LibGuides: Our World 2022: Stepping Forward: Global Wealth Indicators by Continent and Country (2024)

  • Poverty in Algeria [CIA World Factbook, 2006 est]

    Algeria suffered from poverty through 1991, but only once the people of the country took fate into their own hands did something change. They voted out Islamic Front (FIS) from power, but still poverty exists at an estimated 5% (2011)and unemployment rate of 11.7% in 2017.

  • Poverty in Angola [World Bank, 2019]

    Since the end of the war in 2002, Angola has made significant economic improvements, but a large number of its citizens still live in poverty.

  • Poverty in Benin [Borgen Magazine, 2017]

    Poverty in Benin has only become worse with 35.2% in 2009 to 40.1% in 2015. They rank near the bottom of the world in the 2016 Human Development Index (167/188 countries).

  • Poverty in Botswana [World Bank, 2015]

    Botswana has had a significant decline in poverty, but this has done little to battle the problem. Half of children are in poverty in Botswana, and Botswana is one of the few countries in Africa that dedicate resources to social services at 4.4% of their GDP.

  • Poverty in Burkina Faso [World Bank 2019]

    In Burkina Faso the wealth inequality is very severe. The top 20% owns 55% of the wealth. The top 10% is only 39.5% of the wealth. This is why nearly 60% of the country resides in poverty.

  • Poverty in Burundi [Borgen Magazine, 2017]

    A landlocked nation in Central Africa; Burundi suffers from extreme poverty. This poverty rate is one of the highest in the world at 64.9%. Since 2015 nearly 400,000 people have fled to neighboring The Democratic Republic of the Congo to escape this poverty.

  • Poverty in Cabo Verde (formerly Cape Verde) {World Bank, 2019]

    The African archipelago has a poverty rate of 30%. The World Bank estimates this and that 14% of the population lives in extreme poverty. The lack of domestic agriculture has lead to 82% of the food eaten their to be imported.

  • Poverty in Cameroon [World Bank, 2019]

    In Cameroon unemployment is a major problem, and this is true for youth especially. At nearly 30% of the country is unemployed. Seven out of ten young people are underemployed as well. With 48% of the population under the poverty line Cameroon is ranked 150th in the 2011 Human Development Index.

  • Poverty in Central African Republic (CAR) [Borgen Magazine, 2017]

    The Central African Republic (CAR) is one of the poorest nations on Earth with a average GDP per capita of $639. Over the past couple of years the number of people living at $1.90 a day has increased.

  • Poverty in Chad [Borgen Magazine, 2017]

    Poverty in Chad is has always existed at a very high rate. The poverty rate of Chad went from 55% in 2003 to 47% in 2011. This is due to the constant civil war that has plagues Chad's history.

  • Poverty in Comoros [World Bank, 2019]

    The poverty rate in Comoros is about 18% according to the international poverty line. It also causes concern as 53% of the country is under the age of 20.

  • Poverty in Côte d'Ivoire, Borgen magazine, 2016]

    Ivory Coast has a poverty rate of 46.3% in 2015. They have suffered from armed conflicts from 2002-2007, and election corruption in 2010 and 2011.

  • Poverty in Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) [Borgen Magazine, 2016]

    The poverty in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) has affected children just as much as the adults, if not more. There are an approximate 4 million orphans in the Congo from both diseases and armed conflicts using the death of there parents.

  • Poverty in Djibouti [World Bank, 2019]

    The extreme poverty rate in Djibouti is 21.1%. Also, 16% of the country lives on less than $1.90 a day. Djibouti's GDP has grown from 2001-2017 at an average rate of 3.1% helping the countries population.

  • Poverty in Egypt [Independent, 2018]

    Egypt poverty has been around for a long time, but the Arab Spring was meant to change that as heads of state across the Arab world fell. Egypt has since fallen to economic ruin with 30% of Upper Egypt facing chronically poor living conditions.

  • Poverty in Equatorial Guinea [Borgen Magazine, 2017]

    Equatorial Guinea is actually one of the richest countries in Africa with a median GDP of $22,300 USD. This rate is the highest in Sub-Saharan Africa. They have avoided poverty thanks to them being the third highest producer of oil in Sub-Saharan Africa at 376,000 barrels of oil per day.

  • Poverty in Eritrea [World Bank, 2019]

    Eritrea fought a brutal civil war to become independent from Ethiopia. They did fairly well economically, but due to a oppressive regime in power; there press has been restricted, rights been taken away, and have had people fleeing at every opportunity. There 66% poverty rate is one of the highest in the world.

  • Poverty in Eswatini (formerly Swaziland) [World Bank, 2019]

    Swaziland is one of the last countries in Africa to be under the control by a ruling monarch. This has done little to help the country as there poverty rate is theorized to be as high as 84% of there population.

