List of traded commodities: Guide to Top Traded goods 2024 Insights & Market Trends (2024)

Embark on an exploratory journey into the intricate world of commodity trading with our detailed guide, which delves into the complexities of the market, illustrating the significance of each commodity through its main exchange and contract size. This comprehensive snapshot unveils the standardization practices pivotal in the global trading landscape, offering insights into the diverse types of commodities that shape our economy and daily lives.

Discover the nuances of Energy Commodities, from the vital oil and natural gas markets to the foundational Metal Commodities, including both precious and industrial metals. Unravel the intricacies of Agricultural or Soft Commodities, where grains, livestock, and other essential food items play a crucial role. Our guide illuminates the structured trading environment, where every commodity, be it Corn, Wheat, Soybeans, or Crude Oil, is meticulously listed with its corresponding main exchange and contract size, providing a clear perspective on how these commodities navigate through the global market.

Whether you’re intrigued by the dynamics of Energy Commodities, the stability of Metal Commodities, or the seasonal variability of Agricultural or Soft Commodities, this guide serves as your gateway to understanding the vast and interconnected world of commodity trading. Explore the detailed listings, from the bustling energy sector to the vibrant agricultural markets, and grasp the critical role these commodities play in our global economy.

Top Traded goods 2024

List of traded commodities: Guide to Top Traded goods 2024 Insights & Market Trends (1)

The traded commodities market in 2024 remains a dynamic arena, reflecting global economic trends and consumption patterns. Top traded goods include crude oil (WTI and Brent), gold (GC), natural gas (NG), corn (ZC), soybeans (ZS), and copper (HG), each with its own market ticker symbol, playing significant roles in global trade and investment markets.

Agricultural commodities also command significant trading volumes, with staples such as wheat, corn, and soybeans essential for global food supply chains. Precious metals like gold and silver continue to be top-traded goods, serving as both investment instruments and industrial components.


Meanwhile, industrial metals such as copper are heavily traded, driven by their use in construction and technology sectors. The trends indicate a strong interplay between market demand, geopolitical stability, technological advancements, and environmental factors, shaping the commodities landscape. What is a Trading Company? What are Two Main Things it Does?

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Types of commodities

Curious about the 'List of Traded Commodities'?

From agriculture to metals, the market is vast and varied. 🌾⚡🏗️💎 Follow this #thread for a on each commodity category and uncover trading opportunities. Let's break down the essentials!

— (@ictcourses) March 10, 2024

Commodities are divided into four key types: Energy Commodities (like oil and natural gas), Metal Commodities (including precious and industrial metals), Agricultural or Soft Commodities (such as grains and livestock), and broadly, Hard Commodities (metals and energy resources) and Soft Commodities (agricultural products).

  • Agricultural or soft commodities
  • Energy commodities
  • Metal commodities

Each commodity is listed with its main exchange, Tradingview Ticker and contract size, indicating how it’s traded and the standardization in the market, providing a snapshot of the global commodities trading landscape. Discover the Tradingview Broker Awards 2024 with Oanda, best broker 2024.

Agricultural Commodities:

List of traded commodities: Guide to Top Traded goods 2024 Insights & Market Trends (9)

When considering the most traded agricultural commodities in 2024, various factors need to be monitored to understand their market dynamics. Weather conditions significantly influence agricultural output, with extreme weather potentially affecting production levels. Global demand is another critical aspect, influenced by dietary preferences, population growth, and economic conditions in major consuming countries.

Trade policies, including tariffs, quotas, and trade agreements, can alter commodity flow and impact prices. Technological advancements in agriculture, such as genetically modified crops or improved farming techniques, could affect yields and production costs.

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Lastly, market speculation, driven by trends, geopolitical events, or other market influences, plays a role in shaping commodity prices. These elements combined provide a comprehensive view of what to watch in the agricultural commodities market in 2024.

