Millenary olive oil: New taste for ancient flavor | CNN (2024)

Millenary olive oil: New taste for ancient flavor | CNN (1)

Millenary olive trees: The Montsià plains of southern Catalonia are home to the world's largest concentration of millenary olive trees.

Millenary olive oil: New taste for ancient flavor | CNN (2)

Ancient trees: More than 4,400 of these trees are thought to be more than 1,000 years old -- and many are still producing olives.

Millenary olive oil: New taste for ancient flavor | CNN (3)

World's oldest?: Researchers at the Technical University of Madrid have found the Farga de l'Arión tree to be 1,700 years old. This makes it a strong contender for being the world's oldest olive tree.

Millenary olive oil: New taste for ancient flavor | CNN (4)

Mar de Olivas: The region, shielded between two small mountain ranges, in a broad dry valley near the mouth of the Ebro River, is known as Mar de Olivas (Sea of Olives).

Millenary olive oil: New taste for ancient flavor | CNN (5)

Heirloom olives: Because the Farga, an heirloom olive endemic to the area, is less productive than other varieties, it fell out of favor for many years.

Millenary olive oil: New taste for ancient flavor | CNN (6)

Back in fashion: However, the growing popularity of the Mediterranean diet and increasing consumer interest in food provenance have opened up new opportunities for olive oil entrepreneurs.

Spanish olive oil: In 2015/16 Sprain produced 1.4 million metric tons of olive oil -- close to half the total global olive oil production.

Millenary olive oil: New taste for ancient flavor | CNN (8)

Local producers: Around 10 local producers are now making their own brands of millenary olive oil. The Arión estate is also home to an open-air museum.

Millenary olive oil: New taste for ancient flavor | CNN (9)

Moleta del Remai: The Ebro Delta and the Catalonian coastline can be seen from the clifftop ruins of the Iberian settlement of Moleta del Remei.

Millenary olive oil: New taste for ancient flavor | CNN (10)

Ulldecona: The town of Ulldecona is dominated by a medieval castle -- pictured here lit up in the distance. The town has two Michelin-starred restaurants where you can sample millenary olive oils.

Millenary olive oil: New taste for ancient flavor | CNN (11)

Ermita de la Pietat: Serra de Godall, a short distance from Ulldecona, is home to a hermitage church, Ermita de la Pietat.

Millenary olive oil: New taste for ancient flavor | CNN (12)

Cave paintings: Along the stone wall to the left of the hermitage church at Serra de Godall, there are rock shelters decorated with ancient cave art.

Millenary olive oil: New taste for ancient flavor

Story highlights

Catalonia is home to world's largest concentration of millenary olive trees

The 1,700-year-old Farga de l'Arión might be the world's oldest olive tree


It’s a sight that’s been greeting travelers for thousands of years.

On the Montsià plains of southern Catalonia, about a two-hour drive south of Barcelona, lies the Mar de Olivas, or Sea of Olives. Here, shielded between two small mountain ranges, in a broad dry valley near the mouth of the Ebro River, olive groves stretch as far as the eye can see.

And not just any olive trees: This area hosts the largest concentration of millenary olive trees not just in Spain but anywhere in the world.

To qualify as one of these ancient olive trees, the diameter of the trunk has to be more than 3.5 meters, measured at a height of 1.3 meters from the ground. More than 4,400 trees thought to be 1,000 years or older have already been located and cataloged, while many more may be waiting to be discovered.

With most of these trees still producing oil, customers worldwide are developing a new taste for this ancient flavor.

The oldest olive tree in the world

Millenary olive oil: New taste for ancient flavor | CNN (13)

The 1,700-year-old Farga de l'Arión is protected by a small fence.

Near the small town of Ulldecona, is a unique piece of natural heritage: a 1,700-year old tree which might be the oldest, scientifically dated, olive tree anywhere in the world.

Researchers at the Technical University of Madrid used advanced laser-based techniques to conclusively date the Farga de l’Arión, as this monumental tree is called, to the early fourth century.

This was during the reign of Roman emperor Constantine the Great, who ruled over Britain, Gaul and Spain. Most of the ancient trees here are of the Farga variety, a heirloom olive that is endemic to the area.

“It is difficult to find a Farga olive tree that is younger than 200 years old,” explains Jaume Antich, former mayor of Ulldecona and now an adviser at Taula del Senia, which works to preserve the trees’ heritage and promote tourism.

“They tend to be less productive than other varieties, therefore they went out of favor for a really long time.”

Valuable asset

Until very recently, Antich explains, Farga olive trees were felled and replaced with higher-yielding varieties, or simply uprooted and resold elsewhere as garden decor.

However, most millenary trees are still productive. The growing popularity of the Mediterranean diet and increasing consumer interest in food provenance have opened up new opportunities for olive oil entrepreneurs.

