Louisville Mortgage Underwriting Guidelines (2024)

Louisville Mortgage Underwriting Guidelines (1)

Source: Louisville Mortgage Underwriting Guidelines

LouisvilleMortgagemortgage underwriting guidelines will help you understand your loan options when purchasing or refinacing a home. Now that you have found your dream house, you are going to need to apply for aLouisville Mortgage mortgage loan. Your realtor will either recommend a banking institution or you may already have one in mind. You will be dealing with a loan officer who will be compiling all the data on you to see if you qualify for a loan to pay for this house. All lending institutions have differentUnderwritingGuildelines set in place when reviewing a borrower’s financial history to determine the likelihood of receiving on-time payments. The primary items reviewed are:


Income is one of the most important variables a lender will examine because it is used to repay the loan. Income is reviewed for the type of work, length of employment, educational training required, and opportunity for advancement. An underwriter will look at the source of income and the likelihood of its continuance to arrive at a gross monthly figure.

Salary and Hourly Wages– Calculated on a gross monthly basis, prior to income tax deductions.

Part-time and Second Job Income– Not usually considered unless it is in place for 12 to 24 straight months.Lendersview part-time income as a strong compensating factor.

Commission, Bonus and Overtime Income– Can only be used if received for two previous years. Further, an employer must verify that it is likely to continue. A 24-month average figure is used.

Retirement andSocial Security Income– Must continue for at least three years into the future to be considered. If it is tax free, it can be grossed up to an equivalent gross monthly figure. Multiply the net amount by 1.20%.

Alimony andChild SupportIncome– Must be received for the 12 previous months and continue for the next 36 months. Lenders will require a divorce decree and a court printout to verify on-time payments.

Notes Receivable, Interest, Dividend and Trust Income– Proof of receiving funds for 12 previous months is required. Documentation showing income due for 3 more years is also necessary.Rental Income –Cannotcome from a Primary Residence roommate. The only acceptable source is from an investment property. A lender will use75% of the monthly rentand subtract ownership expenses. The Schedule E of a tax return is used to verify the figures. If a home rented recently, a copy of a current month-to-month lease is acceptable.

Automobile Allowance and Expense Account Reimbursem*nts– Verified with 2 years tax returns and reduced by actual expenses listed on the income tax return Schedule C.

Education Expense Reimbursem*nts– Not considered income. Only viewed as slight compensating factor.

SelfEmploymentIncome– Lenders are very careful in reviewing self-employed borrowers. Two years minimum ownership is necessary because two years is considered a representative sample. Lenders use a 2-year average monthly income figure from theAdjusted Gross Incomeon the tax returns. A lender may also add back additional income for depreciation and one-time capital expenses. Self-employed borrowers often have difficulty qualifying for a mortgage due to large expense write offs. A good solution to this challenge used to be theNo Income Verification Loan, but there are very few of these available any more given the tightened lending standards in the current economy. NIV loan programs can be studied in the Mortgage Program section of the library.


An applicant’s liabilities are reviewed for cash flow. Lenders need to make sure there is enough income for the proposed mortgage payment, after other revolving and installment debts are paid.

  • Allloans, leases, and credit cardsare factored into the debt calculation. Utilities, insurance, food, clothing, schooling, etc. are not.
  • If a loan hasless than 10 months remaining, a lender will usually disregard it.
  • The minimum monthly payment listed on a credit card bill is the figure used, not the payment made.
  • An applicant who co-borrowed for a friend or relative is accountable for the payment. If the applicant can show 12 months of on-time cancelled checks from the co-borrowee, the debt will not count.
  • Loans can be paid off to qualify for a mortgage, but credit cards sometimes cannot (varies by lender). The reasoning is that if the credit card is paid off, the credit line still exists and the borrower can run up debt after the loan is closed.
  • A borrower with fewer liabilities is thought to demonstrate superior cash management skills.

Credit History

Most lenders require a residential merged credit report (RMCR) from the 3 main credit bureaus:Trans Union,Equifax, andExperian. They will order one report which is a blending of all three credit bureaus and is easier to read than the individual reports. This “blended” credit report also searches public records for liens, judgments, bankruptcies and foreclosures. See ourcredit report index.

Credit report in hand, an underwriter studies the applicant’s credit to determine the likelihood of receiving an on-time mortgage payment. Many studies have shown that past performance is a reflection of future expectations. Hence, most lenders now use a national credit scoring system, typically theFICO score, to evaluate credit risk. If you’re worried about credit scoring seeour articleson it.

The mortgage lending process, once very forgiving, has tightened lending standards considerably. A person with excellent credit, good stability, and sufficient documentable income to make the payments comfortably will usually qualify for an“A” paper loan. “A Paper”, or conforming loans, make up the majority of loans in the U.S. and are loans that must conform to the guidelines set by Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac in order to be saleable by the lender. Such loans must meet established and strict requirements regarding maximum loan amount, downpayment amount, borrower income and credit requirements and suitable properties. Loans that do not meet the credit and/or income requirements of conforming “A-paper” loans are known as non-conforming loans and are often referred to as “B”, “C” and “D” paper loans depending on the borrower’s credit history and financial capacity.

