Meet The Heirs And Heiresses To The World's Oldest Billionaires (2024)

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Gus Lubin and Meredith Galante


Meet The Heirs And Heiresses To The World's Oldest Billionaires (1)

There are at least 20 people on the Forbes' Billionaire List who are older than 80, and who will presumably part with their gigantic fortunes sometime in the near future.



The children of these tycoons, many of whom are reaching middle age themselves, are waiting in the wings to reap a huge inheritance.

But which billionaires will leave their fortunes entirely in the hands of their offspring, and which will leave them to charity or the family business?

Click through to meet the lucky heirs and heiresses of the world's oldest billionaires and see whom they are competing with for their parents' largess.



The eight children of 80-year-old Forrest Mars Jr.

Meet The Heirs And Heiresses To The World's Oldest Billionaires (2)

Forrest Mars Jr. is worth $13.8 billion.

He will likely donate his money to his kids, charities, and the production of 400 million M&Ms a day.

Forrest Mars Jr. is heir to the Mars candy fortune along with his siblings, John and Jacqueline.

The company was founded by their father, and passed down to the three kids. The money and run of the company will most likely continue down the family line for the foreseeable future.

Forrest Mars Jr. is also a philanthropist. He donated $23 million to start the Mars Education Center, which opened at Fort Ticonderoga this past summer.



The three children of 81-year-old Warren Buffett

Meet The Heirs And Heiresses To The World's Oldest Billionaires (3)

Warren Buffett is worth $39 billion.

His children and charities will likely inherit his fortune.

Buffett, 81, made headlines this year by suggesting that rich people should pay higher taxes. President Obama later proposed a "Buffett Tax" that would make sure millionaires would not pay less taxes than any middle class family. The plan was highly criticized by the conservatives.

According to USA Today, Buffett has said on several occasions that "wealthy parents should leave their children with enough money to do anything they want but not so much that they are doomed to do nothing at all."

Buffet pledged $31 billion to the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation in June 2006.



The two children of 81-year-old Albert Gubay

Meet The Heirs And Heiresses To The World's Oldest Billionaires (4)

Albert Gubay is worth $1.1 billion.

Albert is expected to leave his fortune to God.

When WWII ended and Albert Gubay, the 82-year-old supermarket billionaire who founded Kwik Save, was a candy vendor with 80 pounds to his name, he made a deal. "I made a pact with God: Make me a millionaire — and you can have half of my money," he said.

Now he's keeping good on his promise to hand over half of his fortune to the Catholic Church by placing his business (worth an estimated $690 million) in God's hands. When he dies, half of the money will go to causes identified by the Catholic Church, while the fate of the other half will be decided by the trustees of his philanthropic foundation.

Though Gubay is married to his second wife and has two children from his first marriage, it doesn't look like they will be coming into much cash. Gubay is said to have had a fight with his son, who angered his father by selling his share of Kwik Save and not giving the money to a good cause. At the time Gubay said, “I don’t like inherited wealth.”



The five children of 81-year-old George Soros

Meet The Heirs And Heiresses To The World's Oldest Billionaires (5)

George Soros is worth $22 billion.

With party-boy children like Alexander (pictured), Soros will likely donate his fortune to Progressive causes.

America's wealthiest hedge fund manager tried to groom his two oldest sons to take over the company. They were only mildly interested. Oldest son Robert served reluctantly as his father's chief investment officer, before stepping down soon after.

He and his brother work behind the scenes at Soros Fund Management. Daughter Andrea Soros Colombel is a philanthropist. His sons from a second marriage (both ended in divorce) are party boys just out of college.

George, 81, will take care of his family, but he cares more about progressive causes. He has given vast donations to fight communism in the 1980s and George W. Bush more recently, as well as millions to Haiti, New York public schools, and other causes. He is not afraid of dying, and gave speeches on dying with dignity and in support of assisted suicide.



One of the three sons of 83-year-old Ingvar Kamprad

Meet The Heirs And Heiresses To The World's Oldest Billionaires (6)

Ingvar Kamprad is worth $6 billion.

