New and Existing Bungie Games Will Not Become PS5, PS4 Exclusives (2024)

Comments 102

New and Existing Bungie Games Will Not Become PS5, PS4 Exclusives (1)

I don't get it. Why acquire the studio then? Especially for that amount.

New and Existing Bungie Games Will Not Become PS5, PS4 Exclusives (2)

PlayStation players got more exclusive benefits out of Destiny when it was published by Activision Blizzard, a company now owned by Microsoft!

This industry is wild!

New and Existing Bungie Games Will Not Become PS5, PS4 Exclusives (3)

I wouldn’t trust the pr immediately following announcements of this magnitude

New and Existing Bungie Games Will Not Become PS5, PS4 Exclusives (4)

@commentlife A fair suggestion, but there's very little wiggle room in all the statements being released.

New and Existing Bungie Games Will Not Become PS5, PS4 Exclusives (5)

Soo why waste billions on them? Why not leave them as is and keep those billions in your pocket for possible future purchases? If they aren't going to benefit PlayStation in any way what's the point?🤨

New and Existing Bungie Games Will Not Become PS5, PS4 Exclusives (6)

Like i said this acquisition was purely out of fear to make sure future destiny games stay on playstation. That's what Sony have in their head now, not to buy studios to make new exclusives, they are going to buy studios just to make sure their games are safe and still on playstation.

Wouldn't surprise me if another company was eyeing up bungie hence why Sony was forced to buy them

New and Existing Bungie Games Will Not Become PS5, PS4 Exclusives (7)

This is purely an investment and we shouldn't look at it as part of the SIE. On the Brightside, even if Call of duty becomes a console exclusive, this won't be.

New and Existing Bungie Games Will Not Become PS5, PS4 Exclusives (8)

Yet, I’ve already seen a ton of people spreading a ton of statements across the net like, Bungie is going to make a COD killer for PlayStation.

Even if they did make exclusives for Sony, they haven’t proven their worth with Destiny. Destiny is okay at best.

New and Existing Bungie Games Will Not Become PS5, PS4 Exclusives (9)

There has to be some sort of dragons den you give us a percentage of all sales going forward arrangement otherwise what's the point.

New and Existing Bungie Games Will Not Become PS5, PS4 Exclusives (11)

This is about technology and know-how. Bungie engine is one of the best for first person shooters. They’ve also successfully run live service for years and that experience will be invaluable to PlayStation.

It isn’t really about Bungie output of games. They’re unlikely to be changed by this acquisition. All the statements have been about how PlayStation will use the expertise.

New and Existing Bungie Games Will Not Become PS5, PS4 Exclusives (12)

@UltimateOtaku91 @naruball It creates a nice revenue stream from a service based game that can't be snatched up now by someone else, and it gives Sony access to all of Bungies tools, experience and proprietary tech in relation to producing online games and cultivating an online community.

Sony need a guaranteed revenue stream that can't be taken away from them like CoD or FIFA. It also puts the spotlight firmly on the language XBOX uses around their own acquisitions.

Who knows, maybe it's the example they can point to in future when they seek to acquire a Japanese publisher. "We'll let you put your games wherever you want. Nothing will change. We just want you in our stable so we can learn from each other."

Regardless of what you think of acquisitions, it's a very nice play.

New and Existing Bungie Games Will Not Become PS5, PS4 Exclusives (13)

It's a vector for revenue growth. That's the only angle I can see. Sony saw an opportunity to spend $3.6B to earn far more than that in the long run.

New and Existing Bungie Games Will Not Become PS5, PS4 Exclusives (14)

Sony need to be careful, or they will become the next Sega.

Stick to what you know son, big exclusive games. By the way things are going we will all just be dipping in and out of subscriptions and having a rubbish time. A bit like subscribing to Disney plus.

And has anyone seen those GAAS prices lately?

New and Existing Bungie Games Will Not Become PS5, PS4 Exclusives (15)

Jim Ryan is so pro-consumer!!

New and Existing Bungie Games Will Not Become PS5, PS4 Exclusives (16)

At least they're not taking games away away from players and making other platforms smaller.
Can you imagine someone doing something that crappy?

New and Existing Bungie Games Will Not Become PS5, PS4 Exclusives (17)

If nothing else it's a nice "pro consumer PR line" to throw at MS if they start taking previously multiplatform IPs off PlayStation.

New and Existing Bungie Games Will Not Become PS5, PS4 Exclusives (18)

So what if playstation asked bungie to make a playstation exclusive shooter to rival call of duty? That would have to be multi platform as well or does that only stand for bungie's own ideas and new IP's already in development

Maybe we will see a Killzone live service game

New and Existing Bungie Games Will Not Become PS5, PS4 Exclusives (19)

If Microsoft stop COD on PlayStation in the future I can't see SONY just letting all new Bungie games go to the Xbox?!?! That would be MADNESS by SONY. SONY need to get a bit more aggressive nowadays with all this going on. Knock a few Billion off Microsoft's shares now and then SONY!!!

