Pt. 1650 PART 1650—METHODS OF WITHDRAWING FUNDS FROM THE THRIFT SAVINGS PLAN Subpart A—General Sec. 1650.1 Definitions. 1650.2 Eligibility and general rules for a TSP withdrawal. 1650.3 Frozen accounts. 1650.4 Certification of truthfulness. 1650.5 Returned funds 1650.6 Deceased participant. Subpart B—Post-Employment Withdrawals 1650.11 Withdrawal elections. 1650.12 Single payment. 1650.13 Monthly payments. 1650.14 Annuities. 1650.15 Abandonment of inactive accounts. 1650.16 Required withdrawal date. 1650.17 Changes and cancellation of a withdrawal request. Subpart C—Procedures for Post-Employment Withdrawals 1650.21 Information provided by employing agency. 1650.22 Accounts of $200 or more. 1650.23 Accounts of less than $200. 1650.24 How to obtain a post-employment withdrawal. 1650.25 Transfers from the TSP. Subpart D—In-Service Withdrawals 1650.31 Age-based withdrawals. 1650.32 Financial hardship withdrawals. 1650.33 Contributing to the TSP after an in-service withdrawal. 1650.34 Uniqueness of loans and withdrawals. Subpart E—Procedures for In-Service Withdrawals 1650.41 How to obtain an age-based withdrawal. 1650.42 How to obtain a financial hardship withdrawal. 1650.43 [Reserved] Subpart F [Reserved] Subpart G—Spousal Rights 1650.61 Spousal rights applicable to post-employment withdrawals. 1650.62 Spousal rights applicable to in-service withdrawals. 1650.63 Executive Director's exception to the spousal notification requirement. 1650.64 Executive Director's exception to the spousal consent requirement. Authority:

5 U.S.C. 8351, 8432d, 8433, 8434, 8435, 8474(b)(5) and 8474(c)(1).


68 FR 35503, June 13, 2003, unless otherwise noted.

Subpart A—General
§ 1650.1 Definitions.

(a) Definitions generally applicable to the Thrift Savings Plan are set forth at 5 CFR 1690.1.

(b) As used in this part:

In-service withdrawal means an age-based or financial hardship withdrawal from the TSP that may be available to a participant who has not yet separated from Government service.

Post-employment withdrawal means a withdrawal from the TSP that is available to a participant who is separated from Government service.

[68 FR 35503, June 13, 2003, as amended at 70 FR 32215, June 1, 2005]
§ 1650.2 Eligibility and general rules for a TSP withdrawal.

(a) A participant who is separated from Government service can elect to withdraw a portion of his or her account balance in a single payment, or the entire account balance by one or a combination of the withdrawal methods described in subpart B of this part.

(b) A post-employment withdrawal will not be paid unless TSP records indicate that the participant is separated from Government service. The TSP will cancel a post-employment withdrawal election upon receiving information from an employing agency that a participant is no longer separated.

(c) A participant cannot make a post-employment withdrawal until any outstanding TSP loan has either been repaid in full or declared to be a taxable distribution. An outstanding TSP loan will not affect a participant's eligibility for an in-service withdrawal.

(d) A separated participant who is reemployed in a position in which he or she is eligible to participate in the TSP is subject to the following rules:

(1) A participant who is reemployed in a TSP-eligible position on or before the 31st full calendar day after separation is not eligible to withdraw his or her TSP account in accordance with subpart B of this part.

(2) A participant who is reemployed in a TSP-eligible position more than 31 full calendar days after separation and who made a post-employment withdrawal while separated may not withdraw any remaining portion of his or her account balance in accordance with subpart B of this part until he or she again separates from Government service.

(e) A participant who has not separated from Government service may be eligible to withdraw all or a portion of his or her account in accordance with subparts D and E of this part.

(f) A participant can elect to have any portion of a single or monthly payment that is not transferred to an eligible employer plan, traditional IRA, or Roth IRA deposited directly, by electronic funds transfer (EFT), into a savings or checking account at a financial institution in the United States.

(g) If a participant has a civilian TSP account and a uniformed services TSP account, the rules in this part apply to each account separately. For example, the participant is eligible to make one age-based in-service withdrawal from each account. A separate withdrawal request must be made for each account.

