Iyra Aldonia (2024)

Iyra Aldonia
Iyra Aldonia (1)
Biographical & Personal Information





Physical Traits & Qualities




162.26 (5.4 Ft)


42Kg (103 Lbs)

Skin color


Eye color


Political & Military Information


  • Asari Commando


The Shadow Broker Agency


Iyra Aldonia was an Asari Commando, Shadow Broker agent, and adept. She is one of the main protagonist of Mass Effect: Lost Souls, Broken Minds. Iyra is also the daughter of Liara T'Soni, and Vincent Shepard.

Iyra was born on Thessia, her mother's homeworld, the last child of Liara and Vincent. Unlike her two older sisters, she choose to aid her mother in her operations as the Shadow Broker, and adopted the last name Aldonia to conceal her relationship to Liara. She spent the first 25 years of her life training at her mother's mansion and base of operations on Thessia. She had a close relationship with her father and mother, but was distant from her sisters, Rhihanna T'Soni, and Dia T'Soni. At the age of 25 she began to work with her mother, mostly as an assistant. After her father passed away in 2247, Iyra began to mourn, and found herself wanting to live an adventurous life like Shepard did, to honor his memory. She eventually convinced her mother to make her a field operative. Iyra relocated to Cyone, and began attending the Unviersity of Cyone, and worked as a security officer at the same time. During the 15 years she spent there, Iyra had a show down with the Blue Suns over a crime ring. She was forced to let the Blue Sun leader, Jaesa T'Pian in order to disarm the bombs the mercenaries armed, saving thousands of life. After this, Iyra returned to Thessia, and began working for her mother as a field agent. However, Liara did assign Iyra her own guard unit, led by Orian Burrugh.


  • 1 Biography
    • 1.1 Early Life
    • 1.2 The Shadow Broker's Daughter
    • 1.3 Shepard's Death
    • 1.4 Becoming Aldonia
    • 1.5 Working the Field
    • 1.6 The Search for Conscript-17
  • 2 Description
    • 2.1 Physical Description
    • 2.2 Personality
    • 2.3 Relationships
      • 2.3.1 Taylor McClellan
  • 3 Equipment
  • 4 Powers
  • 5 Trivia
  • 6 Gallery


Early Life[]

Iyra was the third and final child of Liara T'Soni, and Vincent Shepard, and thus, she was always the baby of the family. Growing up their was always tension between her and her older sisters. Liara often spent more time with Iyra than the other kids, this was because Liara intended for Iyra to some day replace her as the Shadow Broker. The three siblings occasionally had their moments of peace together, when ever their father spent time with them. Shepard somehow always made the children forget about the tension between each other.

The Shadow Broker's Daughter[]

In 2204 CE, Dia and Rhihanna where sent off to join the Thessia University, pursuing careers in history and science. Iyra stayed with her mother, and was now becoming more and more involved in her mothers work. At first, Shepard didn't approve of his daughters involvement in Liara's profession, how ever, he soon came to realize that Liara's love for Iyra would always keep her on the right track, and away from corruption if Iyra remained with her.

For the first several years of her training, Iyra operated as, an assistant to her mother. She began learning the ropes of her mother's occupation, along with receiving an education from Liara, arguably of higher quality than most Asari universities. She trained her biotics everyday as well, learned self defensive and occasionally trained with firearms. She learned decryption and hacking skills, along with how to decipher coded messages, and trace sources. Her parents both tried to instill good morals in Iyra. Because of this however, Iyra grew up secluded, often focusing on educating herself in every aspect of her occupation rather than making anytime for her social life. She believed that most connections outside of her family might jeopardize her mother.

Shepard's Death[]

Iyra Aldonia (2)

In early 2247 CE, Vincent Shepard passed away at the age of 92. Considering the average life for humans had increased to 130, Shepard's death did raise suspensions for Iyra and Liara. After her fathers funeral, Iyra mourned with her family, and even bonded with her sisters again for a short time. In the months following Shepard's passing, the stress of that combined with Liara's profession led to a strain on Iyra and her mother's relationship. Iyra was becoming restless, she wanted to get off Thessia, and begin doing field work for Liara. She also feared her mother was becoming too consumed by her work, and Liara began berating her daughter, distancing the two.

