LASER Funds Could Be Your Best Retirement Vehicle – Why Are They Tax-free? (2024)


What if you could use a retirement vehicle that freed you from the tax trap millions of Americans are in with their 401(k)s and IRAs?

What if you could contribute after-tax dollars?

What if your money could grow, or accumulate, tax-free?

What if you could take money out for retirement, for your kids’ education, for business investments, or more—without early withdrawal penalties, completely tax-free? And when your time comes, what if your money could blossom in value and transfer to your heirs income tax-free?

LASER Funds Could Be Your Best Retirement Vehicle – Why Are They Tax-free? (1)

For over 45 years I’ve been dedicated to helping people minimize taxes and empower their financial futures. In that time I’ve learned how to utilize sections of the Internal Revenue Code—sections that have been around for over 100 years—to empower Americans to do all of the above.

Technically, this financial vehicle is simply a properly structured max-funded tax-advantaged insurance policy. As you’ve probably heard, I call it The LASER Fund. The term is based on the LASER acronym I use that stands for “liquid assets safely earning returns.” These terms are significant, because when you’re looking for strong financial vehicles, you want those that score well on the LASER Test, meeting as much of the criteria as possible for:

  • Liquidity – Liquidity is the ability to access your money when you need it—ideally, with an electronic funds transfer or a phone call.
  • Safety – Safety refers to the safety of the institution your money is with, as well as the safety of your principal. Think of post-9/11 and the Great Recession—when the markets tanked, millions of Americans lost up to 40% of their money in traditional retirement vehicles, twice. With the latest market volatility stemming from the pandemic and an anticipated recession or depression on the way, we could see disastrous market losses again. Through strategies like indexing, your money could be protected from market losses. Whatever you set aside, and whatever you gain, you don’t want to lose. You want it to become newly protected principal. (Most advisors have no clue how to help their clients do this.)
  • Rates of return that are predictable – While there are few guarantees when it comes to rates of return, ideally you want historically predictable rates of return, and if possible a 0% floor to protect you when the markets head south.
  • Tax advantages – Uncle Sam can take a serious toll on your financial future, so ultimately you want to use financial vehicles that can minimize taxes and help you get the most out of your hard-earned money.

So what makes The LASER Fund tax-free? I’m going to share with you three sections of the Internal Revenue Code that make it possible.


This code indicates that any money that you accumulate inside of an insurance contract can accumulate tax-free.

Now what’s the best type of insurance for your retirement?

While you have options, I prefer a Universal Life insurance contract. Here’s why: It can be structured with the least amount of insurance the IRS will let you get away with, made possible with these tax citations: TEFRA (passed in 1982) and DEFRA (passed in 1984). (Sounds like a lot of complexity, right? If you’re curious to know more, I explain all of this in-depth in my book, The LASER Fund, Chapter 7.)

Why is it tax-free? It’s actually in the government’s best interest to encourage Americans to utilize tools like this to take ownership of their future. Because it’s a life insurance contract, if I die sooner than later, the money in my policy will blossom in value and transfer as an income tax-free death benefit.

My widow, my orphans will not be relying on the government; they don’t have to be a drain on society. On the other hand, if I live for a long time and use the money for tax-free retirement income, I’m likewise taking pressure off the government, providing for myself. The government is essentially giving us tax incentives to be self-reliant.


This code allows you to access your money tax-free. I’ve had clients who have retired at age 35, and they have had tax-free income of up to $100,000 a year, even if they live to be 100 years old. In this way, The LASER Fund knocks the socks off of a traditional IRA or 401(k) that is only tax-deferred.

SECTION 101[a]

This code makes it possible for your money to transfer to your heirs tax-free as a death benefit. It can be a powerful boon to your loved ones. For example, if I died right now, every $1 million in my LASER Funds would increase to $2.5 million and transfer tax-free under section 101a of the Internal Revenue Code.

These three sections of the Internal Revenue Code have been around for over 100 years. It’s safe to bet they will remain a sacred cow for the government, because they empower Americans to take care of themselves.

Bottom line: With these tax citations you can accumulate money totally tax-free like I have for over 45 years. There are years where my LASER Funds have earned 11%; years like 2017 where I earned 25%; and other years where I’ve made 16%.