New and Existing Bungie Games Will Not Become PS5, PS4 Exclusives (20)

Because they make money, and Sony feel they are uniquely based to drive them forward to make even more money?
MS may soon be paying Sony to put Bungie games on Gamepass, or Sony may decide buying devs is the best way to block games on Gamepass…

New and Existing Bungie Games Will Not Become PS5, PS4 Exclusives (21)

So as far as we, the consumers on PlayStation, are concerned we don't benefit at all from this? Sounds to me that Sony are just covering their bases.

Also I've read that Bungie has the tendency to buy themselves out of ownerships (i.e. Microsoft and Activision-Blizzard). Is this true though and what are your opinions on something similar happening here?

New and Existing Bungie Games Will Not Become PS5, PS4 Exclusives (22)

Pretty simple, like the Xbox talking points, current game will be on same platforms, but future games (Destiny 3) “we would like the game to be available to all players”

Seems very clear, Destiny 2 won’t change. After that, lots of wiggle room. Otherwise why spend billions on a company?

Seems very similar to Nintendo’s recent sly claims “We have no plans or development on a 4K Nintendo Switch”

Yes it will be called something else…

New and Existing Bungie Games Will Not Become PS5, PS4 Exclusives (23)

This is probably why they was fine being purchased. They miss having a Sugar Daddy like in the good old Xbox days... But Microsoft never gave them the freedom. They want to be independent, and still get money like they're a first party studio.

They want the cake and to eat it too.

New and Existing Bungie Games Will Not Become PS5, PS4 Exclusives (24)

Great bit of business. Destiny 3 will probably make them their money back and then it's pure profit from then on. All of that money going into Sony's pocket that can then be invested elsewhere.... Nice!

New and Existing Bungie Games Will Not Become PS5, PS4 Exclusives (25)

So the point of Bungie is to co-develop games with existing Playstation studios? Like, that's it lol?
You know, they could've aquired underrated studios like Spiders, Asobo, Quantic Dream, Dontnod etc.
These are all talented devs that could use a larger financial backing (Spiders for one).

New and Existing Bungie Games Will Not Become PS5, PS4 Exclusives (26)

I think this is the right approach. I don’t play Destiny, but I think for big acquisitions like these, keeping the games multi-platform is best for everyone. Hopefully Microsoft will also do this, or at least take a somewhat similar approach with Activision properties. I think it would make Microsoft look very bad if they made all of Activision’s properties Microsoft exclusive. I for one, would still love to play future Spyro and Crash Bandicoot games on PlayStation and Nintendo platforms too. I also own an Xbox, so I can definitely still play those games if they become Microsoft exclusives. I just have so much nostalgia for the classic Spyro and Crash games on PS1, and I think the remasters for Activision did a wonderful job of replicating that nostalgia. It’s certainly not the end of the gaming industry if Microsoft does keep Activision exclusive, but Sony clearly sees that keeping Bungie games multi-platform can still make them a lot of profit.

Unfortunately, there’s no telling what the future holds at this time, so for now all I can do is wait and hope that all gaming platforms can successfully compete and thrive. The industry wouldn’t be the same without PlayStation, Nintendo, or Microsoft. Each of them continue to contribute their own good things within the industry. They’ve each contributed bad things too, of course, but I still believe that the industry is better with those three each successfully thriving.

New and Existing Bungie Games Will Not Become PS5, PS4 Exclusives (27)

"It’s been spelled out and hammered home, but just to get another article out of it: Bungie will not develop games exclusively for PlayStation 5 and PS4"


Seems like a good idea. Maximum revenue. MS should do the same with CoD.

New and Existing Bungie Games Will Not Become PS5, PS4 Exclusives (28)

Todd Howard said they would remain multi-platform and continue to self publish their own games after the Bethesda buyout news broke. Yeah. How’d that turnout?

Multi-platform = all platforms that are not Xbox.

New and Existing Bungie Games Will Not Become PS5, PS4 Exclusives (30)

How to spend 3.6 billion dollars and still catch an L.

New and Existing Bungie Games Will Not Become PS5, PS4 Exclusives (31)

Bungie operate very weird. They buy themselves out of Microsoft, have Activision buy them then free themselves again and now Sony buy them.

What's the actual point in this?

New and Existing Bungie Games Will Not Become PS5, PS4 Exclusives (32)

Sony need exclusive fps game thats for sure and system seller. Sony is planning its own gamepass maybe they put bungie on it. Destiny 2 is a mess dlc wise there are dozen different versions and editions and very expensive. I dont know how much it cost to own full destiny 2 its the reason why i dont buy it. There are so many content overlapping editions of different dlcs but no complete edition. Then there are paid seasons making it more confusing.

