Natural Barrier - an overview (2024)

Protective Barriers

Lawrence J. Fennelly CPO, CSS, HLS III, in Effective Physical Security (Fourth Edition), 2013

Internal Barriers

Have you ever watched a trespasser come into a building? He walks slowly, he looks around, and his eyes go right and left. He is 8 feet into your lobby and sees the turnstile and realizes he has been denied access. So he proceeds to the security desk with a simple question of employment.

Barriers are psychological deterrents allowing unauthorized access. Turnstiles and access control are physical barriers that control entry points and complement your security program and your security officers.

Functions of structural and/or natural barriers include:


Define protection area boundaries.


Delay—slow traffic or access. Consider speed bumps.


Direct access to garages, parking lots, and building entrances.


Deny unauthorized access and allow only authorized visitors.

Designing Security and Layout of Site

Designing security into a new or renovated complex can begin with the exterior or interior. Since we are discussing protective barriers in this chapter, let us assume we started the layout discussion on the outside.

Your main lines of defense are your perimeter barriers or the outer edge to your property line. The second line of defense is the exterior of the building, which includes the roof and roof access and walls, doors, and windows. Remember to eliminate all but essential doors and windows. If this is not done in early stages, they will have to be alarmed and set up as emerging exits. Also included should be adequate lighting (cost-effective) that meets standard and supports exterior closed-circuit TV (CCTV). The third line of defense is the interior. It is important to reduce access points by using access control and have specific areas zoned for access control and added security.

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Physical Security

Clifton L. Smith, David J. Brooks, in Security Science, 2013

Physical barriers

The defense-in-depth principle uses layers of barriers in a physical security design to restrict access to the major assets of an organization. A barrier can be a natural or constructed obstacle to movement and may define the boundaries of a facility. The purpose of a barrier is to prevent the penetration of an area by intruders. However, as most barriers can be defeated with sufficient time and resources, then the purpose of a barrier is to delay the progress of the intrusion sufficiently for a response team to intercede and apprehend the intruders. Barriers are used for the protection or control of a diversity of assets including people, physical assets, sensitive data and information, and other materials.

Intrusion into a facility through the barriers for the protection of assets can occur by accident, force, and stealth. Accidental penetration of an area can be prevented by prominent signage about trespassing. Penetration by force may be caused by terrorists and fanatics who use vehicles or explosives to breach a barrier to gain access to an area. However, of the three types of intrusion, penetration by stealth is the most serious attack upon the assets of an organization, as there is no indication that an attack on the facility is or has occurred. Access by stealth leaves no obvious trace of entry, so that there is no knowledge that assets have been tampered with or removed. It is the role of the security manager that when designing the physical security for the protection of assets, intruders are forced into modifying the environment to achieve access to the assets. Such strategies could include physical or optical trip wires, a sterile zone of raked sand within a fence line so that footprints can be observed, and, for a large facility, perhaps dogs or geese that will alert a response team. Intrusion by stealth is an important attack method to be protected against for both exterior and interior barriers.

Barriers can be grouped into the two general categories: natural barriers and structural barriers. Natural barriers can include lakes and bodies of water, mountains, deserts, and other difficult-to-traverse terrain. Facilities can be located on islands so that the water forms the initial barrier. Structural barriers such as fences and walls are constructed to provide physical and psychological deterrence to unauthorized access. Appropriate physical barriers will depend on:

The type and location.

The area available to construct the barrier.

The type of response available when intruders have been detected in a restricted area.

The time delay that the barrier can reasonably delay the progress of an intruder.

The technology to support the barrier.

It is not possible to construct a barrier that cannot be compromised. Any structural barrier can be penetrated if sufficient time, finance, personnel, planning, and imagination are applied to the assignment. It has been found that rather than build a single barrier of superior quality, it is preferable to construct a series of barriers each of which must be penetrated before assets can be violated.

Perimeter Protection

Perimeter protection is effectively the first line of defense in a physical security plan for a facility. However, an examination of the threat assessment of the facility together with the risk management strategy will determine the role of the perimeter in the security management plan. Perimeter security can vary from such items as a white line painted on the ground, to sophisticated high-level perimeter configurations involving multiple barriers with numerous detection systems, permanent surveillance, and continuous patrols. Physical barriers will discourage an undetermined intruder, but will only delay a determined person. Thus, physical barriers must be combined with other security controls for an integrated security solution.

Fences are the usual form of perimeter barrier used to protect the assets of an organization. Fences are relatively cheap and rapid to build, surveillance can be conducted through the barrier, and fences can follow the barrier and be configured into different shapes, and may be enhanced with barbed wire, razor wire, or topped with anti-climbing devices (Figure 5.4).

Natural Barrier - an overview (1)

Figure 5.4. A perimeter fence enhanced with razor wire to resist climbing.

(Copyright: Centre of Applied Science and Technology of the Home Office, United Kingdom. This material is reproduced by permission.)

However, fences are not flawless as physical barriers as they will not usually stop vehicle penetration. They are also susceptible to cutting, the nature of their construction assists scaling, and they can be tunneled under unless additional barriers such as plinths can be provided. Fences require a high level of maintenance and usually have a finite life depending on the environment.

Barbed wire can be installed over a chain-link fence by holding it on extension arms installed over the fence. Single-barbed wire can be installed outwards of the perimeter being protected, whereas double-barbed wire is installed on V-shaped extension arms. Barbed wire is installed to provide added difficulty for anyone attempting to scale a fence. For the same reason as barbed wire, concertina or spiral sharp edge wire is also installed on fence extension arms.

