Motley Fool Rule Breakers Review: Is it Worth It? (2024)

Motley Fool Rule Breakers Review: Is it Worth It? (1)

*** Updated with Stock Prices and Returns as of March 24, 2024 ***

Today, we are here to bring you our Motley Fool Rule Breakers Review.

But first, I want to ask you a question

Have you heard of “buy-and-hold” investing?

I am going to assume that most of you are well-aware.

But for those who need a refresher, buy-and-hold investing entails buying stocks and holding those stocks for long periods (think 5 years or longer), regardless of market activity.

Therefore, you tolerate short-term price fluctuations because over time you believe that solid, profitable companies will recover and continue to rise in stock price.

The classic buy-and-hold strategy may not be “exciting” in the traditional sense…

…but it can produce exciting long-term returns.

Let’s take a real-life example of buy-and-hold investing.

Say you purchased 100 shares of Apple stock at $5 per share back in March 2008 (yes, that was the price back then). Even though the price dropped to about $3 in 2009, you continued to hold onto it.

By applying the buy-and-hold strategy, you still have those shares today.

As of today, those shares are worth $175 each.

In this example, you earned $174,500 on your initial $500 investment!

Remember, Apple was not a “nobody” penny stock in 2008, either.

If you were looking for the next “market movers”…

…could you had possibly identified Apple in 2008?

Most likely!

On the other hand, if you decided to cut your losses and sell in December 2008 when the Apple stock price actually dropped down to $2.79 per share, you would have definitely lost $200 AND you would have missed out on it’s amazing rise over the last decade.

When you buy-and-hold, you are trusting that you picked solid stocks and that you will receive substantial appreciation in the future.

Do you see the importance of buy-and-hold strategies yet (no offense to the day traders with us today – we love you too)?

But, if you are onboard…

…I have uncovered an excellent way to maximize the returns on your investments.

So, what do you say? Are you interested?

Well, do not stay here, keep on reading…

About the Motley Fool

The Motley Fool is a significant player in the financial media space.

The brother duo of Tom and David Gardner founded the company back in 1993.

Today, twenty-seven glorious years later, the company employs over 300 people.

The Motley provides a mix of free and premium services for stock news and analysis.

You can access investment news, research, and guides on the main website (

The Motley Fool cuts out the bull$h!t and focuses solely on investment advice.

Outside of the main website, Motley Fool offers two paid newsletters.

The newsletters are Stock Advisor and Rule Breakers.

Both newsletters provide investment advice to increase your investment returns.

However, each newsletter focuses on a different type of stock investment.

The Rule Breakers newsletter focuses more on high-growth stocks in emerging or relatively new markets.

The Stock Advisor newsletter focuses more on stocks with lower volatility.

Today, we are here to talk about the Motley Fool Rule Breakers newsletter.

But don’t worry – we will compare both newsletters further down the page.

So, are you ready to get started?

What are Growth Stocks?

The Motley Fool Rule Breakers is a newsletter for the “high-growth” investor.

But what do we mean by “high-growth” stocks?

Growth stocks are mainly companies selling more goods and services each year, typically in a new or emerging industry.

However, you cannot look at growth rates as a standalone reason for choosing a stock.

Instead, Rule Breakers looks at companies likely to turn a high-growth rate into sustainable, long-term cash flow.

And the payoff for growth investors can be HUGE.

Now that you know a little about growth stocks…

…what really constitutes a high-growth stock?

According to the website, the Rule Breakers “focus primarily on under-appreciated growth stocks with solid management and a sustainable business strategy.”

One of the most critical pieces of a Rule Breaker stock is that each company meets the two following criteria:

  1. The company is an innovator
  2. The company operates in an emerging industry

However, these are just two criteria for being a “Rule Breaker.”

We will get into the other “rules” to becoming a Rule Breaker shortly.

What Makes a Rule Breaker?

It is no secret that Motley Fool Rule Breakers go after specific stocks.

You can read about the six rules that break all the other rules.

Rule #1: The company must be a “top dog” in an emerging industry

As Motley Fool states, “It doesn’t matter if you’re the big player in floppy drives — the industry is falling apart.”

However, on the other side, you can be in a great industry, but be too small to realize your growth potential.

To follow this rule, David seeks innovative companies that are leaders in an emerging industry.

Rule #2: The company must have a sustainable advantage

Whether the advantages are through…

  • Business momentum
  • Patent protection
  • Visionary leadership
  • Inept Competitors

…a Rule Breaker must have the edge over other competitors.

