Main Data of the Seventh National Population Census (2024)

Main Data of the Seventh National Population Census

News Release

Mr. Ning ji*zhe, Deputy Head of the Leading Group of the State Council for the Seventh National Population Census, Commissioner of the National Bureau of Statistics of China

May 11, 2021

Under the strong leadership of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core, according to the coordinated decisions and arrangements made by the Leading Group of the State Council for the Seventh National Population Census, with the meticulous organization and cooperative advancement of all regions and relevant government departments, concerted efforts and dedications of all the census staff as well as the joint and active participation of hundreds of millions of census respondents, the Seventh National Population Census has completed the field enumeration and the aggregation of the main data successfully. Today, a press conference is held to brief you a basic introduction and main data of the Census.

I. Basic Introduction

In accordance with the Statistics Law of the People's Republic of China and the Regulations on National Population Census, China carried out its Seventh National Population Census (hereinafter referred to as the Census) with 00:00 hours of November 1, 2020 as the reference time, aiming to offer a comprehensive understanding of the number, structure, distribution and other aspects of China’s population so as to provide accurate statistical information support for the improvement of China's population development strategy and policy, the formulation of economic and social development plans and the advancement of high quality economic development.

The CPC Central Committee and the State Council attached great importance to the Census. General Secretary Xi Jinping participated in the on-site registration of the census and delivered an important speech. The State Council established the Leading Group for the Census and held many plenary sessions and teleconferences to make relevant census arrangements. All member agencies of the Leading Group and local governments at all levels meticulously organized and implemented the census in concerted efforts, with 679 thousand census agencies set up at provincial, municipal, county, township and village levels across China and more than seven million census staff recruited. Census agencies at all levels and all census staff made active efforts to overcome the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and successfully completed the field enumeration of all households and residents.

In the Census, data can be reported directly in real time by fully adopting digital data collection, respondents were enabled to fill in and submit questionnaires by scanning the QR code themselves for the first time, and the application of administrative records and big data from electricity meters and mobile phones was strengthened. As a result, the quality and efficiency of the census were improved. The Census intensified publicity by inviting Zhong Nanshan and Yao Ming as publicity ambassadors and its slogan“Population Census, Everyone Counts” resonated powerfully with people. The Census was conducted in accordance with the law and all the requirements in the census program were carefully implemented. With a strict quality control system, the Census established and improved the census data tracing and accountability mechanism. The post enumeration survey conducted in 32 thousand households of 141 counties randomly selected from 31 provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities) showed that the census process was rigorous and standard and the census results were reliable with an undercount rate of 0.05 percent.

II. Main Data of the Census

1. National Population. The national population [1] was 1,411.78 million persons, increased by 72.06 million persons compared with the population of 1,339.72 million persons in 2010 (data of the Sixth National Population Census), up by 5.38 percent. The average annual growth rate was 0.53 percent, down by 0.04 percentage point compared with the average annual growth rate of 0.57 percent from 2000 to 2010. The data showed that the population of China maintained a mild growth momentum in the past decade.

2. Population by Household Types. In the country, there were 494.16 million family households with 1,292.81 million persons and 28.53 million collective households with 118.97 million persons. The average size of a family household was 2.62 persons, or 0.48 person less than the 3.10 persons in 2010. The family households continued to downsize because of increasing population mobility and the fact that young people after marriage lived separately from parents with improved housing conditions.

3. Population by Regions. The population in the eastern region accounted for 39.93 percent of the total, that in the central areas accounted for 25.83 percent, that in the western region accounted for 27.12 percent and that in the northeast China accounted for 6.98 percent. Compared with data in 2010, the proportion of the population in the eastern region increased by 2.15 percentage points, that in the central areas decreased by 0.79 percentage point, that in the western region increased by 0.22 percentage point, and that in the northeast China decreased by 1.20 percentage points. The population further congregated in economically developed regions and city clusters.