Evaluation of penetration times of chain-link fencing have been conducted by the U.S. Army Mobility Equipment Research and Development Command. Chain-link fences with extension poles installed have been subjected to climbing attacks by fit young men to estimate the effectiveness of fences as barriers against penetration. The 2.8ft (2.6m) fence with pole has been penetrated by a man with another man assisting without the use of aids in 4 seconds and the 2.8ft (2.6m) fence with 2.5ft (2.3m) pole was climbed by a man with three men assisting in 2.5 seconds; using carpet as an aid the fastest time was 7 seconds.

Again, a 2.2ft (2m) fence was climbed unassisted and without the use of aids in a time of 3 seconds, and with one man assisting without the use of aids was 1.5 seconds. Finally, a 2.5ft (2.3m) fence was penetrated by a man with one man assisting without the use of aids in 2 seconds. The fastest penetration time with one man assisting using canvas as an aid was 6 seconds (Knoke, 2004).

Chain-link fences with outriggers and barbed wire to increase the level of difficulty for scaling was penetrated with one man assisting without the use of aids in 4 seconds for a 2.5ft (2.3m) fence with barbed wire outrigger, and 5 seconds with one assistant. Also 2.5ft (2.3m) chain-link fences with a collapsible and a double outrigger with one man assisting were 4 seconds (Knoke, 2004).

A chain-link fence is neither crash rated nor intended to stop forcible entry, for example, entry by vehicle or physical cutting. In most cases, a chain-link fence can be easily penetrated by a normal passenger vehicle. As a consequence, target hardening must be installed for facilities where forcible vehicular entry is an issue. A chain-link fence may be enhanced with the aid of crash-rated tension wires threaded through the fence, or with concrete crash structures, or simply by digging a trench around the perimeter of the fence to stop vehicles from reaching the fence.

Perimeter Barrier Access

The defense-in-depth principle ensures that concentric layers of barriers protect the assets of an organization, and that only authorized people have access to the assets. However, access can only be gained to the assets by crossing the barriers in the DiD strategy. Access ways in the barriers are necessary for authorized people to cross these barriers and access the assets. Therefore, the inclusion of gates and doors in barriers are necessary for access to the assets.

There is a wide range of barriers that could be installed as gates allowing vehicle entry ranging from access control barriers in the form of a simple drop arm to a hydraulic crash-rated barrier. The drop arm will only control traffic flow for legitimate users. Therefore, high-security facilities at risk of forcible vehicle entry will need to install crash-rated barriers.

The U.S. Department of State (DOS) standard SD-STD-02.01, Revision A, from March 2003, provides physical testing criteria to certify anti-ram vehicle barriers. This is a performance standard and testing procedure for both active entrance barriers and passive perimeter barriers designated as vehicle impact–rated barriers or anti-ram barriers. The test standard rates the anti-ram barriers within three categories: K12, K8, and K4. The rating of the barrier is determined when a 15,000lb. (6,810kg) gross-weight vehicle impacts a barrier from a perpendicular direction. A K12 rating is achieved when a vehicle traveling at a nominal speed of 50 mph (80 kph) is successfully arrested by the barrier from the perpendicular direction. A K8 rating is achieved for a nominal speed of 40 mph (65 kph); and, a K4 rating is achieved for a nominal speed of 30 mph (50 kph). To be DOS certified at any rating, the penetration of the cargo bed must not exceed 1m beyond the pre-impact inside edge of the barrier (U.S. Department of State, 2008).

Also perimeter barriers can take the form of well-constructed walls that present a strong and robust barricade to a potential intruder. The building of walls as barriers in a DiD strategy presents an impenetrable barrier that must be scaled, is an impenetrable barrier to vehicles, has low maintenance, and can be topped with anti-attack devices and detection devices. Figure 5.5 shows a selection of cappings on walls to prevent attacks using climbing equipment.

Natural Barrier - an overview (2)

Figure 5.5. A selection of cappings for walls to reduce the application of climbing equipment.

(Copyright: Centre of Applied Science and Technology of the Home Office, United Kingdom. This material is reproduced by permission.)

However, walls are very expensive to build as security barriers and they take long durations to construct; that is, long-term planning is needed for the construction of walls. Unfortunately, walls present a firm visual barrier for surveillance, so that intruders cannot be observed through the wall, and so are effectively not visible.

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Physical Security∗

Dr.Gerald L. Kovacich, Edward P. Halibozek, in Effective Physical Security (Fourth Edition), 2013

Fences, Walls, Gates, and Other Barriers

There are two types of barriers used for perimeter protection: natural barriers and structural barriers.

Examples of natural barriers include rivers, lakes, and other bodies of water; cliffs and other types of terrain that are difficult to traverse; and areas dense with certain types of plant life (e.g., blackberry bushes that are very thorny and dense).

Examples of structural barriers include highways, fences, walls, gates, and other types of construction that prohibit or inhibit access.

None of these barriers completely prevent access. They do, however, make it more difficult for unauthorized persons to gain access. When used with other layers of physical control, they can be very effective.


The most commonly used form of barrier, other than the walls of a building, is a fence. Fences vary in type, size, use, and effectiveness. They are erected quickly for a reasonably low cost, as is the case with the basic chain-link fence. They are made more complicated and effective by adding barbed wire or concertina wire, alarm systems, or double fencing with alarmed clear zones between. The type of fence selected and used is determined by the specific needs. Again, balance the costs versus the risks.

