List of Countries for Bank Secrecy (2024)

List of Countries for Bank Secrecy (1)

The Banking secrecy was a practice was first started by Italian merchants during the 1600s in Italian-speaking region of Switzerland. Later it spread in the french speaking part of Switzerland adopted by Geneva bankers. The banking secrecy is a bank-client confidentiality agreement that prohibit the disclosure of client information to third parties without consent or an accepted criminal complaint.

Swiss banking secrecy was first codified with the Banking Act of 1934, thus making it a crime to disclose bank client information to third parties without a client’s consent, thus making Switzerland a world famous haven for bank secrecy provided to select clients via numbered bank accounts or underground bank vaults. Towards the end of century banking secrecy was widely abused by criminals and money launders, leading to widespread criticism, leaks leading to end of an era for banking secrecy when Switzerland signed FATCA and OECD. In 2009 Switzerland adopted Article 26 of the OECD Model Convention on international administrative assistance in tax matters, making it possible to exchange information for tax purposes with other countries in individual cases and upon specific and justified request regardless of whether there is a tax offense. Switzerland is still is one of the top 3 countries for financial secrecy (should not be confused with bank secrecy).

Today most countries have strict laws and regulations in place to combat money laundering, tax evasion, and other financial crimes. Banks and financial institutions are required to comply with these regulations and to cooperate with authorities if they suspect any illegal transactions or activities.

The good news is there are still handful of nations in offshore jurisdictions that are ready to offer bank secrecy to clients (last one’s left in 2023). It is important to note that for maximum privacy, you should pick a Bank offering high secrecy in

  • A non-CRS country that has not signed a OECD tax exchange agreement
  • A top financial secrecy jurisdiction.
  • No double taxation agreements signed with your home country
  • A Non FATCA country, if you are US citizen

On top of that, it also makes sense to apply flag theory not to spend more than six in any country where you bank with, even if you have citizenship or residency.


List of Countries that also maintain bank secrecy:

  • Andorra
  • British Virgin Islands
  • Channel Islands
  • Lebanon
  • Liechtenstein
  • Monaco
  • Hong Kong
  • Netherlands Antilles
  • San Marino
  • Turks and Caicos Islands

Source: Wikipedia

Bank Secrecy – Low to High

Here is a brief comparison on the level of bank secrecy from low to high, according to IMF study

Low SecrecyUnited States
Medium SecrecyAustralia, Britain, Canada, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Jersey, numerous other Commonwealth countries including India, Malaysia, and Singapore, and the Scandinavian countries
Quite High SecrecyDenmark, France, and Germany
High SecrecyAustria, Greece, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Portugal, and Switzerland (some cantons only)

Source: IMF data

Categories: Citizenship

List of Countries for Bank Secrecy (2)

About Author

Prabhu Balakrishnan

Founder and CEO of Best Citizenships. World's leading expert in citizenship and residence by investment programs with 15 years experience in Consulting, Finance, Banking, Insurance and Investment migration, assisting wealthy families and investors. Read profile

List of Countries for Bank Secrecy (2024)


List of Countries for Bank Secrecy? ›

Swiss banking secrecy was first codified with the Banking Act of 1934, thus making it a crime to disclose bank client information to third parties without a client's consent, thus making Switzerland a world famous haven for bank secrecy provided to select clients via numbered bank accounts or underground bank vaults.

Which country has banking secrecy? ›

Swiss banking secrecy was first codified with the Banking Act of 1934, thus making it a crime to disclose bank client information to third parties without a client's consent, thus making Switzerland a world famous haven for bank secrecy provided to select clients via numbered bank accounts or underground bank vaults.

What country has the best banking secrecy? ›

The United States ranks first in the world for financial secrecy for 2022 enabling wealthy individuals to hide assets, according to Financial Secrecy Index which ranks countries based on how much financial secrecy they supply to the world.