Here are some rules of thumb most lenders follow:

  • 12 plus months positive credit will usually equal anA paperloan program, depending on the overall credit. FHA loans usually follow this guideline more often than conventional loans.
  • Unpaidcollections, judgments and charge offs must be paid prior to closing an A paper loan. The only exception is if the debt was due to the death of a primary wage earner, or the bill was a medical expense.
  • If a borrower has negotiated an acceptable payment plan, and has made on time payments for 6 to 12 months, a lender may not require a debt to be paid off prior to closing.
  • Credititems usually are reported for7 years. Bankruptcies expire after 10 years.
  • Foreclosure– 5 years from the completion date. From the fifth to seventh year following the foreclosure completion date, the purchase of a principal residence is permitted with a minimum 10% down and 680 FICO score. The purchase of a second or investment property is not permitted for 7 years. Limited cash out refinances are permitted for all occupancy types.
  • Pre-foreclosure (Short Sale)– 2 years from the completion date (no exceptions or extenuating circ*mstances).
  • Deed-in-Lieu of Foreclosure– 4 year period from the date the deed-in-lieu is executed. From the fifth to the seventh year following the execution date the borrower may purchase a property secured by a principal residence, second home or investment property with the greater of 10 percent minimum down payment or the minimum down payment required for the transaction. Limited cash out and cash out refinance transactions secured by a principal residence, second home or investment property are permitted pursuant to the eligibility requirements in effect at that time.
  • Chapter 7 Bankruptcy– A borrower is eligible for an A paper loan program 4 years after discharge or dismissal, provided they have reestablished credit and have maintained perfect credit after the bankruptcy.
  • Chapter 13 Bankruptcy– 2 years from the discharge date or 4 years from the dismissal date.
  • Multiple Bankruptcies– 5 years from the most recent dismissal or discharge date for borrowers with more than one filing in the past 7 years.
  • The good credit of aco-borrowerdoes not offset the bad credit of a borrower.
  • Credit scoresusually range from 400 to 800. Changes to lending standards are occurring on a daily basis as a result of tightening lending standards, and can vary from lender-to-lender– so this information should be considered simply a guideline. For conforming loans, most lenders will lend down to aFICO of 620, with additional rate hits for the lower-end credit scores and loan-to-values. When you are borrowing more than 80%, they typically will not lend if you have aFICO below 680. TheFHA/VAprogram just changed their minimum required FICO to 620, unless you are qualifying a borrower with non-traditional credit. The few non-conforming loan programs that are still available typically require 30% down payment with a minimum FICO of 700 for self-employed and 650 for W-2 employees, and the loan-to-value will change with the loan amount.
  • A credit scorebelow 600may require anAlternative Creditmortgage program.
  • Misinformation on a credit reportcan be repaired! For more information see ourcredit repairsection.
  • The FTC states,“Credit repair companiestake your money and vanish.” Anything a credit repair company does for a fee, a consumer can do for free.Be wary of these guys!
  • If a borrower falls behind on a payment, the creditor should be contacted as quickly as possible. Most creditors will work with a borrower who makes an initial good faith effort to communicate with them.


Lenders evaluate savings for three reasons.

  1. The more money a borrower has after closing, the greater the probability of on-time payments.
  2. Most loan programs require a minimum borrower contribution.
  3. Lenders want to know that people have invested their own into the house, making it less likely that they will walk away from their life’s savings. They analyze savings documents to insure the applicant did not borrow the funds or receive a gift.

Lenders look at the following types of accounts and assets for down payment funds:

Checking and Savings– 90 days seasoning in a bank account is required for these funds.Gifts and Grants– After a borrower’s minimum contribution, a gifts or grant is permitted.

Sale of Assets– Personal property can be sold for the required contribution. The property should be appraised and a bill of sale is required. Also, a copy of the received check and a deposit slip are needed.

Secured Loans– A loan secured by property is also an acceptable source of closing funds.

IRA, 401K, Keogh & SEP– Any amount that can be accessed is an acceptable source of funds.

Sweat Equity and Cash On Hand– Generally not acceptable. FHA programsallow it in special circ*mstances.

Sale Of Previous Home– Must close prior to new home for the funds to be used. A lender will ask for a listing contract, sales contract, or HUD 1 closing statement.

Debt vs Income Ratio

The percentage of one’s debt to income is one of the most important factors when underwriting a loan. Lenders have determined that a house payment should not exceed approximately 30% of Gross Monthly Income. Gross Monthly Income is incomebeforetaxes are taken out. Furthermore, a house payment plus minimum monthly revolving and installment debt should be less than 40% of Gross Monthly Income (this figure varies from 35%-41% contingent on the source of financing).