(h) All withdrawals will be distributed pro rata from the participant's traditional and Roth balances. The distribution from the traditional balance will be further pro rated between the tax-deferred balance and tax-exempt balance. The distribution from the Roth balance will be further pro rated between contributions in the Roth balance and earnings in the Roth balance. In addition, all withdrawals will be distributed pro rata from all TSP Funds in which the participant's account is invested. All pro rated amounts will be based on the balances in each TSP Fund or source of contributions on the day the withdrawal is processed.

[68 FR 35503, June 13, 2003, as amended at 77 FR 26426, May 4, 2012]
§ 1650.3 Frozen accounts.

(a) All withdrawals from the TSP are subject to the rules relating to spousal rights (found in subpart G of this part) and to domestic relations orders, alimony and child support legal process, and child abuse enforcement orders (found in 5 CFR part 1653).

(b) A participant may not withdraw any portion of his or her account balance if the account is frozen due to a pending retirement benefits court order, an alimony or child support enforcement order, or a child abuse enforcement order, or because a freeze has been placed on the account by the TSP for another reason.

§ 1650.4 Certification of truthfulness.

By signing a TSP withdrawal form, electronically or on paper, the participant certifies, under penalty of perjury, that all information provided to the TSP during the withdrawal process is true and complete, including statements concerning the participant's marital status and, where applicable, the spouse's address at the time the application is filed or the current spouse's consent to the withdrawal.

[70 FR 32215, June 1, 2005]
§ 1650.5 Returned funds.

If a withdrawal is returned as undeliverable, the TSP record keeper will attempt to locate the participant. If the participant does not respond within 60 days, the TSP will forfeit the returned funds to the Plan. The participant can claim the forfeited funds, although they will not be credited with TSP investment fund returns.

§ 1650.6 Deceased participant.

(a) The TSP will cancel a pending withdrawal request if it processes a written notice that a participant is deceased. The TSP will also cancel an annuity purchase made on or after the participant's date of death but before annuity payments have begun, and the annuity vendor will return the funds to the TSP.

(b) If the TSP processes a withdrawal request before being notified that a participant is deceased, the funds cannot be returned to the TSP.

[70 FR 32215, June 1, 2005]
Subpart B—Post-Employment Withdrawals
§ 1650.11 Withdrawal elections.

(a) Subject to the restrictions in this subpart, participants may elect to withdraw all or a portion of their TSP accounts in a single payment, a series of monthly payments, a life annuity, or any combination of these options.

(b) If a participant's account balance is less than $5.00 when he or she separates from Government service, the balance will automatically be forfeited to the TSP. The participant can reclaim the money by writing to the TSP record keeper and requesting the amount that was forfeited; however, TSP investment earnings will not be credited to the account after the date of the forfeiture.

(c) If a participant's vested account balance is less than $200 when he or she separates from Government service, the TSP will automatically pay the balance to the participant at his or her TSP address of record. The participant will not be eligible for any other payment option or be allowed to remain in the TSP.

[68 FR 35503, June 13, 2003, as amended at 70 FR 32215, June 1, 2005; 77 FR 26426, May 4, 2012]
§ 1650.12 Single payment.

(a) Partial withdrawal. A participant can elect to withdraw a portion of his or her account balance in a single payment and leave the rest in the TSP until a later date, subject to § 1650.16 and the following requirements:

(1) The participant is eligible for a partial withdrawal only if he or she did not make an age-based in-service withdrawal from that account.

(2) The participant may not elect a partial withdrawal of less than $1,000.

(3) Only one partial withdrawal from that account is permitted.

(b) Full withdrawal. A participant can elect to withdraw his or her entire account balance in a single payment.

§ 1650.13 Monthly payments.

(a) A participant electing a full post-employment withdrawal (i.e., a withdrawal of his or her entire account) can elect to withdraw all or a portion of the account balance in a series of substantially equal monthly payments, to be paid in one of the following manners:

(1) A specific dollar amount. The amount elected must be at least $25 per month; if the amount elected is less than $25 per month, the request will be rejected. Payments will be made in the amount requested each month until the account balance is expended.

(2) A monthly payment amount calculated based on life expectancy. Payments based on life expectancy are determined using the factors set forth in the Internal Revenue Service life expectancy tables codified at 26 CFR 1.401(a)(9)-9, Q&A 1 and 2. The monthly payment amount is calculated by dividing the account balance by the factor from the IRS life expectancy tables based upon the participant's age as of his or her birthday in the year payments are to begin. This amount is then divided by 12 to yield the monthly payment amount. In subsequent years, the monthly payment amount is recalculated each January by dividing the prior December 31 account balance by the factor in the IRS life expectancy tables based upon the participant's age as of his or her birthday in the year payments will be made. There is no minimum amount for a monthly payment calculated based on this method.