What countries are non CRS reporting? ›

Non-CRS List. Algeria, Armenia, Belarus, Benin, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Botswana, Burkina Faso, Cabo Verde, Cambodia, Cameroon, Chad, Congo (Rep.

What country has the strictest banking laws? ›

SWITZERLAND. Switzerland has long been synonymous with bank secrecy, thanks to its strict banking confidentiality laws and a tradition of safeguarding clients' privacy.

What is the safest country to bank your money? ›

Here is our list of the most secure, stable banks for protecting your assets abroad.
  • SINGAPORE. ...
  • CANADA. ...
  • FRANCE. ...
  • SWEDEN. ...
  • NORWAY. ...
  • GERMANY. Americans may be surprised to learn they can open offshore accounts in Germany (albeit at low-interest rates), which has topped the list of the world's safest banks.

What countries don't recognize money laundering? ›

Contact: Anthea Lawson +44(20) 7492 5882 or +44(0)7872 620855. Note to editors: The FATF has named 8 countries as not having sufficient money laundering regulations in place: Iran, Angola, North Korea, Ecuador, Ethiopia, Pakistan, Turkmenistan, São Tomé and Príncipe.

Which country is best for money laundering? ›

The weakest area is the quality of AML/CFT frameworks. New Zealand retains the top place as the lowest-risk country, despite an increased risk score following a new FATF evaluation. There are high trafficking risks in China, Malaysia, and Myanmar.

What is the most secretive bank in the world? ›

Share this article. In the mythology of private banking, Banque Pictet & Cie SA stands apart. Over the course of more than two centuries, the Swiss institution has discreetly tended to the assets of the very rich, led by a small crop of partners who form the most exclusive men-only club anywhere outside the Vatican.

Is Swiss banking still secret? ›

In other areas of privacy, Swiss banking secrecy laws still apply (see “Financial Secrecy Index 2022” at the end). However, Swiss banks still offer the highest level of client confidentiality in the world according to the Financial Secrecy Index 2022. Today, there is practically no untaxed money left in Switzerland.

Is Canada part of CRS? ›

Canada is one of over 100 jurisdictions committed to the CRS.

Is Canada CRS reportable? ›

The CRS requires financial institutions in a jurisdiction to report to their tax administration the financial accounts held by non-resident individuals and entities or, certain entities controlled by non-resident individuals.

Who is exempt from CRS reporting? ›

There is no such exempt classification under CRS. — Asset managers in non-participating CRS jurisdictions will be classified as passive non- financial entities (PNFEs). These entities will need to identify their controlling persons to see whether they are reportable.

Why is Swiss bank account secret? ›

The country has a long history of banking secrecy and client confidentiality reaching back to the early 1700s. Starting as a way to protect wealthy European banking interests, Swiss banking secrecy was codified in 1934 with the passage of the landmark federal law, the Federal Act on Banks and Savings Banks.

Are Swiss banks still safe? ›

For years, Swiss banks have been considered the safest and the most secure in the world. Yet, times are changing, and a Swiss bank account today is not likely to protect you from audits and tax payments in case they are unavoidable.

Why are Swiss banks so secure? ›

The main benefits of Swiss bank accounts include low levels of financial risk and high levels of privacy. Swiss law prevents the bank from disclosing any information regarding an account (even its existence) without the depositor's permission, except in cases where severe criminal activity is suspected.

Are Canadian banks safer than US banks? ›

Canada regulates its banks very strictly and doesn't let many players enter the market. As a result, Canadian banks tend to be safer than U.S. banks. In this article, I will explore two Canadian bank stocks that are relatively safe compared to their U.S. cousins.

Are Canadian banks safe? ›

Strong regulation, supervision and a conservative risk culture characterize Canada's concentrated banking industry. This has reinforced the message that Canadian banks are safe following recent bank runs in the U.S.

What is the safest country from everything? ›

12 Safest Countries in the World [June 2023 Update]
  • Iceland.
  • New Zealand.
  • Ireland.
  • Denmark.
  • Austria.
  • Portugal.
  • Slovenia.
  • Czech Republic.