List main exchange, Tradingview Ticker and contract size

List of traded commodities: Guide to Top Traded goods 2024 Insights & Market Trends (13)

Agricultural Commodities include grains, fibers, and other food items like Corn (ZC/CORN), Oats (ZO/OATS), Rough Rice (ZR/RR), Soybeans (ZS/SOYB), Wheat (ZW/WHEAT), Cocoa (CC/COCOA), Coffee C (KC/COFFEE), Cotton No.2 (CT/COTTON), Sugar No.11 (SB/SUGAR), and Orange Juice (OJ/OJUICE), reflecting the trade in essential food and raw materials.

CommodityMain ExchangeContract Size
Corn (CBOT): ZC or CORNXCBT5000 bu
Corn (EURONEXT): EMA or CORNEMA50 tons
Corn (DCE): DCEC or C0XDCE10 metric tons
Oats (CBOT): ZO or OATSXCBT5000 bu
Rough Rice (CBOT): ZR or RRXCBT2000 cwt
Soybeans (CBOT): ZS or SOYBXCBT5000 bu
No. 2 Soybean (DCE): DCEB or B0XDCE10 metric tons
Rapeseed (EURONEXT): ECO or RAPEURONEXT50 tons
Soybean Meal (CBOT): ZM or SMXCBT100 short tons
Soy Meal (DCE): DCEM or M0XDCE10 metric tons
Soybean Oil (CBOT): ZL or BOXCBT60,000 lb
Soybean Oil (DCE): DCEY or Y0XDCE10 metric tons
Wheat (CBOT): ZW or WHEATXCBT5000 bu
Wheat (EURONEXT): EBL or WHEATEBL50 tons
Milk (CME): DC or MILKXCME200,000 lbs
Cocoa (ICE): CC or COCOAIEPA10 tons
Coffee C (ICE): KC or COFFEEIEPA37,500 lb
Cotton No.2 (ICE): CT or COTTONIEPA50,000 lb
Sugar No.11 (ICE): SB or SUGARIEPA112,000 lb
Sugar No.14 (ICE): SE or SUGAREIEPA112,000 lb
Orange Juice (ICE): OJ or OJUICEIEPA15,000 lbs
Adzuki bean (OSE): Probably not available on TradingViewXOSE2400 kg
Robusta coffee (ICE): RC or COFFEEBIEPA10,000kg

Livestock and Meat Commodities:

List of traded commodities: Guide to Top Traded goods 2024 Insights & Market Trends (14)

Livestock and meat commodities refer to the trading and investment in animal products, particularly cattle, hogs, and poultry. These commodities are crucial in the agricultural sector, influencing and being influenced by market demand, feed prices, and global trade dynamics. Investors and traders can engage in this market through futures contracts, ETFs, or direct investment in livestock production, playing a vital role in the agricultural economy and food supply chain.

Livestock and Meat Commodities, comprising Lean Hogs (HE/LEANHOGS), Live Cattle (LE/LIVECAT), and Feeder Cattle (GF/FEEDCAT), represent the market for animal products, crucial for various food industries.

CommodityMain ExchangeContract Size
Lean Hogs (CME): HE or LEANHOGSCME40,000 lb (20 tons)
Live Cattle (CME): LE or LIVECATCME40,000 lb (20 tons)
Feeder Cattle (CME): GF or FEEDCATCME50,000 lb (25 tons)

Energy Commodities:

List of traded commodities: Guide to Top Traded goods 2024 Insights & Market Trends (15)

WTI Crude Oil and Brent Crude are two of the most watched oil benchmarks globally, traded on NYMEX, ICE, and other exchanges. Ethanol, Natural Gas, Heating Oil, RBOB Gasoline, Propane, and PTA are also crucial in the energy sector, each with specific trading dynamics based on their contract sizes and exchanges.

For those interested in the energy commodities market in 2024, it’s vital to consider factors such as geopolitical events, technological advancements in energy extraction and consumption, regulatory changes, and macroeconomic trends that can influence energy prices and availability.

Additionally, the transition towards renewable energy sources and the global push for sustainability could impact the demand and trading of traditional energy commodities. Understanding these commodities’ trading specifics, such as contract sizes and main exchanges, provides a foundation for navigating the complex energy market landscape.

