Jeremy Hunt extends 'vital lifeline' for Brits in crucial pre-election Budget (2024)

Jeremy Hunt extends 'vital lifeline' for Brits in crucial pre-election Budget (1)

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  • Jack Elsom
  • Henry Moore

JEREMY Hunt unveiled a tax-cutting Budget to put more money in workers' pockets ahead of this year's election.

The Chancellor handed Brits an average £450 cash boost by shaving a further 2p off National Insurance.

Hunt also announced the continuation of the Household Support Fund, which was described as a "vital lifeline" for struggling Brits by Pete Marland of the Local Government Association.

The scheme, which was due to end in March, will now continue for a further six months.

When delivering hisSpring Budget, the Chancellor said: "The Household Support Fund was set up on a temporary basis and due to conclude at the end of this month.

"Having listened carefully to representations from the Joseph Rowntree Foundation, the Trussell Trust and the Hon Members for East Ham,Colchester, Ruislip, Northwood and Pinner and Suffolk Coastal among others, I have decided that - with the battle againstinflationstill not over - now is not the time to stop the targeted help it offers.

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  • 7th Mar 2024, 17:00By Henry Moore

    Booze brands hail freeze on alcohol duties

    Booze companies have hailed Jeremy Hunt for his decision to freeze alcohol duties.

    A Heineken spokesperson said: “We welcome the freezing of alcohol duties until February 2025.

    "This freeze will help bring out the best in the great British Pub. Licensees across the UK now need further help to thrive, in the form of long-term, fundamental reform to the business rates system which despite recent support still sees UK pubs overpaying by £400m.”

    Mark Kent, of the Scotch Whisky Association, hailed the alcohol tax freeze, saying: “Support for Scotch is good for industry, good for the economy and good for consumers who enjoy a dram.”


  • 7th Mar 2024, 16:30By Henry Moore

    How much will cigarettes go up by?

    Jeremy Hunt confirmed yesterday that smokers can expect another cigarette price hike in the coming months.

    The average cost of a 20-pack is currently £14.39 - making Britain one of the most expensive places to smoke inEurope.

    But now, prices will rise to an eye-watering £16.


  • 7th Mar 2024, 16:00By Henry Moore

    Jeremy Hunt announces 'landmark' NHS funding

    Jeremy Hunt announced a "landmark" plan to cut down on waste and boost productivity in public services, including theNHS, during yesterday's Budget.

    The strategy includes £3.4bn for the NHS to modernise its IT systems - and in turn, unlock £35bn of savings.

    Mr Hunt said: "The NHS was there for us in thepandemic.

    "And today with nearly £6bn of additional funding a Conservative government is there for the NHS."


  • 7th Mar 2024, 15:30By Henry Moore

    Key Spring Budget announcements

    • Fuel duty will be frozenand the 5p cut extended for a year
    • Alcohol duty will be frozenuntil February next year
    • National insurance was cutby an additional 2p
    • An extension of the Household Support Fundfor the fifth time
    • Households on Universal Credit will get anextra year to repay emergency loans from the Government
    • A new tax on vapes, which will cause prices to rise
    • A one-off new tax on fa*gsto ensure they are more expensive than the electronic alternative
    • Thehigh income child benefit charge was raisedfrom £50,000 to £60,000


  • 7th Mar 2024, 15:00By Henry Moore

    What is the Household Support Fund?

    The Household Support Fund was firstlaunched in October2021 to help Brits pay their way throughwinteramid thecost of livingcrisis.

    Councilsup and down the country got a slice of the £842million funding available to dish out to Brits in need.

    Since then it has been extended several times, most recently in yesterday's Spring Budget, allowing councils to continue their support for hard-up Brits.

    The HSF comes in the form of free cash, shopping vouchers and bill support.


  • 7th Mar 2024, 14:30By Henry Moore

    Jeremy Hunt attacks BBC live on airfor 'pessimistic' coverage of UK economy

    Jeremy Hunt has hit out at the BBC live on air for so-called "pessimistic" coverage of the UK economy.

    The Chancellor clashed with Today programme presenter Amol Rajan, branding him "unworthy" of the national broadcaster.

    Rajan said: “This is a country ravaged by economic shocks - at best drifting, at worse stagnant."

    Hunt hit back, branding this characterisation as "unworthy" and "pessimistic."

    Jeremy Hunt extends 'vital lifeline' for Brits in crucial pre-election Budget (3)


  • 7th Mar 2024, 14:00By Henry Moore

    Major Universal Credit boost as Brits get extra year to pay back emergency loans

    Households on Universal Credit will be given an extra year to pay back emergency loans, Jeremy Hunt announced yesterday.

    This benefits boost will see the repayment period for Budgeting Advances increase from 12 months to 24 months.

