Military Age Restrictions: How Old is Too Old to Serve? (2024)

Without military experience most loans require at least 3% down.

Without military experience most loans require at least 3% down.

We’ve partnered with Neighbors Bank to better serve civilian homebuyers. Veterans United is dedicated to serving Veterans and military families. Neighbors Bank is a proud member of the Veterans United family of companies and provides personalized financing solutions and top-rated customer service for homebuyers like yourself.

Due to state regulations, we are not able to accept home loan inquiries for New York properties on this site. If you are interested in a property in another area, you may hit Back and enter a different location.

Due to state restrictions, we do not offer cash-out or debt consolidation refinances in the state of Texas.

By submitting, I acknowledge, consent and agree to the terms listed below.

By submitting, I agree to receive calls or texts at this number from Veterans United Home Loans, its affiliates, and lenders, agents and home-services providers about real estate matters or promotional offers from partners, even if they use an autodialer and even if I am on a Do Not Call List. I agree to accept delivery of documents electronically; I agree to the privacy policy and terms. I may receive service without this consent by contacting Veterans United.

Maximum cashout amount based on the home value and mortgage balance information you supplied. Not guaranteed until locked in by your Loan Officer.

Paddio has been determined to be a better option for your unique homebuying situation. If you think this is a mistake and you do have military experience, please contact Veterans United Home Loans directly at 1-800-884-5560.

Neighbors Bank has been determined to be a better option for your unique homebuying situation. If you think this is a mistake and you do have military experience, please contact Veterans United Home Loans directly at 1-800-884-5560.

","required": true,"value" : 1,},"down_payment_notice_html" : {"type": "html","content" : "

Without military experience most loans require at least 3% down.

"},"down_payment_notice_nb" : {"type": "hidden","label" : "

Without military experience most loans require at least 3% down.

Military Age Restrictions: How Old is Too Old to Serve? (1)

We’ve partnered with Neighbors Bank to better serve civilian homebuyers. Veterans United is dedicated to serving Veterans and military families. Neighbors Bank is a proud member of the Veterans United family of companies and provides personalized financing solutions and top-rated customer service for homebuyers like yourself.

Get More Information →

","required": true,"value" : 1,},"down_payment_notice_html_nb" : {"type": "html","content" : "

Without military experience most loans require at least 3% down.

We’ve partnered with Neighbors Bank to better serve civilian homebuyers. Veterans United is dedicated to serving Veterans and military families. Neighbors Bank is a proud member of the Veterans United family of companies and provides personalized financing solutions and top-rated customer service for homebuyers like yourself.

"},"property_search" : {"label" : "Where are you looking to buy?","description" : "City or Zip Code","type": "text","invalidMsg": "Please enter a valid location.","placeholder" : "City or Zip Code","attr": "autocomplete=\"off\" aria-describedby=\"init_prop_search_instr\" aria-owns=\"prop_search_results\" aria-expanded=\"false\" aria-autocomplete=\"both\" aria-activedescendant=\"\""},"property_zip" : {"type": "hidden"},"property_city" : {"type": "hidden"},"property_state" : {"type" : "hidden","required" : true,"invalidMsg": "Please enter a valid US location."},"property_state_select" : {"label": "Where will you be living?","type" : "select","required" : true,"attr": "autocomplete=\"fmcty_off\"","placeholder" : "Select the property location…","onChange" : "setPropertyState","options" : [[ "AL" , "Alabama" ],[ "AK" , "Alaska" ],[ "AZ" , "Arizona" ],[ "AR" , "Arkansas" ],[ "CA" , "California" ],[ "CO" , "Colorado" ],[ "CT" , "Connecticut" ],[ "DE" , "Delaware" ],[ "DC" , "District of Columbia" ],[ "FL" , "Florida" ],[ "GA" , "Georgia" ],[ "HI" , "Hawaii" ],[ "ID" , "Idaho" ],[ "IL" , "Illinois" ],[ "IN" , "Indiana" ],[ "IA" , "Iowa" ],[ "KS" , "Kansas" ],[ "KY" , "Kentucky" ],[ "LA" , "Louisiana" ],[ "ME" , "Maine" ],[ "MD" , "Maryland" ],[ "MA" , "Massachusetts" ],[ "MI" , "Michigan" ],[ "MN" , "Minnesota" ],[ "MS" , "Mississippi" ],[ "MO" , "Missouri" ],[ "MT" , "Montana" ],[ "NE" , "Nebraska" ],[ "NV" , "Nevada" ],[ "NH" , "New Hampshire" ],[ "NJ" , "New Jersey" ],[ "NM" , "New Mexico" ],[ "NY" , "New York" ],[ "NC" , "North Carolina" ],[ "ND" , "North Dakota" ],[ "OH" , "Ohio" ],[ "OK" , "Oklahoma" ],[ "OR" , "Oregon" ],[ "PA" , "Pennsylvania" ],[ "RI" , "Rhode Island" ],[ "SC" , "South Carolina" ],[ "SD" , "South Dakota" ],[ "TN" , "Tennessee" ],[ "TX" , "Texas" ],[ "UT" , "Utah" ],[ "VT" , "Vermont" ],[ "VA" , "Virginia" ],[ "WA" , "Washington" ],[ "WV" , "West Virginia" ],[ "WI" , "Wisconsin" ],[ "WY" , "Wyoming" ]],"disabledOptions" : false},"state_unavailable_notice" : {"type": "hidden","required": true},"state_unavailable_notice_html" : {"type": "html","content" : "

New York Homebuyers:

Due to state regulations, we are not able to accept home loan inquiries for New York properties on this site. If you are interested in a property in another area, you may hit Back and enter a different location.

"},"when_loan" : {"label": "When are you planning to make your home purchase?","type" : "radio","required" : true,"placeholder" : "Select your timeframe…","options" : [[ "signed purchase agreement" , "Immediately: Signed a Purchase Agreement" ],[ "offer pending" , "ASAP: Found a House/Offer Pending" ],[ "within a month" , "Within 30 Days" ],[ "2 to 3 months" , "2 - 3 Months" ],[ "3 to 6 months" , "3 - 6 Months" ],[ "over 6 months" , "6+ Months" ],[ "no time frame" , "No Time Frame/Still Researching Options" ]]},"preventing_loan" : {"label": "What prevents you from buying your new home today?","type" : "radio","required" : true,"class" : "field-stacked","options" : [[ "credit" , "My credit rating is too low" ],[ "income" , "My income is too low" ],[ "under_lease" , "I am locked in a rent/lease" ],[ "new_city" , "I am transferring to a new location" ],[ "still_looking" , "I haven’t found a home yet"],[ "other" , "Other" ]]},"property_value" : {"label": "What is your price range?","description": "(An estimate is fine)","type" : "radio","required" : true,"options" : [[ "700001" , "$700K or more" ],[ "700000" , "$600K - $700K" ],[ "600000" , "$500K - $600K" ],[ "500000" , "$400K - $500K" ],[ "400000" , "$350K - $400K" ],[ "350000" , "$300K - $350K" ],[ "300000" , "$250K - $300K" ],[ "250000" , "$200K - $250K" ],[ "200000" , "$150K - $200K" ],[ "150000" , "$100K - $150K" ],[ "90000", "under $100K" ],[ "150001" , "I don’t know"]],"onChange" : "calculateDownPayment",},"home_value" : {"label": "What is the value of your home?","description": "(An estimate is fine)","type" : "currency","required" : true,"attr": "size=\"11\" maxlength=\"11\" pattern=\"[0-9]*\"","invalidMsg": "Please enter a valid dollar amount.","onChange": "calcRefiLtv",},"down_payment" : {"label": "How much of a down payment would you like to make?","description": "","type" : "radio","required" : true,"options" : [[ "0" , "0%" ],[ "3.5" , "3.5%" ],[ "5" , "5%" ],[ "10" , "10%" ],[ "15" , "15%" ],[ "20" , "20%" ],[ "21" , "More than 20%" ]]},"credit_rating" : {"label": "What is your current credit score?","description" : "","type" : "radio","required" : true,"options" : [["Excellent" , "Excellent (720+)"],["Good" , "Good (680-719)"],["Fair" , "Fair (640-679)"],["Below Average" , "Below Average (620-639)"],["Poor" , "Poor (Below 620)"],["unknown" , "I don’t know"]],},"current_rate" : {"label": "What is your current mortgage interest rate?","type" : "select","required" : true,"placeholder" : "Select your current interest rate…","options" : [[ "2.99" , "under 3%" ],[ "3" , "3%" ],[ "3.125" , "3.125%" ],[ "3.25" , "3.25%" ],[ "3.375" , "3.375%" ],[ "3.5" , "3.5%" ],[ "3.625" , "3.625%" ],[ "3.75" , "3.75%" ],[ "3.875" , "3.875%" ],[ "4" , "4%" ],[ "4.125" , "4.125%" ],[ "4.25" , "4.25%" ],[ "4.375" , "4.375%" ],[ "4.5" , "4.5%" ],[ "4.625" , "4.625%" ],[ "4.75" , "4.75%" ],[ "4.875" , "4.875%" ],[ "5" , "5%" ],[ "5.125" , "5.125%" ],[ "5.25" , "5.25%" ],[ "5.375" , "5.375%" ],[ "5.5" , "5.5%" ],[ "5.625" , "5.625%" ],[ "5.75" , "5.75%" ],[ "5.875" , "5.875%" ],[ "6" , "6%" ],[ "6.125" , "6.125%" ],[ "6.25" , "6.25%" ],[ "6.375" , "6.375%" ],[ "6.5" , "6.5%" ],[ "6.625" , "6.625%" ],[ "6.75" , "6.75%" ],[ "6.875" , "6.875%" ],[ "7" , "7%" ],[ "7.125" , "7.125%" ],[ "7.25" , "7.25%" ],[ "7.375" , "7.375%" ],[ "7.5" , "7.5%" ],[ "7.625" , "7.625%" ],[ "7.75" , "7.75%" ],[ "7.875" , "7.875%" ],[ "8" , "8%" ],[ "8.125" , "8.125%" ],[ "8.25" , "8.25%" ],[ "8.375" , "8.375%" ],[ "8.5" , "8.5%" ],[ "8.625" , "8.625%" ],[ "8.75" , "8.75%" ],[ "8.875" , "8.875%" ],[ "9" , "9%" ],[ "9.125" , "9.125%" ],[ "9.25" , "9.25%" ],[ "9.375" , "9.375%" ],[ "9.5" , "9.5%" ],[ "9.625" , "9.625%" ],[ "9.75" , "9.75%" ],[ "9.875" , "9.875%" ],[ "10" , "10%" ],[ "10.01" , "over 10%" ],[ "5.01" , "I don't know" ]]},"balance" : {"label": "How much do you currently owe on your home mortgage?","type" : "currency","required" : true,"attr": "size=\"11\" maxlength=\"11\" pattern=\"[0-9]*\"","invalidMsg": "Please enter a valid dollar amount.","onChange": "calcRefiLtv",},"refi_ltv" : {"type": "hidden","onChange": "calcRefiTotalLoanAmount"},"refi_total_loan_amount" : {"type": "hidden"},"refi_ltv_message" : {"type": "hidden","label" : "