If a factory perimeter does not have the advantage of a natural barrier, fencing is necessary. The fencing used can be very typical. For instance, it is 7 feet high and made with 9-gauge wire. It rests no more than 2 inches above the ground and in areas where the soil is loose. A concrete trough/border lies at the base to prevent gaps from erosion or human intrusion. At the top of the fence is a “guard” of three strands of barbed wire placed at a 45-degree overhang that faces away from the property. This actually extends the height of the fence by 1 foot and provides added difficulty for anyone attempting to scale the fence. Naturally, buildings, structures, and trees are sufficiently far away from the fence line as to not offer assistance to those who would attempt unauthorized entry. When looking at enhancing physical security at one of the factory properties, the physical security project leader advised the CSM to consider a “good neighbor” policy. This policy states that the local city planning and beautification commission must also approve any changes made that affect the beauty of the surrounding area.


Walls serve the same purpose as fences. They are human-made barriers but generally are more expensive to install than fences. Common types of walls are block, masonry, brick, and stone. Walls tend to have a greater aesthetic value, appealing to those who prefer a more gentle and subtle look. Regardless of the type of wall used, its purpose as a barrier is the same as a fence’s. To be most effective, walls ought to be 7 feet high with three strands of barbed wire on top. This will help prevent scaling. For aesthetic reasons, management may resist the use of barbed wire. Nevertheless, it should be seriously considered.

Walls also present a disadvantage in that they obstruct the view of an area. Chain-link and wire fences allow for visual access on both sides; walls do not. This obstacle is overcome by keeping clear zones for several feet on each side of the wall and by using video cameras for observation. Use of roving patrols also increases visibility. When the walls of a building serve as a perimeter barrier in lieu of fencing, the issues are different. Scaling the wall to get to the other side is not an issue, but access to the roof is. Furthermore, controlling access to other openings in the building becomes more critical when the walls to the building are the only outer barrier separating the outside world from the assets requiring protection.


Gates exist to both facilitate and control access. The most secure perimeter allows no one through. However, that is not practical or desirable; people must come and go. Employees, customers, and other visitors need to have easy access to a facility. Gates allow for this.

Gates need to be controlled to ensure that only authorized persons and vehicles pass through. A variety of controls are used, for example, guards; electronic interactive access control systems, such as card key or password access; or remote control access with video camera observation. What you select depends on your specific needs and conditions (e.g., acceptable risk levels). The number of gates to a facility should be kept to the minimum necessary, not the minimum desired. Controlling gates requires using resources. The more gates used the more resources it will take and the more potential problems are created, because any opening is always a potential vulnerability.

Gates when not in use should be locked or eliminated. Having the flexibility to open an additional gate when traffic demands are high is useful. Eliminating a potential vulnerability is more useful. If a periodic need for an additional gate does exist, when the gate is not in use it must be closed, locked, and monitored. Monitoring is done by video camera by roving patrols, or through the use of an alarm system.

Periodically, even monitored gates require physical inspection to ensure they are operable and secure.

Natural Barriers

The effectiveness of a natural barrier will depend on the barrier itself and how it is used. A body of water may be very effective in keeping pedestrian traffic away from your property but not very effective at keeping boat traffic from your property. In this case, a natural barrier needs to be augmented with a human-made barrier. In any case, natural barriers, like human-made barriers, need to be monitored. Cliff sides can be scaled, water can be crossed, and difficult terrain can be overcome.

Other Openings

Openings not designed for personnel or vehicle traffic are also a concern and must be secured. Needing control are sewage pipes, drains, utility tunnels, large conduits, and heating, ventilation, and air conditioning ducts. Where it is appropriate to lock them, they should be locked. Those that cannot be locked should be monitored. Monitoring is in the form of an alarm system or physical inspection. Any opening larger than 96 square inches should have doors, bars, or grillwork in place to prevent human access. These are installed as permanent or removable, with locking devices. For example, to prevent access through heating, ventilating, and air conditioning ducts, man bars can be installed inside the ducting. This is not practical for openings requiring access by maintenance personnel, where the use of removable grills or doors may be more practical. In any configuration, all openings must be assessed for vulnerabilities and appropriate protective measures implemented. Regular inspections or monitoring to ensure tampering has not occurred is essential.

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Property Management

Lawrence J. Fennelly CPOI, CSSI, CHL-III, CSSP-1, Marianna A. Perry M.S., CPP, CSSP-1, in Physical Security: 150 Things You Should Know (Second Edition), 2017

4 Physical Barriers

Physical barriers are typically separated into the following categories:

Doors and windows, plus other openings

Window film, blast curtains, and shutters



Fences and walls and gates

Natural barriers and water obstacles, planters

Bollards, jersey barriers, and rising wedge systems

The emphasis on design and use deviates from the target-hardening approach to crime prevention. Traditional target hardening focuses predominantly on denying access to a crime target through physical or artificial barrier techniques such as walls, fences, gates, locks, grilles, and the like. Target hardening often leads to constraints on use, access, and enjoyment of the hardened environment. Moreover, the traditional approach tends to overlook opportunities for natural access control and surveillance. The term natural refers to deriving access control and surveillance results as a by-product of the normal and routine use of the environment. It is possible to adapt normal and natural uses of the environment to accomplish the effects of artificial or mechanical hardening and surveillance. Nevertheless, Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) employs pure target-hardening strategies, either to test their effectiveness compared with natural strategies or when they appear to be justified as not unduly impairing the effective use of the environment.


How well does the physical design support the intended function?

How well does the physical design support the definition of the desired or accepted behaviors?

Does the physical design conflict with or impede the productive use of the space or the proper functioning of the intended human activity?

