Is cybersecurity a good career choice? — SecurityMadeSimple (2024)

Is cybersecurity a good career choice? — SecurityMadeSimple (1)

Cybersecurity as an overall industry has a very promising career outlook. It has low unemployment and in fact, many countries have a deficit of employees. This means if you are qualified you can expect to never go unemployed for an extended period of time as a cybersecurity professional. Additionally, the pay is higher than average which is a nice bonus. Overall, it is a pretty solid career choice, but it definitely has it’s drawbacks like anything will. Here I’ll discuss why cybersecurity may or may not be a good career choice for you.

Why is Cybersecurity a good career?

Low unemployment: One of the biggest benefits of getting into cybersecurity right now is that there is a high demand. In a 2019 cybersecurity workforce study, it found that there was a global shortage of cybersecurity professionals of about 2.9 million in 2018. As a result there is extremely low unemployment among cybersecurity professionals. In the US alone it was about 500,000. Especially in times like this where covid-19 has cost so many people their jobs, it highlights how valuable it is to have a skillset that will allow you find work easily and consistently, even during an economic downturn.

Salary: Due to such a high demand and a relatively low supply of qualified labor, cybersecurity has pretty good salary ranges. The average salary in North America for cybersecurity related jobs is 90,000 compared to the average salary wage of 40,000. So with a reasonable amount of experience and some certifications you can expect to make double the national average.

Remote Work: Even before covid-19, because most of the work will be focused on technology and working with people in different parts of the world you’re often able to work from home. For some people this can be negative because they like socializing at work and getting out of the house but for many people being able to work from home is a benefit.

Education and Certification: Fortunately you don’t need a degree in cybersecurity to get into the field. This can be a big obstacle for some career paths such as being a lawyer or doctor where you need to invest a significant amount of years in formal education in order to get into the industry. Cybersecurity on the other hand has many self-taught specialists and people that have degrees in completely unrelated fields that have been able to make the transition. Additionally, because certifications are pretty well respected in the field you can use them to enter or advance in the field rather than having to go back to university/college.

Job Satisfaction: 71% of respondents in North America said they were satisfied in an ISC2 study with 36% saying they were very satisfied. A similar survey from PayScale found that the average cyber security engineer gave a job satisfaction of 3.83 out of 5. This is about 10% over the average of 51% among US workers.

Is cybersecurity a good career choice? — SecurityMadeSimple (2)

Why cybersecurity isn’t a good career?

Stress: If you work in cybersecurity, many times you’re being called on when things aren’t going well. Also, many times you’re going to need to ask people to do things that go outside of their normal business operations and their not going to be happy about that because they feel as though you’re trying to tell them what to do. Also, it’s not something that shows up on their bottom line/evaluations so they want to put as little time into security work as possible. This can be frustrating when you’re trying to do your job and the people who you need are making things difficult. To mitigate that, it’s important that you work for companies/clients that give you the proper authority to do your job, otherwise it’s always going to be a struggle.

Technology Focused: Cybersecurity is a technology based field, so even though you talk to people it’s not something where you’re going to get a lot of interpersonal interactions outside of business related conversations. If you’re someone that likes working with people, you like creating deep bonds with people than cybersecurity probably isn’t a good option for you.

Overtime: This depends on the company you’re working at, but whenever a data breach happens or there is a possibility of one happening you can be expected to work a lot of overtime hours and depending on your position you may be expected to work for no extra pay or at least no overtime pay. These types of situations that demand overtime aren’t too common but it’s something to consider if you’re someone that really values work life balance.

No one wants to pay for it:

In most companies cybersecurity is a cost center, which means it’s something that costs the business money and doesn’t generate any revenue. From a financial point of view it’s a necessary evil to do business and as a result it can be difficult to sell it to people inside and outside of the company. If you’re a cybersecurity sales engineer you may find that it’s hard to sell services to people outside of the company because they want to spend as little money as possible. If you’re an employee it can difficult to convince management to set aside a budget for hiring new staff or buying licenses for software that you need to secure the company. The main reason being is that you’re not going to make any money from that investment, which is the point of having a business. The exception to this rule is if you work for a company that sells cybersecurity products or services, then you’re seen as a profit center and you get much less push back when you say you need something. Over the last few years with an increased awareness of how often companies get hacked and how much it can cost, this problem is definitely decreasing. Companies are much more likely to invest in cybersecurity than they were previously but just because of the nature of the service (it doesn’t generate profit) you can always expect some resistance and find companies that just want to do the minimum to keep things going.

