Magnum, PI house in Hawaii sold to Obama's close friend from Chicago (2024)

A sprawling beachfront home used in the filming of the 1980s television show Magnum, PI has sold for $8.7m to a close friend of President Barack Obama.

An attorney for Marty Nesbitt said on Thursday that his client bought the property. Seth Madorsky says Nesbitt didn’t have any partners or co-investors in the deal.

The three-acre property is in Waimanalo, next to the town of Kailua where the Obama family has spent the winter holidays in recent years.

Tom Selleck’s character lived in the house on Magnum, PI. It was known as Robin’s Nest on the show.

Nesbitt is a Chicago businessman who served as treasurer for Obama’s first presidential run. He is currently the chairman of the Barack Obama Foundation, which will build the president’s future library.

Magnum, PI house in Hawaii sold to Obama's close friend from Chicago (2024)
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Name: Foster Heidenreich CPA

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