Liver Enzymes and Hydrogen Peroxide | Science Project (2024)






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Sometimes science can be really messy or use pretty disgusting ingredients. That is what it takes to understand how the world works, even if the experiment isn't pretty. Do you like chemical reactions that stink and ooze foamy bubbles? Do you think it sounds fun to make a super gross liver smoothie? Then this is the experiment for you!


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Use caution when handling the sharp knife and the blender. An adult may need to assist with these steps. Also completely disinfect any surface that the raw liver touches.


Sara Agee, Ph.D., Science Buddies

Liver Enzymes and Hydrogen Peroxide | Science Project (1)


In this experiment, you will extract the enzyme catalase from fresh (or frozen) liver, use it to break down hydrogen peroxide, and test the activity of catalase under different conditions.


A chemical reaction is when chemicals come together and their molecules interact to form new chemicals. Sometimes chemical reactions happen by themselves. These reactions are usually very fast and spontaneous, and give off energy. Other chemical reactions need energy to happen, and without energy proceed very slowly or not at all.

These types of chemical reactions can be helped to occur more quickly by using enzymes. Enzymes are made out of protein and they speed up the rate of a chemical reaction by acting as a catalyst. A catalyst provides the necessary environment for the chemical reaction to occur, which speeds up the reaction. Certain catalysts work for certain kinds of reactions. In other words, each enzyme has a particular type of reaction that it can activate.

Enzymes are proteins, which are molecules that are very large and dynamic. They can be very fussy, and sometimes need to be in certain environments or conditions to work, and the ideal conditions are usually reflective of where the enzyme must normally function in the body. In other words, different tissues are home to different enzymes, and an enzyme should be able to function in the conditions that surround it in the tissue it's supposed to function in. Some enzymes can be damaged under certain conditions, such as heat. A damaged enzyme will no longer work to catalyze a chemical reaction.

One source of enzymes is the liver, which needs to break down many substances in the body. Catalase is one enzyme from liver that breaks down harmful hydrogen peroxide into oxygen gas and water. When this chemical reaction occurs, you can see the oxygen gas bubbles escaping and causing the reaction to foam, as shown in Figure 1 below.

Liver Enzymes and Hydrogen Peroxide | Science Project (2)

Figure 1. When blended liver is exposed to hydrogen peroxide, the catalase enzyme in the liver reacts with the hydrogen peroxide to form oxygen gas, which creates the visible bubbles in this photograph, and water.

In this science fair project, you will use fresh (or frozen) liver as a source of catalase and investigate how the activity of the enzyme can change under certain conditions. What does catalase do? Under which conditions does it work best? Why do we need catalase in our liver?

Terms and Concepts

To do this type of experiment you should know what the following terms mean. Have an adult help you search the internet, or take you to your local library to find out more!

  • Chemical reaction
  • Enzyme
  • Protein
  • Liver
  • Catalase
  • Hydrogen peroxide
  • Acid
  • Base


  • Why are enzymes important for making chemical reactions happen?
  • Keeping in mind the normal temperature of the human body, how hot do you think an enzyme needs to be for it to become damaged and not function?
  • Why are bubbles made when catalase reacts with hydrogen peroxide? What are the bubbles made out of?
  • Aside from break down harmful substances, what else does the liver do?


Find out why you should "Love Your Liver" from the folks at Kids Health:

Learn all about free-radicals, nutrition, antioxidants and the body:

Materials and Equipment

  • Uncooked liver, fresh or frozen (1/4 lb)
  • Knife
  • Cutting board
  • Blender
  • Water
  • Refrigerator (with freezer compartment)
  • Medicine dropper
  • Large plate
  • Hydrogen peroxide (use a new or recently-purchased bottle for best results.)
  • Measuring teaspoon
  • Bowls (4)
  • Salt
  • Microwave safe bowl
  • Microwave
  • Vinegar
  • Baking soda (optional)

Experimental Procedure

  1. First you will want to blend the liver. You will be testing the enzyme activity of the blended liver in the following steps.
    1. On the cutting board, carefully cut about ¼ lb of liver into little pieces, about 1-2 centimeters in size. You may need an adult to help with this.
    2. Place the cubes of liver into a blender and add an equal volume of water.
    3. Carefully blend on high speed, pulsing when necessary, until the liver is smooth and no chunks are present. Keep the blended liver in the refrigerator.
  2. Test the activity of the blended liver.
    1. Put one drop of it on the large plate.
    2. Add one drop of hydrogen peroxide to the blended liver. As shown in Figure 1 above, you should see a lot of bubbles!
  3. In your lab notebook, you can record this in a data table like Table 1 below. The blended liver you just tested is your "untreated" sample and it will be your positive control. Use a scale of 0-5, with 5 representing the "most bubbling" and 0 representing "no bubbling." Write down any other observations you make in your lab notebook.
Treatments Bubble
Untreated 5
No hydrogen peroxide added0

Table 1. You can record your data in your lab notebook using a table like this one.

