July 2017 Income Report: How we made our first 260.56$ blogging » Dreaming of Butterflies (2024)

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Today we want to share with you the story of how we made our first 260.56$ just by blogging. We never thought that it could be this fun AND actually make us money. So here is our first official Income Report.

We, being my gorgeous wifey (to be) Maya and I – being Andy, we admitted from the get-go that we got into this business of blogging to make some money while we help others by sharing our ideas of self-improvement, lifestyle and our lessons learned in the magical land of blogging.

It’s also true that I am a skeptical man (everyone who knows me can attest that), and I could have never believed that we could make any money online, not to mention by starting a blog!

Apparently, rambling about the struggles of young millennials, giving all sorts of life hacksfrom cooking, cleaning, money making & management, fun DIY projects we’ve tried, and sharing the life lessons we’ve learned from books, movies & pop culture – and doing it all with a geeky twist, can actually make you money.

Because we love to help others, especially the ones that are younger than us in every aspect we struggled in our adult life so far, to teach people about what we learned from our mistakes, we could not keep it in anymore.

We had to do something.

This, added to the fact that Maya and I are driven by the idea of being entrepreneurs since we were in our teens, and her obsession with Pinterest, pushed us in the direction of blogging.

The skeptical in me was screaming:Lies! They are all liars! You cannot make so much money with a blog!“, all while Maya read amazing income reports to me, from bloggers that make over 10k$ per month to 120k$ per month.

I eventually gave in, because I realized this is not a scam, not MLM bullsh*t, not a “get rich quick” scheme. This is work, serious work – if you want to actually make money. Plus, Maya’s face lit up every time the blogging topic came into discussion.

Our first big problem was that “old bloggers”, aka those bloggers that have been doing this for years and years, they all tell you that it takes months, sometimes even years, to make a few hundred bucks online.

The relief came from new bloggers who have learned from the mistakes of others and found solutions to make it in the blogging world, much faster.

Our second big problem was that the big bloggers we follow are almost all from America, and we live in Europe. America is more open to the idea of making money online than the rest of the world.

The relief, in this case, was that there are some young European bloggers that make a nice income online, from 4k$ and up! This really helped us in the decision making process.

Our third problem was the fact that I am the only one with a job because since we moved to this part of Spain (it’s basically a Summer Resort), Maya couldn’t find a normal job, besides freelancing as a photographer and online – and that’s not steady income.

Life here is expensive, and we still have some debt left to pay back home, so we can’t afford to waste hard earned money, not even the 134$ we used to get us started.

After a long, 4 months debate, research and a long list of pros and cons, we finally agreed on giving it a try, on one condition: we’ll be super serious about this.

So we started our blogging journey on the 1st of March, 2017!

Maya is in charge of managing the blog, researching and creating the awesome content you all love, taking the photos and so on. I still work full-time, so my part is simple: I give ideas & help with the marketing, and, from now on have to make every Income Report.

But I have to say that starting this blog must be the best investment in our adult life so far. This is getting us one step closer to our dream, to having our own business. You must be serious with a blog, that is true, but you must think of the blog as an important tool for your business, not a business itself.

Have you started your blog yet? if not, get our FREE e-book Blogging 101: Blogging for Profitto learn everything about it! Or just grab your hosting for only 3,95$ and get started now!

I will try to keep this as simple and on point as possible. When we first started, we got overwhelmed with the information you find out there, but we tried to apply some of the most valuable tricks learned before the actual launch.

From having a couple dozen articles pre-written, to how to set up your Pinterest, learning about group boards, SEO optimization, when to apply for affiliate marketing, or the ongoing “war” ADS vs NO ADS… we worked a lot!

Of course, mistakes were made, or else we would have reached this point earlier, but we are glad it happened this way. Now we can tell you what you can do to reach it faster!

July 2017 Income Report

Our total earnings after 5 short months: 260,56$
Our total investments in the blog: 238,42$
Pure profit: 22,14$ – tiny, but so proud of it!

Pinterest views: over 1.150.000 + 1.470.000 from Tailwind Tribes
Total blog views: 24 757 – from the 1st of March to July 30

How did we make our money?

Believe it or not, but most of it comes from ADS and the rest from affiliates.

