Living In Brazil: The Things To Consider In Buying A Property In Brazil (2024)

Living In Brazil: The Things To Consider In Buying A Property In Brazil (2)

Real estate is one of the more complicated investments you can do in Brazil. In this article, we will be looking at how to perform a real estate transaction and how to find high-value real estate prospects.

Brazil has a lot of real estates to offer, everything from beachfront resorts to metropolitan flats. Professional investors will also often look at farmland and rural areas.

Over the last 10 years, hundreds of thousands of foreigners have invested in property in Brazil. The highest concentration of foreign real estate investors has been in the North-East and South-East of Brazil.

Investors that bought real estate in the North-East have seen a dramatic devaluation of their properties. Many of the projects were developed at low cost but sold at American or European price levels by international realtors. Although the North-East of Brazil can offer beautiful landscapes, the reality is that the real price level for real estate in the North-East of Brazil is much lower than those in America and Europe as well as the South-East of Brazil.

The story has been very different for investors that bought real estate in the South-East of Brazil. The area is densely populated and the appreciation of real estate in this region has increased massively over the last 10 years.

Today you will find the most expensive real estate in Rio de Janeiro, a city that combines both access to the beach and a metropolitan touch making it a highly desired city for foreign investors looking to buy real estate for personal use. However, São Paulo is still ranked as one of the most attractive cities for real estate investments in the world and the most stable market in Brazil.

Buying real estate in the urban areas of Brazil is a relatively secure investment. Brazil has a safe and organized property registration system and a well-developed real estate market. However, there are some precautions and provisions to be taken so the deal will run smoothly.

According to Brazilian law, any foreign citizen can acquire urban property in Brazil. When it comes to rural areas, there are some limitations that we will discuss at the end of this article.

Although working with a licensed realtor you still need a trusted legal advisor to inspect documents and advise on the purchasing process.

The most obvious support is the inspection of documents and due diligence on the property deeds. Unfortunately, it is all too common to see foreigners being defrauded by unscrupulous sellers and realtors in Brazil. The most common cases include seller’s negotiating real estate they do not legally control, as well as selling real estate with outstanding debts.

It is also important to be advised on how to register the investment correctly in Brazil. There are no taxes on retrieving foreign investments from Brazil to abroad but this requires correct registration of the investment at the time that the real estate is bought.

And of course, it is also necessary to verify that the selected lawyer is legitimate. This can be done online with a service named Cadastro Nacional dos Advogadosprovided by the Brazilian Bar Association known as Ordem dos Advogados do Brasil. The service is unfortunately not available in English but you can search for lawyers based on name or OAB number. You are then able to verify the status of their license as well as see their photo.

When selecting a legal advisor you are not required to have a realtor involved in the transaction. From a buyer’s side, the realtor’s role is mostly related to advice about market offerings and price negotiations.

It is important to remember that realtors from a seller’s perspective, do not normally have exclusivity on the real estate. This often causes them to be defensive regarding both the address of the real estate, as well as the permission for the prospective buyer to take photos of the real estate.

As for the realtors’ registration, it’s almost the same process of consulting as the lawyers. However, there is no central database so it is necessary to consult the CRECI website for the state where the realtor is located.

During the process of acquiring a property in Brazil, the lawyer and the realtor will verify that:

  • The real estate is properly regularised with the government bodies
  • The seller owns the property they are selling
  • The seller is allowed to sell this property
  • The real estate is not on the mortgage or have any other responsibility
  • The contract is according to Brazilian property law

The lawyer that is acting on your behalf will also give support on the process of payment and transfer of funds and monitor the transfer of the real estate to its new owner’s name.

Lawyers normally charge between 1% to 2% of the real-estate value for their services.

When buying real estate as a foreigner in Brazil there are two different sets of requirements in terms of documentation.

The first and often most challenging requirement is from the bank that will be responsible for clearing the payment. Real estate sellers often do not accept direct payments from abroad, therefore it is required to have a Brazilian bank account in addition to necessary documentation to register the investment in Brazil.

Purchasing a real estate in Brazil does not qualify for an investor visa to Brazil as a real estate transaction performed by a foreign is not registered as a direct foreign investment with the Brazilian Central Bank. To buy a real estate and obtain an investor visa in Brazil it is required to first establish a company in Brazil. A registered investment should then be performed into the company and subsequently, the company is used as the legal party in the real estate transaction.