Final Thoughts

Cybersecurity definitely has a strong upside as a potential career path. It offers the chance to make good money, you have a low chance of going unemployed for any extended period of time, you can work from home to save time and money on commuting and it’s relatively easy to get into compared to other high paying careers. However, this isn’t everything. For some people working with computers and having to deal with angry, frustrated and panicked managers/clients isn’t something they want to worry about. Also, some people may want a career that is more social or more fulfilling so that’s something that I would say isn’t high in cybersecurity or tech in general. Overall, cybersecurity is good for people that want to make good money, don’t need a ton of socialization on the job and enjoy solving logic based problems.


Shimon Brathwaite is a Cybersecurity Professional, Consultant, Writer and Author at securitymadesimple. He is a graduate of Ryerson University in Toronto, Canada. He has worked in several businesses in security-focused roles and is a published author with a book on cybersecurity law. His professional certifications include GCIH, Security+, CEH and AWS Security Specialist. You can contact him here for writing engagements, consulting or to ask questions!



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Is cybersecurity a good career choice? — SecurityMadeSimple (19) Shimon Brathwaite

Shimon Brathwaite is a cybersecurity professional, consultant, and author at securitymadesimple. He is a graduate of Ryerson University in Toronto, Canada. He has worked in several financial institutions in security-related roles, as a consultant in incident response and is a published author with a book on cybersecurity law. You can contact me here.

Is cybersecurity a good career choice? — SecurityMadeSimple (2024)


Is cyber security a good career choice? ›

Besides being an increasingly in-demand profession, a career in Cybersecurity is also highly rewarding financially. Cybersecurity professionals typically earn more than other tech jobs. With the need for Cybersecurity continuing to grow, it makes this one of the most promising and well-paid careers available today.

Is cybersecurity hard to pass? ›

No, cybersecurity isn't hard. Although there may be difficult concepts, like cryptography or areas that require more technical knowledge, cybersecurity is one of the few fields in the tech world that doesn't require a strong technical background.

Are cybersecurity certifications enough to get a job? ›

A cybersecurity certificate prepares you for entry-level jobs in the industry. Yes, some of the higher-paying IT and information security jobs still require a degree, but the certificate provides a foot in the door. Once you're in, you'll gain real-world experience that is just as valuable to employers as any degree.

Is cybersecurity a good career path How is the career outlook? ›

Cybersecurity Jobs Outlook

For example, the Bureau of Labor Statistics estimates that job openings for information security analysts will grow by 35% from 2021 to 2031 — much faster than average. According to CyberSeek, there were 1.1 million cybersecurity workers in the U.S. in 2022.

Why cybersecurity is the best career? ›

Job flexibility and highly transferable skills. These skills allow you to move anywhere in the world and apply to any industry sector. Multiple career options that are not just technical. Business, medical, law, defense, and intelligence all need workers skilled in cybersecurity.

Why choose cybersecurity? ›

Start learning, keep learning

Cybersecurity has the two key logistical advantages for a strong career: Low to no unemployment and solid compensation. Plus, if you choose this path, you'll always have room to grow. You'll continually be learning new skills and working to understand new technologies.

Is cyber security less math? ›

Entry-level cybersecurity jobs don't typically require strong math skills, however as you move up the ladder and the work gets more complex, you'll need to get more comfortable using specific math-based disciplines.

Is cyber security harder than coding? ›

Is Cyber Security Harder Than Programming? Cyber security can sometimes be more difficult than programming because it includes many different elements, including programming itself. As a cyber security analyst, you must understand how to code, infiltrate code, and prevent infiltration.

Can the average person learn cyber security? ›

Anyone can learn cybersecurity! You don't need an IT background to jump in and start learning about cybersecurity; anyone, regardless of their background, can learn cyber.

Can I learn cyber security in 6 months? ›

Generally, cyber security online courses are 3 to 6 months long. If you complete the course on time, you will become a certified cyber security professional.

Can a non it person learn cyber security? ›

Popular misconceptions hold that getting into cybersecurity with a nontechnical background is impossible. That simply isn't true; if you have an interest in protecting companies and consumers from cybercrime and are willing to spend some time upskilling, you can absolutely break into the field.

Can you learn cyber security with no experience? ›

Although it will help, it's not required to have previous experience in the field to qualify for an entry-level junior cybersecurity position. We had students who started with no IT experience and obtained a high paying job in cybersecurity. Having a degree in cybersecurity or IT is not required as well.

Should I learn cyber security in 2023? ›

More than 1 million cyber security jobs will be available by 2023, but less than 400,000 cybersecurity professionals will be trained by then. Cyber security is an ever-growing industry. It is projected to grow by 11% in 2023 and by 20% in 2025.

How long does it take to learn cyber security? ›

Cyber security concepts take about a year or two to understand fully. The study of cyber security takes longer than programming fields and cannot be completed in three months. The school path you choose and whether you have technical skills beforehand significantly impact how long it will take.

