Manage your payment info - Pixel Pass Help (2024)

Change credit or debit card info

View a tutorial on how to change credit or debit card info on your Android phone or on your iPhone.

  1. Open the Google Fi website or app Manage your payment info - Pixel Pass Help (1).
  2. Go to the Billing tab.
  3. Under "Payment settings," select Payment method.
  4. Under the card you want to update, selectEdit.
  5. Make your changes, then selectUpdate.

Add a credit or debit card

View a tutorial on how to add a credit or debit card on your Android phone or on your iPhone.

  1. Open the Google Fi website or app Manage your payment info - Pixel Pass Help (2).
  2. Go to the Billing tab.
  3. Under "Payment settings" select Payment method.
  4. Select Add payment method.
  5. Enter the card info, then select Save.

Learn about Google Fi's accepted payment options.

Common issues when you add a card

If you have trouble when you add your card, double-check for these common issues:

  • Enter the entire card number without any spaces or dashes.
  • Enter your name exactly as it appears on the card.
  • Verify that your card hasn't expiredand enter the correct expiration date.
  • Enter the correct Card Verification Code (CVC).
  • Confirm that the billing address you entered matches the billing address on your card statement.

Verify your card

If your card is unavailable with a message that says one of the following, your card was reported stolen:

  • “Verify on,” or
  • “Verify in your Google Account’s payment methods”

You must verify the card before you can use it again:

  1. Go to and sign in to your account.
    • You can also go to the Google Fi website or app Manage your payment info - Pixel Pass Help (3) Manage your payment info - Pixel Pass Help (4) Billing tab.
    • If you have multiple accounts, sign in to the account with the unavailable card.
  2. Select Payment methods.
  3. Next to the card that says “Verification needed,” select Verify Manage your payment info - Pixel Pass Help (5) Get code.
  4. Within 7 days, on your card statement, you'll find a temporary hold of $1.95 USD labeled "GOOGLE." Next to the temporary hold, the verification code is the last 6 digits.
  5. To complete verification, return to your account and enter the 6-digit verification code.

Remove a credit or debit card

You always need at least one credit or debit card in your account. You can’t remove your primary card. To remove a card that is your primary, first add a second card and select the new card as your primary card.

To remove a card:

View a tutorial on how to remove a credit or debit card on your Android phone or on your iPhone.

  1. Open the Google Fi website or app Manage your payment info - Pixel Pass Help (6).
  2. Go to the Billing tab.
  3. Under "Payment method," select Manage card.
  4. Under the card you'd like to remove, select Remove.
  5. To confirm, select Remove.

Set a primary or backup card

If you have just one credit or debit card in your Google Fi account, that card is charged for account payments. If you have more than one card in your account, you can have a primary card and backup card.

  • Your primary card will be charged. The label “primary” is next to this card.
  • If your primary card doesn’t work, your backup card will be charged. The label “backup” is next to this card.

View a tutorial on how to set a primary or backup card on your Android phone or on your iPhone.

  1. Open the Google Fi website or app Manage your payment info - Pixel Pass Help (7).
  2. Go to the Billing tab.
  3. Under "Payment settings," select Payment method.
  4. Under the card you want to set or change, select the Down arrow Manage your payment info - Pixel Pass Help (8).
  5. Select Primary or Backup.
Manage your payment info - Pixel Pass Help (2024)
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Name: Barbera Armstrong

Birthday: 1992-09-12

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Introduction: My name is Barbera Armstrong, I am a lovely, delightful, cooperative, funny, enchanting, vivacious, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.