Is there confusion or conflict in terms of the manner in which the physical design is intended to control behavior?

The three CPTED strategies of territorial reinforcement, natural access control, and natural surveillance are inherent in the Three-D concept. Does the space clearly belong to someone or some group? Is the intended use clearly defined? Does the physical design match the intended use? Does the design provide the means for normal users to naturally control the activities, to control access, and to provide surveillance? Once a basic self-assessment has been conducted, the three Ds may then be turned around as a simple means of guiding decisions about what to do with human space. The proper functions have to be matched with the space that can support them—with space that can effectively support territorial identity, natural access control, and surveillance—and intended behaviors have to be indisputable and be reinforced in social, cultural, legal, and administrative terms or norms. The design has to ensure that the intended activity can function well, and it has to directly support the control of behavior.

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External Threats and Countermeasures

Philip P. Purpura, in Security and Loss Prevention (Sixth Edition), 2013

Key Terms

external loss prevention

forced entry

smash and grab attacks

surreptitious entry

aura of security

redundant security

layered security

environmental security design

“Broken Windows” theory


green security


clear zones

natural barriers

structural barriers

human barriers

animal barrier

energy barriers

passive vehicle barriers

active vehicle barriers

common wall

land use controls

target-rich environment

keep out zones

stand-off distance

blast and antiramming walls

fiber optics



point protection

spot or object protection

area protection

perimeter protection

local alarm

central station

remote programming



foot-candle (FC)


color rendition

traffic calming strategies

stationary post

foot or vehicle patrols


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Physical Barriers∗

Richard Gigliotti, Ronald Jason, in Effective Physical Security (Fourth Edition), 2013

Walls and Moats

In designing a maximum-security perimeter barrier system where cost is no object, the most penetration-resistant structure is a thick, high wall. Walls, however, do not allow free visual access to the area outside. A possible alternative is the modern equivalent of the medieval moat.

It completely surrounds the protected area, and all entry and exit points are bridged with fixed or movable structures. These points can be kept to the absolute minimum and controlled around the clock. They can also be equipped with methods of preventing breach by ramming with a vehicle.

The moat would be the dry type and equipped with a suitable drainage system. It would be at least 8 feet deep and measure a minimum of 10 feet from edge to edge. To increase protection, a standard chain-link fence topped with an outrigger equipped with three strands of GPBTO would be positioned at the inner edge. This would be attached in such a way that there would be little or no lip that could be used to support a ladder or serve as a working platform for someone attempting to cut through the fence fabric. The fence posts would be a minimum of 3 inches in diameter and concrete filled. Top rails would not be used. The strong fence posts would maintain the longitudinal rigidity required, but by omitting the top rail stiffener, a degree of instability is introduced that would increase protection by making it difficult for someone to secure a good anchor point for a bridge or from which to work to penetrate the area.

The bottom edge of the fence fabric would be embedded in the concrete at the time the moat lining is poured to prevent entry by prying up the fabric and crawling under.

The specification of moat depth and width can be reached only when integrated into the total barrier design. A minimum depth of 8 feet is recommended as this would require a larger ladder to reach from the moat bottom to the top of the fence. Such a ladder would be bulky and difficult to maneuver and could not easily be hidden if it must be brought to the planned penetration site on foot. An 8-foot depth also serves as a definite deterrent to anyone contemplating penetration by crashing through the fence with a vehicle. Any commonly available tracked vehicle, including a bulldozer, would be unable to climb out of the moat due to this depth and the 90° wall angle. A minimum width of 10 feet is recommended, because this would preclude the use of uncomplicated bridges such as a 4 × 8-foot sheet of ¾-inch plywood. To prevent a ladder (modified by the addition of hooks or steel rods to one end) from being used as a bridge by hooking or inserting the modified end into the fence, an aluminum or galvanized steel sheet would be attached to the outside of the fence to a height of 3 feet. This ladder could still be used as a bridge by hooking it into the fence fabric above this plate, but the angle and the unsteadiness would provide a very unstable work platform. The easiest way to bridge this type of perimeter barrier would be with a 20-foot extension ladder modified so that the upper end has a hook attached to the end of each leg. To use it, the ladder would be extended to its full height then allowed to fall across the moat so that the hooks would fall behind the top of the fence fabric. Once the hooks were in position, the ladder would form an inclined plane over which the adversaries could climb or crawl and drop to the ground inside the protected area.

This type of entry can, however, be defeated by a double moat system, which is nothing more than a second 8 × 10-foot (or larger) moat immediately adjacent to the first with the previously specified fence installed between them on a 12- to 15-inch-thick reinforced concrete wall. The fence would be topped with a Y-type of barbed tape standoff with concertina tape installed in the center of the Y as well as on either side of the outrigger arms.

On either fence, a motion detection system would be required along with a detection system located between 10 and 15 feet beyond and parallel to the second moat. To prevent the inadvertent entry of personnel and wildlife, an outer perimeter chain-link fence 8 feet high and topped with three strands of GPBTO could be installed. Depending on the amount of property available, this fence would be located a minimum of 25 feet from the outer edge of the first moat.

In our example, cost is not a factor; the objective is to use fencing and other physical obstacles as a first line of defense. As previously mentioned, our preference is the use of walls rather than fences.


The natural deterrence offered by topography, while often of limited value, should be taken into consideration when designing or upgrading a facility to the maximum-security level. Rivers and other large bodies of water, swamps, escarpments, deserts, and so forth are all examples of natural obstacles that may be used in various ways.

