NATO: The World’s Largest Alliance (2024)

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  1. How Is Conflict Changing?
  2. What Is Interstate Conflict?
  3. Understanding Intrastate Conflict
  4. The Civilian Consequences of Conflict
  5. How Do Humanitarian Corridors, Cease-Fires, and Pauses Address Violence in Conflict?
  6. Resource Conflicts, Explained
  7. Eight “Hot Wars” During the Cold War
  8. Understanding Northern Ireland’s ‘Troubles’
  9. NATO: The World’s Largest Alliance
  10. How Does Artificial Intelligence Influence Conflict?
  11. Israeli-Palestinian Conflict Timeline

9 / 11

  1. How Is Conflict Changing?
  2. What Is Interstate Conflict?
  3. Understanding Intrastate Conflict
  4. The Civilian Consequences of Conflict
  5. How Do Humanitarian Corridors, Cease-Fires, and Pauses Address Violence in Conflict?
  6. Resource Conflicts, Explained
  7. Eight “Hot Wars” During the Cold War
  8. Understanding Northern Ireland’s ‘Troubles’
  9. NATO: The World’s Largest Alliance
  10. How Does Artificial Intelligence Influence Conflict?
  11. Israeli-Palestinian Conflict Timeline


What is NATO? Trace NATO’s history and learn how the organization’s mission has evolved over seventy years, from the end of World War II to Russia’s war in Ukraine.

Last Updated

March 08, 2024

NATO: The World’s Largest Alliance (1)

A view of the meeting room at the start of a NATO defense ministers meeting on June 12, 1997 at the NATO headquarters in Brussels.

Source: Benoit Doppagne/Reuters


Launch Timeline Start Timeline

NATO Origins

As World War II came to a close, the alliance between the Soviet Union and Western powers deteriorated. Europe needed a plan for maintaining long-term peace. Under terms outlined at the Yalta and Potsdam Conferences, Soviet Premier Joseph Stalin was given temporary control of Poland and a portion of Germany. However, it quickly became clear that the Soviet Union had greater ambitions. The Soviets sponsored communist-led coups in Czechoslovakia and surrounding east European territories. Fearful of further Soviet encroachment on Western Europe, these countries discussed forming an organization capable of providing mutual security

NATO: The World’s Largest Alliance (2)
NATO: The World’s Largest Alliance (3)

The Birth of NATO

The Soviet Union’s alarming expansion and failure to comply with the terms of the Potsdam and Yalta Conferences led to the creation of NATO. It was established as a means to preserve a unified, democratic Europe. The defensive alliance was formed in 1949 and consisted of twelve members: the United States, Canada, and ten European countries. NATO’s founding members structured the organization so that all decisions would be made through consensus. Despite the alliance’s egalitarian structure, the United States’ leading role was clear from the start; a supreme allied commander Europe (SACEUR), a position that an American has always held, leads NATO’s military operations.

NATO: The World’s Largest Alliance (4)

Early Expansion to Bring in West Germany

NATO’s founding members believed that expanding the alliance was crucial to ensuring peace in Europe. They offered membership to Greece and Turkey in 1952 and West Germany in 1955. The inclusion of West Germany was an especially consequential decision given Germany’s history of provoking conflict in Europe. With its entry into NATO, West Germany became more integrated with Western Europe. In exchange for NATO membership, the West Germans also committed to never manufacturing weapons of mass destruction. In the words of NATO’s first secretary-general, the purpose of NATO was to “keep the Soviet Union out, the Americans in, and the Germans down.”

NATO: The World’s Largest Alliance (5)

Soviet Union and the Warsaw Pact

West Germany’s entrance into NATO prompted the Soviet Union to create its own alliance: the Warsaw Pact. Although the Soviet Union already had bilateral defense agreements with most of its communist neighbors, the Warsaw Pact formalized these relations into a bloc that could act in a unified manner. By focusing on integrating the militaries of Warsaw Pact countries, the Soviet Union could control smaller east European countries more effectively. As a result, Eastern Europe was insulated from NATO influence. The Soviet Union went to great lengths to retain these allies: when Hungarian demonstrators called for greater political and economic freedoms and the country’s withdrawal from the Warsaw Pact in 1956, the Soviet Union sent in tanks and crushed the protests. The Soviet Union’s military intervention killed 2,500 Hungarians.