  1. Now you will take different samples of your blended liver and test how different conditions affect the liver enzyme's activity.
    1. To test the effect of heat, place one teaspoon of the blended liver in the microwave in a microwave-safe bowl. Heat covered on high for 20 seconds. What did the heated liver look like? Remove a drop-size amount of the heated liver and put it on a clean part of the large plate. Add one drop of hydrogen peroxide to it. How much did it bubble? Record your results in your data table.
    2. To test the effect of freezing, put one teaspoon of the blended liver in a bowl in the freezer for about one hour. When the sample is completely frozen, remove it from the freezer and thaw the sample before testing it for enzyme activity. On the large plate, test a drop of the treated liver with hydrogen peroxide. How much did it bubble? Record your results in your data table.
    3. To test the effect of acid, put one teaspoon of the blended liver in a bowl and add one teaspoon of vinegar. Mix well. What does the mixture look like? On the large plate, test a drop of the treated liver with hydrogen peroxide and record your results in your data table.
    4. To test the effect of a base, put one teaspoon of the blended liver in a bowl and add one teaspoon of baking soda. Mix well. What does the mixture look like? On the large plate, test a drop of the treated liver with hydrogen peroxide and record your results in your data table.
    5. To test the effect of high salt conditions, put one teaspoon of the blended liver in a bowl and add one teaspoon of table salt. Mix well. What does the mixture look like? On the large plate, test a drop of the treated liver with hydrogen peroxide and record your results in your data table.
  2. Knowing that the amount of bubbles made reflects how active the catalase enzyme is, which condition, or conditions, does it look like the enzyme works best under? Which condition, or conditions, makes it work the worst? Why do you think this is?
  3. Try experimenting with any other condition you can imagine! Remember to record all of your results in your data table! When you are all done with your project, make sure that any surface that the raw liver touched has been completely disinfected.

Liver Enzymes and Hydrogen Peroxide | Science Project (3)

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Do you have specific questions about your science project? Our team of volunteer scientists can help. Our Experts won't do the work for you, but they will make suggestions, offer guidance, and help you troubleshoot.

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  • How does catalase change activity when different amounts of the enzyme or the hydrogen peroxide are present? The hydrogen peroxide is called the "substrate," and sometimes changing the amount of substrate or enzyme will change how the chemical reaction proceeds. This is called "enzyme kinetics." Conduct your own experiment on enzyme kinetics by changing the amount of blended liver and hydrogen peroxide in your reactions. What did you find out?
  • Another enzyme, called papain, digests proteins and can be extracted from pineapple. One protein that is fun to use for the experiment is Jell-o, made out of gelatin. Try a similar type of experiment on the activity of papain.
  • The liver contains many enzymes, each important for detoxifying the body. One of the reasons breaking down hydrogen peroxide is important is because if left alone, hydrogen peroxide in the blood can produce free radicals. Free radicals can cause damage to different parts of the body. Test the effect of hydrogen peroxide on different materials around your house, what happens?


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Liver Enzymes and Hydrogen Peroxide | Science Project (5)

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Liver Enzymes and Hydrogen Peroxide | Science Project (7)

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Liver Enzymes and Hydrogen Peroxide | Science Project (9)

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Liver Enzymes and Hydrogen Peroxide | Science Project (2024)


What is the liver enzyme experiment with hydrogen peroxide? ›

Liver contains a specific enzyme called catalase. When hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) is added to liver, a chemical reaction occurs which results in the products of oxygen gas (O2) and liquid water (H2O). The purpose of this lab is to determine if changes in temperature will have an effect on the activity of an enzyme.

What effect would you expect if a piece of liver was placed in hydrogen peroxide solution? ›

The liver maintains a neutral pH (about pH 7), which is easiest for its enzymes, such as catalase, to work in. Consequently, when exposed to hydrogen peroxide the liver should have produced more bubbles (oxygen gas), and at a faster rate, when it was untreated than when exposed to vinegar or baking soda.