(b) A participant receiving monthly payments calculated based upon life expectancy can make one election, during a period to be determined by the Executive Director, to change to a fixed monthly payment. A participant can change the amount of his or her fixed payments annually. A participant who is receiving monthly payments based on a fixed dollar amount, however, cannot elect to change to an amount calculated based on life expectancy.

(c) A participant receiving monthly payments, regardless of the calculation method, can elect at any time to receive the remainder of his or her account balance in a final single payment.

(d) The TSP will ensure that the annual total monthly payments satisfy any applicable minimum distribution requirement of the Internal Revenue Code by making a supplemental payment no later than the last date required by the Internal Revenue Service.

(e) A participant receiving monthly payments may change the investment of his or her account balance among the TSP investment funds as provided in 5 CFR part 1601.

[68 FR 35503, June 13, 2003, as amended at 75 FR 78879, Dec. 17, 2010]
§ 1650.14 Annuities.

(a) A participant electing a full post-employment withdrawal can use all or a portion of his or her account balance to purchase a life annuity.

(b) If a participant has a traditional balance and a Roth balance, the TSP must purchase two separate annuity contracts for the participant: One from the portion of the withdrawal distributed from his or her traditional balance and one from the portion of the withdrawal distributed from his or her Roth balance.

(c) A participant cannot select only one balance (traditional or Roth) from which to purchase an annuity.

(d) A participant cannot elect to purchase an annuity contract with less than $3,500.

(1) If a participant who has a traditional balance and a Roth balance elects to use 100% of his or her withdrawal to purchase a life annuity and both the traditional balance and the Roth balance are below $3,500, the TSP will reject the participant's request. If only one balance is below $3,500, then the TSP will pay that balance to the participant in a single payment and use the balance that is at least $3,500 to purchase an annuity in accordance with the participant's election.

(2) If a participant who has a Roth balance and traditional balance makes a mixed withdrawal election and both the traditional portion of the amount designated to purchase an annuity and the Roth portion of the amount designated to purchase an annuity are below $3,500, the TSP will reject the withdrawal request. If only one portion is below $3,500, then the TSP will pro rate that portion among the participant's other elected withdrawal options and use the portion that is at least $3,500 to purchase an annuity in accordance with the participant's election.

(e) The TSP will purchase the annuity from the TSP's annuity vendor using the participant's entire account balance or the portion specified, unless an amount must be paid directly to the participant to satisfy any applicable minimum distribution requirement of the Internal Revenue Code. In the event that a minimum distribution is required by section 401(a)(9) of the Internal Revenue Code before the date of the first annuity payment, the TSP will compute that amount, and pay it directly to the participant.

(f) An annuity will provide a payment for life to the participant and, if applicable, to the participant's survivor, in accordance with the type of annuity chosen. The TSP annuity vendor will make the first annuity payment approximately 30 days after the TSP purchases the annuity.

(g) The amount of an annuity payment will depend on the type of annuity chosen, the participant's age when the annuity is purchased (and the age of the joint annuitant, if applicable), the amount used to purchase the annuity, and the interest rate available when the annuity is purchased.

(h) Participants may choose among the following types of annuities:

(1) A single life annuity with level payments. This annuity provides monthly payments to the participant as long as the participant lives. The amount of the monthly payment remains constant.

(2) A joint life annuity for the participant and spouse with level payments. This annuity provides monthly payments to the participant, as long as both the participant and spouse are alive, and monthly payments to the survivor, as long as the survivor is alive. The amount of the monthly payment remains constant, although the amount received will depend on the type of survivor benefit elected.

(3) A joint life annuity for the participant and another person with level payments. This annuity provides monthly payments to the participant as long as both the participant and the joint annuitant are alive, and monthly payments to the survivor as long as the survivor is alive. The amount of the monthly payment remains constant. The joint annuitant must be either a former spouse or a person who has an insurable interest in the participant.

(i) A person has an “insurable interest in the participant” if the person is financially dependent on the participant and could reasonably expect to derive financial benefit from the participant's continued life.

(ii) A relative (either blood or adopted, but not by marriage) who is closer than a first cousin is presumed to have an insurable interest in the participant.