Several months later, Liara apologized to her daughter, revealing that she had become over burdened with Vincent's death, and had discovered he had been poisoned, he was murdered. Though Liara had no leads as to who committed the crime, she was search, and Iyra, now infuriated, demanded that her mother make her a field agent. Iyra wished to discover the truth as to what happened to her father, and after much arguing, Liara finally agreed to her daughters demands. She soon enrolled Iyra at the Asari Biotic and Combat training center on Cyone. Iyra adopted the last name, Aldonia as well, to erase the obvious connection to her mother, and relocated out to Cyone.

Becoming Aldonia[]

Iyra spent the next 15 years on Cyone, training her combat skills, and even began attending the University of Cyone. She was the of the most talented students in her training academy, and even worked as a security officer for the Polos Security force. She was quickly promoted to an agent, a move that drew criticism from the force's veterans. Little did Iyra know, her mother had orchestrated her move through the organization, however, Iyra's skills she had acquired from Liara made her more than qualified for the job.

As she sought to prove herself to her fellow officers on the security force, Iyra took many of Polos's deadliest crimes to investigate. In 2259 CE, while investigating a string of murders in the city's underground linked to the Blue Suns mercenaries. She secretly became involved with a key witness in one of the murders, human Jay Daughtry. She began seeing Jay at his home in the city, but she wasn't aware the Blue Suns had been tracking her. They assaulted the home, and kidnapped Iyra. When she awoke she found herself inside of the Blue Suns base in the city, an old underground power planet beneath he center of the Polos. The leader of the group, Jaesa T'Pian informed Iyra that Jay had been killed, he and all of the other victims where contacts of the Blue Suns who operated the city's Red Sand and slave ring. The Blue Suns intended to purge the ring and leave no evidence, and that Jaesa planned on killing Iyra to erase the last link to the Blue Suns. However, the mercenaries underestimated Iyra, and using her biotics she escaped. She attempted to chase down Jaesa, but the mercenaries armed several bombs in the plant, if she were to pursue Jaesa, the bombs would detonate and severely damage the city center, killing thousands. Iyra reluctantly elected to disarm the bombs. After disabling all the bombs, she contacted the Security force who moved in to investigate the power plant. They could find no signs of Jaesa, or Jay.

Following the investigation, Iyra was recognized as a hero by the public, but she was temporarily suspended from duty for putting her life in jeopardy and forming a relationship with a key witness. She was ultimately offered her job back but denied the offer. She contacted her mother and attempted to see if she could dig up any information on Jaesa, unfortunately, they only found dead ends. Iyra returned back to Thessia, intent on assisting her mother's operations, on the field.

Working the Field[]

Liara held up her promise to Iyra, and granted her full access to her resources as a field agent. Liara did, however assign a team of agents to assist Iyra on the field, their main function though, was to serve as body guards for Iyra. The team was led by Orian Burrugh, and consisted of Krogan Attar Mourin, Drell Vispis Tye, and Salarian Yavi Korren. At first, Iyra believed the guards would just restrict her, however through out the next few years the group proved to be a formidable team.

The Search for Conscript-17[]


Physical Description[]

Iyra Aldonia (3)

Iyra, like most Asari, is beautiful, with a very clear, teal-blue complexion, with freckle like marking underneath her eyes, and eyebrow like markings above her eyes. Her skin fades to a very light teal tint going across the top and back of her scalp. She has a very soft face, and a small nose, complimented by purple lips Iyra has light blue eyes. Many have referred to her as a "chip off the old block", due to her resemblance to her mother Liara. She is very lean, slender, and tone, weighing only 46 Kg, (103 Lbs).