Do not underestimate the time and complexity related to this step in the process. Getting the correct banking structure setup can take several months.

One tip is to contract a currency exchange bank and cash management bank separately. The currency exchange bank that clears the investment into the country take on some risks related to money laundry responsibility. Evaluating risk is a core skill for the currency exchange bank and they will normally provide faster responses and more detailed answers related to documentation requirements than a general-purpose cash management bank would be able to do.

For a foreigner to buy a property in Brazil the documentation requirements are relatively simple:

  • Brazilian Taxpayer card is known as CPF
  • Sworn translation of passport
  • Registration at the National Public Registry of Deeds and Documents

If the transaction is related to a rural property, the foreign buyer must also present an identification card from Registro Nacional de Estrangeiros known as RNE. This identification card is only issued to foreigners with a permanent Brazilian visa.

For real estate transactions in Brazil the following types of taxes and fees need to be paid:

  • Imposto Sobre Transmissão de Bens Móveis known as ITBI
  • Real Estate Register Fee
  • Escritura Pública de Compra e Venda which is a Public Deed Fee
  • Imposto Sobre Operações Financeiras known as IOF

Since the management of real estate transactions is decentralized, the taxes and fees will vary from city to city. The only exception is IOF which is a Federal tax charged on the transaction of money to Brazil.

Some properties also have to pay a contribution named Laudêmio. It is typical for beachfront or other properties located near water to be subject to this charge due to historic reasons. The payment is managed by the Registry of the Federal Heritage, in Portuguese known as Secretaria do Patrimônio da União and a significant amount of the contribution is directed to the Catholic Church.

If the real estate is subject to Laudêmio, the rates range from 2% to 5% of the declared value of the transaction.

When it comes to the purchase of rural land by foreigners the laws differentiate the process for individuals and legal entities. The restrictions imposed on foreigners is intended to defend the integrity of the Brazilian territory and national security.

The National Institute for Agrarian Reform better known as INCRA estimates that around 0.51% of Brazilian territory is owned by foreigners. Their estimates are based on 34.371 rural properties and 4.3 million hectares of land owned by foreigners. Other institutes suggest that foreign participation in the ownership of Brazilian land is much higher, especially in some Amazon states like the Amazonas, Pará and Mato Grosso.

Only foreigners with Brazilian residence visas can acquire a rural property. The law does not specify if the residency is permanent or temporary, only proof of residence in the country. So foreigners that do not legally live in Brazil simply cannot buy rural properties in the country.

Foreigners that live legally in the country can normally purchase rural real estate in Brazil with the following conditions:

  • Purchase of more than 1 property will only be allowed if authorized by the National Institute for Agrarian Reform
  • The transaction does not exceed the percentage limits of land to foreigners properties in the Brazilian municipality. The foreign ownership is limited to 25% of the total rural municipality area and 10% of the rural municipality area owned by citizens from a single country
  • The area to be purchased is not located along the Brazilian national border

Foreign companies authorized to operate in Brazil can only acquire rural properties if they develop agricultural projects in the country, industrial livestock or colonization, and such projects must be approved by the Ministry of Agriculture or the Ministry of Industry and Trade depending on the matter.

As for the area limits imposed, the foreign legal entity may only acquire rural property if the transaction does not exceed 25% of the total rural municipality area owned by foreigners and not exceed 10% of the rural municipality area that can be owned by citizens or companies from a single country.

Leaxcoin is a Brazilian blockchain startup that came up with a platform that provides a solution to all the problems with real estate transactions, either in the purchase, rent, lease, and real estate launch or in the property registry.

The entire platform environment is intended for local and global communities, with tools, applications, and solutions to full integration with registry, notary and government institutions, following the local jurisdiction for the transfer of title deeds.

The Leaxcoin platform is protected by blockchain, ensuring an unchangeable database. Know more about it here.

Living In Brazil: The Things To Consider In Buying A Property In Brazil (2024)


Living In Brazil: The Things To Consider In Buying A Property In Brazil? ›

An attractive market for foreigners

With its warm climate, strong infrastructure and affordable prices, it is a great place to live and retire. Likewise, many consider Brazil an ideal spot for a second home or investment property.

Is buying a property in Brazil a good investment? ›

An attractive market for foreigners

With its warm climate, strong infrastructure and affordable prices, it is a great place to live and retire. Likewise, many consider Brazil an ideal spot for a second home or investment property.