New and Existing Bungie Games Will Not Become PS5, PS4 Exclusives (33)

I hate destiny aiming controls, but they have 800 employees, right? Destiny 2 will end, right?

Idk if to believe this.

New and Existing Bungie Games Will Not Become PS5, PS4 Exclusives (34)

For that money, or a bit more, they could rather buy a major japanese developer. It would be much better for playstation users.

New and Existing Bungie Games Will Not Become PS5, PS4 Exclusives (35)

Wonder if Bungie will make any games for VR2?

New and Existing Bungie Games Will Not Become PS5, PS4 Exclusives (36)

Could be the case of the neuclear deterrent on both sides, if COD becomes exclusive Sony will make its IPs exclusive and everyone loses.

New and Existing Bungie Games Will Not Become PS5, PS4 Exclusives (37)

@solocapers Activation never bought them. That was only a 10 year partnership deal.

New and Existing Bungie Games Will Not Become PS5, PS4 Exclusives (38)

@naruball Destiny 2 is a big FPS game and their next game will probably be just as big if not bigger and when multiple studios are being bought, especially Activision it's important that Playstation ensure that they still have some big FPS titles and there's no reason not to think Bungie was a potential target for acquisition and they don't want them leaving Playstation

New and Existing Bungie Games Will Not Become PS5, PS4 Exclusives (39)

Guess it’s like Mojang and Minecraft in a way

New and Existing Bungie Games Will Not Become PS5, PS4 Exclusives (40)

It’s the right attitude to have. Transparency. Unlike MS who don’t even pretend to care about gamers (or they do… until they do a complete u-turn when it suits them).

I’m glad Sony are making their own acquisitions if only to prevent MS from buying absolutely everything. A future where MS have a monopoly on the gaming industry isn’t something I want to see.

New and Existing Bungie Games Will Not Become PS5, PS4 Exclusives (41)

Jim Ryan is on course to ruin the legacy and reputation that PlayStation had built up for the past 25 years. PlayStation is no longer the only (or even best) place to play Sony's stellar 1st party offerings. In fact Jim's positioning the company to fully go 3rd party.

This is what he had to say on

"I've been on record talking about increasing the size of the PlayStation community, and expanding beyond our historic console heartland. This can take many forms. And definitely one of the main ones is the ability for the wonderful games that we've been making over the past 25 years to be enjoyed in different places and played in different ways. We are starting to go multiplatform, you've seen that. We have an aggressive road map with live services. And the opportunity to work with, and particularly learn from, the brilliant and talented people from Bungie... that is going to considerably accelerate the journey we find ourselves on."

Not only is Sony committed to serving outside the PlayStation ecosystem, they're diving full in on live service games, which is disheartening to hear.

New and Existing Bungie Games Will Not Become PS5, PS4 Exclusives (42)

Great PR on Sonys end for now. And they can always pull the plug and go exclusive if they find it financially viable in the future.

Or spin off a few new internal studios using Bungie’s help to develop Sonys own FPS games

New and Existing Bungie Games Will Not Become PS5, PS4 Exclusives (43)

@thefourfoldroot "Sony may decide buying devs is the best way to block games on Gamepass…"

Yup! They can block future games just like they block MLB the show, now that's some Sony blocking right there 💪

New and Existing Bungie Games Will Not Become PS5, PS4 Exclusives (45)

So yeah, pretty damn startling precedent set here with Sony outright making an acquisition explicitly to NOT bolster their exclusive lineup. Once again, it’s made abundantly clear that Jim Ryan has pretty much zero desire to benefit the PS community in any way. At best, he merely views us as the ones who are most likely the ones to accept their attempts to nickel and dime us.

It seems we’re barreling towards a future where not only does Sony have no exclusives anymore WHATSOEVER, but they might just be going full-on third party, releasing their games on their competitors platforms as well. And hell, not even Microsoft seemingly wants to go that far…not yet, at least, so Sony is definitely the pioneer this time.

This is the beginning of the end for PlayStation as we know it. Sony might as well just drop out now. I don’t believe there will be a PS6.

New and Existing Bungie Games Will Not Become PS5, PS4 Exclusives (46)

I like how many here are praising Bungie as the best FPS dev (even Jim Ryan), even tho Respawn and iD CLEARLY won more awards.

New and Existing Bungie Games Will Not Become PS5, PS4 Exclusives (47)

@Divergent95 But non of these developers have recurring revenue like Bungie. Im not the biggest fan of Destiny but i believe they have a nice amount of players recurring spenders without having to invest a ton of money.

New and Existing Bungie Games Will Not Become PS5, PS4 Exclusives (49)

@art_of_the_kill I dont understand your rant plus its total nonsense Sony has tons of exclusive games more then MS also tons of great games that are MT free. So what are you saying that every game will be like a MS firstparty game full of MT, liveservice, boosters?

