Money — How To Tame It With A Burning Desire (2024)

Money — How To Tame It With A Burning Desire (2)

DESIRE is the beginning point of money and everything that comes with it! Most people have wishes instead of desires, then they wonder why those wishes do not come true. Those who understand the power of desire and how to awaken it, have the capacity to create anything they want.

You have probably heard that success is 95% mindset and 5% strategy. As shocking as that may sound to you, it is a very modest way of putting it. Science now tells us that the observable universe is less than 0.0001% matter and more than 99.999% Space. This Space is what has been termed the Quantum Vacuum and it is filled with energy and consciousness. Going a step further, we know that our universe is just a tiny speck within a boundless infinity. That means that in a very literal sense, that which is invisible is the only Reality, while the visible is mere shadows. The magic of life is to master the domain of Causation. When we do, the outer effects take care of themselves like magic. Now, you will find a million gurus for each tactic that you want to use to make money or succeed in life. But there is only a handful of us who have the gift to take you on the deeper journey. It is the road less traveled that makes all the difference. I will be recommending some carefully selected resources that you can work with to apply these lessons and create the results you want. But first, let us work on the real cause of all the phenomena in your life — YOU!

This article is based on the premise that success is not a matter of chance or the result of any power that is outside of yourself. Anyone can get rich if they understand the fundamental principles by which the universe unfolds, have a clear mental image of what success means to them, and commit themselves to the organized system of action that has been proven to create wealth for millions of other people around the world.

The first fundamental principle we will review today is the Principle of Unity. Both science and religion agree that the universe is a living system whose evolution or expansion can be traced back to a certain Origin or Source. What you need to understand is that God is not someone’s name. It is just a noun that has been accepted universally to denote this originating force of all things. This is why every religious tradition has its own name for God.

Since humans are religious by nature and the term God spontaneously invokes subconsciously programmed beliefs and emotions, the scientific and business communities have learned to keep the word ‘God’ out of their vocabulary. Since we will be using the term God in this course, it will be good to clarify what the word means from a philosophical and scientific perspective:

God is the Source from which the universe emerges. We all agree that everything has a beginning, that creation has a Creator, and that the Creator is a Power that cannot be created or destroyed. The concept of an Uncreated Origin immediately brings us to the concept of Singularity or Unity. In summary, God is One and Indivisible, and apart from God, there is nothing else.

God is the Medium within which the universe is contained. Since God is the only presence (Omnipresence), only power (Omnipotence), and only intelligence (Omniscience) that is, it holds true that for anything to have an existence, that thing must have emerged from God and must be existing within God. God is the Absolute, Eternal, and Infinite Principle of Life. God is Pure Being or Infinite Potentiality. Since most people reading this article are likely to have some religious belief or another, let me clarify something right away.

The devil is not the opposite of God. An opposite means an equal force acting in the reverse direction. We cannot profess God as Omnipotence and yet admit the existence of a competing force. We are told in very clear terms in the Bible that Lucifer is an angel of God who fell. This one statement alone should put your mind to rest.

All things emerge from within God and exist within God. If you are the son/daughter of God who will judge the angels, and Satan is a fallen angel for that matter, what that means is that your fear of the devil has been a prison of your own making. The most powerful devil in your life is your own ignorance and the fear that is created by it.

God is the Matrix by which all things in the universe are linked with each other. Since everything in the universe emerges out of God and exists within God, it is easy to see that everything is linked with God and connected with each other. Let us use the image of the tree to explain this. A tree grows out of a single seed, produces a trunk with many branches that bear thousands of leaves and hundreds of fruits.

When one fruit looks at another fruit outwardly it thinks that they are different and separate beings. When one branch looks at another branch outwardly it thinks they are different and separate communities. This is how humans fragment reality into individualities, families, tribes, religions, nations, planets, galaxies, etc. But if the fruit was to look within itself, it will see the string from which it is hanging from a branch which is hanging on a trunk which is rooted in the ground and channeling the same sap into all the fruits and leaves. Everything in the universe is One Substance expressing itself in a multitude of forms.

God is the Force that is spontaneously unfolding and expressing itself through the universe. If we continue with our analogy of the sap within the tree, we will be able to visualize life as the River of God. The Bible talks of the Breath of God or the Spirit of God. Life is not something that we are doing; Life is the activity of God that is overflowing through us. This God-Force by which all things are created can be seen as the Spiritual DNA of the universe, the Logos or Word that is referred to in the first chapter of the Gospel of John.