When the market has experienced down years, I did not make anything, but most important, I didn’t lose a dime of my principal due to market volatility, thanks to indexing.

LASER Funds Could Be Your Best Retirement Vehicle – Why Are They Tax-free? (2)

Hear Doug talk about related concepts in his YouTube insights:

What Is Indexing As It Relates To Investing Money?
What Are TEFRA And DEFRA Tax Citations?

Get a FREE copy of Doug’s book, The LASER Fund.

Disclaimer: With any mention of The LASER Fund, maximum-funded tax-advantaged insurance contracts, or related financial vehicles, let it be noted that life insurance policies are not investments and, accordingly, should not be purchased as an investment. The content contained in this post is intended for general informational purposes only and is not meant to constitute legal, tax, accounting or investment advice. You should consult a qualified legal or tax professional regarding your specific situation. Many traditional retirement vehicles involve risk, and the value of your investment will fluctuate over time and you may gain or lose money.

We hope you enjoyed this article on LASER funds. You can stay up to date on all of our blogs usingthis link.

LASER Funds Could Be Your Best Retirement Vehicle – Why Are They Tax-free? (2024)


What is a laser fund retirement? ›

LASERS is a defined benefit plan, meaning your retirement benefits are set by law and guaranteed by the state regardless of market fluctuations. Retirement benefits are based on years of service, final average compensation, and the benefit accrual rate set by law.

Which retirement product allows you to collect your earnings tax-free? ›

Roth IRA or Roth 401(k) – Roth IRAs and Roth 401(k)s have tax-free qualified withdrawals at retirement since taxes are paid on contributions.

Which retirement savings vehicle uses taxed dollars but allows you to grow your account and withdraw money from the account tax-free? ›

A Roth IRA is often an attractive savings vehicle to consider for individuals who expect their tax rate to be higher during retirement than it is currently. Roth IRAs allow you to pay taxes on money going into your account and then all future withdrawals are tax-free.

What allows you to save money for retirement in a tax-advantaged way? ›

An individual retirement account (IRA) allows you to save money for retirement in a tax-advantaged way. An IRA is an account set up at a financial institution that allows an individual to save for retirement with tax-free growth or on a tax-deferred basis.

What are the benefits of retirement funds? ›

Employee benefits
  • Employee contributions can reduce current taxable income.
  • Contributions and investment gains are not taxed until distributed.
  • Contributions are easy to make through payroll deductions.
  • Interest accrues over time, which allows small, regular contributions to grow to significant retirement savings.
Aug 4, 2022

Can you cash out retirement fund? ›

Yes, you can withdraw money from your 401(k) before age 59½. However, early withdrawals often come with hefty penalties and tax consequences. If you find yourself needing to tap into your retirement funds early, here are rules to be aware of and options to consider.

Are retirement funds tax-free? ›

You have to pay income tax on your pension and on withdrawals from any tax-deferred investments—such as traditional IRAs, 401(k)s, 403(b)s and similar retirement plans, and tax-deferred annuities—in the year you take the money. The taxes that are due reduce the amount you have left to spend.

What is the best tax-free retirement account? ›

Roth IRA. If your annual income isn't too high, a Roth IRA is one of the best retirement accounts available. While your Roth IRA contributions aren't tax-deductible today, you don't have to pay income taxes on the withdrawals you make once you retire.

What allows tax-free withdrawals for any purpose at retirement? ›

A Roth 401(k) is an employer-sponsored retirement savings account that is funded with post-tax money. Withdrawals in retirement are tax-free.

How do I avoid taxes on retirement savings? ›

Here's how to minimize taxes on your retirement savings:
  1. Contribute to a 401(k).
  2. Contribute to a Roth 401(k).
  3. Contribute to an IRA.
  4. Contribute to a Roth IRA.
  5. Make catch-up contributions.
  6. Take advantage of the saver's credit.
  7. Avoid the early withdrawal penalty.
  8. Remember required minimum distributions.
Feb 6, 2023

How do I avoid taxes on retirement withdrawals? ›

One of the easiest ways to lower the amount of taxes you have to pay on 401(k) withdrawals is to convert to a Roth IRA or Roth 401(k). Withdrawals from Roth accounts are not taxed. Some methods allow you to save on taxes but also require you to take out more from your 401(k) than you actually need.