List main exchange, Tradingview Ticker and contract size

List of traded commodities: Guide to Top Traded goods 2024 Insights & Market Trends (16)

Energy Commodities like WTI Crude Oil (CL/WTI), Brent Crude (BZ/BRENT), Ethanol (ZE/ETHANOL), Natural Gas (NG/NATGAS), Heating Oil (HO/HEATOIL), and RBOB Gasoline (RB/RBOBGAS) are vital for global energy sectors, indicating the trade in fuels and energy sources.

CommodityMain ExchangeContract Size
WTI Crude Oil (NYMEX, ICE): CL or WTINYMEX, ICE1000 bbl (42,000 gal)
Brent Crude (ICE): BZ or BRENTICE1000 bbl (42,000 gal)
Ethanol (CBOT): ZE or ETHANOLCBOT29,000 U.S. gal
Natural Gas (NYMEX): NG or NATGASNYMEX10,000 million BTU
Natural Gas (ICE): NG or a specific ICE contract codeICE1,000 therms
Heating Oil (NYMEX): HO or HEATOILNYMEX1000 bbl (42,000 gal)
Gulf Coast Gasoline (NYMEX)NYMEX1000 bbl (42,000 gal)
RBOB Gasoline (NYMEX): RB or RBOBGASNYMEX1000 bbl (42,000 gal)
Propane (NYMEX)NYMEX1000 bbl (42,000 gal)
PTA (ZCE):ZCE5 tons

Forest Products Commodities:

List of traded commodities: Guide to Top Traded goods 2024 Insights & Market Trends (17)

Forest Products Commodities, including Random Length Lumber (LBS), Hardwood Pulp (HWP), and Softwood Pulp (WP), highlight the trade in timber and related products, essential for construction and paper industries.

CommodityMain ExchangeContract Size
Random Length Lumber (LBS)Chicago Mercantile Exchange110,000 nominal board feet
Hardwood Pulp (HWP)Chicago Mercantile Exchange20 metric tonnes
Softwood Pulp (WP)Chicago Mercantile Exchange20 metric tonnes

Industrial Metals Commodities:

List of traded commodities: Guide to Top Traded goods 2024 Insights & Market Trends (18)

Industrial metals portfolios focus on investment in metals such as aluminum, copper, lead, nickel, and zinc, crucial for various industrial applications. Investors can engage directly by purchasing physical metals or indirectly via commodity-linked derivatives.

Abbreviated as IM, these investments fall under the broader Commodities asset class. Specifically, base metals refer to essential non-ferrous metals, excluding precious metals, and typically include copper, aluminum, lead, nickel, tin, and zinc, which are fundamental to industrial processes and manufacturing.

CommodityMain ExchangeContract Size
LME Copper (HG)London Metal Exchange, New YorkMetric Ton
LeadLondon Metal ExchangeMetric Ton
ZincLondon Metal ExchangeMetric Ton
TinLondon Metal ExchangeMetric Ton
AluminiumLondon Metal Exchange, New YorkMetric Ton
Aluminium alloyLondon Metal ExchangeMetric Ton
LME NickelLondon Metal ExchangeMetric Ton
CobaltLondon Metal ExchangeMetric Ton
MolybdenumLondon Metal ExchangeMetric Ton

Precious Metals Commodities:

List of traded commodities: Guide to Top Traded goods 2024 Insights & Market Trends (19)

Precious Metals Commodities like Gold (GC), Platinum (PL), Palladium (PA), and Silver (SI) are traded for investment, industrial use, and jewelry making, indicating their value and demand.

CommodityMain ExchangeContract Size
Gold (GC)COMEX100 troy ounces
Platinum (PL)NYMEX50 troy ounces
Palladium (PA)NYMEX100 troy ounces
Silver (SI)COMEX5,000 troy ounces

Other Commodities:

Other Commodities include diverse goods like Palm Oil, Rubber, Wool, and Amber, traded globally for various industrial and consumer uses.

CommodityMain ExchangeContract SizeCurrency
Palm OilBursa Malaysia1000 kgMalaysian Ringgit (RM)
RubberOsaka Exchange5000 kgUS cents (¢)
WoolASX2500 kgAUD ($)
AmberSaint Petersburg Bourse1 kgRub (₽)


What factors affect commodity prices?