What pays more cybersecurity or software engineering? ›

Cyber Security Vs Software Engineering Salary

According to PayScale, the average software engineer salary is $89k and ranges between $64k to $130k. The average cyber security engineer salary is $98k and ranges between $69k to $139k.

Are cyber security people happy? ›

Job Satisfaction

Considering the good salary, flexible work hours, and the option to work from home, most people are now preparing themselves for a career in cyber security. People who join the industry are extremely satisfied with their careers.

What is the most important skill in cyber security? ›

1. Networking and System Administration. An in-depth understanding of networking is required to start a career in cybersecurity. Learning networking will help you understand data transmission's technical aspects, which will help you secure your data.

What is the highest paying cyber security certification? ›

The Highest Paying & Most In-Demand Cybersecurity Certifications
  • CompTIA Security+
  • Cisco CCNA.
  • Cisco CCNP Security.
  • EC-Council Certified Ethical Hacker.
  • (ISC)² CISSP.
Apr 19, 2023

What are the 5 reasons why cybersecurity is important now more than ever? ›

Top 5 reasons why cybersecurity is important
  • Increasing cybercrimes. Whether you're a small or a large company, a cyber-attack can affect you badly. ...
  • Use of more IoT devices. ...
  • Increasing technology usage. ...
  • The deep web and cryptocurrency. ...
  • Evolving ransomware.

What are three reasons why cybersecurity is important? ›

Cybersecurity is critical because it helps to protect organizations and individuals from cyber attacks. Cybersecurity can help to prevent data breaches, identity theft, and other types of cybercrime. Organizations must have strong cybersecurity measures to protect their data and customers.

What is the most difficult cyber security course? ›

The CISSP credential is the most respected certification in cybersecurity. Earning this certification shows your knowledge and skill in the field, which can help you advance your career and become part of a community of leaders in cybersecurity. CISSP is a very difficult certification to get.

Does cybersecurity make 6 figures? ›

Yes. Cybersecurity is a lucrative field. Entry-level jobs begin at $50K, and as you gain experience, you can reach six figures quickly.

What level of math is cyber security? ›

The quickly growing field of cybersecurity is no exception. Entry-level careers require at least high-school level math and algebra, and highly technical security jobs require even more advanced math.

Is cyber security a 9 5 job? ›

Most cybersecurity analysts work full time, but they don't always work typical 9-to-5 hours. Since cyber attacks can happen at any time, come organizations and security companies keep security analysts on-call outside of typical business hours.

Should I learn C for cyber security? ›

C and C++ can be useful for reverse-engineering and finding vulnerabilities. A lot of malware is written in the C++ programming language. Thus, learning C++ is important for reading and understanding open-source code. Many cybersecurity programs, such as Nmap, the network mapper tool are created using C++.

Should I learn coding or cyber security? ›

Do Cybersecurity Analysts Code? For most entry-level cybersecurity jobs, coding skills are not required. However, as cybersecurity professionals seek mid- or upper-level positions, coding may be necessary to advance in the field.

Can a 50 year old learn cyber security? ›

It is never too late to start a career in cybersecurity — this may sound cliché, but it holds a lot of truth. If you are passionate about the topic and are ready to put in the work to acquire the skills and knowledge needed, anyone, regardless of educational background, can break into cybersecurity.

Is 30 too late for cyber security? ›

It's never too late!

We are not just saying this, we've helped many transition into a new cybersecurity career, and their successful careers prove that with passion, dedication, and the right mindset you can switch to cybersecurity at any age. There are many reasons to consider cybersecurity as your next career.

How many hours a week is cybersecurity? ›

Most work 40 hours per week. May work evenings or weekends to meet deadlines or solve problems.

How long does IT take to get into cybersecurity with no experience? ›

A degree in cybersecurity would of course be an excellent pathway into a cybersecurity career, but remember degrees take an average of 3-5 years to complete. While the qualification may give you an advantage, it's not an absolute necessity to get into the industry – especially if you want to get into the career sooner.

How to get into cybersecurity with no knowledge? ›

How Can You Get Into Cybersecurity Without Any Experience?
  1. Get Acquainted With the Fundamentals.
  2. Take Advantage of Online Resources.
  3. Find a Specialization and Ideal Career Path.
  4. Complete a Bootcamp.
  5. Pursue a Certification.
  6. Gain Some Practical Experience.
  7. Find a Mentor.
  8. Build a Strong Network.
May 19, 2023

Can I learn cyber security without coding? ›

Most entry-level cybersecurity jobs don't require any background coding experience. What's more important is to have a passion for learning and a strong ability to think critically and efficiently.