ADS: 239.56$
AdSense(for Google searches) – 26,7$ – joined March 19th, 2017
Media.net( for Yahoo and Bing users) – 212,86$ – joined on the 4th of April, 2017

Affiliates: 21$
Ebates: 20$ – joined on the 1st of March 2017
ShareASale: 1$ – joined March 19th, 2017

We started our blog on the 1st of March, 2017. In the first 3 months, we’ve only made 22,61$.The fact is that we could’ve made more, but we got all tangled in the information web. We got overwhelmed and were all over the place.

We had quality content, and it was improving day by day, as Maya was writing every day, the content got better, her writing got better. So, what was the problem?

We tried to do it all, at once.I want it all, and I want it NOW!“, we screamed, like Freddie Mercury from Queen. That was our thought.

The Problem & The Solution

Posting every day, pinning, tweeting, posting on FB, and started an Instagram. It was too much.

We were so desperate to “make it” in the blogging world, that we got into EVERYTHING. Social Media Madness, that’s what we call it. It drove us CRAZY. It was too damn much! And we were on that point of giving up.

The solution?

We got our sh*t together and started taking things one step at a time.

We cleared our minds and we created a plan and a real strategy. Most bloggers will tell you to FOCUS ON ONE thing at a time. Now, we know how right they are.

For us, it was Pinterest. Why? Because we started this journey because of Pinterest. So we focused all our energies on creating the best Pinterest profile, finding our image, joining Group Boards and discovering all of its power and secrets.


The Ultimate Pinterest Guide to help Skyrocket your blog

How to manage Pinterest Group Boards the Simple Way

And then, it finally happened! We got our first viral pin that just skyrocketed our blog! Our traffic exploded and we were able to make our first 100$!

If you’re interested in finding out how that happened,make sure to check that story here!

From that point on, we were officially “on the map”! Keeping our status is a whole other battle that we must carry now.

How did we invest the money?

First, it cost us 134,42$ to start the blog. We went with Bluehost as our hosting service, because it’s super cheap (just 3.95/month), and they offer a FREE domain name, one click WordPress download, and 24/7 customer support.

Then, after trying them for free and falling in love with their service, we finally agreed on having some help with our visual marketing strategy, so we bought Tailwind‘s annual plan, for 104$.

Grab your FREE Tailwind trial, promise you will not regret it! Also, make sure to check our article Tailwind 101: All you need to know, to learn more!

Since making those changes & investing in Tailwind we got to focus on other things, like getting to know Facebook and how to use Facebook Groups for the blog, Tailind Tribes, and creating our first freebies!

Be sure to check out our new Resource Library! More awesome things to come!

Also, we stopped posting articles every day. We now post once per week at the beginning of the week. Why? Because we want to provide quality, not quantity.

What about our profit?

As we said earlier, we made a tiny profit of 22,14$ that we are super proud of! What are we going to do with it? We’ll, we’re saving that one for an investment in our blog’s future – but more on that in another day.

What you need to take from our experience are the following lessons:

– don’t be afraid to invest in a blog
– keep it cool, be patient (even though it’s hard as hell)
– don’t jump into everything from the start – focus on ONE thing at a time
– don’t forget to take care of yourself in the process
– celebrate small wins – like a viral pin, a tiny profit, a great idea!

And, that’s it, folks!

We hope you enjoyed reading our first Income Report and that you got some encouragement to do it yourself! If you found any value in this post, be sure to pin it, share it on Facebook, and Tweet about it! We won’t stop you!

July 2017 Income Report: How we made our first 260.56$ blogging » Dreaming of Butterflies (1)

Our question for you is: How does your first income report look like? Let us know in the comments section below!

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July 2017 Income Report: How we made our first 260.56$ blogging » Dreaming of Butterflies (2024)


How much did you make in your first year blogging? ›

If you're blogging in a popular and profitable niche, you could be looking at: $30,000 – $50,000 in your first year of blogging. That's around the average income in the USA.

How much do bloggers make per 1,000 views? ›

While the amount of money that bloggers can make varies widely depending on the niche, industry, and quality of the website, bloggers with 1,000 views usually make an RPM of $20-35 on average.

How much can I earn from blogging as a beginner? ›

Within the first year, bloggers can make $500-$2,000 per month. As you can see, you can earn a wide income range as a blogger. But aside from the numbers, remember these important takeaways before you begin: You can make money blogging even if you're not a professional writer.

How much money can you make with a blog? ›

The amount bloggers make per 1,000 views can vary widely depending on several factors such as the blog's niche, the geographic location of its audience, and the monetization methods used. On average, a blog can earn between $3 to $25 per 1,000 views from display ads through ad networks such as Google AdSense.