4. Sex Composition. Of the national population, 723.34 million persons or 51.24 percent were males while 688.44 million persons or 48.76 percent were females. The sex ratio (female=100, male to female) was 105.07, basically the same level with a slight decline compared with that in 2010. The sex ratio at birth was 111.3, down by 6.8 compared with that in 2010. The sex composition of China continued to improve.

5. Age Composition. There were 253.38 million persons in the age group of 0 to 14, accounting for 17.95 percent; 894.38 million persons in the age group of 15 to 59, accounting for 63.35 percent; and 264.02 million persons in the age group of 60 and over, accounting for 18.70 percent (specifically, there were 190.64 million persons in the age group of 65 and over, accounting for 13.50 percent). Compared with 2010, the shares of people in the age groups of 0 to 14, 15 to 59, and 60 and above were up by 1.35 percentage points, down by 6.79 percentage points, and up by 5.44 percentage points respectively. The share of children rose again, proving that the adjustment of China’s fertility policy has achieved positive results. Meanwhile, the further aging of the population imposed continued pressure on the long-term balanced development of the population in the coming period.

6. Educational Attainment. There were 218.36 million persons with university education. Compared with 2010, the number of people with university education went up from 8,930 persons to 15,467 persons per 100,000 persons, the average years of schooling for people aged 15 and above increased from 9.08 years to 9.91 years, and the illiteracy rate dropped from 4.08 percent to 2.67 percent. The continued improvement of the educational attainment demonstrated the achievements in promoting higher education, eradicating illiteracy among young and middle-aged adults and raising the population quality through hard efforts over the past ten years.

7. Urban and Rural Population. There were 901.99 million persons living in urban areas, accounting for 63.89 percent; 509.79 million persons living in rural areas, accounting for 36.11 percent. Compared with 2010, the urban population increased by 236.42 million and the rural population decreased by 164.36 million. The share of urban population went up by 14.21 percentage points. With the in-depth development of China’s new industrialization, informatization and agricultural modernization, and the implementation of the policy to help people who have relocated from rural to urban areas to gain permanent urban residency, China’s new urbanization has been advanced steadily and the urbanization construction has scored historical achievements over the past ten years.

8. Floating Population. The number of population who lived in places other than their household registration areas reached 492.76 million. Specifically, the population who lived in places other than their household registration but still in the same city totaled 116.94 million and the floating population numbered 375.82 million. Of the floating population, the population moving to other provinces reached 124.84 million. Compared with 2010, the population who lived in places other than their household registration areas went up by 88.52 percent, the population who lived in places other than their household registration but still in the same city up by 192.66 percent, and the floating population up by 69.73 percent. China’s continued economic and social development has facilitated the population migration and mobility, the trends of which have become increasingly evident, and the size of floating population has further grown.

9. Population of Ethnic Groups. The population of the Han ethnic group was 1,286.31 million, accounting for 91.11 percent; that of the ethnic minorities was 125.47 million, accounting for 8.89 percent. Compared with 2010, the population of the Han ethnic group grew by 4.93 percent, while that of the ethnic minorities increased by 10.26 percent, and the share of the ethnic minorities increased by 0.40 percentage points. The steady increase of the population of the ethnic groups fully reflected the comprehensive development and progress of all ethnic groups under the leadership of the Communist Party of China.

The population issue has always been an issue of overall, long-term and strategic importance in China. The Seventh National Population Census has offered a good understanding of the size, structure and distribution of China's population, mapped accurately the trends of the demographic changes, and provided abundant and valuable information. We are working hard to compile, analyze and develop the census data, and will follow up with more ways to publish and share the census results. We will collaborate with relevant departments to strengthen the forward-looking and strategic study on population development. All these efforts will make full use of the census and provide strong statistical information support to advance high-quality development, formulate targeted strategies and policies on population, and facilitate the long-term balanced population development.