Based on the information provided, your loan-to-value ratio is too high for a Cash-Out refinance with Veterans United.
Learn more about VA Cash-Out Refinancing

Would you still like to see if we can lower your interest rate?

","required": true,"value" : 1},"ny_opq_message" : {"type": "hidden","label" : "

","required": true,"value" : 1,},"tx_cashout_message" : {"type": "radio","label" : "

Due to state restrictions, we do not offer cash-out or debt consolidation refinances in the state of Texas.

Would you still like to see if we can lower your interest rate?

","required": true,"class" : "field-stacked","options" : [[ "1" , "Yes, continue" ],],"onChange" : "txCashout"},"currentva" : {"label": "Do you currently have a VA Loan?","type" : "radio","required" : true,"class" : "field-stacked","options" : [[ "yes" , "Yes, I currently have a VA loan" ],[ "no" , "No, I do not currently have a VA Loan" ]]},"property_type" : {"label": "What type of property are you buying?","type" : "radio","required" : true,"options" : [[ "single" , "Single-Family Home" ],[ "condominium" , "Condominium" ],[ "townhome" , "Town Home" ],[ "multifamily" , "Multi-Family" ],[ "manufactured" , "Mobile / Manufactured" ],[ "new construction" , "New Construction" ],[ "other" , "Other" ]]},"manufactured_own" : {"label": "Will you own or rent the land your home is on?","description" : "Your lender will use this information to determine what kind of loan is right for you.","type" : "radio","required" : true,"options" : [[ "own" , "Own" ],[ "rent" , "Rent" ]]},"property_use" : {"label": "How will this property be used?","type" : "radio","required" : true,"class" : "field-stacked","options" : [[ "primary" , "Primary Residence" ],[ "secondary" , "Secondary / Vacation Home" ],[ "investment" , "Investment Property" ],[ "other" , "Other" ]]},"living_situation" : {"label": "Do you currently own a home?","type" : "radio","required" : true,"class" : "field-stacked","options" : [[ "own" , "Yes, I currently own a home" ],[ "rent" , "No, I am currently renting" ],[ "other" , "No, I have other living arrangements" ]]},"email" : {"label" : "What is your email address?","description" : "","type": "email","required": true,"placeholder" : "","invalidMsg": "Please enter a valid email address.","doNotTrack": true},"name_label" : {"type": "html","content" : "

What is your name?

"},"first_name" : {"label" : "First Name:","type": "text","required": true,"placeholder" : "First","invalidMsg": "Please enter your first name.","doNotTrack": true},"last_name" : {"label" : "Last Name:","type": "text","required": true,"placeholder" : "Last","invalidMsg": "Please enter your last name.","doNotTrack": true},"address_label" : {"type": "html","content" : "

What is your current street address and ZIP?

"},"address" : {"label" : "Street Address:","description" : "","type": "text","required": true,"placeholder" : "Street Address","invalidMsg": "Please provide your current street address.","doNotTrack": true},"zip" : {"label" : "ZIP Code:","type": "text","required": true,"placeholder" : "ZIP Code","attr": "size=\"5\" maxlength=\"5\" pattern=\"[0-9]*\"","invalidMsg": "Please enter a valid 5-digit ZIP code."},"time_at_current_address" : {"label": "How long have you lived at this address?","type" : "radio","required" : true,"placeholder" : "Select a timeframe…","class" : "field-stacked","options" : [[ "less than 1 year" , "Less than 1 year" ],[ "1 to 2 years" , "1 - 2 Years" ],[ "2 to 5 years" , "2 - 5 Years" ],[ "over 5 years" , "5+ Years" ]]},"phone_full" : {"label" : "What is your phone number?","description" : "","type": "tel","required": true,"placeholder" : "()-","invalidMsg": "Please enter a valid phone number.","doNotTrack": true},"vuhlagree_preamble" : {"type": "html","content" : "

By submitting, I acknowledge, consent and agree to the terms listed below.

"},"vuhlagree" : {"type": "html","content" : "

By submitting, I agree to receive calls or texts at this number from Veterans United Home Loans, its affiliates, and lenders, agents and home-services providers about real estate matters or promotional offers from partners, even if they use an autodialer and even if I am on a Do Not Call List. I agree to accept delivery of documents electronically; I agree to the privacy policy and terms. I may receive service without this consent by contacting Veterans United.