Can you use retirement funds to pay back taxes? ›

Yes. While creditors such as your bank typically cannot seize money from a retirement fund to settle up debt, the same rules do not apply to the Internal Revenue Service.

What is the best way to protect retirement income? ›

Saving Matters!
  1. Start saving, keep saving, and stick to.
  2. Know your retirement needs. ...
  3. Contribute to your employer's retirement.
  4. Learn about your employer's pension plan. ...
  5. Consider basic investment principles. ...
  6. Don't touch your retirement savings. ...
  7. Ask your employer to start a plan. ...
  8. Put money into an Individual Retirement.

What are three reasons why it is important to save for retirement? ›

Here are three real benefits to saving for retirement now:
  • Profit from compound interest. When it comes to your retirement savings, you'll find no better ally than compound interest. ...
  • Protect Yourself Against Market Risk. ...
  • Practice Financial Discipline.

What are 2 benefits of investing money into a retirement account early? ›

Though retirement may seem far off, saving for it as early as possible will ensure you have enough money to get you through your retirement years. In addition, investing benefits from compounding returns, which will increase your money more over a longer period of time.

What is the most common retirement benefit? ›

A 401(k) is the most common type of employer-sponsored retirement plan. Your employer preselects a few investment choices and you defer a portion of each paycheck to the account. If you leave your job, you may take your 401(k) funds with you or leave them where they are.

What happens if you take money out of a retirement account before retirement? ›

You can withdraw money from your IRA at any time. However, a 10% additional tax generally applies if you withdraw IRA or retirement plan assets before you reach age 59½, unless you qualify for another exception to the tax.

What age can you withdraw Social Security? ›

You can start receiving your Social Security retirement benefits as early as age 62. However, you are entitled to full benefits when you reach your full retirement age. If you delay taking your benefits from your full retirement age up to age 70, your benefit amount will increase.

At what age do you have to take money out of your retirement fund? ›

You generally must start taking withdrawals from your traditional IRA, SEP IRA, SIMPLE IRA, and retirement plan accounts when you reach age 72 (73 if you reach age 72 after Dec. 31, 2022).

Which retirement account grows tax free each year? ›

A Roth IRA account is an individual retirement account (IRA) that provides tax-free growth and tax-free withdrawals in retirement. Here's how it works: Contributions: You can contribute up to a certain amount per year to your Roth IRA, depending on your age and income.

Where is the safest place to put your retirement money? ›

Most of our experts agree that one of the safest places to keep your money is in a savings account insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC). “High-yield savings accounts are an excellent option for those looking to keep their retirement savings safe.

What states do not tax withdrawals from retirement accounts? ›

States with no income tax

Retirement distributions from 401(k) plans or IRAs are considered income for tax purposes. Fortunately, there are some states that don't charge taxes on retirement income of any kind: Alaska, Florida, Nevada, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Washington and Wyoming.

At what age do you not have to pay taxes on an IRA? ›

Traditional IRAs

Any deductible contributions and earnings you withdraw or that are distributed from your traditional IRA are taxable. Also, if you are under age 59 ½ you may have to pay an additional 10% tax for early withdrawals unless you qualify for an exception.

Can the IRS take my retirement account? ›

The IRS has wide discretion to exercise its levy authority. IRC § 6331(a) provides that the IRS generally may “levy upon all property and rights to property,” which includes retirement savings.

Do I have to pay taxes on my 401k after age 65? ›

Yes, you will owe taxes on 401k withdrawals after age 66. This is because even though you have reached retirement age, the funds are still classified as ordinary income and are subject to income tax.

What are the three most common sources of retirement income? ›

Sources of Retirement Income
  • Social Security. For many, Social Security will be a vital—and significant—source of retirement income. ...
  • Defined Benefit Plans. ...
  • Defined Contribution Plans. ...
  • Home Equity. ...
  • Reverse Mortgages.

What are the two most popular personal retirement plans? ›

The best employer-sponsored retirement plans include 401(k)s and 403(b)s, and 457(b)s.

What are the 2 types of retirement funds? ›

The Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA) covers two types of retirement plans: defined benefit plans and defined contribution plans.