On behalf of the Office of the Leading Group of the State Council for the Seventh National Population Census and the National Bureau of Statistics of China, I would like to take this opportunity to express sincere gratitude to the census agencies at all levels and census staff who fought on the front lines. Over seven million census staff worked hard and rose to challenges with a strong sense of responsibility and initiative despite the impact of the COVID-19. They have completed the field enumeration on time and covered all houses, households, respondents and items in each enumeration area. It is because of their work that the results of the Seventh National Population Census can stand the test of history and people. I would also like to extend my heartfelt gratitude to all sectors of society and respondents who participated in and supported the census with a spirit of cooperation. Thanks to the 1.4 billion people who performed their census duties and provided authentic information with the ownership spirit of “Population Census, Everyone Counts”, the strong cornerstone of the Seventh National Population Census of such a scale was formed. I would also like to extend our sincere gratitude to all friends from the news media involved in census promotion. Your all-round publicity inspired and encouraged the census staff with their confidence and motivation boosted, helped the respondents to know, understand and thus render support and cooperation to the population census. Without your dedication and diligence, the Seventh National Population Census would not have been so successful. Thank you again!


[1] The national population refers to the population of the 31 provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the central government and servicemen of the Chinese mainland, excluding residents of Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan and foreigners living in the 31 provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the central government.

(In case of any difference between English translation and the original Chinese text, the Chinese edition shall prevail.)

Main Data of the Seventh National Population Census (2024)


Main Data of the Seventh National Population Census? ›

There were 901.99 million persons living in urban areas, accounting for 63.89 percent; 509.79 million persons living in rural areas, accounting for 36.11 percent. Compared with 2010, the urban population increased by 236.42 million and the rural population decreased by 164.36 million.

What was the 7th census in China? ›

As was noted above, the Seventh Census confirmed the trend of population aging: the age of 60‒65 was reached by 73.64 mln people (+0.3% compared to 2010), and 65 years and older, by 190.64 mln, which is 13.50% of the country's population (+4.63% to 2010) [20].

What is the main data of Xinjiang Uygur autonomous region from the seventh national population census? ›

According to preliminary data from the seventh national census in 2020, the total population of Xinjiang was 25.85 million, among which the Han ethnic group numbered 10.92 million, and ethnic minorities 14.93 million.

What are the results of the Chinese census? ›

At a press conference Tuesday morning, authorities revealed that the Chinese mainland's population in 2020 was 1.41 billion, an increase of 5.38% compared with the 2010 census. Meanwhile, the average annual growth rate over the past decade was between 5% and 6%, consistent with the 2000-2010 rate.

What data is in population census? ›

Population Censuses are generally conducted every 10 years and have as primary objective the total enumeration of the population of a country to provide essential information on their spatial distribution, age and sex structure, and other key social and economic characteristics.

What is the seventh census? ›

The 1850 population census was the Seventh Decennial Census of the United States. Taken every 10 years since 1790, census records provide a snapshot of the nation's population.

What is the census data of China? ›

1,411,750,000 (2022 est.) 6.77 births per 1,000 (2022 est.) 7.37 deaths per 1,000 (2022 est.) 1.08 children per woman (2022 est.)

What is the population data of Xinjiang? ›

Buy Selected Data
Labour Productivity Growth (%)4.83 2022
Monthly Earnings (USD)1,393 Dec 2021
Population (Person mn)1,411.8 2022
Unemployment Rate (%)5.50 Dec 2022
4 more rows

What are the statistics on Uyghur? ›

There were some 10,000,000 Uyghurs in China and a combined total of at least 300,000 in Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, and Kyrgyzstan in the early 21st century.

Why is the Xinjiang region so important to China? ›

In 1955, Xinjiang was administratively changed from a province into an autonomous region. In recent decades, abundant oil and mineral reserves have been found in Xinjiang and it is currently China's largest natural gas-producing region.

What is unique about the population distribution in China? ›

About 96.31% of the Chinese population is distributed in the eastern half of the country, and only 3.69% are distributed in the southwest, northwest, and northern frontiers. The highest population density is concentrated in the lower Yellow River and Yangtze River areas.