How hard is IT to get a job in cyber security without a degree? ›

Jobs Available Without a Degree

There are countless entry-level cybersecurity jobs available to those who do not have a degree. That said, it is worth noting that many require applicants to have additional training to prove that they have the skills necessary for the job at hand.

Can you learn cyber security at home? ›

Even if you don't have a technical background, you can learn cyber security right from home with an online program.

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Cyber security bootcamps are also a perfect alternative to college. Attending a bootcamp's online programs will allow you to get cyber security jobs without a degree. You can find an entry-level job where you'll use practical skills at government agencies and other companies that hire people with cyber careers.

Is a 4 year cyber security degree worth it? ›

Is it worth getting a degree in cybersecurity? Yes. For individuals who want a career in the field, a cybersecurity degree can lead to a variety of well-paid information security jobs. Most cybersecurity positions require at least a bachelor's degree, with a master's preferred for some senior roles.

Is a 2 year degree in cyber security worth it? ›

Yes, a cyber security associate degree is worth it for many professionals. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, computer and information technology jobs are set to grow at 11% over the next 10 years, much faster than the average for all occupations.

What is the easiest cyber security certification? ›

Certification in the field of Cyber Security

Several certifications are available to professionals working in the field of cybersecurity. One of the most efficient and easy cybersecurity certifications, which holds a lot of value for the professional, is CISM.

What makes cybersecurity difficult? ›

Some factors that make cyber security hard to learn are: Large numbers of tools. Since there are so many potential attacks, a cyber security professional must be familiar with various complex cybersecurity tools, technical skills, and software.

Can you make 500k in cyber security? ›

Freelance Bug Bounty Hunter

These self-employed white-hat hackers report vulnerabilities to major companies like Google and Tesla and earn significant paychecks for their work – up to $500,000 in some cases. However, high-paying bug bounties are rare and extremely difficult to earn.

Is cybersecurity more it or computer science? ›

Cybersecurity is a subset of computer science, and in today's computer-reliant world, it has its own field of study and degree programs. Those interested in cybersecurity usually earn a bachelor's in computer science.

Which pays more cloud or cyber security? ›

According to industry reports, Cloud Engineers in the United States can expect to make between $100,000 to $180,000 per year, while Cybersecurity professionals can make between $90,000 to $160,000 per year, depending on their level of experience and location.

Is there a lot of math in cyber security? ›

Entry-level cybersecurity jobs don't typically require strong math skills, however as you move up the ladder and the work gets more complex, you'll need to get more comfortable using specific math-based disciplines.

How many hours a week do cybersecurity work? ›

Most cyber security professionals spend roughly 40 hours a week in the office for full-time employment. However, during technology releases or program updates there are often longer hours required.

What pays more cybersecurity or coding? ›

Software engineers earn slightly more than cybersecurity professionals; the BLS found the 2021 median pay to be $120,990 per year or $58.05 per hour for a freelance programmers' income.

How long will it take to learn cyber security? ›

Cyber security concepts take about a year or two to understand fully. The study of cyber security takes longer than programming fields and cannot be completed in three months.

Can you make 7 figures in cybersecurity? ›

While there are various roles to choose from within the industry, cybersecurity positions often pay six figures or more because of the industry's importance.

Can cyber security make 6 figures? ›

No matter the path you take to get there, pursuing cybersecurity positions do often pay off. Many cybersecurity jobs pay well over the six-figure mark, with some professionals earning $225,000 and more, according to research from Mondo, a recruiting firm for tech and creative companies.

How many hours a day do cybersecurity work? ›

A typical day is 8-10 hours made up of customer development, technology learning, relationship building and problem-solving.”

Is 40 too old to get into cyber security? ›

In conclusion, learning cybersecurity is never too late! We're not just saying this – we know it as we have helped thousands of people transition into a new cybersecurity career. Their success stories prove that you can switch to cybersecurity at any age with enough motivation, dedication, and the right mindset.

Does cyber security work from home? ›

Cyber security is a promising field full of career opportunities. And yes, you can even work from home.

What is the unemployment rate for cyber security? ›

Cybercrime will more than triple the number of job openings over the next 5 years. Cybersecurity Ventures predicts there will be 3.5 million unfilled cybersecurity positions by 2021, up from 1 million in 2014. The cybersecurity unemployment rate dropped to zero percent in 2016, and has remained there ever since.

Is cybersecurity low stress? ›

What are the cons of working in cybersecurity? High-stress and demanding hours. Companies lack knowledge and/or resources. Some repetitive, boring tasks.

Do you work weekends in cyber security? ›

Most work 40 hours per week. May work evenings or weekends to meet deadlines or solve problems. May travel to different companies within the city or nation if working as a consultant.

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