    Speaking in Parliament, the Chancellor said: “Nearly one million households on Universal Credit take out budgeting advance loans to pay for more expensive emergencies like boiler repairs or help getting a job.

    “To help make such loans more affordable, I have today decided to increase the repayment period for new loans from 12 months to 24 months.”


  • 7th Mar 2024, 13:30By Henry Moore

    Household Support Fund boost announced in Spring Budget

    Jeremy Hunt announced yesterday that the Household Support Fund will be extended for a further six months.

    The scheme, which was due to expire later this month, provides local authorities with cash to support struggling households.

    When delivering hisSpring Budget, the Chancellor said: "The Household Support Fund was set up on a temporary basis and due to conclude at the end of this month.

    "Having listened carefully to representations from the Joseph Rowntree Foundation, the Trussell Trust and the Hon Members for East Ham,Colchester, Ruislip, Northwood and Pinner and Suffolk Coastal among others, I have decided that - with the battle againstinflationstill not over - now is not the time to stop the targeted help it offers."

    Jeremy Hunt extends 'vital lifeline' for Brits in crucial pre-election Budget (4)
    HELPING HAND Huge support fund giving out cash grants to hard-up households extended AGAIN


  • 7th Mar 2024, 13:00By Henry Moore

    First-time buyers lose out in Spring Budget

    Jeremy Hunt opted against announcing more help for first-time buyers in his Spring Budget.

    Reports had claimed the Government planned to launch a 99% mortgage scheme to help Brits get on the property ladder.

    This, however, was nowhere to be seen.

    There had also been calls from consumer champion Martin Lewis to overhaulLifetime Isas(LISAs).

    Jeremy Hunt extends 'vital lifeline' for Brits in crucial pre-election Budget (5)


  • 7th Mar 2024, 12:30By Henry Moore

    Free debt advice

    If you’re in debt there are plenty of services you can take advantage of and they offer free advice on how to manage debt.

    Most of them can offer you free guidance and help in person, over the telephone or online.


  • 7th Mar 2024, 12:00By Henry Moore

    What age do you get your state pension?

    With life expectancy rising, the age Brits become eligible for their state pension has also been going up.

    The age isnow 66for both men and women and is set to reach 68 by 2039.

    You won't automatically be given your state pension, instead, you need to claim it.

    You can find out morehere.


  • 7th Mar 2024, 11:30By Henry Moore

    Pension boost confirmed in Spring Budget

    Jeremy Hunt yesterday confirmed pensioners are set for a rise of up to £901 to their state pensions

    With the confirmation that the triple lock will remain in place, older Brits can expect rates to increase by 8.5%.

    This will come into effect in April.

    Jeremy Hunt extends 'vital lifeline' for Brits in crucial pre-election Budget (7)
    POT LUCK Huge boost for pensioners as payments to rise by £901 as triple lock remains


  • 7th Mar 2024, 11:00By Henry Moore

    Winners and losers from the Spring Budget

    Every year the Spring Budget brings its own set of winners and losers.

    In his second Spring Budget since becoming Chancellor, Jeremy Hunt announced a host of changes to the economy, including a reduction to National Insurance and a freeze on alcohol duty.

    But not everyone can be a winner, with Non-Doms, smokers and vapers coming out worse for wear.


  • 7th Mar 2024, 10:30By Henry Moore

    Labour hits out at ‘cynical games’ following Spring Budget

    Sir Keir Starmer hit out at Jeremy Hunt following his Spring Budget yesterday.

    Sir Keir said: “For those opposite now a little downbeat about another intellectual triumph for social democracy, I say get used to it, because with this pair in charge it won’t be long before they ask you to defend the removal of private school tax relief as well.

    “The harder they try with cynical games like this, the worse it will get for them, because the whole country can see exactly who they are.

    “Fighting for themselves, politics not governing, party first, country second.”


  • 7th Mar 2024, 10:00By Louis Allwood

    How much will you save on National Insurance?

    Jeremy Hunt today announced a 2p cut to National Insurance, effective from April.

    This will save Brits on £35,000 around £450 per year.

    Find out how much you can save below:


  • 7th Mar 2024, 09:30By Louis Allwood

    Drones to be used as police first responders as Jeremy Hunt announces police changes

    Jeremy Hunt today announced drones are set to be used as police first responders.

    The Chancellorconfirmed he will prioritise schemes designed to save money in the next five years, pledging £230million for newtechnologyinthe Budget.

    He said: “Policeofficers waste around 8 hours a week on unnecessary admin – with higher productivity, we could free up time equivalent to 20,000 officers over a year.

    “So we will spend £230million rolling out time andmoneysaving technology which speeds up police response time by allowing people to report crimes by video call and where appropriate usedronesas first responders.”