Probably the most famous examples of the optimal use of natural barriers were the prisons on Alcatraz Island in California and the French penal colony on Devil’s Island located off the coast of (then) French Guiana. The physical barriers used to contain the prisoners in these facilities were usually enough to discourage escape attempts. Even if they might be defeated, however, the escapee was still left with no way off the island except by using materials at hand or (in the case of Alcatraz) attempting to swim to freedom. Although both prisons were in operation for many years, only a few escapes were ever successful.

When a facility has a river or other large body of water as a boundary, the natural obstacle may be used in conjunction with more traditional fences as a deterrent. The clear view of the approach route across these areas would discourage an adversary from attempting an approach from that direction, especially if faced with sophisticated alarms and barriers around the objective. In a remote or isolated area, a river or large body of water abutting the site could also serve as adversary approach or escape routes, turning these nominal topographic barriers into liabilities against which additional protection means or procedures must be provided.

The advantage offered by a desert environment is similar to that provided by a natural water barrier. As with water obstacles, the possibility of an unseen approach across a barren landscape is very slim. The advantages of isolation and early detection are outweighed by the fact that approach or escape might be accomplished across the very feature that seems to offer some degree of protection, from any direction.

Swamps, while not usually a consideration in a maximum-security setting, could conceivably be encountered. The principal advantage offered by marshy terrain is its impenetrability to usual forms of ground transportation. The most practical setting for a facility in a swampy area would be at the center of the swamp with only one access road. In the event of successful penetration of the facility, this access road could be blocked to contain the adversaries until outside assistance arrives at the scene.

The security offered by a deep forest should also be considered. When a facility is located in a remote area of dense forest, with very limited and controlled access routes, this remoteness discourages all but the most determined adversaries. As with the natural barriers provided by swamps, forest locations require adversaries to forego the usual methods of transportation when access routes are limited and controlled. This might mean they have to walk in, carrying all the equipment and arms they believe necessary for the successful completion of their mission. In addition, their escape plan must be structured to require, as the last resort, escape by foot. Depending on the remoteness of the objectives, the terrain to be encountered, and the climatic conditions prevailing, these difficulties, when considered above and beyond the resistance to be expected from the on-site security personnel, could force the adversaries to choose another course of action and shift their attention to a more vulnerable target.

In summary, natural barriers may be efficiently incorporated into a total security system only when effective, round-the-clock monitoring of these approach areas by a security guard or CCTV system is provided. Structural barriers physically and psychologically deter and discourage the undetermined, delay the determined, and channel the flow of traffic through proper entrances.

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Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Foundations of Computer-Aided Process Design

Yunda Liu, ... Francisco Brana-Mulero, in Computer Aided Chemical Engineering, 2014

4 Azeotrope of the HNO3-H2O System

Production of azeotropic nitric acid (HNO3) has economic significance (Maurer and Bartsch, 2001). In this work, we investigated the tower azeotropic phenomenon.

Nitric acid is miscible with water in all proportions. Under atmospheric pressure, they form an azeotrope at the HNO3 weight percent of 68.4 or mole fraction of 0.382. Figure 2 depicts the vapor-liquid equilibrium for the binary HNO3-H2O system calculated using the thermodynamic methods and databank from this work. It accurately presents an azeotropic point (the crossing point of the X-Y equilibrium line and the diagonal line) at about 0.38 in the HNO3 mole fraction. The azeotropic point is a natural barrier for distillation. It means that nitric acid cannot go through the azeotropic point from low concentration to high concentration by the normal distilling operation.

Natural Barrier - an overview (3)

Figure 2. X-Y vapor-liquid equilibrium diagram for the HNO3-H2O system at 1atm

The azeotropic point can be shifted slightly by a pressure change. For lower total pressure, it is shifted a bit to a lower liquid concentration and vice versa. This shifting phenomenon also has been correctly presented by the thermodynamic methods and databank from this work.

The physical laws ruling the NOx absorption are different from the distillation of the binary HNO3-H2O system. The ‘classic’ significance of the azeotropic point to limit the nitric acid concentration is only valid for the distillation. In the real NOx absorber, the nitric acid concentration may reach the strength beyond the azeotropic point. Under the condition of the absorber minimum feed water, Maurer and Bartsch (2001) reported the final possible nitric acid concentration came out to be 74.9 weight%.

The NOx absorber requires minimum process feed water to ensure safe and stable operation of the tower. In practical operation, it is also mandatory to have enough feed water to keep the NOx content in the tailgas within the allowed limit. The minimum required process water fed to the top of the absorption tower typically is assumed to approximate 30kg per metric ton of 100% HNO3.

Table 2 shows the absorber bottom nitric acid concentration at the minimum feed water condition calculated by two simulators, SimSci PRO/II and SimSci DYNSIM. Under the same conditions, the bottom nitric acid concentration is quite different between the SimSci PRO/II result and SimSci DYNSIM result. It seems that the nitric acid concentration in the SimSci DYNSIM case goes across the azeotropic point and then continues to increase.

Table 2. Nitric acid concentration at the absorber bottom with minimum feed water

Feed water, Kg/hNitric acid, weight%
SimSci PRO/II1187.1*71.9
SimSci DYNSIM1187.1*78.3
Assume the minimum feed water to the absorber top as 30kg per metric ton of 100% HNO3

There is a fundamental difference in the calculation approach between SimSci PRO/II and SimSci DYNSIM. SimSci PRO/II deploys a sequential calculation approach to calculate the vapor phase reactions, vapor-liquid equilibrium and liquid phase reaction for each absorber tray. SimSci DYNSIM deploys a simultaneous calculation approach. We hypothesize that in order to warrant an azeotropic barrier in the NOx absorption simulation, the tray vapor-liquid equilibrium needs to be carried out without interference of vapor and liquid reactions such as the sequential calculation used in the SimSci PRO/II case. If the tray vapor-liquid equilibrium is solved simultaneously with vapor and liquid reactions such as in the SimSci DYNSIM case, the azeotrope breakage may occur.

