Land Value: Extraction Method (2024)

Every December I make a pilgrimage to Orlando, Floridato observe the Florida Real Estate Appraisal Board (FREAB) hearings. This past year (2011) something happened that surprised even me.

An extraction method is utilized if there are no land sales to arrive at the site (land) value.
Again, land and site in this article are interchangeable, but technically land represents the undeveloped parcel, while site represents the parcel as if ready to be built on.

Going back to the appraiser’s reply to the FREAB panel, two distinct statements the appraiser made are blatantly wrong. The first is subtracting the replacement cost new and the second mistake is subtracting the improvement cost from the value arrived by the Sales Comparison Approach.

How do you calculate the site value?The three most common methods to calculate site value are (1) sales comparison method; (2) allocation method; and (3) extraction (abstraction) method.I will briefly discuss the first two methods then explain the subject of the article: theextraction method.

Sales Comparison Method
The Sales Comparison Method is probably the most preferred and reliable method for estimating site value. This method is similar to valuing an existing house, comparing the subject to recently closed sales of vacant lots.
As no two houses are the same typically, no two vacant lots are the same. The most common differences include the size, width and depth of lot, location, and if the comparable lot is cleared or in need of clearing trees, shrubs, and leveling the land.All of these differences must be taken into consideration.

Once the sales price per square foot is determined for each comparable sale, the reconciliation process begins. Probably the most important comparison is the lot size differential. Basic appraisal theory indicates that smaller lots tend to sell for a higher price per square foot than larger lots, just as larger lots tend to sell for a lower price per square foot than smaller lots.However, one should consider the most ideal lot size for the end use, in this case a single family residence.

For example, if the average lot size is 15,000 sq. ft., would a 10,000 sq. ft. site cost or be worth more per square foot than the 15,000 site?Not in all cases. One has to consider the demand for the 10,000 site versus the 15,000, just as one has to consider the demand for a 20,000 site. If the ideal house size is best reflected on a 15,000 sq. ft. lot in the area, then perhaps a 10,000 would reflect an inferior designed house, representing less demand for the smaller lot. If the lot size is 20,000, then the extra 5,000 sq. ft. of land could represent surplus land.

Many appraisers confuse the difference betweensurplus land andexcess land.Surplus land is land that cannot be sold off separately, while excess land can be. In many cases, a large lot that is considered to have excess land is worth more than a large lot that has surplus land due to the fact that two buildable lots are worth more than one buildable lot. All of these situations have to be taken into consideration when reconciling the value of the subject’s lot.

Allocation Method
The Allocation method is not commonly used, but if a newly constructed home is built on a site that was purchased recently, it can be effective. The Allocation method can be applied as a percentage or proportion of the total value of an improved property. For a comparable improved sale, either the land or building portion must be determined. If the house is relatively new, estimating the cost of improvements and dividing the costs by the sales price of the house will give you the percentage of the improvements to the purchase price of the comparable.The allocation method is not as reliable to apply on an older house because estimating accrued depreciation is too subjective. If new developments are being constructed nearby, consultation with the developers is helpful if the developers can provide the building costs associated with the houses being sold. This includes site improvements, such as landscaping, driveway, open patios, and swimming pools.

For example, a relatively new house sells for $300,000 and you determine the cost of the building improvements and site improvements to be $200,000. The improvements represent 66.7 percent of the overall purchase price. That leaves 33.3 percent attributable to the land.If houses that are recently sold nearby the subject property range from $270,000 to $320,000 and are overall similar to the subject improvements (land-to-building ratio, age/condition and extra features), applying the 33 percent would indicate a land value ranging from $89,900 to $106,600, rounded. While an allocation as a ratio of land to total sale price indicates a ratio of one to three in this example (land portion is $100,000/total sale price $300,000), it is easier to apply the allocation method as a percentage of land to total sale price.

Extraction Method

In a nutshell, site value is the difference between the sale price of a property and the contributory value of its improvements. So how do you determine the contributory value of the improvements? There are several ways to do this. The contributory value of the improvements is the same as the depreciated value of the improvements as observed in the market. In other words, it can be construed as cost new, less the accrued depreciation. Accrued depreciation is calculated as the effective age divided by the total economic life of the improvements. If you still have your appraisal books from your basic appraising course, look upAccrued Depreciation. An excellent reference book you should always have is The Appraisal of Real Estate, currently the Thirteenth Edition, by the Appraisal Institute.

When valuing the subject property the appraiser calculates the effective age by an onsite visit to the property and observes any physical deterioration in order to arrive at the effective age. However, the appraiser does not have the luxury of visiting the interior of a comparable sale or even walking around the outside of the comparable sale that is a good candidate for the site value by the abstraction method. But if the property is listed on the Multiple Listing Service, there is a possibility that there are photographs of the interior and exterior of the property. You can also contact the listing agent to get additional information regarding the physical condition of the improvements to arrive at a more supportable effective age. Remember, effective age of a property is based on the appraiser’s judgment and observation.

