MAY 1st in France: Sorry France is closed today, try again tomorrow (2024)

From banks and grocery stores to schools and tourist sites, most establishments and services are closed on May first, including the world-famous Louvre museum. Find out why and what to expect on May 1st in France.

Is everything closed on May 1st in France?

Mais oui mes amis! Pretty much everything is closed on May 1st in France.

  • Almost all museums will be closed in France including the Louvre.
  • There is usually no public transportation in Lyon, Montpellier, Marseille, Toulouse, Bordeaux, etc. and no public transportation in smaller French cities either. The exception is Paris.
  • In Paris, buses, metros, trams and RER trains may run but at a much lower frequency.
  • Most food stores will be closed or have reduced hours. There may be exceptions depending on the city or town.
  • Most retail shops will be closed.
  • Many restaurants will be closed, especially outside of Paris.

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MAY 1st in France: Sorry France is closed today, try again tomorrow (1)

Two Holidays For The Price Of One

I’ll never forget our first May in France. I walked to “Intermaché”, the food store closest to our home to pick up a few supplies.

When I walked up to the front door, the automatic doors didn’t open.


I guess the store must be closed for some random holiday AGAIN!”

On the walk back home, I noticed something else unusual. There were random people on street corners selling a small plant with large green leaves and fragrant white flowers shaped like tiny bells.

“Très bizarre.”

I didn’t know it at the time but these two events, 1) the closed food store and 2) people selling flowers on street corners were actually two different things being celebrated on the same day.

Labour day and May Day.

Let’s take a closer look at these two celebrations and how they are celebrated in France.

MAY 1st in France: Sorry France is closed today, try again tomorrow (2)

1 – Labour Day / International Workers Day: What To Expect and How To Celebrate It in France

Called “La Fête du travail “in French.

The first holiday celebrated on May first in France is labour day, also known as International workers day.

Although it’s also celebrated in many other countries around the world, it’s not always celebrated on the same day.

For example,Labour day in France, Bolivia and India is celebrated on the 1st of May but In the US and Canada, it’s celebrated on the 1st Monday of September.

MAY 1st in France: Sorry France is closed today, try again tomorrow (3)What To Expect and not to expect

Labour day is a public holiday in France and is the only day of the year where workers must all legally be given a paid day off.

As a result, most businesses, banks and services are closed including many tourist sites like the Louvre.

The exception is professions where work can’t be interrupted, such as public transportation and hospitals.

If you live in a large(ish) city in France, you might see demonstrations and marches organized by trade unions in support of defending workers’ rights.

Other than that don’t expect much fun fanfare or fireworks to celebrate labour day.

Want to learn more about International Workers Day in France?

2- May Day: La Fête du Muguet: What to expect and how to celebrate it in France

There is a second tradition in France that is also celebrated on May 1st and it’s calledLa Fête du Muguet”which literally means “The lily of the valley flower celebration”.

Lily of the Valley is a plant with tiny bell-shaped flowers. In Anglo-Saxon countries, this day is known as May Day.

Fun fact: Lilly of the valley is also one of the ingredients in Chanel No 5 perfume.

MAY 1st in France: Sorry France is closed today, try again tomorrow (4)

What To Expect and not to expect

Although many countries celebrate May Day, no other country celebrates it quite the same way as the French.

The English have the May Pole but In France, it’s customary to give friends, famille, and those you love a Lily-of-the-Valley-Flower (Les Muguets), hence the name La Fête du Muguet”.

Giving someone a sprig, bouquet or lily of the valley plant is a gesture of friendship and good luck in celebration of spring.

Background and how the May Day tradition began in France:

Traditions around the Lily of the Valley flower can be traced back to the Celts, then to the Renaissance period before finally reaching France in the mid-1500s.

The most widespread story is that in 1560, while a young King Charles IX of France and his mother Catherine de Medici visited the Dauphine, a Knight named Louis de Girard de Maisonforte gavethe king a sprig of lily of the valley flower sprig from his garden.

The king was so enamoured by this gesture that he continued the tradition by giving each of his ladies of court a sprig of lily of the valley flower each year.

Rumour has it that he once said, « Qu’il en soit fait Ainsi chaque année » which means “let it be so every year”.(source).

MAY 1st in France: Sorry France is closed today, try again tomorrow (5)

Today, the tradition of giving Lily of the valley flower has continued throughout France.

Some people offer a single rose on May day, like my friend Franck who gave me, his wife and several other women in our circle of friends a single rose. Merci Franck, c’etait très gentil!

What to do?

If you’re ever in France on May Day/labour day, plan on a day of relaxing and lounging around.