Is Canada a high risk country for money laundering? ›

Canada is categorised by the US State Department as a Country/Jurisdiction of Primary Concern in respect of Money Laundering and Financial Crimes.

How do you hide laundered money? ›

Other than trying to hide the money through deposits and corporations, money launderers also choose to avoid detection by: Investing in mobile commodities such as gems and gold that can be easily moved to other jurisdictions. Discretely investing in and selling valuable assets such as real estate. Gambling.

Which bank is known for money laundering? ›

Wachovia Bank

The bank failed to determine the origins of these funds and would later pay the U.S. government around $110 million in asset forfeiture.

What is the money laundering capital of the world? ›

The UK is often presented as one of the best regulated countries in the world in regard to money laundering. Yet it is also considered by some as the global capital of money laundering.

Who was the biggest money laundering person? ›

Al Capone. One of the most famous mobsters in the United States was Al Capone, who also happened to be a master money launderer. Al Capone earned millions of dollars on his illegal bootlegging business and washed the money through a series of businesses. His earliest businesses were laundromats.

Who is at the highest vulnerability to money laundering? ›

While money laundering and terrorist financing is a risk anytime money is exchanged, there are industries where the risk is significantly higher. These industries include any financial institution like banks, currency exchange houses, check cashing facilities, and payment processing companies.

What is the most guarded bank in the world? ›

The maximum-security gold vault in the Federal Reserve Bank of New York is located in the basem*nt of the Manhattan building. The Fed is the custodian of the valuable reserves and has the responsibility of guarding it for account holders, such as the U.S. government and central banks.

What bank do billionaires use? ›

Citi Private Bank is the private banking department of Citibank. Their services are reserved for worldly and wealthy individuals as well as their families. While eligible clients can get deposit accounts and retirement accounts as you'd find at any other bank, there are also many specialized products and services.

Which bank account hacked the biggest? ›

In 2016, the Bangladesh Bank was breached, resulting in the loss of $81 million. This highly sophisticated attack is seen by many as the largest bank robbery in history, later found to be the works of nation state hackers.

Why can't Swiss banks be traced? ›

It's difficult to trace Swiss bank accounts due to the strict banking secrecy laws. According to the law, banks will not disclose their clients' banking information because that represents a criminal offense.

Do Swiss banks report to IRS? ›

As of 2022, information about your Swiss bank account must be handed over to the IRS in the United States. The IRS is responsible for collecting taxes and assessing the wealth of Americans, even wealth held in Swiss bank accounts must be accounted for.

How much money do you need to open a Swiss bank account? ›

Maintenance of a Swiss bank account often exceeds the cost of similar services in banks in other countries. The minimum deposits at some Swiss banks start at CHF 500,000 or even CHF 2 million. High-net-worth individuals are ready for such expenses, in return, they receive guarantees of their funds' safety and growth.

Why is my bank asking for tax residency Canada? ›

CRS requires financial institutions to identify clients who are residents of foreign countries other than the United States. CIBC identifies such clients by obtaining client attestation of foreign tax residency as part of the account open process. CIBC reports client information and account details to the CRA.

Is Russia part of CRS? ›

Russia also takes part in the OECD's Common Reporting Standard (the “CRS”) which provides for automatic exchange of taxpayer information between the tax authorities of the participating countries.

Does Canada have FATCA? ›

The US has signed a number of agreements with other countries to implement FATCA, including Canada. The requirement for Canadian taxpayers, including financial institutions, to comply with FATCA has been incorporated into Part XVIII of Canada's Income Tax Act.

What is difference between CRS and FATCA? ›

CRS is the global standard for the exchange of Financial Account information. Over 100 jurisdictions globally have signed up to CRS, including all EU Member States. CRS within the EU is called DAC 2. While FATCA is a bilateral agreement with the United States.