Therefore, the proper procedure would be for the appraiser to calculate the replacement cost new of the improvements first and then subtract the depreciated value (contributory value) of the improvements. But what about the site improvements such as the swimming pool, driveway, landscaping, etc? Yes, that too has to be subtracted from the replacement cost new of the improvements.Where do you get your replacement cost figures?There are several sources.One is Marshall & Swift (also referred to as Marshall Valuation Service). The other is, which is free.

Another method, though one that is not supportable, is to obtain the Property Assessor’s estimate of the depreciated value of the improvements of a recently closed sale. The land value would be the sales price less the property assessor’s estimate of the depreciated value of the improvements.I indicate that this is not supportable because an owner can have their property assessment successfully appealed resulting in a reduction in the improvement portion of the assessment while another recently sold house may not have had their property assessment appealed, resulting in no reduction.Just remember assessments are based on the mass appraisal system and not looked at individually.

You can prepare a chart to fill out and maintain in your workfile.A good example would be as follows:

Property Address100 Prospect Drive230 Albondigas Ave.
Date of SaleAugust 2012September 2012
Sale Price (A)$450,000$375,000
Replacement Cost New$275,000*$250,000*
Less: Depreciation of Improvements$68,750**$83,250***
Depreciated Value of Improvements (B)$206,250$166,750
Site Value (A less B)$243,750$208,250
Site Size15,000 sq. ft.12,000 sq. ft.
Site Value per Sq. Ft.$16.25$17.35

*Based on
Based on an Effective Age of 15 years and a Total Economic Life of 60 years (15/60 = 25%)
Based on an Effective Age of 20 years and a Total Economic Life of 60 years (20/60 = 33.3%)

In conclusion, the next time you explain how you arrived at your site value in your appraisal report and you state that you utilized the Extraction or Abstraction Method, be sure you use the correct procedure in addition to having your support in your workfile, or better yet, indicated in detail within the text addendum of your appraisal report.

About the Author
Philip G. Spool, ASA, is a State-Certified General Real Estate Appraiser in Florida, appraising since 1973. Formerly the Chief Appraiser of Flagler Federal Savings and Loan Association, he has been self-employed for the past 20 years. In addition to appraising, he is an instructor with Miami Dade College, teaching appraisal courses and continuing education classes. He is also the Vice President and Chairman of real estate programs with the Greater Miami Chapter of the American Society of Appraisers. He can be reached

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Land Value: Extraction Method (1)

Land Value: Extraction Method (3)

Land Value: Extraction Method (2024)


What is the extraction method of land value appraisal? ›

One common method for determining value is the extraction method. This process focuses on determining the value of the land or site without improvements. In some instances, the land value is the primary amount that needs to be appraised.

What is the extraction method for site value? ›

For those who may be a bit rusty on the difference, extraction is, essentially building a cost approach for the depreciated improvements and site amenities, and subtracting that number from the sales price (or appraised value) to obtain an estimate for the site value.

What is the best way to determine land value? ›

Land value may be determined by real estate appraisals conducted by third parties. An appraiser's assessment can be crucial to a lender's decisions on offering to finance a prospective buyer or refinancing for a property holder. Appraisal of the land can include a comparison of its condition to similar real estate.

Which method is the most commonly used method for valuing land ________________? ›

The most popular of the property valuation methods is the sales comparison approach. Also known as the market data or comparable sales approach, this method is mostly used for land and residential real estate, especially single-family homes.

How to separate the value of land from the value of a building? ›

Land can never be depreciated. Since land cannot be depreciated, you need to allocate the original purchase price between land and building. You can use the property tax assessor's values to compute a ratio of the value of the land to the building.

What are the methods of extraction used? ›

Extraction methods include solvent extraction, distillation method, pressing and sublimation according to the extraction principle. Solvent extraction is the most widely used method.

What three things determine the value of land? ›

Three Factors That Determine Land Value
  • Location. Here's one thing that land values have in common with property values: the better the location, the better the price. ...
  • Usable land vs. unusable land. ...
  • Utilities and improvements.
Oct 7, 2020

What is the ratio of land value to property value? ›

The rule of thumb: Land is typically 25% to 33% of the property value.

Is land valued at fair value? ›

Land is always reported at historical cost on the balance sheet and would remain at historical cost since land is not depreciated. In addition, there is no fair value adjustment unless the land is sold or is part of a transaction.

What are the three methods to determine the value of real property? ›

Real estate valuation is done through three main approaches. They are the cost-based approach, comparison approach, and income capitalization. Appraisers use either one of these processes or a combination of all three to come to a conclusion regarding the property's current value.