New and Existing Bungie Games Will Not Become PS5, PS4 Exclusives (50)

What's the point of spending all that money and buying Bungie then?

Listen, I do not want more of all this console exclusive BS, but this seems like a waste.

Unless I missed this part somewhere. Bungie will still independently develop and can still self publish, but does Sony own the rights to whatever they create or publish?

New and Existing Bungie Games Will Not Become PS5, PS4 Exclusives (51)

MS buys Sony mascot. Sony buys MS mascot creator. It's like a kiddie fight. Love it.

New and Existing Bungie Games Will Not Become PS5, PS4 Exclusives (53)

I'll just say things change. You never know with this industry these days. I suppose if this purchase is to help with Playstation's other live service games in development Bungie could provide very valuable assistance to said games while still bringing in a healthy sum of cash for Sony through Destiny.

Plus should Playstation want to bring out a new fps even as just a support studio Bungie could help out with that as well. It be pretty funny to see Bungie help make Killzone Infinite, the Halo Infinite killer!😄

New and Existing Bungie Games Will Not Become PS5, PS4 Exclusives (54)

@naruball it's a money maker by just doing nothing with it. Like Minecraft flr Microsoft, but not as huge.

New and Existing Bungie Games Will Not Become PS5, PS4 Exclusives (55)

Ah the point of this becomes a bit clearer now. Why pay so much for one studio who keep saying they want to be independent yet keep going back to juggernauts?… Sony said at the start on this gen their focus will shift more towards multiplayer live services…Bungie will obviously play a big part in that. I’m guessing they’ll share their network code with other Sony games that will be pushing for live services.
Live services are important for subscription services…so all those that hate subscription services right now aren’t going to be in for a good time as this gen goes on.

New and Existing Bungie Games Will Not Become PS5, PS4 Exclusives (56)

The constant Jim Ryan doom and gloom will truly never end will it?

New and Existing Bungie Games Will Not Become PS5, PS4 Exclusives (57)

Between the details of this announcement, the MLB the Show details, and the details of the next State of Play being Gran Turismo 7 only… man, Sony managed to make a whole bunch of big announcements as middling as possible, didn’t they?

New and Existing Bungie Games Will Not Become PS5, PS4 Exclusives (58)

@naruball Simple. The money that Bungie makes funnels into Sony's pocket.

I am sure this is another case where the developer/publisher was looking to sell and accepted Sony's offer over other bidders.

Plain and simple.

People react to these as some kind of "hostile takeover" when it's probably a simple case of the company accepting the best offer that aligns best for the company's future.

New and Existing Bungie Games Will Not Become PS5, PS4 Exclusives (59)

Nice move by Sony in my opinion although I have no interest in destiny ,but it blocks ms from buying them ,also this could also fit in their future plans for the revamped ps plus ,destiny 3 free on ps, everyone else has to pay full price and keep it off gamepass,which is what ms will do with cod,now just buy capcom and square and they'll be sorted 😂😂

New and Existing Bungie Games Will Not Become PS5, PS4 Exclusives (60)

@GamingFan4Lyf good deal for bungie, heres 4 billion and you can do what you like ,im thinking it won't be as simple as that and Sony will have plans for them going forward.

New and Existing Bungie Games Will Not Become PS5, PS4 Exclusives (61)

@Medic_Alert their will be a contract how long and what happens when that deal runs out who knows,could it have just been a simple matter of blocking ms?

New and Existing Bungie Games Will Not Become PS5, PS4 Exclusives (62)

@vapidwolf1 I mean, I wouldn't mind being a the one collecting that $4 billion and still maintaining my "freedom".

It'll be interesting to see what happens.

I am platform agnostic - I own a Switch, a Series X, and PS5.

I don't personally care who buys what as I will never miss out on anything; nor will I ever as I am blessed with the ability to be a multi-console household.

New and Existing Bungie Games Will Not Become PS5, PS4 Exclusives (63)

Give them RESISTANCE. Enough of the cinematic third person action adventure with mediocre shooting.

New and Existing Bungie Games Will Not Become PS5, PS4 Exclusives (65)

Microsoft had to have been trying to buy them too. Sony must have gone with multiplat to keep them on PS

New and Existing Bungie Games Will Not Become PS5, PS4 Exclusives (66)

Why do I feel like Sony overpaid for this acquisition? $3.6B for one developer with only one current IP. Given Bungie's track record. I wonder how long will it take for them to buy back their company/IP and become independent again.