(iii) A participant can establish that a person not described in paragraph (d)(3)(ii) of this section has an insurable interest in him or her by submitting, with the annuity request, an affidavit from a person other than the participant or the joint annuitant that demonstrates that the designated joint annuitant has an insurable interest in the participant (as described in paragraph (d)(3)(i) of this section).

(4) Either a single life or joint (with spouse) life annuity with increasing payments. This annuity provides monthly payments to the participant only, or to the participant and spouse, as applicable. The monthly payments are adjusted once each year on the anniversary of the first payment, based on the Federal Bureau of Labor Statistics Consumer Price Index for Urban Wage Earners and Clerical Workers (CPI-W). Each year, the percentage change in the monthly unadjusted CPI-W index for July, August, and September over the monthly unadjusted CPI-W index for July, August, and September of the prior year is calculated. The following calendar year, the amount of the monthly payment is adjusted by the lesser of 3 percent or the percentage increase in the CPI-W, if any. In no case will the amount of the monthly payment be decreased based on the CPI-W. If the participant chooses a joint life annuity, the annual increase also applies to benefits received by the survivor.

(i) If the TSP must purchase two annuity contracts, the type of annuity, the annuity features, and the joint annuitant (if applicable) selected by the participant will apply to both annuities purchased. A participant cannot elect more than one type of annuity by which to receive a withdrawal, or portion thereof, from any one account.

(j) A participant who chooses a joint life annuity (with a spouse, a former spouse, or a person with an insurable interest) must choose either a 50 percent or a 100 percent survivor benefit. The survivor benefit applies when either the participant or the joint annuitant dies.

(1) A 50 percent survivor benefit provides a monthly payment to the survivor which is 50 percent of the amount of the payment that is made when both the participant and the joint annuitant are alive.

(2) A 100 percent survivor benefit provides a monthly payment to the survivor, which is equal to the amount of the payment that is made when both the participant and the joint annuitant are alive.

(3) Either the 50 percent or the 100 percent survivor benefit may be combined with any joint life annuity option. However, the 100 percent survivor benefit can only be combined with a joint annuity with a person other than the spouse (or a former spouse, if required by a retirement benefits court order) if the joint annuitant is not more than 10 years younger than the participant.

(k) The following features are mutually exclusive, but can be combined with certain types of annuities, as indicated:

(1) Cash refund. This feature provides that, if the participant (and joint annuitant, where applicable) dies before an amount equal to the balance used to purchase the annuity has been paid out, the difference between the balance used to purchase the annuity and the sum of monthly payments already made will be paid to the beneficiary(ies) designated by the participant (or by the joint annuitant, where applicable). This feature can be combined with any type of annuity.

(2) Ten-year certain. This feature provides that, if the participant dies before annuity payments have been made for 10 years (120 payments), monthly payments will be made to the beneficiary(ies) until 120 payments have been made. This feature can be combined with any single life annuity, but cannot be combined with a joint life annuity.

(l) Once an annuity has been purchased, the type of annuity, the annuity features, and the identity of the joint annuitant cannot be changed, and the annuity cannot be terminated.

[68 FR 35503, June 13, 2003, as amended at 77 FR 26426, May 4, 2012]
§ 1650.15 Abandonment of inactive accounts.

A separated participant must select a full withdrawal option by the time he or she reaches age 701/2. If the participant does not do so and the TSP is unable to locate the participant, the inactive account will be declared abandoned in accordance with § 1650.16.

§ 1650.16 Required withdrawal date.

(a) A participant must withdraw his or her account under § 1650.12, or begin receiving payments under §§ 1650.13 or 1650.14, by April 1 of the year following the year in which the participant reaches 701/2 years of age or separates from Government service, whichever is later.

(b) For account balances of $200 or more, a separated participant may elect to withdraw his or her account or to begin receiving payments before the date described in paragraph (a) of this section, but is not required to do so.

(c) In the event that a participant does not withdraw his or her account or begin receiving payments in accordance with paragraph (a) of this section, the Board will transfer all of the funds in the participant's account not already invested in the Government Securities Investment (G) Fund to that fund. A notice of this action will be sent to the participant with a warning that his or her account will be declared abandoned and forfeited unless the participant comes into compliance with paragraph (a) by a date certain specified in the notice.

