Japan (JPN) Exports, Imports, and Trade Partners | The Observatory of Economic Complexity (2024)

Overview In December 2023 Japan exported ¥9.64T and imported ¥9.57T, resulting in a positive trade balance of ¥68.9B. Between December 2022 and December 2023 the exports of Japan have increased by ¥856B (9.75%) from ¥8.79T to ¥9.64T, while imports decreased by ¥-671B (-6.55%) from ¥10.2T to ¥9.57T.

Trade In December 2023, the top exports of Japan were Cars (¥1.6T), Commodities not elsewhere specified (¥759B), Machines and apparatus of a kind... (¥407B), Integrated Circuits (¥389B), and Motor vehicles; parts and accessories (8701... (¥372B). In December 2023 the top imports of Japan were Crude Petroleum (¥1.18T), Petroleum Gas (¥750B), Coal Briquettes (¥409B), Integrated Circuits (¥380B), and Telephones (¥330B).

Origins In December 2023 the exports of Japan were mainly from Aichi (¥1.94T), Chiba (¥1.59T), Osaka (¥1.1T), Kanagawa (¥981B), and Tokyo (¥775B), while imports destinations were mainly Chiba (¥2.32T), Tokyo (¥1.41T), Osaka (¥1.06T), Aichi (¥821B), and Kanagawa (¥789B).

Destinations In December 2023, Japan exported mostly to United States (¥2.08T), China (¥1.77T), South Korea (¥587B), Taiwan (¥561B), and Hong Kong (¥424B), and imported mostly from China (¥2.03T), United States (¥1.01T), Australia (¥767B), United Arab Emirates (¥551B), and Saudi Arabia (¥494B).

Growth In December 2023, the increase in Japan's year-by-year exports was explained primarily by an increase in exports to United States (¥350B or 20.2%), China (¥154B or 9.51%), and Liberia (¥81.6B or 1.73k%), and product exports increase in Cars (¥448B or 38.8%), Passenger and Cargo Ships (¥121B or 313%), and Commodities not elsewhere specified (¥60.4B or 8.65%). In December 2023, the decrease in Japan's year-by-year imports was explained primarily by an decrease in imports from Australia (¥-345B or -31.1%), United States (¥-80.6B or -7.42%), and Indonesia (¥-70.5B or -20.9%), and product imports decrease in Coal Briquettes (¥-387B or -48.6%), Petroleum Gas (¥-143B or -16%), and Vaccines, blood, antisera, toxins and cultures (¥-114B or -47.6%).

Japan (JPN) Exports, Imports, and Trade Partners | The Observatory of Economic Complexity (2024)
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