What are the statistics on China population growth? ›

The current population of China in 2023 is 1,425,671,352, a 0.02% decline from 2022. The population of China in 2022 was 1,425,887,337, a 0% increase from 2021. The population of China in 2021 was 1,425,893,465, a 0.07% increase from 2020. The population of China in 2020 was 1,424,929,781, a 0.22% increase from 2019.

Why is China's population statistics unusual? ›

China's infamous one-child policy limited births for decades

Ultimately it resulted in low fertility rates and a large aging population. Last year, China saw more deaths than births, according to government data publicized this week. Officials said 10.41 million people died while 9.56 million were born.

What data is collected from population? ›

Among the various ways for a government to collect population data is the census, a periodic and systematic record of population information. A census is intended to record data on as many people as is physically possible in order to produce the most accurate results.

What is the main purpose of the census? ›

The census asks questions of people in homes and group living situations, including how many people live or stay in each home, and the sex, age and race of each person. The goal is to count everyone once, only once, and in the right place.

What is census data and sample data? ›

In a census, data about all individual units (e.g. people or households) are collected in the population. In a survey, data are only collected for a sub-part of the population; this part is called a sample. These data are then used to estimate the characteristics of the whole population.

What census records were lost? ›

A January 10, 1921 fire at the U.S. Department of Commerce building in Washington, DC, destroyed the majority of the population schedules from the 1890 Census.

What are the three stages of census? ›

Census activities can be divided into three main stages:
  • The planning stage.
  • The stage of data collection.
  • The stage of producing the results.

What was the sixth census? ›

The 1840 population census was the Sixth Decennial Census of the United States. Taken every 10 years since 1790, census records provide a snapshot of the nation's population.

Why is China's population important? ›

The combination of the world's largest population, with some of the fastest rates of economic growth — in the 1990s and early 2000s China regularly grew more than 10% per year — made the People's Republic the single-most important contributor to global economic growth.

Is the US census big data? ›

The U.S. Census Bureau is charged with gathering accurate information on the U.S. population and economy. By utilizing big data sources and techniques, we can use our existing data more efficiently, and generate new insights previously beyond the capabilities of both the government and private sector.

Do all countries have census data? ›

Today, population censuses are conducted in every country in the Western world. Censuses are very important, because they are a unique source of information on the size, composition, and characteristics of the population, even in the smallest geographical units such as statistical areas.

How many percentage of Muslims are there in China? ›

Islam has been practiced in China since the 7th century CE. Muslims are a minority group in China, representing 1.6 to 2 percent of the total population (21-28 million people) according to various estimates.

Did the Uyghur population increase? ›

But recently released 2020 census figures have delivered what amounts to a slap in the foreign ministry's face. The data show that in 2020, Xinjiang's Uyghur population had grown by only 16% since 2010, to 11.6 million, compared to a 19% increase in Xinjiang's total population.

What percentage of Muslims are in Xinjiang? ›

According to the State Council Information Office of China, Xinjiang's population in 2014 was 23.2 million. According to 2010 Census, Uyghur Muslims were 46% of the population, so we can reach an estimated figure of 10.67 million of Uyghur Muslims as per 2014 estimates. The 2010 Census put the Han Chinese count at 40%.

How many Uyghurs exist? ›

There are about 12 million Uyghurs, mostly Muslim, living in Xinjiang, which is officially known as the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region (XUAR). The Uyghurs speak their own language, which is similar to Turkish, and see themselves as culturally and ethnically close to Central Asian nations.

How many Uyghur are there in the US? ›

As of 2022, the Uyghur American Association estimates there are about 10,000 Uyghurs in the United States while the East Turkistan Government in Exile estimates there are between 10,000 and 15,000 Uyghurs in the United States.

How many Uyghurs are outside of China? ›

An estimated 1–1.6 million Uyghurs live outside China, according to the World Uyghur Congress, a federation of Uyghur exile communities registered in Germany. Significant diasporic communities of Uyghurs can be found in the Central Asian countries of Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan.