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“It is only recently that we realized that we had a valuable asset in these trees, that people are ready to pay for the experience of tasting an olive oil with such a unique origin,” says Antich.

Amador Peset used to work as a carpenter, but when Spain’s construction boom ended a few years ago, the 37-year-old switched to making olive oil.

Recognizing the potential of ancient olive trees, he launched his own brand of millenary oil: Thiarjulia, named after the Roman name of his hometown of Traiguera.

The tree-finder

Millenary olive oil: New taste for ancient flavor | CNN (14)

10 local producers are now making their own brands of millenary olive oil.

Having begun with his own small plot of millenary trees, Peset now drives around the region finding other ancient trees that are being neglected by the landowners.

He then will usually make an arrangement with the owners so he can harvest specific trees for his Thiarjulia brand.

“It has become like an obsession,” he says. “I love to find these trees and bring them back into production.”

His annual yield of millenary olive oil is around 800 liters, harvested from more than a hundred scattered trees.

That’s a tiny drop in the ocean of Spanish olive oil production, which in 2015/16 stood at 1.4 million metric tons, or close to half the total global olive oil production.

However, Peset has still found a lucrative market for his oil in China and other Asian countries. His 100ml bottles of saffron-infused millenary oil are not only consumed at the table, but sold for cosmetic use too.

Another nine local producers are also in the millenary olive oil business, each with their own brand. A certification scheme has also been created in order to guarantee the provenance of millenary olive oils and underpin its image in consumer markets.

Olive grove tours

A walk through the Arión estate’s open-air museum, where the alleged world’s oldest olive tree is located, gives you an idea why these groves are drawing a still rather small, but growing, crowd.

The centuries have left their mark on these monumental trees, turning their wide, robust and contorted trunks into proper living sculptures.

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Every one of them is unique in its own way, while contributing to a harmonious whole.

A tour of the olive groves can be easily complemented by visiting the remains of one of the nearby cliff-top Iberian settlements dating back to around 600 BC.

Moleta del Remei

At the most well preserved of these, the archaeological site at Moleta del Remei, it’s possible to imagine how life was for the inhabitants of those lands 2,600 years ago.

This was well before the arrival of Romans and Carthaginians made this region a battleground in their struggle for Mediterranean hegemony.

The navies of these two superpowers of antiquity clashed within sight of the village in the decisive Battle of Ebro River in 217 BC.

Millenary olive oil: New taste for ancient flavor | CNN (15)

To the left of the Ermita de la Pietat church, there are rock shelters decorated with ancient cave art.

Those looking for even older artifacts can’t miss the cave paintings at nearby Serra de Godall.

Here, some 8,000 years ago, groups of huntsmen left their pictorial mark in a series of open rock shelters. The amazing hunting scenes, one of the few sites in Mediterranean cave art to feature women, are clearly visible to the naked eye and accessible for close-up inspection.

As you can see, even the oldest of the trees can look young next to some of the heritage surrounding them.

By claiming back their ancient olive trees, though, the inhabitants of this little-visited corner of the Mediterranean are not only tapping a sustainable economic resource, but re-establishing a direct link with this remote past.

How to get there


Although it’s possible to reach Ulldecona by train, we recommend traveling by car. The local train service is infrequent and the various sites of interest are scattered around a a radius of several kilometers from the town center.

From the AP-7 motorway (Barcelona-Valencia), follow exit 42, then road T-332 for around five kilometers.

Guided tours of millenary olive trees can be booked at Ulldecona Tourist Information Office.

The standard package costs 10 euroes (around $11) per person and includes a guided visit to the Airón Estate millenary olives open-air museum (accessible only as part of a guided tour), Ulldecona’s medieval castle and the Serra de Godall cave paintings.

Local millenary oils are also for sale at the Tourist Office.

Turisme Ulldecona; Passeig de l’Estació, s/n, 43550 Ulldecona, Catalonia, Spain; +34977573394

The oils can also be tried at the Michelin-starred Les Moles and L’Antic Molí restaurants in Ulldecona.

Les Moles; Carretera de La Sènia km 2, 43550 Ulldecona; +34977573224

L’Antic Molí; Barri Castell, 43559 El Castell, Ulldecona; +34977570893

Serra de Godall and Moleta del Remei

To visit the cave paintings, head to Centre d’interpretació d’Art Rupestre, next to Ermita de la Pietat. Follow the road from Ulldecona to Tortosa for around four kilometers.

It’s advisable to book in advance, either by calling +34653937204 or through Ulldecona Tourist Office.

Centre d’interpretació d’Art Rupestre; C. de la Pedrera, Ulldecona, Tarragona

To reach the archaeological settlement of Moleta del Remei, follow the road from Ulldecona to Alcanar for about two kilometers. Guided tours can be booked through Ulldecona Tourist Office.

