Myrtle Beach Hurricane History | Oceanfront Vacation Rentals SC (2024)

There are many accounts throughout the centuries of various storms and hurricanes that have ravaged South Carolina and Myrtle Beach. A brief histroy of these instances is detailed below.

In September 1686 a squall that slammed ashore on the South Carolina coast, near present-day Myrtle Beach, was described as: “wonderfully horrid and destructive… Corne is all beaten down and lyes rotting on the ground… Aboundance of our hoggs and Cattle were killed in the Tempest by the falls of Trees.” On the upside, the 1686 storm foiled a Spanish attack on Charles Town by destroying a galley and killing the commander. As they say, every cloud has a silver lining! In that colonial agrarian culture, crops were due to be harvested during the late-summer storm season, hogs were slated for the slaughter, and fall fishing was the backbone of the local economy. If you survived a so-called “September gale,” your next challenge would be to survive the winter.

In 1700, “a dreadful hurricane happened at Charles Town which did great damage and threatened the total destruction of the Town, the lands on which it is built being low and level and not many feet above high water mark. The swelling sea rushed in with amazing impetuosity and obliged the inhabitants to fly to shelter.” A ship out of Glasgow, the Rising Sun, had just arrived with a boatload of settlers seeking to make new lives in the New World. It was dashed to splinters in the port with no survivors.

The Withers family was one of the earliest settlers of the area. In 1822, a strong hurricane came and blew their house into the ocean, claiming the lives of 18 people inside.

This is the kind of anecdotal evidence that constituted record keeping for centuries, derived from old letters and journals found in trunks stashed away in attics. If a storm stopped in briefly to inflict some minor property damage without decimating crops, destroying livestock and devastating ships at sea, its legacy clearly did not live on. Now that we know hurricanes strike our coast on average once every four years, we can safely assume that whatever early records survive are not telling the whole story.

Flashing Forward

On October 15, 1954, Hurricane Hazel made landfall on the border between South Carolina and North Carolina as a Category 4 hurricane. Almost 80% of all waterfront dwellings were destroyed during this hurricane and many low-lying barrier islands were completely flooded. This hurricane was particularly devastating and infamous in that the official report from the area Weather Bureau stated: “all traces of civilization on the immediate waterfront between the state line and Cape Fear were practically annihilated.”

On September 22, 1989, another Category 4 hurricane made landfall in South Carolina by the name of Hurricane Hugo. This hurricane claimed the lives of 27 South Carolinians and caused extensive waterfront damage, tremendous storm surges and left telephone poles askew and many feet of sand covering roadways. This storm was so severe that at one point, the Weather Bureau reported about 3,000 tornadoes embedded within the hurricane which was to blame for much of the damage.

Over the years, Myrtle Beach has seen several hurricanes come and go and has been fortunate enough to have avoided other devastating storms. The most recent hurricane that came close to Myrtle Beach was Hurricane Irene on August 23, 2011. Though Irene made landfall further up the North Carolina coast, Myrtle Beach did receive its share of tropical storm-force winds, with branches and older trees falling and some low flooding being some of the worst of the damage.

Throughout the centuries, modern improvements have made forecasting hurricanes much easier, and Myrtle Beach is often spared the brunt of hurricanes, and the everyday weather of Myrtle Beach keeps visitors coming year after year. But from the early storms of centuries ago to the infamous Hazel, to more recent storms like Floyd and Fran, hurricane historians always have an eye on the Grand Strand.

Myrtle Beach Hurricane History | Oceanfront Vacation Rentals SC (2024)


Does Myrtle Beach get hit with a lot of hurricanes? ›

Myrtle Beach is no stranger to hurricanes and tropical weather. As part of a coastal region, it has been battered by storms from Hurricane Florence to Hugo over the decades. These storms frequently flooded the state, ripped apart homes and left South Carolina with billions of dollars in damage to deal with.

How often does Myrtle Beach get hit by hurricanes? ›

The Myrtle Beach area is affected by a storm roughly every two years. In the past decade, the only hurricane to hit the area was Charley in 2004.

What was the worst hurricane in Myrtle Beach history? ›

Hurricane Floyd, September 1999

Inland communities near Myrtle Beach, including Conway, flooded as the Waccamaw River spilled its banks. Thousands of people were forced from their homes and were unable to return for weeks. The storm caused $3 billion to $6 billion in damage to the East Coast, mostly from flooding.

