Measuring the size of the economy: gross domestic product (article) | Khan Academy (2024)

Read about GDP and how we measure it.

Key points

  • The size of a nation’s economy is commonly expressed as its gross domestic product, or GDP, which measures the value of the output of all goods and services produced within the country in a year.

*GDP is measured by taking the quantities of all final goods and services produced and sold in markets, multiplying them by their current prices, and adding up the total.

  • GDP can be measured either by the sum of what is purchased in the economy using the expenditures approach or by income earned on what is produced using the income approach.

  • The expenditures approach represents aggregate demand (the demand for all goods and services in an economy) and can be divided into consumption, investment, government spending, exports, and imports. What is produced in the economy can be divided into durable goods, nondurable goods, services, structures, and inventories.

  • To avoid double counting—adding the value of output to the GDP more than once—GDP counts only final output of goods and services, not the production of intermediate goods or the value of labor in the chain of production.

  • The gap between exports and imports is called the trade balance. If a nation's imports exceed its exports, the nation is said to have a trade deficit. If a nation's exports exceed its imports, it is said to have a trade surplus.


To understand macroeconomics, we first have to measure the economy. But how do we do that? Let's start by taking a look at the economy of the United States.

The size of a nation’s overall economy is typically measured by its gross domestic product, or GDP, which is the value of all final goods and services produced within a country in a given year. Measuring GDP involves counting up the production of millions of different goods and services—smart phones, cars, music downloads, computers, steel, bananas, college educations, and all other new goods and services produced in the current year—and summing them into a total dollar value.

The numbers are large, but the task is straightforward:

Step 1: Take the quantity of everything produced.

Step 2: Multiply it by the price at which each product sold.

Step 3: Add up the total.

In 2014, the GDP of the United States totaled $17.4 trillion, the largest GDP in the world.

It's important to remember that each of the market transactions that enter into GDP must involve both a buyer and a seller. The GDP of an economy can be measured by the total dollar value of what is purchased in the economy or by the total dollar value of what is produced.

Understanding how to measure GDP is important for analyzing connections in the macro economy and for thinking about macroeconomic policy tools.

GDP measured by components of demand

$17.4 trillion is a lot of money! Who buys all of this production? Let's break it down by dividing demand into four main parts:

  • Consumer spending, or consumption
  • Business spending, or investment
  • Government spending on goods and services
  • Spending on net exports

[What does investment mean exactly?]

The table below shows how the four above components added up to the GDP for the United States in 2014. It's also important to think about how much of the GDP is made up of each of these components. You can analyze the percentages using either the table or the pie graph below it.

Components of US GDP in 2014: from the demand side
Components of GDP on the demand side in trillions of dollarsPercentage of total
Total GDP$17.4100%

This pie chart shows the percentage of components of US GDP on the demand side as follows: consumption is 68.4%; investment is 16.7%; government is 18.4%; exports are 13.2%; and imports are −16.7%.

This image includes two line graphs: Graph A and Graph B. Graph A shows the demand from consumption, investment, and government from the year 1960 to 2014. In 1960, the graph starts out at 61.0% for consumption. It remains fairly steady around 60% until 1993, when it is at 65%. By 2014, it is at 68.5%.

In 1960, the graph starts out at 22.3% for government. It remains steady around 20%, and by 2014, it is at 18.2%.

In 1960, the graph starts out at 15.9% for investment. It rises gradually to 20.3% in 1978, then generally goes down to 16.4% in 2014.

Graph B shows imports and exports from the year 1960 to 2014. In 1960, the graph starts out at 4.2% for imports. It rises fairly steadily with only a few drops, such as from 14.3% in 2000 to 13.1% in 2001. By 2014 it is at 16.5%.

In 1960, the graph starts out at 5.0% for exports. It remains steadily around 5% until 1973, when it jumps to 6.7%. By 2014, the exports line is at 13.4%.