NATO: The World’s Largest Alliance (6)

Dual-Track Decision a Risky Success

During the Cold War, NATO deployed hundreds of U.S. missiles close to the borders of several Warsaw Pact countries, including the Soviet Union. At the same time, NATO leveraged the presence of these warheads to negotiate a dismantling of all short- and intermediate-range missiles with the Soviet Union. Ultimately, the strategy (known as the dual-track decision) was successful: the two sides reached an arms control agreement in 1987. The NATO-sponsored military buildup was risky and controversial among the European public. The presence of warheads on the European continent would have made any conflict that did erupt much deadlier.

NATO: The World’s Largest Alliance (7)

Dissolution of the Soviet Union

In 1991, prompted by domestic political reforms and democratic momentum in the countries within its orbit, the Soviet Union disintegrated. Russia and fourteen other countries emerged from the ashes of the former communist country. This collapse and the dissolution of the Soviet-led Warsaw Pact marked a swift end to the Cold War. NATO had successfully achieved its mission of deterring armed conflict on the continent, keeping the Cold War mostly cold. It is rare for an alliance born in one strategic context to endure once that strategic context fundamentally changes. With the fall of the Soviet Union and the disappearance of its common foe, would NATO dissolve or persevere and take on new missions?

As Cold War Ends, NATO Faces Inflection Point

At the end of the Cold War, NATO faced the question of whether it should continue to exist. Rather than retire one of history’s most successful military partnerships, NATO officials decided to reimagine the group’s mission. But many questions remained: Would the alliance stay the same size or admit new members? Would it remain a purely defensive alliance or expand its mission? Over the next decade, NATO expanded its membership and confronted new forms of instability outside its members’ borders.

NATO: The World’s Largest Alliance (8)
NATO: The World’s Largest Alliance (9)

Partnership for Peace With Russia

The first step in reimagining a post–Cold War NATO was an initiative called Partnership for Peace. Its main objectives were forming relationships with former Soviet countries. These efforts demonstrated that NATO did not intend to disappear after the Cold War. Former Warsaw Pact countries’ voluntary participation in the partnership did not guarantee future NATO entry. However, it was widely seen as a first step toward obtaining membership. Thirteen east European countries—including Russia—worked with NATO allies and cooperated on multilateral activities like humanitarian assistance, peacekeeping, and crisis management. Critics of NATO’s activities in the immediate post-Cold War period believe the alliance should have done more to integrate Russia. In hindsight, providing Russia with greater economic assistance could have prevented its alienation.

NATO: The World’s Largest Alliance (10)

NATO Involvement in Serbia

In 1995, Bosnian Serbs violated a UN Security Council resolution during the Bosnian War. In response, NATO launched an air campaign against the Bosnian army. In 1999, violence resurged in the region as Serbian authorities persecuted a group of ethnic Albanians who were calling for an independent country. NATO concluded that attacking Serbia was justified to prevent mass atrocities. Led by the United States, the alliance launched another extensive bombing campaign. This marked the start of NATO’s transformation from a purely defensive alliance. Moving forward, NATO would transform into a large, coordinated, and powerful military force operating beyond its members’ borders.

NATO: The World’s Largest Alliance (11)

Challenges of NATO Enlargement

NATO continued its expansion in 1999, adding the Czech Republic, Hungary, and Poland. The alliance grew again in 2004, extending membership to seven east European countries, many of which were former Soviet republics. The United States largely drove this period of growth, believing that expanding NATO would deter future Russian aggression. Moreover, NATO membership would provide members with the security they needed to allow for the transition to democracy. Yet, the expansion was not without consequences. Russia perceived NATO’s creep into Eastern Europe as a direct threat to its security and influence across the region. The Kremlin felt increasingly alienated by the expansion. And as NATO grew, member countries worried that the additional obligations would stretch the alliance thin.

