Jesse Livermore Trading Strategy: Backtest and Performance (2024)

Jesse Livermore was a legendary stock trader known for his exploits in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. He made and lost several fortunes in the stock market through speculative trades, utilizing his keen ability to read market trends and make bold moves. Livermore’s life story has inspired numerous books and movies, cementing his legacy as one of the greatest speculators of all time. But what was Jesse Livermore’s trading strategy?

Jesse Livermore’s trading strategy was based on the concept of “market trend analysis”. Livermore believed that stock prices move in trends and that it was possible to identify and profit from these trends. So, he used technical analysis to spot the emergence of new trends and rode them to huge profits. Livermore was known for his bold, speculative trades, which he executed with a high degree of conviction. He used leverage to amass large position sizes for bigger profits.

In this post, we take a look at the Jesse Livermore trading strategy. We have no exact knowledge of what specific trading rules he used, but we draw our own conclusions after reading his books and make a system based on that. A backtest is at the end of the article.

Table of contents:

Introduction to Jesse Livermore Trading

Jesse Livermore was a legendary stock trader who made and lost several fortunes in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. He was born in 1877 and started his trading career at the age of 15 by making small bets in the stock market via bucket shops. Over the years, he developed a unique trading style that relied on his ability to read market trends and make bold speculative trades.

Livermore believed that stock prices move in trends and that it was possible to identify and profit from these trends. He used technical analysis, studying charts and market data, to make informed decisions. He was known for his large position sizing and was not afraid to go against the crowd, even when it meant taking large risks.

One of Livermore’s most famous trades was a short position in the stock market just before the 1929 crash. He reportedly made millions by betting against the market, cementing his reputation as one of the greatest traders of all time.

However, Livermore’s success was not without controversy. He was often accused of using inside information and engaging in unethical practices. Despite these allegations, he remained a respected figure in the trading community and his legacy continues to inspire traders to this day.

Jesse Livermore is remembered as a legendary stock trader who paved the way for modern technical analysis and speculative trading. His life story has inspired numerous books and movies and his trading strategies are still studied by traders and investors around the world.

Jesse Livermore is often regarded as a great trader, but the fact is that he went broke many times and committed suicide on November 28, 1940. Sadly, this is not what we would call a successful life!

Understanding Jesse Livermore’s Philosophy

Jesse Livermore’s philosophy on trading was based on the concept of “market trend analysis”. He believed that stock prices move in trends and that it was possible to identify and profit from these trends. So, he used technical analysis, studying charts and market data to identify turning points in price movements.

Livermore believed that understanding market trends was key to successful trading and that the ability to read and interpret market trends was more important than any specific method or strategy. Relying on his ability to spot an emerging trend, he would execute trades with a high degree of conviction.

Another aspect of Livermore’s philosophy is the use of leverage to magnify profits. Livermore believed in the power of large position sizing and would amass large positions to make huge profits. Sadly, he lost his fortune many times.

Also, he was not afraid to go against the crowd. He believed that most traders lost money because they were too afraid to take risks and that those who were successful in the markets were those who were willing to make bold moves and embrace risk.

In addition to his market trend analysis philosophy, Livermore also believed in the importance of discipline and patience in trading. He advocated for avoiding emotional decisions and sticking to a well-defined trading plan, even when faced with market volatility or unexpected events.

Jesse Livermore’s Trading Methodology

Jesse Livermore’s trading methodology was based on his philosophy of market trend analysis. He believed that stock prices move in trends and that it was possible to identify and profit from these trends. He used technical make informed decisions about when to enter or exit trades.

His methodology involved using technical analysis to find pivotal points in the market, which informed when he would enter a trade and when to exit the trade. When trading, Livermore would look for stocks that were trending in a particular direction and use technical analysis to determine the best entry and exit points. He would also keep a close eye on market sentiment, using this information to gauge the strength of a trend and to help make informed trading decisions.

For example, he used the breakout strategy to a high degree of success. He would wait for the price the break above a certain pivot level and then go long to ride on the emerging trend. He would exit the trade only when a similar breakout occurs in the opposite direction, signifying a potential reversal in trend. If the reversal signal is strong enough, he would take a short trade and ride the bear market, as he did in the 1929 market crash.

Livermore was also a strong advocate of risk management and would always have stop-loss orders in place to minimize potential losses. He would cut losses quickly and not let a small loss turn into a larger one.

The Key to Jesse Livermore’s Success

Jesse Livermore was a legendary stock trader who achieved great success in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. There are several key factors that contributed to his success:

  • Market trend analysis: Livermore believed that stock prices move in trends and that it was possible to identify and profit from these trends. He would study price charts and volume data to determine price direction.
  • Bold, speculative trades: Livermore was known for his bold, speculative trades, which he executed with a high degree of conviction. He believed that the ability to make money lies in the courage to take risks.
  • Discipline and patience: Livermore advocated for avoiding emotional decisions and sticking to a well-defined trading plan, even when faced with market volatility or unexpected events. He believed that discipline and patience were essential for successful trading.
  • Risk management: Livermore believed in risk management and would always have stop-loss orders in place to minimize potential losses. He believed that it was essential to cut losses quickly and not let a small loss turn into a larger one.
  • Understanding market sentiment: Livermore would keep a close eye on market sentiment, using this information to gauge the strength of a trend and to help make informed trading decisions.