Did the hurricane affect Myrtle Beach in South Carolina? ›

Myrtle Beach was among the hardest-hit areas on the South Carolina coast, according to WRAL News. The news outlet reported the area was experiencing power outages and flooding from the storm surge. Roofs were ripped off some businesses and homes.

What month do most hurricanes hit South Carolina? ›

Hurricane season in South Carolina runs from June 1 to November 30 each year, but the peak months for hurricane activity are August and September. South Carolina is one of the most hurricane-prone states in the lower 48, with 31 hurricanes hitting the state since 1851.

What are the worst months for hurricanes in South Carolina? ›

The Atlantic hurricane season is June 1 to November 30 each year, but August and September are the most likely months for a hurricane to make landfall in South Carolina.

What month is hurricane season in Myrtle Beach? ›

Hurricane Season is June 1 through November 30. Should a hurricane threaten our coast, the City of Myrtle Beach's Emergency Management Division is well prepared to handle whatever Mother Nature sends our way. It is important that our citizens, business owners and visitors are ready for any possible storms, too.

When was the last major storm in Myrtle Beach? ›

The most recent hurricane that came close to Myrtle Beach was Hurricane Irene on August 23, 2011.

How bad is hurricane season in South Carolina? ›

According to the South Carolina Emergency Management Division, South Carolina is one of the most vulnerable states to hurricanes and tropical storms all throughout the season.

Has there ever been a tsunami in Myrtle Beach? ›

Myrtle Beach sees more than seven per year. A lot of the mini tsunamis are the result of tropical storms or hurricanes offshore. The danger in that is they make the already punishing storm surge surf worse, Dusek said. Occasionally, they seem to come out of nowhere.

What was the worst disaster in SC history? ›

(The Center Square) – The Sea Islands Hurricane of August 1893 represents the worst weather-related or natural disaster in the history of South Carolina, according to a new analysis from the website 24/7 Wall St. That event resulted in more than 2,000 fatalities, the study reported.

What state was hit the hardest by Hurricane Sandy? ›

Heading south to New York and New Jersey - the two states that suffered the worst from Sandy.

How many hurricanes hit Myrtle Beach? ›

Recent hurricanes that have impacted Myrtle Beach include Hurricane Florence in 2018, Hurricane Matthew in 2016, Hurricane Floyd in 1999, and Hurricane Hugo in 1989 -- the latter of which damaged or destroyed 79,000 homes and resulted in 35 deaths across the state.

What pier was destroyed in Myrtle Beach? ›

At least five piers suffered damage over a 50-mile stretch from the Cherry Grove Pier in North Myrtle Beach, which lost its middle section amidst crashing waves, to the Pawleys Island Pier, part of which was swept away in the storm Sept. 30.

Was there a lot of damage in Myrtle Beach? ›

MYRTLE BEACH — Damage to residential and commercial properties in the cities of Myrtle Beach and North Myrtle Beach have exceeded $15 million in the wake of Hurricane Ian. Within their respective city limits, North Myrtle Beach saw $13.1 million in damage, while Myrtle Beach saw about $2.6 million in damage.

What part of South Carolina is safe from hurricanes? ›

The portion of the coast from northern Florida to southern South Carolina is at lower risk of a direct hit from the ocean by a hurricane since the coast is concave and does not stick out,” said meteorologist Jeff Masters with the private forecasting company Weather Underground.

Does South Carolina get more hurricanes than Florida? ›

It probably comes as no surprise that Florida has been hit by more hurricanes than any other state since the inception of the Saffir/Simpson scale in 1851. Its location directly between the Atlantic Ocean and Gulf of Mexico makes it susceptible to hurricanes that come from either side.

Does Myrtle Beach get hurricanes in October? ›

MYRTLE BEACH, S.C. (WMBF) - Historically, October brings a busy hurricane season, and some of the most memorable storms. The peak of hurricane season is behind the South Carolina coast in October, but hurricanes have a destructive history during the month.

How often does SC get hurricanes? ›

The average for any tropical storm or hurricane landfall in South Carolina is once every four to five years. Storms that make landfall along the Gulf of Mexico, Georgia, and North Carolina coastline often impact South Carolina as well.

Which Carolina gets more hurricanes? ›

North Carolina's coast is one of the nation's most vulnerable areas to a direct hurricane strike because its coastline extends out into the ocean. All areas of the state – from coastal and sound counties to the mountains – have been impacted by hurricanes in the past 20 years.