These advantages will keep each company stacking gains for years to come.

Rule #3: The company must have strong past price appreciation

You know what they say about the best growth stocks…

…they tend to keep growing!

Therefore, each Rule Breaker stock is a proven winner in the market.

Rule #4: The company must have proper management and smart backing

Name one company with incompetent management that maintains success.

Go ahead – I will wait.

Can’t think of any?

This is why David seeks only the best of the best.

Rule #5: The company must have strong consumer appeal.

The most successful companies have a strong customer base.

That is a dead giveaway, right?

Well, giveaway or not, it is a rule to become a Rule Breaker.

Rule #6: The financial media is overvaluing the company.

Rule Breakers are simply “too expensive,” according to the financial press.

However, these “experts” may be overlooking a company’s transformative value.

Rule Breakers do not [overlook transformative value].

What Do You Get with Rule Breakers?

Let’s kick-off the Motley Fool Rule Breakers review with what you get with this service:

Motley Fool Rule Breakers Review: Is it Worth It? (2)

Okay, now you know David Gardner’s proprietary stock-identifying system…

…its time to reveal what you get with your Rule Breakers subscription.

The price of admission includes the following features:

Two new stock picks each month

Motley Fool Rule Breakers Review: Is it Worth It? (3)

David Gardner and his team go through 630,000 publicly traded stocks each month (well, sort of).

The result?

Two of David’s best recommendations delivered to your inbox (generally on the 4th Wednesday of each month).

These stock picks follow the Rule Breaker criteria mentioned above.

Five “Best Buys Now” stocks

Motley Fool Rule Breakers Review: Is it Worth It? (4)

Every month, you get five stocks recommended as the “Best Buys Now.”

These stocks are the team’s favorite stocks for your money right now.

Rule Breaker Starter Stocks

Motley Fool Rule Breakers Review: Is it Worth It? (5)

Rule Breakers includes over 130 companies with active recommendations.

Instead of buying all the recommended stocks, I suggest checking out the “Starter Stocks.”

Motley Fool believes that these nine stocks are the best in the Rule Breakers portfolio.

This list is updated regularly and currently stands at nine.

As a rule of thumb, Motley Fool suggests buying at least three starter stocks (with a total of fifteen stocks in your portfolio).

From there, you can begin to include more volatile stocks recommended by Rule Breakers.

Proprietary research and exclusive benefits.

Each stock idea comes with an extensive research report.

The report lays out, step-by-step, the opportunity and risks associated with the investment.

So How Much is a Subscription to the Fool's Rule Breaker service?

The Rule Breaker service is usually $299 a year, but there is a special sales page for new subscribers. They frequently run special promotions like "50% OFF" and "TRY IT FOR JUST $19." So if you are a new subscriber, click THIS LINK and you can try it for just $19 and see their latest sales promotion.

And, there is a 30 day cancellation period for a full refund.

You can also access Bonus Reports (at least one per year).

The past Bonus Reports include:

  • 1 Total-Conviction Stock for Cable TV’s “Ticking Time Bomb”
  • iPhone Supercycle
  • The Next

Rule Breakers Performance

As part of the Motley Fool Rule Breakers review…

…we are going to assess the services performance.

First of all, you need to know that I have been a subscriber since January 2016. I also opened up a brand new ETrade account at that time and I have purchased roughly $2,000 of each and every one of their stock recommendations.

As of March 24, 2024, here are the results of Rule Breakers and Stock Advisor since I have been tracking them beginning in 2016:

As you can see, the Motley Fool Rule Breaker stock picks have absolutely CRUSHED the market and are outperforming the more popular Stock Advisor.

Based on my experience over the last 8 years, it is absolutely worth it! Normally the price is $299 a year but for a short time, you can get the next 24 Rule Breakers stock picks for just $99 per year!

If you want to see more detail, take a look at some of these picks from the last few years…

  • November, 2023 pick NU up 51%
  • October, 2023 pick CAVA up 101%
  • June, 2023 pick IOT up 44%
  • April, 2023 pick DUOL up 66%
  • March, 2023 pick PUBM up 67%
  • February, 2023 pick SG up 168%
  • February, 2023 pick CRWD up 186%
  • December, 2022 pick MNDY up 100%
  • December, 2022 pick BRZE up 98%
  • October, 2022 pick CELH up 210%
  • October, 2022 pick HUBS up 134%
  • and July, 2022 pick UBER up 288%

They achieve these fantastic results because they really do pick a few stocks that double or triple each year, and that makes up for the few losers that they do pick.