(d) If the participant does not take the appropriate withdrawal action described in paragraph (c) of this section, the Board will purchase an annuity for the participant after the following steps have been taken:

(1) The account has been declared abandoned and the funds in the account have been forfeited;

(2) A notice of this action has been sent to the participant;

(3) The participant reclaims the account balance that was abandoned, but decides against a withdrawal pursuant to §§ 1650.12 or 1650.13; and

(4) The participant provides the information that the Board needs to purchase an annuity pursuant to § 1650.14.

§ 1650.17 Changes and cancellation of a withdrawal request.

(a) Before processing. A pending withdrawal request can be cancelled if the cancellation is processed before the TSP processes the withdrawal request. However, the TSP processes withdrawal requests each business day and those that are entered into the record keeping system by 12:00 noon eastern time will ordinarily be processed that night; those entered after 12:00 noon eastern time will be processed the next business day. Consequently, a cancellation request must be received and entered into the system before the cut-off for the day the withdrawal request is submitted for processing in order to be effective to cancel the withdrawal.

(b) After processing. A withdrawal election cannot be changed or cancelled after the withdrawal request has been processed. Consequently, funds disbursed cannot be returned to the TSP record keeper.

(c) Change in monthly payments. If a participant is receiving a series of monthly payments, the participant can change at any time: His or her withdrawal election to request a final single payment, the address to which the payments are mailed, whether or not a payment will be transferred (if permitted) and the portion to be transferred, the method by which direct payments to the participant are being sent (EFT or check), the identity of the financial institution to which payments are transferred or sent by EFT, or the identity of the EFT account. Once a year, during a period determined by the Executive Director, the participant may also elect to change the payment amount or to change from a monthly payment based on life expectancy to a fixed payment amount.

[68 FR 35503, June 13, 2003, as amended at 70 FR 32215, June 1, 2005]
Subpart C—Procedures for Post-Employment Withdrawals
§ 1650.21 Information provided by employing agency.

(a) Information to be provided to the TSP. When a TSP participant separates from Government service, his or her employing agency must report the separation and the date of separation to the TSP record keeper. Until the TSP record keeper receives this information from the employing agency, it will not pay a post-employment withdrawal.

(b) Information to be provided to the participant. When a TSP participant separates from Government service, his or her employing agency must furnish the participant with information regarding the participant's withdrawal options (e.g., the withdrawal booklet and information about the TSP Web site). The employing agency is also responsible for counseling participants concerning TSP withdrawal options.

§ 1650.22 Accounts of $200 or more.

A participant whose account balance is $200 or more must submit a properly completed withdrawal election to request a post-employment withdrawal of his or her account balance.

§ 1650.23 Accounts of less than $200.

Upon receiving information from the employing agency that a participant has been separated for more than 31 days and that any outstanding loans have been closed, the TSP record keeper will distribute the entire amount of his or her account balance if the account balance is $5.00 or more but less than $200. The TSP will not pay this amount by EFT. The participant may not elect to leave this amount in the TSP, nor will the TSP transfer this amount to an eligible employer plan, traditional IRA, or Roth IRA. However, the participant may elect to roll over this payment into an eligible employer plan, traditional IRA, or Roth IRA to the extent the roll over is permitted by the Internal Revenue Code.

[77 FR 26427, May 4, 2012]
§ 1650.24 How to obtain a post-employment withdrawal.

To request a post-employment withdrawal, a participant must submit to the TSP record keeper a properly completed paper TSP post-employment withdrawal request form or use the TSP Web site to initiate a request.

[77 FR 26427, May 4, 2012]
§ 1650.25 Transfers from the TSP.

(a) The TSP will, at the participant's election, transfer all or any portion of an eligible rollover distribution (as defined by section 402(c)(4) of the Internal Revenue Code) of $200 or more directly to an eligible employer plan or an IRA.

(b) If a withdrawal includes a payment from a participant's traditional balance and a payment from the participant's Roth balance, the TSP will, at the participant's election, transfer all or a portion of the payment from the traditional balance to a single plan or IRA and all or a portion of the payment from the Roth balance to another plan or IRA. The TSP will also allow the traditional and Roth portions of a payment to be transferred to the same plan or IRA but, for each type of balance, the election must be made separately by the participant and each type of balance will be transferred separately. However, the TSP will not transfer portions of the participant's traditional balance to two different institutions or portions of the participant's Roth balance to two different institutions.