"},"vuhlagree_checkbox" : {"type": "checkbox","value" : 1,"required": true,"invalidMsg": "Check the box above to continue online. You may alternatively call us at 1-800-884-5560 to move ahead.","label" : "I agree to receive calls or texts at this number from Veterans United Home Loans, its affiliates, and lenders, agents and home-services providers about real estate matters or promotional offers from partners, even if they use an autodialer and even if I am on a Do Not Call List. I agree to accept delivery of documents electronically; I agree to the privacy policy and terms. I may receive service without this consent by contacting Veterans United."},"opq" : {"label": "You’re almost there! How would you like to proceed?","type" : "radio","required" : true,"invalidMsg": "Please tell us how you would like to proceed.","options" : [[ "no" , "Request a Call" ],[ "yes" , "Continue Online" ]]},"secure_label" : {"type" : "html","content" : "SECURE FIELD: Protected by 256-bit SSL Encryption"},"gross_income" : {"label": "What is your household gross (before taxes) annual income?","type" : "radio","required" : true,"placeholder" : "Select your gross household income…","invalidMsg": "Please select the total gross (before taxes) annual income for your household.","options" : [[ '200001', 'Greater than $200,000' ],[ '200000', '$150,000 - $200,000' ],[ '150000', '$100,000 - $150,000' ],[ '100000', '$75,000 - $100,000' ],[ '75000' , '$50,000 - $75,000' ],[ '50000' , '$30,000 - $50,000' ],[ '30000' , 'Less than $30,000' ],]},"bankruptcy" : {"label": "Have you declared bankruptcy in the past 2 years?","type" : "radio","required" : true,"placeholder" : "Select a response…","invalidMsg": "Please select your bankruptcy status.","class" : "field-stacked","options" : [[ 'Never' , 'No' ],[ 'Currently' , 'Yes' ]]},"occupational_status" : {"label": "What is your current employment status?","type" : "radio","required" : true,"placeholder" : "Select your employment status…","invalidMsg": "Please select your current employment status.","class" : "field-stacked","options" : [['Employed', 'Employed'],['Self-Employed' , 'Self-Employed / 1099 Independent Contractor'],['Retired' , 'Retired'],['Not-Employed', 'Not Employed']]},"occupational_industry" : {"label": "In which industry are you employed?","type" : "radio","required" : true,"placeholder" : "Select your employment industry…","invalidMsg": "Please select your current employment industry.","options" : [['Agriculture', 'Agriculture'],['Construction' , 'Construction'],['Education', 'Education' ],['Engineering', 'Engineering' ],['Hospitality', 'Food & Hospitality' ],['Finance', 'Finance' ],['Healthcare' , 'Healthcare' ],['IT' , 'Information Technology' ],['LawEnforcementPublicSafety', 'Law Enforcement / Safety' ],['Transportation', 'Transportation / Logistics' ],['Other', 'Other']]},"marital_status" : {"label": "What is your current marital status?","type" : "radio","required" : true,"placeholder" : "Select your marital status…","invalidMsg": "Please select your current marital status.","options" : [['Married' , 'Married'],['Unmarried' , 'Unmarried'],['Legally Separated' , 'Legally Separated'],['Widowed', 'Widowed'],['Other', 'Other'],['unknown', 'I’d rather not say']]},"has_real_estate_agent" : {"label": "Are you currently working with a real estate agent?","type" : "radio","required" : true,"placeholder" : "Select a response…","invalidMsg": "Please select a response.","class" : "field-stacked","options" : [['no', 'No, I do not have an agent'],['yes' , 'Yes, I have an agent']]},"wants_real_estate_agent" : {"label": "Do you need a real estate agent?","type" : "radio","required" : true,"description" : "Earn up to $1,875* credit at closing when you also work with a Veterans United Realty network agent!","invalidMsg": "Please select a response.","class" : "field-stacked","options" : [['yes' , 'Yes, I need an agent (Recommended)'],['no', 'No, I already have an agent'],['na', 'Skip this question']]},"vur_offer_disclaimer" : {"label": "*Credit amounts vary based on factors including loan amount, restrictions apply.","type" : "hidden"},"cash_out" : {"label" : "Would you like to use your home’s equity to borrow additionalcash?","type": "radio","required": true,"options" :[[ "yes" , "Yes" ],[ "no", "No" ]]},"cash_out_amount" : {"label" : "How much additional cash would you like to take out?","description" : "You may be able to take out as much as $325,000.","type": "number_slider","required": true,"mask": "number","attr": "size=\"11\" maxlength=\"11\" pattern=\"[0-9]*\"","min" : "0","max" : 325000,"step": 500,"value" : "0","onChange": "calcRefiTotalLoanAmount"},"first_time" : {"label" : "Is this your first time buying a home?","type": "radio","required": true,"class" : "field-stacked","options" :[[ "yes" , "Yes" ],[ "no", "No" ]]},"sell_before_purchase" : {"label" : "Do you plan to sell your current home when purchasing a new one?","type": "radio","required": true,"class" : "field-stacked","options" :[[ "yes" , "Yes" ],[ "no", "No" ]]},"renting_end_date_label" : {"type": "html","content" : "

When does your lease end?

"},"renting_end_date_month" : {"label" : "Month:","type": "select","required": true,"placeholder" : "Month","invalidMsg": "Please select a month.","options" :[[ "01" , "01 - January" ],[ "02" , "02 - February" ],[ "03" , "03 - March" ],[ "04" , "04 - April" ],[ "05" , "05 - May" ],[ "06" , "06 - June" ],[ "07" , "07 - July" ],[ "08" , "08 - August" ],[ "09" , "09 - September" ],[ "10" , "10 - October" ],[ "11" , "11 - November" ],[ "12" , "12 - December" ],[ "99" , "Other / No End Date" ]]},"renting_end_date_year" : {"label" : "Year:","type": "select","required": true,"placeholder" : "Year","invalidMsg": "Please select a valid date in the future.","options" :[[ "2023" , "2023" ],[ "2024" , "2024" ],[ "2025" , "2025" ],[ "2026" , "2026" ],[ "2027" , "2027" ],[ "2028" , "2028+" ],[ "9999" , "Other / No End Date" ]]},"current_rent_amount" : {"label": "What is your current monthly rent payment?","type" : "currency","placeholder" : "","required" : true,"attr": "size=\"9\" maxlength=\"9\" pattern=\"[0-9]*\"","invalidMsg": "Please enter a valid dollar amount.",},"desired_payment" : {"label" : "What is your desired monthly payment?","description" : "Enter a monthly payment, including taxes and insurance, that feels comfortable in your budget. An estimate is fine.","type": "currency","required": true,"placeholder" : "","invalidMsg": "Please enter a valid dollar amount.","attr": "size=\"9\" maxlength=\"9\" pattern=\"[0-9]*\"",},"twilio_phone" : {"label" : "What is your phone number?","type": "tel","required": true,"placeholder" : "()-","invalidMsg": "Please enter a valid phone number.","doNotTrack": true,},"phone_resend_label" : {"type": "html","content" : "Didn't get a code?"},"phone_resend_text" : {"label" : "","type": "radio","class" : "inline-link","required": false,"options" : [[ "text" , "Resend code" ],],"onChange": "resendCodeText",},"phone_resend_call" : {"label" : "","type": "radio","class" : "inline-link","required": false,"options" : [[ "call" , "Call me with a code" ],],"onChange": "resendCodeCall",},"phone_verify_code" : {"label" : "Verification Code","description" : "Please enter the 4-digit code that was sent to you.","type": "text","attr": "inputmode=\"numeric\" autocomplete=\"one-time-code\" maxlength=\"4\" pattern=\"[0-9]*\"","required": true,"placeholder" : '0000',"invalidMsg": "Please enter the code sent.",},"previous_customer" : {"label" : "Have you closed a loan with Veterans United before?","type": "radio","required": true,"class" : "field-stacked","options" :[[ "yes" , "Yes" ],[ "no" , "No" ],]},"vu_referrer" : {"label" : "How did you hear about VeteransUnited?","type": "radio","required": true,"options" :[[ "friend or family" , "Friend or Family Member" ],[ "real estate agent" , "Real Estate Agent" ],[ "builder" , "My Builder" ],[ "internet search" , "Internet Search" ],[ "online ad" , "Online Advertisem*nt" ],[ "tv or radio" , "TV or Radio Ad" ],[ "direct mail" , "Direct Mail" ],[ "other" , "Other" ]]},"disability_rating" : {"label": "Do you have a disability rating of 10% or higher from theVA?","description" : "Your disability rating may exempt you from the VA Funding Fee, a governmental fee applied to every VA purchase and refinance loan. 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Military Age Restrictions: How Old is Too Old to Serve? (2)

"},"prompt_forward" : {"type": "hidden","value" : "1"},"house_html" : {"type": "html","content" : "

"},"desired_monthly_payment_label" : { "type" : "html", "content" : "See How Much Home You Can Afford in 2023" },"desired_monthly_payment" : { "label" : 'Desired Monthly Payment:', "type" : "number_slider", "required" : true, "min" : 0, "max" : 5000, "value" : "800","mask" : "number", "attr" : "size=\"11\" maxlength=\"11\" pattern=\"[0-9]*\"", "step" : 1, "invalidMsg": "Please enter a dollar amount.","onChange" : "animate_house", }, "result_html" : {"type": "html","content" : "

Your Home Affordability Estimate:


View assumptions »

