Net Investment Income Tax (NIIT) Quick Guides - Asena Advisors (2024)


Last week, we wrapped up our series on Entity Classification. If you have not read it yet, or would like to know more, feel free to go to our website.

This week, we will focus on an overlooked (and when not overlooked, misunderstood) part of US Federal Income Tax namely, the Net Investment Income Tax (NIIT) and how the IRS could apply it to you. Other common terms used for this federal tax which might be more familiar to you are: NIIT Tax or Investment Income Tax.

The purpose of this article is to explain in a simplified manner the complex topic of Net Investment Income Tax to the reader.


In summary, NII is income derived from investment assets (before any applicable taxes are applied) such as bonds, stocks, mutual funds, annuities, loans, and other investments (less properly allocable expenses).


NIIT is a surtax imposed on certain unearned income. The tax equals 3.8% of the lesser of the taxpayer’s NIIT, or the excess of the taxpayer’s modified gross income (MAGI) over a threshold.

It applies to estates, trusts, families and individuals, however certain income thresholds need to be met before the tax takes effect.


The main purpose for including NIIT as part of that legislation was to raise revenue. The official name of the NIIT is actually “Unearned Income Medicare Contribution Tax” which logically would imply that it is used to fund Medicare which is not the case.


In the case of an individual, section 1411(a)(1) imposes a tax (in addition to any other tax imposed by subtitle A) for each taxable year equal to a tax rate of 3.8% of the lesser of the individual’s NII for that tax year, or the excess (if any) of the individual’s MAGI for that tax year, over the threshold amount.

Section 1411(b) provides that the threshold amounts for individuals’ filing status are as follows –

– in the case of an individual making a joint return or a surviving spouse $250,000 (married filing);

– in the case of a married taxpayer filing a separate return (not married filing), $125,000; and

– in the case of any other individual, $200,000 including head of household. (In order to qualify as aheadofhousehold certain criteria needs to be met by the taxpayer).

In the case of a trust or an estate, section 1411(a)(2) imposes a tax (in addition to any other tax imposed by subtitle A) for each taxable year equal a tax rate of 3.8% of the lesser of the trust’s or estate’s undistributed net investment income, or the excess (if any) of the trust’s or estate’s adjusted gross income (AGI) for such taxable year, over the dollar amount at which the highest tax bracket in section 1(e) begins for such taxable year.


In the 2012 tax year, Congress passed a Medicare surtax on investment income at a tax rate of 3.8% as part of the Health Care and Education Reconciliation Act of 2010 to help pay for the Affordable Care Act. This surtax was effective for tax years beginning after December 31, 2012.


It is important to understand what types of investment income is included in NII and what type of investment income is excluded.

Net Investment Income Includes:It Doesn’t Include:
Short and long-term Capital gains.

Taxable interest.

Rental and royalty income.

Qualified and nonqualified dividends.

Passive income from investments which are not actively participated in.

Business income from trading financial instruments or commodities.

Taxable portion of nonqualified annuity payments. (for example Roth IRAs)


Veterans’ or Social Security benefits.

Qualified retirement plan withdrawals.

Unemployment payments.

Pay-outs from a deferred compensation plan from a state, local government or tax-exempt organization.

Pay-outs from a traditional defined benefit pension plan or retirement annuity.

Proceeds from life insurance

Income from a business which is actively participated in.

Tax-exempt interest from municipal bonds or funds.

Tax-exempt income/capital gains from the sale of your primary residence.


If you are subject to NIIT, you will need to file IRS Form 8960 with your tax return. The form has detailed instructions to assist you with determining your NIIT liability and will depend on your filing status. (i.e., head of household, married filing etc.). The form is used for individuals, trusts and estates when submitting tax returns.


The amounts collected under the NIIT are not designated for the Medicare Trust Fund. The revenues raised by this tax goes into the nation’s general fund.


All individuals who file tax returns, except Non-resident Aliens (NRAs), are subject to NIIT if they have NII and MAGI over the above-mentioned taxable income thresholds.


Trusts and Estates that have Undistributed Net Investment Income and an AGI more than the highest tax bracket applicable will be subject to the NIIT.

Special computational rules apply for certain unique types of trusts set up for a small business, such as an electing small business trust (ESBT) which can be found in the final regulations.


Earlier we stated that the NIIT liability is based on the lesser of your NII or the amount by which yourMAGI surpass the filing status-based thresholds imposed by the IRS.