(c) If a withdrawal includes an amount from a participant's Roth balance and the participant elects to transfer that amount to another eligible employer plan or Roth IRA, the TSP will inform the plan administrator or trustee of the start date of the participant's Roth 5 year non-exclusion period or the participant's Roth initiation date, and the portion of the distribution that represents Roth contributions. If a withdrawal includes an amount from a participant's Roth balance and the participant does not elect to transfer the amount, the TSP will inform the participant of the portion of the distribution that represents Roth contributions.

(d) Tax-exempt contributions can be transferred only if the IRA or plan accepts such funds.

(e) The TSP will transfer distributions only to the extent that the transfer is permitted by the Internal Revenue Code.

[77 FR 26427, May 4, 2012]
Subpart D—In-Service Withdrawals
§ 1650.31 Age-based withdrawals.

(a) A participant who has reached age 591/2 and who has not separated from Government service is eligible to withdraw all or a portion of his or her vested TSP account balance in a single payment. The amount of an age-based withdrawal request must be at least $1,000, unless the withdrawal request is for the entire vested account balance.

(b) An age-based withdrawal is an eligible rollover distribution, so a participant may request that the TSP transfer all or a portion of the withdrawal to a traditional IRA, an eligible employer plan, or a Roth IRA in accordance with § 1650.25.

(c) A participant is permitted only one age-based withdrawal for an account.

(d) A participant who makes an age-based withdrawal is not eligible to make a partial withdrawal after separating from Government service.

[68 FR 35503, June 13, 2003, as amended at 75 FR 24785, May 6, 2010; 77 FR 26427, May 4, 2012]
§ 1650.32 Financial hardship withdrawals.

(a) A participant who has not separated from Government employment and who can certify that he or she has a financial hardship is eligible to withdraw all or a portion of his or her own contributions to the TSP (and their attributable earnings) in a single payment to meet certain specified financial obligations. The amount of a financial hardship withdrawal request must be at least $1,000.

(b) To be eligible for a financial hardship withdrawal, a participant must have a financial need that results from at least one of the following four conditions:

(1) The participant's monthly cash flow is negative (i.e., the participant's income is less than his or her monthly expenses on a recurring basis);

(2) The participant has incurred medical expenses as a result of a medical condition, illness, or injury to the participant, the participant's spouse, or the participant's dependents. Generally, eligible expenses are those that would be eligible for deduction as medical expenses for Federal income tax purposes. Eligible medical expenses include the cost of household improvements required as a result of a medical condition, illness or injury. Household improvements are structural improvements to the participant's living quarters or the installation of special equipment that is necessary to accommodate the circ*mstances of the incapacitated person.

(3) The participant must have paid the cost of repair or replacement resulting from a personal casualty loss that would be eligible for deduction for Federal income tax purposes, but without regard to the IRS income limitations on deductibility, fair market value of the property, or number of events. Personal casualty loss includes damage, destruction, or loss of property resulting from a sudden, unexpected, or unusual event, such as an earthquake, hurricane, tornado, flood, storm, fire, or theft.

(4) The participant must have paid attorney fees and court costs associated with separation or divorce. Court-ordered payments to a spouse or former spouse and child support payments are not allowed, nor are costs of obtaining prepaid legal services or other coverage for legal services.

(c) When determining financial hardship needs, a participant cannot use any expenses that are already paid or are reimbursable to the participant by insurance or otherwise.

(d) The amount of a participant's financial hardship withdrawal cannot exceed the smallest of the following:

(1) The amount requested; or

(2) The amount in the participant's account that is equal to his or her own contributions and attributable earnings.

(e) The participant must certify that he or he has a financial hardship as described on the hardship withdrawal form, and that the dollar amount of the withdrawal request does not exceed the actual amount of the financial hardship.

(f) A participant is not eligible for an in-service hardship withdrawal based solely on monthly negative cash flow (as described in paragraph (b)(1) of this section) during the time he or she has pending a petition in bankruptcy under Chapter 13 of the Bankruptcy Code (11 U.S.C. chapter 13).

[68 FR 35503, June 13, 2003, as amended at 68 FR 74451, Dec. 23, 2003]
§ 1650.33 Contributing to the TSP after an in-service withdrawal.

(a) A participant's TSP contribution election will not be affected by an age-based in-service withdrawal; therefore, his or her TSP contributions will continue without interruption.

(b) A participant who obtains a financial hardship in-service withdrawal may not contribute to the TSP for a period of six months after the withdrawal is processed. Therefore, the participant's employing agency will discontinue his or her contributions (and any applicable Agency Matching Contributions) for six months after the agency is notified by the TSP; in the case of a FERS or BRS participant, Agency Automatic (1%) Contributions will continue. A participant whose TSP contributions are discontinued by his or her agency after a financial hardship withdrawal can resume contributions any time after expiration of the six-month period by submitting a new TSP contribution election. Contributions will not resume automatically.

