Is Single Stock Retirement Plan A Scam? [Reviewed] (2024)

"Is Single Stock Retirement Plan A Scam?" -Curious and have that question running around you mind - so annoying and you need an answer!.

You have heard all about The Oxford Club and The Oxford Communique from the internet, social media - OMG! those emails that they send!. It's no wonder you are searching for some clarification and the facts.

Before I get started with this Oxford Communique Review I cordially welcome you to my site and congratulate you for being smart and seeking out independent 3rd party reviews.

This is how you find out the truth about certain products and companies, avoid getting scammed and find a genuine way of making money online.

Let's dig down and review The Oxford Communique and find out if the single Stock Retirement Plan Is A Scam Or Legit!.

The Oxford Commuique Review

Product Name:The Oxford Communique

Founder(s):Alexander Green, Published by The Oxford Club.

Product Type: Financial Advisory research service


Best For:Nobody

Is Single Stock Retirement Plan A Scam? [Reviewed] (1)

Summary: It is not important how fantastic the financial advice is in the newsletter and how much they could be able to help you.

The high level of mistrust and misleading marketing going on just gives me the "heebee jibbies" when its comes to trusting them with investment advice. Keep reading to find out what the US$3 Secret stock is - I found that out easily!.


Recommended: No.

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What Is The Single Stock Retirement Plan?

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The Oxford Commuique Review

What Is The Single Stock Retirement Plan?

Why Is It Such An Amazing Opportunity?

Do You Really Want To Make Some Money Online?

How Does The Oxford Communique Work?

Is The Oxford Communique Accredited By The BBB?

Who Is Alexander Green Exactly?

What I Liked About The Oxford Communique

What I Did Not Like About The Oxford Communique

Can You Make Money With The Oxford Communique?

Is The Oxford Communique A Scam Or Legit?

The Oxford Communique Review - The Final Conclusion

How I Make Money Online

The Single Stock Retirement Plan is a well thought out teaser and curiosity driver by Alexander Green to promote the newsletter The Oxford Communique which is Published by The Oxford Club, a publishing company owned by Agora Financial.

Alexander Green is quiet nor shy or slow it telling you about a "US$3 stock" that has the potential to generate you a multi-million dollar retirement plan.

It is all cleverly worded to lead you to think that US$3 is going to turn into a 7 figure sum. You are told that this company has everything - everything from:

  • Smartphones
  • Robotics
  • Gaming Technology
  • Medical Equipment
  • Virtual Reality
  • E-Commerce
  • Artificial Intelligence

And much more

This company has deals and contracts with the worlds leading companies such as Intel, Microsoft, IBM, Cisco, Hewlett Packard, Nokia, Sony, Apple And Nintendo...

Basically name dropping all major "A" list well known companies, and not before casually throwing around some numbers like US$169 Billion in sales, which is more than (more name dropping) IBM, Microsoft and even Facebook.

This style of over the top marketing is rife in the financial newsletter industry all the major publishers like Banyan Hill, Stansberry Research, Money Map Press and of course Agora Financial.

I have seen it in a number of publications including The Genesis Investing System, Cash For Patriots, and The Fast Fortune Club

The problem with what is being told to you by Alexander Green in the promotional material is all very misleading, hearsay and to to quite frank....meaningless!.

Particularly when you see the historic charts of Amazon, Microsoft thrown at you with 98,000% and 106,500% gains respectively - are just fantasy, pure fantasy, day dreams.

Anyone one can roll the clocks back, pick a highly successful company and then make imaginary claims of getting in 10, 15, even 30 years ago and then say "you could have made (really big money)" if you got in then.

Why Is It Such An Amazing Opportunity?

The price!.

The stock trades at such a low price at US$3.

Share prices are not actually all that important but single digit lower priced stocks do appear to be more accessible and appealing to the general public.

What makes the stock's such a big deal is not the actual price but the fact that is is "unknown" and hardly any investors know about it. It is un known because...

People who are able to identify winning stocks before they take off are wealthy people.

Is Single Stock Retirement Plan A Scam? [Reviewed] (3)

Yeah right!.