Can a US citizen buy property in Brazil? ›

Yes, foreign citizens can buy real estate in Brazil, and they actually buy a LOT. Currency exchange favorable to strong currencies such as the dollar and the euro is just one of the many reasons why buying properties in Brazil is an opportunity for foreign citizens.

What is the average price of a house in Brazil? ›

$165,839. The average Brazil home value is $165,839, up 5.4% over the past year.

Can Americans own homes in Brazil? ›

There are no restrictions on foreign property buyers who are purchasing urban land, beachfront properties, houses, or condos. Foreigners have the same rights as Brazilians, and residency is not required.

Do you pay property taxes in Brazil? ›

Property taxes in Brazil are called Imposto sobre a Propriedade Predial e Territorial Urbana or IPTU for short. It's a municipal tax charged every year on real property, and unless there's an exemption, the owner must pay it for each property he owns.

What is the property tax in Brazil? ›

Property TAX (IPTU - Imposto Predial e Territorial Urbano)

The tax, collected by the municipality where property is located, is calculated on a deemed "sales price" of the property. The tax rate varies from city to city, but may be estimated in the range of 0.3% to 1.0%.

How long can I stay in Brazil as a US citizen? ›

The visit visa will be issued to foreigners traveling to Brazil for staying up to 90 days without purposes of immigration or the exercise of paid activity (daily allowances, artistic paychecks, compensation or other travel expenses are allowed).

How long can a US citizen live in Brazil? ›

Temporary residence for U.S. citizens in Brazil

Generally, a U.S. citizen has 2 years to stay in Brazil temporarily, but this term can vary to more or less time. In addition, each visa has its form of residence permit modality.

How long can a US resident stay in Brazil? ›

Stay less than 180 days within a 12-month period. Hold a passport valid at least six months on entry with one blank visa page. Hold proof of sufficient funds.

Is it cheaper to live in Brazil or USA? ›

Cost of living in United States is 100% more expensive than in Brazil.

What city is best to buy a house in Brazil? ›

Sao Paulo and Rio de Janeiro are by far the first choices for international investors, but other capitals such as Fortaleza, Sao Luis, Campo Grande, Belem, Curitiba, Recife, Natal, Porto Alegre, Florianopolis, and Palmas have been consistently well regarded as prime markets.

Is it worth it to live in Brazil? ›

With its captivating nature and one of the world's fastest-growing economies, moving to Brazil as an expat means you'll enjoy a colourful new lifestyle. There are a lot of job opportunities and life expectancy in Brazil is high.

Is it hard for Americans to move to Brazil? ›

If you want to reside in Brazil legally, you must apply for and obtain a visa before traveling to the country, or you will be denied entry by Brazilian authorities. Depending on the reason why you want to move to Brazil, you need to choose a type of VITEM visa and submit the application for that type of visa.

Can Americans retire in Brazil? ›

Retire in Brazil – Visas and Residence Permit

Americans can retire to Brazil on a retiree visa. To obtain a retirement visa, you must be over age 60 and have a pension that earns at least $2,000 per month. To apply for the retirement visa, you must apply at least four to eight weeks before arriving in Brazil.

Can Americans have dual citizenship in Brazil? ›

That is, the national legal system allows Brazilians to have dual or multiple nationalities ONLY if the other nationality(ies) arise from birth in a foreign territory (original nationality), of foreign ancestry (original nationality) or naturalization by imposition of a foreign rule.

Does Brazil tax US Social Security benefits? ›

They won't pay social security taxes in Brazil. Under U.S. law, U.S. Social Security covers self-employed workers if they are U.S. citizens or U.S. resident aliens even if they live and work outside the United States.

How much is a condo fee in Brazil? ›

As a rule, condo fees are inexpensive, for example, for a typical condo with a swimming pool and basic amenities, the fee is less than $80 per month.

How does Social Security work in Brazil? ›

Both employers and employees pay social security contributions. These contributions are used to fund government pensions paid to retired citizens. Individuals who receive compensation from a Brazilian source are subject to the local social security tax, which is withheld by the employer or the source of income.

What is the retirement age in Brazil? ›

Minimum age and contribution time

The proposal creates a minimum retirement age. At the end of the transition period, there is no longer the possibility of retirement for contribution time. The minimum retirement age will be 62 for women and 65 for men for both private and servants.

How much tax do you pay on rental income in Brazil? ›

You can even deduct fees paid to a rental management company. Residents pay rates that range from 0% to 27.5%. If they receive less than BRL$1,903.98 in rent per month, they'll be exempt from paying tax on the rental income. Non-residents, on the other hand, pay a flat tax rate of 15%.