How much should I save for retirement with high income? ›

There is a general rule of thumb: When saving for retirement, most experts recommend an annual retirement savings goal of 10% to 15% of your pre-tax income.

What is LASER investments? ›

LASERS is a long-term investor managed by its Board of Trustees and a team of dedicated investment professionals. Investment income is the main source of revenue for benefits paid to our members and their beneficiaries. The ultimate goal is to provide our members with retirement stability.

How do I withdraw from LASER for retirement? ›

On the LASERS website, go to Forms at the top of the screen, Select Member Forms; under DROP/IBO choose the form 09-03 Request for Withdrawal from DROP-IBO. The completed form may be faxed to 225-935-2856 or mailed to P. O. Box 44213, Baton Rouge, LA 70804. Online withdrawals are allowed from Empower accounts.

What are 3 common sources of retirement funds? ›

Sources of Retirement Income
  • Social Security. For many, Social Security will be a vital—and significant—source of retirement income. ...
  • Defined Benefit Plans. ...
  • Defined Contribution Plans. ...
  • Home Equity. ...
  • Reverse Mortgages.

What is the most common retirement fund? ›

The IRA is one of the most common retirement plans. An individual can set up an IRA at a financial institution, such as a bank or brokerage firm, to hold investments — stocks, mutual funds, bonds and cash — earmarked for retirement.

What type of fund is best for retirement? ›

The 9 best retirement plans
  • Defined contribution plans.
  • IRA plans.
  • Solo 401(k) plan.
  • Traditional pensions.
  • Guaranteed income annuities (GIAs)
  • The Federal Thrift Savings Plan.
  • Cash-balance plans.
  • Cash-value life insurance plan.

What is the most common type of retirement fund? ›

A 401(k) is the most common type of employer-sponsored retirement plan. Your employer preselects a few investment choices and you defer a portion of each paycheck to the account. If you leave your job, you may take your 401(k) funds with you or leave them where they are.

What is laser advantage? ›

➨Laser based fiber optic cables are very light in weight and hence are used in fiber optic communication system. ➨It is less damaging compare to X-rays and hence widely used in medical field for treatment of cancers. It is used to burn small tumors on eye surface and also on tissue surface.

What is laser known for? ›

Lasers are used for recording and retrieving information. They are used in communications and in carrying TV and internet signals. We also find them in laser printers, bar code scanners, and DVD players. They also help to make parts for computers and other electronics.

How to make money with laser? ›

10 Profitable Laser Engraving Product Ideas to sell
  1. Engraved tumblers. Engraved tumblers are quite trending these days. ...
  2. Personalized jewelry. ...
  3. Engraved Photo. ...
  4. Engraved wine glasses. ...
  5. Custom engraved cutlery. ...
  6. Coasters. ...
  7. Engraved charcuterie board. ...
  8. Dog Name Tag.
Mar 7, 2023

What is the 4 rule for retirement withdrawals? ›

The 4% rule is easy to follow. In the first year of retirement, you can withdraw up to 4% of your portfolio's value. If you have $1 million saved for retirement, for example, you could spend $40,000 in the first year of retirement following the 4% rule.

What is the rule of 55 retirement loophole? ›

This is where the rule of 55 comes in. If you turn 55 during the calendar year you lose or leave your job, you can begin taking distributions from your 401(k) without paying the early withdrawal penalty. However, you must still pay taxes on your withdrawals.

Which retirement account can you withdraw from without penalty? ›

The IRS dictates you can withdraw funds from your 401(k) account without penalty only after you reach age 59½, become permanently disabled, or are otherwise unable to work.

What is the average retirement income? ›

What Is the Average Retirement Income? For adults 65 and older, the average income is $75,254, according to the most recent research published by the U.S. Census Bureau in 2022. The median income, on the other hand, is $47,620. Adjusted for inflation in 2023, those numbers become $83,085 and $52,575.

How much money do I need to retire? ›

How much money do you need to retire? A good rule of thumb is to save enough to cover 80% of your pre-retirement income. You'll need to account for inflation and how it affects your purchasing power down the line. Retirement needs are highly individualized based on your desired lifestyle.

What is the average yearly income for retirement? ›

Average Retirement Income in 2021

According to the United States Census Bureau, the median annual income for individuals ages 65 and older is $47,620, while the mean annual income is $75,254.

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