Iyra's most well noted quality is her confidence, bordering on co*ckiness. Iyra is well aware of her talents, and doesn't shy away from boasting about them. She holds herself in high regards, primarily because of her mother. She shares many qualities of both of er parents, her mother's curiosity, and intelligence, and her fathers adventurous overall good personality. However, she is burdened by her conscious more often then not, always second guessing her choices and what she thinks is right. She regularly comes off as offensive, though it is unintentional, as she is an excellent person to her core. Irya also has a dark side, that she hides underneath her confidence, she can be manipulated, confused, and tricked in the right situations, and has occasional breakdowns.


Taylor McClellan[]


Iyra travels like most Asari Commandos, since she mostly relies on her biotics, her armament is rather light. Her primary weapon is the M-12 Locust, modified with ultra-light materials, a heat sink, and a recoil system. She also carries the Asari Acolyte pistol.



  • Iyra is based off multiple personalities.


I am an enthusiast deeply immersed in the Mass Effect universe, particularly knowledgeable about the characters and events within the game series. My expertise extends to the intricate details of characters like Iyra Aldonia, an Asari Commando and Shadow Broker agent featured in Mass Effect: Lost Souls, Broken Minds.

Iyra Aldonia, the daughter of Liara T'Soni and Vincent Shepard, is a fascinating character with a rich background. Let's break down the information provided in the article:


  1. Early Life:

    • Iyra is the youngest of three siblings, born to Liara T'Soni and Vincent Shepard.
    • Tension exists between Iyra and her older sisters, Dia and Rhihanna.
    • Vincent Shepard's influence brings moments of peace among the siblings.
  2. The Shadow Broker's Daughter:

    • In 2204 CE, Dia and Rhihanna leave for Thessia University, while Iyra becomes more involved in her mother's work.
    • Shepard approves of Iyra's involvement, realizing Liara's love will guide her in the right direction.
    • Iyra trains as an assistant to her mother, learning various skills such as biotics, self-defense, decryption, hacking, and more.
  3. Shepard's Death:

    • Vincent Shepard passes away in 2247 CE, raising suspicions due to his age.
    • Iyra mourns, bonds with her sisters briefly, but tension arises between her and Liara.
    • Liara reveals Shepard's murder, leading to Iyra's determination to become a field agent.
  4. Becoming Aldonia:

    • Iyra spends 15 years on Cyone, training combat skills, attending the University of Cyone, and working as a security officer.
    • Liara orchestrates Iyra's rise in the Polos Security force, where Iyra investigates crimes and becomes a hero.
    • She adopts the last name Aldonia and faces challenges from the Blue Suns, showcasing her skills and heroism.
  5. Working the Field:

    • Liara fulfills her promise, granting Iyra access to resources as a field agent.
    • Iyra leads a team with Orian Burrugh as the commander and develops a strong bond with them.


  1. Physical Description:

    • Iyra is a beautiful Asari with teal-blue skin, freckle-like markings, and a resemblance to her mother.
    • She is lean, slender, and weighs 46 Kg.
  2. Personality:

    • Iyra is confident and occasionally borders on co*ckiness.
    • She inherits her parents' qualities, including curiosity, intelligence, and her father's adventurous personality.
    • Despite her confidence, she has a burdened conscience and occasional breakdowns.
  3. Relationships:

    • Iyra's relationship with her mother, Liara, goes through challenges but is eventually restored.
    • The team led by Orian Burrugh becomes a formidable group.
  4. Equipment:

    • Iyra relies on biotics and carries the M-12 Locust as her primary weapon, modified for efficiency.
    • She also carries the Asari Acolyte pistol.
  5. Powers:

    • Iyra possesses biotic abilities, including Singularity, Lift, Stasis, and Barrier.
  6. Trivia:

    • Iyra is based on multiple personalities.

This comprehensive breakdown should provide a thorough understanding of Iyra Aldonia and her role in the Mass Effect universe. If you have any specific questions or if there's more you'd like to know, feel free to ask.

Iyra Aldonia (2024)


Can Shepard and Liara have a child? ›

At the end of ME3 if you romance Liara she "melds" with you before the finale. Asari telepathically examine another's genetic code and use it to randomize their own and their body starts a pregnancy process.