Does Brazil and US have tax treaty? ›

No. There is currently no US-Brazil tax treaty. This leaves Americans living in Brazil at risk of double taxation on their income. Fortunately, the IRS tax credits listed above can help reduce the risk of double taxation for most US expats.

How much can I take to Brazil from USA? ›

The control of baggage/belongings at the airport/port or point of entry in Brazil falls under the competence of the Internal Revenue Secretariat of Brazil ("Secretaria da Receita Federal" – SRF). There is no limit on the amount of money a Brazilian or a foreign traveller may bring into Brazil.

How can I live permanently in Brazil? ›

You can get Brazilian citizenship if you live in the country for, at least, 4 years under residence authorization for an indefinite term (permanent residency).

Do US citizens need a visa for Brazil in 2023? ›

This means that, as soon as October 1, 2023, Americans will be barred entry unless holding a valid tourist or long-term residency visa.

What's the safest city in Brazil? ›

Florianopolis, Brazil

In the southern region of Brazil, on an idyllic island just off the coast sits Florianopolis, arguably Brazil's best place to be. Sunset in the city of Florianopolis, Brasil's safest city.

How many Americans live in Brazil? ›

People from around the globe continue to relocate to South America's largest country, thanks to its growing economy and spirited culture. If you go, you're likely to find an expat community there. As of 2017, 22,000 Americans called the country home.

What happens if I over stay in Brazil? ›

Overstaying a tourist visa in Brazil incurs a penalty of 8 reais a day up to a maximum penalty of 800 reais. Reais are Brazil's currency. Visitors are required to pay the fine either when leaving Brazil or when they return. If the fine is not paid, the traveler will receive a 6-month ban from entering Brazil.

What happens if I stay longer than 90 days in Brazil? ›

If your country is in the list of those for which it is allowed to extend your stay in Brazil for another 90 days, you must go to a Brazilian Federal Police station and request the extension on your visa before the initial 90 days expire, otherwise it is possible to be fined for overstaying and even face deportation.

How can a US citizen move to Brazil? ›

Those planning to live and work in Brazil may apply for a category V temporary visa (VITERM) or a permanent visa (VIPER). Temporary visas in category V are intended for those who have already signed a temporary employment contract with a Brazilian employer.

Can a US citizen stay out of the country for more than 6 months? ›

If you plan to stay outside of the United States for more than one year but less than two years, you will need a re-entry permit for readmission. You must be physically present in the United States when you file the Form I-131 to apply for the permit.

Is Brazil friendly to the US? ›


The United States and Brazil enjoy deep and broad political and economic relations. Following Brazil's Independence in 1822, the United States was one of the first countries to recognize Brazil, in 1824.

What is the cheapest area to live in Brazil? ›

In addition, the city has beautiful beaches, a lively atmosphere and lots of unique, tasty food to try. Salvador is much more affordable than the bigger cities. It is perhaps the cheapest place to live in Brazil for expats, with an estimated cost of living around $700 per month.

Why not to invest in Brazil? ›

However, investment in Brazil remains risky because of some negative factors including cumbersome and complex taxation, bureaucratic delays and heavy and rigid labour legislation.

Where do most rich people live in Brazil? ›

São Paulo is a city of standouts, where the native mega-wealthy class has the limelight versus a milieu of absolute poverty. With no less than 1500 bank branches & 70 extravagant shopping centers, the prosperous side of this metropolis lives to spend.

Where is the safest place to retire in Brazil? ›

Curitiba can be compared to the previously mentioned Porto Alegre, where you can feel a strong European vibe and heritage. This city is considered to be very safe and has one of the highest standards of living in Brazil. Indeed, Curitiba regularly ranks amongst the safest cities in Brazil to live in.

How safe is Brazil for US citizens? ›

Country Summary: Violent crime, such as murder, armed robbery, and carjacking, is common in urban areas, day and night. Gang activity and organized crime is widespread. Assaults are common.

Is Brazil friendly to foreigners? ›

Brazilians are very warm, friendly people. If you are staying with a local, within days the whole neighborhood will know everything about you. Don't be alarmed, Brazilians love meeting new people, and having a visitor is a novelty for them, especially if you visit a small town.

Is Brazil good to retire? ›

Low cost of living,great climate,fun loving culture and cheap properties are just a few reasons! Brazil offers retirees a unique combination of affordability, warm climate, and vibrant culture.