Remember, normally the price is $299 a year but for a short time, you can get the next 24 Rule Breakers stock picks for just $99 per year!

You should note that these are the better results of Rule Breakers.

Historically, the gains have offset any past losses.

For example, let’s say you buy a recommendation that loses 20% in 2020.

However, you choose another stock that triples in value (300%) by the end of 2020.

In this instance, you come out faaar ahead of your “bad” investment.

Just like anything in life, you are taking a risk.

What we love about Rule Breakers is that the company is historically very successful.

Rule Breakers Layout

If you are familiar with Stock Advisor, Rule Breakers is very similar.

So, what’s good about Rule Breakers?

The platform is user-friendly and intuitive.

To begin, navigate to the “Home” tab.

The “Home” tab includes all updates and active stock recommendations.

You can also see the overall performance, upcoming stock pick schedules, articles, and more.

If you want to learn more about any particular stock, simply click on the stock logo.

Under each stock logo, you can access the analysis section.

The analysis section includes the underlying fundamentals, ratio, charts, and more information.

You also have the option to receive notifications for any stock that Rule Breakers recommends.

From here, you can move on to the “My Favorites” page.

Under “My Favorites,” you can track stocks of personal interest.

Additionally, you will receive alerts on Buy and Sell recommendations and significant price fluctuations.

Do these features sound familiar?

If so, you are likely a subscriber of the Motley Fool Stock Advisor service.

Next up is the “Performance” page.

The “Performance” page displays the results of all Rule Breaker recommendations.

And these results go all the way back to 2004.

Last but not least, you can view each stock by rating.

The stock ratings are based on risk and how the Rule Breakers measure risk.

Is Rule Breakers Worth the Money?

The Motley Fool Rule Breakers review is not complete without answering…

…is Rule Breakers worth the money?

More importantly, is Motley Fool Rule Breakers worth YOUR money?

Did you know…

…Motley Fool Rule Breakers retails at $299 per year!

But, for a short time, you can get Rule Breakers for just $99 per year!

However, if you are not ready to spend a dime, you can sign up for a free 30-day trial.

The free trial provides full access to the entire website.

So, is Motley Fool Rule Breakers worth the money?

In the world of investing, “value” is determined by two things:

  1. The price of the service
  2. The impact the service has on your investments

Therefore, “cheap” does not always equal cheap (and vice versa).

For example, you may save money with a cheap service…

…but what does that mean for your portfolio?!

Rule Breakers provides the best of value and quality.

At just $99 annually, it is hard to find a more cost-effective service.

Furthermore, it is hard to find the quality of advice on other investment services (which are always more expensive).

We conclude that Motley Fool Rule Breakers is well-worth the money.

You can easily make back your $99 investment with one good stock buy.

Motley Fool Rule Breakers vs. Stock Advisor

So, this can’t possibly just be a Motley Fool Rule Breakers review…

…because you also need to know about Motley Fool Stock Advisor.

One of the primary goals of Motley Fool newsletters is to beat the market.

To that end, these investment pros offer two newsletters:

  1. Motley Fool Rule Breakers (I am concerned if you are not aware by now)
  2. Motley Fool Stock Advisor

The platform of these two services is very similar.

Each service consistently beats the market.

However, the difference between the two lies in the investing methodologies.

Rule Breakers is geared toward growth investors.

Stock Advisor is geared toward less volatile investments.

But the goal of each service is to uncover stocks that are overlooked by Wall Street.

For this reason, both services make a compelling case for your consideration.

Perhaps you want to know which service performs better.

Here are the results:

Over the past three years, Rule Breaker picks are performing better than Stock Advisor picks.

Conversely, some Rule Breaker picks are sustaining more significant losses compared to Stock Advisor.

Assuming you buy all recommendations from both services, you would do better with Rule Breakers.

So, which service is the best fit for you?

That is for you to decide.

Fortunately, you can try both services for free.

That is right – Rule Breakers and Stock Advisor offers a 30-day, 100% money-back guarantee.

So How Much is a Subscription to the Fool's Rule Breaker service?

The Rule Breaker service is usually $299 a year, but there is a special sales page for new subscribers. They frequently run special promotions like "50% OFF" and "TRY IT FOR JUST $19." So if you are a new subscriber, click THIS LINK and you can try it for just $19 and see their latest sales promotion.

And, there is a 30 day cancellation period for a full refund.

Who Should Use Rule Breakers?

With Rule Breakers, you will win some, and you will lose some.

The service is trying to predict the next “big thing.”