God is the Destiny to which all things return after they have fulfilled their material existence. God is the uncreated creator of all things. All things rise and fall within him with the pulsating rhythm of the waves upon the sea. Thus, when a thing fulfills its purpose on the material plane, it returns to its origin. The Origin itself remains unchanged. Nothing can be added to it and nothing can be subtracted from it. It is the Pure Being within which all potentiality exists, within which all expression takes place, and to which all manifestations return.

Let us use the analogy of the “zero” or origin on a number line. If one person moves from positive one, positive two, positive three, to positive infinity, and another person moves from negative one, negative two, negative three, to negative infinity, they will eventually meet at the point where positive infinity equals negative infinity equals zero, that is, the origin from which they both started.

Now you can see that Reality is a Unity, that all things are connected, that you are the human expression of the Infinite and Eternal Oneness. The implication of this knowledge to your success is that right here, right now, even as you are, you are one with all things. No matter what it is that you are desiring, you are already one with it. Time, space, and size are mere illusions that you will conquer as your mind gets renewed through your study and application of the principles in this program.

Desire is the impulse for change. Without desire, you cannot achieve anything. Without desire, your life will be at the mercy of external circ*mstances. It is usually said that you are either pulled by your dreams or pushed by your circ*mstances. The danger with being pushed by circ*mstances is that you have no choice over what direction your life is going. It is a lack of desire that makes people sit on one spot and complain. Yes, if you were angry enough about your situation, you would get up and do something about it.

Desire is the fuel of life, the fire that sets the soul ablaze. Lack of action simply means a lack of sufficient desire for change. Wishing for more money has never made anyone rich. Wishing for a better relationship has never made anyone enjoy a blissful marriage. Wishing to lose weight has never made anyone fit.

Here is an easy way to set yourself on fire. Examine the reasons why you do not want what you do not want. How does it feel not to have enough money? Awakening those negative feelings is an easier and faster way to get your heart involved. Think of your kids not having clothes and toys for Christmas. Think of the landlord humiliating you in front of your wife because of unpaid rent. Think of the things that have affected you deeply due to your lack of money, and then get furious.

Now, convert that fury into a resolve to experience the opposite feelings. Tell yourself that you will claim from life the equal and opposite feeling of what you have been through. Start imagining yourself swimming in affluence and begin flipping the feeling of frustration into the feeling of buoyancy, the feeling of limitation to the feeling of freedom, and the feeling of lack into the feeling of abundance. Think of all that you have been through due to lack of money and imagine the good you will do for others if you had more than enough money to live the life you want and still have enough to make life better for others.


In the Introductory Chapter of THINK AND GROW RICH you will find the story of a young newspaper reported by name Napoleon Hill who was sent to interview the richest man in the world in 1908 by name Andrew Carnegie. This was supposed to be an ordinary job that would result in an ordinary article for the newspaper. But something happened in that meeting. There is something that this wealthy Baron found in this poor newspaper boy that made Carnegie entrust young Napoleon Hill with the responsibility of investing 20 years of his life interviewing 500 of the richest men in America to develop the Success System that resulted in the “THINK AND GROW RICH” book and has helped millions of people become millionaires. See if you can find that quality that Napoleon Hill possessed. Reflect on a time in your life when you manifested this quality or failed to manifest it. What was the result? Use the text box below to write and submit your reflection.

Translate your inspiration into results. This free training will show you how you can create an online business even if you have no capital or tech skills. Work from home in any part of the world and enjoy the life you have always dreamed of. Join the thousands of people of all ages who are using this proven system to earn $1000 or more every week without having their own products. CLICK HERE TO START YOUR FREE TRAINING.


It is through active learning that the ideas you have just received will sink into your subconscious mind and orchestrate the results you are looking for. Here are three things you can do to engage with this content:

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  3. Check out the resource that I have recommended for you on this LINK.

Copyright Notice:

© Esoh Nji Godfrey, 2021. All Rights Reserved.

This article was originally published in 2018 as part of a coaching program within the Godfrey Esoh Network. Thousands of people have experienced amazing changes in their lives with the help of this content and it is our prayer that you will too. You are permitted to share and reuse this free version in any way that helps other people to benefit from these transformational lessons, so long as you cite the original author. For further inquiries, please contact the author at


The author is neither a licensed financial advisor nor a physician. This article is for educational purposes only and is not intended to serve as financial, investment, business, or medical advice. For all medical advice, please consult your healthcare provider. For financial advice, please consult your licensed financial advisor.

Money — How To Tame It With A Burning Desire (2024)
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Name: Jerrold Considine

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Introduction: My name is Jerrold Considine, I am a combative, cheerful, encouraging, happy, enthusiastic, funny, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.