9/11 Ushers in New Chapter

The September 11, 2001 attacks had a major effect on NATO. The attacks led to the first—and only—time the alliance invoked Article 5 and highlighted the challenges of an increasingly interconnected world. NATO used this reality as justification to fight threats at their source, even if those were far away from NATO homelands. In the opening years of the new century, NATO adopted a more expansive definition of what it meant to protect its members’ national interests. The traditional defensive alliance transformed into a collective of like-minded countries willing to pursue broader objectives.

NATO: The World’s Largest Alliance (12)
NATO: The World’s Largest Alliance (13)

9/11 Response

On September 11, 2001, militants from the terrorist group al-Qaeda hijacked four planes and used them as weapons to kill 2,977 people in the United States. The 9/11 attacks prompted the first—and only—invocation of Article 5, under which NATO considered the attacks to be against all of its members. In response, NATO spearheaded an anti-Taliban coalition in Afghanistan. The intervention in Afghanistan constituted its first mission outside the North Atlantic. Since then, the mission continuously evolved, until two decades later when NATO forces pulled out in 2021.

NATO: The World’s Largest Alliance (14)

Questions on Expanded Mission After Chaos in Libya

NATO’s mission quickly expanded from simply grounding Qaddafi’s air force into a broader political mission to remove Qaddafi from power. In the following months, NATO-backed rebels took over most of Libya and executed Qaddafi. NATO leaders hoped Qaddafi’s ouster would mark the end of Libya’s violence. However, the country soon spiraled into even greater chaos. The unintended consequences of the Libya campaign raised questions about the effectiveness of NATO’s expanding mission. Though NATO was not able to restore democracy in Libya, the goal was to protect Libyan citizens and prevent a massacre. The NATO intervention was able to do just that.

Renewed Relevance in Face of Russian Aggression

In 2014, Russia annexed the Ukrainian territory of Crimea. Additionally, the Kremlin began arming separatists to fuel conflict in the southeastern part of the Ukraine. This aggression acted as a reminder to NATO countries that Russia still threatened democracy in Europe. NATO responded by suspending all military and civilian cooperation with Russia. The alliance also promised to send more troops to its members in Eastern Europe. The need for an alliance to defend Europe's democracies is particularly acute in the Baltic countries of Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania. They were seen as especially vulnerable to Russian military force as Russia went on to increase its aggression against Ukraine.

NATO: The World’s Largest Alliance (15)
NATO: The World’s Largest Alliance (16)

War in Ukraine

Russia fully invaded Ukraine in 2022, kicking off a destructive conflict that has led to the deaths of thousands of people. Wary of Russian aggression, more European leaders turned to NATO for protection, renewing the alliance's strength. Member states also worked together to deliver billions of dollars' worth of military and financial assistance to Ukraine. NATO has also supported the training of Ukrainian troops. Ukraine applied to join the alliance, but NATO did not immediately accept. The extension of membership to Ukraine would put NATO in direct conflict with nuclear-armed Russia. NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg did announce that all member countries have agreed to allow Ukraine to join the alliance once the conflict ends, when it is safer to do so.

NATO: The World’s Largest Alliance (17)

NATO Accepts Finland and Sweden

Just months after the Russian invasion of Ukraine, Finland and Sweden applied to become members of NATO. The two countries had previously maintained a more neutral position outside of the alliance. However, the Ukraine War caused a major shift in their political calculus. Finland formally joined in April 2023, becoming NATO's thirty-first member. Sweden's application was initially blocked by two other members, Hungary and Turkey, over political tensions. But by March 2024, they had reversed their position and Sweden became the thirty-second member of the alliance.

Referenced Module


Previous Understanding Northern Ireland’s ‘Troubles’
Next How Does Artificial Intelligence Influence Conflict?