New and Existing Bungie Games Will Not Become PS5, PS4 Exclusives (67)

this almost feels like sony, microsoft and nintendo are all working together to prevent tencent or some other CCP company from gobbling up the gaming industry. if so, that would be very interesting indeed. that means nintendo is next up at bat. will nintendo purchase sega? capcom? s-e? how about the big three join forces instead and support eachother on a single console? this is the dream partnership we all want to see. get it done!

haha far fetched. but i can dream.

New and Existing Bungie Games Will Not Become PS5, PS4 Exclusives (68)

@Loftimus seen as though they make approx 300 mil a year ,one game isn't going to make them all thier money back

New and Existing Bungie Games Will Not Become PS5, PS4 Exclusives (69)

@Rmg0731 Most likely, I mean... They're only like around the corner from them, and even the 343i employees knows exactly where their new studio is. XD

New and Existing Bungie Games Will Not Become PS5, PS4 Exclusives (70)

My question is what's with the dates if nothing will ever be exclusive at some point after say 2025?

New and Existing Bungie Games Will Not Become PS5, PS4 Exclusives (71)

This is going to be a steady revenue for Sony and getting Bungie will be a great help and experience for some small studios who need some experience to develop a FPS.

New and Existing Bungie Games Will Not Become PS5, PS4 Exclusives (72)

I believe they would not interfere work any of the BUNGIE's games. But they can offload Sony owned games to them. For example Bungie creating a new Resistance. This way, no Bungie game is exclusive, but they've developed exclusively for PlayStation. Anyway the income alone is worth it.

New and Existing Bungie Games Will Not Become PS5, PS4 Exclusives (73)


I don’t think they were ever owned by Activision-Blizzard. Activision-Blizzard simply published the first Destiny title.

They were owned by Microsoft at one point, but they wanted to be independent and offered to buy themselves out and hand over the Halo IP and all Bungie developed Halo titles to Microsoft in perpetuity.

New and Existing Bungie Games Will Not Become PS5, PS4 Exclusives (74)


I honestly think Sony wanted Bungie for three primary reasons.

1. To pull profit from Destiny 2 and the eventual Destiny 3.

2. To have Bungie aid PlayStation Studios in developing multiplayer Live Service titles. None of Sony’s studios have ever made a live service title, whereas Bungie has been doing it for over 7 years now. That’s a lot of experience to tap into and would hopefully help them with a successful launch.

3. Bungie’s proprietary game engine. Despite the flack Destiny 2 rightfully gets, no one can deny that the engine that powers it is state of the art and rivals competing engines from Epic and Id Software. Sony’s current engines, outside of Decima, have never been used for a FPS game and it takes careful configuration and optimization to translate an engine to a game type it was never conceived for. This gives Sony’s smaller multiplayer studios it’s building a leg up and let them start building games rather than having to build their own engine or license Unreal since ID Tech is now owned by Microsoft.

They could always use Decima, but that engine from what I’ve read is extremely complex to build games in. Only Guerrilla knows how to use it to its fullest potential; they had to assist Kojima Productions with Death Stranding because of the engine’s design not being as straightforward for Kojima’s developers as Fox engine was.

New and Existing Bungie Games Will Not Become PS5, PS4 Exclusives (75)

That's great news for my friends that game mainly on Xbox and PC!

New and Existing Bungie Games Will Not Become PS5, PS4 Exclusives (76)

Wish all would take that stance. Its becoming land grabs now. At the very least it keeps bungie from excluding sony in games if they were bought by someone else.

New and Existing Bungie Games Will Not Become PS5, PS4 Exclusives (78)

Nintendo buys Ubisoft next. Then Sony buys From Software, Capcom and Epic. Microsoft will buy Valve.

New and Existing Bungie Games Will Not Become PS5, PS4 Exclusives (79)

@Shepherd_Tallon I get that, but the amount they're paying for them is enormous. How many years need to pass before they make a profit?
At least with MS' acquisitions, they get both the profits and exclusive games, as well as great IPs. What does Bungie have exactly? Especially if many of of the talented developers have already left.

New and Existing Bungie Games Will Not Become PS5, PS4 Exclusives (80)

@Subsided I get all that. All I'm saying is that Sony is paying way to much for what they're getting compared to other deals we've heard about. Just think about Insomniac. They cost half a billion, they develop exclusively for ps, they bring their IPs and they've proven to be successful in many genres. Look at how profitable they were with Spiderman and Ratchet and Clank lately. Yet they cost a fraction of this deal.

New and Existing Bungie Games Will Not Become PS5, PS4 Exclusives (81)

@GamingFan4Lyf For Bungie, you're absolutely right. This is the best kind of deal they could wish for. Accepting it was a no-brainer

New and Existing Bungie Games Will Not Become PS5, PS4 Exclusives (82)

@Orpheus79V you're right. Minecraft is a very good example. Also, one of the biggest IPs, I think.

New and Existing Bungie Games Will Not Become PS5, PS4 Exclusives (83)

@just_edd yup. They will. But what they're paying for seems way too much to me compared to other acquisitions.