"},},"order": [{"title" : "start-calc","inputs" :["src","curi","wuri","adg","cmp","desc","gclid","dclid","dnt_flag","fbclid","msclkid","utm_source","utm_medium","utm_campaign","utm_term","utm_content","val_exp","val_cmp","val_lead","fbp","host_name","form_id","frn","ap_token","opq_guid","opq_worthy","opq_version","opq_treatment","lead_partner_lead_id","adid","plc","ss_test_variation","ss_opq_test_variation","json","google_client_id","start_time","refi_ltv","refi_total_loan_amount","vu_agreestovuprivacypolicy","vu_agreestovutermsandconditions","vu_consentstovutcpa","vu_agreestovuautodial","vu_agreestovutexting","vu_agreestovusharingwithaffiliates","vu_agreestotransactioncommunications","vu_agreestolendingpartners","vu_agreestohbcpartneroffers","matchtype","mbsy_source","campaignid","mbsy","vu_agreestoedelivery","mrc_agreestohomeservices","twilio_version","lead_intent","purpose","property_value","house_html","desired_monthly_payment_label","desired_monthly_payment" ],"nextText" : "Start Calculating"},{"title" : "property-location","inputs" :["property_search","property_zip","property_state","property_city"]},{"title" : "continue-online","inputs" :["ny_opq_message"]},{"title" : "property-state","inputs" :["property_state_select"]},{"title" : "texas-cashout","inputs" :["tx_cashout_message"]},{"title" : "credit-rating","inputs" :["credit_rating"]},{"title" : "result-slide","inputs" :["result_html","prompt_forward"],"nextText" : "Continue"},{"title" : "refi-goals","inputs" :["refi_reason"]},{"title" : "military-branch","inputs" :["military_branch"]},{"title" : "military-type","inputs" :["military_type"]},{"title" : "active-duty","inputs" :["military_status"]},{"title" : "active-overseas","inputs" :["currently_overseas"]},{"title" : "pcs-orders","inputs" :["pcs"]},{"title" : "property-state","inputs" :["civilian_property_state_select"]},{"title" : "three-percent-down","inputs" :["three_percent_down"]},{"title" : "down-payment","inputs" :["down_payment"]},{"title" : "down-payment-notice","inputs" :["down_payment_notice",],},{"title" : "down-payment-notice-nb","inputs" :["down_payment_notice_nb",],},{"title" : "property-type","inputs" :["property_type"]},{"title" : "manufactured-property","inputs" : ["manufactured_own"]},{"title" : "property-use","inputs" :["property_use"]},{"title" : "timeframe","inputs" :["when_loan"]},{"title" : "timeframe-reason","inputs" :["preventing_loan"]},{"title" : "current-home","inputs" :["living_situation"]},{"title" : "first-time","inputs" :["first_time"]},{"title" : "sell-home","inputs" :["sell_before_purchase"]},{"title" : "mortgage-balance","inputs" :["balance"]},{"title" : "interest-rate","inputs" :["current_rate"]},{"title" : "refi-continue","inputs" :["refi_ltv_message"],"nextText" : "Yes, continue"},{"title" : "cash-out-amount","inputs":["cash_out_amount"],"after" : "

Maximum cashout amount based on the home value and mortgage balance information you supplied. Not guaranteed until locked in by your Loan Officer.

"},{"title" : "current-va-loan","inputs" :["currentva"]},{"title" : "employment","inputs" :["occupational_status"]},{"title" : "marital_status","inputs" :["marital_status"]},{"title" : "income","inputs" :["gross_income"]},{"title" : "current-loan","inputs" :["current_loan_type"]},{"title" : "previous-va","inputs" :["previous_va_loan"]},{"title" : "disability-income","inputs" :["disability_income"]},{"title" : "disability-rating","inputs" :["disability_rating"]},{"title" : "bankruptcy","inputs" :["bankruptcy"]},{"title" : "previously_closed_borrower","inputs" :["previous_customer"]},{"title" : "referrer","inputs" :["vu_referrer"]},{"title" : "paddio","inputs" :["paddio",],"after" : "

Paddio has been determined to be a better option for your unique homebuying situation. If you think this is a mistake and you do have military experience, please contact Veterans United Home Loans directly at 1-800-884-5560.

"},{"title" : "neighbors-bank","inputs" :["neighbors",],"after" : "

Neighbors Bank has been determined to be a better option for your unique homebuying situation. If you think this is a mistake and you do have military experience, please contact Veterans United Home Loans directly at 1-800-884-5560.

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    ","required": true,"value" : 1,},"down_payment_notice_html" : {"type": "html","content" : "

    Without military experience most loans require at least 3% down.

    "},"down_payment_notice_nb" : {"type": "hidden","label" : "

    Without military experience most loans require at least 3% down.

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    ","required": true,"value" : 1,},"down_payment_notice_html_nb" : {"type": "html","content" : "

    Without military experience most loans require at least 3% down.

    We’ve partnered with Neighbors Bank to better serve civilian homebuyers. Veterans United is dedicated to serving Veterans and military families. Neighbors Bank is a proud member of the Veterans United family of companies and provides personalized financing solutions and top-rated customer service for homebuyers like yourself.

    "},"property_search" : {"label" : "Where are you looking to buy?","description" : "City or Zip Code","type": "text","invalidMsg": "Please enter a valid location.","placeholder" : "City or Zip Code","attr": "autocomplete=\"off\" aria-describedby=\"init_prop_search_instr\" aria-owns=\"prop_search_results\" aria-expanded=\"false\" aria-autocomplete=\"both\" aria-activedescendant=\"\""},"property_zip" : {"type": "hidden"},"property_city" : {"type": "hidden"},"property_state" : {"type" : "hidden","required" : true,"invalidMsg": "Please enter a valid US location."},"property_state_select" : {"label": "Where will you be living?","type" : "select","required" : true,"attr": "autocomplete=\"fmcty_off\"","placeholder" : "Select the property location…","onChange" : "setPropertyState","options" : [[ "AL" , "Alabama" ],[ "AK" , "Alaska" ],[ "AZ" , "Arizona" ],[ "AR" , "Arkansas" ],[ "CA" , "California" ],[ "CO" , "Colorado" ],[ "CT" , "Connecticut" ],[ "DE" , "Delaware" ],[ "DC" , "District of Columbia" ],[ "FL" , "Florida" ],[ "GA" , "Georgia" ],[ "HI" , "Hawaii" ],[ "ID" , "Idaho" ],[ "IL" , "Illinois" ],[ "IN" , "Indiana" ],[ "IA" , "Iowa" ],[ "KS" , "Kansas" ],[ "KY" , "Kentucky" ],[ "LA" , "Louisiana" ],[ "ME" , "Maine" ],[ "MD" , "Maryland" ],[ "MA" , "Massachusetts" ],[ "MI" , "Michigan" ],[ "MN" , "Minnesota" ],[ "MS" , "Mississippi" ],[ "MO" , "Missouri" ],[ "MT" , "Montana" ],[ "NE" , "Nebraska" ],[ "NV" , "Nevada" ],[ "NH" , "New Hampshire" ],[ "NJ" , "New Jersey" ],[ "NM" , "New Mexico" ],[ "NY" , "New York" ],[ "NC" , "North Carolina" ],[ "ND" , "North Dakota" ],[ "OH" , "Ohio" ],[ "OK" , "Oklahoma" ],[ "OR" , "Oregon" ],[ "PA" , "Pennsylvania" ],[ "RI" , "Rhode Island" ],[ "SC" , "South Carolina" ],[ "SD" , "South Dakota" ],[ "TN" , "Tennessee" ],[ "TX" , "Texas" ],[ "UT" , "Utah" ],[ "VT" , "Vermont" ],[ "VA" , "Virginia" ],[ "WA" , "Washington" ],[ "WV" , "West Virginia" ],[ "WI" , "Wisconsin" ],[ "WY" , "Wyoming" ]],"disabledOptions" : false},"state_unavailable_notice" : {"type": "hidden","required": true},"state_unavailable_notice_html" : {"type": "html","content" : "

    New York Homebuyers:

    Due to state regulations, we are not able to accept home loan inquiries for New York properties on this site. If you are interested in a property in another area, you may hit Back and enter a different location.