[68 FR 35503, June 13, 2003, as amended at 82 FR 60105, Dec. 19, 2017]
§ 1650.34 Uniqueness of loans and withdrawals.

An outstanding TSP loan cannot be converted into an in-service withdrawal or vice versa. Funds distributed as an in-service withdrawal cannot be returned or repaid.

Subpart E—Procedures for In-Service Withdrawals
§ 1650.41 How to obtain an age-based withdrawal.

To request an age-based withdrawal, a participant must submit to the TSP record keeper a properly completed paper TSP age-based withdrawal request form or use the TSP Web site to initiate a request. A participant's ability to complete an age-based withdrawal on the Web will depend on his or her retirement system coverage, marital status, and whether or not all or part of the withdrawal will be transferred to an eligible employer plan, traditional IRA, or Roth IRA.

[68 FR 35503, June 13, 2003, as amended at 70 FR 32215, June 1, 2005; 77 FR 26427, May 4, 2012]
§ 1650.42 How to obtain a financial hardship withdrawal.

(a) To request a financial hardship withdrawal, a participant must submit to the TSP record keeper a properly completed paper TSP hardship withdrawal request form or use the TSP Web site to initiate a request. A participant's ability to complete a financial hardship withdrawal on the Web will depend on his or her retirement system coverage and marital status.

(b) There is no limit on the number of financial hardship withdrawals a participant can make; however, the TSP will not accept a financial hardship withdrawal request for a period of six months after a financial hardship disbursem*nt is made.

[68 FR 35503, June 13, 2003, as amended at 70 FR 32215, June 1, 2005]
§ 1650.43 [Reserved]
Subpart F [Reserved] Subpart G—Spousal Rights
§ 1650.61 Spousal rights applicable to post-employment withdrawals.

(a) The spousal rights described in this section apply to full post-employment withdrawals when the married participant's vested TSP account balance exceeds $3,500, and to partial post-employment withdrawals without regard to the amount of the participant's account balance.

(b) The spouse of a CSRS participant is entitled to notice when the participant applies for a post-employment withdrawal, unless the participant was granted an exception under this subpart to the spousal notification requirement within 90 days of the date the withdrawal request is processed by the TSP. The participant must provide the TSP record keeper with the spouse's correct address. The TSP record keeper will send the required notice by first class mail to the spouse at the most recent address provided by the participant.

(c) The spouse of a FERS or uniformed services participant has a right to a joint and survivor annuity with a 50 percent survivor benefit, level payments, and no cash refund based on the participant's entire account balance when the participant elects a full post-employment withdrawal. The participant may make a different withdrawal election only if his or her spouse waives the right to this annuity.

(1) To show that the spouse has waived the right to this annuity, the participant must submit to the TSP record keeper a properly completed withdrawal request form, signed by his or her spouse in the presence of a notary, unless the TSP granted the participant an exception under this subpart to the spousal notification requirement within 90 days of the date the withdrawal form is processed by the TSP. If the TSP granted the participant an exception to the signature requirement, the participant should enclose a copy of the TSP's approval letter with the withdrawal form.

(2) Because a partial post-employment withdrawal will diminish the amount in the account which is available for a joint and survivor annuity, a spouse's consent is required before a partial withdrawal will be approved, regardless of the amount to be withdrawn.

(3) Both a spouse's waiver of a joint and survivor annuity and a spouse's consent to a partial withdrawal must be properly notarized.

(4) The spouse's waiver or consent is irrevocable for that withdrawal once the TSP record keeper has received it.

[68 FR 35503, June 13, 2003, as amended at 69 FR 29851, May 26, 2004]
§ 1650.62 Spousal rights applicable to in-service withdrawals.

(a) The spousal rights described in this section apply to all in-service withdrawals and do not depend on the amount of the participant's vested account balance or the amount requested for withdrawal.

(b) The spouse of a CSRS participant is entitled to notice when the participant applies for an in-service withdrawal, unless the participant was granted an exception under this subpart to the spousal notification requirement within 90 days of the date on which the withdrawal request is processed by the TSP. If the TSP granted the participant an exception to the notice requirement, the participant should enclose a copy of the TSP's approval letter with the withdrawal form. The participant must provide the TSP record keeper with the spouse's correct address. The TSP record keeper will send the required notice by first class mail to the spouse at the most recent address provided by the participant.