New and Existing Bungie Games Will Not Become PS5, PS4 Exclusives (84)

@naruball It's a seller's market is definitely one of the factors, companies are looking to scoop up good studios, plus I'd say a new game from Bungie which is definitely coming is probably gonna be a major seller, and they clearly have plans for expanding and better bigger, plus they do bring knowledge of how to properly implement games as a service and while I don't like the idea of it, there's definitely revenue value in that

New and Existing Bungie Games Will Not Become PS5, PS4 Exclusives (85)

@Subsided agreed. But how much revenue? It's definitely a gamble, since their next game may underperform. I see the reasoning behind the purchase; I just don't see why they're paying that much compared to other acquisitions that offer far more.

New and Existing Bungie Games Will Not Become PS5, PS4 Exclusives (86)

@naruball I think I get it now. Sony takes the moral high ground by setting a better acquisition example staying multiplatform. They cannot out buy Microsoft, but they can influence their actions potentially. By remaining multiplat, they put Microsoft under pressure to play nicer. At least in principle.

Although tbh, all these acquisitions of Microsoft's are really for the next generation of consoles, because it will take that time for the current agreements to run out (and for Bethesda to actually make the games). But this way Sony has ammo in its pocket too, as it can always change tactics later on.

But for now, I think it's trying to defuse the current situation. Also, probably reassures investors, as Sony stock took a beating after the Activision acquisition.

I do wonder, if Microsoft targeted EA too, if monopoly laws might get invoked.

New and Existing Bungie Games Will Not Become PS5, PS4 Exclusives (87)

@naruball Well we keep guessing based on what we think we know, and they say they have more purchases to make so there's a bigger picture here that we know nothing about.
But this purchase for me is a signal of intent for how PlayStation's other online projects might look. Big, community driven games that stay live for years and make piles of cash.
It does nothing right now, but it definitely equips PlayStation very well for the future.

And as others have noted its a PR win that puts the spotlight on MS.

It also gives Bungie easy access to movie and anime distribution.

New and Existing Bungie Games Will Not Become PS5, PS4 Exclusives (88)

This is good for gamers and it gives Bungie more money to put into destiny and any other games they're working on which is great. I'm also thinking that with the new ps now/plus subscription coming there's a chance that destiny can be made free on that for Sony players which would be good.

New and Existing Bungie Games Will Not Become PS5, PS4 Exclusives (89)

@Shepherd_Tallon All great points. The average gamer will just focus on the fact that that Sony bought the maker of Halo, so it's definitely good PR. Overall, I couldn't agree more. We need to see the bigger picture. One day, maybe in a few years, we will. It's just that, based on what we have now, prima facie at least, it doesn't look like the best deal.

New and Existing Bungie Games Will Not Become PS5, PS4 Exclusives (90)

I have played over 1000 hours of Destiny 1 and 2 mainly 1 I have no idea why they have made this aquisition.

The shooting mechanics in destiny is one of the best in games the rest of the game design and monetisation is horrible which is the main reason I dont play them and why they have lost millions of players over the years. Destiny engine is terrible and needs updating they really should have made Destiny 3 by now on a new engine. So I can't understand why Sony has paid all that money for a company thats on the decline with no exclusive games for there console.

New and Existing Bungie Games Will Not Become PS5, PS4 Exclusives (91)

@Tacktful good point about the moral high ground, but I wonder if MS cares, if the average gamer doesn't care. Sure, many of as "hardcore" gamers do, but the average gamer doesn't imo, hence the unaffected sales of games from companies who are caught in huge scandals (Activision, EA, Ubisoft come to mind). As we've learned, MS has no problem claiming one thing and doing the exact opposite a minute later, so at the end of the day, I feel they operate very differently.

New and Existing Bungie Games Will Not Become PS5, PS4 Exclusives (92)

@naruball Indeed.
The only thing that seems clear atm is that Sony really wanted Bungie's online tech and cross platform experience.

New and Existing Bungie Games Will Not Become PS5, PS4 Exclusives (93)

No real interest to me as I dislike service games. Sony is doing good by gaming and gamers by not locking out other platforms.... Will be interesting to see how MS handles it's purchases..... So far MS wording sounds like major titles will be exclusive...

New and Existing Bungie Games Will Not Become PS5, PS4 Exclusives (94)

Wow the gullabilty of gamers never ceases to amaze me. There is no way whatsoever that they will keep that "promise" you don't fork out almost 4 billion to share, but of course sony fan boys have to find something to cling to, the news around sony has be bad of late.

New and Existing Bungie Games Will Not Become PS5, PS4 Exclusives (95)

@Areus Nacon owns them now, but I don't think they're a part of the Embracer group.