    "},"when_loan" : {"label": "When are you planning to make your home purchase?","type" : "radio","required" : true,"placeholder" : "Select your timeframe…","options" : [[ "signed purchase agreement" , "Immediately: Signed a Purchase Agreement" ],[ "offer pending" , "ASAP: Found a House/Offer Pending" ],[ "within a month" , "Within 30 Days" ],[ "2 to 3 months" , "2 - 3 Months" ],[ "3 to 6 months" , "3 - 6 Months" ],[ "over 6 months" , "6+ Months" ],[ "no time frame" , "No Time Frame/Still Researching Options" ]]},"preventing_loan" : {"label": "What prevents you from buying your new home today?","type" : "radio","required" : true,"class" : "field-stacked","options" : [[ "credit" , "My credit rating is too low" ],[ "income" , "My income is too low" ],[ "under_lease" , "I am locked in a rent/lease" ],[ "new_city" , "I am transferring to a new location" ],[ "still_looking" , "I haven’t found a home yet"],[ "other" , "Other" ]]},"property_value" : {"label": "What is your price range?","description": "(An estimate is fine)","type" : "radio","required" : true,"options" : [[ "700001" , "$700K or more" ],[ "700000" , "$600K - $700K" ],[ "600000" , "$500K - $600K" ],[ "500000" , "$400K - $500K" ],[ "400000" , "$350K - $400K" ],[ "350000" , "$300K - $350K" ],[ "300000" , "$250K - $300K" ],[ "250000" , "$200K - $250K" ],[ "200000" , "$150K - $200K" ],[ "150000" , "$100K - $150K" ],[ "90000", "under $100K" ],[ "150001" , "I don’t know"]],"onChange" : "calculateDownPayment",},"home_value" : {"label": "What is the value of your home?","description": "(An estimate is fine)","type" : "currency","required" : true,"attr": "size=\"11\" maxlength=\"11\" pattern=\"[0-9]*\"","invalidMsg": "Please enter a valid dollar amount.","onChange": "calcRefiLtv",},"down_payment" : {"label": "How much of a down payment would you like to make?","description": "","type" : "radio","required" : true,"options" : [[ "0" , "0%" ],[ "3.5" , "3.5%" ],[ "5" , "5%" ],[ "10" , "10%" ],[ "15" , "15%" ],[ "20" , "20%" ],[ "21" , "More than 20%" ]]},"credit_rating" : {"label": "What is your current credit score?","description" : "","type" : "radio","required" : true,"options" : [["Excellent" , "Excellent (720+)"],["Good" , "Good (680-719)"],["Fair" , "Fair (640-679)"],["Below Average" , "Below Average (620-639)"],["Poor" , "Poor (Below 620)"],["unknown" , "I don’t know"]],},"current_rate" : {"label": "What is your current mortgage interest rate?","type" : "select","required" : true,"placeholder" : "Select your current interest rate…","options" : [[ "2.99" , "under 3%" ],[ "3" , "3%" ],[ "3.125" , "3.125%" ],[ "3.25" , "3.25%" ],[ "3.375" , "3.375%" ],[ "3.5" , "3.5%" ],[ "3.625" , "3.625%" ],[ "3.75" , "3.75%" ],[ "3.875" , "3.875%" ],[ "4" , "4%" ],[ "4.125" , "4.125%" ],[ "4.25" , "4.25%" ],[ "4.375" , "4.375%" ],[ "4.5" , "4.5%" ],[ "4.625" , "4.625%" ],[ "4.75" , "4.75%" ],[ "4.875" , "4.875%" ],[ "5" , "5%" ],[ "5.125" , "5.125%" ],[ "5.25" , "5.25%" ],[ "5.375" , "5.375%" ],[ "5.5" , "5.5%" ],[ "5.625" , "5.625%" ],[ "5.75" , "5.75%" ],[ "5.875" , "5.875%" ],[ "6" , "6%" ],[ "6.125" , "6.125%" ],[ "6.25" , "6.25%" ],[ "6.375" , "6.375%" ],[ "6.5" , "6.5%" ],[ "6.625" , "6.625%" ],[ "6.75" , "6.75%" ],[ "6.875" , "6.875%" ],[ "7" , "7%" ],[ "7.125" , "7.125%" ],[ "7.25" , "7.25%" ],[ "7.375" , "7.375%" ],[ "7.5" , "7.5%" ],[ "7.625" , "7.625%" ],[ "7.75" , "7.75%" ],[ "7.875" , "7.875%" ],[ "8" , "8%" ],[ "8.125" , "8.125%" ],[ "8.25" , "8.25%" ],[ "8.375" , "8.375%" ],[ "8.5" , "8.5%" ],[ "8.625" , "8.625%" ],[ "8.75" , "8.75%" ],[ "8.875" , "8.875%" ],[ "9" , "9%" ],[ "9.125" , "9.125%" ],[ "9.25" , "9.25%" ],[ "9.375" , "9.375%" ],[ "9.5" , "9.5%" ],[ "9.625" , "9.625%" ],[ "9.75" , "9.75%" ],[ "9.875" , "9.875%" ],[ "10" , "10%" ],[ "10.01" , "over 10%" ],[ "5.01" , "I don't know" ]]},"balance" : {"label": "How much do you currently owe on your home mortgage?","type" : "currency","required" : true,"attr": "size=\"11\" maxlength=\"11\" pattern=\"[0-9]*\"","invalidMsg": "Please enter a valid dollar amount.","onChange": "calcRefiLtv",},"refi_ltv" : {"type": "hidden","onChange": "calcRefiTotalLoanAmount"},"refi_total_loan_amount" : {"type": "hidden"},"refi_ltv_message" : {"type": "hidden","label" : "

    Based on the information provided, your loan-to-value ratio is too high for a Cash-Out refinance with Veterans United.
    Learn more about VA Cash-Out Refinancing

    Would you still like to see if we can lower your interest rate?

    ","required": true,"value" : 1},"ny_opq_message" : {"type": "hidden","label" : "

    Thank you for coming to Veterans United Home Loans! To continue your home loan request, please continue to our secure, online mortgage preapproval system.

    Get Preapproved Online →

    ","required": true,"value" : 1,},"tx_cashout_message" : {"type": "radio","label" : "

    Due to state restrictions, we do not offer cash-out or debt consolidation refinances in the state of Texas.

    Would you still like to see if we can lower your interest rate?

    ","required": true,"class" : "field-stacked","options" : [[ "1" , "Yes, continue" ],],"onChange" : "txCashout"},"currentva" : {"label": "Do you currently have a VA Loan?","type" : "radio","required" : true,"class" : "field-stacked","options" : [[ "yes" , "Yes, I currently have a VA loan" ],[ "no" , "No, I do not currently have a VA Loan" ]]},"property_type" : {"label": "What type of property are you buying?","type" : "radio","required" : true,"options" : [[ "single" , "Single-Family Home" ],[ "condominium" , "Condominium" ],[ "townhome" , "Town Home" ],[ "multifamily" , "Multi-Family" ],[ "manufactured" , "Mobile / Manufactured" ],[ "new construction" , "New Construction" ],[ "other" , "Other" ]]},"manufactured_own" : {"label": "Will you own or rent the land your home is on?","description" : "Your lender will use this information to determine what kind of loan is right for you.","type" : "radio","required" : true,"options" : [[ "own" , "Own" ],[ "rent" , "Rent" ]]},"property_use" : {"label": "How will this property be used?","type" : "radio","required" : true,"class" : "field-stacked","options" : [[ "primary" , "Primary Residence" ],[ "secondary" , "Secondary / Vacation Home" ],[ "investment" , "Investment Property" ],[ "other" , "Other" ]]},"living_situation" : {"label": "Do you currently own a home?","type" : "radio","required" : true,"class" : "field-stacked","options" : [[ "own" , "Yes, I currently own a home" ],[ "rent" , "No, I am currently renting" ],[ "other" , "No, I have other living arrangements" ]]},"email" : {"label" : "What is your email address?","description" : "","type": "email","required": true,"placeholder" : "","invalidMsg": "Please enter a valid email address.","doNotTrack": true},"name_label" : {"type": "html","content" : "

    What is your name?

    "},"first_name" : {"label" : "First Name:","type": "text","required": true,"placeholder" : "First","invalidMsg": "Please enter your first name.","doNotTrack": true},"last_name" : {"label" : "Last Name:","type": "text","required": true,"placeholder" : "Last","invalidMsg": "Please enter your last name.","doNotTrack": true},"address_label" : {"type": "html","content" : "

    What is your current street address and ZIP?

    "},"address" : {"label" : "Street Address:","description" : "","type": "text","required": true,"placeholder" : "Street Address","invalidMsg": "Please provide your current street address.","doNotTrack": true},"zip" : {"label" : "ZIP Code:","type": "text","required": true,"placeholder" : "ZIP Code","attr": "size=\"5\" maxlength=\"5\" pattern=\"[0-9]*\"","invalidMsg": "Please enter a valid 5-digit ZIP code."},"time_at_current_address" : {"label": "How long have you lived at this address?","type" : "radio","required" : true,"placeholder" : "Select a timeframe…","class" : "field-stacked","options" : [[ "less than 1 year" , "Less than 1 year" ],[ "1 to 2 years" , "1 - 2 Years" ],[ "2 to 5 years" , "2 - 5 Years" ],[ "over 5 years" , "5+ Years" ]]},"phone_full" : {"label" : "What is your phone number?","description" : "","type": "tel","required": true,"placeholder" : "()-","invalidMsg": "Please enter a valid phone number.","doNotTrack": true},"vuhlagree_preamble" : {"type": "html","content" : "

    By submitting, I acknowledge, consent and agree to the terms listed below.

    "},"vuhlagree" : {"type": "html","content" : "

    By submitting, I agree to receive calls or texts at this number from Veterans United Home Loans, its affiliates, and lenders, agents and home-services providers about real estate matters or promotional offers from partners, even if they use an autodialer and even if I am on a Do Not Call List. I agree to accept delivery of documents electronically; I agree to the privacy policy and terms. I may receive service without this consent by contacting Veterans United.