Calculating MAGI: For purposes of NII, MAGI is a household’s AGI, with certain deductions and tax-exempt interest payments such as contributions from individual retirement accounts (IRAs) included again. The relevant deductions for purposes of adjusted gross income are listed on Schedules 1, 2, and 3 to Form 1040. If your MAGI is higher than the thresholds for your filing status, you will need to pay NIIT.

Calculating Net Investment Income: The next step is to calculate your NII based on the included income stated above. Before you can calculate your NII, you first need to ascertain what your gross investment income is. This is the amount prior to considering any eligible deductions.

Once you arrive at the gross investment income, it will be reduced by deductions allowed against the income tax which are properly allocable to those items of gross income or net gain to arrive at the NII.

Calculating Net Investment Income Tax:

The amount that will be subject to NIIT at a rate of 3.8% will therefore vary as follows –

If your NII is higher than the amount by which MAGI surpasses the threshold, the tax applies to your MAGI.

If your NII is lower than the amount by which MAGI surpasses the threshold, the tax applies to your NII.

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There are various strategies and planning opportunities to either reduce your NII or reduce your MAGI which will result in reduced taxable income. No blanket strategy or planning tool exists and due to the complex nature of the NIIT, it is advisable to consult professionals such as your tax advisor or CPA on possible mitigation. The IRS will not be lenient if these regulations are willfully avoided, hence why it is important to get advice from a CPA or relevant professional.


1. What Is Modified Adjusted Gross Income For Purposes Of The Net Investment Income Tax?

Answer: In simple terms, MAGI = Adjusted Gross Income (AGI) + certain adjusted foreign earned income exclusions.

2. What Is Included In Net Investment Income?

Answer: In general, investment income includes, but is not limited to:

– interest,

– dividends,

– capital gains,

– rental and royalty income,

– non-qualified annuities,

– income from businesses involved in trading of financial instruments or commodities and businesses that are passive activities.

To calculate your NII, your investment income is reduced by certain expenses properly allocable to the income.

3. What Are Some Common Types Of Income That Are Not Net Investment Income?

Answer: In general, NII does not include the following:

– wages,

– unemployment compensation;

– operating business income from a non-passive activity,

– Social Security Benefits,

– alimony,

– tax-exempt interest,

– self-employment income,

– Alaska Permanent Fund Dividends and

– distributions from certain Qualified Plans (those described in sections 401(a), 403(a), 403(b), 408, 408A or 457(b)) such as qualified annuities.

4. What Kinds Of Gains Are Included In Net Investment Income?

Answer: In general, the following capital gains are common examples of items taken into account in computing NII.

– gains from the sale of stocks, bonds, and mutual funds.

– capital gains distributions from mutual funds.

– gain from the sale of investment real estate (including gain from the sale of a second home that is not a primary residence).

– gains from the sale of interests in partnerships and S corporations (to the extent the partner or shareholder was a passive owner).

5. Does This Tax Apply To Gain On The Sale Of A Personal Residence?

Answer: Section 121 exempts the first $250,000 ($500,000 in the case of a married couple) of gain recognized on the sale of a principal residence from gross income for regular income tax purposes and, thus, from the NIIT.

6. Does Net Investment Income Include Interest, Dividends And Capital Gains Of My Children That I Report On My Form 1040 Using Form 8814?

Answer: Yes. The calculation, however, does exclude certain amounts.

7. What Investment Expenses Are Deductible In Computing NII?

Answer: Some examples of deductions which may be properly allocable to gross investment income include the following –

– brokerage fees;

– investment advisory fees;

– tax preparation fees;

– fiduciary expenses which will only apply to estates and trusts;

– interest expenses;

– investment advisory fees;

– expenses incurred in relation to royalty and rental income; and

– state and local income taxes.

If the deductions aren’t properly allocable to gross investment income, it will not be allowed as a deduction. For instance, brokerage fees that are not properly allocable will not be allowed as a deduction. The instructions to Form 8960 provides examples of deductions that are not deductible for NII purposes. For example, deductions for contributions to IRAs or other qualified plans.

Special rules apply for traders in financial instruments and commodities regarding the deduction of expenses in relation to self-employment income.

8. Will I Have To Pay Both The 3.8% Net Investment Income Tax And The Additional .9% Medicare Tax?

Answer: You may be subject to both taxes, but not on the same type of income. These two taxes apply to different types of income.

9. If I Am Subject To The Net Investment Income Tax, How Will I Report And Pay The Tax?

Answer: For individual taxpayers, the NIIT will be reported on and paid with Form 1040 and for estate and trust taxpayers with Form 1041 All taxpayers will however use Form 8960 to compute their NIIT.