Why are people moving out of Brazil? ›

While their individual paths into the U.S. differ, the immigrants' reasons for leaving Brazil are similar: personal safety, a better financial situation, and a lack of hope that their home country will one day be able to offer the opportunities they find here.

Where do most Brazilian Americans live? ›

Major concentrations are in Massachusetts, New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, Pennsylvania, Georgia, Florida, Wisconsin, and California. West 46th Street has historically been a commercial center for Brazilians living or visiting New York City. In 1995 the city officially recognized it as "Little Brazil Street".

Do they speak English in Brazil? ›

English. While it's not widely used in Brazil, languages spoken there do include English. Around 5% of Brazilians speak some degree of English, though that's not to say they are fluent.

Is health care free in Brazil? ›

Brazil provides free, universal access to medical care to anyone legally living in the country. However, this means that waiting times can be long at public hospitals, especially those in more rural areas where facilities are oversubscribed.

How much money do you need to retire comfortably in Brazil? ›

The Retiree Visa in Brazil

You must have a verifiable income of at least $2,000 per month to retire in Brazil. This will cover the applicant and two dependents. If you're bringing more than two dependents, you'll need to show $1,000 per month income for each additional dependent beyond the first two.

How much money you need to retire in Brazil? ›

Retirement Visa in Brazil

Applicants for a Brazilian retiree visa must be over age 60 with a pension or investments that pay out at least $1,400 USD per month. Check with the Brazilian consulate to confirm the current minimum amount of monthly income as exchange rates fluctuate.

Can an American marry a Brazilian? ›

In a Nutshell

Green card holders and U.S. citizens are at liberty to marry non-U.S. citizens. Their foreign spouses can get a marriage green card and live with them in the United States.

Can an American marry a Brazilian in Brazil? ›

All individuals, regardless of nationality, who desire to be married in Brazil must comply with Brazilian law. There are no provisions for American Diplomatic or Consular Officers to perform marriages in Brazil. In addition, marriages may not be performed at the U.S. Embassy or Consulates.

What does a U.S. citizen need to marry in Brazil? ›

Here is a typical list of documents you can expect to be asked to provide:
  • Your passport & your Brazilian partner's ID.
  • Proof of residence (you and your partner)
  • Birth certificate (your and your partner)
  • Proof of divorce (if you've been married before)

What are the risks of investing in Brazil? ›

One of the primary risks of investing in Brazil is its political instability; it has a volatile political history that remains persistent even today. Opportunities to invest in Brazil include U.S.-listed ETFs, American depository receipts (ADRs), and securities listed on Brazil's own stock exchange.

Why are houses in Brazil so cheap? ›

This can be explained by two main reasons. First, Brazil is a “continental country” with lots of land. Thus, this explains the greater availability of homes and land at a relatively low price. The second reason to explain the relatively low cost of homes here is the currency exchange.

Is real estate in Brazil expensive? ›

In 2014, a square metre in Brazil typically cost the equivalent of US$3,040. Six years later in 2020, it costs almost 45% less – US$1,344. Brazil real estate also offers a cheaper option compared to property worldwide.

Is Brazil high risk for money laundering? ›

Legal summary. Brazil has a mature money laundering framework with a strong institutional basis for financial intelligence and information sharing across state and federal enforcement agencies, although in practice it may sometimes lag.

What are the major threats to Brazil? ›

There are no major conflict threats for Brazil either internally or externally. Crime in Brazil ranges from principally opportunistic in cities like Florianopolis to a mix of opportunistic and violent in Rio de Janeiro to more heavily violent in cities such as Salvador.

What are the 4 main risks of investing? ›

These four risks aren't the only ones that you'll encounter, but they are important considerations for building a sound investment plan.
  • Company risk. Company-specific risk is probably the most prevalent threat to investors who purchase individual stocks. ...
  • Volatility and market risk. ...
  • Opportunity cost. ...
  • Liquidity risk.
Aug 7, 2021

How much is an acre of land in Brazil? ›

Farmland prices have increased by large amounts over the past few years in Brazil, especially in areas used for grain production. From 2019 to 2022, the average cropland value increased 128%, from $1,875 to $4,271 per acre.

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Name: Francesca Jacobs Ret

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Introduction: My name is Francesca Jacobs Ret, I am a innocent, super, beautiful, charming, lucky, gentle, clever person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.