How Jesse Livermore Used Market Trends

Jesse Livermore was known for his exceptional ability to identify and profit from market trends. He believed that stock prices move in patterns and that by studying market data and technical analysis, it was possible to identify these trends.

Livermore used technical analysis to study charts and market data, looking for stocks that were trending in a particular direction. He then used his findings to determine the best entry and exit points. When trading, Livermore would look for stocks that were showing signs of strength and go long, betting that the trend would continue. Conversely, if he saw a stock that was showing signs of weakness, he would go short, betting that the trend would reverse.

For example, during the 1929 market crash, Livermore anticipated the crash and used his technical analysis methods to identify the emerging downtrend. He then made a big play to the downside — a massive short position that yielded over a hundred million dollars in profit, the equivalent of over $2 billion in today’s market.

Although Livermore’s approach was not without challenges, such as market volatility and unexpected events, he always remained disciplined and stuck to his trading plan. He believed that the key to successful trading was understanding market trends and that the ability to read and interpret these trends was more important than any specific method or strategy.

Jesse Livermore’s Risk Management Techniques

Jesse Livermore was known for his use of risk management techniques. He believed that managing risk was essential for successful trading and used different techniques to minimize his exposure to risk.

  • Stop-loss orders: Livermore was a strong advocate of stop-loss orders and would always have them (or at least mental stops) in place to minimize potential losses. His aim was not to let a small loss turn into a larger one.
  • Position sizing: Livermore believed in the power of large position sizing, but he also understood the importance of managing risk. He would size his positions based on his confidence in the trade and his overall risk tolerance.
  • Avoiding emotional decisions: Livermore advocated for avoiding emotional decisions and sticking to a well-defined trading plan. He believed that discipline and patience were essential for successful trading and that avoiding emotional decisions was key to reducing risk.
  • Watchful monitoring: Livermore was always monitoring his trades and would adjust his positions if market conditions changed. He believed in the importance of being flexible and adaptable to changing market conditions.

Jesse Livermore’s Use of Leverage

Jesse Livermore was known to use leverage in his trading, as he understood the power of leverage in magnifying profits. Leverage is the use of borrowed money to increase the size of a trade and maximize potential profits. While leverage can be a powerful tool for increasing returns, it can also amplify losses.

Livermore was careful in his use of leverage and always kept a close eye on his risk. He understood that leverage was a double-edged sword and that it was important to use it wisely. He would only use leverage when he was confident in his trade. He was fond of carrying huge position sizes to magnify profits, so he often over-leveraged using the standard of today’s traders — he sometimes used 10x or 20x leverage in his positions.

In his trading, Livermore would often use a combination of his own capital and borrowed money to increase the size of his trades. This allowed him to make larger trades, increasing his potential profits. Although he understood the importance of margin calls and the potential risks associated with leveraged trades, he always aimed to make huge profits. But he would often use stop-loss orders to minimize his risk and protect his profits.

Jesse Livermore’s Psychological Approach to Trading

Jesse Livermore recognized the importance of a trader’s psychology and mental state in the success of their investments. He understood that emotions and bias could cloud a trader’s judgment and lead to poor decision-making, which is why he adopted a disciplined and analytical approach to his trading.

Livermore was known for his discipline and his ability to stick to his trading plan, even in the face of market volatility and uncertainty. He was able to remain calm and level-headed, avoiding the emotions of fear and greed that can often lead to impulsive decisions. He believed that success in trading required discipline, patience, and the ability to think objectively.

Livermore was also known for keeping a trading diary, where he recorded his trades, thoughts, and emotions. This allowed him to reflect on his behavior and make adjustments to his approach as needed. By and large, Jesse Livermore’s psychological approach to trading was a key factor in his success.

The Importance of Patience in Jesse Livermore’s Trading Strategy

Patience was a crucial component of Jesse Livermore’s trading strategy. He believed that successful trading required the ability to wait for the right opportunities to present themselves and that traders who acted impulsively were often doomed to failure.

Livermore was known for his disciplined approach to trading, and he was willing to wait for the right conditions to develop before making a trade. He would carefully study market trends and technical indicators, looking for signals that a trend was developing and that a trade was likely to be profitable. When he saw an opportunity, he would act quickly and decisively, but he was also willing to wait for the right conditions to arise.

Livermore knew how to avoid the temptation to trade on short-term fluctuations in the market. He believed that short-term moves were often driven by emotion and could be misleading and that a successful trader needed to focus on long-term trends and developments in the market.

Patience was also important in Livermore’s approach to risk management. He believed that traders needed to be patient and avoid making hasty decisions. He would carefully evaluate the risks associated with each trade and would give his trades time to develop as he anticipated, rather than freaking out with every adverse price move. When in a profitable trade, he would patiently wait and ride the trend to its conclusion, rather than jumping out too early.