What month is most hurricane prone? ›

The official hurricane season for the Atlantic basin is from June 1 to November 30, but tropical cyclone activity sometimes occurs before and after these dates, respectively. The peak of the Atlantic hurricane season is September 10, with most activity occurring between mid-August and mid-October.

When not to go to Myrtle Beach? ›

What is this? Two times during the year are deemed the worst times to visit Myrtle beach: January and February and the summer high season.

What is the best month to vacation in Myrtle Beach? ›

The best time to visit Myrtle Beach is June through August, perfect weather for splashing around in the Atlantic and lying on the beach! But, Myrtle Beach is truly beautiful year round and anytime is a great time to come stay on the Grand Strand.

What are the best months to go to Myrtle Beach? ›

What is the best month to go to Myrtle Beach? If you're looking for "the full Grand Strand vacation experience," the best month to go to Myrtle Beach is June. This month has the best beach weather and all the top attractions are open, according to its website.

Has a tornado ever hit Myrtle Beach? ›

2001 Myrtle Beach tornadoes - Wikipedia.

What year did Hurricane Hazel hit Myrtle Beach SC? ›

This collection contains 30 photographs taken in the North Myrtle Beach area in the days immediately after Hurricane Hazel, a Category 4 Hurricane, made landfall on the northeastern coast of Horry County, South Carolina (Ocean Drive section of what is now North Myrtle Beach) on the morning of October 15, 1954.

What was the highest storm surge in Myrtle Beach? ›

Myrtle Beach saw record-breaking storm surge at more than 6 feet because of Hurricane Ian.

What state has the worst hurricane season? ›

States where major hurricanes hit the most

While Florida's 40 major hurricanes are double that of Texas, Mississippi has the highest proportion of major hurricanes in the United States. Almost 44% of Mississippi's 16 landfall hurricanes from 1851 to 2022 have been major storms.

Does all of South Carolina get hurricanes? ›

South Carolina is one of the most vulnerable states in the nation to be impacted by hurricanes and tropical storms. Six coastal counties border the Atlantic Ocean. These counties have more than 200 miles of general coastline, and another 21 inland counties may be directly affected by these storms.

How many Category 4 hurricanes have hit South Carolina? ›

Number of Tropical Cyclones to Hit South Carolina in Each Category at Landfall. South Carolina has had three category 4 hurricanes hit the coast, but has never been hit by a category 5 storm.

What natural disasters occur in Myrtle Beach South Carolina? ›

Hurricanes: Like most locations on the Atlantic, Myrtle Beach faces an annual threat from hurricanes. While a direct hit from a hurricane is relatively rare, there will always be a threat.

Do earthquakes happen in Myrtle Beach? ›

The largest earthquake in Myrtle Beach:

this year: 3.6 in Lugoff, South Carolina, United States.

How likely is a tsunami in Myrtle Beach? ›

The tsunami threat for South Carolina is relatively low, and any tsunamis would likely be small and inundate mostly the beaches. Although the risk is low, the consequences could be high. Tsunamis have been recorded on the U.S. Atlantic Coast in 1755, 1884, 1886 and in 1929.

What causes the most deaths in South Carolina? ›

The most recent report available from the South Carolina Department of Health and Environment Control is 2019 and it shows the leading cause of death was heart disease, as has been the case since 2013 when it outpaced cancer. Heart disease caused the deaths of 10,578 people or 20% of all deaths in the state in 2019.

What is the most common natural disaster in South Carolina? ›

Wildfires are the most common natural hazards in South Carolina. Approximately 5,000 wildfires occur in South Carolina each year.

What state has the worst natural disasters? ›

Texas witnessed 368 major disasters from 1953 through 2022, according to MoneyWise, the most of any state. The recent standout is 2017's Hurricane Harvey, which had more than $125 billion in damage — most of it from catastrophic flooding in Texas.

Was Hurricane Sandy worse than Katrina? ›

The most noticeable difference is the extent of the strong wind fields. For Katrina, winds over 65 kilometers per hour stretched about 500 kilometers (300 miles) from edge to edge. For Sandy, winds of that intensity stretched 1,500 kilometers (900 miles).

What states is least likely to experience a hurricane? ›

1. Michigan. Located in the Midwest, Michigan is one of the safest states from natural disasters as shown by data from National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. Michigan is generally safe from hurricanes, tornadoes, and earthquakes.