Ingvar will most likely donate his fortune to whichever son can prove himself in the family business.

The IKEA founder is a cagey progenitor right out of the Old Testament. Ingvar promised in 2000 he would give ownership of his brand to whichever of his three sons is most successful in running their franchise of Habitat furniture. Now the sons take turns at the helm of IKEA, according to Blogging Stocks. But Ingvar still won't say which of them will take over the company.

The 83-year-old could always pull the rug out and give his fortune to charity. His INGKA Foundation, which owns IKEA, is the world's wealthiest charity — wealthier than even the Bill And Melinda Gates Foundation. Its mission: To promote and support innovation in the field of architectural and interior design.



The five children of 83-year-old Lee Shau Kee

Meet The Heirs And Heiresses To The World's Oldest Billionaires (7)

Lee Shau Kee is worth $19 billion.

If Kee follows Warren Buffett's advice, his children will have more than enough to get by and the rest will go to charities.

Kee, 83, made his money in real estate, developing Hong Kong's Leads Henderson Land Development.

Lee has power and money scattered throughout China. He has money in China's government-controlled energy companies PetroChina and China Shenhua. He chairs Miramar Hotel and Investment, and is a director of Hong Kong Ferry and the Bank of East Asia.

He has been called "Hong Kong's Warren Buffett" and is the second wealthiest person in China.



The two children of 83-year-old Li Ka-shing

Meet The Heirs And Heiresses To The World's Oldest Billionaires (8)

Li Ka-shing is worth $22 billion.

Li announced that he promises to donate a third of his fortune to charity. The other 2/3 we assume will go to his children.

Li Ka-shing, 83, was an early investor in Siri and Spotify. His fortune came from his Horizons Ventures, a private investment fund.

Li is a high school dropout.



The two children of 84-year-old Johanna Quandt

Meet The Heirs And Heiresses To The World's Oldest Billionaires (9)

Johanna Quandt is worth $9.8 billion.

She will likely leave her fortune to her children and charities.

Quandt is the third wife of the now deceased Herbert Quandt, the German executive who rescued BMW. Quandt is also her late husband's former secretary.

Quandt's two children have stakes in BMW and are also billionaires, so they don't have much to worry about. Quandt has been an active philanthropist, supporting journalism, learning and other social and culture causes.



The two children of 84-year-old Michele Ferrero

Meet The Heirs And Heiresses To The World's Oldest Billionaires (10)

Michele Ferrero is worth $18 billion.

His fortune will most likely go to his sons and the company.

Ferrero and family made their fortune on chocolate, producing brands such as Ferrero Rocher, Nutella, Tic Tac, and Kinder Eggs.

Ferraro, who ranks No. 32 on Forbes' world's billionaires list, lives in Monte Carlo, Monaco. His two sons live in Belgium.

Pietro and Giovanni Ferrero have been heading the company for about a decade, and continuing the sweet family tradition.



The four children of 85-year-old Serge Dassault

Meet The Heirs And Heiresses To The World's Oldest Billionaires (11)

Serge Dassault is worth $9.3 billion.

He will most likely give his fortune to the Serge Dassault Foundation and his family.

Dassault, 85, inherited his fortune from his father's aviation company and made his own through the Groupe Dassault. His net worth grew by $1.7 billion last year alone.

His father passed down his fortune and his business savvy skills to Serge, so he will most likely do the same.

Serge actively donates through Foundation Serge Dassault, which supports programs for mentally handicapped adults, pediatric cancer, organ donations, and also provides Christmas presents for hospitalized children.



The eight children of 87-year-old Robert Kuok

Meet The Heirs And Heiresses To The World's Oldest Billionaires (12)

Robert Kuok is worth $12.5 billion.

He will likely donate his money to his children and companies.

Kuok, 87, made his billions from sugar, palm oil, shipping and property. He is the richest person in Malaysia.

The Kuok Group is the parent company of a slew of other smaller companies. It has three main holding companies that make the money.

His companies are all privately owned by him and/or his family.