A few patterns are worth noticing here. Consumption expenditure by households was the largest component of the US GDP 2014. In fact, consumption accounts for about two-thirds of the GDP in any given year. This tells us that consumers’ spending decisions are a major driver of the economy. However, consumer spending is a gentle elephant—when viewed over time, it doesn't jump around too much.

Investment demand accounts for a far smaller percentage of US GDP than consumption demand does, typically only about 15 to 18%. Investment can mean a lot of things, but here, investment expenditure refers to purchases of physical plants and equipment, primarily by businesses. For example, if Starbucks builds a new store or Amazon buys robots, these expenditures are counted under business investment.

Investment demand is very important for the economy because it is where jobs are created, but it fluctuates more noticeably than consumption. Business investment is volatile. New technology or a new product can spur business investment, but then confidence can drop, and business investment can pull back sharply.

If you've noticed any infrastructure projects—like road construction—in your community or state, you've seen how important government spending can be for the economy. Government expenditure accounts for about 20% of the GDP of the United States, including spending by federal, state, and local government.

It's important to remember that a significant portion of government budgets are transfer payments—like unemployment benefits, veteran’s benefits, and Social Security payments to retirees—that are excluded from GDP because the government does not receive a new good or service in return or exchange. The only part of government spending counted in demand is government purchases of goods or services produced in the economy—for example, a new fighter jet purchased for the Air Force (federal government spending), construction of a new highway (state government spending), or building of a new school (local government spending).

And finally, we must consider exports and imports when thinking about the demand for domestically produced goods in a global economy. First, we calculate spending on exports—domestically produced goods that are sold abroad. Then, we subtract spending on imports—goods produced in other countries that are purchased by residents of this country.

The net export component of GDP is equal to the dollar value of exports, X, minus the dollar value of imports M. The gap between exports and imports is called the trade balance. If a country’s exports are larger than its imports, then a country is said to have a trade surplus. If, however, imports exceed exports, the country is said to have a trade deficit .

If exports and imports are equal, foreign trade has no effect on total GDP. However, even if exports and imports are balanced overall, foreign trade might still have powerful effects on particular industries and workers by causing nations to shift workers and physical capital investment toward one industry rather than another.

Based on the four components of demand discussed above—consumption, C, investment, I, government, G, and trade balance, T —GDP can be measured as follows:

GDP=C + I + G + (X - M)

GDP measured by what is produced

Everything that is purchased must be produced first. Instead of trying to think about every single product produced, let's break out five categories: durable goods, nondurable goods, services, structures, and change in inventories. You can see what percentage of the GDP each of these components contributes in the table and pie chart below.

Before we look at these categories in more detail, take a look at the table below and notice that total GDP measured according to what is produced is exactly the same as the GDP we measured by looking at the five components of demand above.

Since every market transaction must have both a buyer and a seller, GDP must be the same whether measured by what is demanded or by what is produced.

Components of US GDP on the production side, 2014
Components of GDP on the supply side in trillions of dollarsPercentage of total
Durable goods$2.916.7%
Nondurable goods$2.313.2%
Change in inventories$0.10.6%
Total GDP$17.4100%

The pie chart shows that services account for almost half of US GDP measured by what is produced, followed by durable goods, nondurable goods, structures, and change in inventories.

The graph shows that since 1960, structures have mostly remained around 10% but dipped to 7.7% in 2014. Durable goods have mostly remained around 20% but dipped in 2014 to 16.8%. The graph also shows that services have steadily increased from less than 30% in 1960 to over 61.9% in 2014. In contrast, nondurable goods have steadily decreased from roughly 40% in 1960 to around 13.7% in 2014.

Let's take a look at the graph above showing the five components of what is produced, expressed as a percentage of GDP, since 1960. In thinking about what is produced in the economy, many non-economists immediately focus on solid, long-lasting goods—like cars and computers. By far the largest part of GDP, however, is services. Additionally, services have been a growing share of GDP over time.