How long does it take to make $100 blogging? ›

Earning $100/mo blogging: 6 to 12 months. Earning $1,000/mo blogging: 1 to 2 years. Earning $10,000/mo blogging: 3 to 4 years. Earning $25,000/mo blogging: 4 to 5 years.

How to make $10,000 per month blogging? ›

The quickest, and most effective strategy for growing a new blog to $10K/month is to sell your own products. Yes, it's possible to get there using advertising or affiliate marketing, but selling your own products provides the shortest path to big revenue numbers – with the least amount of traffic.

Can blogging make you a millionaire? ›

The answer is yes, but with a caveat. While it's true that some individuals have made their fortunes through blogging, it doesn't hold true as a universal rule. Success in the blogging world requires more than just creating a blog and posting content.

Who is the highest paid blogger? ›

Top 10 Highest Earning Bloggers 2024 (Earnings & Analysis)
  • Who are the highest earning bloggers? (And how much do they earn?)
  • #1: Timothy Sykes ($1 million per month)
  • #2: Chiara Ferragni ($250,000 per month)
  • #3: Melyssa Griffin ($238,000 per month)
  • #4: Sarah Titus ($200,000 per month)
  • #5: Pat Flynn ($200,000 per month)

Which type of blog is best to earn money? ›

Now, let's dive into the types of blogs that make money.
  • Fashion Blogs. In these blogs, readers can find posts like fashion obsessions, back-to-school looks, makeup tutorials, and more. ...
  • Food Blogs. ...
  • Sports Blogs. ...
  • Travel Blogs. ...
  • Lifestyle Blogs. ...
  • Parenting Blogs. ...
  • Gaming Blogs. ...
  • B2B/Marketing Blogs.
Jan 8, 2024

Can you make $1,000 a month with a blog? ›

If you can start a blog in a niche that you're obsessively passionate about, one that isn't too saturated, where you can build a decent audience, then you can make a cool $1000 per month, or more, from blogging. Especially as a freelancer!

Which blog niche makes the most money? ›

If you want to pick the perfect topic for a new blog to make money, these seven great niches are the right place to start.
  • Digital marketing.
  • Tech and AI.
  • Blogging and making money online.
  • Health and fitness.
  • Personal finance and investing.
  • Recipes and food.
  • Personal development and self-care.
Apr 5, 2024

How many blogs do I need to make money? ›

However, in general, you should aim to have a decent number of high-quality blog posts before you start monetizing your blog. While there is no magic number, most bloggers recommend having at least 20-30 blog posts before you start monetizing your blog.

How can I make $100 on my blog? ›

How to Make $100 Per Day with Blogging: A Step-by-Step Guide
  1. Step 1: Choose a Profitable Niche. ...
  2. Step 2: Build a High-Quality Blog. ...
  3. Step 3: Produce Valuable Content. ...
  4. Step 4: Implement Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Techniques. ...
  5. Step 5: Monetize Your Blog. ...
  6. Step 6: Engage with Your Audience.
Jun 12, 2023

How much do you make with 10,000 views on a blog? ›

Blog owners with 10,000 to 100,000 monthly page views often earn between 2 cents and 10 cents for each page view from advertising, equating to $200 to $10,000 per month. Sponsored articles range in price from $25 to $750 for each post, depending on the size of the audience, genre, and individual sponsorship agreement.

How many visitors does a blog need to make money? ›

Most bloggers often begin making money once they receive at least 10,000 monthly visitors. This isn't a set amount, though, and some bloggers may begin making money with less traffic if they have a loyal following or make use of lucrative monetization strategies like affiliate marketing or sponsored content.

How many followers does a blog need to make money? ›

The number of minimum followers required to generate a modest $1000/month from a blog varies depending on several factors such as the niche, monetization strategy, and audience engagement. However, as a general rule, most bloggers need at least 10,000-15,000 monthly visitors to generate that amount of income.

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Name: Ms. Lucile Johns

Birthday: 1999-11-16

Address: Suite 237 56046 Walsh Coves, West Enid, VT 46557

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Job: Education Supervisor

Hobby: Genealogy, Stone skipping, Skydiving, Nordic skating, Couponing, Coloring, Gardening

Introduction: My name is Ms. Lucile Johns, I am a successful, friendly, friendly, homely, adventurous, handsome, delightful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.