Therefore, this strategy comes with significant volatility (unless you can predict the future).

For this reason, I recommend using this service if you have an established portfolio.

If you are brand-new to investing, you need a solid base before speculating on individual stocks.

For those with an established portfolio, Rule Breakers is excellent if you can bear the additional risk and want to boost your gains.

However, I suggest allocating a small percentage of your overall portfolio to buy these stocks.

Additionally, Rule Breaker stock picks are primarily for long-term investors

If you are seeking a quick dollar…

…Rule Breakers is not for you!

If you are looking for a service that will tell you when to buy, at what price, and when to sell…

…again, Rule Breakers is not for you!

Finally, if you are not able to withstand short-term drops in stock price…

…Rule Breakers is not for you!

I am only telling you this because I want you to be successful.

So, who can be successful with Rule Breakers?

Let me tell you the ideal candidate for the Rule Breakers service:

  • An investor that is looking for high-quality, long-term investment ideas.
  • An investor that is looking for an online community of investors.

And remember, Rule Breakers has historically more than doubled the S&P 500s returns.

Therefore, if you are savvy enough, you can improve upon the Rule Breakers performance by performing your own analysis on each recommendation.

In case you forgot, you can try Rule Breakers risk-free with their money-back guarantee.

So How Much is a Subscription to the Fool's Rule Breaker service?

The Rule Breaker service is usually $299 a year, but there is a special sales page for new subscribers. They frequently run special promotions like "50% OFF" and "TRY IT FOR JUST $19." So if you are a new subscriber, click THIS LINK and you can try it for just $19 and see their latest sales promotion.

And, there is a 30 day cancellation period for a full refund.

Final Thoughts

And that is our Motley Fool Rule Breakers Review.

So, now you know ALL of the facts regarding Rule Breakers.

The bottom-line?

Motley Fool Rule Breakers is an excellent service to complement your investing.

My favorite thing about Rule Breakers is transparency.

David Gardner and his team make recommendations and show you the results (forever).

This company does not sweep bad recommendations under the rug.

Instead, Rule Breakers embraces the inherent risk in the market and shows that even the experts cannot be 100% accurate.

Fortunately, David and the team are so successful that the total results (gains and losses) generate plenty of new customers.


Because overall, Rule Breakers is winning!

However, this service should not be your sole resource.

But Rule Breakers can expose you to investment ideas you never imagined.

These ideas can include different investments, industries, or companies.

So, apart from making money, you stand to learn plenty of new information.

You can learn from the online community of investors, too.

The forums contain endless information and expert-level analysis from experienced investors.

Therefore, investors of all experience levels can learn something here (even David Gardner himself).

In addition to knowledgeable, the forums are full of friendly and supportive users.

You may even get lucky enough for David Gardner to respond to your question.

The other Rule Breaker analysts spend plenty of time on the forum, as well.

With all that Rule Breakers can offer…

…why have you not signed up already?

It is time to take control of your financial future TODAY!

Do you have experience with the Motley Fool?

Click Here To Get Rule Breakers For Only $19/month or $99/year

Do you recommend another investment newsletter?

Let us know with a comment below!

Rule Breaker stocks are up 344% over the last 5 years vs SP’s 55%! The next pick comes out this Thursday!
CLICK HERE to save $200. & get his next 24 picks for only $99

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Motley Fool Rule Breakers Review: Is it Worth It? (2024)


Motley Fool Rule Breakers Review: Is it Worth It? ›

As you can see, the Motley Fool Rule Breakers stock picks that I bought have absolutely CRUSHED the market and are outperforming the more popular Motley Fool Stock Advisor service. Based on my experience over the last 8 years, it is absolutely worth it!

Is Motley Fool Rule Breakers worth it? ›

In general, Rule Breakers is ideal for those who are looking to add potential big winners to their portfolios. With Rule Breakers, you're going to get more sell recommendations, as well as its buy recommendations, because at some point you'll need to unload your stocks.

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Based on my experience over the last 8 years, it is absolutely worth it! Normally the price is $299 a year but for a short time, you can get the next 24 Rule Breakers stock picks for just $99 per year! If you want to see more detail, take a look at some of these picks from the last few years…

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Motley Fool Rule Breakers

Rule Breakers is run by David Gardner and has been providing monthly stock recommendations since 2004, let's take a closer look at some of the services best picks, recent picks and to-date performance.

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Name: Allyn Kozey

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Introduction: My name is Allyn Kozey, I am a outstanding, colorful, adventurous, encouraging, zealous, tender, helpful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.