10. Is The Net Investment Income Tax Subject To The Estimated Tax Provisions?

Answer: Yes. It is also subject to estimated tax provisions. Taxpayers that expect to be subject to NIIT should ensure that their income tax withholding or estimated payments are adjusted to account for this tax.

11. Can Tax Credits Reduce My NIIT Liability?

Answer: Yes. Any tax credit that is allowed to offset a tax liability imposed by subtitle A of the Code may be used to offset the NII. If the tax credit is only allowed to be offset against tax imposed by Chapter 1 of the Code, such as regular income tax, that credit may not reduce the NIIT.

12. Does The Tax Have To Be Withheld From Wages?

Answer: There is no obligation that the tax should be withheld for wages, however you may request that additional income tax be withheld from your wages for this purpose

Feel free to contact one of our specialists should you have any concerns or queries relating to the NIIT regulations as we have extensive experience when dealing with these matters.

Shaun Eastman

Peter Harper

Net Investment Income Tax (NIIT) Quick Guides - Asena Advisors (2024)


How do I avoid 3.8% investment tax? ›

Sell investments at a loss to offset investment gains. Defer capital gain, such as selling the investment in the future instead of selling it now. Use Section 1031 like-kind exchange which is selling an investment property and using that money to buy another investment property.

What income is subject to 3.8% net investment tax? ›

Key Takeaways. The net investment income tax (NIIT) is a 3.8% tax on net investment income, such as capital gains, dividends, and rental and other income after allowable deductions, to the extent the net amount exceeds the MAGI threshold.

What is the net investment income tax for NIIT? ›

What is the Net Investment Income Tax (NIIT)? The Net Investment Income Tax is imposed by section 1411 of the Internal Revenue Code. The NIIT applies at a rate of 3.8% to certain net investment income of individuals, estates and trusts that have income above the statutory threshold amounts.

How can I avoid NIIT tax? ›

The NIIT does not apply to any portion of a gain that is excluded from regular income tax. Therefore, gains from sale of a principal residence are excluded from the NIIT unless the gain exceeds the principal residence exclusion amount of $250,000 (for a single filer) or $500,000 (if filing jointly with your spouse).

Who pays the 3.8% net investment tax? ›

As an investor, you may owe an additional 3.8% tax called net investment income tax (NIIT). But you'll only owe it if you have investment income and your modified adjusted gross income (MAGI) goes over a certain amount.

What is the NIIT threshold for 2023? ›

The NIIT is set at 3.8% for the 2023 tax year.

How does the 3.8% investment tax work? ›

Effective Jan. 1, 2013, individual taxpayers are liable for a 3.8 percent Net Investment Income Tax on the lesser of their net investment income, or the amount by which their modified adjusted gross income exceeds the statutory threshold amount based on their filing status.

How is NIIT tax calculated? ›

Net investment income is calculated by adding up all of the income you earned from investments in the past tax year and subtracting any related expenses.

What is exempt from net investment income tax? ›

The NIIT applies to income from a trade or business that is (1) a passive activity, as determined under § 469, of the taxpayer; or (2) trading in financial instruments or commodities, as determined under § 475(e)(2). The NIIT does not apply to wages, unemployment compensation, or income from a nonpassive business.

Is rental income included in NIIT? ›

Net rental income is subject to the NIIT and so is the capital gain on the sale of rental property. Your unearned income is subject to the NIIT if your AGI exceeds $200k if single and $250k if married filing joint.

Is IRA income subject to NIIT? ›

Distributions from IRAs, pension plans, 401(k) plans, tax sheltered annuities, etc. are not investment income. Social security benefits are not investment income. Wages and income or profits from a nonpassive business including self-employment income are not investment income.

Do capital losses reduce net investment income tax? ›

Your claimed capital losses will come off your taxable income, reducing your tax bill. Your maximum net capital loss in any tax year is $3,000. The IRS limits your net loss to $3,000 (for individuals and married filing jointly) or $1,500 (for married filing separately).

How much tax do you pay on investment income? ›

Capital gains taxes are progressive, similar to income taxes. Short-term capital gains are taxed according to the relevant federal tax rate. Long-term capital gains are subject to 0%, 15% or 20%, depending on your taxable income. According to the IRS, most people pay no more than 15% on their long-term capital gains.

What form do I use to report NIIT? ›

Form 8960 is the IRS form used to calculate your total net investment income (NII) and determine how much of it may be subject to the 3.8% Medicare contribution tax.

Are Roth conversions subject to NIT? ›

In addition, a potential downside of a Roth conversion is that it may increase modified adjusted gross income for purposes of the net investment income tax (NIIT), subjecting investment income to a 3.8 percent tax.