I'm pretty sure trading under a secret name, particularly as where the SEC is concerned is illegal!.

Still, didn't he say this company has contracts with a who's who of major world leading companies and in some high end industries like AI, Biotech, and so on?...

and trading in the hundreds of billions....

.....Yet unknown.

I'd be willing to be all the major trust fund and mutual fund managers and Wall Street big guns would know ALL about a company like that!.

The Oxford Communique - The Single Retirement Stock Plan So "Secret" and "Unknown" Even I Found out what It is! #Investing #Bullsh*t

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This rather unknown company is Foxconn. If I can find that out, rather quickly and effortlessly - I am pretty sure the suits on Wall Street and their super smart and powerful computers - much more powerful that my little laptop can find that out too!.

Sure, they are massive and they do make products for IBM, apple, and other huge companies.

This “undiscovered” company he is talking about isFoxconn, which is a massive Taiwanese electronics company that makes products for big brands like Apple, IBM and others.

Foxconn are not unknown and they are huge - they are probably the worlds largest producer of electronics and even bought out the brand Sharpe a few years ago.

If you own an iPhone or any Apple device - these guys made it!.

The secret unknown name that they go by is Hon Hai and their Ticker is HNHPD.

What is more interesting is digging deeper I find that Hon Hai has been a sub par stock and under performing for over a decade.

Does not sound like a great investment to me or one set to explode!.

If my retirement was depending on that I'd be bitch slapping Alexander Green from here to Taipei!.

Evidently this is not going to be a solid and reliable way of making money on a sustainable basis.

With Investment comes risk.

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The Oxford Communique is a financial advisory research service that appears to be aimed for retirees or the soon to be retired.

I'd say the demographic of this newsletter are those that are 45+ years old and seeking to give their retirement fund a nice boost. The type of individual looking for a high return on their investment.

What you get with The Oxford Communique is:

  • Monthly Newsletter: This is the heart of the matter - what you are signing up for, Alexander Green's advice and recommendations via his newsletter on what he thinks in the best companies to invest in for the greatest potential gains.
  • Weekly Updates: Due the fast paced environment of the business and investing world a month can be a long time. Weekly updates will keep you in the loop about any investments you may have made based on The Oxford Communique recommendation
  • Access To Members Only Area Of The Oxford Club: Access to private area that is kept updated on a daily basis and is said to have the most accurate finance information on the web.

Is Single Stock Retirement Plan A Scam? [Reviewed] (4)

  • Their Model Portfolio:Subscription to the oxford communique gives you access to their model portfolio for you to emulate and model if you so wish.
  • Oxford Club Membership: Membership to this club can get you access to more special reports and exclusive discounts and invitation to investment seminars and retreats.
  • The Gone Fishing Portfolio: Alexander Greens Investment book.
  • 2x Special Reports: The Secrets Of 401(k) and The greatest investments of all time.

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Who Owns The Oxford Club?

The Oxford Club is owned by Agora, with the key people listed as Julia Guth who is listed as the the CEO and Executive Director.

They are said to have more than 800,000 members for 100 countries and have 1 registered trademark in the insuarnce and financial affiars category.

Currently, according to the Oxford Club listing on CrunchBase have 51-100 employees and were founded in 1989

Ultimately, despite not being listed anywhere, not on the wikipedia page, their own website, crunchbase or linkedin this is one of the many umbrella of publishers of financial newsletters owned by Bill Bonner, a US finacial newsletter publishing Billionaire.

Is The Oxford Communique Accredited By The BBB?

In a word no.

The Better Business Bureau does not consider products, be they physical or digital to be businesses and this do not give accreditation to them nor rate them.

However we can check out the publisher - The Oxford club and see how they are rated by the BBB.

Currently no information is available as their profile is currently being updated by the Better Business Bureau.

Is Single Stock Retirement Plan A Scam? [Reviewed] (5)

Who Is Alexander Green Exactly?

Researching who this guys is and what his background is in the world of finance initially I was not so convinced - after all, he is not exactly easily found on Facebook and his linkedin profile is hardly convincing - bare bones and looks like it was made yesterday!.