  • 7th Mar 2024, 09:00By Louis Allwood

    Business class flyers impacted by Spring Budget

    Mr Hunt announced higher rates of air passenger duty onbusinessclass tickets.

    Jeremy Hunt said he would make a "one-off adjustment" to rates of Air Passenger Duty (APD) on "non-economy flights, only to account for high inflation in recent years".

    APD is levied by airlines on passengers who start their journeys at UK airports - it raises around £3.8billion per year.


  • 7th Mar 2024, 08:30By Louis Allwood

    Vape prices set to rise

    Vape prices areset to rise after Jeremy Hunt whacked a new taxon e-cigs in today's Spring Budget.

    Thetaxwill be imposed on importede-cigsand manufacturers to make them unaffordable for kids.

    It comes after aban on disposable vapeswas announced earlier this year as part of a clampdown.

    The duty will apply to the liquid invapes, with higher levels for products with more nicotine.

    Again, this will not come into force until October 2026.


  • 7th Mar 2024, 08:00By Louis Allwood

    Pension boost

    Pensioners are alsoset for a bumper rise of up to £901to their state pension payments.

    The government confirmed in itsSpring Budgetdocuments today that rates will increase by 8.5% as the triple lock remains in place.

    The state pension rate is going up in April.


  • 7th Mar 2024, 07:30By Louis Allwood

    £450 wage boost for many

    More than27million workers are in line for a £450 wage boostthanks to a freshNational Insurancecut.

    The 2p reduction has been confirmed byThe Chancellorin today'sSpring Budgetand will come into effect in just weeks.

    The change means that someone earning an average salary of £35,000 will save more than £448.60 a year.

    This increases to a maximum of around £750 for those on salaries above £50,000.

    The legislation is being brought in next week to enable the cut to come in from April 6 - the start of the next tax year.

    Two million self-employed people will see the main rate of National Insurance slashed from 8% to 6%, working out at an average saving of £350 a year.


  • 7th Mar 2024, 07:00By Louis Allwood

    Key Spring Budget announcements

    • Fuel duty will be frozenand the 5p cut extended for a year
    • Alcohol duty will be frozenuntil February next year
    • National insurance was cutby an additional 2p
    • An extension of the Household Support Fundfor the fifth time
    • Households on Universal Credit will get anextra year to repay emergency loans from the Government
    • A new tax on vapes, which will cause prices to rise
    • A one-off new tax on fa*gsto ensure they are more expensive than the electronic alternative
    • Thehigh income child benefit charge was raisedfrom £50,000 to £60,000


  • 7th Mar 2024, 06:30By Louis Allwood

    Martin Lewis gives his verdict

    Jeremy Hunt offered morehelp with child benefitsto parents earning more than £50,000 in yesterday's Spring Budget announcement.

    TheMoney Saving Experthailed the Chancellor's decision saying "WE GOT THE WIN ON CHILD BENEFIT!"

    The 51-year-old tweeted: "Chancellor tipped me off before budget, said this was due in large to MSE/my shows campaigning all based on all those of your who messaged me to say it was the key thing to put to him."

    Chancellor tipped me off before budget, said this was due in large to MSE/my shows campaigning all based on all those of your who messaged me to say it was the key thing to put to him

    1) From this April threshold which hasn't moved since 2013…

    — Martin Lewis (@MartinSLewis) March 6, 2024


  • 7th Mar 2024, 06:00By Henry Moore

    Free debt advice

    If you’re in debt there are plenty of services you can take advantage of and they offer free advice on how to manage debt.

    Most of them can offer you free guidance and help in person, over the telephone or online.


  • 7th Mar 2024, 05:00By Henry Moore

    Jeremy Hunt hails The Sun as he freezes fuel duty

    Fuel duty was frozen for the 14th year running yesterday in a massive win for drivers and The Sun’s Keep It Down campaign.

    Jeremy Hunt told the Commons: “I have listened again to my right honourable friends for Stoke-on-Trent North (Jonathan Gullis), Dudley North (Marco Longhi), Witham (Priti Patel) and others, as well as the Sun Newspaper’s ‘Keep it Down’ campaign.

    “I have as a result decided to maintain the 5p cut and freeze fuel duty for a further 12 months.

    “This will save the average car driver £50 next year and bring total savings since the 5p cut was introduced to around £250.”

    Jeremy Hunt extends 'vital lifeline' for Brits in crucial pre-election Budget (10)
    FUELLING CHANGE Fuel duty frozen AGAIN as Jeremy Hunt hails Sun's campaign in Budget speech


  • 7th Mar 2024, 04:00By Henry Moore

    Major Universal Credit boost as Brits get extra year to pay back emergency loans

    Households on Universal Credit will be given an extra year to pay back emergency loans, Jeremy Hunt announced yesterday.

