Kids' Responsibility & Money Management Kit - Modern Parents Messy Kids (2024)

Kids' Responsibility & Money Management Kit - Modern Parents Messy Kids (1)

What would you say if I told you that my 4 and 5 year old get up, get dressed, and even make breakfast on their own every morning – and have been doing so for over a year? Or that they already have a strong grasp on the concepts of earning, saving, budgeting and even giving money?

So what’s my trick? In two simple words: START EARLY!!

It’s all about empowering our kids from the beginning. We’ve made it a point in our family to help our kids learn autonomy early. We are firm believers that:

It’s not what you do for your children, but what you teach them to do for themselves, that’s most important.

And today, I’m SO excited to unveil a whole new printables pack that will help you give your kids the gifts of autonomy, family contribution, money smarts, and a giving heart.

MPMK’s Kids’ Responsibilities & Money Management Kit


  • Morning Routine Checklist (2 versions – one with graphics for pre-readers and one with blanks to be filled out to fit your routine)
  • Evening Routine Checklist (2 versions – one with graphics for pre-readers and one with blanks to be filled out to fit your routine)
  • Family Jobs Worksheet
  • Money Jobs Worksheet
  • Spend, Save and Share Ledger
  • Savings Visual Goal Sheet
  • Printable “Spend”, “Save” and “Share” labels for DIY Banks

MPMK’s Kids’ Responsibilities & Money Management Kit

Only $14.99

Get the PDF files:

Kids' Responsibility & Money Management Kit - Modern Parents Messy Kids (2)

I wanted to make sure it was extremely flexible and could be used by family‘s practicing all types of chore and responsibility systems in the home.

So we designed it to be used in a variety of ways. Take each kid to buy a special binder and fill it with some colorful stickers to make their own personalized Responsibility & Money Management Book or laminate the sheets and stick them up around the house, on the fridge or the mirror of the kids’ bathroom.

Here’s how it works…

Kids' Responsibility & Money Management Kit - Modern Parents Messy Kids (3)

First up are our Morning and Evening Routine Checklists. These are key for establishing great self-care habits with kids! Both have the activity to be checked off along the vertical column and the day of the week across the top.

For younger kids (especially pre-readers and emergent readers who like to practice), there is a version withcolorful graphics and simple labels for each task.

Since each family’s routines are different, we’ve also included versions of each routine checklist with blanks that you can fill in. Sitting down with your kids and deciding on the order of morning and evening tasks together is a great way to get them invested in, and excited about, the process!

Kids' Responsibility & Money Management Kit - Modern Parents Messy Kids (4)

If you’re new to a morning and evening routine, my recommendation is to work on the taskstogether in the beginning. As you and your child complete itemstogether, make a big deal about marking it off with a sticker!

You can also make these sheets reusable by laminating themand marking each task off with a dry-erase marker. In the past, we’ve also put them on the fridge and used small round magnets, which we slide onto the appropriate circle for the day.

Once kids get in the habit of marking off their accomplishments, you can begin to encourage them to do some things on their own. It will give them a sense of pride to show you what they can do independently. Plus,kids absolutely LOVE IT when they’re allowed access to the sticker pile to check things off all by themselves.

Keep working on transitioning tasks from things you do together to things they do on their own.

You can help your kidssucceed by making things in their environment as accessible as possible. For example, keep their clothes in easy to access drawers instead of hanging high in closets. If you want them to work on making their own breakfast in the morning, create a shelf low in the refrigerator with yogurt cups, berries, pre-sliced fruit, pre-filled milk cups, etc. Also, keep their bowls and plates in a low drawer that they can reach instead of in upper cabinets.

Kids' Responsibility & Money Management Kit - Modern Parents Messy Kids (5)

Getting kids to take on a few personal responsibilities is a great lead-in to having them take on some family responsibilities.

All families handle chores and allowance differently, and we’ve designed the printables kit to be flexible for that. Don’t do allowance in your house? No problem, just skip the Money Jobs sheet.

In our house we have a list of family jobs as well as a list of extra money jobs.

Since our children are young and, therefore, have different abilities, their family jobs sheets are customized to each of them. A few of the jobs are the same (putting clothes in the hamper, clearing your plate, etc.) and some are different (sorting the socks forlittle sisterand folding clothes for big brother).

We’ve left the spots on these sheets empty so that you can once again sit down with your child and decide together what their family jobs should be. This will really drive home the ideathat the family works together and everyone in the family needs to contribute. It will also give your child a sense of ownership of his or her tasks.

