Net Worth Percentile Calculator – United States (and Average) (2024)

On this page is a household net worth percentile calculator for the United States. Enter a total net worth to compare it to the net worth distribution in the United States.

Afterwards, don't miss the net worth by age calculator.

Survey results collected from February, 2022 - April, 2023 from the Federal Reserve SCF.

Household Net Worth Percentile Statistics in 2023

Net Worth Percentile Calculator – United States (and Average) (1)

Below are some of the summary statistics on net worth this year.

What was the United States average household wealth?

In 2023, average household net worth in the United States was $1,059,470.

What was the United States median household net worth?

In 2023, median household net worth in the United States was $192,084.

How many US households had $1,000,000 or more in 2023?

In 2023, roughly 23,684,985 households – about 18.0% of American households – was a millionaire household. This number includes (where possible) the value of a primary home.

Where did the top 10% household wealth bracket percentile start in 2023?

The threshold to be in the top 10% of household wealth in 2023 started at $1,920,758.

Where did the top 5% household wealth bracket percentile start in 2023?

The threshold to be in the top 5% of household wealth in 2020 started at $3,779,600.

What is the top one percent household net worth in the US in 2023?

To be in the top 1% of household wealth in the US in 2020 you needed $13,666,778.

(See our one percent in America article if you'd prefer seeing all the ways you can break down the top 1%.)

Source and Methodology on the 2023 Household Net Worth Percentile Calculator

Our longer writeup is in the net worth average, median, and percentile post. In short: data comes from the Federal Reserve's 2022 SCF, released in October, 2023. 25% of the surveys were conducted in 2023.

The public data set (the one used by DQYDJ) contains 4,595 of the 4,602 observations in the full data set. 7 data points – respondents – had net worth eclipsing the amount needed to make the Forbes net worth list. They are omitted in this set, but included in the Fed's reports.

Want to see how net worth brackets have evolved? Try one of the past calculators:

Net Worth Percentile Calculator – United States (and Average) (2024)


What percentile is a $3 million net worth? ›

The 95th percentile, with a net worth of $3.2 million, is considered wealthy, facilitating estate planning and possibly owning multiple homes. The top 1%, or the 99th percentile, has a net worth of $16.7 million and represents the very wealthy, who enjoy considerable financial freedom and luxury​​.

What is the top 5% of Americans net worth? ›

Top 2% wealth: The top 2% of Americans have a net worth of about $2.472 million, aligning closely with the surveyed perception of wealth. Top 5% wealth: The next tier, the top 5%, has a net worth of around $1.03 million. Top 10% wealth: The top 10% of the population has a net worth of approximately $854,900.

What net worth puts you in the top 1% in the US? ›

The top 1% of household net worth in the U.S. started at just shy of $13.7 million in 2023. An individual would have to earn an average of $407,500 per year in order to join the top 1%. A household would need an income of $591,550. The median household income was $74,580 in 2023 and $45,440 for individuals.

What percentile is 2.6 million net worth? ›

$2.6 million

That lofty sum represents the net worth of the median American family in the upper 10% of income, a range that most of us would deem wealthy. The figure comes from the federal Survey of Consumer Finances, released Oct.

How many Americans have a net worth of $4 million? ›

How many $4 or $5 millionaires are there in the US? Somewhere around 6,257,0056 households have $4 million or more in wealth, while around 4,813,281 have at least $5 million. Respectively, that is 4.77% and 3.679% of all households in America.

What percentile is $6 million net worth? ›

You now need a net worth of $5.8 million to be among the richest 1% of Americans, report finds. Americans need a net worth just south of $6 million to break into the richest 1%.

What is the net worth of the top 2%? ›

Additionally, statistics show that the top 2% of the United States population has a net worth of about $2.4 million. On the other hand, the top 5% wealthiest Americans have a net worth of just over $1 million. Therefore, about 2% of the population possesses enough wealth to meet the current definition of being rich.

What net worth is considered upper middle class? ›

Some sources define the upper middle class as anyone making a lot of money but haven't crossed the threshold to become truly wealthy. These individuals often have a net worth of at least $500,000 to $2 million.

How many people have $2000000 in savings? ›

Relatively few households with enough assets

Among the 47 million households headed by someone age 60 or older, 7% had household investable assets of at least $2 million, Drinkwater said. Only 6% of the 89 million households in the U.S. headed by someone 40 to 85 years old has that amount, Drinkwater said.

What is considered wealthy in 2024? ›

You need more money than ever to enter the ranks of the top 1% of the richest Americans. To join the club of the wealthiest citizens in the U.S., you'll need at least $5.8 million, up about 15% up from $5.1 million one year ago, according to global real estate company Knight Frank's 2024 Wealth Report.

What is the top 1% net worth in 2024? ›

To hold a top 1% net worth in America, according to Knight Frank, a person in 2024 must have a net worth of at least $5.8 million. This amount is at least $7.2 million lower than what the Federal Reserve believes is required to be in the top 1% net worth in America.

Does net worth include home? ›

Household wealth or net worth is the value of assets owned by every member of the household minus their debt. The terms are used interchangeably in this report. Assets include owned homes, vehicles, financial accounts, retirement accounts, stocks, bonds and mutual funds, and more.

How many people have $3,000,000 in savings in usa? ›

1,821,745 Households in the United States Have Investment Portfolios Worth $3,000,000 or More.

What percentage of U.S. population has $3 million dollars? ›

According to the MacroMonitor, by 2022-23, the number of U.S. households with $3 million or more in financial assets represents 3.2% of all households, totaling 4.6 million.

What percentile is 1.3 million net worth in? ›

Other points to note are that the 90th percentile (top decile) for household assets is approximately $1.3 million; the 99th percentile (top percentile) is approximately $6.5 million; and the 99.9 percentile (the top one-tenth of one percent) is $27.8 million.

How many American households have a net worth of $3 million? ›

According to the MacroMonitor, by 2022-23, the number of U.S. households with $3 million or more in financial assets represents 3.2% of all households, totaling 4.6 million.

What net worth is upper middle class? ›

Some sources define the upper middle class as anyone making a lot of money but haven't crossed the threshold to become truly wealthy. These individuals often have a net worth of at least $500,000 to $2 million.

What net worth is top 10 percent? ›

According to the October 2023 Survey Of Consumer Finances, a household net worth in the top 10 percent in 2022 was approximately $7.8 million. Consequently, a top 1% net worth would exceed $13 million.

What is the average net worth of a 60 year old? ›

Average net worth by age
Age by decadeAverage net worthMedian net worth
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