Is there a cost to enter the park? (2024)

It's not a park. It's just a canyon. It's free to drive up, free to hike, free to picnic in most areas. The only costs are if you camp, and there are one or two picnic areas that charge for day use but they are well marked. Parking at the top of the canyon,at Brighton is also free. That's where you hike to Mary's Lake - about a 2 mile moderate hike, a fun and beautiful hike. Just before the top you'll see a cute little church in the right side. Behind that is silver lake with a very easy walk around. Kids fish there. There's a campground near the top called Spruces which costs, but just below it is a super hike to donut falls, about 3 miles or two hours round trip, named that because the waterfalls run through a hole in the mountain that resembles a donut. Don't hike in the waterfall .t's very slippery and seriously 1-2 people die doing that every year. Watch out for stinging nettle on that trail.

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Is there a cost to enter the park? (2024)
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