Read about more about the life of Robert Kuok >



The three children of 87-year-old Birgit Rausing

Meet The Heirs And Heiresses To The World's Oldest Billionaires (13)

Birgit Rausing is worth $14 billion.

She will likely donate her fortune to her children and the Tetra company.

Rausing, 87, inherited package company Tetra Laval with her children when her husband died in 2000.

All three Rausing children sit on the board of Tetra. Son Jorn is the head of mergers and acquisitions and the only Rausing child employed by Tetra. Finn is chairman of the board of the Swedish R.R. Institute of Applied Economics and daughter Kristen is a horse breeder in the United Kingdom.

Rausing is the second richest person in Sweden.

The money will most likely stay in the family and be used to continue Tetra's operations. The money is tied up in the company, so the Rausing children need the company to do well to continue the cash flow.



The daughter of 88-year-old Liliane Bettencourt

Meet The Heirs And Heiresses To The World's Oldest Billionaires (14)

Liliane Bettencourt is worth $23.5 billion.

Her daughter, FrancoiseBettencourt-Meyers, and grandsons will likely inherit the fortune.

Liliane, 88, inherited L'Oreal cosmetics from her late father. She and daughter Francoise were involved in a protracted battle over the family fortune, which culminated in a judge placing control of her fortune in the hands of Francoise and Francoise's sons earlier this year.

At this point, it looks like Bettencourt's wealth will remain in the hands of her offspring.

Read more about the scandal in which Bettencourt lost control of her fortune >



The two children of 91-year-old Karl Albrecht

Meet The Heirs And Heiresses To The World's Oldest Billionaires (15)

Karl Albrecht is worth $25.5 billion.

His fortune will most likely go his children.

Since the 1971 kidnapping of Karl's brother Theo, the billionaire brothers secluded themselves as only the mega-rich can. The Albrechts, who own the Aldi discount grocery chain and Trader Joe's in the U.S., are the biggest mysteries on the billionaire list.

Karl lives in a modest apartment in a small German town, where people are reluctant to speak his name, according to the Irish Times. He is the richest person in Germany. Little is known about him other than that he raises orchids and plays golf.

His brother Theo died in July of 2010.

We predict their fortune will stay entirely in the family. Karl and Theo already gave vast sums to charity when they retired in 1993.

Karl ranked No. 12 on Forbes the world's billionaires list, this year.



The two daughters and one son of 91-year-old Anne Cox

Meet The Heirs And Heiresses To The World's Oldest Billionaires (16)

Anne Cox is worth $12 billion.

She will likely donate her fortune to the Democrats.

Anne is the 91-year-old daughter of James M.Cox, the newspaper publisher and huge Democratic party supporter, and the owner of his company, Cox Enterprises. Today Cox Enterprises includes Cox Communications cable company, 17 daily newspapers, 15 TV stations, 86 radio stations, Manheim auctions (cars), and

Anne has two daughters from her first marriage and a son from her second so it’s quite likely they will inherit large sums.

But Anne’s main passion is the Democratic party, of which she is a huge financial supporter. She served as Jimmy Carter’s Ambassador to Belgium from 1977 to 1981 and made vast contributions to Obama’s campaign during the presidential race.

Anne is also a long-term arts patron, and a wing at the Atlanta's High Museum of Art is named after her.



The four children of 92-year-old Albert Ueltschi

Meet The Heirs And Heiresses To The World's Oldest Billionaires (17)

via Forbes

Albert Ueltschi is worth $1.7 billion.

Albert is expected to leave his fortune to the world's blind.

When Ueltschi was a teenager he sold hamburgers to raise money for flight lessons. Over the years he turned his obsession with planes into billion dollar earnings with FlightSafety International, a pilot training company. In 1996 he sold FlightSafety to Warren Buffett's Berkshire Hathaway, and stepped down as president in 2003.

But this ex-private pilot of Pan American World Airways is no slacker. He remains the chairman of FlightSafety, but is now largely focused on philanthropic endeavors.

His main project is Orbis International, a nonprofit dedicated to preventing blindness worldwide. He's been the chairman for over 20 years and has donated millions of dollars to the cause.