New and Existing Bungie Games Will Not Become PS5, PS4 Exclusives (97)

@Suda51ueda Given that Gabe owns 50% of Valve I can't see Microsoft owning them any time before his retirement.

I can't speak to any of the other studios you've mentioned, but that's one I'd bet my mortgage against happening.

New and Existing Bungie Games Will Not Become PS5, PS4 Exclusives (98)

@just_edd absolutely. But how much revenue are we talking about and how long will it take them to make back their initial investment is what I'm wondering. Guess we'll see at some point. For now, it remains a big question mark, I think.

New and Existing Bungie Games Will Not Become PS5, PS4 Exclusives (99)

The only reason Sony bought bungie was to stop Microsoft from buying them.

New and Existing Bungie Games Will Not Become PS5, PS4 Exclusives (100)

Wild times, and imo, not a great road this industry is going down. The fact that Sony is so spooked by what MS is doing (and probably the looming specter of other tech giants) that it's willing to spend over $3 bil on a studio and not have it develop exclusive games is a real problem.

New and Existing Bungie Games Will Not Become PS5, PS4 Exclusives (101)

Just like Bethesda proved. The initial statements can soon change. Management can be changed. Direction can be changed. Sony can do what they like. They will buy a few more and say they want to keep the games on all platforms and see what MS do. It’s poker. I hope all the games stay multiplatform and I hope Xbox bring big names they’ve purchased to multiplatform.

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I am an industry enthusiast with a deep understanding of the recent acquisition of Bungie by Sony. My expertise lies in analyzing the strategic moves within the gaming industry. Now, let's delve into the concepts used in the article you provided:

  1. Bungie's Acquisition by Sony:

    • The article discusses Sony's acquisition of Bungie for a significant amount, questioning the rationale behind the purchase.
  2. Exclusive Benefits for PlayStation Players:

    • Mention of exclusive benefits for PlayStation players when Destiny was published by Activision Blizzard, which is now owned by Microsoft.
  3. Speculation on Sony's Motivation:

    • Speculation on why Sony would spend billions on acquiring Bungie, with users questioning the motives and potential benefits for PlayStation.
  4. Concerns about the Acquisition:

    • Users expressing concerns about the acquisition, suggesting that it might be purely an investment and not directly beneficial for PlayStation.
  5. Strategic Importance of Bungie's Technology:

    • Comments highlighting the technological and know-how aspects of Bungie, emphasizing the value of Bungie's engine for first-person shooters and its expertise in running live services.
  6. Revenue Stream and Service-Based Games:

    • Discussions on how the acquisition could provide a revenue stream through service-based games, making Destiny a guaranteed revenue source for Sony.
  7. Sony's Approach to Acquisitions:

    • Users discussing Sony's acquisition strategy, emphasizing the importance of having guaranteed revenue streams and access to tools and technology from acquired studios.
  8. Concerns about Sony's Future:

    • Some users expressing concerns that Sony needs to be careful not to follow the path of companies like Sega and advising them to stick to producing big exclusive games.
  9. Speculation on Future Game Development:

    • Speculation about potential future games, with users discussing the possibility of Bungie creating a PlayStation exclusive shooter to rival Call of Duty.
  10. Comparison with Microsoft's Acquisitions:

    • Users comparing Sony's acquisition strategy with Microsoft's, discussing the potential impact on game exclusivity and revenue growth.
  11. Sony's Stance on Multi-Platform Games:

    • Highlighting Sony's stance on Bungie's games remaining multi-platform, ensuring that they won't develop exclusively for PlayStation 5 and PS4.
  12. Industry Trends and Subscription Services:

    • Users expressing concerns about industry trends, including subscription services and rising prices for games, drawing parallels with Disney Plus.
  13. Jim Ryan's Pro-Consumer Image:

    • Mention of comments praising or criticizing Sony's CEO, Jim Ryan, for being pro-consumer or expressing skepticism about Sony's future direction.
  14. Potential Impact on PlayStation's Legacy:

    • Concerns about Sony's potential shift from being a console-centric platform to a more multi-platform approach, impacting its legacy and reputation.
  15. Industry Dynamics and Monopoly Concerns:

    • Users speculating on industry dynamics, potential collaborations among major gaming companies, and concerns about preventing a monopoly, especially in the wake of Microsoft's acquisitions.

This summary covers the key concepts discussed in the article and user comments related to Sony's acquisition of Bungie. If you have specific questions or need further analysis on any particular aspect, feel free to ask.

New and Existing Bungie Games Will Not Become PS5, PS4 Exclusives (2024)


Are there any PS5 exclusives? ›

Yes! The likes of Astro's Playroom, Final Fantasy 16, and Marvel's Spider-Man 2 are excellent, genuine PS5 exclusives that truly shine on the PlayStation 5. However, it's worth remembering that, in the year 2024, the term 'exclusive' is a bit more fluid than how it was used before.

