague" by the Secretary of State in Washington D.C.


(b) The State Justice Department (all states where the applicant has residedin the last 5 years) and the document must be legalized with the "Apostille of The Hague" by the Secretary of State of said state.

8.Medical certificate. Applicants requiring a visa for a stay of more than 180 days must submit the original and a copy of a medical certificate accrediting that they do not suffer from any disease that could cause serious repercussions for public health pursuant to the 2005 International Health Regulations. Foreign documents must be legalized or apostilled and, where applicable, must be submitted together with an official translation into Spanish.

9.I.D. Card that proves your place of residence is within the jurisdiction of the Spanish Consulate of Los Angeles (original and photocopy). Jurisdiction extends through Southern California (Imperial, Inyo, Kern, Los Angeles, Orange, Riverside, San Bernardino, San Diego, San Luis Obispo, Santa Barbara and Ventura counties), Arizona, Colorado and Utah. You can provide one of the following documents: U.S. Driver license, State I.D. card, Voter’s Registration Card, current Student I.D.​

U.S. Resident Alien Card or valid U.S. long term Visa. (original and photocopy): Holders of B-1 and B-2 Visas cannot apply in the United States; they must apply in their country of residence or country of origin. Applicants holding Student Visas must also present their I-20 signed by the university on the last page and a copy of their F-1 Visa.

10.Visa and residence permitfees. To pay the fee for the residence permit at the Consular Office, the applicant must complete all the fields of, and sign, two copies of form 790 code 052, ticking box 2.1 (initial temporary residence permit).

Payments of visa and residence permit fees are made at the time of your appointment, only money order is​accepted (no credit cards, no debit cards, no personal checks). Money orders are to be addressed to the "Consulate General of Spain Los Angeles".Please check the exact amount of the visa fee here.pdf

Residence permit fees can also be paid online, through the link to form 790-052. In this case, the proof of payment obtained from the same webpage must be attached.

Required documents for family members.​For each family member it will be necessary to submit:​

  • All the required documents specified in sections 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10. For minors, the visa application and the residence permit application must be signed by one of their parents.
  • Documents constituting proof of family relationship with the applicant accrediting financial means: birth or marriage certificates issued by the civil registry, certificate of registration as an unmarried couple or any other document substantiating an unmarried partnership with the applicant. Foreign documents must be legalized or apostilled and, where applicable, must be submitted together with an official translation into Spanish.

  • In the case of adult children, documents proving financial dependence, the adult child's civil status and that they continue to form part of the family unit. Foreign documents must be legalized or apostilled and, where applicable, must be submitted together with an official translation into Spanish.

  • In the case of relatives in the ascending line, documents proving financial dependence and that they form part of the family unit. Foreign documents must be legalized or apostilled and, where applicable, must be submitted together with an official translation into Spanish.

When necessary to assess the application, the Consular Office may request additional documents or data and may also ask the applicant to come in for a personal interview.


This Consular Office is competent to accept visa applications from individuals residing in the consular district.

All non-working residence visas require the obtainment of an initial residence permit, which is processed at the same time as the visa application.

  • Who can apply for a visa: Visa applications must be submitted in person by the applicant, or by one of their parents if the applicant is a minor.
  • Place of submission: Applications must be submitted in person at the Consular Office. An appointment is necessary.Make an appointment here.​Non-working (Non-lucrative) residence visa (4)Applicants must legally reside within the jurisdiction of the Consulate General. Jurisdiction extends across Southern California (Imperial, Inyo, Kern, Los Angeles, Orange, Riverside, San Bernardino, San Diego, San Luis Obispo, Santa Barbara and Ventura counties), Arizona, Colorado and Utah. B1/B2 visa holders must apply for the visa in their country of legal residence. The Honorary Consulates of Spain are not authorized to process visa applications.
  • Proof of receipt: The Consular Office will provide the applicant with proof of receipt of the application with a code that enables them to check the status of the dossier through the following link: https://sutramite​consular.maec.e​s/Home.aspxNon-working (Non-lucrative) residence visa (5). The Consular Office will also provide a copy of the application form (form EX-01) and, where applicable, of the receipt of payment of the fee (form 790-52).
  • Rectifying the application: The Consular Office may ask the applicant to submit any missing documents, or to provide additional documents or data that are necessary for a decision regarding the application. The applicant may also be called in for a personal interview.
  • Decision period: The legal period for reaching a decision is of 3 months from the day after the application submission date, but this period may be extended if an interview or additional documents are requested.
  • Collecting the visa: The visa must be collected in person by the applicant or by their legal representative (if the applicant is a minor) within a maximum period of 1 month, counted as of the day after the date on which the favourable decision is notified. The Consular Office will inform the applicant regarding the procedure for the return of the passport and any other original documentation.
  • Refusal of the residence permit or visa: Refusals of the residence permit or visa will always be notified in writing, setting forth the grounds on which the decision adopted was based.
  • Appeals: If a residence permit or visa is refused, the applicant may submit an appeal for reconsideration to this Consular Office within 1 month of the day following the date on which notification of the refusal is received. An application for judicial review may also be filed with the High Court of Justice of Madrid within the 2-month period beginning the day after the date on which the applicant receives notification of the refusal of the visa or residence permit or of the dismissal of the reconsideration appeal.
  • Validity period of the visa: The visa will be valid for 90 days. Once in Spain, a Foreigner Identity Card must be applied for within a period of 1 month from the applicant's entry into Spain, at the Foreign Nationals' Office or the corresponding Police Station.