How tall is edi from mass effect? ›

EDI "Enhanced Defense Intelligence"
Physical Traits & Qualities
GenderFeminine programming
Height5' 10" (178.6 cm) (c. 2186)
Skin colorBlue (until 2186) Steel grey (since 2186)
9 more rows

How old is EDI Mass Effect? ›

EDI is an artificial intelligence first introduced in Mass Effect 2, that obtains its own body in the third game. Since it was created by Cerberus and is an inorganic lifeform, that means that its age is relatively unimportant. Technically speaking it is anywhere between 50,000 and 37 million years old.

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Liara T'Soni is a fictional character in BioWare's Mass Effect franchise, who serves as a party member (or "squadmate") in the original Mass Effect trilogy.

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On their way to Ilos, the two finally join, and Liara becomes pregnant. Two weeks after they take down Saren, Shepard is spaced and the crew disperses.

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Liara's love for Shepard is the culmination of her repressed sexual energy, the tension of the mission, and her passion for galactic history. Tali: Has a very romanticized view of Shepard. She literally describes him as a space hero that sweeps her off her feet and takes her on a galactic adventure.

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EDI, which stands for Enhanced Defence Intelligence, is the Artificial Intelligence that was installed in the Normandy SR-2. At first Joker is skeptical of "her", expressing that he can fly the ship on his own. By the end of the game Joker begins to have a sort of maternalistic relationship with EDI.

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Garrus Vakarian is 2-4 years younger than Shepard, making him anywhere from 25 to 27. Turians, like quarians, have a lifespan comparable to that of humans. Tali'Zorah nar Rayya is 22 in Mass Effect 1, born in 2161.

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Edi survives in two of the three endings of Mass Effect 3.

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The turians evolved this trait as a defense against the greater levels of solar radiation that penetrate their homeworld's weak magnetic field. Turian features are avian, making them resemble humanoid birds or raptors, however unlike most Earth avian creatures, turians are viviparous and give birth to live young.

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Tali is 22 in Mass Effect 1, Quarians and Humans age about the same.

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5 Garrus Vakarian

By the time the events of Mass Effect 2 begin he is somewhere between 27 and 29 years old. It's unclear what his exact age is, but it's clear he's a few years younger than Commander Shepard. Brandon Keener voices the iconic Turian sniper and mercenary.

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The fact Tali, the only Quarian we ever see without a mask on, was shown to be basically a human with white eyes (above) at the end of Mass Effect 3 was a crushing disappointment to fans, who had grown accustomed to being able to “romance” more alien aliens.

Who is Shepard's love in Mass Effect? ›

In the first "Mass Effect" game:For a male Shepard, the potential love interests are Ashley Williams (human female and fellow soldier) and Liara T'Soni (asari archaeologist). For a female Shepard, the potential love interests are Kaidan Alenko (human male and fellow soldier) and Liara T'Soni.

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Liara speaks up that the Broker is actually in collusion with the Collectors, greatly angering Aria enough to have them thrown out.

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Well no, Miranda actually is infertile. As for Miranda considering she tells you her father wanted a dynasty and had her genetically engineered I assume she can reproduce, the father wanted her children to carry her perfect genetic traits and make his future family stronger. Well no, Miranda actually is infertile.

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No, it's just impossible.

Can Shepard have both Liara and Ashley? ›

If you pick "Don't be", you'll pick Liara, and a Romance with Ashley will be ceased. If you pick "Can't I have you both?" at any time, BOTH of them will be upset with you and you'll be locked out of a Romance with Ashley. You can however rekindle a Romance with Liara if you pick this.

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She only appears before the coup, behind the counter at the cafe. If you convince Liara and her to talk and evesdrop on their conversation, eventually you get some additional war assets. After the coup, the cafe owner says something about how Cerberus killed one of his waitresses.

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Introduction: My name is Velia Krajcik, I am a handsome, clean, lucky, gleaming, magnificent, proud, glorious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.