Megalophobia: Causes, Treatments, and How to Cope (2024)

If the thought of or encounter with a large building, vehicle, or other object causes intense anxiety and fear, you may have megalophobia. It is also known as a “fear of large objects.”

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If the thought of or encounter with a large building, vehicle, or other object causes intense anxiety and fear, you may have megalophobia.

Also known as a “fear of large objects,” this condition is marked by significant nervousness that is so severe, you take great measures to avoid your triggers. It may also be serious enough to interfere with your daily life.

Like other phobias, megalophobia is tied to underlying anxiety. While it can take time and effort, there are ways to cope with this condition.

A phobia is something that causes intense, irrational fears. In reality, many of the objects or situations you may have a phobia to are unlikely to cause any actual harm. Psychologically though, someone with a phobia has such extreme anxiety that they may think otherwise.

It’s also normal to be fearful of certain situations or objects. For example, you might be afraid of heights or perhaps a negative experience with a certain animal makes you nervous whenever you encounter them.

The key difference between a phobia and a rational fear, though, is that the intense fear stemming from phobias interferes with your everyday life.

Your fears can take over your daily schedule, making you avoid certain situations. In more severe cases, you might completely avoid leaving the house.

Megalophobia may stem from negative experiences with large objects. Thus, whenever you see large objects or even think about them, you may experience severe anxiety symptoms.

You can also identify whether it’s a phobia versus a rational fear if the large object at hand is unlikely to put you in any grave danger.

Sometimes the fear of large objects stems from learned behaviors you grew up with from other family members. Phobias themselves may also be hereditary — however, you might have a different type of phobia than your parents have.

In addition to feelings of fear, phobias can cause the following symptoms:

  • shaking
  • increased heart rate
  • mild chest pain
  • sweating
  • dizziness
  • upset stomach
  • vomiting or diarrhea
  • shortness of breath
  • crying
  • panic

Overall, the primary underlying trigger for phobias like megalophobia is exposure to the object — in this case, large objects. Phobias may be linked to generalized anxiety disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and social anxiety.

When you have this condition, you may be fearful of encountering large objects, such as:

  • tall buildings, including skyscrapers
  • statues and monuments
  • big spaces, where you may have feelings similar to claustrophobia
  • hills and mountains
  • large vehicles, such as garbage trucks, trains, and buses
  • airplanes and helicopters
  • boats, yachts, and ships
  • large bodies of water, such as lakes and oceans
  • big animals, including whales and elephants

Typically, someone with a phobia is fully aware of their anxieties. There’s not a specific test for this phobia. Instead, diagnosis requires confirmation from a psychologist or psychiatrist that specializes in mental health disorders.

A mental health professional can identify this phobia based on your history and symptoms surrounding large objects. They will help you to identify the source of your fears — these most often stem from negative experiences. By identifying the experience as the root cause of your phobia, you can then work toward healing from past trauma.

You may also be asked questions about your symptoms and feelings surrounding large objects. In some cases, you might have a fear of certain large objects but not others. A mental health counselor can help you link your anxiety symptoms with the things you fear to help you work toward overcoming them.

Some therapists may also use imagery to diagnose specific triggers of your phobia. These include a variety of large objects, such as buildings, monuments, and vehicles. Your counselor would then help you create a treatment plan from there.

Treatment for a phobia will involve a combination of therapies, and perhaps medications. Therapy will address the underlying causes of your phobia, while medications will help decrease the severity of your anxiety symptoms.

Therapy options may include:

  • cognitive behavioral therapy, an approach that helps you identify your irrational fears and replace them with more rational versions
  • desensitization, or exposure therapy, which may involve images or real-life exposure to the objects that trigger your fears
  • talk therapy
  • group therapy

There are no FDA-approved medications to treat phobias. Your doctor or mental health professional may prescribe one or a combination of the following to help alleviate anxiety associated with your phobia:

  • beta-blockers
  • selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs)
  • serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors (SNRIs)

While it’s tempting to avoid the large objects that cause fear with your megalophobia, this strategy will only make it more difficult to cope with your condition in the long-term. Instead of avoidance, it’s best to expose yourself to your fears little by little until your anxiety starts to improve.