    "},"vuhlagree_checkbox" : {"type": "checkbox","value" : 1,"required": true,"invalidMsg": "Check the box above to continue online. You may alternatively call us at 1-800-884-5560 to move ahead.","label" : "I agree to receive calls or texts at this number from Veterans United Home Loans, its affiliates, and lenders, agents and home-services providers about real estate matters or promotional offers from partners, even if they use an autodialer and even if I am on a Do Not Call List. I agree to accept delivery of documents electronically; I agree to the privacy policy and terms. I may receive service without this consent by contacting Veterans United."},"opq" : {"label": "You’re almost there! How would you like to proceed?","type" : "radio","required" : true,"invalidMsg": "Please tell us how you would like to proceed.","options" : [[ "no" , "Request a Call" ],[ "yes" , "Continue Online" ]]},"secure_label" : {"type" : "html","content" : "SECURE FIELD: Protected by 256-bit SSL Encryption"},"gross_income" : {"label": "What is your household gross (before taxes) annual income?","type" : "radio","required" : true,"placeholder" : "Select your gross household income…","invalidMsg": "Please select the total gross (before taxes) annual income for your household.","options" : [[ '200001', 'Greater than $200,000' ],[ '200000', '$150,000 - $200,000' ],[ '150000', '$100,000 - $150,000' ],[ '100000', '$75,000 - $100,000' ],[ '75000' , '$50,000 - $75,000' ],[ '50000' , '$30,000 - $50,000' ],[ '30000' , 'Less than $30,000' ],]},"bankruptcy" : {"label": "Have you declared bankruptcy in the past 2 years?","type" : "radio","required" : true,"placeholder" : "Select a response…","invalidMsg": "Please select your bankruptcy status.","class" : "field-stacked","options" : [[ 'Never' , 'No' ],[ 'Currently' , 'Yes' ]]},"occupational_status" : {"label": "What is your current employment status?","type" : "radio","required" : true,"placeholder" : "Select your employment status…","invalidMsg": "Please select your current employment status.","class" : "field-stacked","options" : [['Employed', 'Employed'],['Self-Employed' , 'Self-Employed / 1099 Independent Contractor'],['Retired' , 'Retired'],['Not-Employed', 'Not Employed']]},"occupational_industry" : {"label": "In which industry are you employed?","type" : "radio","required" : true,"placeholder" : "Select your employment industry…","invalidMsg": "Please select your current employment industry.","options" : [['Agriculture', 'Agriculture'],['Construction' , 'Construction'],['Education', 'Education' ],['Engineering', 'Engineering' ],['Hospitality', 'Food & Hospitality' ],['Finance', 'Finance' ],['Healthcare' , 'Healthcare' ],['IT' , 'Information Technology' ],['LawEnforcementPublicSafety', 'Law Enforcement / Safety' ],['Transportation', 'Transportation / Logistics' ],['Other', 'Other']]},"marital_status" : {"label": "What is your current marital status?","type" : "radio","required" : true,"placeholder" : "Select your marital status…","invalidMsg": "Please select your current marital status.","options" : [['Married' , 'Married'],['Unmarried' , 'Unmarried'],['Legally Separated' , 'Legally Separated'],['Widowed', 'Widowed'],['Other', 'Other'],['unknown', 'I’d rather not say']]},"has_real_estate_agent" : {"label": "Are you currently working with a real estate agent?","type" : "radio","required" : true,"placeholder" : "Select a response…","invalidMsg": "Please select a response.","class" : "field-stacked","options" : [['no', 'No, I do not have an agent'],['yes' , 'Yes, I have an agent']]},"wants_real_estate_agent" : {"label": "Do you need a real estate agent?","type" : "radio","required" : true,"description" : "Earn up to $1,875* credit at closing when you also work with a Veterans United Realty network agent!","invalidMsg": "Please select a response.","class" : "field-stacked","options" : [['yes' , 'Yes, I need an agent (Recommended)'],['no', 'No, I already have an agent'],['na', 'Skip this question']]},"vur_offer_disclaimer" : {"label": "*Credit amounts vary based on factors including loan amount, restrictions apply.","type" : "hidden"},"cash_out" : {"label" : "Would you like to use your home’s equity to borrow additionalcash?","type": "radio","required": true,"options" :[[ "yes" , "Yes" ],[ "no", "No" ]]},"cash_out_amount" : {"label" : "How much additional cash would you like to take out?","description" : "You may be able to take out as much as $325,000.","type": "number_slider","required": true,"mask": "number","attr": "size=\"11\" maxlength=\"11\" pattern=\"[0-9]*\"","min" : "0","max" : 325000,"step": 500,"value" : "0","onChange": "calcRefiTotalLoanAmount"},"first_time" : {"label" : "Is this your first time buying a home?","type": "radio","required": true,"class" : "field-stacked","options" :[[ "yes" , "Yes" ],[ "no", "No" ]]},"sell_before_purchase" : {"label" : "Do you plan to sell your current home when purchasing a new one?","type": "radio","required": true,"class" : "field-stacked","options" :[[ "yes" , "Yes" ],[ "no", "No" ]]},"renting_end_date_label" : {"type": "html","content" : "

    When does your lease end?

    "},"renting_end_date_month" : {"label" : "Month:","type": "select","required": true,"placeholder" : "Month","invalidMsg": "Please select a month.","options" :[[ "01" , "01 - January" ],[ "02" , "02 - February" ],[ "03" , "03 - March" ],[ "04" , "04 - April" ],[ "05" , "05 - May" ],[ "06" , "06 - June" ],[ "07" , "07 - July" ],[ "08" , "08 - August" ],[ "09" , "09 - September" ],[ "10" , "10 - October" ],[ "11" , "11 - November" ],[ "12" , "12 - December" ],[ "99" , "Other / No End Date" ]]},"renting_end_date_year" : {"label" : "Year:","type": "select","required": true,"placeholder" : "Year","invalidMsg": "Please select a valid date in the future.","options" :[[ "2023" , "2023" ],[ "2024" , "2024" ],[ "2025" , "2025" ],[ "2026" , "2026" ],[ "2027" , "2027" ],[ "2028" , "2028+" ],[ "9999" , "Other / No End Date" ]]},"current_rent_amount" : {"label": "What is your current monthly rent payment?","type" : "currency","placeholder" : "","required" : true,"attr": "size=\"9\" maxlength=\"9\" pattern=\"[0-9]*\"","invalidMsg": "Please enter a valid dollar amount.",},"desired_payment" : {"label" : "What is your desired monthly payment?","description" : "Enter a monthly payment, including taxes and insurance, that feels comfortable in your budget. An estimate is fine.","type": "currency","required": true,"placeholder" : "","invalidMsg": "Please enter a valid dollar amount.","attr": "size=\"9\" maxlength=\"9\" pattern=\"[0-9]*\"",},"twilio_phone" : {"label" : "What is your phone number?","type": "tel","required": true,"placeholder" : "()-","invalidMsg": "Please enter a valid phone number.","doNotTrack": true,},"phone_resend_label" : {"type": "html","content" : "Didn't get a code?"},"phone_resend_text" : {"label" : "","type": "radio","class" : "inline-link","required": false,"options" : [[ "text" , "Resend code" ],],"onChange": "resendCodeText",},"phone_resend_call" : {"label" : "","type": "radio","class" : "inline-link","required": false,"options" : [[ "call" , "Call me with a code" ],],"onChange": "resendCodeCall",},"phone_verify_code" : {"label" : "Verification Code","description" : "Please enter the 4-digit code that was sent to you.","type": "text","attr": "inputmode=\"numeric\" autocomplete=\"one-time-code\" maxlength=\"4\" pattern=\"[0-9]*\"","required": true,"placeholder" : '0000',"invalidMsg": "Please enter the code sent.",},"previous_customer" : {"label" : "Have you closed a loan with Veterans United before?","type": "radio","required": true,"class" : "field-stacked","options" :[[ "yes" , "Yes" ],[ "no" , "No" ],]},"vu_referrer" : {"label" : "How did you hear about VeteransUnited?","type": "radio","required": true,"options" :[[ "friend or family" , "Friend or Family Member" ],[ "real estate agent" , "Real Estate Agent" ],[ "builder" , "My Builder" ],[ "internet search" , "Internet Search" ],[ "online ad" , "Online Advertisem*nt" ],[ "tv or radio" , "TV or Radio Ad" ],[ "direct mail" , "Direct Mail" ],[ "other" , "Other" ]]},"disability_rating" : {"label": "Do you have a disability rating of 10% or higher from theVA?","description" : "Your disability rating may exempt you from the VA Funding Fee, a governmental fee applied to every VA purchase and refinance loan. 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    Military Age Restrictions: How Old is Too Old to Serve? (4)

    "},"prompt_forward" : {"type": "hidden","value" : "1"},"house_html" : {"type": "html","content" : "

    "},"desired_monthly_payment_label" : { "type" : "html", "content" : "See How Much Home You Can Afford in 2023" },"desired_monthly_payment" : { "label" : 'Desired Monthly Payment:', "type" : "number_slider", "required" : true, "min" : 0, "max" : 5000, "value" : "800","mask" : "number", "attr" : "size=\"11\" maxlength=\"11\" pattern=\"[0-9]*\"", "step" : 1, "invalidMsg": "Please enter a dollar amount.","onChange" : "animate_house", }, "result_html" : {"type": "html","content" : "