Do you pay taxes on investments if you don't sell? ›

The tax doesn't apply to unsold investments or "unrealized capital gains." Stock shares will not incur taxes until they are sold, no matter how long the shares are held or how much they increase in value. Most taxpayers pay a higher rate on their income than on any long-term capital gains they may have realized.

Do you pay taxes on net gain on investment? ›

You typically only have to pay taxes on the sale of investments when you receive a gain. To figure this out, you have to subtract the cost basis of your investment, which is normally what you paid, from the sale price to see if you had a gain or a loss.

How can I maximize my tax return in 2023? ›

Follow these six tips to potentially get a bigger tax refund this year:
  1. Try itemizing your deductions.
  2. Double check your filing status.
  3. Make a retirement contribution.
  4. Claim tax credits.
  5. Contribute to your health savings account.
  6. Work with a tax professional.
Mar 22, 2023

What is the IRS exemption for 2023? ›

How Much Can I Save With the 2023 Standard Deduction? The standard deduction is increasing by $900 for single filers and married couples who file separately; $1,400 for heads of household; and $1,800 for married couples filing jointly. How much this adjustment saves you in dollars and cents depends on your tax bracket.

What are the projected 2023 income tax brackets? ›

The 2023 tax year—the return you'll file in 2024—will have the same seven federal income tax brackets as the 2022-2023 season: 10%, 12%, 22%, 24%, 32%, 35% and 37%. Your filing status and taxable income, including wages, will determine the bracket you're in.

Who pays the 3.8 Obamacare tax? ›

The Medicare tax is a 3.8% tax, but it is imposed only on a portion of a taxpayer's income. The tax is paid on the lesser of (1) the taxpayer's net investment income, or (2) the amount the taxpayer's AGI exceeds the applicable AGI threshold ($200,000 or $250,000).

What investment accounts avoid taxes? ›

Below are seven important tax-efficient investments you can incorporate in your portfolio.
  • Municipal Bonds. ...
  • Tax-Exempt Mutual Funds. ...
  • Tax-Exempt Exchange-Traded Funds (ETFs) ...
  • Indexed Universal Life (IUL) Insurance. ...
  • Roth IRAs and Roth 401(k)s. ...
  • Health Savings Accounts (HSAs) ...
  • 529 College Savings Plans.
Jun 2, 2023

Is rental income considered investment income? ›

Generally speaking, any property you own and rent out is considered an investment by the IRS. Many landlords rent out properties and make a profit, but they may not be spending a lot of time working on the property.

What is net investment with example? ›

Net investment is the total amount of money that a company spends on capital assets, minus the cost of the depreciation of those assets. This figure provides a sense of the real expenditure on durable goods such as plants, equipment, and software that are being used in the company's operations.

How much of my net income should I invest? ›

Most financial planners advise saving 10% to 15% of annual income. A savings goal of $500 a month amounts to 12% of your income, which is considered an appropriate amount for that income level.

What happens if net investment is negative? ›

With net investments, it is possible to understand a company's (or country's) production capacity and whether it's rising or declining. A positive figure is representative of growth or increased production capacity. On the other hand, a negative figure shows a decline in production capacity.

Does NIIT apply to Social Security benefits? ›

NIIT as a Social Security Tax

These agreements provide that persons who are subject to the social security legislation in a Treaty country (such as the Canada Pension Plan) are therefore exempt from U.S. Social Security taxation.

Is carried interest gain subject to NIIT? ›

The U.S. tax code taxes long-term capital gains (held more than one year or in the case of carried interest capital gains more than three years) at 20%. An additional 3.8% net investment income tax (NIIT) may apply in certain scenarios. In most cases short term capital gains are taxed as ordinary income.

Does NIIT apply to carried interest? ›

Additionally, while capital gains for wealthy investors are generally subject to an additional 3.8% Medicare surtax, not all carried interest is subject to this “net investment income tax,” according to tax experts.

How much investment loss can you write off? ›

If your net losses in your taxable investment accounts exceed your net gains for the year, you will have no reportable income from your security sales. You may then write off up to $3,000 worth of net losses against other forms of income such as wages or taxable dividends and interest for the year.

Can I use more than $3000 capital loss carryover? ›

Limit on the Deduction and Carryover of Losses

If your capital losses exceed your capital gains, the amount of the excess loss that you can claim to lower your income is the lesser of $3,000 ($1,500 if married filing separately) or your total net loss shown on line 16 of Schedule D (Form 1040).