    This benefits boost will see the repayment period for Budgeting Advances increase from 12 months to 24 months.

    Speaking in Parliament, the Chancellor said: “Nearly one million households on Universal Credit take out budgeting advance loans to pay for more expensive emergencies like boiler repairs or help getting a job.

    “To help make such loans more affordable, I have today decided to increase the repayment period for new loans from 12 months to 24 months.”

    Jeremy Hunt extends 'vital lifeline' for Brits in crucial pre-election Budget (11)
    BUDGET BONUS Universal Credit boost as Brits get extra year to pay back emergency cash



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Jeremy Hunt extends 'vital lifeline' for Brits in crucial pre-election Budget (2024)


What was in the 2024 budget? ›

Tax and spending announcements. The Chancellor announced policies including on: National Insurance – the main rate of Class 1 employee NICs will be cut from 10% to 8% from April 2024; the main rate of Class 4 employee NICs will be cut from 8% to 6% from April 2024.

How is Jeremy Hunt related to the Queen? ›

Through a paternal great-grandmother, Hunt is a descendant of Sir Streynsham Master, a pioneer of the East India Company. He is also a distant relative of Queen Elizabeth II and of British Union of Fascists leader Sir Oswald Mosley.

Who is Jeremy Hunt's partner? ›

What time is the budget tomorrow? ›

It has not yet been announced, but in previous years most budget statements are made at approximately 12:30pm, straight after the Prime Minister's questions.

What was in the UK budget in 2024? ›

Supporting the reform of the NHS

That includes £2.5 billion in funding to make progress on getting waiting lists down, and £3.4 billion to deliver 2% annual NHS productivity gains by 2028-29. The new funding will boost everyday services, improve maternity care and increase NHS funding in real terms from 23-24 to 24-25.

What's going up in April 2024? ›

Inflation-linked benefits will rise by 6.7% from April. This includes Universal Credit, the Personal Independence Payment (PIP), the Employment and Support Allowance (ESA), Jobseeker's Allowance, and housing benefit.

How many living cousins does the Queen have? ›

Her Majesty had 31 cousins in total, however, only four are alive today. The Duke of Gloucestershire will be taking a poignant part in the funeral of the Queen, walking in procession behind the coffin alongside King Charles III, Princess Anne, Prince Andrew, Prince Edward and other members of the Royal Family.

Does the Queen have any living siblings? ›

The monarch's parents, siblings, children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren. Queen Elizabeth II had only one sibling, Princess Margaret. She was four years younger than the queen, and died in 2002 at 71 years old. About two months later, their mother Queen Elizabeth passed away at 101.

Who are the Queen's unknown cousins? ›

Who were Katherine and Nerissa Bowes-Lyon? Katherine, born in 1926, and Nerissa, born in 1919, were the daughters of John Herbert Bowes-Lyon – the brother of the Queen Mother – and his wife, Fenella. The ties to the royal family mean they were first cousins of Queen Elizabeth II.

Has the 2024 federal budget passed? ›

The Senate voted 74-24 early Saturday morning on March 23 to pass the $1.2 trillion government funding bill after heated last-minute negotiations caused senators to breach the midnight deadline to avert a shutdown.

Has the budget been passed for 2024? ›

On March 8, the Senate cleared, by a 75-22 vote, full-year appropriations for fiscal year 2024 under a first “minibus” for six appropriations bills: Agriculture, Commerce-Justice-Science, Energy-Water, Interior-Environment, Military Construction-VA, and Transportation-HUD. The President signed the measure.

Who is responsible for the budget? ›

The Office of Management and Budget (OMB), in the Executive Office of the President; • The Department of the Treasury, Bureau of the Fiscal Service (Fiscal Service); • The Congressional Budget Office (CBO), in the Legislative Branch; and • The Government Accountability Office (GAO), in the Legislative Branch.

What is the budget for the fy23 Congress? ›

The Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2023 totals $1.7 trillion in discretionary resources across the fiscal year 2023 appropriations bills. In total, the regular 12 appropriations bills include $800 billion in non-defense funding, a $68 billion—9.3 percent—over last year.

What is the summary of the budget report? ›

Budget report financial summary

It includes the amounts budgeted, encumbered, expensed, and balance for: Each major budget or expense category (i.e., chart of accounts roll-up) The total of the direct and indirect costs.

How is the UK budget spent? ›

Around a quarter of all spending is on social security, such as universal credit and the state pension. The remainder can be split into (net) interest costs on government debt (around 8% of the total in 2022–23) and government investment (around 5% of the total).

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Name: Foster Heidenreich CPA

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Introduction: My name is Foster Heidenreich CPA, I am a delightful, quaint, glorious, quaint, faithful, enchanting, fine person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.