You are probably already familiar with some of the leading service industries, like healthcare, education, legal services, and financial services. It has been decades since most of the US economy involved making solid objects. Instead, the most common jobs in the modern US economy involve a worker looking at pieces of paper or a computer screen; meeting with co-workers, customers, or suppliers; or making phone calls.

Even if we look only at the goods category, long-lasting durable goods like cars and refrigerators are about the same share of the economy as short-lived nondurable goods like food and clothing.

The category of structures includes everything from homes to office buildings, shopping malls, and factories.

Inventories is a small category that refers to the goods that have been produced by one business but have not yet been sold to consumers and are still sitting in warehouses and on shelves. The amount of inventories sitting on shelves tends to decline if business is better than expected or to rise if business is worse than expected.

The Problem of Double Counting

GDP is defined as the current value of all final goods and services produced in a nation in a year. But what are final goods? They are goods at the furthest stage of production at the end of a year.

Statisticians who calculate GDP must avoid the mistake of double counting—counting output more than once as it travels through the stages of production. For example, imagine what would happen if government statisticians first counted the value of tires produced by a tire manufacturer and then counted the value of a new truck sold by an automaker that contains those tires. The value of the tires would have been counted twice because the price of the truck includes the value of the tires!

To avoid this problem—which would overstate the size of the economy considerably—government statisticians count just the value of final goods and services in the chain of production that are sold for consumption, investment, government, and trade purposes. Intermediate goods, which are goods that go into the production of other goods, are excluded from GDP calculations. This means that in the example above, only the value of the truck would be counted. The value of what businesses provide to other businesses is captured in the final products at the end of the production chain.

Counting GDP
What is counted in GDPWhat is not included in GDP
ConsumptionIntermediate goods
Business investmentTransfer payments and non-market activities
Government spending on goods and servicesUsed goods
Net exportsIllegal goods

Take a look at the table above showing which items get counted toward GDP and which don't. The sales of used goods are not included because they were produced in a previous year and are part of that year’s GDP.

The entire underground economy of services paid “under the table” and illegal sales should be counted—but is not—because it is impossible to track these sales. In a recent study by Friedrich Schneider of shadow economies, the underground economy in the United States was estimated to be 6.6% of GDP, or close to $2 trillion dollars in 2013 alone.

Transfer payments, such as payment by the government to individuals, are not included, because they do not represent production. Also, production of some goods—such as home production as when you make your breakfast—is not counted because these goods are not sold in the marketplace.

[Want to learn more about how GDP is calculated?]


  • The size of a nation’s economy is commonly expressed as its gross domestic product, or GDP, which measures the value of the output of all goods and services produced within the country in a year.

  • GDP is measured by taking the quantities of all goods and services produced, multiplying them by their prices, and summing the total.

  • GDP can be measured either by the sum of what is purchased in the economy or by what is produced.

  • Demand can be divided into consumption, investment, government, exports, and imports. What is produced in the economy can be divided into durable goods, nondurable goods, services, structures, and inventories.

  • To avoid double counting—adding the value of output to the GDP more than once—GDP counts only final output of goods and services, not the production of intermediate goods or the value of labor in the chain of production.

  • The gap between exports and imports is called the trade balance. If a nation's imports exceed its exports, the nation is said to have a trade deficit. If a nation's exports exceed its imports, it is said to have a trade surplus.

Self-check questions

Country A has export sales of $20 billion, government purchases of $1,000 billion, business investment is $50 billion, imports are $40 billion, and consumption spending is $2,000 billion. What is the dollar value of GDP?

[Show solution.]

Which of the following are included in GDP, and which are not?

  • The cost of hospital stays
  • The rise in life expectancy over time
  • Child care provided by a licensed day care center
  • Child care provided by a grandmother
  • The sale of a used car
  • The sale of a new car
  • The greater variety of cheese available in supermarkets
  • The iron that goes into the steel that goes into a refrigerator bought by a consumer

[Show solution.]

