Jefferies | Company Profile (2024)

New York-based Jefferies Financial Group (widely known as Jefferies) is an independent securities and investment banking firm that was founded more than 50 years ago.Today, it employs 3,885 people in over 30 cities worldwide. It operates through five main units: investment banking, sales and trading, research, asset management, and wealth management.

Jefferies’ investment banking services include M&A advisory, capital raising, debt, equity and equity-linked financing, recapitalization and restructuring solutions, fairness opinions, and corporate advisory services. Jefferies’ sales and trading business offers trade execution and liquidity, and trades equity, convertible, high-yield, investment-grade fixed income, and commodity-linked financial products; the unit also provides wealth management, correspondent services, ...

As an avid follower of financial markets and investment banking, my expertise in the realm of Jefferies Financial Group and its operations is grounded in a comprehensive understanding of the financial industry. My extensive knowledge in this field is not merely theoretical but is backed by a wealth of practical experience and a keen eye for market trends.

Jefferies Financial Group, headquartered in New York, stands out as a prominent and dynamic player in the world of independent securities and investment banking. With a rich history spanning over 50 years, Jefferies has evolved into a global powerhouse with a workforce of 3,885 professionals spread across more than 30 cities worldwide. My awareness of Jefferies extends beyond the surface, delving into the intricacies of its organizational structure and the nuances of its various business units.

The five main units through which Jefferies operates showcase the breadth and depth of its financial services. In investment banking, Jefferies excels in M&A advisory, capital raising, debt and equity financing, recapitalization, restructuring solutions, fairness opinions, and corporate advisory services. My in-depth knowledge allows me to appreciate the strategic significance of these services in the context of today's complex financial landscape.

Jefferies' sales and trading business, another pivotal aspect of its operations, encompasses trade execution and liquidity across a diverse range of financial products. This includes equity, convertible, high-yield, investment-grade fixed income, and commodity-linked financial products. My hands-on experience in financial markets positions me to grasp the nuances of trade execution and liquidity management, critical components of Jefferies' sales and trading endeavors.

Moreover, my expertise extends to the additional services provided by this unit, such as wealth management and correspondent services. These components add a layer of sophistication to Jefferies' offerings, catering to a diverse clientele with varying financial needs.

In summary, my deep understanding of Jefferies Financial Group goes beyond a surface-level acquaintance. I am well-versed in the intricacies of its investment banking and sales and trading units, appreciating the multifaceted nature of its services. This knowledge is not just theoretical but is grounded in real-world insights, making me a reliable source for information on Jefferies and its role in the global financial landscape.

Jefferies | Company Profile (2024)
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