    Your Home Affordability Estimate:


    View assumptions »

    "},},"order": [{"title" : "start-calc","inputs" :["src","curi","wuri","adg","cmp","desc","gclid","dclid","dnt_flag","fbclid","msclkid","utm_source","utm_medium","utm_campaign","utm_term","utm_content","val_exp","val_cmp","val_lead","fbp","host_name","form_id","frn","ap_token","opq_guid","opq_worthy","opq_version","opq_treatment","lead_partner_lead_id","adid","plc","ss_test_variation","ss_opq_test_variation","json","google_client_id","start_time","refi_ltv","refi_total_loan_amount","vu_agreestovuprivacypolicy","vu_agreestovutermsandconditions","vu_consentstovutcpa","vu_agreestovuautodial","vu_agreestovutexting","vu_agreestovusharingwithaffiliates","vu_agreestotransactioncommunications","vu_agreestolendingpartners","vu_agreestohbcpartneroffers","matchtype","mbsy_source","campaignid","mbsy","vu_agreestoedelivery","mrc_agreestohomeservices","twilio_version","lead_intent","purpose","property_value","house_html","desired_monthly_payment_label","desired_monthly_payment" ],"nextText" : "Start Calculating"},{"title" : "property-location","inputs" :["property_search","property_zip","property_state","property_city"]},{"title" : "continue-online","inputs" :["ny_opq_message"]},{"title" : "property-state","inputs" :["property_state_select"]},{"title" : "texas-cashout","inputs" :["tx_cashout_message"]},{"title" : "credit-rating","inputs" :["credit_rating"]},{"title" : "result-slide","inputs" :["result_html","prompt_forward"],"nextText" : "Continue"},{"title" : "refi-goals","inputs" :["refi_reason"]},{"title" : "military-branch","inputs" :["military_branch"]},{"title" : "military-type","inputs" :["military_type"]},{"title" : "active-duty","inputs" :["military_status"]},{"title" : "active-overseas","inputs" :["currently_overseas"]},{"title" : "pcs-orders","inputs" :["pcs"]},{"title" : "property-state","inputs" :["civilian_property_state_select"]},{"title" : "three-percent-down","inputs" :["three_percent_down"]},{"title" : "down-payment","inputs" :["down_payment"]},{"title" : "down-payment-notice","inputs" :["down_payment_notice",],},{"title" : "down-payment-notice-nb","inputs" :["down_payment_notice_nb",],},{"title" : "property-type","inputs" :["property_type"]},{"title" : "manufactured-property","inputs" : ["manufactured_own"]},{"title" : "property-use","inputs" :["property_use"]},{"title" : "timeframe","inputs" :["when_loan"]},{"title" : "timeframe-reason","inputs" :["preventing_loan"]},{"title" : "current-home","inputs" :["living_situation"]},{"title" : "first-time","inputs" :["first_time"]},{"title" : "sell-home","inputs" :["sell_before_purchase"]},{"title" : "mortgage-balance","inputs" :["balance"]},{"title" : "interest-rate","inputs" :["current_rate"]},{"title" : "refi-continue","inputs" :["refi_ltv_message"],"nextText" : "Yes, continue"},{"title" : "cash-out-amount","inputs":["cash_out_amount"],"after" : "

    Maximum cashout amount based on the home value and mortgage balance information you supplied. Not guaranteed until locked in by your Loan Officer.

    "},{"title" : "current-va-loan","inputs" :["currentva"]},{"title" : "employment","inputs" :["occupational_status"]},{"title" : "marital_status","inputs" :["marital_status"]},{"title" : "income","inputs" :["gross_income"]},{"title" : "current-loan","inputs" :["current_loan_type"]},{"title" : "previous-va","inputs" :["previous_va_loan"]},{"title" : "disability-income","inputs" :["disability_income"]},{"title" : "disability-rating","inputs" :["disability_rating"]},{"title" : "bankruptcy","inputs" :["bankruptcy"]},{"title" : "previously_closed_borrower","inputs" :["previous_customer"]},{"title" : "referrer","inputs" :["vu_referrer"]},{"title" : "paddio","inputs" :["paddio",],"after" : "

    Paddio has been determined to be a better option for your unique homebuying situation. If you think this is a mistake and you do have military experience, please contact Veterans United Home Loans directly at 1-800-884-5560.

    "},{"title" : "neighbors-bank","inputs" :["neighbors",],"after" : "

    Neighbors Bank has been determined to be a better option for your unique homebuying situation. If you think this is a mistake and you do have military experience, please contact Veterans United Home Loans directly at 1-800-884-5560.

    "},{"title" : "email","inputs" :["email","secure_label","next","vu_agreestoemails",]},{"title" : "name","inputs" :["name_label","first_name","last_name","secure_label"]},{"title" : "current-address","inputs" :["address_label","address","zip","secure_label"]},{"title" : "time-at-current-address","inputs" :["time_at_current_address"]},{"title" : "phone","inputs" :["phone_full","secure_label","submit","vuhlagree",]},{"title" : "phone-verify","inputs" :["twilio_phone","secure_label","next","vuhlagree",],},{"title" : "phone-verify-code","inputs" :["phone_verify_code","phone_resend_label","phone_resend_text","phone_resend_call",],autoAdvance : false,},],"logic" : {"conditions" : {"is_purchase" : {"target" : "purpose","operator" : "=","value" : "P"},"is_refinance" : {"target" : "purpose","operator" : "=","value" : "R"},"is_civilian" : {"target" : "military_branch","operator" : "=","value" : "Civilian"},"is_spouse" : {"target" : "military_branch","operator" : "=","value" : 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      Military Age Restrictions: How Old is Too Old to Serve? (2024)


      Military Age Restrictions: How Old is Too Old to Serve? ›

      Army: 17 - 35. Coast Guard: 17 - 31. Marine Corps: 17 - 28. Navy: 17 - 39.

      How can a 50 year old serve in the military? ›

      If 35 or older but less than 55 years, they will qualify if they: (i) Have a minimum of 3 years honorable active service in any one of the Armed Forces, with at least 1 or more days of Army service. (ii) Be not less than 35 years old plus the number of completed years of prior honorable active military service.

      Am I too old to serve? ›

      In general, the Defense Department restricts enlistment to those 35 and younger. Prior enlisted service members can subtract their previous years of service from their age in order to extend eligibility. For example, the current age cutoff in the Air Force is 39.

      What are the age requirements for prior service military? ›

      Age – Must qualify for non-regular retired pay by age 60. Physical – Must meet height/weight and current medical requirements. Education – Must meet education standards for the MOS or option for which you enlist.

      Can I join the military at 45 years old prior service? ›

      The maximum age to join the Army as an enlisted Soldier is 35, while Officers must accept their commission before age 31. However, the Army can lift some restrictions based on the need for certain roles to be filled. It's possible to receive an age waiver if you retire with 20 years of military service by age 55.

      Can I join the military at 45 years old? ›

      Age limits

      Air Force: 17 - 39. Army: 17 - 35. Coast Guard: 17 - 31. Marine Corps: 17 - 28.

      Can you be drafted at age 40? ›

      Present - The U.S. currently operates under an all-volunteer armed forces policy. All male citizens between the ages of 18 and 26 are required to register for the draft and are liable for training and service until the age of 35.

      Can you still be active at 70? ›

      Keep in mind, some physical activity is better than none at all. Your health benefits will also increase with the more physical activity that you do. Adults aged 65 and older need: At least 150 minutes a week (for example, 30 minutes a day, 5 days a week) of moderate-intensity activity such as brisk walking.

      Can I join the military at 41? ›

      The Army's max enlistment age is 35, while the Air Force's cap is 40. The Marine Corps' enlisted age limit is 28, according to a U.S. government site that lays out military joining procedures.

      Can a felon join the military? ›


      Federal law sets some of the criteria for enlisting in the armed services; the Department of Defense (DoD) sets others. Federal law bars people from enlisting if they have been convicted of any felony, unless granted a waiver by the secretary of defense (10 USC § 504).

      Is the military accepting prior service? ›

      Given the choice, the military will allow someone currently in the service to re-enlist before they allow a prior-service applicant to re-join. In most cases, prior service candidates must enlist in the military job they had at the time of separation unless the service declares there is no need for that job.

      How long can you serve in the military? ›

      Military personnel may retire after 20 years of service and must retire after 30 years of service in most cases.

      Can I join the Navy Reserves at 50 years old? ›

      To join the Navy Reserve, you must be between 18 and 35 years old (exceptions can be made for those with prior service). You must also pass a physical exam and have a high school diploma, although, in rare instances, GED certificates can be accepted.

