Moving - The Sims 4 Guide - IGN (2024)

How do I move out of my current house in The Sims 4?


Sims can freely move in The Sims 4 as long as their destinations respect two common rules:

  • Sim families must have at least one Sim aged Teenager or older
  • Sim families must be comprised of no more than 8 total Sims combined from humanoids, dogs, and cats

There are a number of ways to move Sims around. The simplest way is if the Sims in question are a playable Sim family. To move an entire family at once, select any Sim from the family, open their cell phone by clicking on it in the bottom-right corner, navigate to the second tab (the one with the car icon), then select the Move Household option.


After selecting this option, you will be taken to the map screen. Select any neighborhood and any residential lot, then click the large button in the bottom-right corner with a moving truck icon. If the residential lot is already occupied, you'll be prompted whether you want to evict the family and take their lot, or merge your current family with the target family. If you evict the family (or if you're choosing an unoccupied residential lot), your current family must be able to afford it. If you're merging families, doing so will go through immediately. Once you confirm the move, it will be done immediately (albeit it will take a couple loading screens and some processing time).

For moving individuals among different lots and families, you'll need to use the Managing Households option. Please see that page of the wiki for more details.

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Moving - The Sims 4 Guide - IGN (2024)


What happens if you eat the bizarre fruit Sims 4? ›

They can be purchased from the Curio Shop and then consumed or planted, grown, and harvested. When initially consumed, a fruit doesn't initially do anything. However, it will trigger a flag that will cause your Sim to be possessed at random intervals every day.

How do you move your sim to another house? ›

The simplest way is if the Sims in question are a playable Sim family. To move an entire family at once, select any Sim from the family, open their cell phone by clicking on it in the bottom-right corner, navigate to the second tab (the one with the car icon), then select the Move Household option.

How do you get an occupied house in Sims 4? ›

  1. Put everything that won't travel well in your household inventory (diplomas, family photos, upgraded items.)
  2. Upload the lot to your library.
  3. Pick a new lot.
  4. Place your home on the lot using your library.
  5. Move your sims to the new house.
  6. Move everything from your household inventory into the lot & make any updates.

What happens if you eat a moonpetal Sims 4? ›

To reset your ability points, you'll need to harvest and eat a Moonpetal- you can collect these during a full moon at the peak of the Howling Point cave.

Can you befriend the mother plant? ›

Mother Plant – When completing the StrangerVille Mystery investigation and meeting the Mother, Sims can befriend her and ask for fruit. This requires a positive relationship.

What does currently not in world mean Sims 4? ›

Currently not in this world means that these sims are as we call them NPC's (non-Player-Controlled) They don't live in houses or on any lots. And yes you are right, they randomly appear in the game. They could be just passers by.

How do you have multiple households in the same neighborhood Sims 4? ›

You can create a new family from within the game. Either choose the lot you want the family to live and create a new family from the menu there (I'll add pics later if you don't find it) or click on the icon with the two people in the upper right corner on map view and create a new family from the household manager.

How do you see upstairs in Sims 4? ›

Use the page-up button on the keyboard so that Sims can walk upstairs. Clicking on the arrow in the top-right corner will let players take a look at the upper story of the house. Au contraire, players have to use the page-down button on the keyboard to walk Sims downstairs.

What happens to evicted Sims? ›

This will evict the current residents of that house. It won't delete them from your game, it will just make them "homeless", i.e. they will not be living in any of the residential lots in your worlds.

What happens if you don't have enough money to move in Sims 4? ›

This is less a bug and more of a consequence of gameplay. If you don't have enough money saved to afford a place at the end of schooling, they cannot purchase a lot or rent an apartment. However, this is not a game over. You can move your sim in with any existing household that's in the world when moving out.

How do I move my Sim to my house for free? ›

(This disables achievements).
  1. Hold down the bumpers and triggers simultaneously to bring up the cheat window.
  2. Type in Testingcheats on.
  3. Press enter.
  4. Type in freerealestate on.
  5. press enter.
  6. Move sims however you want.

How do you move objects anywhere in Sims 4? ›

In build mode you may want to place objects (like furniture or windows) in places that the grid won't allow. To do this activate the cheat console, type in “bb.moveobjects on”, and select the object you'd like to place and you'll find that you can put it anywhere inside your lot.

How do you freely move objects in Sims 4 Mac? ›

MoveObjects Cheat
  1. On PC, hold CTRL and Shift, then press C.
  2. On Mac, hold Command and Shift, then press C.
  3. On PlayStation 4, hold all four shoulder buttons at once.
  4. On Xbox One, hold all four shoulder buttons at once.
Apr 2, 2018

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