  • Poverty in Ethiopia [World Bank 2019]

    The share of the population living below the national poverty line decreased from 30% in 2011 to 24% in 2016.

  • Resources in Gabon [World Bank, 2019]

    Gabon is an upper-middle-income country. The fifth largest oil producer in Africa, it has had strong economic growth over the past decade, driven by its production of oil and manganese.

  • Economy of Gambia: [World Bank, 2020]

    The Gambia’s economy relies on tourism and agriculture and can be sensitive to shocks in the world economy. Still, real gross domestic product (GDP) growth was estimated at 6.5% in 2018 (from 4.8% in 2017), driven by increases in tourism, construction and an improved electrical grid.

  • Poverty in Ghana [World Bank, 2015]

    Ghana's has worked hard to improve the poverty their, and it has been largely successful so far. From 1991 to 2012 the poverty rate in Ghana has gotten smaller from 52.6% to 21.4%. Extreme poverty also fell from 37.6% in 1991 to 9.6% in 2012.

  • Poverty in Guinea [World Bank, 2019]

    In recent years Guinea's economy has reinvigorated a great deal. It now has a growth rate of 5.8%. Mining is growing rapidly and agriculture is the chief employer of 52% Guinea's citizenry.

  • Poverty in Guinea-Bissau [World Bank, 2019]

    The World Food Programme (WFP) has stated that the poverty rate of Guinea-Bissau is 69% of the population. A forth of the total population suffers from chronic malnutrition. This is due to a majority of the population (85%) relying on agriculture as their main source of income.

  • Poverty in Kenya [Unicef "Universal Health Care in Kenya Defeating Poverty", 2018]

    Approximately 50% of the 38.3 million people are children below the age of 18. For every 1000 children born, and 74 die before their fifth birthday. The percent of the population below the poverty line in Kenya is 46%

  • "Country Report" [OCHA, World Food Program 2020]

    Lesotho as a country is a country that has been faced with ongoing drought for a number of years. This has severely impacted the economy and the nation's ability to address the Covid-19 pandemic.

  • Poverty in Liberia [The Borgen Production, 2017]

    The poverty of Liberia is at an all time high of 64%, and those in extreme poverty has hit 1.3 million people. The food security in Liberia is very bad as chronic malnutrition effects 41% of the population.

  • Libya [CIA World Factbook 2021]

    The Libya under Muammar Al Gathafi, the former Prime Minister of Libya. The Libyan Civil War tore the country apart even more.

  • Poverty in Madagascar [The World Bank, 2017]

    As of 2012 the 70.7% of the population in Madagascar lived in poverty. The welfare loss in Madagascar between 2005 to 2012 was a 3.1% decline. On average men earn 37% more than women.

  • Poverty in Malawi [Opportunity International, 2020]

    Malawi has a population of 15 million people, and nearly 53% or lost 8 million people are in poverty. In Malawi a vast majority of the country lives in rural areas of the state.

  • Poverty in Mali [The Borgen Production, 2017]

    In Mali the population lives on a measly $1.25 a day. This leaves more than 50% of the population lives below the international poverty line. The average age of the male in Mali is 55. Mali also has one of the lowest adult literary rates on Earth at 38.7%.

  • Mauritania [CIA World Factbook]

    The estimated percent of the population below the poverty line in Mauritania is 31%. Oil, mining and agriculture are the major sectors of the economy and can be unstable.

  • Poverty in Mauritius [Love Bridge, 2004]

    The extreme poverty rate in Mauritius is 1.2%, and a total of 122,700 Mauritius citizens are in poverty. This has risen from 92,700 Mauritius citizens from 1996. Those in extreme poverty live on about $1.25 a day per person.

  • Poverty in Morocco [Fair Observer, 2017]

    In 2007 about 8.9% of the population were considered poor in Morocco. This is a large decline from the 16.3% of the population in 1998. Now in 2014, the poverty rate in fell to 4.2%. Nearly 19% of the population live in rural areas are vulnerable to poverty.

  • Poverty in Mozambique [The World Bank, 2016]

    The poverty rate in Mozambique sits at roughly 50%. From 1996 to 2009 the 13 year period did little to effect poverty at 0.26%. The poverty rate in Mozambique could've been 2 million less if the economic growth from 1997 to 2009 had been shared more evenly.

  • Poverty in Namibia [UNDP, 2015]

    The poverty incidence rate in Namibia is 26.9%. The unemployment rate is just barely below 30% at 29.9%. Namibia also has an issue with disease due to HIV prevalence at 16.9%. Namibia has had a good economic growth of 4.3% over the last 5 years.

  • Poverty in Niger [DW, 2011]

    Niger had the highest birth rate per woman at eight children per woman. No other nation on Earth had eight with most of Africa's neighbors having six to seven children. Thanks too this amongst other factors 60% of Niger's population were below the poverty line.