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Compression of Morbidity

J.F. Fries, in International Encyclopedia of the Social & Behavioral Sciences, 2001

1 An Overview of the Aging Process

1.1 Mortality Changes over Time

Changes in survival curves in developed nations over the twentieth century are instructive, since they lead us beyond a simplistic, if popular, notion of ever-increasing life expectancy. Life expectancy from birth is affected most strongly by changes in infant mortality rates and in deaths in early and middle life. Successive survival curves (Fig. 1) have become more rectangular, as marked reduction in deaths at early ages flatten the initial part of the curve. There are now few deaths prior to age 50 or 60. At the same time, the downslope of the curves has become steeper, and the insertion point has changed little (Fries and Crapo 1981). A natural barrier to biologic longevity may be visualized through these successive curves. In the USA, life expectancy from birth increased from 47 to 76 years in the twentieth century. However, life expectancy from advanced ages has changed relatively little. From 1980 to 1998, life expectancy for females from age 65 increased only by 0.7 years in contrast to more rapid rises in prior decades. Life expectancy for both sexes from age 85 remained stable at 6.1 to 6.3 years in the USA in the 18 years from 1981 (Kranczer 1999). Projections for future increases vary widely from high (Manton et al. 1991) to low (Olshansky et al. 1990). Nevertheless, with increasing size of successive birth cohorts and with increased survival to age 65 or age 85 the absolute numbers of senior citizens will increase very substantially in coming years.

Natural Barrier - an overview (4)

Figure 1. The rectangularization of survival curves. Successive curves, at 20 year intervals, illustrate (a) the flattening of the early part of the curves from decreases in premature deaths, (b) the steepening of the downslope as natural life limits are approached, and (c) the nearly constant insertion site of the curves

1.2 Declines in Organ Reserve Function with Age

Data from longitudinal studies of aging show a consistent decline in the maximum function of the various organs with age, the decline being essentially linear at a rate of 1.5 percent per year after age 30. Data on maximal performance, such as world record marathon times, similarly show a nearly linear decline with age at the same rate (Fries and Crapo 1981).

Physiologic normal values, however, remain constant with increasing age. Normal pH, blood chemistry, white count, and other homeostatic values do not vary over the lifespan, representing the internal physiologic environment essential for cellular function. However, with the linear decrease in organ reserve in multiple organs, the ability to respond physiologically to a perturbation decreases exponentially. As a result, mortality rates increase exponentially, with a doubling of mortality rates each seven or eight years after age 30 (Fries and Crapo 1981).

With these realities of human aging comes a paradox: the decline in organ reserve is inevitable, yet organ reserve can be increased quite readily, at almost any age (Rowe 1999). For example, an increase in exercise levels can increase cardiopulmonary reserve very substantially, even at advanced ages (Stewart et al. 1993, Fries et al. 1996).

1.3 Enhanced Personal Autonomy and Modifiable Determinism

In philosophic writings, a classical conflict has been between the advocates of free will and those of determinism, and this conflict now exists in modern dress. Determinism is represented by molecular genetics, with the sometime notion that your health over the lifespan is ultimately determined only ‘by your genes.’ Free will is represented by the advocates of health promotion, seeking voluntary changes in behavioral risk factors, such as lack of exercise, cigarette smoking, obesity, and excessive dietary fat; changes which can enhance organ reserve, preserve function, and extend life. In this view, health requires that you ‘take care of yourself.’ The tension between these two paradigms is complex and sometimes uneasy.

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The Survey Report

James F. Broder, Eugene Tucker, in Risk Analysis and the Security Survey (Fourth Edition), 2012


Purpose. State the reason for conducting the survey. The purpose could encompass all of the subject matter in this outline or be restricted to a specific portion or spot problem; it could encompass one location or cover the entire corporation.


Scope. Describe briefly the scope of the survey effort. What was actually done, or not done, in some cases? For example:


People interviewed


Premises visited, times, and so forth


Categories of documents reviewed


Findings. This section includes findings appropriate to the purpose of the survey. For example, a survey report on physical security only would not contain findings related to purchasing, inventories, or conflicts of interest unless they have a direct impact on the physical security situation.


General: Provide brief descriptions of facilities, environment, operations, products or services, and schedules.


Organization: Provide brief description of the organizational structure and number of employees. Include details regarding the number and categories of personnel who perform security-related duties.


Physical security features: Describe lock-and-key controls, lock hardware on exit and entrance doors, doors, fences, gates, and other structural and natural barriers to access and entry. Describe access controls, including identification systems and control of identification media; the security effect of lighting; the location, type, class, installation, and monitoring of intrusion alarm and surveillance systems; guard operations; and so forth.


Internal controls: Describe methods and procedures governing inventory control, shrinkage, and adjustments; identification and control of capital assets; receiving and shipping accounts receivable; purchasing and accounts payable; personnel selection; payroll; cash control and protection; sales to employees; frequency and scope of audits; division of responsibilities involving fiduciary actions; policy and practices regarding conflicts of interest; and so forth.


Data systems and records: Describe physical features and procedures for protecting the data center, access to electronic data processing (EDP) equipment, the media, and the data; types of application systems in use; dependency; backup media and computer capacity; and capability for auditing through the computer. Identify essential records and how they are protected and stored.