Which method of valuation is the most accurate and why? ›

Therefore, income-based valuations are most reliable for businesses with stable, predictable cash flows. As previously noted, the income approach can be combined with the cost approach, which will allow the direct valuation of tangible assets and indirect valuation of intangible assets.

Which approach to value is best to use in estimating the value of vacant land? ›

The best way to value residential property or vacant land is by using the market data approach, which is all about looking at comparable properties. The market data approach is based on the principle of substitution, which says that a property is only worth what one can get another property for just like it.

What is the most commonly used method of site valuation? ›

The cost approach can be used to appraise all types of improved property. It is the most reliable approach for valuing unique properties. The cost approach provides a value indication that is the sum of the estimated land value, plus the depreciated cost of the building and other improvements.

What is an example of value extraction? ›

The classic example is the 18th-century landowner overcharging its tenants for the right to work on his land. Peasants had to give most of the produce of their land to the landowner, keeping just enough to survive. Value extraction is of all ages.

What are the two main types of extraction method? ›

There are two types of extraction, liquid-liquid extraction also known as solvent extraction as well as solid-liquid extraction. Both extraction types are based on the same principle, the separation of compounds, based on their relative solubilities in two different immiscible liquids or solid matter compound.

What is the 80 20 rule for building land? ›

As a rule of thumb, many taxpayers allocate 80% to building and 20% to land. But 80/20 is a guesstimate, not based on fact, as land values vary depending on many factors, including location. To avoid provoking the IRS, taxpayers must use a reasonable method to allocate land.

How do you determine the value of a property? ›

To estimate property values in the current market, divide the net operating income by the capitalization rate. For example, if the net operating income were $100,000 with a five percent cap rate, the property value would be roughly $2 million.

Which method of valuing property does the value measured by the cost of building a property with current materials and labor refer to? ›

The cost approach is a real estate valuation method that estimates the price a buyer should pay for a piece of property is equal the cost to build an equivalent building. In the cost approach, the property's value is equal to the cost of land, plus total costs of construction, less depreciation.

What are 3 examples of extraction? ›

The three most common types of extractions are: liquid/liquid, liquid/solid, and acid/base (also known as a chemically active extraction).

Why is extraction method important? ›

There are several reasons to use extraction in the chemistry lab. It is a principal method for isolating compounds from plant materials. Extraction moves compounds from one liquid to another, so that they can be more easily manipulated or concentrated. It also enables the selective removal of components in a mixture.

What are the three steps of extraction? ›

There are 3 basic steps involved in DNA extraction, that is, lysis, precipitation and purification.

Who determines the value of a piece of property? ›

An assessor looks at information about your property and neighborhood, while comparing it to other properties in your area, to determine the assessed value. The assessor uses the market approach, which is a method to estimate the value based on the selling price of similar homes.

What are the two methods used to determine a property value? ›

The two most commonly used methods for determining a property value are the Comparable Sales Approach and the Income Capitalization Approach.

What defines the value of land? ›

Land value is a measure of how much a property is worth excluding any structures built on the land. This valuation includes both the value of the raw land as well as any improvements to the land, such as better access or drainage.

How do you find the 1% rule property? ›

Calculating the 1% rule is simple. Just multiply the purchase price of the property by 1%. Even easier, move the comma in the purchase price to the left two spaces. The result should be the minimum you charge in monthly rent.

What is the best land to house ratio? ›

The average is between 2.5:1 to 3.5:1.

How is land measured in real estate? ›

There are three common real property measurement methods; the Gross Building Area (GBA), Gross Living Area (GLA), and the American National Standard Institute (ANSI). While each method is specific in what areas are included and excluded, all of them calculate the property size based on square footage.

What is the best evidence of fair value? ›

1 The Board has consistently taken the view that the transaction price is generally the best evidence of the fair value of an asset or liability at initial recognition (with some exceptions, such as related party transactions, distressed transactions, different markets or different units of account).

Do you record land at appraised value? ›

The appraisal report for real estate will usually report the appraised value of the land separate from the appraised value of the structures. An accountant might use the relationship of these appraised values to allocate the cost of real estate into the cost of the land and the cost of the buildings.

What is the formula for fair value? ›

Fair value formula = Cash [1 + r (x/360)] – Dividends

r is the current interest rate that the broker charges. x is the remaining days in the futures contract. Dividends refers to the total dividends that the investor will earn before the expiration date.

What determines the highest value for a property? ›

The Appraisal Institute defines highest and best use as “the reasonably probable and legal use of vacant land or an improved property that is physically possible, appropriately supported, financially feasible and that results in the highest value.” Appraisers typically apply four tests to determine that use.

What are the four 4 factors that create the value of the property? ›

The current and future importance consumers place on the four factors of value (Desire, Utility, Scarcity, and Effective Purchasing Power) represents Demand and Supply of the product or service. If you would like to learn more about Urban Statistic, you can look at our independent property valuations service here.

