Looking for momentum plays? Top 3 stocks which could give 17-30% returns in 6 months (2024)

There is limited risk-reward for shorting at current levels as the prices have entered the oversold zone. The current momentum indicators are developing positive divergence pattern which hints for a pullback rally.

Ksh*tij Anand

October 01, 2018 / 01:25 PM IST

Looking for momentum plays? Top 3 stocks which could give 17-30% returns in 6 months (1)

A screen displays a chart on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange January 14, 2016. REUTERS/Brendan McDermid - GF20000094818

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Investors should note that there is limited risk-reward for shorting at current levels as the prices have entered the oversold zone, and the current momentum indicators are developing positive divergence pattern which hints at a pullback rally, Manav Chopra, CMT | Head Research- Equity, Indiabulls Ventures, said in an interview to Moneycontrol's Ksh*tij Anand.

Edited excerpts:

Nifty seems to be in the bear grip. Is it time to go short on the index? If yes, what are the target and stop loss which one should keep in mind?

The index has observed a series of declines and is now nearing its key long-term support levels. There is 200-DMA around the 10,800-10,750 along with the 50% retracement zone which are likely to provide a cushion in the case of declines.

There is limited risk-reward for shorting at current levels as the prices have entered the oversold zone. The current momentum indicators are developing positive divergence pattern which hintsat a pullback rally.

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One should look for a reversal formation near the mentioned support zone of 10,800-10,750 levels.

How are Infibeam, Yes Bank looking on technical charts?

Infibeam had shown early signals of an exhaustion setup which was witnessed by a sharp decline. The stock not only breached all support zones but has also hammered the overall structure and is unlikely to recover in the near future.

We would recommend traders and investor to avoid any entry into this.

Yes Bank, on the other hand, has breached the December’16 lows backed by a huge spike in volumes. Usually, such formation in the large-cap stock leads to a selling climax formation which is currently being witnessed.

Yes Bank has tested key support levels of Rs 165 and needs some base formation around these levels for clarity. Traders can look to buy this in a phased manner near the mentioned support levels keeping a positional stop loss at Rs 140 on a closing basis.

How is market likely to trade in October series? Do you expect more pain?

The markets would continue to witness a spike in volatility. There will be stiff resistance for Nifty around the 11,150-11,200 levels on the upside and Bank Nifty is likely to face crucial hurdles at 25,650.

Since both the indices have witnessed sharp decline and are at the oversold levels, one needs to see a close above the resistance zone for any reversal in the trend.

The current data suggests that 10,750-10,800 is the support for Nifty and Bank Nifty support is placed around the 24,750-24,950. If the above-mentioned levels are held for a week, then a short-term bounce cannot be ruled out.

What should be the right strategy for investors in small & midcaps which have seen destruction in value?

The Mid and Smallcaps will continue to witness declines as the index has also breached its June’18 support levels. The breadth for midcap and smallcap is weak and one can witness further sell-off in near future.

Traders need to avoid this space for the next few quarters until there is strong base formation.

What is your call on rupee? Do you see some more weakness for the currency in October?

Rupee is likely to consolidate in the near term and is unlikely to breach the 73.1 levels. There is strong support around the 71.5 and is likely to be in a range of 71.5-73.

This could be a trigger for the market to bounce from the oversold levels. Rupee has also witnessed negative divergence which also hintsat strengthening in the near term

Top three stocks which investors can look at for the coming week for a minimum holding period of 6 months?

: Buy| LTP: Rs 860.70| Target: Rs 1,150| Return 33%

The price formed a bullish Hammer candlestick pattern at the support zone and the RSI took support at the long-term rising trendline which indicates the high margin of safety at current levels. Investors can go long in the stock with a target of Rs 1,150.

Cipla: Buy| LTP: Rs 653| Target: Rs 825| Return 26%

The stock price of Cipla has breached its 8-month consolidation which confirms a trend reversal and resumption of the original trend. We expect prices to exceed its March’15 highs. Traders can go long in Cipla with a target of Rs 825.

UBL: Buy| LTP: Rs 1363| Target: Rs 1,600| Return 17%

The monthly charts of UBL have formed multiple bullish reversal candlesticks patterns near the support line which further validates the bullish setup in the stock. Chart patterns suggest that new highs are in the making.

Disclaimer: The views and investment tips expressed by investment experts on Moneycontrol are their own, and not that of the website or its management. Moneycontrol advises users to check with certified experts before taking any investment decisions.