Emergency planning: Describe status and extent of planning, organization, and training to react to accidents and emergencies, such as emergencies arising from natural disasters, bombs and bomb threats, kidnapping and hostage situations, and disorders or riots. Consider these in three phases: preemergency preparations, actions during emergencies, and postemergency or recovery actions. Discuss coordination with and utilization of external resources—for example, other firms or government agencies.


Proprietary information and trade secrets: Discuss the extent to which these categories of information are recognized and how they are classified; means of protection—for example, clearance, accountability, storage, declassification, disposal; and secrecy arrangements with employees, suppliers, and so forth.


Conclusions. Evaluate the protective measures discussed in part III, Findings. Identify specific vulnerabilities and rate them as to seriousness—for example, slight, moderate, or serious, or similar terms of comparison.


Recommendations. Using the systems design technique, the writer develops specific recommendations for appropriate applications of hardware, administrative controls, and “person power” that will complement the protective measures already in use to provide effective controls of the vulnerabilities identified in part IV, Conclusions. Cost/benefit ratio considerations are applied to each recommendation and to the structure as a whole.

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Security Design Considerations for Healthcare

Tony W. York, Don MacAlister, in Hospital and Healthcare Security (Sixth Edition), 2015


Lighting is a key aspect of design for the external healthcare campus environment, as it can help manage the real and perceived concerns on campus and within the building proper. Lighting standards for healthcare are discussed in Chapter 18, “Physical Security Safeguards” and should be applied appropriately in each individual setting.

Consideration should be given to not having outdoor security lighting conflict with sustainability initiatives. Optimal lighting can help deter crime and enable camera surveillance, while sustainability calls for minimal outdoor lighting in order to reduce light pollution and energy consumption. This conflict can be overcome through strategic installation of lighting and the use of variable intensity lighting systems and intelligent lighting control. In addition, video analytics can be used to achieve optimal light levels satisfying both sustainability and security objectives. This technology is currently used to detect the presence and track the movement of people and other objects of interest (e.g., cars) and distinguish them from other objects (e.g., animals). Advancements in video surveillance technology now make it possible for these video analytics to control lighting.

Design considerations when implementing a lighting plan, which should not be overlooked in design planning, are emergency power and the interface of lighting with facility security systems. An important safety issue, select internal and external lights should be energized by a connection independent of the general lighting in the space. Lighting that features options with multiple battery packs for maximum remote capacity and run time are often used.

From fires to earthquakes, tornadoes and more, emergency situations can directly impact healthcare facilities—and emergency lighting is required to help safely and quickly relocate or evacuate patients, caregivers and visitors to safety. According to American National Standards Institute (ANSI), emergency lighting standards seek to provide visual conditions that make safe and timely evacuation possible.7 While many healthcare facilities have backup generators, emergency lighting bridges any timeframe between primary lighting source failure and backup lighting to safely illuminate a medical facility, and help first responders navigate the building. Codes require timing for when and how long emergency lighting must illuminate a building when an emergency occurs.

The design of egress, including the number and placement of emergency lights, must enable prompt escape of building occupants. Thus, plan the design of where emergency lighting is placed in a building to foster an optimally illuminated escape route to create a safer atmosphere rather than creating a cost-efficient design.

External lighting should be selected and installed to augment external security systems, such as video surveillance cameras and emergency call boxes. Trees and other landscaping are other important features, as consideration should be given to prevent camera obstruction, loss of line of sight or concealment opportunities from shrubbery for vagrants or those intending some form of malicious activity.

Signage is another important design feature of the external campus environment that, when well used, can guide patients and visitors to their intended destination, while deterring criminal activity by enhancing security awareness, without compromising line of sight. Digital way-finding kiosks have been used successfully by some hospitals to help take the anxiety out of patients and visitors finding their destinations. The kiosks can give guests options on how to find their destination: typing it on a touch screen if they know where to go, selecting from a list of common locations, or calling a live operator (or security dispatcher) if they are need of additional help or only have a patient’s name.

Video surveillance of vehicular and pedestrian access and egress routes, the use of emergency communication stations positioned in high-traffic locations and the strategic location of parking attendants, valet and other staff, where applicable, can and do enhance the safety of the external environment.

Consideration should be given to identify specific parking needs for the new hospital design for emergency patients, after-hours and on-call staff and physicians, as well as any special considerations for police and corrections personnel. The latter becomes of importance if the hospital has a contract arrangement as a designated correctional treatment facility. The hospital design and related parking should minimize forensic patient traffic through the emergency department walk-in entrance or hospital main entrance.

A valet parking service requires specific design considerations for traffic flow and parking stall proximity. Pedestrian safety should always be of paramount importance and focus when designing vehicular access routes. This is best accomplished by establishing clear and safe delineation of pedestrian walkways and crossing points. Many healthcare organizations position video surveillance cameras to monitor activity at these locations.

Parking facilities, both surface and garage structures, often present security challenges in design and can be the scene of frequent criminal activity. Staff, physicians, patients and visitors alike have had the misfortune to be victimized by criminal activity in hospital parking lots. From cars vandalized, broken into and stolen, to crimes against the person that create great fear such as carjackings, robberies, assaults, kidnappings and even homicide, parking lots must receive focused attention in the security design. In one recent case at the Etobico*ke General Hospital in Toronto, Canada, gang members opened fire from a car outside the ED in the parking lot, wounding four people and shattering glass in the ED. This forced the hospital and an adjoining hospital into emergency lockdown.8

Surface parking lot design must ensure that vehicles cannot be used, accidentally or otherwise, to crash into the hospital facility. The strategic placement of bollards and the avoidance of straight driveway runs leading to the buildings can mitigate this risk. Lighting, communication devices, video and staff surveillance can all contribute to enhanced safety levels in these lots. Where possible, the number of pedestrian and vehicle access and egress points should be limited.