Do I have to report stocks if I lost money? ›

If you experienced capital gains or losses, you must report them using Form 8949 when you file taxes. Selling an asset, even at a loss, has crucial tax implications, so the IRS requires you to report it. You'll receive information about your investments from your broker or bank on Forms 1099-B or 1099-S.

Do investments count as income for Social Security? ›

Pension payments, annuities, and the interest or dividends from your savings and investments are not earnings for Social Security purposes. You may need to pay income tax, but you do not pay Social Security taxes.

Do you have to pay taxes on small investments? ›

In many cases, you won't owe taxes on earnings until you take the money out of the account—or, depending on the type of account, ever. But for general investing accounts, taxes are due at the time you earn the money. The tax rate you pay on your investment income depends on how you earn the money.

Do you pay taxes on ETF if you don't sell? ›

Just as with individual securities, when you sell shares of a mutual fund or ETF (exchange-traded fund) for a profit, you'll owe taxes on that "realized gain." But you may also owe taxes if the fund realizes a gain by selling a security for more than the original purchase price—even if you haven't sold any shares.

Who fills out 8960? ›

Who must file IRS form 8960? Any U.S. citizen or resident can file Form 8960. Everyone with the MAGI over an applicable threshold amount, or a net investment income, should pay 3.8% of these, based on their filing status. Non-residents may also file Form 8960 if they're subject to the net investment income tax.

Who must file form 8948? ›

If a taxpayer opts to paper file a tax return, or the return is unable to be e-filed, the preparer must include a Form 8948, Preparer Explanation for Not Filing Electronically, with the paper filed submission.

How do I know if I need to file form 8949? ›

Individuals use Form 8949 to report the following.
  1. The sale or exchange of a capital asset not reported on another form or schedule.
  2. Gains from involuntary conversions (other than from casualty or theft) of capital assets not used in your trade or business.
  3. Nonbusiness bad debts.
  4. Worthlessness of a security.
Jan 6, 2023

What are the exceptions to the NIIT? ›

The NIIT applies to income from a trade or business that is (1) a passive activity, as determined under § 469, of the taxpayer; or (2) trading in financial instruments or commodities, as determined under § 475(e)(2). The NIIT does not apply to wages, unemployment compensation, or income from a nonpassive business.

How much investment income is tax free? ›

Investment income may also be subject to an additional 3.8% tax if you're above a certain income threshold. In general, if your modified adjusted gross income is more than $200,000 (single filers) or $250,000 (married filing jointly), you may owe the tax. (These limits aren't currently indexed for inflation.)

Are any investments tax-exempt? ›

The tax-exempt sector includes bonds, notes, leases, bond funds, mutual funds, trusts, and life insurance, among other investment vehicles. Government municipal bond issuers offer a guarantee, since the taxing authority typically raises funds to repay any GO bond obligations.

What is the formula for net investment? ›

Net Investment Vs Gross Investment: Key Differences
Basis of DifferenceNet Investment
How is it Calculated?Net Investment = Gross Investment – Depreciation
DepreciationConsiders depreciation
1 more row
Jan 12, 2021

How to calculate net income? ›

To calculate net income, take the gross income — the total amount of money earned — then subtract expenses, such as taxes and interest payments. For the individual, net income is the money you actually get from your paycheck each month rather than the gross amount you get paid before payroll deductions.

Where should I put money to avoid taxes? ›

There are a few methods that you can use to reduce your taxable income. These include contributing to an employee contribution plan, such as a 401(k), contributing to a health savings account (HSA) or a flexible spending account (FSA), and contributing to a traditional IRA.

Do I have to pay taxes if I invest my income? ›

Often, investment income includes interest and dividends. The income you receive from interest and unqualified dividends are generally taxed at your ordinary income tax rate. Certain dividends, on the other hand, can receive special tax treatment, which are usually taxed at lower long-term capital gains tax rates.

Does the IRS check investments? ›

The IRS typically sets its sights on filers with huge deductions relative to their income, business filers with extra or fishy write-offs, those claiming the earned income tax credit or anything that looks unusual. While investing is not the most common trigger for an audit, it still happens.

How can I make tax free income? ›

11 Sources Of Tax-Free Income
  1. There are still ways to earn income that is free from federal income tax. ...
  2. Gifts and Inheritances. ...
  3. Tax-Free Home Sale Gains. ...
  4. Life Insurance Proceeds. ...
  5. Economic Impact Payments (EIPs) ...
  6. Qualified Roth IRA Withdrawals. ...
  7. Qualified Section 529 Withdrawals.

Are mutual funds exempt from tax? ›

According to the Wealth Tax Act, mutual funds and other financial assets are exempted from any wealth taxes.

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