What is the US statement on Xinjiang? ›

U.S. Mission to International. Organizations in Geneva

may constitute international crimes, in particular crimes against humanity,” and that “serious human rights violations have been committed” in Xinjiang.

What is the ethnic breakdown of Xinjiang? ›

Xinjiang is inhabited by more than 40 different ethnic groups, the largest of which are the Uyghurs and the Han (Chinese). In addition to Hui (Chinese Muslims), other groups include Mongolians, Khalkha, Kazakhs, Uzbeks, Tungusic-speaking Manchu and Sibos, Tajiks, Tatars, Russians, and Tahurs.

What is the old name for Xinjiang? ›

In 1884 Qing China, took over the State of East Turkistan, known as Kashgaria, or "Yette Sheher" and renamed it Xinjiang (新疆) or roughly "New territory." In the late 19th century, there was a proposal to restore the old administration of Xinjiang into two provinces, the areas north and south of Tianshan.

What is China main source of income? ›

The major sectors and industries driving growth for China include the services sector, agriculture, manufacturing, and technology. China is also one of the world's largest exporters and importers in the world.

What percentage of China is white? ›

Race & Ethnicity

The largest China racial/ethnic groups are White (96.9%) followed by Hispanic (1.7%) and Black (0.8%).

Why did China's population grow so quickly? ›

Over the next three centuries, with the expansion of rice cultivation in central and south China, the country's food supply steadily grew, allowing its population to grow as well. By 1100, the population reached 100 million. China was certainly the largest country in the world at the time.

Does China have a one child policy? ›

The one-child policy was a program in China that limited most Chinese families to one child each. It was implemented nationwide by the Chinese government in 1980, and it ended in 2016. The policy was enacted to address the growth rate of the country's population, which the government viewed as being too rapid.

Does China still have a one child policy? ›

Since 2016, the authorities moved swiftly from a one- to two- to three-child policy.

When did China's population start to decline? ›

However, for the coming years and decades of the 21st century, the demographic transition in China will constitute a major constraint on the growth of Chinese power. A working-age population that peaked in 2011 at more than 900 million will have declined by nearly a quarter, to some 700 million, by mid-century.

Why is China population declining? ›

Why this is happening. The population decline is partially a result of China's one-child policy, which for more than 35 years limited couples to only having one child. Women caught going against the policy were often subject to forced abortions, heavy fines, and eviction.

What is the population dilemma of China? ›

The country's share of the world's population, which declined from 37 percent in 1820 to 22 percent in 1950 to 1980, would fall to 11 percent in 2050 and 4 percent by 2100. The effects of this population decline would be compounded by rapid aging, which would slow Chinese growth and likely increase government debt.

Why is China's aging population a problem? ›

The mean childbearing age in China has increased by nearly three years, rising to 28.8 in 2021 from 26.1 in 2000. Economic uncertainty is another factor in the falling birthrate: Fewer people are getting married due to the higher costs of raising a family and legal changes that make divorce more difficult.

What are the 4 types of population? ›

They are:
  • Finite Population.
  • Infinite Population.
  • Existent Population.
  • Hypothetical Population.
Feb 19, 2020

What are the two main sources of data? ›

Data can be gathered from two places: internal and external sources. The information collected from internal sources is called “primary data,” while the information gathered from outside references is called “secondary data.” For data analysis, it all must be collected through primary or secondary research.

What are the data types of population? ›

Population data contains various influential details such as birth, death, demographic information such as age, sex, annual income, occupation, language, etc. The overall socio-economic, economic, political, cultural progress of a country is dependent on population data to a large extent.

What are the 2 main reasons for the census? ›

The census tells us who we are and where we are going as a nation, and helps our communities determine where to build everything from schools to supermarkets, and from homes to hospitals. It helps the government decide how to distribute funds and assistance to states and localities.

What are 3 reasons for census? ›

Accurate census counts ensure that funding is equitably distributed for numerous programs such as Medicaid, highway planning and construction, special education grants to states, the National School Lunch Program, and Head Start.