Parking garages, often multilevel, present unique design challenges for the healthcare security professional. An often overlooked safety concern is the phenomenon of patients and others taking suicidal leaps from these structures, usually from the top level. Video surveillance, emergency phones and signage may offer minimal help in detecting and deterring this activity, while fencing, elevated wall height on the top level, and even treed and grassed landscaping around the perimeter of the structure, may offer additional mitigation measures. In these structures it is important that visibility into and within the structure be maximized—line of sight is critical and lighting and paint/stain color on the walls and roof of parking garages can also elevate surveillance capacity. Security cameras, communication devices and strategic location of elevators and stairs are also key factors.

The IAHSS design guideline on Parking and the External Campus Environment provides more detail.

Healthcare Security Design Guidelines – #01 Parking and the External Campus Environment


The security of parking facilities and the external campus environment is a significant concern for Healthcare Facilities (HCFs) and for users of those facilities. The proper design and effective management of the external campus environment can minimize violent and property crime, promote efficient resource management, and provide a welcoming environment.



This guideline complements the Security Design Guidelines for Healthcare Facilities, General Guideline.


The initial planning and conceptual design phase of the external campus and new or renovated parking facilities should include a security risk assessment conducted by a qualified healthcare security professional.


The project design team should prepare and submit plans to the project security representative for review and approval, including a comprehensive exterior site security plan that indicates a layered approach, including zones, control points, circulation routes, landscaping, and illumination.


Landscape plans should be designed to enhance lighting, eliminate places of potential concealment or habitation, and address obstructions to surveillance or lighting systems.


Physical protective barriers should be placed at building entrances and walkways to minimize the likelihood of injury or damage by vehicles to pedestrians, equipment, and structures.


The external environment should be addressed from the outside inwards and the first point of control should be at the perimeter of the property limiting points of entry. Access control and perimeter security should be considered in the initial design stage.


Physical protective barriers should be designed to help restrict or channel access.


Natural barriers, landscaping, or security fencing should be considered to discourage persons from entering the campus unobserved on foot while maintaining openness and allowing for natural surveillance.


Transit, taxi, and pickup/drop off stops should be identified and situated to maintain perimeter control and prevent unobserved pedestrian access.


Lighting should be installed. To be effective, protective lighting should:


Act as a deterrent and allow for effective recognition of persons and activities.


Be constructed with a shatter-resistant lens, designed to withstand environmental degradation of light output, and provide protection from vandalism.


Have properly fitted enclosures that prevent insects and debris from accumulating within the fixture.


Be selected and positioned to avoid glare and blind spots.


Be designed to provide adequate redundancy of lighting in the event of an occasional loss of service.


Be automatically supported by standby power.


Be installed to prevent light pollution or light trespass into the surrounding community.


Be integrated with the video surveillance system design to ensure adequate coverage.


Include environmentally sustainable features that do not hinder the effectiveness of protective lighting.


Way-finding signage should be used to orient and guide patients and visitors to their desired location. To be effective, signage should:


Provide clear and consistent messaging.


Use color coding or memory aids to help individuals locate their vehicle.


Be used to enhance security awareness in parking areas while serving as psychological deterrent to criminal and other negative behavior.


Not obstruct natural sight lines.


The HCF should provide dedicated patient and visitor parking where possible. Additional parking considerations should be provided for emergency care patients, on-call clinicians, public safety, valet parking, and those working during non-traditional hours.


Security considerations for parking facilities, including surface lots, should include the following safeguards:


Concentrating pedestrian egress paths to dedicated entrances and exits.


Limiting the number of vehicular entrances and exits.


Locating attendant booths, parking offices, and security stations where attendants can directly monitor parking activity (if appropriate).


Installing emergency communication devices along pedestrian walkways.


Installing video surveillance to obtain images of all:


Vehicular and pedestrian entrances and exits.


Areas of higher traffic activity.


Emergency communication devices.


Attendant booths.


Absence of public restrooms in unstaffed areas.


Security considerations specific to parking structures should include the following safeguards:


Maximizing the visibility into and within the parking structure.


Enhancing natural surveillance and line of sight.


Using white concrete stain to increase general brightness and enhance illumination. Painting is discouraged as it can require increased maintenance. Anti-graffiti coatings should be considered to enable quick and easy cleaning.


Installing two-way emergency communication devices on each level of the structure and in all elevators.


Locating elevators and stairs on the perimeter with material that allows natural surveillance from exterior public areas.


Concentrating pedestrian paths to dedicated entry/exit portals. Emergency exits should be designed for egress only.


Features that prevent and deter entry by unauthorized persons, including, but not limited to, fencing, grates, metal grills, landscaping, or other protective measures.


Closing off potential hiding places below stairs.


Avoiding dead-end parking areas and areas of concealment.


Including in the design the ability to completely shut down vehicular and pedestrian access to the parking facility when closed.

References / General Information

Illuminating Engineering Society of North America, Lighting for Emergency, Safety and Security, 2011.

National Institute of Justice, Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design in Parking Facilities, April 1996:

See Also

IAHSS Basic Industry Guideline 09.10.01 – Parking (General).

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Name: Foster Heidenreich CPA

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