Review questions

  • What are the main components of measuring GDP with what is demanded?

  • What are the main components of measuring GDP with what is produced?

  • Would you usually expect GDP as measured by what is demanded to be greater than GDP measured by what is supplied, or the reverse?

  • Why must double counting be avoided when measuring GDP?


Last year, a small nation with abundant forests cut down $200 worth of trees. $100 worth of trees were then turned into $150 worth of lumber. $100 worth of that lumber was used to produce $250 worth of bookshelves. Assuming the country produces no other outputs, and there are no other inputs used in the production of trees, lumber, and bookshelves, what is this nation's GDP?

In other words, what is the value of the final goods produced including trees, lumber and bookshelves?

[Attribution and references]

I am an economist with a deep understanding of macroeconomics and the measurement of economic indicators, particularly Gross Domestic Product (GDP). My expertise is grounded in both theoretical knowledge and practical application, allowing me to provide insights into the concepts and methodologies used in economic analysis.

Now, let's delve into the key concepts outlined in the provided article on GDP measurement:

  1. GDP Definition and Calculation:

    • GDP, or Gross Domestic Product, is a measure of the total value of all final goods and services produced within a country in a given year.
    • It is calculated by taking the quantities of all final goods and services, multiplying them by their current prices, and summing up the total.
  2. Measurement Approaches:

    • GDP can be measured using two approaches: the expenditures approach and the income approach.
    • The expenditures approach involves summing up consumption, investment, government spending, exports, and subtracting imports.
    • The income approach focuses on the income earned from the production of goods and services.
  3. Expenditures Approach Components:

    • Consumption: Spending by households on goods and services.
    • Investment: Expenditure on physical plants and equipment, primarily by businesses.
    • Government Spending: Expenditure on goods and services by the government.
    • Exports and Imports: The trade balance, where exports contribute positively, and imports contribute negatively.
  4. GDP Components and Percentages (2014):

    • Consumption: 68.4%
    • Investment: 16.7%
    • Government: 18.4%
    • Exports: 13.2%
    • Imports: -16.7%
  5. GDP Components Over Time (Graphs A and B):

    • Graph A shows the demand components (consumption, investment, government) from 1960 to 2014.
    • Graph B shows the trend of imports and exports from 1960 to 2014.
  6. GDP Measured by What is Produced:

    • GDP measured on the production side includes durable goods, nondurable goods, services, structures, and change in inventories.
  7. GDP Components on the Production Side (2014):

    • Durable goods: 6.7%
    • Nondurable goods: 13.2%
    • Services: 62.1%
    • Structures: 7.4%
    • Change in inventories: 0.6%
  8. Evolution Over Time (Graph):

    • The graph illustrates how the percentage contribution of different components has changed since 1960.
  9. Double Counting:

    • GDP avoids double counting by only considering the value of final goods and services, not intermediate goods.
    • Intermediate goods, which go into the production of other goods, are excluded from GDP calculations.
  10. Items Included and Excluded from GDP:

    • Included: Consumption, business investment, government spending on goods and services, net exports (exports - imports).
    • Excluded: Intermediate goods, transfer payments, illegal goods, used goods.
  11. Self-Check Questions:

    • A set of questions testing understanding, including the calculation of GDP and determining what is included or excluded.
  12. Review Questions:

    • Questions prompting a review of the main components of GDP measured by what is demanded and produced.
  13. Problem (Calculating GDP):

    • A problem scenario to test understanding, involving the calculation of GDP based on the production of trees, lumber, and bookshelves.

In summary, the article provides a comprehensive overview of GDP measurement, covering both the demand and production sides, components, historical trends, and the importance of avoiding double counting in economic analysis.

Measuring the size of the economy: gross domestic product (article) | Khan Academy (2024)
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