Other Modules in this Unit

  • Building Blocks
  • Forms of Government
  • Global Governance
NATO: The World’s Largest Alliance (2024)


Is NATO the biggest alliance in the world? ›

What is NATO? Trace NATO's history and learn how the organization's mission has evolved over seventy-five years, from the end of World War II to Russia's war in Ukraine.

What is NATO known for being a _______________ alliance? ›

Formed in 1949 with the signing of the Washington Treaty, NATO is a security alliance of 30 countries from North America and Europe. NATO's fundamental goal is to safeguard the Allies' freedom and security by political and military means.

What good has NATO done? ›

Fighting Terrorism: NATO plays an important role in fighting terrorism. NATO's work on counter-terrorism focuses on improving awareness of the threat, developing capabilities to prepare and respond, and engaging with partner countries and other international actors.

How many NATO alliances are there? ›

At present, NATO has 32 member countries. These countries, called NATO Allies, are sovereign states that come together through NATO to discuss political and security issues and make collective decisions by consensus. NATO was created by 12 countries from Europe and North America on 4 April 1949.

Why is NATO important to the world? ›

NATO's purpose is to guarantee the freedom and security of its members through political and military means. POLITICAL – NATO promotes democratic values and enables members to consult and cooperate on defence and security-related issues to solve problems, build trust and, in the long run, prevent conflict.

Is NATO a good alliance? ›

NATO is a proven deterrent

At its core, NATO represents a remarkable triumph of mutual security. Established by the North Atlantic Treaty on April 4, 1949, NATO began with 12 members. The alliance has proved so effective that its membership recently swelled to 32 with the additions of Finland and Sweden.

Who leads the NATO alliance? ›

General Jens Stoltenberg

Who makes up the NATO alliance? ›

Nato now has 32 members across Europe and North America, including the UK, US, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Spain and Turkey. After the Soviet Union's collapse in 1991, many Eastern European countries joined: Albania, Bulgaria, Hungary, Poland, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Romania, Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia.

Has NATO ever been successful? ›

During the Cold War

When NATO was established in 1949, one of its fundamental roles was to act as a powerful deterrent against military aggression. In this role, NATO's success was reflected in the fact that, throughout the entire period of the Cold War, NATO forces were not involved in a single military engagement.

What country is most powerful from NATO? ›

If you want to know who has the strongest Armed Forces say so. A strong army is a combination of numbers, training, equipment, logistics, and the national industrial base to sustain their armed forces. America surpasses all NATO countries in that respect.

How did NATO change the world? ›

The collective defense arrangements in NATO served to place the whole of Western Europe under the American “nuclear umbrella.” In the 1950s, one of the first military doctrines of NATO emerged in the form of “massive retaliation,” or the idea that if any member was attacked, the United States would respond with a large ...

Who has the biggest army in NATO list? ›

Armies. The biggest army in NATO, by a significant margin, is the United States Army with 485,000 regular personnel, as of 2021. The US army is followed by the Turkish Army with 260,200 personnel.

Is Mexico part of NATO? ›

Answer and Explanation: Mexico is not a member of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO); however, this does not mean that it does not have allies in times of trouble. One example of an ally is the United States.

How big is the NATO army? ›

How Big is The NATO Army? The total number of troops and personnel in the armed forces of all NATO nations is around 3.5 million. The alliance has expanded the deployment of its NATO Response Force in Eastern Europe.

Who is the biggest contributor to NATO? ›

NATO is funded by its 32 member countries, and the United States, Germany and the United Kingdom are the largest contributors in total dollars. But the alliance does not have its own army, and its military operations are staffed and supplied by member countries.

How large is NATO? ›

The alliance has increased its NATO Response Force deployments in Eastern Europe, and the combined militaries of all NATO members include around 3.5 million soldiers and personnel. All member states together cover an area of 25.07 million km² and about 966.88 million people.

Who is the biggest part of NATO? ›

In 2023, the United States had the largest number of military personnel out of all North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) countries, with almost 1.35 million troops. The country with the second largest number of military personnel was Türkiye, with around 461,500 personnel.

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