What was the worst hurricane in history? ›

The most intense hurricane on record to hit the U.S. is the Labor Day Hurricane of 1935. It was a Category 5 storm that hit the Florida Keys and claimed 408 lives, most of whom were World War I veterans building roads as part of a federal relief project. A train sent to evacuate them was derailed by the powerful storm.

What category was Hurricane Florence when it hit Myrtle Beach? ›

Florence was a long-lived, category 4 hurricane (on the Saffir-Simpson Hurricane Wind Scale) that made landfall along the southeastern coast of North Carolina near the upper end of category 1.

What hurricane hit Myrtle Beach 2004? ›

Hurricane Charley lasted from August 9 to August 15, 2004, and at its peak attained 150 mph (240 km/h) winds, making it a strong Category 4 hurricane on the Saffir-Simpson Hurricane Scale.

What hurricane hit Myrtle Beach 1995? ›

YearDates in S.C.Storm Track Map
1995August 28Jerry
1996June 19Arthur
1996July 12Bertha
1996September 4Fran
15 more rows

What is the abandoned castle in Myrtle Beach SC? ›

Atalaya Castle is a real castle located on the oceanfront of South Carolina in the Huntington Beach State Park in Myrtle Beach. The mystical castle has an abandoned feel to it that is as eerie and enticing as the low country itself.

Where did the shark attacks happen in Myrtle Beach? ›

Myrtle Beach

The first victim was wading in waist deep water near 75th Avenue North when a shark (species unknown) clamped onto her lower arm. After some effort on the woman's part, the shark released its hold.

What happened to the shrimp boat in Myrtle Beach? ›

Coast Guard members used a helicopter to rescue the group, but the boat was left behind. It washed ashore at Myrtle Beach on Friday as Hurricane Ian made landfall. A GoFundMe page on Tuesday had raised more than $8,000 for the ship's removal.

Is it safe to vacation at Myrtle Beach? ›

Although Myrtle Beach has a relatively high crime rate, it can be safe as long as you take proper precautions. Unfortunately, like virtually any party town, Myrtle Beach can get pretty rowdy, and there are a lot of people there who want to take advantage of intoxicated or confused tourists.

Is it safe to go in the ocean at Myrtle Beach? ›

Bottomline: Myrtle Beach Area Beaches Are Safe And Open. The testing of our ocean water is very important and helpful in ensuring the cleanliness of our beaches. However, it can alarm people when there is a higher reading following heavy rainfall.

Are hurricanes bad in Myrtle Beach? ›

Myrtle Beach is no stranger to hurricanes and tropical weather. As part of a coastal region, it has been battered by storms from Hurricane Florence to Hugo over the decades.

Does Myrtle Beach have a hurricane season? ›

Hurricane Season is June 1 through November 30. Should a hurricane threaten our coast, the City of Myrtle Beach's Emergency Management Division is well prepared to handle whatever Mother Nature sends our way. It is important that our citizens, business owners and visitors are ready for any possible storms, too.

Do tsunamis happen in Myrtle Beach? ›

Myrtle Beach sees more than seven per year. A lot of the mini tsunamis are the result of tropical storms or hurricanes offshore. The danger in that is they make the already punishing storm surge surf worse, Dusek said. Occasionally, they seem to come out of nowhere.

Is South Carolina bad for hurricanes? ›

South Carolina is one of the most vulnerable states in the nation to be impacted by hurricanes and tropical storms.

What months can you swim at Myrtle Beach? ›

From June through early October water temperatures are practically tropical making this area perfect for swimming and beach activities. The water cools significantly during the winter months due to cold offshore winds and longer nights.

Does Myrtle Beach get earthquakes? ›

USGS reports 4.5 magnitude earthquake hundreds of miles off Carolina coast. MYRTLE BEACH, S.C. (WMBF) – A 4.5 magnitude earthquake was reported in the Atlantic Ocean, between the Carolina coast and Bermuda, according to the United States Geological Survey.

What is the chance of a tsunami in Myrtle Beach? ›

The tsunami threat for South Carolina is relatively low, and any tsunamis would likely be small and inundate mostly the beaches. Although the risk is low, the consequences could be high.

What year did it snow in Myrtle Beach? ›

The latest major snowfall event in Myrtle Beach occurred in February 2010 and left a snow accumulation of 2.8 inches (71 millimetres) in the city.

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