What is the reaction rate for the boiled liver and peroxide? ›

The reaction rate for the boiled liver and peroxide was zero because no reaction took place The reaction rate for the cold liver/peroxide was 4 because there were a lot of bubbles and reactions while the reaction rate for the warm liver/peroxide was 5 because there were even more bubbles and reactions.

How long does it take for catalase to work? ›

WHEN catalase is added to hydrogen peroxide, there is an initial rapid evolution of oxygen which lasts for about two minutes, depending on the peroxide concentration. After this, oxygen is given off at a steady rate which slowly decreases in the course of an hour.

What happens when liver is exposed to hydrogen peroxide? ›

When blended liver is exposed to hydrogen peroxide, the catalase enzyme in the liver reacts with the hydrogen peroxide to form oxygen gas, which creates the visible bubbles in this photograph, and water.

What was the purpose of hydrogen peroxide in the enzyme experiment? ›

Hydrogen peroxide decomposes slowly in light to produce oxygen and water. The enzyme catalase can speed up (catalyse) this reaction. In this practical, students investigate the presence of enzymes in liver, potato and celery by detecting the oxygen gas produced when hydrogen peroxide decomposes.

What happens when you add hydrogen peroxide to boiled liver? ›

As expected, the boiled liver did not react with the hydrogen peroxide, due to the denaturation of the catalase which rendered it unable to bind the hydrogen peroxide substrate.

How to activate liver. Enzymes? ›

Leafy greens are steeped in chlorophyll, which plays a crucial role in egesting toxins from the liver. Garlic houses sulphur compounds that activate liver enzymes and eliminate toxins from the body. On the flip side, it's crucial to abstain from or control food consumption that can be deleterious to the liver.

What do enzymes do in the liver? ›

What are liver enzymes? Liver enzymes are proteins that speed up chemical reactions in your body. These chemical reactions include producing bile and substances that help your blood clot, breaking down food and toxins, and fighting infection.

How can you tell if catalase is working? ›

Catalase Test
  1. Obtain a glass slide and a bottle of hydrogen peroxide.
  2. Using a sterilized inoculating loop, smear a small amount of bacteria onto the dry slide.
  3. Place a drop of hydrogen peroxide on top of the bacteria.
  4. Look for bubbles immediately: bubbles = catalase positive. no bubbles = catalase negative.
Feb 18, 2023

What happens when you get a positive catalase result? ›

This enzyme detoxifies hydrogen peroxide by breaking it down into water and oxygen gas. The bubbles resulting from production of oxygen gas clearly indicate a catalase positive result.

What happens if catalase doesn't work? ›

Mutations in the CAT gene greatly reduce the activity of catalase. A shortage of this enzyme can allow hydrogen peroxide to build up to toxic levels in certain cells. For example, hydrogen peroxide produced by bacteria in the mouth may accumulate in and damage soft tissues, leading to mouth ulcers and gangrene.

What happens when boiled liver is added to hydrogen peroxide? ›

As expected, the boiled liver did not react with the hydrogen peroxide, due to the denaturation of the catalase which rendered it unable to bind the hydrogen peroxide substrate.

Why does crushed liver react faster with hydrogen peroxide? ›

Answer and Explanation: Ground liver has a faster rate of reaction than the whole liver when placed into hydrogen peroxide as it has a much higher surface area than the whole liver. When one grinds the liver, more area is available for a chemical reaction.

What does the enzyme peroxide do? ›

Mammalian catalase is known for its facile ability to convert hydrogen peroxide into water and oxygen (catalatic activity), and its activity oxidizing low molecular weight alcohols in the presence of low concentrations of hydrogen peroxide (peroxidatic activity).

What is the purpose of catalase lab? ›

A common enzyme lab for students to measure the impact of temperature and pH on the efficiency of catalase. Catalase is an enzyme is found in almost all living organisms that breaks down hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) into oxygen and water. Many teachers use raw chicken liver or potato as the source of the catalase.

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Author: Kerri Lueilwitz

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Name: Kerri Lueilwitz

Birthday: 1992-10-31

Address: Suite 878 3699 Chantelle Roads, Colebury, NC 68599

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Job: Chief Farming Manager

Hobby: Mycology, Stone skipping, Dowsing, Whittling, Taxidermy, Sand art, Roller skating

Introduction: My name is Kerri Lueilwitz, I am a courageous, gentle, quaint, thankful, outstanding, brave, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.