Kids' Responsibility & Money Management Kit - Modern Parents Messy Kids (6)

Along with the family jobs that each child completes to help out the family, we also have a list of money jobs. These are extra chores that the kids can choose to do in order to earn some money.

Why do we want our young children to have their own money? Because it’s a great tool for teaching them important life skills like saving, budgeting, and giving. It also helps to teach them the value of money in a very real-world, hands-on way.

Again, you can approach money jobs in a variety of ways. The worksheet contains a spot for the job as well as a spot for it’s value (watering the plants earns our kids less than weeding and raking leaves). Each child can have their own Money Jobs sheet or they can all work off one common list.

Kids' Responsibility & Money Management Kit - Modern Parents Messy Kids (7)

MPMK’s Kids’ Responsibilities & Money Management Kit

Only $14.99

Get the PDF files:

Kids' Responsibility & Money Management Kit - Modern Parents Messy Kids (8)

Kids' Responsibility & Money Management Kit - Modern Parents Messy Kids (9)

Once the kids are earning some money, they need somewhere to put it!

Enter our printable labels for making your own Spend, Save & Share Banks. You can upcycle lots of things to create your banks – we like using glass or clear plastic drink bottles. Print the labels on cardstock and use decorative twine or yarn to tie them on or print on a piece of adhesive paper and stick the labels directly to the bottles. Helpful Hint: Let the kids decide what they want to use to make their banks and spend some time together cutting out the labels and decorating each one.

The idea behind these banks is to teach kids that all money isn’t for spending. It’s also important to put some aside for saving and for giving back. Letting your child pickwhat shewants to save for and a charitable cause hewants to give to is yet another way to get them excited about this process.

To give you an example of how we’re currently using these banks – the Spend Bank has been used for small purchases such as a $.99 app or an ice cream from the neighborhood ice cream truck. It’s also being used to save up for a $20 LEGO set. The Save Bank is money that will be contributed towards a family trip to Disney Land and the Share Bank will be used to buy some school supplies for localfoster kids.

Kids' Responsibility & Money Management Kit - Modern Parents Messy Kids (10)
Another tool in the kit that the kids use along with their banks, is the Save, Spend and Share Ledger. We fill it out together andthe notes section isanother way of showing them how their money is accumulating as well as where it’s going.

So when my son wonders why it’s taking so long to save up for that LEGO set, he can see that it’s because he keeps buying ice cream!

Kids' Responsibility & Money Management Kit - Modern Parents Messy Kids (11)

The Savings Goal Sheet is another easy way for the kids to visualize how their savings is going. Simply pick an item the kids want to save for and fill it in at the top. Then write the total amount they need to save in the top space and fill in the incremental amounts they’ll need to save enough.

Every once in a while, get the kids to empty out their bank and color in the chart to see how much progress they’ve made.

Helpful Hint: The banks and goal sheets can be awesome catalysts for getting the kids to work together and share. Once my 4 and 5 year old saw how long it was going to take for big brother to save for the LEGO set, little sister decided they should pool their money since she’d likely want to play with it too. Similarly, my friend’s daughter recently used some of her “Share” money to buy her little brother an ice cream cone when he didn’t have enough money of his own.

That’s it! Everything you need to start raising some happy, self-sufficient, money-smart and generous kiddos!

Kids' Responsibility & Money Management Kit - Modern Parents Messy Kids (12)

MPMK’s Kids’ Responsibilities & Money Management Kit

Only $14.99

Get the PDF files:

Kids' Responsibility & Money Management Kit - Modern Parents Messy Kids (13)

Kids' Responsibility & Money Management Kit - Modern Parents Messy Kids (2024)


How do you think parents can teach children to manage their money well? ›

10 ways parents can teach their children about money
  1. 1) Have a conversation. ...
  2. 2) Don't forgot about physical cash. ...
  3. 3) Explain how money is earned. ...
  4. 4) Explore the difference between need and want. ...
  5. 5) Set Savings Challenges. ...
  6. 6) Involve them in the weekly shop. ...
  7. 7) Talk about different ways to pay.

How do I make my 10 year old more responsible? ›

Teaching responsibility to a child can be done at any age with the right strategies.
  1. Teach your kids to tidy up their rooms and toys.
  2. Give them something to look after.
  3. Suggest fundraising and charity work.
  4. Introduce age-appropriate chores.
  5. Show them how to do a task but let them do it.
  6. Pay allowance.
  7. Create chore charts.
Oct 24, 2022

Why kids should be able to manage their own money? ›

It's important to teach children to manage their money so that they are prepared for adulthood. Teaching proper money management encourages your child to build habits like saving money, spending within their means, setting financial goals, and making financial plans.