What gets reported in CRS? ›

It sets out the financial account information to be exchanged, the financial institutions required to report, the different types of accounts and taxpayers covered, as well as common due diligence procedures to be followed by financial institutions.

Do I have to report Canadian income? ›

As a non-resident of Canada, you pay tax on income you receive from sources in Canada. The type of tax you pay and the requirement to file an income tax return depend on the type of income you receive. Generally, Canadian income received by a non-resident is subject to Part XIII tax or Part I tax.

What is the minimum balance for CRS reporting? ›

In CRS accounts are required to be reviewed when the balance subsequently exceeds $250,000 rather than $1m.

Is USA part of CRS? ›

Although the US is not participating, there may be entities that are treated as participating in a jurisdiction that participates in OECD. CRS draws extensively on the Model 1 IGA approach of FATCA but there are key differences that require specific onboarding, remediation, and reporting enhancements in processes.

Do US banks report to CRS? ›

All financial institutions – that includes banks, insurers and asset management businesses – in participating countries/jurisdictions are required to be compliant with the CRS.

Does Swiss banking secrecy still exist? ›

In other areas of privacy, Swiss banking secrecy laws still apply (see “Financial Secrecy Index 2022” at the end). However, Swiss banks still offer the highest level of client confidentiality in the world according to the Financial Secrecy Index 2022. Today, there is practically no untaxed money left in Switzerland.

Why are Swiss banks so secret? ›

The country has a long history of banking secrecy and client confidentiality reaching back to the early 1700s. Starting as a way to protect wealthy European banking interests, Swiss banking secrecy was codified in 1934 with the passage of the landmark federal law, the Federal Act on Banks and Savings Banks.

Are Swiss bank accounts still anonymous? ›

As of 2023, absolute bank secrecy is a utopia not just in Switzerland but in any other jurisdiction as well. Under the CRS standard, all customer accounts with Swiss banks are transparent for tax authorities that can see them through.

Where do people hide money in the Caribbean? ›

Saint Kitts and Nevis are two separate Caribbean islands that comprise one country. Together, they're considered one of the best destinations for tax avoidance and evasion. Nevis, in particular, has a reputation for financial secrecy.

Why can't Americans have Swiss bank accounts? ›

As a US expat, you may face restrictions when seeking to open a Swiss bank account, even if you have a residence permit. Since the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA) was brought in, US citizens in Switzerland have been facing strict regulations in terms of the Internal Revenue Service.

Why does everyone want a Swiss bank? ›

The main benefits of Swiss bank accounts include the low levels of financial risk and high levels of privacy they offer. The Swiss economy is one of the most stable in the world and has not been involved in any conflicts in hundreds of years.

Can anyone get a Swiss bank account? ›

Residents of almost any country worldwide can open Swiss bank accounts and Switzerland is indeed one of the most renowned countries when it comes to opening accounts for foreign nationals. A Swiss bank account still offers security and privacy.

Do billionaires keep their money in banks? ›

High net worth investors typically keep millions of dollars or even tens of millions in cash in their bank accounts to cover bills and unexpected expenses. Their balances are often way above the $250,000 FDIC insured limit.

What are the disadvantages of Swiss bank account? ›

High Fees Charged by Swiss Banks

That's because banks here tend to charge much higher fees than elsewhere. The fees that you might encounter in Switzerland include fees for opening accounts, initial due diligence, account maintenance, sending and receiving transactions, and foreign exchange.

How do I open an untraceable bank account? ›

It is impossible to set up a 100% anonymous bank account today. Modern banks implement stringent KYC, CDD, and AML rules to thoroughly verify the identity of ultimate beneficial owners (UBOs).

Can I open a bank account in Switzerland if I don t live there? ›

Swiss banks generally require non-residents to visit a brick-and-mortar branch office in Switzerland in order to open an account. You generally cannot open a Swiss bank account online if you do not live in Switzerland.

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