Is Death Stranding 2 PS5 exclusive? ›

Sony Interactive Entertainment's State of Play confirming the title of the game, DEATH STRANDING 2: ON THE BEACH, arriving exclusively on PlayStation®5 in 2025. In DEATH STRANDING 2: ON THE BEACH, embark on an inspiring mission of human connection beyond the UCA.

Is Silent Hill 2 remake PS5 exclusive? ›

Platform Details. The Silent Hill 2 remake is slated to be a 12-month exclusive for Sony, exclusively on the PS5. Post-exclusivity, a PC release is confirmed, but any plans for an Xbox release remain unspoken.

What is PlayStation doing with Bungie? ›

Sony announced the acquisition of Bungie in January 2022, a blockbuster deal seen in some ways as a counterpunch to Microsoft's takeover of Activision Blizzard, and an opportunity to add more live service game knowhow to the roster of PlayStation studios.

Why no PS5 exclusives? ›

It could be for any number of reasons — simple bad scheduling luck, or the delayed effects of the production slowdown caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.

Is Xbox getting any exclusives? ›

Sources familiar with Microsoft's plans tell me the first two titles will be Hi-Fi Rush and Pentiment, followed by Sea of Thieves and Grounded.

Will there be a new Metal Gear Solid? ›

Metal Gear Solid Delta: Snake Eater was announced for PlayStation 5 on May 24, 2023 at PlayStation Showcase 2023, alongside the Metal Gear Solid: Master Collection compilation, which includes the original version of Snake Eater. Following the presentation, the game was confirmed for Windows and Xbox Series X/S.

Will Death Stranding 2 come to PS4? ›

Death Stranding 2 is currently only confirmed for PS5.

Is Lou dead Death Stranding 2? ›

In the wake of the crash, Fragile is shown crawling towards a crying Lou on the ground. Lou eventually stops crying and lies still, indicating that she has passed, possibly from a gunshot wound, the same way Sam had died when he was a BB.

Will Silent Hill ever come back? ›

Almost a decade after all the dust settled, Konami announced a relaunch of the “Silent Hill” franchise in October 2022, and I have some pretty mixed feelings overall.

Will Silent Hill ever be remastered? ›

The anguish in waiting for the Silent Hill series to return to form is why fans' excitement was through the roof when Konami announced the Silent Hill 2 remake in 2022 to be developed by Bloober Team, though not every fan is excited about that remake.

Why is Silent Hill only on PS5? ›

Silent Hill 2 will be a PS5 console exclusive. The game will only be available on PS5 and PC (via Steam). Because it is being made in Unreal Engine 5, last-generation systems are out of the question, and it should be able to take better advantage of the newer system's specs.

Why Bungie left Microsoft? ›

Despite the move, financial analyst Roger Ehrenberg declared the Bungie-Microsoft marriage "doomed to fail" due to these fundamental differences. Bungie also pointed out that it was tired of new intellectual property being cast aside to work on the Halo franchise.

Why did Bungie sell Halo? ›

After the release of Halo 3, Bungie had announced that they will be parting way from Microsoft to become an independent company. While Bungie has been involved with the making of various Halo games such as ODST and Reach, the rights for the game have been with Microsoft only.

How much money did Sony give Bungie? ›

The ink is dry on Sony's acquisition of Bungie, the gaming company that created sci-fi hits Halo and Destiny. Both companies announced the news on Twitter Friday, confirming that the $3.6 billion deal had gone through without any surprises.

Does PS5 have more exclusives than Xbox? ›

PS5 boasts popular exclusives like God of War and The Last of Us while Xbox is home to both the Forza Horizon series and Halo series. Backward compatibility. Xbox Series X has an extensive library of backward-compatible games, including titles from previous Xbox generations.

Why is PS5 better than Xbox? ›

The Xbox Series X has a slight edge when it comes to raw power, design and backward compatibility, but the PS5 is the leader in arguably the most important category of all as it boasts a game library that Xbox simply cannot match at present.

What are the main PlayStation exclusives? ›

Best PS4 exclusives that you need to play
  1. Last of Us Part 2. (Image credit: Sony/Naughty Dog)
  2. God of War. Yes, it's that good. ...
  3. Horizon Zero Dawn. ...
  4. Marvel's Spider-Man. ...
  5. Bloodborne. ...
  6. Uncharted 4: A Thief's End. ...
  7. The Last Guardian. ...
  8. Persona 5. ...
Apr 5, 2024

How many actual PS5 games are there? ›

This list only includes games that are released natively for PlayStation 5. PlayStation VR2 and backwards compatible games are excluded. There are currently 658 games on this list.

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Name: Margart Wisoky

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Introduction: My name is Margart Wisoky, I am a gorgeous, shiny, successful, beautiful, adventurous, excited, pleasant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.