Non-working (Non-lucrative) residence visa (2024)


What is the minimum income for non-lucrative visa in Spain? ›

In calculating the proof of income for non-lucrative residency, you must have an annual income of 400% of IPREM in your bank account. The IPREM for 2023 is €600 per month. Therefore, as an individual, you will need to have €2,400 as a regular guaranteed monthly income or a yearly income of €28,800.

How long can I be out of Spain on a non-lucrative visa? ›

Bear in mind that in order to keep your residency rights, you won't be able to leave the country for more than 6 months in any 1 year period, or a total of 10 months during the first 5 years of residency.

Is it easy to get a non-lucrative visa for Spain? ›

While the visa can be used to make income from investment activities, it cannot be used to work in Spain. You don't have to invest in the country to get a Non-Lucrative Visa in Spain. Proof that you have enough funds to sustain yourself in Spain is sufficient to meet the financial requirements for the visa.

What is the easiest way to get residency in Spain? ›

Individuals can obtain permanent residency in Spain after having legally lived in the country for a period of five uninterrupted years. When they fulfill this specific condition, they can apply for permanent residency and then gain the right to live for the rest of their lives in the country.

How much bank balance is required for Spain business visa? ›

Bank Statement: Six (6) months updated personal bank statement (Saving A/c statement) with sufficient economic means for the entire duration of stay € 65.52 Euros (INR 4914 approx) per person per day of stay or € 589.68 Euros (INR 44,226 approx.) per person for a minimum period of 7 day stay.

What financial proof can I show for Spain's non-lucrative visa? ›

Documentation in original form with an official stamp and seal of the issuing agency that verifies sufficient economic means for the period of residency in Spain or certifies the availability of a non-working monthly income (eg. pension) that satisfies the minimum financial requirements.

Do I pay tax in Spain on a non-lucrative visa? ›

Tax Residency and Obligations

As a holder of the Spain Non-Lucrative Visa, you are classified as a tax resident after spending more than 183 days per year in the country. This status implies that you are subject to Spanish taxes on your worldwide income.

How much money do you need in the bank to get residency in Spain? ›

So, based on the above, if you are applying for residency in Spain in 2024 we recommend proving: A regular monthly income of at least €600 OR a lump sum/savings of at least €7500 in a Spanish bank account. All financial proof needs to be in Spanish and stamped by the issuing Spanish bank.

How much does a non-lucrative visa for Spain cost? ›

How much does a non-lucrative visa for Spain cost? As of November 2023, the application fee is 516€ per person plus an authorisation fee of 9.45€. There are also additional charges levied by BLS the visa processing agent.

Can I move to Spain without a work visa? ›

If you want to live and work in Spain as a non-EU/EEA citizen, you will need a residence and work permit (visado de trabajo y residencia). There are various types of work permits for different types of jobs and lengths of employment.

Can you work remotely on a non-lucrative visa Spain? ›

Key Takeaways. Spanish Non-lucrative Visa and Digital Nomad Visa cater to different applicant requirements. Digital Nomad Visas are tailored for remote workers with foreign employers, while Non-lucrative Visas do not permit working in Spain.

Why would you be refused residency in Spain? ›

If you have spent more than 183 days outside Spain during the first year of residency, you could be refused. Remember that to achieve long term residency, you can't spend more than 10 months outside Spain in the first 5 years, so most people try to average a maximum of 2 months outside Spain a year.

What is a golden visa in Spain? ›

Spain plans to eliminate a “golden visa” program that allows wealthy non-European Union citizens to buy residency rights by investing 500,000 euros or more (about $540,000) in cash in real estate, Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez said. Sánchez connected the move to concerns about affordable housing.

Can I get residency in Spain if I buy a house? ›

The Spanish Golden Visa grants automatic residency in Spain when you purchase property for 500,000€ or more. This can be any type of property: home, commercial, land, or a combination of properties. The golden visa does not require you to be in Spain 183 days of the year.

Can you live in Spain without becoming a resident? ›

How long can you stay in Spain without becoming a resident? The short-stay visa only allows you to reside in Spain for up to 90 days at a time out of every 180 days, or a maximum of around 180 days a year.

What is the income requirement for NLV in Spain? ›

What are the income requirements for obtaining a Spain Non-Lucrative Visa? Your income should generally exceed 400% of the IPREM monthly, which for 2024 is approximately €2,400 per month for a single applicant. Any additional family members may require an extra 100% of the IPREM each, approximately €600 monthly.

What is considered low income in Spain? ›

In 2022, the at-risk-of-poverty threshold for one-person households (calculated on the basis of income data for 2021) stood at 10,088 euros, that is, 5.8% higher than that estimated in the previous year. In households with two adults and two children under 14 years old, said threshold stood at 21,185 euros.

What is proof of income to enter Spain? ›

Economic means may be accredited by presenting cash, traveller's cheques, a credit card accompanied by a bank account statement, an up-to-date bank book, or any other resource that accredits the amount available, such as a credit statement regarding the card or bank account.

Do you have to pay taxes in Spain with a non-lucrative visa? ›

Note: To renew your non-lucrative visa in Spain, you must live in the country for at least 183 days in a year, which automatically triggers Spanish tax residence.

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