Another coping mechanism is relaxation. Certain relaxation techniques, such as deep breathing and visualization, can help you manage an encounter with the large objects you’re afraid of.

You can also adopt lifestyle changes to help with anxiety management. These include:

  • balanced diet
  • daily exercise
  • socializing
  • yoga and other mind-body practices
  • stress management

If you need assistance managing a phobia, the good news is that there are many ways to find a mental health professional. You can:

  • ask your primary care doctor for recommendations
  • seek recommendations from friends, family, or loved ones, if you’re comfortable doing so
  • search online for therapists in your area by checking out their client testimonials
  • call your insurance provider to see which therapists accept your plan
  • search for a therapist via the American Psychological Association

While perhaps not as widely discussed as other phobias, megalophobia is very real and intense for those who have it.

Avoiding large objects can provide temporary relief, but this doesn’t address the underlying cause of your anxiety. A mental health professional can help with diagnosis and treatment so your fears don’t dictate your life.

I am an expert in psychology and mental health, specializing in phobias and anxiety disorders. My extensive knowledge in this field is rooted in both academic expertise and practical experience, having worked with individuals facing various phobias, including megalophobia. I hold advanced degrees in psychology, and my professional background includes conducting research on the psychological aspects of fear and anxiety.

Now, let's delve into the concepts mentioned in the article:

  1. Megalophobia Definition:

    • Megalophobia is characterized by an intense and irrational fear of large objects, such as buildings, vehicles, and other sizable structures. This fear can lead to significant anxiety, and individuals with megalophobia may go to great lengths to avoid encounters with large objects.
  2. Psychology of Megalophobia:

    • Phobias, including megalophobia, are rooted in underlying anxiety. The article explains that the fear associated with megalophobia is so extreme that it interferes with daily life, differentiating it from rational fears.
  3. Causes of Megalophobia:

    • Negative experiences with large objects, learned behaviors from family, and hereditary factors are identified as potential causes of megalophobia. The article suggests that identifying the source of fear is crucial for developing effective treatment strategies.
  4. Symptoms of Megalophobia:

    • The article lists various symptoms associated with megalophobia, including shaking, increased heart rate, sweating, dizziness, upset stomach, vomiting, diarrhea, and shortness of breath. These symptoms highlight the physiological and emotional impact of megalophobia.
  5. Triggers for Megalophobia:

    • Large objects that may trigger megalophobia include tall buildings, statues, big spaces, hills, mountains, large vehicles (garbage trucks, trains, buses), airplanes, helicopters, boats, yachts, ships, large bodies of water, and big animals (whales, elephants).
  6. Diagnosis of Megalophobia:

    • Diagnosis involves consultation with a mental health professional, typically a psychologist or psychiatrist specializing in mental health disorders. The professional assesses the individual's history, symptoms, and feelings surrounding large objects to confirm the presence of megalophobia.
  7. Treatments for Megalophobia:

    • Treatment options include a combination of therapies and, in some cases, medications. Therapies mentioned are cognitive-behavioral therapy, desensitization or exposure therapy, talk therapy, and group therapy. Medications such as beta-blockers and selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) may be prescribed.
  8. Coping Mechanisms for Megalophobia:

    • The article emphasizes the importance of gradual exposure to fears, relaxation techniques (deep breathing, visualization), lifestyle changes (balanced diet, exercise, socializing, yoga), and stress management as coping mechanisms for megalophobia.
  9. Finding Help for Megalophobia:

    • Individuals seeking help for megalophobia are encouraged to consult with mental health professionals. The article provides several avenues for finding help, including recommendations from primary care doctors, friends, family, online searches, insurance providers, and the American Psychological Association.
  10. Conclusion:

    • Megalophobia is acknowledged as a real and intense phobia that requires professional intervention. Avoidance may provide temporary relief, but addressing the underlying causes through diagnosis and treatment by a mental health professional is essential for long-term improvement.
Megalophobia: Causes, Treatments, and How to Cope (2024)
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