An applicant has $4,500 gross monthly income. The maximum mortgage payment is:

$4500 X .30 = $1350

Their total debts come to:

$500 Car
$20 Visa
$30 Sears
$75 Master Card
$625 per month.

Remember, their total debts (mortgage plus other debts) must be less than or equal to 40% of their gross monthly income.

$2,800 X .40 = $1800

$1800 is the maximum debt the borrower can have, debts and mortgage payments combined. Can the borrower keep all their debts and have the maximum mortgage payment allowed?NO!

In this case, the borrower, since they have high debts, must adjust the maximum mortgage payment downward, because:

$625 debts
$1350 mortgage
$1975 – which is more than the $1800 (40% of gross debt) we calculated above.

The maximum mortgage payment is therefore:

$1800 – $625 (monthly debt) = $1175.

Louisville Mortgage Underwriting Guidelines (2)

Louisville Mortgage Underwriting Guidelines (3)

Louisville Mortgage Underwriting Guidelines (2024)


What not to do during underwriting? ›

Tip #1: Don't Apply For Any New Credit Lines During Underwriting. Any major financial changes and spending can cause problems during the underwriting process. New lines of credit or loans can interrupt this process. Also, avoid making any purchases that may decrease your assets.

How often do loans get denied in underwriting? ›

How often does an underwriter deny a loan? A mortgage underwriter typically denies about 1 in 10 mortgage loan applications. A mortgage loan application can be denied for many reasons, including a borrower's low credit score, recent employment change or high debt-to-income ratio.

Does the underwriter make the final decision? ›

Final approval

Ideally, once the terms of your conditional approval have been met, the underwriter will issue final approval. This means you're 'clear to close. ' If you're denied, ask your lender why, and what you can do to have the decision overturned.

Can you get a mortgage with 55% DTI? ›

For FHA and VA loans, the DTI ratio limits are generally higher than those for conventional mortgages. For example, lenders may allow a DTI ratio of up to 55% for an FHA and VA mortgage.

Do underwriters look at your spending? ›

Bank statements play a crucial role, revealing your financial habits, income, and spending, impacting mortgage approval. Underwriters check the last two months (or up to 12-24 for self-employed) for savings for down payment, affordability of monthly payments, and cash reserves.

Why do people fail underwriting? ›

There are many reasons why an underwriter may deny your mortgage loan, such as a low income, an unsatisfactory credit history or a recent change in employment. If an underwriter denies your mortgage loan, try going to a smaller lender or addressing the issues that caused the denial in the first place.

What are red flags in loan underwriting? ›

Inconsistent Information: When information provided by an applicant contradicts itself or is inconsistent across documents, it's a clear sign of potential fraud. Lenders should closely examine discrepancies in addresses, employment history, income details, and more.

What is the top reason applications get denied through underwriting? ›

Insufficient Credit

If you don't have a significant credit report, you'll likely be denied. The first step to fixing this issue is to start building upon your credit history so that your lender has some idea of how you manage credit and debt. They want to see that you can responsibly pay it back.

How far back can underwriters look? ›

Data from the past 24 months is the most important information that mortgage lenders look at. However, they could look at derogatory information, like foreclosures or bankruptcies, that happened years before.

How fast can an underwriter approve a loan? ›

How long does the underwriting process typically take? Underwriting can take a few days to a few weeks before you'll be cleared to close.

What is the last step in underwriting? ›

Once the underwriter is satisfied with your application, the appraisal and title search, your loan will be deemed clear to close and can move forward with closing on the property.

How much debt is too much to buy a house? ›

This means your total monthly debts, including your prospective mortgage and any other debts like car payments or credit card bills, shouldn't exceed 43% of your monthly income.

What debt is excluded from DTI? ›

The following payments should not be included: Monthly utilities, like water, garbage, electricity or gas bills. Car Insurance expenses. Cable bills.

Does rent count towards DTI? ›

* Monthly rent payment is usually not included in DTI when applying for a home loan since it is assumed current rent will be replaced by future mortgage.

What is riskiest to the underwriter? ›

In the securities industry, underwriting risk usually arises if an underwriter overestimates demand for an underwritten issue or if market conditions change suddenly. In such cases, the underwriter may be required to hold part of the issue in its inventory or sell at a loss.

What are underwriters allowed to ask? ›

An underwriter can also ask you to provide any of the following: Receipts for every purchase you made that someone reimbursed you for (I'm looking at the well-meaning children who shop online for parents that write them a personal check later) Any personal check written to or from you over the past couple months.

What do underwriters look for on tax returns? ›

To find out your monthly qualifying income underwriters look at: Your income stability (income is steady, dropping, or rising) over the last two years. Debt-to-income ratio: To ensure that you have enough income each month to pay for your home loan without it affecting your other monthly debts.

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