How do you deal with financially controlling parents? ›

Let them know your decision isn't about them, and while you appreciate their help, you need them to give you the space to figure out things on your own. If they want to help, they can allow you to become a financially resilient adult. This is also the time to set some clear boundaries.

Should parents try to spend the same amount of money on each child? ›

MILLER: Equal spending is generally a sound policy. But I urge parents to strive for fairness over time rather than equal spending at each gift-giving opportunity. Fair does not necessarily mean equal. Fairness considers the larger context, specific circ*mstances, and each child as an individual.

How do you discipline a disrespectful 10 year old? ›

6 ways to handle a disrespectful child
  1. Try to understand the underlying cause of the behavior. ...
  2. Make it clear that their behavior is not acceptable. ...
  3. Explain the consequences to your child. ...
  4. Be consistent and follow through. ...
  5. Avoid the power struggle. ...
  6. Model good behavior.

How do you discipline an unruly 10 year old? ›

10 healthy discipline strategies that work
  1. Show and tell. Teach children right from wrong with calm words and actions. ...
  2. Set limits. ...
  3. Give consequences. ...
  4. Hear them out. ...
  5. Give them your attention. ...
  6. Catch them being good. ...
  7. Know when not to respond. ...
  8. Be prepared for trouble.
Nov 5, 2018

Should you show your kids your finances? ›

While your adult children don't need to know exactly what your income is, they do need to know where it comes from. That's why it's important to review all your income sources with them, says Kimberly Palmer, personal finance expert at NerdWallet, a personal finance app aimed at simplifying money management.

Should I force my child to save money? ›

Forcing them to save

The benefits of saving and earning interest are substantial, but you'll do your child and their financial future a favor by encouraging them to set money aside instead of demanding it. To teach our children how to be smart with their money, we have to let them know we're on their side.

What is the best age to make financial decisions? ›

It found that the perfect age for making financial decisions hovers between 53 and 54.

What is the most effective parenting style? ›

Authoritative (also known as balanced) parenting is widely regarded as the most effective style because it provides kids with both security and support. However, incorporating permissive or authoritarian elements into a balanced approach can be useful when parenting a child with atypical needs.

What are the 5 positive parenting skills? ›

5 Steps to Positive Parenting
  • Create a safe, interesting environment. Bored kids are likely to misbehave. ...
  • Have a positive learning environment. If a child or teenager comes to you for help or a chat, they're ready to learn. ...
  • Use assertive discipline. ...
  • Have realistic expectations. ...
  • Take care of yourself as a parent.

How do you discipline a child without yelling or hitting? ›

Why positive discipline?
  1. Plan 1-on-1 time. One-on-one time is important for building any good relationship and even more so with your children. ...
  2. Praise the positives. ...
  3. Set clear expectations. ...
  4. Distract creatively. ...
  5. Use calm consequences. ...
  6. Pause. ...
  7. Step back. ...
  8. Praise yourself.

Do parents teach kids about money? ›

Parents can kick start their teaching by talking to their kids about making a plan or setting a goal to buy something. They can then create a mini budget and show their children how money can be saved for other things down the road. And as kids grow older, parents can begin to teach them about credit.

Do parents help their kids financially? ›

So, parents are stepping in to help. From buying food to paying for a cellphone plan or covering health and auto insurance, nearly half, or 47%, of parents with a child older than 18 provide them with at least some financial support, according to a report by

How and when to teach children about money? ›

Kids between the ages of 6 and 8 may start to understand how money works. "As soon as your child is receiving an allowance, he'll need a place to put his money," says Pearl. Make a trip to the bank an event. Help your child open a savings account, and encourage them to make regular deposits.

Should kids learn about managing money in school? ›

Why Schools Should Teach Money Management to Kids: Introducing Good Good Piggy
  • Early Financial Education Sets a Strong Foundation. ...
  • Instilling Good Saving Habits. ...
  • Practical Application of Math Skills. ...
  • Fostering Financial Responsibility. ...
  • Preparing for the Future:
Nov 23, 2023

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Name: Tyson Zemlak

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Introduction: My name is Tyson Zemlak, I am a excited, light, sparkling, super, open, fair, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.