  • Poverty in Nigeria [CNN, 2018]

    The poverty in Nigeria is so bad that India, who at one point was home to the largest poor population in the world was now past by Nigeria. Nigeria is in debt and there oil based economy is faltering. They have been called corrupt, and United Airlines no longer flies there as Nigerian government owes them money.

  • Poverty in Republic of the Congo [The World Bank, 2020]

    The Republic of the Congo went through a Civil War in the late 1990's (1997-1999). The economy of The Republic of the Congo is contracting at a rate of 2.8% in 2016 and 3.1% in 2017.

  • Poverty in Rwanda [The Borgen Project, 2015]

    More than 60% of the Rwandan population live in extreme poverty. As of 2005 57% of the people are under the poverty line in Rwanda. Now in the year 2010 the rate was reduced to 45% of the population.

  • Poverty in São Tomé and Príncipe [The Borgen Project, 2015]

    In the former Portuguese colony of São Tomé and Príncipe; the people their face a 62% poverty rate. The country is said to need a plan to deal with and restructure the poverty plan to help the population there.

  • Poverty in Senegal [The Borgen Project, 2017]

    The poverty rate in Senegal sits at a 46.7% of their population. In 2011 the population of Senegal was living on less than $1.90 a day. Their Gross National Income was $950 USD in 2016. Like many other African Nations; Senegal has a majority (75%)of their population working in the agricultural sector.

  • Poverty in Seychelles [The Borgen Project, 2017]

    Poverty in the provinces Plaisance, Les Mamelles, Roche Caiman and Mont Fleuri is at 52% of the population. These areas are most impoverished. The poverty line their is $300 per adult.

  • Poverty in Sierra Leone [UNDP, 2015]

    Sierra Leone has one of the lowest life expectancies in the world at 48 years old. Sierra Leone has 60% of the population living below the poverty line. The adult literary rate in Sierra Leone is 41%.

  • Poverty in Somalia [UNDP, 2015]

    Somalia is one of the poorest countries in the world. There government collapsed back in 1991 after a brutal civil war in the 1980s. The poverty rate is estimated to be at 73% by United Nations Development Programme.

  • Poverty in South Africa [Stats South Africa, 2017]

    The poverty in South Africa was more than 50% in 2015. At some point the poverty rate hit 55.5%. The lowest of the decade was 53.2% in 2011. It is estimated that nearly two thirds of South Africans are in poverty (66.6% or 31.6 million people).

  • Poverty in South Sudan [UNDP, 2005]

    The youngest nations on Earth; South Sudan has suffered from poverty, illiteracy, inflation, war, and maneuver things. 73% of people and 84% of women are illiterate,and 42% of civil servants have no more than a primary school education. There inflation rate was 309% and number two in the world only behind Venezuela. There GDP growth per year is currently shrinking at a catastrophic rate of 5.3% per year.

  • Poverty in Sudan [Borgen Project, 2017]

    Sudan is still recovering from brutal Civil War that saw them lose there Southern Christian provinces separating from the Islamic Northern provinces. This saw there population and land area shrink to the point that they are no longer the biggest nation in Africa. In Sudan 46.5% of people live below the poverty line, and 90% of the population lives on less than a dollar a day.

  • Poverty in Tanzania [World Bank, 2019]

    Tanzania has been growing at a very high rate the past couple of years with the growth being around 6-7% per year. The people in Tanzania believe the government is doing a good job with fighting Corruption. 37% said fairly well in 2014 compared to 71% in 2017.

  • Poverty in Togo [borgen Project, 2016]

    Living in the rural parts of Togo will show you the worst poverty you will ever see. Nearly 81.2% of rural Togolese are in poverty. This is one of the worst rates on Earth. Almost 50% (49.5%) of the people are impoverished and under the age of 18.

  • Poverty in Tunisia [World Bank, 2019]

    Those living under the poverty line in 2019 was 3% with 1% living in extreme poverty.

  • Poverty in Uganda [World Bank, 2016]

    Uganda has been able to deal with their poverty in a great way. They lowered it from 31.1% in 2006 to 19.7% in 2013. The country was also one of the fastest growing Sub-Saharan Africa to reduce its poverty rate and those who live on less than $1.90 a day.

  • Poverty in Zambia [Borgen Project, 2017]

    Zambia has a poverty rate of 60%. Of everyone in Zambia; 42% are considered impoverished. In rural Zambia nearly 83% of people are impoverished. Children in Zambia are 40% stunted and 15% are underweight.

  • Poverty in Zimbabwe [World Bank. 2019]

    Extreme poverty rose from 29% in 2018 to 34% in 2019 due to a slow up of the economy and the impact of an El Nino created drought.

LibGuides: Our World 2022: Stepping Forward: Global Wealth Indicators by Continent and Country (2024)
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