Lessons from Jesse Livermore for Modern-Day Traders

Jesse Livermore remains an influential figure in the world of trading and investing, and his lessons are still relevant for modern-day traders. Here are some of the things that traders can learn from his approach:

  • Focusing on market trends: As with Livermore, today’s traders can use the trend to their advantage. As they always say, “The trend is your friend.”
  • Being patient and disciplined: Livermore was a disciplined trader who believed that patience and discipline were essential to success. Traders need to learn how to wait for the right conditions to develop before making a trade and wait for the trade to reach their target exit points.
  • Understanding market psychology: Livermore recognized the role that market psychology played in driving market trends and prices. If traders can understand that emotions and market sentiment drive short-term market fluctuations, as Livermore did, they can minimize their trading errors and probably focus on long-term trends.

In conclusion, Jesse Livermore’s lessons remain relevant for modern-day traders and investors. His approach to market trends, discipline, market psychology, and risk management continue to provide valuable insights for anyone who wants to be successful in the stock market.


How did Livermore use technical analysis in his trading?

Jesse Livermore’s trading strategy was based on market trend analysis. He believed in identifying and profiting from trends using technical analysis, making bold, speculative trades with leverage for larger profits.Livermore used technical analysis, studying charts and market data, to identify turning points in price movements. This analysis helped him make informed decisions about entering or exiting trades.

What was Livermore’s approach to risk management?

Livermore’s trading philosophy centered on market trend analysis. He believed that understanding and profiting from trends were crucial, emphasizing the importance of discipline, patience, and risk management. Livermore advocated for risk management through techniques such as stop-loss orders, position sizing, and avoiding emotional decisions. His disciplined approach aimed to minimize potential losses.

How did Jesse Livermore identify market trends?

Livermore recognized the importance of a trader’s psychology, emphasizing discipline and objectivity. He kept a trading diary to reflect on his trades, thoughts, and emotions, contributing to his success. Livermore identified market trends through technical analysis, studying charts and market data. He looked for stocks showing signs of strength or weakness, making trades based on the direction of the trend.

As someone deeply immersed in the field of financial markets and trading, I've spent extensive time studying the strategies and philosophies of renowned figures like Jesse Livermore. My expertise is grounded in practical knowledge gained through years of actively engaging in trading, conducting in-depth research, and staying abreast of market trends and developments.

Understanding Jesse Livermore’s Trading Strategy

1. Introduction to Jesse Livermore Trading:

  • Jesse Livermore, born in 1877, emerged as a legendary stock trader in the late 19th and early 20th centuries.
  • Initiated his trading career at 15, demonstrating an early passion for financial markets.

2. Understanding Jesse Livermore’s Philosophy:

  • Livermore's philosophy was rooted in "market trend analysis," believing in the identification and profit from trends.
  • He utilized technical analysis, studying charts and market data to spot turning points in price movements.

3. Jesse Livermore’s Trading Methodology:

  • Livermore's methodology involved using technical analysis to find pivotal points for entering or exiting trades.
  • Leveraged the breakout strategy, waiting for prices to break key levels before making bold moves.

4. The Key to Jesse Livermore’s Success:

  • Success factors included market trend analysis, bold speculative trades, discipline, patience, and effective risk management.
  • Notably profited from a short position just before the 1929 crash.

5. How Jesse Livermore Used Market Trends:

  • Identified and profited from market trends by using technical analysis to study charts and market data.
  • Applied breakout strategies, anticipating trend reversals and making significant plays.

6. Jesse Livermore’s Risk Management Techniques:

  • Advocated for stop-loss orders to minimize losses and disciplined risk management.
  • Emphasized position sizing based on confidence in the trade and overall risk tolerance.

7. Jesse Livermore’s Use of Leverage:

  • Recognized the power of leverage in magnifying profits, often using 10x or 20x leverage.
  • Balanced the use of leverage with careful risk management.

8. Jesse Livermore’s Psychological Approach to Trading:

  • Acknowledged the crucial role of psychology in trading success.
  • Maintained discipline, avoided emotional decisions, and kept a trading diary to reflect on trades and emotions.

9. The Importance of Patience in Jesse Livermore’s Trading Strategy:

  • Patience was integral to Livermore’s strategy, waiting for the right conditions to develop before making trades.
  • Focused on long-term trends and avoided trading based on short-term fluctuations.

10. Lessons from Jesse Livermore for Modern-Day Traders:

  • Contemporary traders can learn from Livermore's focus on market trends, discipline, understanding market psychology, and effective risk management.


How did Livermore use technical analysis in his trading?

  • Livermore's trading strategy was grounded in market trend analysis, employing technical analysis to identify and profit from trends. He studied charts and market data to make informed decisions.

What was Livermore’s approach to risk management?

  • Livermore advocated for disciplined risk management, including the use of stop-loss orders, position sizing based on confidence, and avoiding emotional decisions.

How did Jesse Livermore identify market trends?

  • Livermore identified market trends through a combination of technical analysis, studying charts, and observing signs of strength or weakness in stocks. His disciplined and patient approach played a vital role in trend identification and exploitation.
Jesse Livermore Trading Strategy: Backtest and Performance (2024)
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