And most certainly I am not taking The Oxford Club's word for who he is or who he claims to be.

I can confirm the guy is the read deal, all the information on the Publishers website I double checked and verified with other sources.

Is Single Stock Retirement Plan A Scam? [Reviewed] (6)

He is indeed a highly respected individual in the financial world and has written a few best selling books Such As Gone Fishin' an investment portfolio, Beyond Wealth and a few others that are well rated and reviewed on Amazon.

Is Alexander Green For Real?

Alex Green is certainly a real person, that is for sure but he could be more present on social media, particularly there more professional ones like Linkedin, and Crunchbase - but here he is on YouTube!.

How To Buy Foxconn Stock In US

By far the easiest way to buy Foxconn Stock in the US is to buy stock in Hon Hai

by using their over the counter traded American Depositary Receipt that is issued by A depository bank.

You can also trade their Global Depositary Receipts and Exchange Traded Funds using an online broker like ETrade or eToro that have access to trading pink sheet stocks and ETF trades.

If online trading is not your way you can go through a well respected and established US based International Stockbroker, who can buy FoxxConn or Hon Hai shares for you directly from the Taiwan Stock Exchange.

Ultimately, and the most difficult and labourous option for an American Or America Based Investor would be to headover to Taiwan and open an account with a local registered stockbroker there.

Is There A Secret Billion Dollar Stock Opportunity?

While I am not a stockbroker nor involed in the stockmarket in a professional way I not zipped up the back either!.

There is no "secret" billion dollar opportunity in the stockmarket. This wording in financial newsletter is just marketing gimmick to suck you in.

While million dollar companies these days hardly attract the attention or headlines billion dollar ones do, and stock in these companies are no secret. All the traders, top businessmen and investors know about them - hardly a "secret"if half of Wall street know about it!.

Complaints About The Oxford Communique

There are no shortage of complaints about Oxford Communique, particularly when you check out specialist sites like Stockgum shoe

Is Single Stock Retirement Plan A Scam? [Reviewed] (7)

Is Single Stock Retirement Plan A Scam? [Reviewed] (8)

What I Liked About The Oxford Communique

There are some things that are good about The Oxford Communique:

  • The investments mentioned in the newsletter tend to be affordable and not high priced stocks.
  • The Editor and writer is a proven expert in finance, having written a number of very well rated and reviewed books on amazon.
  • At the current price it is very affordable for most people.

What I Did Not Like About The Oxford Communique

There are a lot of things that I don't like about The Oxford Communique.

  • The Marketing Hype!. It creates a deeper problem, which I'll reveal later
  • The stock mentioned is not actually some secrets company - I was able to find out what it was!.
  • That "super secret and under performing" stocks has been under performing and "stale" since 2008!.

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Can You Make Money With The Oxford Communique?

For sure you can make money with good investing but not particularly a way of earning money - its a way of growing your wealth, preserving it.

I am really not convinced that The Oxford Communique can help you to make money at all.

Is The Oxford Communique A Scam Or Legit?

I really don't like all this marketing hula-pa-lula!

Tell it as it is without the Bovine Excrement!.

The BS marketing aside and since I have been unable to find or uncover any criminal activity or illegal going on I am uncomfortable to label this product as a scam.

It is simply an info product with a lot of hype and misleading marketing behind it.

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The Oxford Communique Review - The Final Conclusion

Here is the problem with products that are marketed in the hyped up misleading fashion in which they are.

The just lied or mislead you. Now you know that you can be sure that their attitude is something along the line of...

"Hey, it's ok to lie to you, to misdirect and mislead you so that I can make a sale and get your money, but please ignore that fact and don't think I would do same with investment advice, trust me!".

In short, they have shown a huge reason as why you should not trust them. That is why I am not recommending this newsletter at all.

I simply do not trust them not to mislead you when it comes to financial advice.

How I Make Money Online

Affiliate Marketing is my Number 1 recommended way for making money in the digital world both for those just starting out and those that are semi experienced.

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Is Single Stock Retirement Plan A Scam? [Reviewed] (10)

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Is Single Stock Retirement Plan A Scam? [Reviewed] (2024)
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