The nonprofit uses a refurbished DC-10 as a "flying eye hospital." Still, despite the charity work, Ueltschi will have plenty left over to leave his wife, four children, and grandchildren.



The four children of 92-year-old Henry Hillman

Meet The Heirs And Heiresses To The World's Oldest Billionaires (18)

via Forbes

Henry Hillman is worth $2.2 billion.

He will likely leave his fortune to the City of Pittsburgh.

Hillman inherited a large part of his fortune from his grandfather, steel tycoon John Hillman Jr., the founder of Pittsburgh co*ke & Chemical. With those funds he increased the family fortune by branching into venture capitalism, real estate, and private equity via Hillman Co. Henry is the richest man in Philadelphia and gives millions to his city.

Hillman has given large gifts to Carnegie Mellon University and the Children's Hospital of Pittsburgh in the past.

Hillman and his wife have four kids — two who live in Pittsburgh, and two who don't — and various grandchildren. He has arranged for each of his descendants to have their own foundations and free reign on how to use them.

While the Hillman Foundation has not disclosed specific plans for Henry's death, a representative said, "I think in the future, there will always be a member of the Hillman family affiliated with those foundations. At this point, who that will be, under what circ*mstances, I don't know."



The two daughters of 92-year-old Kirk Kerkorian

Meet The Heirs And Heiresses To The World's Oldest Billionaires (19)

Kirk Kerkorian is worth $3 billion.

Kirk will likely give his fortune to his daughters.

The Vegas mogul is fond of his daughters, Linda and Tracy, for whom he named his Tracinda Corporation and Lincy Foundation. They and his daughter from another marriage are the likely beneficiaries from Kerkorian's will. But no one has the chops to take over his business.

"The question, of course, is whether there will be a 'brains and brawn' to take the place of Mr. Kerkorian - and that, frankly, seems unlikely," said Christina Binkley, author of Winner Takes All: Steve Wynn, Kirk Kerkorian, Gary Loveman, and the Race to Own Las Vegas.

Kerkorian stepped down form the MGM Resorts International board in June to become senior adviser and the first director emeritus. Kerkorian, a business-savvy man, bought and sold MGM Studios three times.



The six children of 96-year-old David Rockefeller

Meet The Heirs And Heiresses To The World's Oldest Billionaires (20)

David Rockefeller Sr. is worth $2.5 billion.

Rockefeller will likely leave his fortune to his family foundations and Harvard University.

David Rockefeller Sr. is the only surviving grandchild of legendary oil tycoon John D. Rockefeller. He has donated more than a billion dollars to various causes, including $225 million willed to the Rockefeller Brothers Fund for the eradication of poverty. His will also contains the largest alumnus donation in Harvard history at $100 million.

Rockefeller has given money to New York's Museum of Modern Art, Rockefeller University, Americas Society, and the Council on Foreign Relations.

Perhaps all the major donations of David's will have been announced. If so, the remainder will go to his six children who are all philanthropists and socialites. Environmentalist David Rockefeller Jr. is the primogeniture.



The two children of 100-year-old Walter Haefner

Meet The Heirs And Heiresses To The World's Oldest Billionaires (21)

Walter Haefner is worth$4 billion.

Heafner will most likely give his fortune to his children. Expect son Martin to take over the family business. Daughter Eva will take over her father's passion, racehorse breeder Moyglare Stud Farm.

Walter Haefner is a self-made billionaire and the largest stock holder in IT software maker, formerly Computer Associates.

Haefner's son Martin has already taken over the family company, Amag Automobil und Motoren. The son also heads the Walter Haefner Foundation, which focuses on innovation in Switzerland. We expect he will continue management of both organizations and be a prime beneficiary of Walter's will.

As will daughter Eva Bucher-Haefner. She has taken charge of the Moyglare Stud Farm, which was her father's true passion. Walter is sure to leave many millions to keep the Irish farm turning out prize-winning horses.



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Meet The Heirs And Heiresses To The World's Oldest Billionaires (22)

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Meet The Heirs And Heiresses To The World's Oldest Billionaires (2024)
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