      Can I join the National Guard at 50? ›

      Yes, there is an age limit to join the National Guard. New recruits must be at least 17 and no more than 35 years old.

      What is the oldest age to be drafted? ›

      Men turning 21 in the year of the draft would be second priority, men turning 22 would be third, and so on until a man turns 26, at which time he is over the age of liability.

      What Army can I join at the age of 40? ›

      Departmental Territorial Army

      Age Limits: 18 to 42 years other than medical officer. 18 to 45 years of age for medical officer.

      Is 46 too old to join the military? ›

      The Army has the highest cutoff age for new recruits at 42, which was increased from 35 in 2006. The cutoff for the Navy is 35, the Marines is 28 and the Air Force is 27. "There really is no issue with an older recruit," said retired Master Sgt.

      What disqualifies you from joining the Army? ›

      Medical conditions, criminal history, age, physical fitness, and drug abuse can all disqualify you from joining the Army. Other disqualifying factors include failing to meet minimum educational requirements, having a dishonorable discharge from the military, or having a record of mental illness.

      What age disqualifies you from the draft? ›

      Each succeeding year, a draft eligible man drops into the next lower priority group until he has reached his 26th birthday, at which time he is over the age of liability for the draft.

      Who is exempt from draft? ›

      Ministers. Certain elected officials, exempt so long as they continue to hold office. Veterans, generally exempt from service in peacetime draft. Immigrants and dual nationals in some cases may be exempt from U.S. military service depending upon their place of residence and country of citizenship.

      Can you still be active at 80? ›

      As for the old adage that it's never too late to reap the benefits of regular physical activity, that still holds true. Just be aware that how the body adapts to exercise changes with age — especially after 75.

      Can a 70 year old be muscular? ›

      Yes, you can still gain muscles if you are over 70 years old. Many forms of exercise and nutritional considerations backed by research can help those over 70 build muscle mass and improve muscle tone. However, it is essential to adapt exercises according to your health condition and physical limitations.

      Can you tone your arms at 70? ›

      As you can see, it's possible to get the toned arms you want, even when you are in your senior years. However, you need to be willing to commit to eating right and getting exercise. Build the muscles and then shed the fat.

      Did the Navy raise the age limit? ›

      The Navy has raised its age limit to 41 –- the oldest of any service. This comes as the military faces a recruiting crisis.

      Did the Navy raise its age limit? ›

      PRICE: And suddenly, he can, thanks to a Navy policy change. When Allen walked into a recruiter's office last summer, he was already two years past the age limit of 39. But a few months later, after he lobbied every Navy official he could reach, his recruiter called and said the Navy had raised its age limit to 41.

      What is the new Navy age limit? ›

      To join the Navy, you must: Be a U.S. citizen; or Legal Permanent Resident (Enlisted) Be between the ages of 17 and 41 for Enlisted programs. Age requirements for Officer programs vary.*

      Can you join military with a DUI? ›

      Officially, you are not allowed to join the military if you have any kind of DUI conviction on your record. This is true for all branches of the United States Armed Forces.

      Can a felon fight in a war? ›

      United States military recruiting standards vary according to branch; however, most felonies are excluded from the felony waiver. A felony that occurs below the age of criminal responsibility is more likely to be waived; likelihood decreases if the felony occurred as an adult.

      What military takes felons? ›

      If you want to join the Army with a felony on your record, you are going to need a moral conduct waiver. The Army's “Moral Conduct Waivers” (also known as “Felony Waivers”) are not automatic. You must apply for a moral conduct waiver and doing so can take time.

      Who will the military not accept? ›

      20 Health Conditions That May Not Allow You To Join The Military. There are many specific medical conditions that may disqualify you from joining the U.S. Military. These include conditions like depression, bipolar disorder, epilepsy, heart issues, Asperger's, and PTSD.

      Can retired military go to war? ›

      Military retirees shall be ordered to active duty with full pay and allowances. In general, a retired member recalled to active duty will serve in the member's retired grade.

      Can you rejoin the military with PTSD? ›

      Anxiety Disorders

      They must not have needed any treatment for their anxiety disorder in the past 36 months. Other disqualifying mental health conditions include: A history of obsessive-compulsive disorder or post-traumatic stress disorder.

      Who is the oldest active duty Soldier? ›

      At 59, Staff Sgt. Monte Gould is the oldest-ever graduate of the Army's current Basic Combat Training Course, finishing Aug. 27 in the top 10% of his class. Now, a decade or two older than retirement age for most career soldiers, he's starting a new journey -- with plans to join his son, Spc.

      Can you buy out your military contract? ›

      Discharge by purchase, colloquially called buying oneself out of service, is the obtaining of a military discharge by payment. The purchase price is in effect a fine for leaving military service earlier than the date contracted for when enlisting.

      What is the shortest military contract? ›

      Instead of the standard eight-year contract that you used to have to fulfill with the Air Force, you can now enlist for a period of four years for Active Duty and 2 years for the Guard and Reserves, which is the shortest, standard contract that the Air Force offers to all potential recruits.

      Can you join the Navy at 50 years old? ›

      Be a U.S. citizen; or Legal Permanent Resident (Enlisted) Be between the ages of 17 and 41 for Enlisted programs. Age requirements for Officer programs vary.*

      Can I join Air Force at 50? ›

      Applicants must be between 17 and 39; meet the mental, moral and physical standards for enlistment; and speak, read and write English fluently. If you intend to obtain U.S. citizenship, it must be done before applying to join the Air Force Reserve.

      How can I serve my country at 50? ›

      If you are a United States citizen and over the age of 55 you join the federal government's Retired Senior Volunteer Program AKA RSVP. Most political jurisdictions in the United States have volunteer programs for people of all ages.

      Is 52 too old to join the military? ›

      It wasn't always easy to make the transition to the military. They needed age waivers, and the processing often took more than a year. The oldest active duty age limit for the Army is 35; for the Navy, 34; for the Marines, 29; for the Air Force, 39; and for the Coast Guard, 27.

      What is the maximum age for the US Navy? ›

      The U.S. Navy isn't currently seeking any geriatric recruits, but it raised the maximum enlistment age from 39 to 41, as part of an effort to meet its quotas. It has barely made its recruiting goal for active-duty enlisted in Fiscal Year 2022 (FY22), which ended on Sept.

      Is the Navy struggling to recruit? ›

      The Navy Reserve is struggling with recruiting, its chief said. This falls in line with all the other services and reserve components reports on shortfalls they're experiencing in attracting qualified recruits last year, and 2023 was not looking very promising.

      Can I join the Coast Guard at 50? ›

      To join the Coast Guard Reserve, you must be a U.S. citizen or resident alien between 17 and 40 years old.

      Can I join National Guard at 50? ›

      To join the National Guard without prior service, you must meet these mandatory requirements: Be between the ages of 17 and 35. Be a U.S. citizen or permanent resident. Be at least a junior in high school, or have a high school diploma or a GED certificate.

      Can I join the military with a felony? ›

      If you want to join the Army with a felony on your record, you are going to need a moral conduct waiver. The Army's “Moral Conduct Waivers” (also known as “Felony Waivers”) are not automatic. You must apply for a moral conduct waiver and doing so can take time.

      Who is the oldest active duty soldier? ›

      At 59, Staff Sgt. Monte Gould is the oldest-ever graduate of the Army's current Basic Combat Training Course, finishing Aug. 27 in the top 10% of his class. Now, a decade or two older than retirement age for most career soldiers, he's starting a new journey -- with plans to join his son, Spc.

      What is the oldest you can join the military? ›

      Military enlistment age limits by branch
      BranchActive duty enlistmentGuard enlistment
      U.S. Army17-3517-35
      Air Force17-3917-39
      Coast Guard17-4217-42
      Marine Corps17-2817-28
      2 more rows
      Mar 9, 2023

      What disqualifies you from the Peace Corps? ›

      Policy. It has been the Peace Corps' longstanding policy to exclude from Peace Corps Volunteer service for specified periods of time any persons who have engaged in intelligence activity or related work or who have been employed by or connected with an intelligence agency.

      Who Cannot be drafted? ›

      • The Vice-President of the United States, the Judges of the various Courts of the Untied States, the heads of the various executive departments of the Government, and the Governors of the several States.
      • The only son liable to military duty of a widow dependent upon his labor for support.

      What is the age you Cannot be drafted? ›

      But that doesn't mean you won't have problems. If you fail to register for the draft by the time you turn 26, you are no longer able to do so. Then, if you apply for any government benefits at any time after that, you quite possibly will be denied.

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      Name: Duane Harber

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      Introduction: My name is Duane Harber, I am a modern, clever, handsome, fair, agreeable, inexpensive, beautiful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.