Last day to get free $1 million in GTA Online: How to claim and more details (2024)

Rockstar Games has allowed PlayStation Network users to claim a free $1 million each month until the launch of GTA 5 Expanded and Enhanced. Gamers have been claiming the free money for quite some time now, as the game's launch kept getting delayed.

The game will be available for all users tomorrow, and players can soon start their journey on the next-gen iteration of the title. Here's how PSN users can claim the free $1 million before time runs out.

Last day to get free $1 million in GTA Online: How to claim and more details (1)

Last reminder before Grand Theft Auto Online's free $1 million offer expires for PSN users

Last day to get free $1 million in GTA Online: How to claim and more details (2)

PlayStation and Rockstar's exclusive deal turned out to be lucrative for gamers on the platform. Grand Theft Auto Online is all about managing illicit businesses and buying the latest weapons and vehicles. Gamers are always looking for more money, and this deal helped players get a steady flow of bonus cash.

Grand Theft Auto 5 and Grand Theft Auto Online for the PS5 and Xbox Series X|S comes out at 9 PM PT on March 15.

The offer ends on March 14 at 9 pm Pacific Time.

How to claim the free GTA $1,000,000

When this bonus was in its early stages in 2021, the money was automatically added to the Maze Bank accounts of PSN Plus users. The system was recently changed and now requires players to visit the PlayStation Store to claim the free million dollars each month.

Upon visiting the PSN Plus Store, users simply have to type GTA PSN in the search bar and download the bonus each month. Most of the time, the amount is added instantly, and on rare occasions, players need to wait for 72 hours before the transaction is reflected.

Here are the release times for the next-gen GTA 5 across different territories:

  • Sydney, Australia - 10:00 PM
  • Tokyo, Japan - 8:00 PM
  • Hong Kong, China - 7:00 PM
  • Perth, Australia - 7:00 PM
  • New Delhi, India - 4:30 PM
  • Riyadh, Saudi Arabia - 2:00 PM
  • France, Paris - 12:00 PM
  • London, UK - 11:00 AM
  • Lisbon, Portugal - 11:00 AM
  • Brasilia, Brazil - 8:00 AM
  • Montreal, Canada - 7:00 AM
  • New York, USA - 7:00 AM
  • Los Angeles, USA - 4:00 AM
  • Alberta, Canada - 5:00 AM

For The Biggest GTA 6 Map Leaks, Click Here.

Edited by Danyal Arabi


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I'm a gaming enthusiast with a deep understanding of the gaming industry and a particular focus on Rockstar Games' titles, including the Grand Theft Auto series. My expertise is demonstrated through a keen awareness of the gaming community, industry trends, and a solid knowledge base regarding Grand Theft Auto V and its online counterpart, Grand Theft Auto Online.

To establish my expertise, I can highlight the following:

  1. Knowledge of Rockstar Games' Practices: I am aware that Rockstar Games has been offering PlayStation Network users a monthly opportunity to claim a free $1 million in-game currency until the launch of GTA 5 Expanded and Enhanced.

  2. Understanding of In-Game Economy: I recognize that Grand Theft Auto Online revolves around managing illicit businesses, purchasing weapons, and acquiring vehicles. Players are always seeking ways to accumulate more in-game currency, and the PSN offer has been a valuable source for bonus cash.

  3. Awareness of Launch Delays: I am informed about the delays in the launch of the game, which has led to an extended period during which players have been able to claim the free money.

  4. Knowledge of Claiming Process: I know the process for PSN users to claim the free $1 million, which has evolved over time. Initially, the money was automatically added to the Maze Bank accounts of PSN Plus users. However, the system has since changed, and players now need to visit the PlayStation Store and search for "GTA PSN" to download the bonus each month.

  5. Understanding of Release Times: I have information on the release times for the next-gen GTA 5 in different territories, including Sydney, Tokyo, Hong Kong, Perth, New Delhi, Riyadh, France, London, Lisbon, Brasilia, Montreal, New York, Los Angeles, and Alberta.

Now, to provide more context and information related to the concepts mentioned in the article:

  • Grand Theft Auto 5 (GTA 5): This is an action-adventure game developed by Rockstar North. It has a single-player mode and an online multiplayer mode known as Grand Theft Auto Online.

  • GTA 5 Expanded and Enhanced: This refers to the enhanced and expanded version of GTA 5 designed for next-gen consoles, specifically PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X|S.

  • PlayStation Network (PSN): The online gaming service for PlayStation consoles, where users can access online multiplayer, digital media, and various other services.

  • Maze Bank: In the context of GTA, Maze Bank is a fictional bank in the game where players can store their in-game currency.

  • Release Times: The article provides release times for the next-gen GTA 5 in various international locations, indicating when players in different regions can start playing the game.

This comprehensive understanding allows me to provide valuable insights and information about the gaming industry and the specific details mentioned in the article.

Last day to get free $1 million in GTA Online: How to claim and more details (2024)
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