Why is the census only every 10 years? ›

The U.S. Constitution mandates that an apportionment of representatives among the states must be carried out every 10 years. Therefore, apportionment is the original legal purpose of the decennial census, as intended by our Nation's Founders. The number of seats in the House has grown with the country.

What is the primary data in statistics? ›

Primary data means original data that has been collected specially for the purpose in mind. It means someone collected the data from the original source first hand. Data collected this way is called primary data.

What are examples of census data collection? ›

For example, a census counts all of the women in Texas and records their ages. A sample might randomly select 1,000 women in Texas and ask each of them their age. The sample could offer an estimate of how many women in Texas are over 50 while a survey would identify exactly how many women in Texas are over 50.

What are 4 ways census data is used? ›

Providing proof of age, relationship, or residence certificates provided by the Census Bureau. Distributing medical research. Reapportioning seats in the House of Representatives. Planning and researching for media as backup for news stories.

What was the last census in China? ›

Census result

The population of mainland China was 1,411,778,724 as of 1 November 2020. In addition, Hong Kong's population was 7,474,200 (provided by the Hong Kong SAR Government at the end of 2020) and Macau's population was 683,218 (provided by the Macau SAR Government at the end of 2020).

What was the census of China in 1950? ›

Looking back, in the year of 1950, China had a population of 552.0 million people.

What was the 1951 census of China? ›

China Population 1950-2023
China - Historical Population Data
YearPopulationGrowth Rate
71 more rows

Is there anything left of the 1931 census? ›

The 1931 census returns, including schedules, enumeration books and plans, were completely destroyed in a fire in Hayes, Middlesex, where the census was being stored. Many precautions had been taken to protect the census, which all failed.

What is the oldest census data? ›

The first Federal Population Census was taken in 1790, and has been taken every ten years since. Because of a 72-year restriction on access to the Census, the most recent year available is 1950. The 1950 Census was released on April 1, 2022.

What year of the census is missing? ›

Although alternative records may provide some information, the loss of the 1890 Census schedules remains an insurmountable obstacle for many researchers attempting to trace families between the 1880 and 1900 censuses.

What is the oldest census in China? ›

2 CE China's Han Dynasty records the oldest surviving census data, showing a population of 57.7 million people living in 12.4 million households.

Why is the 1950 Census important? ›

The 1950 Census opens a window into one of the most transformative periods in modern American history, revealing a country of roughly 151 million people who had just recently emerged from the hardships and uncertainties of World War II and the Great Depression.

When did China's population boom? ›

The rapid expansion of China's population from 1949 to the late 1970s stoked the flames of neo-Malthusian demographers.

How did China get such a large population? ›

Overpopulation in China began after World War II in 1949, when Chinese families were encouraged to have as many children as possible in hopes of bringing more money to the country, building a better army, and producing more food.

What happened to the 1851 census? ›

The 1851 census for England and Wales was opened to public inspection at the Public Record Office in 1912 (the 100-year closure rule was not in effect at the time), and is now available from The National Archives as part of class HO 107.

What was China's census in 1960? ›

China ended 1960 with a population of 662,070,000 people, which represents a decrease of 9,999,000 people compared to 1959.

What happened to the 1921 census? ›

For administrative purposes, the date of the records is calculated at the end of the year and not from the dates of individual sensitive records. Personal data from the 1921 census will, therefore, be made available to the public in early 2022 and will be accessible through Findmypast.

What happened to the 1941 census? ›

Second World War 1939 to 1945

The 1941 Census was cancelled because of the Second World War, but in 1939 a census-like operation saw the creation of a National Register.

Which census was destroyed in a fire in 1921? ›

Reference sources routinely dismiss the 1890 census records as "destroyed by fire" in 1921. Examination of the records of the Bureau of Census and other federal agencies, however, reveals a far more complex tale.

What happened to 1920 census? ›

The results of the 1920 census revealed a major and continuing shift of the population of the United States from rural to urban areas. No apportionment was carried out following the 1920 census; representatives elected from rural districts worked to derail the process, fearful of losing political power to the cities.

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