(c) A participant who is covered by FERS or who is a member of the uniformed services must obtain the consent of his or her spouse before obtaining an in-service withdrawal, unless the participant was granted an exception under this subpart to the signature requirement within 90 days of the date the withdrawal form is processed by the TSP. To show the spouse's consent, a participant must submit to the TSP record keeper a properly completed withdrawal request form, signed by his or her spouse in the presence of a notary. Once a form containing the spouse's consent has been submitted to the TSP record keeper, the spouse's consent is irrevocable for that withdrawal.

[68 FR 35503, June 13, 2003, as amended at 69 FR 29851, May 26, 2004]
§ 1650.63 Executive Director's exception to the spousal notification requirement.

(a) Whenever this subpart requires the Executive Director to give notice of an action to the spouse of a CSRS participant, an exception to this requirement may be granted if the participant establishes to the satisfaction of the Executive Director that the spouse's whereabouts cannot be determined. A request for such an exception must be submitted to the TSP record keeper on the appropriate TSP paper form, accompanied by the following:

(1) A court order stating that the spouse's whereabouts cannot be determined;

(2) A police or governmental agency determination, signed by the appropriate department or division head, which states that the spouse's whereabouts cannot be determined; or

(3) Statements by the participant and two other persons, which meet the following requirements:

(i) The participant's statement must give the full name of the spouse, declare the participant's inability to locate the spouse, state the last time the spouse's location was known, explain why the spouse's location is not known currently, and describe the good faith efforts the participant has made to locate the spouse in the 90 days before the request for an exception was received by the TSP. Examples of attempting to locate the spouse include, but are not limited to, checking with relatives and mutual friends or using telephone directories and directory assistance for the city of the spouse's last known address. Negative statements, such as, “I have not seen nor heard from him,” or “I have not had contact with her,” are not sufficient.

(ii) The statements from two other persons must support the participant's statement that he or she does not know the spouse's whereabouts, and substantiate the participant's description of the efforts he or she made to locate the spouse, including the dates the participant made those efforts.

(iii) All statements must be signed and dated and must include the following certification: “I understand that a false statement or willful misrepresentation is punishable under Federal law (18 U.S.C. 1001) by a fine or imprisonment or both.”.

(b) A withdrawal election will be processed within 90 days of an approved exception so long as the spouse named on the form is the spouse for whom the exception has been approved. The spouse's SSN must be included on the withdrawal request.

(c) The TSP, in its discretion, may require a participant to provide additional information before granting a waiver. The TSP may use any of the information provided to conduct its own search for the spouse.

[68 FR 35503, June 13, 2003, as amended at 70 FR 32215, June 1, 2005]
§ 1650.64 Executive Director's exception to the spousal consent requirement.

(a) Whenever this subpart requires the consent of a spouse of a FERS or uniformed services participant to a loan or withdrawal or a waiver of the right to a survivor annuity, an exception to this requirement may be granted if the participant establishes to the satisfaction of the Executive Director that:

(1) The spouse's whereabouts cannot be determined in accordance with the provisions of this subpart; or

(2) Due to exceptional circ*mstances, requiring the spouse's signature would be inappropriate.

(i) An exception to the requirement for a spouse's signature may be granted based on exceptional circ*mstances only when the participant presents a court order or government agency determination that contains a finding or a recitation of exceptional circ*mstances regarding the spouse which would warrant an exception to the signature requirement.

(ii) Exceptional circ*mstances are narrowly construed, but are exemplified by a court order or government agency determination that:

(A) Indicates that the spouse and the participant have been maintaining separate residences with no financial relationship for three or more years;

(B) Indicates that the spouse abandoned the participant, but for religious or similarly compelling reasons, the parties chose not to divorce; or

(C) Expressly states that the participant may obtain a loan from his or her TSP account or withdraw his or her Thrift Savings Plan account balance notwithstanding the absence of the spouse's signature.

(b) A post-employment withdrawal election or an in-service withdrawal request processed within 90 days of an approved exception will be accepted by the TSP so long as the spouse named on the form is the spouse for whom the exception has been approved. The spouse's SSN must be included on the withdrawal request form.

[68 FR 35503, June 13, 2003, as amended at 69 FR 29851, May 26, 2004]
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