What is property value formula in real estate? ›

The value of a rental property using the cost approach is based on the following formula: Value of Property = Cost – Depreciation + Land Value.

What is the easiest valuation method? ›

Market capitalization is the simplest method of business valuation. It is calculated by multiplying the company's share price by its total number of shares outstanding.

Which valuation methods give the highest value? ›

Precedent transactions are likely to give the highest valuation since a transaction value would include a premium for shareholders over the actual value.

What is the most appropriate valuation method? ›

The “comps” valuation method provides an observable value for the business, based on what other comparable companies are currently worth. Comps is the most widely used approach, as the multiples are easy to calculate and always current.

Which method is typically used to estimate the land value of commercial income producing property? ›

The Gross Rent Multiplier (GRM) valuation method measures and compares a property's potential valuation by taking the price of the property and dividing it by its gross income.

Which method of estimating property value is based on the amount of money the property could produce for the owner? ›

Estimating the value of an income-producing property is done by a method called capitalization. In simple terms, capitalization is the division of a present income by an appropriate rate of return to estimate the value of an income stream.

What is the most widely used approach in the estimate of value of residential real property? ›

The most widely-used and accepted in residential practice is the sales comparison approach. This approach bases its opinion of value on what similar properties in the vicinity have sold for recently, with appropriate adjustments for time, acreage, living area, amenities and so on.

Which appraisal method is most commonly used to value land or sites? ›

Methods of Land Valuation – Comparative Sales

The most reliable method of estimating land value is through the comparison of the subject property with recent sales of comparable, similarly located, properties.

When would the extraction method of land valuation be most applicable? ›

Extraction is most applicable when the improvements can be reliably valued, such as when the improvements are either new or very old. Also uses sales of improved properties. Rather than deducting the improvements as in extraction, allocation is based on a ratio of land value to improved property value.

Which method of site valuation is most similar to the extraction method? ›

The Sales Comparison Method is probably the most preferred and reliable method for estimating site value. This method is similar to valuing an existing house, comparing the subject to recently closed sales of vacant lots. As no two houses are the same typically, no two vacant lots are the same.

What is the difference between extraction and allocation appraisal? ›

Allocation in land appraisal involves appraising a site through comparison with valuations of other sites as a fraction of the total value. The extraction method involves eliminating current improvements on a property to conduct a fair valuation.

Which valuation method is the most accurate? ›

Therefore, income-based valuations are most reliable for businesses with stable, predictable cash flows. As previously noted, the income approach can be combined with the cost approach, which will allow the direct valuation of tangible assets and indirect valuation of intangible assets.

What are the three methods used by appraisers to value a property? ›

In historical terms, however, appraisal practice has recognized that there are three main methods of appraisal, namely the Comparison Approach, the Income Approach, and the Cost Approach.

Which extraction method gives highest yield? ›

To get maximum extraction output, you may extract the material by treating it with methanol 3 times. like keep the plant material and methanol for 7 days or 5 days with regular shaking and mixing. After collecting the methanol from plant. material add another amount of methanol to the residue(marc).

What is one of the criteria for determining highest and best land use? ›

The four criteria the highest and best use must meet are legal permissibility, physical possibility, financial feasibility, and maximum productivity.

What is the land valuation method that uses a ratio of land to improved value? ›

The Allocation Method for land and site valuation is an appraisal technique that involves gathering information about comparable site values of recent sales and creating a ratio between the land/site value and total value. This ratio is then applied to the property that is to be appraised.

What method is considered the most important and reliable approach to land valuation? ›

The cost approach can be used to appraise all types of improved property. It is the most reliable approach for valuing unique properties. The cost approach provides a value indication that is the sum of the estimated land value, plus the depreciated cost of the building and other improvements.

What are the most widely used valuation methods? ›

Below are five of the most common company valuation methods:
  1. Asset Valuation. ...
  2. Historical Earnings Valuation. ...
  3. Relative Valuation. ...
  4. Future Maintainable Earnings Valuation. ...
  5. Discounted Cash Flow Valuation.

What are the three acceptable methods of cost allocation? ›

Three common methods are: (1) the direct method, (2) the step (or sequential) method, and (3) the reciprocal method. The direct method is the simplest, the step method sacrifices some simplicity but offers an opportunity for improved accuracy, and the reciprocal method is the most accurate but also the most complex.

Which allocation method is best and why? ›

Explanation: The indexed allocation method is the best file allocation method because it removes the problem of contiguous and linked allocation.

Which method for site valuation works best when the value of any building improvements are very small compared to the value of the land? ›

Improved sales in rural areas are frequently valued by the extraction method because the building improvements may have a minimal contributory value in comparison to the underlying land value.

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