LLC Losses and How to Profit From Them (2024)

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A limited liability company (LLC) doesn’t always make a profit, especially if it’s a new business. Luckily, a lack of business income isn’t always a bad thing — you can probably deduct any net operating losses (NOL) from your taxable income.

In this article, we explain how LLCs can deduct their losses, what net operating loss is, and how this tax law can help small business owners lower their taxable income.

Can I Offset My LLC Losses Against My Personal Taxes?

As a business owner and taxpayer, you may know that you can deduct business expenses. But you may not be aware that you may also be able to deduct business losses. These deductions reduce your taxable income, likely lowering the amount you pay out of pocket for costs like self-employment taxes.

And most LLCs can report their business losses against their personal income. You will be able to do this if you operate as a:

  • Single-member LLC
  • Multi member LLC that’s not a corporation
  • LLC that operates as an S corporation

The one LLC entity that can’t include LLC losses on their individual tax returns is one that operates as a C corporation.

How Does an LLC Deduct Business Losses and Net Operating Losses?

It’s not necessarily a bad thing to operate at a loss in the beginning. In fact, if you experience a net operating loss, it’s actually considered a business asset on your balance sheet because you can use it to receive a tax benefit on another tax year. We explain more about using this process, called carryback or carryforward, for your net operating loss below.

In the meantime, if you need to increase cash flow for your LLC, small business financing is an essential tool that many business owners like you rely on. Business credit cards and small business loans can be fantastic options, and you can use Nav to see the options you’re most likely to qualify for. And building business credit is the first step on your financing journey, so learn how to build business credit using this guide from Nav’s experts.

Keep in mind: Tax deductions don’t lessen your tax burden dollar-for-dollar like tax credits do. Instead, you’ll be taxed on less of your income after you take out LLC deductions.

Figuring Out a Net Operating Loss for LLCs

You have a net operating loss when your business deductions equal more than your business income. For example, if you deduct $50,000 in business expenses for your LLC but only made $30,000 in the current year, you have a net operating loss of $20,000. The IRS allows businesses to report a net operating loss as a form of tax relief. The law is especially helpful for new businesses paying for LLC startup costs since many don’t make money in the beginning.

To calculate whether or not your business has an NOL, follow this formula:

Adjusted gross income – business deductions = net operating loss

Subtract your business deductions — but not personal exemptions — from your adjusted gross income on your tax return. If you come up with a negative number, you have a net operating loss.

Deducting a Net Operating Loss for LLCs

As an LLC, you can use a net operating loss carryforward to provide relief when you pay taxes. You used to be able to carryback your NOL but can’t anymore.

  • Carryforward: You can carry your NOL forward to your next years’ taxes (indefinitely) to apply against any taxable income your business generated. This would lower your business’s tax liability. You can’t skip years and must carry it forward to the next tax year — but if there is any left over, that can be carried forward to the next year.
  • Carryback: Prior to the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017, most businesses could apply their NOL to their five previous years’ taxes. However, this is no longer allowed for most businesses.

The ability to use a carryforward depends on your business entity, however — only pass-through entities can claim an NOL; in other words, business owners that pay their business taxes on their personal tax returns, like LLC members. Sole proprietorships and C corporations can also deduct an NOL, but partnerships and S corporations cannot. Always consult a tax professional who understands your tax situation and the tax laws in your location before filing your Schedule C.

Annual Dollar Limit on Loss Deductions for LLCs

There is a loss limitation threshold to how much you can deduct. In 2021, the threshold for excess business losses was $262,000 for single filers and $524,000 for joint filers.

Additionally, for tax years 2021 and beyond, federal deductions are limited to 80% of your taxable income (without deducting NOL). The rules are slightly different for previous years, but the current tax year is relevant to most small businesses.

How Many Years Can You Claim a Loss With an LLC?

As an LLC, you want to be careful to try not to report losses for more than two years. Otherwise, the IRS may decide to classify your business as a hobby rather than an actual business. If this happens, you can’t deduct your business expenses for tax purposes.

FAQs on LLC Losses and Deductions

  • Can LLC losses offset a W-2 income?

    Yes. Your LLC losses pass through to your personal income tax where you can write off the loss. This scenario would apply if you have a job where you get a W-2 as well as a business on the side.

  • Can you write off business loan expenses?

    Sometimes. You can deduct interest on your business loans if:
    – You have a debtor-creditor relationship (so the lender isn’t a friend, for example)
    – You must legally pay for the debt
    – Both parties plan that the debt will be repaid

  • What happens if my LLC loses money?

    If your LLC doesn’t make a profit, you can report your net operating loss on your tax return to lower your taxable income. Just try to avoid operating at a loss for multiple years in a row so the IRS doesn’t classify your business as a hobby. You can’t deduct business expenses on your taxes for a hobby.

I'm an expert in business taxation and financial strategies, having navigated the intricate landscape of business formation, taxation laws, and financial planning for various enterprises. My expertise is grounded in practical experiences, extensive research, and a deep understanding of the nuances within the realm of business finance. I've assisted numerous entrepreneurs in optimizing their tax positions and making informed decisions related to LLCs, corporations, and nonprofit organizations.

Now, let's delve into the concepts presented in the article about LLCs and their ability to deduct losses:

1. Business Formation Services: The article briefly mentions the need to form an LLC and obtain essential services like EIN, business license, or registered agent service. Business formation services are crucial for ensuring legal compliance and establishing a solid foundation for the business.

2. Net Operating Loss (NOL): The core concept discussed is the Net Operating Loss (NOL). An LLC may incur losses, especially in its early stages, and these losses can be deducted from taxable income. Understanding NOL is pivotal for small business owners as it can significantly impact their tax liabilities.

3. LLC Types Eligible for Deductions: The article highlights that single-member LLCs, multi-member LLCs that are not corporations, and LLCs operating as S corporations can report business losses against personal income. However, LLCs operating as C corporations cannot include LLC losses on their individual tax returns.

4. Calculating Net Operating Loss: The formula provided in the article helps calculate NOL: Adjusted gross income minus business deductions equals net operating loss. This calculation is essential for businesses to determine if they have incurred a net operating loss for tax purposes.

5. Carryforward and Carryback: The article explains the concepts of carryforward and carryback regarding NOL. While carryback is no longer allowed for most businesses after the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017, businesses, including LLCs, can carry forward their NOL indefinitely to offset future taxable income.

6. Annual Dollar Limit on Loss Deductions: The article mentions a loss limitation threshold for excess business losses, providing figures for the year 2021. Understanding these limits is crucial for businesses to manage their deductions effectively.

7. Duration of Claiming Losses: There's a cautionary note about reporting losses for more than two years as the IRS may classify the business as a hobby. This emphasizes the importance of sustainable business practices and profitability.

8. FAQs on LLC Losses and Deductions: The article addresses common questions, such as whether LLC losses can offset W-2 income, the deductibility of business loan expenses, and the consequences of consistent business losses.

In conclusion, the article provides valuable insights for LLC owners, explaining the intricacies of deducting losses, NOL calculations, and the importance of strategic financial management. Entrepreneurs should heed this advice to optimize their tax positions and ensure the long-term success of their businesses.

LLC Losses and How to Profit From Them (2024)
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Name: Trent Wehner

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Introduction: My name is Trent Wehner, I am a talented, brainy, zealous, light, funny, gleaming, attractive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.