Moleta del Remei; 43530 Alcanar, Catalonia, Spain; +34977737639

Millenary olive oil: New taste for ancient flavor | CNN (2024)


Which is the healthiest olive oil? ›

Extra virgin olive oil is the healthiest version because it's cold-pressed only once without high heat or chemical solvents. The special processing helps extra virgin oil retain its nutrients.

Why is olive oil so expensive right now in 2024? ›

Olive trees 'exceedingly' vulnerable to climate change

“The world's biggest exporter of olive oil, Spain, has halved its production due to drought and extreme heat, increasing its price (at origin!) 112% since 2022,” Bennett said on social media platform X on April 10. “It's happening to other food crops too.

Is Pompeian olive oil real? ›

In fact, Pompeian EVOO was the first brand of olive oil to carry the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) quality monitored seal and has never failed or missed one of the strict requirements or checkpoints set by the USDA or North American Olive Oil Association (NAOOA) Quality Seal Programs.

What does really good olive oil taste like? ›

A good extra-virgin olive oil should taste of olives, of course, which can include fruity and even bitter notes. EVOO can also be buttery and bright.

What is considered the best olive oil in the world? ›

The Official Guide is the definitive catalogue of the best extra virgin olive oils and the dedicated producers who craft them.
  • Cabeço das Nogueiras Galega Veronica Foods Exclusive. ...
  • Nocellara Salvatore Cutrera. ...
  • Apollo Olive Oil Sierra. ...
  • California Olive Ranch Miller's Blend. ...
  • Agriston. ...
  • Mediterre Alea. ...
  • Domaine Adonis Picholine.

Which olive oil is best for inflammation? ›

Extra virgin olive oil can reduce inflammation, which may be one of the main reasons for its health benefits. Olive oil's main anti-inflammatory effects are from antioxidants, one of which is oleocanthal. This antioxidant has been shown to work like ibuprofen, an anti-inflammatory drug.

Why is Bertolli olive oil so expensive? ›

Throughout the year, the Bertolli team makes multiple field visits to growers around the globe, working with farmers to determine a harvest date that yields the best olives. “By paying a premium for the best oils, we're incentivizing the mills to work in perfect conditions,” says Lopes.

What olive oil lasts the longest? ›

Olive oil is made from a fruit, the olive. Fruits have a shelf life, and so does olive oil. Most olive oils can last 18–24 months from the time they're bottled, while extra virgin olive oils may last a bit less — around 12–18 months. Beyond this time, it will go rancid.

Is Bertolli olive oil real olive oil? ›

Labeled with the USDA Organic seal, Bertolli® Organic Extra Virgin is made from organic olives and produced using organic farming standards. Its intense, full-bodied flavor is great for dips or as a finish on meats, pasta and vegetables.

Which olive oil is not fake? ›

  • Goya Extra Virgin Olive Oil.
  • Goya Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil.
  • Goya Unico Extra Virgin Olive Oil.
  • Goya Puro Olive Oil.
  • Goya Light-Tasting Olive Oil.

Is Pompeian 100% olive oil? ›

Made from 100% Spanish olives, Pompeian Bold EVOO is high in monounsaturated fats and is full of flavor, making it ideal for dipping and drizzling.

Can olive oil go bad? ›

Yes, olive oil is a fresh, agricultural product and it does expire or go bad. “While fresher is better, extra virgin olive oil can maintain its quality for a long time, thanks to the natural antioxidants it contains,” Ricchiuti says. “However, like all fats, olive oil will become rancid over time as it oxidizes.

Which olive oil has the most flavor? ›

Extra virgin olive oil, being completely unrefined, as a general rule will have more polyphenols and therefore more flavor. So if you are looking for full flavor, extra virgin is your choice.

How to tell if olive oil is high quality? ›

Take a look at these simple ways below:
  1. Smell and Taste It. True olive oil should smell fresh, like grass or something fruity. ...
  2. Look at the Batch Date. This is not the same as an expiration date. ...
  3. Pay Attention to How It's Bottled. ...
  4. Read Labels Carefully. ...
  5. Price.

Which olive oil has the highest polyphenols? ›

Because it's unrefined, extra virgin olive oil contains more polyphenols than other olive oils - including much of the olive oil imported here from Europe.

What oil is healthier than extra virgin olive oil? ›

Avocado Oil

If you're looking for the best substitute for extra-virgin olive oil, go with cold-pressed extra-virgin avocado oil. It tastes buttery and rich and is perfect for drizzling over fish, beans, or vegetables. Avocado oil is a good source of oleic acid, vitamin E, and lutein, which helps protect your eyes.

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Name: Reed Wilderman

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Introduction: My name is Reed Wilderman, I am a faithful, bright, lucky, adventurous, lively, rich, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.