List of traded commodities: Guide to Top Traded goods 2024 Insights & Market Trends (20)

Commodity prices are shaped by a complex interplay of factors, each influencing the market dynamics in its unique way. At the heart of these factors is the balance between supply and demand, which fundamentally determines the price level. When a commodity is scarce but highly sought after, its price naturally climbs. Conversely, if the market is flooded with a particular commodity while demand wanes, prices are likely to fall.

These fluctuations in supply and demand can be triggered by a myriad of events, including natural disasters affecting agricultural yield, shifts in energy consumption patterns, or technological advancements that either increase supply efficiency or introduce alternative products.

Moreover, the broader economic and geopolitical landscape plays a pivotal role in shaping commodity prices. Economic indicators, such as GDP growth rates, can signal changes in demand, while geopolitical tensions in key producing regions may disrupt supply chains, causing price volatility. The impact of currency value, especially the U.S. dollar in which many commodities are priced, cannot be understated, as it influences the purchasing power of consumers and investors globally. In this interconnected world, the ebb and flow of commodity prices are a reflection of a tapestry of factors, each interwoven with global events and trends, painting a dynamic picture of the commodities market.

Supply and DemandThe availability of and need for a commodity dictate its price.
Geopolitical EventsPolitical stability in key regions can impact commodity supply.
Economic IndicatorsEconomic health influences demand for various commodities.
Currency FluctuationsChanges in the dollar’s value can affect international commodity prices.
Weather ConditionsExtreme weather can disrupt production, affecting supply.
Technological AdvancesInnovations can alter production costs and introduce alternatives.
Market SpeculationTraders’ expectations can drive prices up or down.
Government PoliciesRegulations and policies can influence commodity market dynamics.

What Commodities Are Actively Traded in the Market?

Commodities that frequently change hands in the trading sphere encompass a wide range, including precious metals like gold and silver, energy resources such as US crude oil and Brent crude, essential metals like copper, and vital agricultural goods including coffee, wheat, and sugar. These commodities play a significant role in the global economy, reflecting their demand and relevance across various industries.

Which Commodities Top the Trading Volume Charts?

When it comes to trading volume, crude oil claims the throne as the most traded commodity. Its extensive use across various sectors, from the production of petrochemicals and petroleum to its role in manufacturing lubricants and diesel, underscores its critical position in global commerce and industry.

Identifying the Prime Commodities in Global Trade

The trading world’s stars include commodities like gold, silver, crude oil, and copper. These materials are not just trading assets but are integral to numerous sectors, influencing market dynamics. Traders keen on these commodities stay updated with real-time price movements, market news, and the fundamental factors that influence their value.

Exploring the Variety of Commonly Traded Commodities

In the realm of commodity trading, goods are broadly categorized into hard and soft commodities. Hard commodities entail extracted or mined resources such as gold, rubber, and oil, whereas soft commodities encompass agricultural products and livestock, including corn, wheat, coffee, sugar, soybeans, and pork. This classification helps traders and investors understand the market segments and their respective dynamics.

Key Stock Indices in the US, India, and Asia

In the United States, the major stock indices include the Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA), Nasdaq Composite, and the S&P 500. These indices provide a snapshot of the market’s overall health and are often used by investors to gauge the performance of their investments relative to the broader market.

In India, the main stock indices are the Nifty 50 and the BSE Sensex. The Nifty 50 tracks 50 of the largest and most liquid stocks on the National Stock Exchange of India (NSE), representing various sectors of the Indian economy. The BSE Sensex, on the other hand, follows the 30 largest and most liquid stocks on the Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE).

For Asia, several key stock indices represent the region’s diverse economies. For example, the Nikkei 225 is a major index in Japan, tracking the top 225 stocks on the Tokyo Stock Exchange. In China, the Shanghai Stock Exchange Composite Index (SSE Composite) and the Shenzhen Stock Exchange Component Index (SZSE Component) are significant, reflecting the performance of stocks on mainland China’s largest exchanges. The Hang Seng Index is a crucial benchmark for the Hong Kong stock market, tracking the largest companies listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange.

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Tags: CommoditiesFAQ Trading Academy

List of traded commodities: Guide to Top Traded goods 2024 Insights & Market Trends (2024)
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