Make sure you have food for the day in case the food stores and restaurants around you are closed.

Don’t forget to buy some Lily of the valley flowers at one of the countless flower stands that pop up overnight on street corners around France.

It’s the one day of the year when the government allows anyone to sell flowers on the streets without a license and tax-free.

And for chose of you who are superstitious, if you offer a sprig of Lily of the valley flowers with 13 bells, it’s supposed to bring you extra good luck.

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MAY 1st in France: Sorry France is closed today, try again tomorrow (2024)


What is closed in France on May 1st? ›

A lot of shops, supermarkets and bakeries will be closed for the day but this might depend on where exactly in Paris you are. For example, Poilâne bakeries told us their bakery in the Eiffel Tower district would be open. So you might find that the more touristy areas of the city will be open as usual.

What happens on the 1st of May in France? ›

In France, May 1st is actually the only public holiday of the year when employees are legally obliged to receive a day off. The eight-hour working day was introduced in 1919 in France but even today trade unions regularly organize parades all over the country to fight for workers' rights and justice every year.

Is anything open May 1st in Paris? ›

It's possible to find activities open on May 1st in Paris!

Contrary to popular belief, not everything is closed on May 1st. Some castles and amusem*nt parks are open on May 1st. If you want to go to the theater, below, we list the plays that are performed on May 1st. in Paris.

What happens in Paris on May 1? ›

May Day or La Fête du Travail is a public holiday in many countries including France. It is an occasion to celebrate workers rights, but also to offer some lily of the valley flowers to loved ones!

What day is everything closed in France? ›

The majority of shops are open all day from 9am to 7pm, Monday to Saturday. Some smaller shops may close over lunchtime between midday and 2pm, or all day on Monday. Sunday and public holidays are the usual closing days, although there are some exceptions ...

Why is everything closed on Monday in France? ›

The reason lies in France's enshrined labour code, the Code du Travail, which was first published in 1910. The Code du Travail used to say that it was illegal for anyone to work more that six days a week and that workers should have 35 consecutive hours of rest.

What do the French say on May Day? ›

You might hear it referred to as la Fête du Travail, laFête du Muguet, or just simply le 1er Mai. La Fête du Travail, or Labor Day, is a public holiday where almost nobody works. It's the only day out of the entire year that the busses don't run in the city I live in in France.

Is 1st of May a bank holiday in France? ›

France observes 11 public holidays each year. However, only May Day is a statutory holiday in the country. The right to additional paid holidays and the conditions for working on French national holidays (such as higher pay) are left to the discretion of the employer-employee contract or union.

What is May 1st in French? ›

Le 1er mai (1st May)

Is Eiffel Tower open in May? ›

The Eiffel Tower is open on all days of the year and is not closed to the public.

What to wear in Paris in May? ›

When it comes to packing for Paris in the spring, I love to pack neutral colors to mix and match. A pair of black pants, jeans, ankle boots, basic tees, and a cashmere sweater can all be mixed as a capsule wardrobe. Add your trench or leather coat, and you can create different outfits.

Should I go to Paris in May? ›

Paris in May: Weather

The average temperature hovers around 15°C or 60°F. The average low is around 12°C and the average high is around 19°C. This is the perfect time for those fabled romantic walks in Paris. The clear days also make for a good time to queue up at the popular Parisian attractions.

What festival is in May in France? ›

Joan of Arc festival, Reims

On the last weekend of May the Joan of Arc Festival (known as the Fêtes Johanniques in French) in Reims commemorates the coronation of Charles VII that took place in Reims Cathedral on 17 July 1429.

What is Paris like end of May? ›

Paris weather in May is very pleasant with an average temperature of 16°C. Things warm up at midday and temperatures can rise up to 21°C with nightly lows of 11°C. There are nine hours of sunshine each day, which continues to increase towards the end of the month.

What is Paris like in early May? ›

Spring (March - May)

A popular time of the year to visit the French capital, spring in Paris starts out chilly with daily highs of around 54°F (12°C) in March. By May the weather warms up to a very pleasant 68°F (20°C) - perfect for spending the day exploring the city's beautiful gardens and parks.

Is the Eiffel Tower closed on May Day? ›

The Eiffel Tower is open all year.

Do trains run in France on May 1? ›

Long distance trains run normally on 1st May, and so does public transport in Paris (though not in most of the rest of the country), so you should not have any problems. Just don't count on anything being open in Bayeux if you need to buy a snack for the trip.

What is closed on Assumption Day in France? ›

Post offices, banks, stores and other businesses are closed. Outside of tourist areas, restaurants and cafes may also be closed for one or more days.

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