Looking for momentum plays? Top 3 stocks which could give 17-30% returns in 6 months (6)

Ksh*tij Anand is the Editor Markets at Moneycontrol.

Tags: #Market Cues #Market Edge #MARKET OUTLOOK

first published: Oct 1, 2018 01:25 pm

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Looking for momentum plays? Top 3 stocks which could give 17-30% returns in 6 months (2024)


What are the top momentum stocks? ›

Top High Momentum Stocks
TickerCompany NamePrice
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How do I find momentum stocks? ›

If the OPscore of a stock is high, then it could be considered a strong stock which is in good momentum. If the OPscore of a stock is low, then it is considered a weak stock. Now when you see a technical structure (5D- Candles) happening in a stock, which is bullish or bearish, it is recommended to take the position.

What is an example of momentum investing? ›

There are lucrative profits to be made from momentum investing. For example, say you buy a stock that grows from $50 to $75 based upon an overly positive analyst report. You then sell at a profit of 50% before the stock price corrects itself.

Is it good to invest in momentum? ›

Are momentum funds suitable for keeping emergency funds? Momentum funds are equity-oriented and prone to potentially high levels of volatility especially in the short-term. One needs to seek out potentially low volatility investments when selecting emergency funds, so momentum schemes are not suitable for this purpose.

What are the 10 best stocks to buy right now? ›

10 Best Value Stocks to Buy Now
  • Cisco Systems Inc. (ticker: CSCO)
  • Comcast Corp. (CMCSA)
  • Telus Corp. (TU)
  • Unilever PLC (UL)
  • Sony Group Corp. (SONY)
  • Toronto-Dominion Bank (TD)
  • Solventum Corp. (SOLV)
  • Essential Utilities Inc. (WTRG)
Apr 12, 2024

What is the most accurate momentum indicator? ›

Moving Average Convergence Divergence (MACD)

Often regarded as the best momentum indicator, MACD is a trend-following indicator. It represents the relationship between 2 moving averages of a financial instrument's price.

When should I sell momentum stocks? ›

Momentum traders will seek to identify how strong the trend is in a given direction, then open a position to take advantage of the expected price change and close the position when the trend starts to lose its strength.

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First you need to identify the stocks and ETFs you are interested in. Determine the number of stocks and ETFs trading close to their yearly highs. Sort the chosen stocks and ETFs from highest to lowest to see which are doing the best.

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  1. Learn the rules of the strategy.
  2. Understand the execution through demonstration of live trades.
  3. Assess the backtest results to analyse strategy performance.

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Greatest Momentum Investor #1: Richard Driehaus. Richard Driehaus, an American investor, is widely known as the father of momentum investing.

What are 3 examples of momentum? ›

  • Whenever you toss a ball at someone as well as it smacks him square in the face. It indicates how difficult it would have been to stop the thing.
  • A baseball is swooping through the air.
  • A large truck is moving.
  • A bullet discharged from such a firearm.

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Overview: Swing trading is an excellent starting point for beginners. It strikes a balance between the fast-paced day trading and long-term investing.

What is the best momentum strategy? ›

A price-based momentum portfolio consists of stocks that have exhibited the highest momentum over the desired time frame. Price-based momentum works best in an upward trending market and not in a sideways or a down trending market.

Can you make money from momentum trading? ›

Momentum trading can be highly profitable for traders who can correctly identify strong trends and market movements. This strategy can be used for short-term trading and can quickly generate profits if executed correctly.

How profitable is momentum trading? ›

The bottom line on momentum trading is that it is a higher-risk way to put money to work in the stock market. And it's certainly a form of trading, not investing. Momentum trading can be a good way to make money when things work out, but it can quickly result in big losses if things go the other way.

What is the best momentum ETF? ›

Return comparison of all momentum ETFs
ETF1 month in %1 year in %
Xtrackers MSCI World Momentum Factor UCITS ETF 1C+4.79%+37.09%
iShares Edge MSCI World Momentum Factor UCITS ETF (Acc)+4.72%+36.84%
iShares MSCI World Momentum Factor ESG UCITS ETF USD (Acc)+4.60%+34.41%
Xtrackers MSCI World Momentum ESG UCITS ETF+4.19%-

Is momentum trading profitable? ›

Jegadeesh and Titman (1993) conclude that they find significant returns of 1.1% per month. Not only Jegadeesh and Titman (1993) confirmed the momentum trading strategy to be profitable in the United States, also Chan et al. (1996) did so.

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