Is it worthwhile to have a Counterfeit Cash Factory in GTA Online in 2022? (2024)

Counterfeit Cash Factories in GTA Online provide players with a steady source of income. Whether you are a new or returning player, the Motorcycle Club Businesses will always be a reliable source of passive income.

New players are frequently perplexed about whether or not to purchase the business. Player skepticism is understandable because the game has far more heists, businesses, and other special events to earn money.

This article dives into all aspects of a Counterfeit Cash Factory business and offers advice on whether to invest in one or not.

Note: This article is subjective and only reflects the writer's opinions.

The Counterfeit Cash Factory is a profitable venture

Is it worthwhile to have a Counterfeit Cash Factory in GTA Online in 2022? (2)

The Counterfeit Cash Factory is one of GTA Online's most profitable passive income businesses. It requires less effort and investment than other money-grinding methods and provides a high return on investment in the long run.

Newcomers to the game should prioritize purchasing a Counterfeit Cash Factory as soon as possible. Typically, beginners do not have many errands to run, and the high price of commodities and services in GTA Online will necessitate extensive grinding to obtain even the most basic items, such as weapons and vehicles.

Is it worthwhile to have a Counterfeit Cash Factory in GTA Online in 2022? (3)

This will provide them with a consistent source of income and allow them to generate additional capital when needed.

How to start a Counterfeit Cash Factory in GTA Online?

Players must first own a Motorcycle Club to start or purchase a Counterfeit Cash Factory. There are numerous MC Clubs scattered across the map in GTA Online. While it is entirely up to the players to choose which clubhouse to purchase, the Great Chaparral Clubhouse is arguably the cheapest yet most valuable.

After purchasing a clubhouse, players must register as an MC Club President from the interaction menu and access the laptop in their clubhouse. Once logged in, they can search for and purchase Counterfeit Cash Factories.

GTA Online has several Counterfeit Cash Factories in various locations with varying values. However, most players prefer the Grand Senora Desert cash factory because it is in the middle of the map, away from the hustle and bustle of the city, and offers great overall value. It is available on The Open Road's website for $845,000.

Is it worthwhile to have a Counterfeit Cash Factory in GTA Online in 2022? (5)

These two properties are free to players who have purchased the Criminal Enterprises Starterpack version of GTA 5. Ergo, new players should always claim them because they provide the most value.

Which upgrades and supplies to buy?

After purchasing the Counterfeit Cash Factory, players must visit it and complete a setup mission before production can begin. To increase the product's value, it is advised to purchase some upgrades for the business. They are:

  • Equipment Upgrade - $440,000
  • Staff Upgrade - $136,500
  • Security Upgrade -$456,000

Although new players may not have the funds to purchase upgrades immediately, purchasing at least the equipment and staff upgrades should be prioritized to boost the production rate.

Is it worthwhile to have a Counterfeit Cash Factory in GTA Online in 2022? (6)

After purchasing the upgrades, players can now consider buying production supplies. Although supplies can be paid for right away, it is not recommended because it returns less value if the equipment and staff are not upgraded.

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Edited by Srijan Sen


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I am an avid GTA Online player with a deep understanding of the in-game mechanics, businesses, and strategies. Having spent countless hours exploring the virtual streets of Los Santos, engaging in heists, and managing various businesses, I can confidently share insights into the world of Counterfeit Cash Factories.

Now, let's delve into the key concepts discussed in the article:

1. Counterfeit Cash Factory as a Profitable Venture:

  • The Counterfeit Cash Factory is highlighted as one of GTA Online's most profitable passive income businesses.
  • Emphasis is placed on its relatively low effort and investment requirements compared to other money-grinding methods.

2. Importance for New Players:

  • Newcomers to the game are advised to prioritize purchasing a Counterfeit Cash Factory early on.
  • The rationale is that beginners often lack resources, and the high cost of items in GTA Online necessitates extensive grinding for basic necessities like weapons and vehicles.

3. How to Start a Counterfeit Cash Factory:

  • Players must own a Motorcycle Club to initiate or buy a Counterfeit Cash Factory.
  • The Great Chaparral Clubhouse is recommended as a cost-effective option for the Motorcycle Club.
  • The article suggests the Grand Senora Desert cash factory due to its central location and overall value.

4. Upgrades and Supplies:

  • After acquiring the Counterfeit Cash Factory, players need to complete a setup mission before production starts.
  • Upgrades are recommended to enhance the business's efficiency and product value:
    • Equipment Upgrade ($440,000)
    • Staff Upgrade ($136,500)
    • Security Upgrade ($456,000)
  • Prioritizing equipment and staff upgrades, even for new players with limited funds, is advised to boost production rates.
  • The article emphasizes that purchasing production supplies immediately is not recommended unless upgrades are in place.

This comprehensive overview provides valuable insights for both new and experienced players considering investment in a Counterfeit Cash Factory in GTA Online. The recommendations on location, upgrades, and supplies contribute to a strategic approach for maximizing passive income in the game.

Is it worthwhile to have a Counterfeit Cash Factory in GTA Online in 2022? (2024)
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Author: Carlyn Walter

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Name: Carlyn Walter

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Introduction: My name is Carlyn Walter, I am a lively, glamorous, healthy, clean, powerful, calm, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.